Sunday, January 31, 2016


     "Honesty is such a lonely word
       Everyone is so untrue
       Honesty is hardly ever heard
       And mostly what I need from you."
     So sings Billy Joel and as I listened to the tribute singer last nite, I thought to myself how true and how apt this is. Would that we had some honesty around here, that words of honesty and honor be sent forth from those who believe they represent UCO, but we do not have this. We do not get this. And we do not expect it any longer. Too much time has elapsed since we heard any word of truth or honor from their mouths. No, instead what we get is the head of the crew who would not recognize the truth if it rose up and slapped him in the face. And then we get all the  little and petty individuals who lie and swear along with him, those who have lost all sense of self, of truth, of inner dignity as they lie their lives away.

     Sometimes their truths or rather untruths, are petty. Like them. But sometimes the lies are more serious than that. The other day I wrote about the anti - Semitism that is running rampant around the world, wrote it a day or two after the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance and this , I cannot even begin to express my contempt for this pathetic excuse of a human, Peter Cruise, allegedly, writes to me in his usual loving and ignorant manner -
"Another Baker visit is in your near future." So, the moron not only admits his complicity in the shameful use of governmental entities to attempt to threaten dissenters (such a good pupil, huh, David) but the idiot also is so clearly that as he forgets that he sent the cops to Olga. Not me but you want to send them to me, no prob, and then they will just go to you - with the straight jacket! Another creep to join the Holocaust deniers.
       And how does he allegedly sign this? "Miserable lesbian", trying to imply who knows what? That either I or Olga is a lesbian? Well, certainly Gerry would be interested to have a discussion with you, fool, and in any case, what are you implying? That to be a lesbian is shameful? Rather than that, think how shameful it is to be you and how more shameful it is when you are let out in public as David Israel lets you loose from the leash.
     You see, Peter Cruise has a habit of sending thru nasty anti Semitic and/or nasty sexist and obscene remarks and signing them with what he feels is an insult apropos of the comment - such as the one above or miserable yenta. Lord, what a fool this mortal be, to paraphrase the Great Bard.
     Sometimes one gets tired of this garbage being sent one's way and wonders if we will ever get rid of the trash at UCO. It seems dark, does it not? But remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, " When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." These stars are the signs of hope for the future and remember that old saw, 'What goes around comes around." Understood?
      "...if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind"
      Billy Joel might just as well have written this song with our current UCO in mind. The lies that just spew out of there are enough to take a scholarly man such as Stew and fill him with disgust. It is enough to take any of those in the Village with any character straight to the sink to throw up in disgust at what goes on here, at the lies, at the waste of money, at the refusal to speak to the point and discuss issues, at the refusal, nay, the repression of our rights - free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly.
     Nor are we who dissent from the lies of David Israel et al any different from those in the rest of the world who fight for their honor, for their rights, against oppression, against overbearing neighbors. We are those who know the truths and the lies and easily distinguish between them so when an animal such as Rouhani says on that very same day - the reality of it is not clear!!!! we know the truth and we know the truth here .When Putin says lies about neighbors so he can go on in and take by force what was lost thru democracy, we know the lies. When the world so hypocritically tells Israel not to use violence when their citizens are attacked as they walk, as they shop, as they sit in restaurants, and as Hamas rants about their new tunnels and the threat to go into Israel proper with bombs and attacks - we know the truth. Been there, done that and with G-d's help we will continue to be there.We know the truth. When people rise up and fight for a different government, one who upholds their rights - we understand. When women who are abused in the name of religion or in the name of weak and pathetic men rebel  - we understand. When the world is afraid to speak the truth about radical Islam, about the worry about the migrants - we speak the truth. There did not have to be these riots now in countries who are tired of the burden, of the lies of those in government. Dissent is an honorable thing to do when right is on one's side and for sure - we have the right in this dispute here within CVWPB. For sure!!
     Goethe said, "Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from the ashes."
     Our passions for justice, for rights, for honesty, for the welfare of the people - will not die and even as one person falters or needs a break, there will be another in that place - rising anew, just as I did once I saw the truth of UCO and was on the receiving end of abuse and filth even before I barely opened up about it. Such is the fear of David Israel. Such is the dishonesty of David Israel. Such is his uncouthness, his lack of respect for others, his lack of character, his selfishness, and his cowardice for refusing to face the people and the same for those whom he drags along behind him. And where will they all go? You answer that yourself. And where do you wish to find yourself on that day? Ask that of yourself as well. What is the better boast? I oppressed people, lied, cheated, ruined a wonderful place all in the name of a petty tyrant and a petty role, or I woke up and saw the light and knew the right and fought for it? The choice is yours - live with it and die with it and worry about in between. Happy dreams.


Friday, January 29, 2016


   To all our Century Village residents, keep calm the truth is out there!
Stew Richland

