Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 What is it? The water. the air, the schools, the parents, the media? Is it that as one ages, the emerging world appears to have gone mad, shredded sense and sensitivity, or is it a real problem? Is it unique to the times, or a repetition of age-old situations and differences? Either way, 'what the hell' is a growing mantra of the day. The elders are tired, the young are blase, incapable, unwanting, undeserving of the growing burdens they must take on. They all scratch their heads, in complete confusion with each other. 

Sadly, the responses as to how to correct and better the situation are not what we need or want. What we get are those who back away and become insular in their thoughts, while the rowdy ride to the top of the heap. Those seeking power, by any means, who mesmerize the seeking crowd, seeking validity, rewards, to be part of the crowd, in the trend of the day, they are those who will succeed.   Fed the malicious and/or useless tropes of the day the crowd of nonthinkers are satisfied even as society advances the wrong way in direction.    

Sense and sensibility go missing, AWOL, or disappeared, it makes no difference as the outcome will be the same.  A definite loss of sense, the ability to think logically, realistically, recognize and differentiate good from evil and the necessity to champion the one over the other. Additionally, there must be a fine-tuned sense of sensitivity. What sets people off? Why do they get offended at what is meant as a joke? Why have we categorized some less worthy than others? And let them know it? Have we gone way off the track the other direction, and in empathy with one group, trashed another? Why are we forever apologizing and off balance? Can there not be a mass recognition, though not excuses, that people are human and make errors, even with the best intentions. Learn that, know it, live it. Going massively overboard in compensation simply riles up the now devalued group, negativity grows apace, sensitivities die a painful death.      Those remaining as supporters of a policy of inclusion - of sense and sensitivity - are disappointed and alarmed. All the original good intentions, the promise of a better society and positive future society drain noisily down into the sewer for discarded, failed good intentioned policies. Once we knew that and came together to change things, with some for and some not, but accepting of it. If, that is, it was perceived as touching on reasonableness, doable, more of a gentle to medium wave rather than that of a tsunami.  At times less is more, though impatience to right wrongs says otherwise. At times Don Quixote is not the answer in reality, albeit the instigator of change.  

Somehow, soon, we must balance, work for that balance, combine sense and sensitivity, and use that combo. Society can be fixed, but by rehabbing rather than destruction and razing. A total razing invites disaster and fewer opportunities to exercise sensitivity along with commonsense as there is no room for either in a world gone mad. Try we must was the old ad jingle. Try we must in this damaged   world of ours. It will be slow, with setbacks, but with proper, hard, consistent effort we can make progress - if we do not give up, if we stand strong and demanding, with surety of guarantees of security, etched in stone. 

It will be hard, for the hurt, the anger, the call, the need, for revenge is deep inside, very difficult to expel, but truly, what is the alternative? Can we set aside our anger, find someone capable of rational talk, and work hard to achieve what appears to be unachievable, forever? 

The jingoism must halt. Its foolish statements from foolish mouths only serve to rile up both sides and deflects from the  real problems which can and must, emphatically so, be tackled and resolved.        Will the peace between all ever get here? Do we want it enough to work hard, to compromise, to demand attention from all sides. If not, understand that problems cannot be solved while whirling through space on remnants, pieces of a divided and divisive world, of an earth never to be able to save itself.  

I wish I had the power, the wisdom necessary, the words to bring about that blessed state of peace among all nations, I do not. There are most certainly those who do. They must be found and encouraged and supported, to do what is necessary. No other option. Not any more. The fevers of hate are too high, impervious to the attempts to put them out.  We must discover new methods which will be successful.  Soon, very soon. _______

Yitzy, the hole remains open, the tears continue to flow. I miss your grin, your eyes so bright and shining, so curious about the world.

Always and forever. Always and forever.


Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 One day, we are told myriad times, there will be peace. The Bible talks numerous times of such days, when peace will reign, when the lions and the lambs will be playmates, when all and sundry recognize the futility of that ugly term and life situation of war. One day the arrogant deliberate ' stupidity' of those who encourage and incite the hate, will be obvious. These animosities always culminating in violence, death, and more, will finally be defeated, rooted out, down to the deepest depths one must reach. 

Only then, digging deep into those roots, finally eliminating them, once and for all, is there a possibility. It must happen, for not to do that means only more hate and consequences. Otherwise, bloodshed and destruction remain, as the seeds always and forever, find a home somewhere, within some twisted soul, and survive, to live again another day and revel in the loss of so many others, countless numbers, for the wicked eddies never stop, constantly widening, extending its borders, drowning more within its fetid waters.

Yesterday, in a mood of sorts, not finding a place for myself, my thoughts and emotions whirling, why, I knew not, so I sat down before the computer and explored a favorite site, the music found on YouTube. There, music to fit any need is to be found and as Prospero stated in The Tempest, music does soothe the soul. At least music not bombastic and rather too loud for a soul seeking relief from something, unnamable, but there. Finding one of my favorites, Koolulam. I found a presentation of   One Day, by Matisyahu, sung repeatedly at graduation ceremonies, at assemblies meant to send out cries of hope, for positive change, replete with emotions of both encouragement and sense of loss. Why have we not yet acted properly, sensibly, loyal to the truth of the yearning of the words, of the melody, of the hope expressed, that One Day, one day, we will not speak of hate and war. One day.   

But yesterday, other words of the lyrics struck me hard, deep within an aching soul and heart, a mourning heart. They spoke directly to me, eerily mirroring an awful, yet inspiring moment. One I wished so fervently never to have occurred.  So   hard, so many tears rolling down the face. Eyes blurry, soul aching, the sense of loss, irremediable, always to a be gap, a wound forever open. 

Powerful emotions, and what to do with them? I called others, equally involved in that moment as I was and we spoke quietly, emotionally, tearfully, of that loss, how to go on with the rest of the day. My rest of that day was tinged, constantly, to differing degrees, with the ever-present sorrow, though I did find some comfort in the emotions, roiling within, leading to the understanding that we, I, were blessed for having known that moment, the years we were granted, short, so short, so deeply, forever, to be treasured. But so, so, so hard. So very difficult. A loss immutably within our cores.   

Before Yitzy passed gently into his final coma, he spoke to his parents of his thoughts at that moment, of his understanding of that moment, along with an unbelievable empathy with what his parents were feeling. His next words eased and intensified the emotions. How could this be? How? How? Our souls cried out and continue to do so, the pain never going away, its sharp blade continuously cutting deep within our hearts. Wondering, with awe, could we ever be as strong as that little boy, an adult, yet a child, as he asked to have a Torah written in his name, a goal we have been blessed to reach with the donations of so many, and we thank them all, as the writing is in progress and associated programs are being planned. A boy strong enough, of deep faith and belief, accepting he had fulfilled his G-d given purpose on earth, and now done, it was time to go home, to be with his G-d. 

Thus Yitzy reassured his parents that he had thought a lot about what was happening to him, and told his parents he was okay, even understood why, though the sadness was there. He was, special as he was, will forever remain, only 13 years old. 13. My heart breaks as I type this. The tears splash endlessly on the keyboard.

His next words broke us all. To please remember him, not forget him - as if, as if! He is forever, always and forever, to remain within us, as we strive to emulate his goodness. Proud to have been granted the zechut, the privilege to be his family for those 13 love filled years. He assured his parents he would always be there with them. 

I cry as I type these words, as I paste in the lyrics of the first verse of the song, for these words, along with the hopes expressed within the song for a better time, for people to be the best they can be, trust that they can indeed do so, be so. I will never again hear this song in the same way.

"Sometimes I lay under the moon
And thank God I'm breathin'
Then I pray, "Don't take me soon
'Cause I am here for a reason." ... 

In this maze
You can lose your way, your way
It might drive you crazy but
Don't let it faze you, no way, no way! ...

One day, one day, one day, oh
One day, one day, one day, oh"

One day, Yitzy, one blessed day.

