Wednesday, February 17, 2016


      Welcome to La-La Land, or so it seems, or perhaps the land of Newspeak. People act as if saying something makes it so, a toddler level of thinking and such is what we have in "Team Dave". First of all, let us remind people of a simple fact: there is no such thing as Team Dave. It is a twisted and imaginary example of pure plagiarism and wishful thinking - if Phyllis has her Team Phyllis, and people had shirts saying that, then David Israel, in his toddler tantrum behavior wanted his own team, never mind that it did not exist. So he made up one - Team Dave, continuing his style of ripping off ideas from others, of coopting the ideas of others and acting as if they are and were his own. Tsk, tsk, little boy, I think you need a time out!
     Now that we know that name  is a misnomer, let  us move on. David's apologist, his speechwriter and ghostwriter, Lanny Howe, writes how Phyllis did not answer questions and showed a lack of knowledge about Wi Fi. He continued the rude and crude policy of creative accusations, ones that never were, as he and David accused Phyllis of not doing her job as a VP and thus being unreliable. So let us turn to the truth! Oh, and by the way, for those of you who operate on a lower level, ignoring the stupidity and lies of another, refusing to give them dignity with an answer or response, is to show the real contempt that those words and those people deserve. Think again Lanny.
     Phyllis was in the office early and worked late out in the field. She supervised the elections and meetings of associations who requested her presence. She was known as a peacemaker for troubled boards and came no matter who called or when called. She was elected VP again and again because people trusted her, confided in her, valued her efforts on their behalf, appreciated her efforts and successes for them and the Village. I have seen people from her past here in the Village rush up and hug her, thank her for what she has done, or fellow members of a community organization grab her and reminisce about her work with them.
     And always, there is the understanding that yes, she resigned - her beloved son had died suddenly and heartbreakingly and Phyllis and  Stew were devastated. They gathered their wits and their remaining strength and no one, NO  ONE can understand their pain unless G-d forbid they were ever in those shoes. You, David, have no one and nobody. You mourn no one and quite frankly, no one will mourn you. How dare you try to ridicule one who has to deal with the pain of a soul ripped in two, of a heart shredded. How dare you and your minions criticize a bereaved parent, for each reacts in his/her own way. You, of the unfeeling and immature heart will never understand this and shame on your sycophants who followed in your cruel path.
     As far as resignations are concerned - how about Team Dave's VP, Cornish, who also has resigned at various times, who has little or no self respect as she works in the administration of a man who called her, in public, a toxic tart and a whore of Babylon, whose husband who now wears a button of yours, had a no holds barred fight with you that almost resulted in fisticuffs and language was used that blistered the ears of the onlookers inside UCO. How could one work with a man who called his wife names or a wife who heard her husband called a piece of ,,,,,by the very same name caller. And by the way, Barbara, for one who misses out on so many meetings, supposedly showing up by phone, I have been at some of those meetings where you tune in that way and hear how things have been shouted and misunderstood, with many nuances uncaught so you who decided to chide Phyllis in a hectoring tone about her attendance had better go look in the mirror. As Michael Jackson sang, start with the man in the mirror.
     Next up? Joy Vestal and the proposed new Corresponding Secretary. More incest in the ranks. We already have Joy Vestal quite poorly running the paper she has destroyed and Channel 63, which has deteriorated into a rolling bulletin board and finally there are some election statements on there but even that is tainted by the exclusion of some candidates - those who oppose David Israel amongst the excluded. In addition, she is a VP and the conflict of interests is glaringly clear. Now we have Bobbi Levin, ANOTHER paper person who wishes to have a position as an officer of UCO. Again??!!! Another double position holder? Again, another person with conflict of interest issues. The incestuous relations are astounding and Team Dave values them immensely, for they give him more and more control over the Village.
     More? Okay. How about the fact that obviously none of this supposed team has ever built a team for here is a quote from a CEO interviewed in the Times. " build mutual respect so that you don't create a team of mediocre people who are all happy with each other and don't challenge each other. You want people who can challenge each other...." More? Here's another. "You're not entitled to success. You've got to work at it. You have to be trusted. .." And baby, does that leave you out of the mixture, David Israel.
     I suggest that each and every one of you read the Sunday NY Times Business section, second page, top of the fold, wherein every week a CEO is interviewed as to his/her thoughts of what makes a leader, what makes good management and to a one they all say diversity of thoughts and thinking, people who will challenge the status quo, people who have strong characters, strong enough to stand up for ideas. Respect must be earned and teamwork has no room for egos. How can we possibly say that in a "team" with a man sick with paranoia, a man who claims that people all over the world are reading about him, a man who insults others by calling them religious terms and thinking he is so clever, a man who surrounds himself with yesmen and fires all else, a man who violates all laws and regulations, a man who failed on his civilian job - could not see the Russian Revolution Part II for nothin' but did adopt his own version of Krushchev banging his shoe on the desk at the UN even as he bangs that damn gavel of his, trying to shut down one and all who ask awkward questions of him and demand answers.