  People who continuously distort the truth will eventually be caught!
I was under the impression that the UCO Reporter was the official Village newspaper.  I was also under the impression that the purpose of the Presidents column was to inform the residents as to nature of UCO projects and activities.  Yet our President uses his bully pulpit  in the latest edition of the Reporter for campaigning not informing, Using Dave’s own characterization, what we have here is real “eye pollution.”
Again using the criteria of a biased observer, he describes the recent Delegates Assembly as the “theater of the absurd.”  His column is laced with the same distortions of facts, the same misrepresentations of the truth and the same sophistry.
Blah, blah, blah. Even my eyes are glazing over.  What is the Theatre of the Absurd? It's a phrase that's often bandied about and used constantly by our leader. According to current usage it is a play that has a meaningless plot.  This is what Israel wants us to think.  But communication is the key and that is why Israel will resort to any tactic to limit any opposition to his regime.
Like the rotten apple found in the bottom of the barrel working is rot to the top is the fact that our official Village newspaper, which constantly informs us  in each edition that  it will print arguments on either side of issues and to afford a forum for an open dialogue of the issues.  Opposing ideas are important and will be considered for publication.  Bogus, Bogus, and more Bogus from them.  When was the last time an article was published challenging Dave Israel’s policies or actions.  However, you did place an Israel campaign announcement  prior to the official February candidate announcement date. 
I call my readers attention to the fact that Dave Israel is running for his fourth term as President of UCO breaking the time honored tradition that a person will not hold the office for more than two consecutive terms. 
On 7/11/2008 Dave Israel Posted the following:
2) I was/am opposed to removing term limits; Autocrats abhor Term Limits because they preclude their becoming permanently ensconced in their Autocratic positions
On 5/23/08 Mr. Ed Black posted the following:
The UCO by-laws do not need any tampering regarding the very effective term limits issue. They were placed there many years ago, when those proposing it realized no one person should be allowed to occupy any one office indefinitely. Just the fire in the belly of any newly elected to do their very best, is itself one very compelling reason to allow the limits to stand.
I doubt if the UCO reporter would publish these observations.  This explains why the Century Village Messenger Club was born.  The Messenger is our present day “gadfly” in the tradition established by the “Muckrakers” and lives up to the motto of the New Your Times,  “All the News that’s Fit to Print.”
Mr. Black also reminds us that “the Nominations Committee was originally developed to go out and beat the bushes for qualified applicants to run for "officers" of UCO.
Well looking at the record so far, this current Nominations Committee has produced nothing original in modernizing the election process. It would be great if they would go out and beat the bushes for qualified candidates.  However, behind the bushes is a wall. This wall was created by Dave Israel in cahoots with WPRF to minimize any attempt by any individual or group that wants to challenge the existing UCO fiefdom.  NO CAMPAIGING IN THE CLUB HOUSE OR THE POOL AREAS. 
If Dave Israel is a proponent of fair play (Bazinga a gotcha term from the Big Bang Theory),  why would he insult the Messenger Club’s sponsorship for a “Candidates Forum.”  He debases this attempt of encouraging all those who seek a UCO position to have a face-to-face discourse with all interested Village Residents.  When the UCO president  shut down alternative forums for democratic political discourse,  the Messenger had to resort to extraordinary efforts to provide an unbiased form for our residents. The question is why did this have to happen to begin with.  The answer is obvious.  Dave Israel is so driven to win the March election, that he connived to have the plug pulled on any political campaigning on all WPRF properties.  To further illustrate how low he has sunk, he states that people will not attend Messenger sponsored forums unless  free food is offered.  Now you know why he is called the “SNIPE” king of C.V.
 If Dave was interested in fair play, and fidelity to fair play he would never have called Code Enforcement to tattle about  Phyllis Richland’s  campaign banner.  He could have taken an upright position to insure that every avenue for fair play was open to all. Dave just lacks genuineness.
 He uses terms like “parallel universe,” (it seems he is enamored with sci-fi references).  as benchmark terms towards those who oppose him.  Dave look around!  Listen to what people are writing and saying about you.  Gandhi once said, “Truth never damages a cause that is just.”  This is the guiding principle of the Village Messenger.  We believe, when the time is right, that the truth can set us free of your administration.  We believe that sharing our truth is best done in concert with our community, and other truth tellers. Our goal is to spread the truth far and wide–creating ripple effects, and inspiring others to do the same.
Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the village…would do this, it would change our community.
Thank you–William Faulkner – for this inspiring insight. your out come March


     Two days ago was International Holocaust Remembrance Day, established by the UN as an appropriate day as this was also the day that Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by Soviet troops. Though for decades the State of Israel had a day set aside for this purpose, at least the world was finally beginning to maybe, just a tad, admit that there was such a horror and it was not to be swept under the rug. Ha! Foolish thinking on my part.
     Trudeau, in Canada, continued his father's beliefs and managed to speak about the day and its supposed purpose without ONCE mentioning Jews. Since Merriam-Webster defines the Holocaust as often capitalized :  the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II —usually used with the" it is then quite difficult how he can partake in a supposed ceremony without ONCE mentioning the very people whose destruction was the goal, the very black soul, of its existence.
     It is difficult to understand how Obama, who NEVER once before this stepped into the Israeli embassy in D.C., never attended any of the dinners or parties there, suddenly thinks he can say "We are all Jews" and that covers it? No, he cannot for it takes more than a statement to truly comprehend what it means, especially once again, to say "I am a Jew". So Obama, spare me your fake statements.
     To be a Jew means to always be an other, someone who maybe is accepted into society but the feelings and the mutterings are there. When I read an analysis of Bloomberg's thinking about throwing his hat in the ring, one of the points made and stated is  he is a Jew. And yes, that Jew worked his way up to where he is now and has never forgotten his origin or his family. I may not always agree with him but he does have that solid character, to be proud of who he is and from whence he has come. So never mind his donations to all and sundry. Never mind his achievements. Never mind it all for - he is a Jew.
     To be a Jew means to have a history over the millennia of persecution, of unease, of uncertainty over the future as far as living, having a job, having a home, being a Frenchman and a Jew and not being suspected of all nefarious deeds, of not becoming a Dreyfus and being persecuted and stripped of one's identity and imprisoned so that the truly guilty could be free. To be a Jew was to have the homeland constantly ripped away from us, the dream stepped on and left in tatters, but it survived and for two thousand years Jews prayed for the return to Zion, to their center, and even in Terezin managed to secretly designate a hidden room as a synagogue and paint on the walls one of the verses of prayer that cries out for the expected return one day to our home, our original home.
     To be a Jew was to be told you cannot live here, nor there, and you need to go to Palestine but oh no, you cannot go, for we have decided to deed it over to a mythological group of people called Palestinians who never existed in the first place and are a conglomerate of Arabs who moved into the area from Arabia and Greater Syria in order to take advantage of the jobs being offered by Jews returning to their homeland. Palestine is not even a true name for it is a version of the name Philistine, a group of people from ancient times who lived in the Gaza area, romped militarily over the years into Judea, connected one time with Shimshon, that strong dude whom Delilah messed with and on and on.
     Being a Jew was to be told that you must wear this or cannot wear that. Put on that pointy hat, they said in Venice, and get thee behind the gates from sundown to sunup. Napoleon gave the Jews civil rights in France but the hatred and anti-Semitism continued right on down, happily collaborating in the roundup of Jews under the Nazis and the sending of them to their death, all the way through until today.
     So finally, being a Jew was being told that no, you cannot live here, nor there, nor anywhere, in fact. The world forgets the contributions of the Jews to the worlds of medicine, law, technology, humanity and literature and it would take too many pages to list it all, the Nobel prize winners, the seekers of truth, but you can find it via your cell phone - thanks to Jews!
     So, International Remembrance? Pardon me if I choke a bit on that. Not when the World Medical Association says, "Oh, no, those British doctors who wanted to ban Israelis will not get their way," and then continued to speak of being sure that Israel answered to all complaints. We have other academic associations responding to a BDS movement, many who originate in Britain, that long anti-Semitic history rearing its head openly in a very ugly way. We have it right here in the USA, raising memories of the 20's and 30's when rampant anti-Semitism was the rule and evidently never went too far underground.
     And yes, I have had a good life here and I thank the country for taking in great grandparents and grandparents and allowing them to build lives and raise families, to be productive members of society. I know that this is the best country for Jews to live - perhaps other than Israel - but, the but is always there and the hatred is always there and care must always be taken. I can remember chasing down some idiot kids who took my son's kippah off his head when he was four. It is not a long gone sentiment here, far from it.
     So pardon me if I get a tad upset when a Jewish person says to me and others that she gets upset when I write of Jews. Well, tough, honey, as no one else forgets so some reminding of proper and incorrect behavior is sometimes needed. And for those of you such as Grace Macklin, Peter Cruise, and those of you who think that you can hide the stink of your hatred under pseudonyms such as "miserable Yenta" - the stink of the hatred flows through and we know who you are, or the coward who uses Anonymous to send  his messages of hate - and we know who you are as well - and you tell me to move, go away, leave my home, go hide in the shul, etc., etc., etc. - it was a bit biting as it reminded one of the hatred that exists in some excuses for human beings. You go screw yourself and do it on the way to Hell, for nothing and  no one will force me out of my home and certainly not you pathetic imitations of thinking people.
     So, yes, I will write of Jews and of Arabs and Sikhs and Christians and the Pope and Putin and David Israel and Obama and the run of candidates and anything else I wish to do for this is America and other than inside Century Village in West Palm Beach there is freedom of speech and freedom of the press and this is my blog. Don't like it? Don't read it. Your loss. My gain.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