Always and forever, dear boy, sweet boy, so missed.

Always and forever. Always and forever. 

Monday, January 29, 2024


 A fact is that which is "known or proven to be true". The fact of the matter is that facts are few and far between of late on many, if not most of the sites and modalities of social media. Lies, distorted facts, misinterpretations, are passed off as fact handed down from Sinai, to be believed and acted upon, used as basis for actions then taken, and simply is just wrong, so very, very wrong. It is also a sign of laziness, of lack of research skills so necessary if one is to contribute helpfully to a challenged society

Well, we are in trouble, just in case this 'fact' might have eluded you. Our students, our very near future leaders and lower rank aides of legislators, judges, executives of business have received a sloppy education and barely any work ethic. No need to slog through stacks for information, to gather facts necessary for understanding and intelligent discourse. Check out Wikipedia, or one of the proliferating Chat boxes and voila! All done, no sweat, no new knowledge and off to the protests we go. 

The 'real' lowdown on the matter will be oh so helpfully conveyed to you by your new very cool friend of the keffiyeh or the matches to burn flags or the spray paint for graffiti and threats. Those red or black swastikas are pretty good for defacing buildings. Close call between synagogues or health clinics. Soooo liberating! And those platitudes we shout, the words and memes of hate, vicious, violent, toxic - it doesn't get better than that. So smug. All as your undertaxed brain takes yet another siesta.

The fact of the matter is that the world is rife with wrongdoings and the outrage against them is cherry picked. Never mind the Haziris. Never mind the Rohingya. Never mind those locked in gulags and notorious prisons of Russia, and certainly, never mind their invasion of Ukraine, the land grab, the planned destruction of the Ukrainian ethos.  (genocide), the slain protesters in Iran. Turkey and the Kurds and the religious war fervor ramping up. The disappearing Mexicans? Meh! The Uighurs. Always Sudan, Ethiopia, Darfur, South Africa, (yes, not quite the angels they want to be). Fact. Facts.  

Those issues are passe. Neither chic nor trendy. Hungry children here? Nah, boring. No cool accessories. Much better are the liberating protests against Israel. Facts? How genocide when there is no plan to kill civilians, as opposed to Oct 7and the plan long in place to commit havoc, massacre, on sleeping Israeli citizens. to bloody machetes with the blood of infants and elderly, to rape and mutilate young girls and boys, to destroy the homes of those who had committed the cardinal sin of overlooking the truth, of the facts available.  Instead, they extended hands and arms of friendship.  Had ignored those historical facts and     helped Gazans with transportation, medical help, food, friendship, jobs, but hey, what's that compared with the release of the soul by butchery. Accompanied by employees of the UN and UNWRA, long coconspirators with Hamas and other terrorists, denied by them, these liars became enthusiastic participants in the bestiality of Oct 7. Fact. Fact.   Not to forget the cherry on top, burning, exploding the homes of their foolish friends, locked and tied up inside, to burn with their homes and family.  Joy in Mudville Gaza that day. Fact. Fact. Facts.

Those are the facts. Those are the facts which are overlooked or swept to the trash when they inconveniently and stubbornly surface and resurface. No, the fact is that the Gazans, along with the official and unofficial members of Hamas and their allies are responsible for the war, for the slaughter, for the unavoidable deaths, for the inhumane and criminal act of taking hostages, brutalizing them, holding them incommunicado, killing them in captivity, playing cruel games.    FACT!!     

 Israel was then entrapped in a war not of their asking or doing. They had to defend and protect their citizens, to rescue them from captivity. In      inciting this war, Hamas is responsible for all consequences, all deaths. They set the time and place. They hid within civilian homes and infrastructure. One must fight the enemy where it is, not where we wish it to be. Fact.  

Now we fight a war of words as well, growing invective and incitement to violence. We fight a war against liars, of blue-ribbon ability and ugly motives. Hate is the coin of their realm. 

So, the fact of the matter is that we are in trouble. All of us, not only the Israelis who fight now in   our stead, for us, as they battle against vicious homicidal disguised beasts. Truly the basis of a   frightening horror movie - only this is for real. We do not escape the fear in two hours.

               Fact. Fact. Fact.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Yitzy, perhaps now you have gained the knowledge we are lacking as to why and how this ugliness, these vicious emotions and lies are seemingly a permanent fixture of this world. We wonder if there is any hope of change for the better. Everyday more and more hope is discarded, rotting in  ditches alongside the bumpy road. Speak to the Boss for us. 

Love you, my sweet boy.

Miss you terribly.

Always and forever. Always and forever.   

Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Frankly, the title is the truth. There is simply no fitting title to this posting, no title, no words to convey the agony, the sadness at the state of the world today and its path leading only to catastrophe.   

I marvel, in a most negative manner at the state of world Jewry, the frightening future glimmering over the horizon, even closer than that. The deaths of so many, instigated by Hamas and a world more accepting of their egregious lies, validating them, as they trash the proof, the truth, clearly visible. If one takes off the hateful blindfold, that is. The awful heart-rending videos of hostages, young girls looking middle-aged, eyes dead of life, and one resembling a Holocaust survivor. The world? The silence of the absence of condemnation is deafening.  

 The worst for us, as a family, as a community, is the glaring gap in family pictures, the missing pitcher and hitter on baseball rosters, the empty seat in the classroom, the missing sight of father and son on nature walks, enjoying the beauty of God's world. Why? Because Yitzy is missing, gone, alive via thoughts and memories, via photos and videos,  but never again to bless us with his signature grin, the depth of his faith, the ability to catch that busy child to give a hug and a kiss, to laugh and cringe at his presentation of the latest find - be it a snake or lizard or the sighting of a beautiful bird. With us   via the lump in our throats, the ever-ready tears, the sobs barely contained. Or not.

Even as that calming blanket or feeling wrapped me within its folds, the horror, the negative amazement at the ugliness in and of the world, the hatred of Jews growing exponentially, remains front and center. Shocking is the hypocrisy of nations with memorial ceremonies and grandiose, empty speeches and promises, false vows, wreaths laid. These are visible scenes meaning nothing when not followed up, backed up with supportive action, with change, with a visible change in rhetoric and the cessation of vilification and negation of Israel's right to exist, for one little space on the planet to be  a Jewish state, the only one, and the only source of refuge for endangered Jewry.  

The world today is rife with violence, threat of more and increasing violence, hate rampant, encouraged and championed, with chaos, anomie, anarchy growing, people either not understanding or not caring, or actively contributing to this terrible reality. We, the human race, have devolved. We have turned our back on millennia of progress, so difficult to achieve, and returned, descended to the depravity of war and hate, of nationalism beyond reasonable degree. 

We have hurried to declare enemies and betrayed allies, changing them as often as does one with clothing before a date. We and we alone, have endangered a future of hope, replacing it with a dreary, gray one, good for no one and nothing other than for the scum which rises to the top for a short time, until overthrown by other, worse juntas. No more unity of nations to fight that which is wrong. We leave that behind, tossed on the trash heap of history. Democracy, real progress, vigorously declined.  

 America is no different, perhaps worse as so many looked to us as a role model, to learn from, to breathe in fresh air and ideas. Now? Now we have devolved into opposite status and image. What can one say when an indicted soon to be convicted, demented, incompetent, authoritarian and threatening caricature of a human, is running for the second time to be president of a nation he desired and attempted to overthrow.

The other day I came across this statement. Read it and weep, pour ashes on heads, shred the sackcloth. This is what we face today. Monsters so evil, so powerful, that shock, overwhelming, terrifying overwhelms us. Only instead of monsters we think we did not have a hand in creating, blameless, we claim, we need to look, deep and true, into mirrors of the soul, and see, accept the truth. We have looked far too long into that abyss and become the very monster we were ogling.

