Monday, January 15, 2024


 Such is the status of trips to the Middle East according to 'authorities'. I just love that amorphous authority which apparently has superpowers giving it the ability to mess around in myriad assorted areas of concern. As the ability to love growing numbers of children, so too does the 'authority' expand as needed. Always that vague 'authority' weighing in with varying words of wisdom. 

That amorphous 'authority' resembles the 'everybody' answer given by a child when questioned as to who else is involved. That vague, defensive answer of 'everybody' fades into the air when asked to individualize that 'everybody'.  Mostly accompanied with the ever so helpful addition of "asked to remain anonymous as in "no permission to share the data has been given". Quite reassuring, so concerned are these authorities as they work diligently to violate directives. It does give rise to the wonder and concern re what else have they violated or shared under the name of 'authority'. I guess only the Shadow knows the details, and he ain't talking!

 What other pieces of information are we so generously being gifted by said anonymous authorities? Why anything your sweet little self needs to know. You know, merely to scratch the itch, to 'know', so dial up those convenient authorities please. Thank you so much.

Now wise authorizes are graciously informing us of the status of tickets to that embattled area. Could we not have deduced that oh so startling fact ourselves? Guess not but not to worry, for here come those so helpful authorities, like the Clanton Boys or the Jesse James crew, folk heroes, always there when needed. Kinda like Batman, but without the Bat signal. We are so blessed!

What we are not given is a proper interpretation or additional data which would in fact, be far more helpful. If true, then why are tickets to Israel scarce on the ground - or air? Why? Because, as usual, in the dire moments of need, the airlines   delay, cancel, reschedule. ElAl and its branches are the only ones flying. 

Why? Because it is the lifeline of Israel. The transportation for those stubborn Jews who continue to return from the Diaspora, rejoining units, or who volunteer, pack food and clothing for the army as these kids are family - nuclear, expanded and tribal. Evacuated to places of safety, the barrages of rockets aimed specifically into civilian areas, killing, like yesterday.

 Towns reduced to rubble as well, some still stained with the blood and pieces of flesh and bone, aftermaths of the brutal Oct 7 massacre. As the enemy, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. send children armed with explosives into the fire, and - they get burned! Rocket science that is not, but hey, good publicity for Hamas as they whine about their innocent children. The same age as our chdren,18and 19. Conscripted right out of high school. Babies. A tad older than the real babies Hamas killed in their savage rampage through the small villages they swarmed, ravenous rabid wolves, crazed with bloodlust and plans of wild and vicious sex, gender, age - what the hell!      Ask the authorities, for they know. They know, oh yes.    

A crazed Jew, apparently driven off track by the events, the horror, now screams against his very own people, the refuge which awaits him should there arise that need. He is correct in screaming, albeit at the wrong target. Would that we could put down our arms and return home. We cannot, until such time when the foe which initiated this war, puts down its arms and ceases making war upon us. He who initiated this must be the one who ends it.       

Send the hostages home, alive or dead, no excuses and return all bodies and people held until now.  Send those babies home!!!  That is the choice.  Fight and we fight back. No more cancelation. No more transfer. No more. We will return fire. We will avenge our dead. Wherever. Whenever.

Ask authorities about that. 

Return our hostages - all of them. No cruel game. No excuses. All bodies.  

Stop this crap. Stop it. and we stop too.

But we will defend. We will fight back. We will win.

No other option, for we have no other home.


Am Yisroel la netzach! The nation of Israel will be forever.

Am Yisroel chai. The nation of Israel lives.

  Go find an authority and question.  

All the while, I wonder. Is Yitzy better off? Possible, though his family and friends miss him.  We struggle to understand and accept.  

Hugs and kisses my golden boy.  

Always and forever, Yitzy. Always.

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