     The following is a brief but important message from candidate Phyllis Richland about Dorothy Tetro and at this time I must add that I wholly concur.

My name is Phyllis Richland and I am running for president of UCO. I really do believe that Dorothy Tetro would be the best candidate for treasurer of UCO. I have served with her and know her to be trustworthy and honorable. She administered the office of treasurer with honesty and patience. She did not hesitate to take the time with an association to explain a financial problem they were having in such a way that it was easy to understand . Not only were her explanations to individuals easy to follow, but when she spoke to the delegate assembly you walked away knowing where your money is and how it was spent.
I would love to serve with her again and I hope she considers a run for treasurer. I have asked her in the past to think about it . She will be a great asset to my team.


     You know that it gets to a point when the nausea is overwhelming, when all one hears and reads are lies out of the Israel camp, out of the mouths and pens of his shills. Lanny has written more of his bumbling hot air fatuous pieces, all saying nothing but lies. They insist that only they are right and tout supposed accomplishments yet where and what are they? All we hear about is Wi Fi and the computer system in UCO, the same computer system that David Israel uses to punish his straying officers by cutting off their computers, so often that it has become an in joke - but not for the likes of those not in UCO to know. Of course not, for that would be too much honesty for them and they might pass out.
     What they do know is how to mumble. Accomplishments, Lanny and David howl. Really? 1) Electronic touch screen voting (coming to our UCO elections in March)
2) Electronic clicker voting at Delegate Assembly, coming soon if Dave is re-elected.
3) Village wide Broadband Wireless Communications, adding untold value to our apartments.

     The touch screen voting and the clickers have been ideas and suggestions for years but David Israel ignored them until the shouting about corrupted and untrustworthy voting during election and in the DA were too loud to ignore anymore. Revolution threatened! and as for Wi Fi, the Village has spoken and what they said was NO< NO< NO.
     But David Israel cares naught for the wishes and desires and needs of the electorate, only his own. He pushes his desires on others. He sits in his lair all day and all night seeking ways to punish his opponents and thinks that all others want to do the same. But there are other needs here in the Village other than Wi Fi which WE ALREADY HAVE!!
  What we do not have are working and well conditioned and paved roads. What we do have are falling apart roads, disintegrating into rocks, pebbles and sand, oh so much sand that soon we might form a beach and perhaps gain some tourists! We have holes developing in the roads, real holes and not only extremely long and ever widening cracks. We have a perimeter walkway that is pockmarked with black tar over areas and why? Because the job that David Israel and Ed Black so illegally signed off on was a work of trash, of chicanery and total incompetence from the very first word of a 1 page contract to the last roll of the machine. It was crap from the onset and worse now. Now that is an accomplishment!
     What else? Oh, yes. The water, the stinky, green, algae infested water, the loss of our turtles, the canals that are so bad that people living by them cannot open windows for the odor, the wasting of so much money and yet the waterways get worse by the hour. We hear of aeration but when I walk around the Village, the waterways are really bad, no improvement to the naked eye and the blue of yesteryear has morphed into the putrid green of today and the foreseeable future, at least as long as David Israel is in office. You will be able to use Wi Fi in that far off piece in the corner area near a lake even as you use nose clips to hold off the odor. Wow!!! Such an accomplishment - NOT!
     Want more? ... who were utterly opaque to Information requests, to which they would reply "Why do you want that - no matter what you asked for"! 
       Excuse me? Who does not respond? Why, Duvidl, go look in the mirror if you can tolerate it and see who does not answer, who fudges and obfuscates, who delays and denies, who fiddles with ballots, then destroys the hard copies and then, ignoring what he was supposed to do, then provides these COPIES as proof. What a liar! Beyond belief. Nauseating and this is who overturned by chicanery the term limits that ruled and sustained our Village since the inception of UCO, but not good enough for David Israel. No, he must be Il Duce for life, Dictator for life, Tsar of the Village and Lord help those who oppose him.
     There is more to do is their theme? You betcha there is more to do. Simply to undo the harm that they have wrought will take a great deal of work. Simply to get our finances in order is a Herculean task. Certainly to rid the Village and UCO of inefficiency and lies, of terror tactics, of demagogues and petty underlings who seek only their own power, their own fiefdoms, who work only to the lash of a nasty tongue and in fear of loss of their validity in life - all this takes time and all the while the new administration will be using their powerful years of experience both within UCO and from previous lives to right the wrongs, to correct the inaccuracies, to bring our Village back to what it was and what it should be going into the future. They will bring back America into our grounds with freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and will not be calling upon governmental entities under false names, the wimp! to raise havoc within our gates - and even without! Such is the hubris of the man currently at the head of a pathetic and ineffective, even harmful UCO. And all the lies that Lanny puts forth will not obscure the truth - WE ARE WORSE OFF NOW, SIX YEARS DOWN THE ROAD THAN WE WERE BEFORE HIS PRESIDENCY BEGAN. Plain and simple.
     But wait, there's more. Lanny writes the UCO Reporter is a truly independent newspaper . One minute while I stop choking. Aha, okay. The Rag as an independent paper. I think not. When it is used in its entirety now as a shill for David Israel, as a Pennysaver full of ads, as a paper that forgot its purpose with no opposition allowed, with lies, with editors who do as ordered so that they can be approved of by their master, with editors who are lapdogs to David. NO. This is not an independent paper but a rag run by journalists who have forgotten what an honor it is to be a true journalist. They dare compare themselves to journalists such as  Jane Mayer who wrote Dark Money and then was hassled and came out on top anyway. This is a journalist who has courage, who seeks the truth. No, our current editors are like the people who twisted Planned Parenthood in knots, who raised the screaming hordes with pitchforks to chase them, who had extremist political figures joining the witch hunt and for what? For nothing, for it was all lies and twisted pieces of truth and now the liars are the ones facing prison. Hmmm, could be a nice place to go if one were convicted of abusing the rights of others, of telling lies in print, of abusing the public. It's a thought.
     So, yes, Lanny, did you think we would let your lies stand? Did you think we would let you rant on and on without refuting you? And so easy it was to do that, Yoda says. Why not go back to having your oh so unintelligent and so inappropriate discussion of whether I cried or not after an election loss - and by the way my friends, and especially those who were there, thank you for the great yuks they got from that! And then of course you let in the nasty critter Peter Cruise who once again resorts to physical threats, not content to have threatened to blow me up, now he proposes
+Lanny Howe Just your boot kicking her rear end is all she deserves the benefit of
     And this is what you propose to keep in office. It has long been said that we are known by the company we keep. Well, Lanny and all of you, look around and see the pathetic and nasty company you keep. Do you not have a better and higher opinion of yourself and what you truly can achieve? I am sorry for you and by the way, in full disclosure, all these names you call me, all these threats you so lovingly think up, all your anger as you spew forth foam and spittle - all these things give me big laughs and I giggle all the way through reading them. You see, laughter is the best medicine and since I do not feel well today I can use all the laughs I can get, so go ahead, keep it coming, keep up that wonderful display of the inner nastiness, of the empty void where it comes to values and morality, of decency. Keep it comin'.
PS: Read the comment below as it is most accurate and thank you for reminding us all of that freedom.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