"For we do not know what beasts the night dreams when its hours grow too long for even G-d to be awake." (Hildred Castaigne)

We are those monsters. We enable that long night. We. Us. Only we can end the reign of these monsters. We have the power to go either way, to choose and formulate our lives.  Whether G-d is sleeping or observing, ruminating re those quite annoying humans, is your opinion, your choice. Either way the onus of change is upon us. Do not look for miracles, for there are only miracles that arise from hard work and then perhaps, maybe, the One Above will validate these efforts and add that small push of a mighty finger and, well,... as the song states, "There can be miracles..." 


Yitzy, so missed and loved, you thankfully, perhaps, in a bitter way, are spared this anguish, but how much you could have done if you were allowed the gift of life.

I, we, all miss you so.

Always and forever. Always and forever.                   


Friday, January 26, 2024


  Along with those words, soon to be explained, we get an acclaimed film fitting perfectly into the crazed puzzle of reality today. And probably of most times, though we do not always recognize that. A Holocaust film, not in the usual track, presents the banality of evil, as per Hannah Arendt, the 'normal' life of a family, domestic, so proud of Papa's success, even as strange ominous sounds leak over a shared wall, one side the garden of the family, so beautiful, well-tended, and the rather mysterious source of those background noises on the other side.   

Apparently, we humans do not recognize, nor care to recognize, the Poles in life that have governed humanity since time immemorial. Good and Evil, with the distinction between them not very clear nor far apart, nor immovable. Most important, it very, very clearly, has no impact upon life as skewed values rate successful smoothly functioning life as far more important than methods used to attain that state of being. Whatever goes, whatever works.  Evil is whatever works against that state of being. Whatever. No brakes. No boundaries. The banality of evil, merely a desire to get along in life, to succeed, to prosper, to provide for family, to contribute to society and be rewarded for it all.           One thing begins to glimmer, almost unnoticed, at the very edge of the scenes of the movie. We begin the movie in darkness and quite frankly, we have not emerged from that darkness, deny it we might. The same godawful antisemitism, limitless, the core of the network of death, prized, praised, along with its chic outer accoutrements - the badges, the flags, the banners, the crowd among whom one can hide, cede responsibility, and not to forget that trendy kaffiyeh.   

So - WHERE ARE THE JEWS IN ALL OF THIS? Jews and their extermination absent. 

Jews and the end planned for them - absent. Is it to teach us that hate's targets have no role, are of no importance, or even relevance, as anyone could be placed in that role? Anyone would do in that role?  Yes, hate and its ugliness know no bounds in its crazed need for blood, its everlasting hunger.

However, the hate of antisemitism has a vicious overlayer far above that of other targets. It is a hate which never dies, even as it is denied, even as its violence is ramped up. Even as it emerges from the dank cellars of immorality and viciousness of people. As it climbs, as a poisonous, suffocating vine, up to the top of society and government, tied down to the lowest ranks, the bestial dregs of humanity. Ignoring this ancient poison is to enable its existence, its justification and delights the haters. Very much so. No rhyme or reason, its toxicity unrivaled. Ignoring it while it is in plain sight does not work, other than to enable and encourage its malevolence.  

So, again - Where. Are. The. Jews? 

For that answer I refer you back to the title. Nones are those who deny any connection to religion. In many cases I agree with them, for religion has veered from faith, the core of any religion, now become a tool of humanity, used to justify or condemn, whatever is the prevailing need. However, being a 'none' does not mean one abandons the laws of humanity. Not at all. 

On the other hand, there are those who use religion to excuse their crimes and excesses. Other faiths are excoriated, often with great glee and malice aforethought. True Faith. Morality. Not of any great importance, too often glaring in its absence, so profoundly causational of much of the evil of the world.     

 Many of us have forgotten to use the reflecting mirror, the one which reflects the inner being. Where the evil we have allowed to corrupt our souls grows, solidly implanted within us. 'Zopas' are zones of possibilities. It is altered and used as it gives advantages. These days Israel is the go-to approved and convenient target for zopas  of disastrous demands and existential consequences, leading straight into a total absence of security for Israel and in fact, allows for, will inevitably result in a bloodletting such as never before been seen and the end of Israel. World Jewry - the blanks are easily completed. The tsk, tsk sounds will fill the air for about two seconds and then life will go on.   

  If true juxtaposition was in use, the truth is clear, undeniable, yet the world, in its blindness, its acceptance and valuation of the banality of evil pathway, where all is relative, morality quite flexible, will not change. It will refuse to see the truth, will refuse   correction to skewed zopas, to religions abandoning faith, continue to ignore the beauty of good people with no attachment to religion as is such. 

Only with true juxtaposition, with recognition of truth, of history, of facts, and an end to the attempts to 'disappear' Jews from history, denying their existence, severing the unspeakable Holocaust from Jewish history will there finally be a modicum of good which perhaps will serve as  a  basis for mankind to step forward, step up, into better zopas, into a recognition that no, Evil is not banal and when we claim so, we become so. 


Sleep tight, my sweet boy. Thís ugliness is not for an innocent, loving soul. Tomorrow is another day, and perhaps a better one. 

Love you. Always and forever.  

Always and forever.                

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 No, unfortunately not talking of the so longed for peace in the Middle East. Peace that enables us to breathe once again, not to visualize as we do already, a time of horror beyond contemplation or thought, yet there it is.  Another Jewish state destroyed, by enemies without and unfortunately within, and the horrendous reality such a world would bring forth. 

The nation would not go down without a fight, nor would the rabid creatures quickly slake their bloodthirst nor shun their proven record of bestiality regarding anyone ensnared within their claws. Their cruelty rivals any of the past, from the most savage armies. No, not that peace, for that is not peace at all. Unless there was a new sense of peace. One enabled by the merging and melding of minds above the fray, who can see clearly through the obscuring smog overlaying the roads to peace, one that is fair to all, that demands compromise from all, ultimately satisfactory to enough to enable its survival and implementation. Now that is indeed a dream of peace, much doubt remaining, but hope, that little, tough bird, still lingers on.   

However, there is a peace which came as a blanket, to my soul. It embraced me with a sense of peace and acceptance. For the life of me I could not fathom what the hell was happening. Peace? Comfort? Acceptance? This year, this day, this moment? Somebody somewhere had lines crossed and there I was, caught as a helpless fish in a net. Peace and comfort? In a year when the world went crazy, embracing dictators, Metternich channeling politicians, clearly berserk, demented false leaders, tossing democracy aside as trash of no value?

When this was happening: vitriolic antisemitism, morphing instantaneously into rabid vile Jew hatred, infecting so many, a Covid pandemic of the soul, emptying it of all humane instincts, refilling with hate, vicious, bloodthirsty, freeing weak souls to engage openly, in behavior long since thought unthinkable, banned. Evil beyond contemplation at this supposed advanced time. When words were flipped. Peace became war. Progressive became retrogressive. Wrong became correct. Always with the end goal the complete extermination of Jews, from the last babe in arms to the oldest survivor and all in-between. Go hate go.

Peace, comfort? Was this a cruel practical joke? Was there some runaway angel, a developing imp, playing with me? Yet, yet there it was - undeniable, almost touchable physically, so powerful its pull, reaching deep into my innermost feelings. Even as my outer person was singing, clapping, feeling, enjoying the music, the mood, the unbelievable voice and faith of the singer, Shulem Lemmer, my mind was aquiver, at war with itself.   

What was this sudden understanding which I did not understand. I was still, now and for always, grieved at the manifest cruel passing of Yitzy. This boy,13, a child, an adult, with courage and faith in the face of it, managed to comfort his bereaved parents and family, inspired so many, from family to friends, to mere acquaintances, who changed because of him.  Why then, why, why was he taken from a world so deeply in need of positive inspiration. 

Why, why, why. I would never stop the why. Peace? Peace!!! Yet....How can my anger and grief survive in the same room as that peace falling upon me? How is it even remotely possible for two such differing emotions to live compatibly with each other? Could I, would I attempt to accept this peace at the same time as I keep my other, roiling emotions?  For sure, I was not giving them up, not before there was an answer. Nope. Not me.