     Team Dave? I think not. Are these members of the team the people who went into Phyllis's office when her son died and rifled her Rolodex, went thru her personal desk drawers and papers, who can coldly accuse her of carrying out four file cabinets worth of papers at such a time, never mind the physical thought of this little lady carrying out such a load!
     Phyllis knows about Wi Fi not in the technical sense and for that there are techies by the dozen, but in the dollars and cents understanding of it. She hears the Village and their resounding vote to turn it down. She questions this constant rant of "oh, it will raise values when selling" but we who live here  do not want to sell - we want to LIVE here, in safety, with our constitutional rights, with our own decisions, with the knowledge that our leaders are out for OUR good and not for their own desires, knowing that we will dive into a multi million dollar contract ONLY when sure of its value - something David Israel and Team Dave have no clue abut it. We want a leader and a team that will look to the future and not rest on what was past, to have original ideas rather than coopting those of others and by the way, Lanny, here is another tidbit for you and your boss. When dealing with an opponent, it is always polite to say that they have accomplished something and there is also the sarcastic statement of that as well so look again, Lanny, look again and think again. Do hate to bust your bubble but so be it,.
     Phyllis will insure that contracts are vetted so that when we repave the road from the disaster that it is now and has been ever since the tragic parody of a paving job for five million plus dollars, when that happens, there will a multi page contract which spells all out, not a one page contract which did not provide for a performance bond, which did not demand an onsite dedicated project manager, which involved the manipulations of funds and disaster in the offing, which resulted in what we now have - a road system in tatters so to speak and a smug "team" leader who worries about the retiling and recarpeting of his offices. Self centered egotistical selfish outlook of a man who needs to go out to pasture and contemplate the idea of truth and justice and real teamwork.
     Where was his"team" when Donald Kelly entered the Village scene, donated funds to guess who? and then assaulted the very heart of our Village and continues to do so. Where was the "team" or the "leader" to do something? Why did these very same people turn away the residents who came  begging for advise and help? Where were they? All they had and still have are excuses and perhaps self interest? Who knows, for transparency is not the name of the game in their "team". When will they tackle the problem of transients in the Village, of the spreading motel business, of the sober and halfway homes that are beginning to appear? When? When it is too late?
     So, David, Lanny and the rest of the "team" keep on your path of co-opting the ideas and plans of others as you have done in your "speech", keep telling lies, keep on your destructive path and you know what? All those who vote for you deserve the horrors that will befall the Village but all of us out here who would vote you out in a second if we had universal voting here of a resident owner of a unit being entitled to a vote, if we had that - you would be gone. That is how many people have asked to volunteer for Phyllis, asked to give money - which Phyllis turns down in the name of honesty and fair government.
     Team Dave? The very concept is a misnomer Oh, nearly forgot. You know the signs that plump for Phyllis and that drive David Israel to foaming at the mouth? Well, in addition to siccing governmental entities on us here in the Village, after they got tired of him, he has turned to a new approach. Having fired Pat, the guy who was basically a handyman cleanup guy in the Village, who rode around in a golf cart and picked up fronds, etc, well, his replacement now wears a GLOW t shirt, the name of the cleanup crew that is paid for by WPRF. This man, who is simply following orders and must not be involved in any way, is the one who has broken and torn down the signs on the fence - a fence that does not belong to the Village but to another and we have heard no word of protest from him, have we, about the signs. So, when asked if and who told him to take down these signs guess who? Try again if you missed the obvious. Why yes, it was dear old David Israel, he of the Team Dave, he of the violation of so many laws now who can now be prosecuted for vandalism and destruction of the property of others and we can go on. Lovely thought that. Now - who is paying this man to do that? Is David paying with his own private funds? Lends itself to great thoughts to follow on that! Or is he using the funds of WPRF and simply telling this poor dupe that these are now his marching orders? Shame on you, David, truly! Or is it that WPRF knows about this misuse of their man and their funds and will they do something about this and I do not mean firing the guy who is the innocent in all this, so typical of David Israel and his sneaky ways.
     Team Dave? Really? Time for this mythological team to disappear, to vanish into the woodwork and to allow real and honest and caring people to roll up their sleeves and get us back on track. Shoo, scram, get  out of the way. Ciao, baby, ciao.

1 comment:

  1. G-d bless America - and Esther.
    Esther does it again and again. She goes, she listens, she writes.