To all Century Village residents a “Muckrakers” response
to expose the injustices and cutthroat politics of the Israel regime.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  Barry Goldwater
Stewart Richland
My aim is to uphold traditions and fair play not to eliminate them.  Those who seek power, as Dave Israel does, throwing aside the two term tradition,  attempt to seek absolute power, even though in their distorted fantasy they want to “ enforce their version of heaven on earth.”
As Lanny Howe and his puppet  companion, Peter Cruise, whose only claim to fame is that he has become expert in taking down campaign posters on his associations bulletin board,  support a tyranny that believes in absolute power.   It is a simple fact, engrained in the philosophies of our founding fathers, that those who seek absolute power are suspect in their motives and must be stopped.
David Israel has no idea what is meant by the “high road.”  He is a dirty fighter.  He thinks like a card shark, but the so called “tells” are so obvious to all.  His reaction to Phyllis Richland’s campaign banner clearly  illustrates the fact that he will  slap you on the back today, and stab you in the back tomorrow.  By now it is common knowledge that he squawked to County Enforcement about the banner placed  on the fence on Haverhill Road.  He also repeated this mean spirited act to have the banner removed from Olga’s  Association.  His action was vindictive.  He is afraid that Phyllis Richland’s base of support is expanding and he resorted to this Boss Tweed political machine tactic to eliminate any competition.  As Molly points out, he has a group in the loop, ready to poop on any one who steps up to challenge Dave.
Molly states he worked to “protect our freedom and wonderful way of life.” in your stint at NSA. Well, I also served for four years in the US Navy during the Korean conflict from 1951-1955, however, my view of fair play, honor and tradition is a 180 from Dave’s. 
Lanny says that his neighbors interpretation of a meeting she attend was to bash David.  Lanny,  I call your attention to the title of this tome.  Extremism in the defense of liberty is really a good idea.  One of the traditions in America, is that we encourage “gadfly’s”  who monitor events and call people’s attention to what they consider wrongdoing.  Example:  Dave calling code enforcement.  Dave insulting speakers at Delegate Assembly meetings,  firing people from UCO because they had the courage to stand up to his insults.  By your silence on the issue of closing the Club House and pool areas for campaigning, you are also complicit in his political mechanizations. 
Around the turn of the 20th Century a group of “malcontents” began to expose the evils of the society they lived in.  These writers were known as “Muckrakers.”  They called attention to the misdeeds of those who thought they were untouchable.  Because of their efforts the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed.  Changes in factory safety was implemented and orphan children were protected by strict legislation.  So when you besmirch the CV Messenger or attempt to marginalize the various blog postings, you and your buddy Peter Cruse, the poster raider,  don’t understand that fair play and an even playing field in every respect is what we all want.     
Lanny, my “extremism” is rooted in the philosophy that “all men are created equal” and that “inalienable rights”  is for all of us, not for the Dave Israel machine.  All we get from him is the “Sounds of Silence.”