 Then again, the tears began and lay like mirrors of my soul as they sat there on my eyelashes. Was it the beginning of a sense of truth even as acceptance of the heretofore unacceptable proceeded on its way? Was it a surrender? From me, the stubborn one who did not go away easily, who never backed away from a fight regarding my kids, biological and educational, my people, my friends? Me/?!!

 Never that, but instead a comforting acceptance, one which allowed me to continue my questioning even as there grew that understanding. Try as I might, resent it as I might, there was a reassurance. There indeed was a driver with a strong always present hand on the steering wheel of the earth and its inhabitants, of the universe. Though the path was unclear to us, needed repaving in some areas, as we rode at times as helpless passengers, there was a map, there was a destination and always there was that never to be fully comprehended strong hand on the wheel.   

This defied all sense to me but eventually, I began to comprehend the lack, that gap to full comprehension and understanding. It simply is not for the lesser brains of mankind to know the wishes, the reasons of He who created this world, who created mankind, who steers the world, are far too complex to fathom to the deepest depths and truths. One day, the proper day, we will 'get it' and all will be clear. The tears on the eyelashes will reflect peace, the peace that is now growing within me, a comfort, even as I treasure my continuing ability, perhaps even encouragement, to keep up the fight, for G-d at times might need a reminder, as his attention wandered off somewhere. Could be. Maybe. Hopefully.    

It is to know that even as we undergo the tortures of Hell, face incomprehensible evil, wonder why and how people display a blindness, a deafness, a muteness, or worse, an enjoyment of such evil, there is method in this madness. To accept that is to know peace and comfort. It is also to know that we are not off the hook, for our good deeds do figure into the final mathematics of the bewildering equation of life.     

Na'aseh v'nishma is what the Israelites swore at the feet of Mount Sinai as the burden, the gift, of Torah, was given to them. We will do, we will hear. The promise included future generations. At times we succeeded, at other times, not so much. We do not relinquish all responsibility for we do have free will and we can make good, positive decisions or we can go the other way, the one which inevitably has a 'dues payable' on it. We are responsible for ourselves and for others as well, including future generations. Just as our ancestors needed to have us in mind as well. It is a somber and sobering thought. The responsibility is huge, almost unbearable, unable to be met. It is a challenge for all of mankind and once we recognize and accept that truth, discard ugliness and the burgeoning disinformation industry, evil will wither and truth, peace will prevail.   

Sounds simple, but we are so manifestly failing at the challenge, so ill equipped to combat its growth, its ugliness. We must raise our efforts, combat this status quo which portends the worst of mankind succeeding. Again. Can we not learn from the past.

With acceptance comes understanding. With that comes peace of a different type than we traditionally define peace, but know that it is comforting, reassuring, and encouraging. What happens now or in the future is on us. We can ameliorate some of the bills, get a discount for bills receivable owed by us -or to us.  

A state of reality much to be desired and attainable if we do make that effort. Will some oppose, fight to the death for their contrary beliefs? Of course. At times they will be more correct but at other times, not. Those times are to be sought and won. It will be hard as we hear the deafening cries of the martyred brothers and sisters, the strong demands within for justifiable revenge. 

It is a stunning ask of humanity, almost a complete reversal of what we have done over the millennia. But we have made strong U-turns before, made starting revelations. We can do it again, but will we?  Difficult, very much so but what is the alternative? War, more war, more hostages, more blood, more and more evil, increasing in level and skill. 

 With sincere efforts, with true allies who will work together to end this hate, this villainy, this horror, to face the truth of what must be done NOW, it can be done. Ugly, yes, but permanent as well. One must turn away from evil, turn our backs to it, defy its temptations.

Then, the peace of knowing we have done what must be done, paid our past dues to the generations preceding us and paid forward our debts to the generations of the future.  

 A peace both comforting, challenging and possible.

We must be strong. We must be together. Lack of unity has destroyed us before. To repeat history is to be ignorant of truths clearly laid out before us.

Yitzy, sweet boy, you must help us with this task. You were so brave on this earth and must do the same up there with the Driver.

Hugs and kisses, Yitzy.

Always and forever. Always and forever.




  Way late bedtime last night and way too early appointment this morning. What's more, way too much to internalize, understand exactly what happened last night as I sat spellbound, listening to, singing along with, a wonderful, gifted singer, full of Emunah, so comforting   to one who has it. Last night is important to me, probably more than I can understand this morning, especially in any kind of rush to digest. I will be on either later in the day, or certainly, there will be a post tomorrow morning. Sorry for any delay, but I truly believe that I had a profound new understanding of things last nite and what happens next, only time and comprehension and yes, even acceptance, will tell. What they will tell, well, see you all a bit  later on.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


  Bet you can guess many times over re the content of today's blog. If you can, then you are ahead of the game with me, for I am not sure of what will emerge from my typing fingers. I did set out with an idea in mind and then a foolish error. I began to skim headlines and lead articles and decided that no one knows for sure anything in this world of ours. No one and nothing. Pretty grim premise is that not. However, take a good look around, check it out and then assess the findings. Can you skip around the room in joyful confidence that our world will be okay, that our problems are surmountable? 

Do you have any idea at all of a good solution to any of the myriad complex issues plaguing the nations of the world? If so, I direct you to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or Mar a Lago or the Kremlin or the Champs Elysee or Berlin or anywhere there are supposed to be people of sufficient stature and weight to raise voices, attract the attention of the world, and present a menu of choices. Yes, sometimes, many times, the options are not exactly tasty or tempting; however, one must begin somewhere, or we will reach an end before we can even begin. That is the worst option of all. Nor can we "start at the very beginning" as the nanny/nun sings in The Sound of Music, for that beginning is fraught with pitfalls and blocks with passage nigh unto impossible at crucial forks in the road. Where to start? Hey, I do not get paid enough to know that or even to suggest that point. However, there are those who can. We simply must find them, overcome their reluctance, hear them, and forge onward in an extremely difficult path, but doable if we set our minds to it. Difficult indeed, as so many of us have already lost our minds, compromised our sanity while ensconced in an evil maelstrom - of our own making! All on us. 

So, anyone ready? Overwhelmed at the very first word, are we? Overload. Tilt! But we cannot call the game because of imbalance. New skills of balance must be formulated, as best they can. These efforts will not be categorized as games, for the survival of the world is at stake, along with exactly what the picture of that survival will be. 

Hints may be found in songs of the world. Perhaps we can even learn to sing them with complete honesty and full-throated enthusiasm. " Acheinu,  kol Beit Yisroel - we are brothers, all of the House of Israel". Do we remember that most times? No, sadly not, until we are forced to recall that familial relationship. Due to an ugly present and the threat of a worse future, we wake up. Too often, too little too late and with but a modicum of commonsense and foresight we might have avoided or lessened the negative impacts upon our world. 

The rest of the world does not get away free of blame. Their holiday songs sing of peace, even as the cadence of marching feet and voices raised in deep throated nationalism belied those songs. Holy Night - for one night in WWI. The world promised to be, of peace and brotherhood, ignored, negated, as 6 million individuals were exterminated, dreams, hopes, love, families - trashed, brutalized. Along with the "collateral' damage.  

 Nor do other religions get off without their earned share of blame. Hindus, Moslems, all talk of peaceful nations, of beliefs good for mankind, along with adherents of Buddha. However, sadly so, there is much lost between the words, the presented translations and meanings, and reality. Constant battles, rivalry, armed weapons. ragged deadly gangs. Always and forever, competition and hate between and among religion adherents who present themselves as men and women of peace but are most empathically not. So, was Marx correct in his defiance and evaluation of religion? I think not, for it is not religion per se but the very faulty misinterpretation, misuse of the precepts and tenets of religion which are at fault, yet another fault to lay at the feet of those responsible - be it via definite purpose, error, of simple stupidity and venality. Take your choice. The results are the same.  

Now, on to the world as a whole. Have we not yet learned that we are one. If those oft suspected ETs actually do arrive, they will target ALL of us, not Americans, or Arabs, or agnostics, Jews or Christians of whatever sect - but all humans, period. Our nations are so interwoven that I wonder why we have not reached an understanding of that critical reality. How are nations to wage war when the raw materials for producing armaments are to be found and purchased from an enemy nation! Stalemate!     Back to clubs and spears and sharpened stones. Is that better??

 The war between the Israelis and World Jewry, ever so graciously invited into the bloody chaos and horror instigated by our Semitic cousins, the power grabs and greed of their leaders. Will there ever be peace there? I wish it were so. I wish we could all sit down together and sing of the time when truly, the swords are melted, repurposed, to plowshares and such. I wish, but do others? Are we enough?  What and where are the answers to set forth? I have none. Nor, apparently, do others. The blame game, the numbers games, the aggrieved, oh so righteous voices of religious fanatics, of crazed nationalists and isolationists, the demented voices of self-appointed wannabe dictators and their numb supporters, the inane enforcers of kerchiefs -where does it end -if ever? Will we ever become that United Federation of the movies? Another pipe dream?  

Bonnie Tyler sings, "we need a hero"- and we surely do. Of the Don Quixote type or the George Washington or Eleanor Roosevelt or can we mix and match and acknowledge and accept that all heroes have feet of clay, and we must work with them rather than against.   

If there is to be a better present and a good future, we must come to our senses. No other viable option. None, as I see it. But then again, I am one old lady, so what the hell do I know. Apparently, more than some of our supposed leaders do!

Wake up, folks, wake up before the alarm is turned off for good. 

Yitzy, you remain the wonderful, sweet boy we knew and so love.

Always and forever, always and forever.

Monday, January 22, 2024


 I was not clever enough to come up with that phrase; it came via a conversation between two people, one of them writing of it in an essay about Victor Klemperer and his lifetime of avoiding his Judaism, then forced to accept it, deny it though he might, and a lesson hard learned and harder earned. Yet, the question remains. Did he finally understand its wider implications and did others as well, or are too many of us wishing, praying, trying to be that "palatable Jew" tolerated by non-Jews, able to hide in plain sight as quietly as possible, downplaying their Judaism more and more as the times grew and continues to grow, in leaps and bounds, tougher and rougher, more open, and quite frankly, ever more frightening, more so than I, certainly, have felt before, along with so many, many others. 

What is a palatable Jew? One that is acceptable   to the public at large, able to be grudgingly accepted within the boundaries of society, though ever on the outer limits, almost permanent outliers, accepted with strong limitations and hesitations. they, in turn, always morph into accusations born of rigid denseness, permanent hatred, impossible to be believed, and yet, here they are, again, flaunted, cheered, in a supposedly civilized, advanced society. Uh huh!

Scratch the surface of the majority of people out there and see what comes to the surface, hidden, now not so much, and is routinely becoming part and parcel of conversations in loud voice, in conversational tones, tinged with the acridity of hate, the delight in expressing openly that which heretofore had been verboten. Oh, the blessed luxury to be free, to engage openly in spreading hate, inciting hate, even violence. Such a wonderful country, a beautiful world. Yes indeed. 

What makes a Jew palatable? No clue, not at all, other than for one to stay out of notice of public eye, cut ties to Judaism and Jewish relations and friends, avoid synagogue like a plague. Forget the menorah, the succah, the seder with neighbors and friends. Discount anything and everything hinting of Jewishness and then, perhaps, a slight perhaps,   you will be spared, at least for a while, the consequences which others will face for the crime of being a Jew, for being one who refuses to hide, who refuses to cave, who insists that as always Jews will survive the worst thrown at them. They will defy all the invective, the unwanted attempts to interrupt and interfere in Israeli internal politics, to deny Jews, Israel common rights granted to all people, to all nations.

Why is it, I wonder, in rage, that the entire world, down to school boards in the most insignificant hamlets feel it is their right, even their god given   duty to comment, to vote on the Israel-Hamas war? Do they do this as a routine with other issues? Are their votes taken re Sudan, now collapsing once again into chaos, where children are actually starving skeletons, not working with miraculous two-day delineations? Wherefore and why are the Jews different? No answer makes sense other than the residual, ever there, never dying, embers and flames of hate, of Jew hatred, of joy in legally accepted and cheered on words of violence and vitriol. Ugly words and even uglier acts of bloodshed.

Why, again? Because people have a nasty core within which must be resisted for the temporary, guilty joy it emits and pay more attention to the permanent harm it ignites and refreshes with combustibles, real people, who until then were their neighbors, their bosses, their subordinates, the kids' playmates. 

Nope, the palatable, tolerable, correct Jew no longer. Literally, it is off with their heads not via a demented Queen of Hearts but via the actual legislators and voices of people who have bought into this ugliness, this horrifying existential threat.

Does anybody out there care? Other than Jews? Is there anybody else out there who can maintain proper viewpoints, devoid of acid eating away at souls of haters and bodies of the hated? Who will openly brave the ugly currents of history and stand up for what is right, the moral way of life? Are there? Will they? I know there are. I know them personally, as concerned as I am, as all other Jews are, or should be. Will that be enough? Sure as hell was not in WWII and the very open years preceding the official outbreak of war. Why will. would, it be different now? No actual true base upon which to base this hope, other than the stubborn bird of hope which always manages to remain safe, even if hidden for a long time.       

Think I am overplaying the daily state of affairs?  Here a few statements overheard, in the open, no sotto voce, no shame, simply expressing common thoughts and feelings. Then the ever-present article wailing for the Palestinians, the same ones who hosted their unwilling guests, who murdered with great glee, now claiming civilian status, immune to consequences they instigated!! Articles accusing Israel of terrible crimes, ironically, genocide - to the nation so horrified, terrorized, still bleeding from the wounds of genocide inflicted upon them. 

Evidently, they never read the speech of Shylock as he demanded answers as to why Jews are treated differently. Are they not humans, who bleed, who see, who live lives. Are our present Jews and Israelis any different. Why are our losses   minimized or discounted? Are we to always be forced to cede our futures to hate, to see our children smashed against walls and then say thank you for that privilege!! Are we not permitted to mourn our kids, our spouses, our parents, our grandparents, our friends, our people? Are we constantly to be forced to see our kid's march off to war, that which we attempted to avoid time and time again, and then when we defend ourselves, we are condemned for that? Is it not permissible, even required, to defend our citizens and hope for peace. Hear our music and you will listen to songs yearning for peace, not the war crazed liturgy of our opponents.  

Why are we supposed to live, to accept this: 

Constant disruption of life, and endangerment of others as in Sundance, as in blocking roads and bridges, in attacking government buildings;

increased swatting threats,

two young women are chatting on a crowded bus. They are 19 or 20 years of age. They discuss shopping for a while and then move on to their next topic. 

“Don’t the Jews make you feel sick? People are finally seeing them for what they are … They are getting their comeuppance …”

...two men are walking down a busy street, talking loudly within earshot of passers-by. The conversation is led by a smartly dressed man in his late 40s. He too is talking about “The Jews”. He is unabashed. “The Jews, the Jews … it’s because the Jews." 
Officials in education, within government refusing to accuse people of instigating riots and of spreading antisemitism, actually now fierce Jew Hatred.

 Folks, I have no death wish, do not wish to be reminded by others that I am a Jew. I well know that and well know my history, personal and nationwide. I know the truth. I know the future.  I know we have outlasted all attempts to exterminate us. Well, we are here and here we will remain. I am a proud Jew as all Jews should be.
The hell with haters.
The hell with cowards.
The hell with all closet antisemites.

Yitzy, this page is not for you, of the pure soul. But always and forever, sweet boy. Always and forever.