      Took a look at my calendar book, you know, the book which tells me what to do and where to go, and began thinking about the dream and the reality of retirement. When we were snowflakes, for we never were snowbirds and morphed directly into full time residents, anyway, when as snowflakes we came down and relaxed. We swam, walked, enjoyed the library, met some people and just enjoyed the no tension no demands on our times and dreamed of the day when we could do this full time.
     Well, in June, 2003 it became full time but there were lots of up and back flights to NY and elsewhere as the threads of life were still entangled. Gradually all, or most of our life, was transferred here with the exception of the kids and we managed to bring them here or trekked up there but life here was good, relaxing, at a much slower pace.'s threads again began to tangle up our dreams and real life, as we call it, took over. The retiree's bane of life - the doctor appointments - grew apace, thank you very much, and along with that came involvement in clubs, in interest groups and gradually the pace of life changed, sped up. Uh oh, was that echoes of NYC I was hearing?
     Now Gerry and I cherish the rare day that is not jammed with appointments, with meetings, with demands on our time. Don't get me wrong, but ahh, the golden years, the slow paced relaxing golden years, where have you gone? Well, they have gone into battles, trying to right the problems of our Village but that has had a great side benefit - my blog - which I enjoy tremendously and which keeps the blood flowing to the brain. It has brought me a whole new group of friends and acquaintances, new interests and a vast feeling of freedom and determination.
     Yet always the pace of life included entertainment, for laughter and music are essential building blocks of a good life. And for aggravation, that which raises the blood pressure, why we had to look no further than right here in the Village, look towards the UCO building from whence came not help, but hindrance, harmful thoughts, deeds and planning for the Village and thus my pace of life has sped up again. There are days when  there are not enough hours to accomplish what one had set out to do that morning. And I am up early!!
     Seriously, I wish that all of us had the ability to build a proper balance in our pace of life. Laugh as we did last night at the Capitol Steps. Cry at a sad movie. Hug the kids and talk via Skype and FaceTime, read a good book, take a walk, watch a favorite show, and fix the world in one way or another as the mitzvah, or commandment, of Tikkun Olam, the improvement of the world, is most important.
     So, despite all wishes to the contrary from some quarters here in the Village - I ain't going away. Too bad. And all your threats and nastiness and cusses and lies and paranoid statements will do you harm and not me. In fact, if you guys were to slow down, at least those of you that have a modicum of a brain, you would realize that a whole bunch more could be accomplished with inclusion rather than exclusion. "Power" shared, is power multiplied for the residents but it takes a clear and open mind, a big person, not a small thinking one, to see, know and understand this.
    Ahh. If only the rest of the world would slow down a bit and stop the ranting and the frantic search for power and control, if only, if only, what a so much better world we would have. Troubles never all go away, but they could be lessened, some eliminated if only we slowed down a bit and thought carefully and did not gut react, and yes, we are all guilty of doing that. If only - the two saddest and yet most powerful words on this earth.
     So today's plans? Hopefully a quiet morning - which somehow never works out that way, a meeting of friends, and a peaceful close to the day, maybe watch a movie from the library. Relax and quiet, for today is really a day for thinking and understanding, for a letting go of hatreds and prejudices, for humanity to reach out to each other, but it will not. Today is International Holocaust Memorial Day and the world will put on some shows of understanding and sadness, but the whole thing is meaningless if the rebuilding and replication of that hate continues apace and Israel is used as a PC substitute for anti Semitism and for okaying the murder of Jews once more and for looking aside from the fact that the terror in Israel is simply a manifestation of that hatred, that centuries long hatred, that murderous hatred, for the stated goals of these virulent anti Semites is not political. It would not matter one whit whether there is a State of Israel or not, whether there was an "occupation" or not, for the stated goal is to eliminate the Yahud- the Jew- permanently. Today is the day to slow the pace and think about that as well. Honesty will come when one realizes the double standards to which Israel is subjected, when it is not okay for them to defend themselves and shoot the killers of their young, their old, the lives just beginning, the parents of children leaving them orphans and the list goes on, when it is okay for the nations of the world to chase down and kill those who use terror on them, but not for Israel to do the same.
     So on this day which can be a thoughtful one, think of all these things. Relax and let your thoughts flow freely and see the truth for what it is. And should we have shot that protestor in Oregon? Who knows, but no one will scream for long about that, no one will see the dissatisfaction with our current governmental entities, the hypocrisy within, the unfairness, the selfishness, here in the Village, in our country and in countries world wide. Ask Angela Merkel if she is happy with her guilt driven decision, a hasty one, to open her borders to millions of migrants. Ask her that now when she sees the anti Semitism and hatred that they bring with them, so much so that she has to warn about it, that she has to worry about the safety of the women. Think. Slow down so that we can think. Think things through to the conclusion and then think again and wonder if it is the right thing to do and if so, then go ahead, but think, think, think and slow down for a bit. The pace of life leads to a better life. If only....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


     Hate is an awful state of mind. It can obsess the mind, heart and soul of a person or individuals, crowds and even nations. It causes a short circuit in the thinking process and shrivels the humanity of a person to the point where that individual can become more animal than human.
     Unfortunately we have hatred growing apace in the world today. We have ostensible co-nationals attacking each other and why? Because they believe in a somewhat different version of Islam, yet they all kneel and touch foreheads to the ground, all oppress their women in the name of religion and  G-d and go out and slaughter innocents and honor those who do. And before someone starts yelling that all are not like that, well, I know that, but where are they and where are their voices? They hunt down those who speak otherwise, put fatwas on them, force them into hiding or threaten their families, but if enough were to speak out? In any case, they do not.
     So today another young lady, a beautiful 23 year old woman out shopping in a local grocery store is being buried for the huge sin of being a Jew and living in her homeland. Along came two animals in human clothing who stabbed her to death, stabbed another, older woman and then, upon being held off from further destruction by the brave shopkeeper, ran off but not before throwing three pipe bombs at the store which thankfully did not go off.
     Today's Jews in Europe are frightened. There are stories of French Jews, leaving the country, others mulling doing the same, Swedish Jews who live in a country with one of the most hateful politicos ever, the new government of Canada warns Israel that there is too much violence on their part, all the while ignoring , blindly avoiding the truth as to who exactly is creating the violence. No, Israelis will not bare their necks, will not meekly undergo the executioner's knives again, will not go gently into that good night. No more! And if this bothers the haters, the anti Semites of new vicious mouths, minds, hearts, and arms, then so be it. But hate, hatred such as this, curdles their souls and one can only wonder why they engage in it.
    Hatred rests in the heart of Putin who was involved in the radiation poisoning and killing of Litvinenko years ago, is cold with misplaced patriotism when he invades  another nation simply because he covets their land and their independence from Russia. He orders bombings with impunity of the people in Syria - and incidentally, many of the victims in the Golan Heights area have come over into Israel for medical aid, for surgeries, for food and water, for warmth and help, but the world says nothing. In Africa the tribes are killing each other instead of working somehow to deal with increasing desertification, in Italy they are discussing with raw voices and emotions whether civil marriages be allowed and whether two men or two women can raise children and both be acknowledged as parents. Really? Still? Enough! And in Ireland Catholic baptized kids get entry into schools, public schools, before non baptized kids. C'mon already. How much more of this? And the right wing parties in Europe are on the rise again.
     And amongst Jews themselves there is much roiling of the seas as various sects compete with each other, even hate each other at times until push comes to shove and we are all forced to remember that Hitler did not care what level of outward observance was there, nor how much Jewish blood ran through your veins - only that you were Jewish in some way and off you went.
     And here in the good old USA we have the most hate filled campaign ever. The candidates all spew hatred from their mouths, particularly the Republicans - hate of immigrants, hate of the different, hate for women who need abortions, hate of women in many ways, hate for fat cats even as they take their money and the hate fest continues. "Where's the sunshine?" asked the song of the Fifth Dimension, asked the pleading voices of the young at that time and we are still asking it.
    There is nonsensical shouting of "white privilege". What privilege? I had to work hard to get to where I was professionally and in this world and so did all of my friends and especially my parents. We were poor growing up though we did not realize it as so was everybody else around us so what privilege I ask again. And "Black Lives Matter" - yes, of course they do but so do the lives of all others and why do we encourage this separateness? We are all people together so enough with this hate mongering. Hatred has no bounds.
     Where does it end? Where does it take us? How do we cut this cancer out? Were I the one who had the definitive answer I would gladly share it with the world, but I cannot even get the hatred here in the Village to stop. The incumbent party is so hate obsessed that they cannot, never mind will not, discuss the issues. Their addled brains, such as they are, their wizened hearts are so hate clogged that they pick on ridiculous lies, obscene name calling, intimidation and when it does not work on those who oppose them, they go bananas. They roar and shout and curse and make up lies and what infuriates them even more is when they are laughed at, their idiocy shown for what it is. So sad, so very sad.
     So what is new in this arena. I have told David Israel and his crew that they do not scare me, nor intimidate me, and I will not go away. They do not like that. When the "Ken" doll get his new clothes he thinks he is the Emperor, but truly his heart, such as it is, and his nasty mind, are still bared to the air, to the people. Refusing to discuss issues, or unable to discuss them because he knows he is wrong and has done wrong to this Village, he picks up on nonsense and pontificates with a whole burst of smelly and foul polluted air. Their latest moronic adventure is discussing whether after I lost the election two years ago, the one that David Israel co-opted as he ran for a third term, overturning the two term limit that the Village always had, the one where the votes were manipulated and yet I still had a great showing despite all repression and censorship, whether I cried or not. The truth - I did not. I was at home doing crosswords, getting ready for the Sabbath, the election out of mind when I received a call to come to UCO and the Security Committee meeting. Why? So David Israel could gloat? Who knows and who the hell cared - then or now. So I lost - so? Life goes on and thank G-d I have a good one, filled with friends, with family, with a true partner for life, with activities and good books, shows and all that I could want - ok, perhaps some more money to ease things, but we all manage. But David Israel had to see if I would break down or something so.... now he says, "The results in the UCO Presidential election were announced at the Security Committee, and Ms. Sutofsky did indeed collapse in Jerry's arms weeping"
   Dear Lord in Heaven! Let's go to the videotapes as they say or said on TV. What you see is a woman with a disgusted look on her face that she will now shake the hand that he oh so generously rushed over to shake. Yuch!!! After six weeks of constant scrubbing I still felt the touch of that scrubby paw.
     Now I am told I cried in Gerry's arms - and get the spelling right idjits. In a pig's eye! I do not cry often. I do not cry in public except at sad movie endings and even a Broadway play or two. I cried in public at the deaths of my parents and my husband held me, yes and so did my neighbor. Perhaps he even gave me a hug that day in UCO but who remembers, I doubt it, and who cares but cry and sob? Gimme a break!
     And then of course, there is that filthy pig Peter Cruise who now claims to have known me my whole life and that I was a bully. You poor deluded fool. Never would I have allowed such trash as you are into my life and a bully? Moron, I was so shy as a kid that it took a lot of hard work and courage on my part to learn how to be a public speaker and how to feel comfortable in crowds of strangers. It still takes work, but I have the courage to do so whereas you and your hate filled little troll, pathetic, pitiful, demented paranoid manikin David Israel have not the courage of your convictions, such as they are, so you hide behind hate and nastiness and cowardice. But never you mind, you are known out there and while your insane hatred matches the world of today, the time will come when you and yours, when your international compadres, when your political leanings of fascism, will once again be banned, be vanquished from upon the face of this earth and certainly from this Village. And Lanny, good on you for trying to do the right thing, though pitifully skimpy and not enough in your combined meanderings of the mind. And Grace, you are a fool beyond words. What in the name of all that's holy are you babbling on about? No one is sending you filth. More imaginary stories in your mind. And do not threaten me with the police or we will have them question you about your rantings in what you send me.
     So shoo, scram, run away with your tails between your legs. Go look in the mirror for proper things to hate and stop with your childish lies that one makes up and the other swears to. Say what you want about crying or whatever, I am done with this topic for it serves only as a tool to show your low levels of humanity, such as they are, to point out your pathetic and demeaning behaviorisms, your cowardly streaks and hollowed brains. Go to Hell for all I care. And for G-d's sake, grow up, come out of the darkness, have some courage and talk on the issues, the issues of the Village, not inanities that you make up and have no bearing on anything other than on your blackened souls.