Sunday, January 21, 2024


 And so it goes, on and on and on, apparently, in the words of an 'American hero', - "to Infinity and beyond". No more absolutes to be accepted as lingua franca, a common language enabling those of differing languages to communicate; instead, we are to accept qualifications to determine the acceptability of unvarnished truths, and revise as is deemed necessary or convenient. For example, a harmless one, is a child caught with crumbs around the mouth, chocolate stains on fingers, and an open cookie jar who then denies all guilt, instead, blaming it on that mysterious poltergeist living on the premises.   

However, when the guilt, apparent, blatant, sealed in screams and blood, is denied and a contextual but is added to the script, we then have an example par excellence of a "yes, but..." scenario. Specifically, the example of when the obvious, glaring, crime of genocide, to be universally condemned, suddenly is not, as the parentheses enter the fray. Suddenly, the 'yes but' theory of human behavior acceptability is wrested forcefully, onto a new path. Genocide can be urged, glorified, denied, whatever works, unless accompanied with the bloody knife, said action repeated endlessly. Maybe... for who knows what creative minds can accomplish when actively seeking justification for something never to be justified. Ever. Yes, but... 

Thus, we arrive at current reality. It is permissible to commit bloody carnage upon civilians on a holiday morning, if claims of genocide, fake, but convenient, are skillfully inserted into the yes, but theory governing human behavior.   Plain sight misdeeds excused via   application of said yes, but   justification. 

It is the violent, rapid, threatening growth of   antisemitism, accepted, championed, touted, followed, then accompanied, by bloody carnage and massacre.  Behavior worthy of condemnation, always, is instead recommended, as deserved consequences. Yes, but in flying colors, bright and glaring within the darkness where it resides. The reality of virulent Jew Hatred. A hatred which demands its rations in blood, in the forever echoing screams of the burned child, hearing anguished grandparents, the terrified lost seeking haven, never to be found. Anywhere. A vile, toxic, virulent to be found, hatred, never shown the door, but is instead treated as an honored guest. 

Hence the rapidly fading acceptance of Israel's response, its duty to protect its civilian's, rescue them, the   accreditation and approval of the Oct 7 invasion by thousands of terrorists with a planned, longed for attack on the very same neighbors who had extended hands of welcome, hearts to dwell within, aid, mutual dreams, generously shared - and butcher them, using carefully planned schedules and commands. Glaringly, a crime wrong forever, yet, yes but. Again.  

These friends were declared guilty of  living on land the  Palestinians claimed as  theirs,  for occupying Gaza, impoverishing it, even as Israel had unilaterally pulled out in 2005, and Hamas  stole the government and proceeded to mire Gazans in deep poverty as Hamas stole supplies, embezzled funds, ate the food, ruined the prosperous  economy  the Israelis had left behind, all for the construction of tunnels meant to ease the path and blood capability in times of attacks  and outright war. A treacherous deed indeed, yet, yes, but - so commended by the world, so 'understood' within that yes, but world of wrong equals right and peace is war. Until every last Jew on earth is exterminated. Clearly stated in their documents and reiterated time and time again. And again. Again. 

The following are not my words, though they are my thoughts, my feelings. They emanate from a very wise and dignified man, the Chief Rabbi of England. He is a man of the same vintage I had pictured a future Yitzy. He or the preceding Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, brilliant, compassionate. Maybe we need to import their wisdom to the USA, as our leaders, secular and religious are falling way short of the goal, whatever religion or school of political thought they espouse. 

 "... the misappropriation of the word “genocide” was an affront to the victims and the survivors of the Holocaust...“It is a term deployed not only to eradicate any notion that Israel has a responsibility to protect its citizens, but also to tear open the still gaping wound of the Holocaust, knowing that it will inflict more pain than any other accusation,” 

“We have watched in horror as people have rushed to invoke the crime of genocide – some within days of Oct 7. Fringe academics and their partisan cheerleaders have selectively quoted Israeli politicians to paint a picture of a country bent on annihilation.

“The enthusiastic clamour by some to declare it as something which belongs in a different moral category to the many other just wars with horrific humanitarian consequences, represents a moral failure built upon a foundation of hatred and disinformation.”

“It should be obvious that if Israel’s objectives were genocidal, it could have used its military strength to level Gaza in a matter of days.

“Instead, it is placing the lives of its own soldiers at risk in its ground operations, securing humanitarian corridors and providing civilians with advance notice of its operations, even to the detriment of its military objectives.”

Read the words and understand the thoughts, the concerns. Always remember there are no limits to the bloody ever hungry appetite of Hate. It forever needs to feed, and it matters not to that hungry mouth who you are, your religion, your political stance, your nationality, your position in society. All are grist for the mill. No exceptions.

Where, Yitzy, are we to turn for counsel and advice, for wise leaders, in the future. Where are we to find them if the One Above keeps taking them away,as He did to you.

You are so missed, so loved, Yitzy. Always there in  our daily tears.

Always and forever.

Friday, January 19, 2024


  Imagine the worst scenario. The United States of America has declared war on the State of Israel. Grounds for that declaration? After increasing daylight between the traditional partnership of the USA and Israel, the split has developed into   a bottomless crevasse. Now that nation, the USA, has declared war on the Jewish State of Israel unless they accede to the following conditions.  

The USA demands an immediate end to the Israel-Hamas War, without laying blame on either side.

Furthermore, Israeli forces must withdraw to the very last soldier, all combatants and intelligence   personnel. Immediately.  Said withdrawal is to be halted at the distance of five miles from the current recognized border (pre-war). 

Any and all Israeli townships within that new five mile gap must be evacuated until such time when final settlement areas, if any remain, and agreements signed.    

 The declaration of a permanent split, or long-term, between said nations shall remain in place and operational until such a time when sufficient humanitarian aid is allowed free entry into Gaza with more gates made available with all possible speed.  

 All Gazans who wish to return, are encouraged to return, will have the right of free movement within the borders of current Gaza. Any changes will be made permanent upon the signing of the final agreement. 

It is to be noted that any violation with this process will be fined accordingly and face military consequences. Supervisory troops from Arab/Moslem lands will enforce cooperation among all parties concerned.

From the date of the public announcement of this Declaration as in effect, until the time of final signing of the final Document of Agreement, any and all Israelis who cannot or will not live in peace within the anticipated one state solution, are encouraged to remove themselves, emigrate into such countries willing to receive them. There they will live in patrolled tent cities, encampments and remain in place until a final disposition plan is formulated and enacted. Prediction of when such a time would be is not available at this time.    

Finally, all people registered as Israeli citizens who plan emigration, must renounce that status and accept papers declaring them to be stateless refugees. All dual citizens of any country must, is required to make a decision as to which country they will claim citizenship. A deadline for that decision and the consequences will be made clear at the pertinent time.

Finally, all hostages remaining alive since time of capture, a time they now acknowledge to be a time of rescue and enlightenment, have voluntarily apologized for their egregious offense of living on stolen Palestinian lands. Their former identities will not be revealed and know that all who died, were killed by Israeli aggressive, criminal strikes. 

 Renouncing their former lives and identities, they have been adopted into loving families. They request that all former friends and relations, all press to not contact them.  

We make one further announcement for those seeking further information re the two redhead boys -while their parents were killed as a result of Israeli aggression, the two boys have been adopted into a prominent Palestinian/Moslem family, are happy and content.   

That is all for now.   

Think this is not within the realm of possibility?Think the current growing, violent Jew hatred will pass, will die down or be rejected. 


Think again. Be aware. Be truthful with yourself. 

Remember who you are. 

Where you came from.

Beware of hypocrites and false hearts and minds

Know who are your true brothers and sisters.


Yitzy, sweet boy, always and forever.

Thursday, January 18, 2024


  Thousands of dead, many injured, and yet the dangerous and deadly farce goes on. The world tsk, tsks re the slaughter of civilians, yes, Jews, but still...and then the standard to be expected reaction, reversing those pathetic shadows of concern and understanding, and falling, running, leaping, with relief, into the more comfortable role  of criticizers of Israel, by extension the rest of Jewry all over the world and here we are. One sick joke after another. Again, and again.  Cruel and sadistic teasers re the hostages as the people of Israel, as Jews all over the world, wait, wait, and wait some more. Are those two adorable Bilbas babies dead? Yes, says my gut and heart, even as the unrealistic hope remains - maybe, maybe. 

Are those elderly so desperately in need of medication, alive, after 105 days of brutal captivity? No light. No air. Barely any food at all. Barely any water. Dragged pillar to post, held as shields for the cowardly Hamas leaders. The beautiful young ladies remaining in captivity, civilians or just inducted, cadets, of the army - so what the hell do you think happened, is happening to them. Read, listen, to the statement of those released and know the truth. Know the  truth and acknowledge it. Impregnation after repeated assault, and then forced marriage and a lifetime of slavery.  Sick  jokes proliferate, do they not!?

One thousand times the meds sent to hostages was the price and we gained zilch other than handing tools for healing their wounded, to kill again.   Absolutely no proof allowed, no useless Red Cross, no proof at all. Leaders? The jumped-up King of Jordan? The pathetic PLA?  Saudi Arabia?  Qatar? No one around, is there?

 The joke is on them, at the inevitable end, for here we are, and here we will stay. 

Sick jokes, playing on the fears and hopes of a sick mother, of anguished families, of a nation yearning to see its brothers and sisters home, where they belong. The entire sick joke of Jewish continuity, the ever present attempts to destroy them, martyrs galore through the millennia.    

We humans are sick jokes as we continue this awful situation. Are there innocent Palestinians in Gazza - possibly, though not probably. Fed with hatred from birth to death, what else can we expect? It is a culture of death, celebrating the spilling of blood. They 'host' tunnel entrances and exits, store arms beneath their child's bed. They dress as civilians, all the better to kill and claim innocence. Fake pictues used as 'proof' of death, even as one sees a wiggle beneath theeever present white sheets. 

Sick jokes, again and again, with Jewish dead, hurt, disappeared, swept under the rug, discounted. Jews who seek to downplay their Judaism, past their sell by dates - sick jokes, all of it, all of them. Discounting the strong connections between all Jews, uncovering them within a brief conversation.            WE ARE FAMILY.

 Not the superficial Sledge version, but a deeper than deep relationship, since Abraham and down to the last Jew on earth, G-d forbid.

A thousand times the medicine. Three times the people. Jews are used to this kind of blackmail, one way or another, in a chain through the millennia. But thte joke is on the oppressors, the haters, as here we are and here, we remain, outlasting powerful empires and ambitions to destroy us.     e  The real joke is on the haters, those who plan without understanding history. Too bad for them.

Even as I wish the Lord Above would come into the fray a tad earlier, so as to avoid death and anguish and grief.

We are used to always and always is our ally.

Sick jokes have endings and then the joke is on those who wish to use them for nefarious reasons.

Always is the answer.

And always are my hugs and kisses for my sweet Yitzy, so missed, so loved.

Always and forever.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 Have you noticed the evolving definition of words, their abandonment, and the rise of yet another definition. The newer definition is far more friendly to the new definer than before. Exciting, don't you think? Who ever thought the dictionary and the thesaurus would be at the forefront of our exciting times, champions of the evolving, or actually devolving, society. 

At times the situation is so dynamic that one cannot sleep, cannot rest peacefully in bed as one anticipates the exciting changes of the day to come, the cutting edge of societal reform. Lordy, lordy, what might they be? Woke. Colonization. Capital oppression and repression. Have and have-nots. Islamophobia. Defense and offense. Separation of Church and State. Religious interference. Truth itself. Evangelicalism. Whew!! Hard to keep a steady heartbeat in the face of this over the top excitement and change. Gotta' take a breather.

Words now mesh with viewpoints. Civil rights have morphed into words denying civil rights. Attention to truth and definition of sense bow before the utility of word and its newly declared proper definition and usage. Whatever works, right? In this day of dwindling resources why waste anything, in particular the hot air emanating from the blowhards, the newly minted and crowned Websters and Rogets.  Definitely exciting times.

 One calling for the release of hostages now 'dying' so conveniently, after 100 days of tortured captivity. Where a rape leads to a pregnancy, forced marriage, and a child lost forever to a grieving family. Forever. The acceptable definition of inhumanity and war crime, dependent upon changed definitions emerging so quickly, so obviously perverted, that it is nigh unto impossible to keep track of them. When defense of a nation's citizens is deemed genocide. When 'contextual' becomes the go to excuse for crimes against humanity, for instigating a horrid state of affairs.  When victim is deemed oppressor. When a brutal attack on civilians becomes a war crime against the invaders, who call it a good day when thousands are killed, mutilated, abused, ripped out of life or from families and nation.

How to explain to our frightened kids, our elders, so terrified that the worst so fully portrayed on screens, will not take place in their own circumscribed world. Deny? Really? When that same child of even modest brain power reads a paper reporting on the latest bombing, shooting, invasion, the rampage of violence at their synagogue, a home for prayer, the calls for peace common in the liturgy. In fact, and in truth, how do we assure ourselves that our once upon a time refuge, finally, a safe haven, has now turned on us, savagely, rabidly, with blame falling upon us, while the savages of society shred that certainty. Besiege and invade hospitals. Interfere with the lives of so many. Challenges society to speak up, and society is silent, afraid to do so lest they and their families become active targets. As these clearly murderous hate filed rabid creatures are to become the next generation to assume political power. In our lifetime, our   lifetime. OUR lifetime. Think about that. Then cry. Then understand the fear of your kids. Then act! Speak out. Defend yourself and your own. Do not remove yourself from the equation, for you are, by default, part of it.

For the confused, do not conflate Jew hatred with Islamophobia. Take a look at the data and count. Use true numbers and mathematical rules and know which word describes daily life for so many. Know why these terms are linked together, wrongly, yet so often, so believed and a sop to those who claim grievances - of their own making. Ever so much fun to reanimate, with violent overtones, the old tropes of blood libel, communism and capitalism at the same times, of societal paralysis and extremism, at the evil desires and leers directed at your womenfolk. 

Finally, understand the truth of the Israel-Hamas War: The Jewish settlements in the Gaza Envelope were generally small villages, with many leftists, who engaged with their   neighbors, employing them, befriending them, taking them to medical care- while all the while these false friends were planning violence, to swamp them, to shed their blood, to envelope them in violence of such degree that it would shock the world. For about three whole minutes. Merely some more Jews slaughtered for the crime of being Jewish. 

The viciousness was compounded as the attack came on a double holiday early morning, when folks were sleeping, defenseless, not expecting attack, for these were neighbors, friends.

All civilians were treated equally, all targets to be destroyed one way or another, to be humiliated, tortured, debased, raped, burned, to serve the proper role of Jews - to be slaughtered at will. If not killed, then drag them over the border to serve as a hostage, to blackmail Israel, a nation which values its people, who has gone to the ends of the world to rescue them  over and over again. 

Those dead bodies, just grab them too, as they are also coins of the realm to these criminally insane members of Hamas.

These animals cloaked in human skin attacked first.

They placed their armies and arms, their tunnel entrances and exits in civilian areas, buildings, hospitals, children's rooms, wherever they pleased for the lives of others were of no import to them. Merely to serve the nefarious ambitions of Hamas leaders.

Hence the new definition of waging war -one cannot kill a single enemy in that defense, for then it becomes a war crime, proof of a desired genocide.  