Monday, January 25, 2016


     I said yesterday that I was so, so tired of the constant stream of lies that pours out of the mouth of David Israel and his very limited brain trust of shills. They would not recognize the truth nor know how to write a truthful sentence were their lives to depend on it and yet these are the people that have for the past 6 years been watching and guiding our Village into physical wrack and ruin, watched our finances go into the toilet and indeed helped it get there with their wasteful and extravagant policies and misspent money.
     Here is a good one. Yesterday I received two nasty comments sent by the "usual suspects" though not really suspects in as much as I know who they are and calling themselves anonymous does not help them. When I warned them that I know who they are, one jerk posted a scatological comment and dared me to figure out who he is. Well, IP address and IP address - I know who you are and no matter whether you claim to be posting from UCO or Jupiter or Virginia or even India - I know. And so do the members of PBSO and its computer crime division but I will not bother with insignificant termites, dung beetles who have nothing worthwhile to say and nothing worthwhile to contribute other than their filthy mouths. Very limited they are indeed.
     Here's another one straight from the rear end of a horse Gracie who states that "I remember Esther bawling in her husbands arms when she lost an election."  Gimme a break. The last time I cried in Gerry's arms was when my mother died and the time before that was when my dad died, so moron, now you stoop to such lies and I promise one and all that I was quite pleased with the results of the election, garnering so many delegates after coming in out of the cold - hmmm - from nowhere, under repressive terms and an election that was suspect and definitely tampered with. The message was clearly sent and the impetus remained and has grown over the past two years. So suck on that, Gracie Girl. Do you want your baba or perhaps your binky as you sit and contemplate your errors in a time out corner of the world.
     And lest you think that the master of all is immune to his own self imposed virus of lies, here is a quote from his column written "oh, so bravely" where and when no one could respond as all are blocked from his rag without his stamp of approval. His pathetic editors, Joy Vestal and Myron, well, what can one say about Myron, sad case that! - do as he commands and no opposing articles are allowed, no response to his lies are allowed. Oh, by the way, that pathetic remnant of a journalist, Joy Vestal, lied thru her teeth when in front of witnesses promised a proper placement of Phyllis's ad, showed her its placement on B3 and yet when the paper came out it was on B20, along with the tires and the toilets. Liar, liar, pants on fire, Joy Vestal. And then she tries to palm it off on that perennial poltergeist who arranged layout and moved the ad therefore it was not her she says. Really, when you always boast how hard you work on layout. Puh-lease again. So, his words - and this has been gone over before, but the man is deaf and dumb when the truth comes a visitin'. "The candidate herself stalked out of the meeting, when extensive discussion arose about her political sign..." Again, Phyllis left before or just as this occurred as a resident came over to her, knelt down beside her to ask her for help and rather than disturb those around her, left with the resident to give him aid and advise. A whole lot more than David Israel has ever done.
     And yet again, I will ask - why do I have to bother with this? Why can we not discuss the issues? How many times have I written of the issues, of the need to change, of the dire need to change policies and actions, proposed ideas, asked for process and procedure, stood up against that tiresome mouth of his only to find that David Israel has a huge yellow streak down his back, and besides being a moral coward, he is a physical coward and afraid for his little old self, afraid to look like the idiot he is, the uncaring individual he is, were push come to shove and he was forced into debate. I am not referring to the Forum, the little that the Village has gotten nor even to the additional Forum that is going to be held, open to all, for I know that he and his ilk will never show up. Too dangerous for them to have questions posed to them and answers demanded, issues raised and answers demanded, policies raised and answers demanded. And no protection.
     But no, David Israel, the coward, the bully, the pathetic loser of a man whose only boast of usefulness is suspect as he weaves a story of saving us all after 9/11. Puh-lease!! Truly.
     But wait. There is help for all those of you who have caught his virus of moral weakness or at least suffer from Davidphobia, the fear of David, the fear of his threats and his toilet mouth, his vicious words and his ever increasing power. There is a new promising drug out there that doctors and researchers are saying can cure these phobias. It is called propranolol and just think of the benefits it could impart to our Village.
     So, David, the issues? When? If not now, then when? When will you man up and face the music? When will you ever come out of your hidey hole without your entourage and open yourself up to more that a five minute limited session of Q&A with a friendly Association president guarding you? When, David, when? When will you remember that you are supposed to be a man and not a weasel? When, David, when? In fact, when will you ever go away and take your lies and your shills and your misdeeds and your threats to our future right along with you and good riddance to bad rubbish. Whether it be thru election or revolution! Whether it be thru ballot or thru life - go away. So long, farewell, adieu, auf wiedersehn, goodbye....