 All the fault of the invaded, the one whose integrity was abused, destroyed, ignored as clouds of blood and screams of agony rent the sky. How dare they try to defend themselves and hurt civilians - placed in situations of danger by their own muck a mucks. So smug as the world took them at their words of falsehood, their crocodile tears, while nary an emaciated, dehydrated dried up naked and/or filthy person to be seen in the pictures of Gaza, while  awaiting the imminent finally arriving miraculous 'two days' before disaster, which never has arrived, over 50 delays with no end in sight.     

Wow!! A marvel of modern times.

Yitzy, sweet boy, yesterday I spent quite a bit of time thinking  of you, looking at pictures and cried.  Silently down here on earth, but hopefully rent the  heavens, awoke that Person with whom I have several bones to pick. 

 I hope you are well up there. I hope you have indeed made contact with the family awaitng, to greet you, to envelope you into their cloud of love.

Miss you so much. 

Hugs and kisses forever. Always.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 I  guess my shall we say dislike of math has carried over into elder statesman territory as I simply am finding myself to be a dunderhead when it comes to figuring out the new math. In the old math, whatever was done to one side of the equation must be done to the other, to find some equality or formula which made sense. That was an easy rule to follow, even when dressed up with accompanying additions. However, the new math, particualarly when applied to any mathematics involving Jews, well whoops! I am lost in the same desert as was Moshe and it appears to be that I will never understand it no matter how long I live. In a sense I am  esigned to the built in inequality. Millennia of faulty math has engraved these inequalities into my very being and understanding of the world as it is, rather than it should be. (sigh)

How pray does one Israeli, ripped form his/her life, forcefully, brutally, often with a shredded family left behind, then tortured, mistreated, equate to at a minimum, three Palestinian terrorists. How? It does not make sense. Particularly as these terrorists will recycle themselves into the murder forum, eager as always to repeat said actions, over and over again. The bloodlust never sated.

In addition (a math term I am familiar with), we area to compile another weird equation when further prisoners of Hamas are to be redeemed via a stranger equation. Here, one Israeli is worth five, or six or 3,000, whatever the new math demands. In fact, dead bodies, mistreated in life and in death, are to have the value of thousands of live terrorists, eager, champing at the bit to kill some more. 

Now while I have no argument re the fact that one Israeli is worth countless Palestinian terrorists, or civilians, oh so innocent, it simply does not stand up to reason. It simply is a fact, part of the insane policies, these mad murderers follow, ignorant, violent, with malice aforethought, meant for all  time. One spokesman deemed a moderate; stated, calmly, that the time for the Jews has passed and it is now the time of the Palestinians, hence the eviction notice sent or delivered via Hamas.

Hate to burst their bubble - now that was a lie - but Israel, the people and the state, the Diaspora Jews, have no plan whatsoever to relinquish this land. Never and a day before that happens. This ancient homeland of Jews remains with us, others of all religions and ethnicities welcome as long as they obey the law and contribute to the nation. Upstart violent behavior will not win them land, only restrictions in the name of safety for all others. When they kill huge numbers at a bus top, there are non-Jews there as well. What is their point, other than sheer indulgence in anger ginned up by those who are in position to gain power and amass filthy money. Stained by, reeking of the copper smell of blood shed in vain, for needless cause, for no reason. For power and the acquisition of filthy blood stained money, even as they live in luxury and their benighted followers fight in dust and rubble. 

Their other achievement of which they boast - the slaughter of Jews, is baseless. Despite the world gone nuts, indulging in rampant antisemitism again, vociferously, urging violence. They plot to  take over wherever and whatever they can, to disrupt all they can, - there is no point. Certainly, no endpoint unless they lay down their arms and commit to peaceful negotiation and reasonable neighborhood relationships.  

What is the point of it all, when it is a hopeless and pointless fight. The logic in their twisted equations is perverse. How does one measure the result           when the equation is one which tortures a mother dying of brain cancer, begging only to see, to hold her daughter one more time before death. Showing is not touching.  This is not human. This is savagery of the worst kind at the highest - or lowest - level.

What is the balance of an equation which involves raping, impregnating and forced, involuntary marriage to a terrorist. What is this!!! This is neither normal nor advanced mathematics. The values are skewed, impossible to balance. The values of the numbers ae hidden beneath layers and layers of lies and more lies.  Truth, honesty, honor, humanity are far, far away.

My mind is sickened, and my soul blackened by their filth.

Yitzy, you need to be far away from them and their abomination. You know my message to you.

Monday, January 15, 2024


 Such is the status of trips to the Middle East according to 'authorities'. I just love that amorphous authority which apparently has superpowers giving it the ability to mess around in myriad assorted areas of concern. As the ability to love growing numbers of children, so too does the 'authority' expand as needed. Always that vague 'authority' weighing in with varying words of wisdom. 

That amorphous 'authority' resembles the 'everybody' answer given by a child when questioned as to who else is involved. That vague, defensive answer of 'everybody' fades into the air when asked to individualize that 'everybody'.  Mostly accompanied with the ever so helpful addition of "asked to remain anonymous as in "no permission to share the data has been given". Quite reassuring, so concerned are these authorities as they work diligently to violate directives. It does give rise to the wonder and concern re what else have they violated or shared under the name of 'authority'. I guess only the Shadow knows the details, and he ain't talking!

 What other pieces of information are we so generously being gifted by said anonymous authorities? Why anything your sweet little self needs to know. You know, merely to scratch the itch, to 'know', so dial up those convenient authorities please. Thank you so much.

Now wise authorizes are graciously informing us of the status of tickets to that embattled area. Could we not have deduced that oh so startling fact ourselves? Guess not but not to worry, for here come those so helpful authorities, like the Clanton Boys or the Jesse James crew, folk heroes, always there when needed. Kinda like Batman, but without the Bat signal. We are so blessed!

What we are not given is a proper interpretation or additional data which would in fact, be far more helpful. If true, then why are tickets to Israel scarce on the ground - or air? Why? Because, as usual, in the dire moments of need, the airlines   delay, cancel, reschedule. ElAl and its branches are the only ones flying. 

Why? Because it is the lifeline of Israel. The transportation for those stubborn Jews who continue to return from the Diaspora, rejoining units, or who volunteer, pack food and clothing for the army as these kids are family - nuclear, expanded and tribal. Evacuated to places of safety, the barrages of rockets aimed specifically into civilian areas, killing, like yesterday.

 Towns reduced to rubble as well, some still stained with the blood and pieces of flesh and bone, aftermaths of the brutal Oct 7 massacre. As the enemy, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. send children armed with explosives into the fire, and - they get burned! Rocket science that is not, but hey, good publicity for Hamas as they whine about their innocent children. The same age as our chdren,18and 19. Conscripted right out of high school. Babies. A tad older than the real babies Hamas killed in their savage rampage through the small villages they swarmed, ravenous rabid wolves, crazed with bloodlust and plans of wild and vicious sex, gender, age - what the hell!      Ask the authorities, for they know. They know, oh yes.    

A crazed Jew, apparently driven off track by the events, the horror, now screams against his very own people, the refuge which awaits him should there arise that need. He is correct in screaming, albeit at the wrong target. Would that we could put down our arms and return home. We cannot, until such time when the foe which initiated this war, puts down its arms and ceases making war upon us. He who initiated this must be the one who ends it.       

Send the hostages home, alive or dead, no excuses and return all bodies and people held until now.  Send those babies home!!!  That is the choice.  Fight and we fight back. No more cancelation. No more transfer. No more. We will return fire. We will avenge our dead. Wherever. Whenever.

Ask authorities about that. 

Return our hostages - all of them. No cruel game. No excuses. All bodies.  

Stop this crap. Stop it. and we stop too.

But we will defend. We will fight back. We will win.

No other option, for we have no other home.


Am Yisroel la netzach! The nation of Israel will be forever.

Am Yisroel chai. The nation of Israel lives.

  Go find an authority and question.  

All the while, I wonder. Is Yitzy better off? Possible, though his family and friends miss him.  We struggle to understand and accept.  

Hugs and kisses my golden boy.  

Always and forever, Yitzy. Always.