Sunday, January 24, 2016


United States Flag
Total Visits:
West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
IP Address:
Comcast Business Communications ( UCO
Referring URL:
(No referring link)
Entry Page:
Exit Page:

IP Address:
Comcast Business Communications ( UCO

 These two bits of information were taken from the record I have and keep of those who visit the site, and especially those who comment on it. It keeps track of how many times they visit, when and the duration. I copied and pasted these two and stress that you look at the UCO source for them and the same IP Address. Nor is this the first time this has shown up, but instead many, many times. And exactly who do you think has the time to look at my blog AT UCO and then comment and then return again and again, worried in his paranoid megalomaniac's mind that I am out there "getting" him.   Our fee money at work! GOTCHA!!!!!!!
     Oh, dear. You just make this too easy.
     Then we have our wonderful , oh so wonderful leader sending in the reinforcements to come after me and mine, meaning people who think alike for it seems as if this man's deteriorating mind keeps focusing on an inaccurate statement that there is one person or entity directing this. In fact, I have never come across so many independent thinking, divergent thinking, and differing opinions in one group as I see here. Any time we come across each other or even meet, the discussion is refreshing for guess what - free speech is honored, no matter what is said and who disagrees with it. Hey, Lenore, you talk of FREE SPEECH so what is the matter that it cannot be a right of all in the Village, or are we at the Animal Farm stage of some are more equal than others? I think we have been there for some time, actually. So, David, this shill flunks the job. And dear Lenore, ask your master who insulted religion here. Tell him to look in the mirror if he has forgotten.GOTCHA!!!!
     Next up. There are no politics in this newspaper or purported newspaper. Really? So then why is the incumbent allowed to use his space for a "dozens" session on his opponents. I did love your allusions to me, David but why not my name? Are you afraid you could be sued for libel? For slander? Or are you just afraid, always afraid, to come out with it and why not include your lovely tirades and rants about and to me, your insulting use of the name for a religious leader, your blatant violations of all principles of proper society, of American rights, of decent and normal behavior. And yes, this will all go out to the "world wide web" and I hope all 200,000 million people read it as of course there are more already since readership is growing. Not liking it? Too bad! Paranoia, dear boy, paranoia! GOTCHA!!!!
    By the way, GOTCHA too, Joy Vestal, you poor lame duck leftover remnant of a journalist who has seriously lost her way and her principles.
     And for all your shills that you send out there, for their bumblings and mumblings a la Lanny, for the venom spewing Peter Cruise, for the repetitive Grace (see, I left out the loving diminutive of "ie", just for you, Gracie - oops), for the added weak little venom shots of Mark and now there is a new Mark, a Benson, and is that last name a takeoff on the Benenson company. Pathetic. But wait, there's more. Now we have Mollie who thinks she can branch out from her gavel banging timekeeping job that she seems to have trouble with in the equal timing of all people and become David's defender, but anyhoo....
      Mollie, you cannot be that dumb or naïve.
"A model of a person." Are you for real? This man who has not the decency or honesty or courage or integrity to meet his opponents face to face? Who cannot figure out how to dress appropriately for his audience and in fact insults people by his dress. The person who cannot spend a penny of his own and waits for Barbara Cornish to buy this "Ken" doll his clothes? This man who insults all with his mouth, his vile mouth, who takes all opposition personally rather than politically?
GOTCHA there, dearie.
    Not done yet. Sorry. You rave on about how needy the government was and called him back after ten years to save us all, G-d help us all if that really were the case. So let me clue you in on how government works. First of all, every Federal employee is given a card, down to the lowliest clerk, as to where to go and what to do in case of national emergency. I got one too when I was in the Defense Department and believe me, they did not need me at that point, an 18 year old kid with her first serious job. It is a formality.
     Anyway, your master seems to have taken this to heart and despite the fact that he blew his job responsibilities at the Soviet desk, be it at the computer screen or even interpretation, that he truly messed up in the analysis, big time, why would they call him back? NSA, nor any other intelligence agency does not flip people willy nilly from one desk or area to another. Different info, different thoughts. So why take this outmoded incompetent man off the Soviet desk which did not exist any more (he did not see that coming,did he?) and transfer him to the Arab, terrorist, Moslem, Saudi Arabia, Iran or whatever desk was needed? No sense at all and certainly not what is done. GOTCHA yet again! Oh, as for his plans to prevent this from happening in the future? Gimme a break! Are you that dumb or naïve? Got a bridge and a tunnel to sell you.
     Now for my dear David and his best buddy, Ed. Truly, I tried hard to believe you, Ed, if only for the sake of peace in the house of UCO and CV, yet these emails, these continuous comments coming from Anonymous and always tracking back to the IP address and UCO and you expect me to believe that it is not one or the other or both of you? C'mon. I did not just fall off the turnip truck, dear boy, not at all. As for you, Davey Boy, pathetic is what I can say. You take the coward's way out, and rather than face up and man up, you go to the backways, the sneaky, informant ways, the fascist ways and if you do not like that name then fix it. Stop the crackdown on free speech ad assembly. Stop informing to governmental entities that are more annoyed by you than anything else. Stop being a whiner. And Mollie, dear, you write of whiners. Please look at your master and see how he whines about being besieged by opponents who seemingly pick on him, your master who needs others to write for him, to ghostwrite his articles in the paper since his inability to string together two sentences on the blog does not suddenly disappear when it comes to the Rag. Whine indeed.  GOTCHA yet again.
     A thought for pondering. A government official stated, "A free and functioning civil society is an essential element of a healthy democracy. Governments must protect free expression and peaceful dissent and create an atmosphere where all voices can be heard." Ahem,. David, AHEM!! Ahem. Mollie, AHEM! Ahem, JOY. AHEM. GOTCHA!!!
     Lest I be accused of leaving out vital information, let me be sure to include the fact that David Israel went back about five years to a letter from the opponents of the Boca UCO version, with their own paper, The Sentry, and tries to pass this off as a recommendation for all to read and slaver over. Sorry, hypocrisy to the nth degree and someone from outside does not see the real David Israel, the tyrant, the paranoid megalomaniac with the onset of mental deterioration with the temper tantrums that come along with it. NO, he does not, but we certainly do. Unfortunately we certainly do. If you do not like strong postings then be a man and resign. Let democracy flourish once more in CVWPB. Tend your flowers, your association, your little groupies and see if they stick around after you are out. But we will keep on, not letting up until you and your disastrous plans for us are defeated, one way or another. GOTCHA THERE TOO.
   Nice dance rhythm there and one we will dance to when you and yours are out of office and we can finally move on.
    Da, da, da, da dada! Happy trails!

PS - If it sounds as if I am angry, I am. I am tired of the lies, the lack of American rights, the nastiness, the hypocrisy but most of all, the lies. Tends to say something quite negative about the liar, the consistent liar.

Friday, January 22, 2016


     So here I sit, three in the morning, surfing around, too tired to sleep but so happy from the last few days spent with my son and his family - his lovely wife - whom we introduce as our daughter - and the five kids. From books to little animals and a suddenly depleted turtle collection which has become subsumed into a little boy's menagerie, to beds all over and blankets and pillows galore , life is wonderful.
     People we highly value have a sign in their apt. stating that there is only one happiness in life and that is to love and be loved. How right they are. Trading off a missing cheetah for a hug and a kiss is the best. Reading a story to a child, discussing college choices coming up in a year or so and already getting emails from college, seeing my son close up as a father! Still cannot get over that for to me he is my baby and when he wanted to do something that would have been ok as a kid, I said that "mother says no, my home, my rules." Wow! that was familiar, or, as Yogi Berra said, "Deja vu all over again."
     I feel sorry for those who cannot share in the love from family members, either because there are none or they have forced them away. It is a beautiful thing to share stories about loved ones passed on and page through old pictures, camp photos and laugh as the kids go seeking their adult relatives as kids. Share the laughs as they go bouncing on trampolines or the excitement of a high score and lots and lots of tickets for prizes, or the looks on the faces as an animal approaches or simply shopping and barely getting out of the candy aisle alive!
     Nope, there is nothing better than this and certainly nothing better than knowing that your memory will be enhanced by their stories as they grow older and share with their kids. The knowing, the seeing, that at least ya' did good and raised wonderful children, contributing members of society, integral parts of a loving family - that just beats out anything else.
     This is true no matter where one goes. All else feels small besides it, in comparison with it. As I read blogs in a moment of quiet I saw the sadness of people who do not have this. What they do have, their little fiefdoms, is a pathetic substitute. To read that in order to put something on Channel 63 one must contact guess who? Why Joy  Vestal!! Does that woman have no other life other than to gather the reins of every media outlet in the Village and work them according to David Israel's commands? No wonder there is a sense of desperation and bitterness wafting through the air in that camp. I feel sorry for them.
     However, that pity will not preclude us from fighting against their plans for the Village, for its ruination, for its servicing their selfish needs. The nastiness of David Israel in trying to besmirch the reputation of Phyllis by using lie after lie, his refusal to talk of issues and truth, about past misdeeds and how to avoid them in the future, about the lockout of 99% of the Village population from UCO  - no way in unless one has the David Israel decoder ring - hide and seek he plays, sitting in that lair of his at UCO, always looking for ways to harm rather than help. Sad, so very sad.
     But the hell with them today. I have more kisses to reap, more hugs to gather, more soul happiness to achieve and a heart that is just bursting with love and joy. UCO can't top that but people who are happy with life, not bitter and mean - they are the people we need to lead us, to head our Village and country for that matter.
And why not include the world in that as well. Ahh, anyone hear the echoes of the 60's here, when love and flower power ruled the day until it was ruined by power seekers and corrupters and the drugs and the gurus and the world intruded.
     If only, we think. If only. But - got to catch some sleep if I am to make it thru today's plans.
Can't wait.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Stew Richland
You may not like the literary method that I chose to call attention to Dave Israel’s ruling style as the UCO President. The reason why I chose this style is to push peoples emotional buttons, and especially their awareness buttons.  Based on your reaction, my words did soak up some emotional connotations which you processed and reacted to.  Whether you personally like or dislike what I wrote, you cannot dismiss the article in terms of what it was intended to do.
Any person that has followed the Israel administration these lo six years cannot deny the fact that his administration style leaves much to be desired.  Our residents know that there is a difference between good manners, civility and dignified behavior and David’s  foolish boisterous wicked practice of using demeaning, crass, crude remarks to inflict embarrassment and suffering on all those who challenge him.
I ask my self. why does he resort to these cheap, crass responses? Why does he go there?  He is not a Lenny Bruce or George Carlin.  It’s so unfortunate, so low class, but for Dave, it’s so easy.
You may not agree with the format of how I dealt with examining the Israel administration, but you cannot deny that all that I have exposed did occur.  I know that you are not happy when I reach into my teacher bag of tricks to make a point. However, I think that this will help you understand where I am coming from.  When I taught American Government, we were required to explain how the election process works. The process of selecting a candidate for the Presidency presupposes that a voter knows what qualities they want for their leader.  Their homework assignment asks them to list the most important qualities they think a president must have. The following day, I have students list their ideas on the board.  We then evaluate their ideas and put them in the order of most important to least important.  Trustworthiness, being honest, don’t cheat, steal, or deceive, Being reliable, doing what you say, having the courage to do the right thing Respect for the office they hold.  The one thing that all agreed on was the idea that you do not tarnish the image of the office.  In Century Village, like the United States, the President represents all of the people.  When the President’s deportment denigrates the office, then we have serious issues.  Dave Israel, has in so many ways, by his actions, his speech, his misuse of presidential power, tarnishes the office of president.  He must not be reelected and allowed to erode the image of UCO.
When the voters select Phyllis Richland as the new UCO President, the Roses will bloom again in Century Village.
Please read Phyllis Richland’s blog at: