Tuesday, November 30, 2021


  It is like wandering around in a totally befogged world, not knowing, not able, to discern the exit, to distinguish its outline in the heavy mist. Plans are made, laws are invoked, yet nothing happens as one seems to negate the other. Progress is stalled, even retreats, and the people are caught in the middle, hapless dolls with uncaring people working the strings of control.

Evidently there is great concern re the independence of an individual. Certainly, his/her rights, are to be respected. However, a strange thing happens. It appears that rights are defined differently among the various issues. Each individual is apparently allowed to own as many guns and rifles and to abrogate that right in the name of sanity and safety apparently violates the rights of others. Obviously, we should not mind if we sacrifice people in the name of that right! Even rules of sanity, restricting ownership of guns among the violent, criminal and mentally ill are anathema. Personal rights! All the way, to the bitter end. Despite yet another school shooting. Despite another workplace shooting. Despite it all.

And yet here is a puzzling facet on the issue of rights. Seemingly, women are not entitled to the same level of individual liberties and rights. Certainly, women are too feeble in mind and body to be able, allowed, capable, to make decisions  regarding their own bodies. Certainly, they cannot decide on abortions. Certainly, they should not have access to paid for contraception. Certainly, men should make their lives most difficult. Abortion is called the most destabilizing factor of society by Pence. More single parent families. Looser sex. And all sorts of nasty things. Single parent, poor families are only increased if abortion is denied, and so sad as society's safety net has been shrinking. More hungry kids. More homeless. More sick and damaged adults and children. More unwanted   children foisted upon unwilling parents. Not a good picture, is it? As if sex outside of the standard formats never took place prior to abortions. As if abortions never took place, disregarding the horrific deaths due to improper, unsanitary abortions. Of course, none of that matters as the father never had to pay a price for any of it, simply walking away. The rights of the individual, so sacred - but not for women. So hypocritical.

A national emergency in the nation, in the world. A crisis which would better be served via mandatory vaccination, eliminating the horrific numbers of the ill, the dying and the lonely, hard deaths. The financial cost. The cost to people working with the dying. But nope! False information is dispersed re the vaccine, people refuse to take it and endanger the lives of others. Evidently in this case, the rights of the individual take precedence over the common, most sensible path for the good of the many.

Nor should the presumed right of an individual take precedence over the safety of the nation, the means to prevent any and all attempts to overthrow the legitimate government of the country. And yet that is the argument being presented by the lawyers for Trump, that he could boldly plan to negate the election he lost simply because he could- or so he and others thought, traitors one and all. His rights do not, never ever, take precedence over the sitting President and the safety of this nation, its integrity.

If we are to tread safely and confidently into the future, we must, absolutely must, decide on where individual rights conflict with the rights of society, its safety and continuity. If we do not, well, we will lose all rights, both as individual and as a healthy, properly functioning society.

And yet gain, a decision we must make, enforce, for it is upon us. It is said that we get the leaders we deserve, the society we desire and doesn't that say a whole bunch.

he only clear way at present to defeat it. But apparently, the rights ofthe individual count for more in this casem rather thanthe common good.


  A previously unheard-of term, certainly, at least for non-weather mavens, is defined as a "relatively long, narrow regions in the atmosphere – like rivers in the sky – that transport most of the water vapor outside of the tropics. These columns of vapor move with the weather, carrying an amount of water vapor roughly equivalent to the average flow of water at the mouth of the Mississippi River."  A whole bunch of water. Enough, evidently, to swamp huge areas of the country again and again. Kinda' like the atmospheric river of confusion and even panic that is swamping the democratic process in so many countries of the world' Joined with other issues of the world, we have a massive atmospheric mess surrounding us in every direction.

The question is, what do we do about it? Do we simply take reactive measures, blowing up the rafts, taking rowing lessons, buying the waders of a fisherman, or do we take proactive measures, perhaps not avoiding all the damage anticipated but indeed preventing some, allowing for a better rescue and partial amelioration of problems?

Who determines what proactive and reactive measures are worthwhile? Aha!! The problem in a nutshell. Over the years of the previous administration nothing was done re anything other than tax breaks for the rich and developing hostility among our friends. The USA was looked upon with concern and dismay, as the President was more concerned with the finances of his business, his personal disaster of a life wherein he was being sued on every front, his golf standing, and a determination to be a do nothing, avoiding anything that might be considered a positive step.

The confusion grew apace with no sane national or international policy in place. The confusion grew exponentially when it was finally openly admitted that the man, the President, the person in charge of our security, never received any intelligence briefing after Jan. 6, and rarely enough before that. Ever since his election loss, he was obsessed by the wish, the determination to avoid reality, to deny facts, and plan for a rebellion one way or another.

"Trump’s remarks reveal a direct line from the White House and the command center at the Willard ... it raises the specter of a possible connection between Trump and the insurrection."

"...caused concern among some administration officials that Trump was losing touch with reality, as he was getting unhinged advice on domestic issues from Justice Department attorneys and outside counsel that openly advocated rejecting election results."

 Those are the defining statements his aides at the time now tell us and/or that we have uncovered. Now! When they continue to avoid and ignore their subpoenas. Where the hell were they then??? Do they think that writing a book post the defeat of the rebels would exonerate them? Would avoid charges of treason for them and their boss??? Were they hedging their bets? Where the hell were their heads? Why did they not put a stop to it? 

Whispering in corridors, speaking of the man's evident, gross, growing insanity, his disconnect with reality, is not the same as taking action. These people are complicit in the disaster that overtook this country. They are complicit in the atmospheric river of partisanship which grew so large, so strong, so much a determining factor of life and votes, that it is indeed questionable if it can be overcome. If there is even a will to try to do that - and I strongly doubt it.

This atmospheric river is growing in strength, speed of current, and overwhelming power to overcome any obstacle or plan to control it or even dial it back. What do we do? Where is help and sane advice? Will the nation become whole again? Can it actually do that? Do they want to? Will the GOP throw out the growing percentage of its legislators and members who are outright openly Fascistic, proud of it? Will they be able to dampen the shivers that now regularly run down my spine, the sweat beads on my forehead when I read the anti-Semitic statements of their members and supporters? Do they even care? Do they actually have a problem with it? Somehow, I get the feeling they are actually cheering on and for those horrific statements and actions endorsed by the growing fascism within the GOP. Woe upon us.

So, back to the river in the sky. Actually, sounds almost romantic, a beautiful image drawn in our minds. But surface beauty fades when we realize what is beneath - the awesome power of that river, of Nature, to wield its destructive power. It shakes that mind's eye picture, reconnects us with reality. Let us not go down for the third time. In any atmospheric or growing river.

Monday, November 29, 2021


 And yet, there is no rest for the weary, apparently no peace among the wicked. Backbiting, sniping, threats galore, and quite frankly, so many of the normal among us are wearied to the bone. How much can one sane body take? For how long will we be assailed, attacked from all sides? Will the increasing lawlessness, uncaring side of society continue until there is no society at all?

Rules and decency have disappeared. 'I will do what I want, when I want and to hell with all else' is the mantra of the day. Hey, why not grab that jacket? Why not rip-off the storeowners? Why not indulge your every perverted, selfish, society destroying whim? Me, me, me is the ruling trait of the day. Worst of all is that the adults, the presumed adults of society are setting the pace, determining the twisted mantras of the day.

What is one to say when we are told, finally, what we have known all along. Today an expert tells us "the intelligence and law enforcement analysts also didn't understand Donald Trump, how far he would go. Because when it comes to threats to governance and the Constitution by those actually in power, no one in the federal government really bears any responsibility for thwarting that." So, what defense has society against its disintegration or perversion when the very forces assigned to the responsibility of protecting and preserving are inadequate to a dangerous degree. Worse, when those same faulty, lacking services are tired of the whole thing as well, or refuse to carry out the inquiries, the grievances to the wall, push consequences to the nth degree? Why? Because of incompetence, weariness, or complicity in the whole mess!? Take your choice.

What can we say when the guilty party wants to release the papers proving his guilt in the hope that someone will come along to refute the facts, for facts have no currency in today's world? These are the same papers they refused to release two seconds ago. 

What can we say when "GOP crazy caucus" is an apt description of a once legitimate and honorable political party, the party of one of our greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln? What can we realistically expect from our legislators when they are so off kilter themselves? When one proposes a Congressional Gold Medal for an alleged killer escaping justice, and others of this twisted group vying for the 'honor' of hiring this creep as an intern?! Our next generation of legislators, if indeed we will even have a proper legislation or merely a rubber stamp for the dictator! What can we say when the truthful evaluation of Greene, that she is "the leader of the outrageousness. But there are several of them, including Boebert and of course others," is so terribly ominous for our future as a people, as a country, as individuals living as Americans, as members of a free, living, viable democracy? Is there any defense? Any hope?

Is there an equalizer out there who will see to it that we get the justice we deserve? In fact, do we deserve any at all as we so carelessly or worse, thoughtfully, with a plan at heart, with malice aforethought, allowed and enabled all this? While Michael Cohen 'assures' us there will be justice, "that Donald Trump is guilty of his own crimes.”...prosecutors aren’t just focused on Trump,.. “They are going after Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka.”  where can we indeed find a steady grip in this maelstrom of confusion, fear, outright criminality of our supposed leaders?  Are there any to be trusted? Even one? Or are we so far down the road to perdition that it all does not matter anymore?

So tired, so tired, so pessimistic. Yet we cannot allow ourselves to wallow in that tiredness, to use it as an excuse to look away. If we do that, we are on the same level as those who looked on as their neighbors, their Jewish neighbors, their union neighbors, their Roma neighbors, being dragged away and did nothing. The same as those who slaughtered the Rohingya, the Uighurs, who allow freezing refugees to die of hypothermia and starvation in a no man's land - all to prove a point! What point? The jury is out on that.

We are being warned that there is "democratic backsliding" in this country, our blessed, much abused country. She needs the active help of all to turn us around, back down, reverse down that self-destructive road we are presently on, and return to a position of sanity and faith, of loyalty to our past, to a better, brighter future, a country able to withstand all that is thrown at it because her citizens see the truth. Know the truth. Refute the lies. Reject the destroyers. Weariness must be put aside if we are to prevail.

Those are the stark choices before us. Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. Use our history, our strength or we are lost. Period. End of it all. And no, the Democratic Party did not falsely create Omicron in order to get people to vaccinate. Really! How far and how low can we go before people stop this blind, nonsensical acceptance of blatant lies. Enough!

Sunday, November 28, 2021


  The clock has run its circle round the year and Chanukah is upon us. Always a holiday associated with triumph of liberty over tyranny, of good food, games, family gatherings, it was and remains, for most, a time of joy. Sixteen years ago, that balloon of joy, of fun and good times was punctured. The patriarch of the family, the glue that held us together, the man to whom we turned in moments of need, for advice, for encouragement - he was gone. No longer could we pick up the phone for a chat, an answer to a question. No more, "Hey, Pop, what's up?" No more call of "Esty" coming from his office. 

Along with us multitudes of people mourned this loss, and honored him with an overflowing crowd, filling the rooms of the funeral home and standing outside. Jews of all levels of observance, Arabs and Moslems, White, Black, Christian, Jew and non-Jew. It did not matter, for to all of them he was an important part of their lives, had been helped, advised, encouraged at some point or other. He was there, at the end of the phone or the top of the stairs in his office.

Yet for all the demands on his time, he always and forever found time for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They, in turn, adored him, the little ones thinking he was their natural and beloved playmate. I loved him. And I hurt at the loss, the gaping hole in my heart and life.

The final activity with my Pop was the lighting of the first candle of Chanukah. My Pop, who loved all that had to do with Judaism, its rites and holidays, could only sit for a bit in a chair, could no longer open his eyes nor speak. We knew he was in his last days. But for him and for us, there was one more moment of shared joy, even as the tears poured down our faces. This man, at the doorstep of death, heard us as we began the lighting ceremony and sang the blessings. His hand was raised, a smile on his face as he waved his hand in time with the singing of the blessings and the traditional songs that followed. I bless the fact that I was granted the privilege of seeing that, of living that, a moment that will live forever in my heart.

Two nights later I flew home, overnight, to gather some clothing and other needs for I knew the end was nigh. In the middle of the night the phone rang and we knew the cause. A wonderful agent found us seats in the first plane out and home we flew, only this time there was an emptiness in that home, one never to be filled again.

So here we are, Chanukah again, and soon enough the night of the fourth candle will be lit and there will be no Pop, no playmate, only the emptiness of a missing, beloved man. An honored and respected man. My Pop. My Dad. My Daddy. Sixteen years of that gaping emptiness, of no one on the other end of the phone, no more advice from that quarter. Not such a sweet Sweet Sixteen.

I miss you so much, Pop. I know you are there, with your beloved Blanchie, watching over us, taking joy in the marriage of Rivky, arguing with G-d over perceived unfairness and situations that need remediation. I will never stop loving you or missing you. Nor will the rest of us. You have left a legacy that will last forever.

Friday, November 26, 2021


  A cute name for a pet or a little child. Or, a set of troublesome fasteners which obstinately will not go through designated buttonholes. Or, one of the many, ever proliferating buttons to be found on modern day machinery, appliances and personal devices. We stand there swearing at the ill-fitting buttons or hug the designated Button, or stare at the offending buttons, wondering, fretting, worrying that a cataclysm of events will occur upon pressing the incorrect button. Stasis results.

We have got to learn new ways in which to approach the incapacitating, even ruinous buttons. The nickname is fine. Even the misbegotten button and buttonholes can be managed. However, the buttons of life today are a serious problem and I am not sure there is time enough to correct them.

"A very interesting time in our Country, but do not worry, we will be great again — and we will all do it together. America will never fail, and we will never allow it to go in the wrong direction."  (Donald Trump - Thanksgiving, 2021)

Here is one button that we need to quickly incapacitate. It is a button indeed to be feared and reset for its implications for the future of this country. This man, this despicable man, detestable as both person and as President, is pushing the buttons of all. He initiated the avalanche that threatens to destroy the familiar landscape of our government, its promises to its citizens re rights, particularly voting rights, to have those votes both enabled and counted. To have a country wherein one was safe to walk down a street, not take one's life in hand at that very common activity. In fact, he has sent the country down the wrong road, the vastly oh so wrong direction that reversal is nigh onto impossible, certainly at this pace.

Notice how he has co-opted the entire GOP. Anyone who opposed him, even in a feeble manner, has either resigned, or retreated till they are under the shelter of his tent, spouting his poison, encouraging misled people to buy into his lies until they are so turned around that they perceive treason as patriotism and guns as the defining factor of life as should be lived in America, at least their America.

When Greene, an abomination from Georgia, and Gosar, yet another abomination, are seen as the go to future, then try to find some other button to push. Now! Quickly. ASAP. Stat. There is no time to waste, for these buttons, pushed once too many a time, will send this country, so battered and trashed by its own citizens, right down the tubes, sold down the river. It will go under for the final time, sucked under the current of tyranny, of terror, of an unrecognizable future, where no one other than the ruler will thrive. 

We have pushed those buttons of outright Fascism right here, in America, right now, and we had better break our paralysis, our deer caught in the headlight behavior and lack of action, and push other buttons. Remember those? Pretty much stated via our history, our progress, long, slow and hard along the roads of humanity, of respect for all, of trying to improve lives rather than restrict them, take them down to a most undesirable level of life. We need to recognize the buttons pushed already which have freed the haters, wolves cloaked in scanty sheep's clothing. Time we ripped off these pitiful disguises, recognize the truth of what we have allowed to grow, like mold upon the walls of our home, our country, and push those buttons that will help.

We are perilously close to a once unthinkable event right here in America. I believe the closest we have come in relatively modern times to perverting our government was in the 1930's when the Nazi supporting German-American Bund, flaunted its power, held huge rallies, complete with the Hitlerian touches of flags, flame and militant beats of drums.

 People, find the right buttons and push them ON. Find those of danger and push them powerfully, definitively, OFF. It is our responsibility. Only we can put an end to this overwhelming threat. Only we. Only us.

Thursday, November 25, 2021


  Sorry for the late posting, but the onslaught continues as the family fills the house to overflowing. People, laughter, hugs, kisses, gratefulness that we are all together, and for those who could not make it - well, zoom, is, thankfully, fully operational.

So, despite the fact that I am ever so grateful to be able to write this blog every day, with some exceptions, thankful and grateful to my readers, today, I am thankful that other, more pressing needs take precedence.

Thus, I wish all a wonderful Thanksgiving and let us all appreciate that we live in the greatest country of the world. Even its worst, internal enemies cannot destroy its strong inner core, though they do try. I am grateful for Israel, our strong ally in the Middle East, always a reliable and trusted ally, and a place to welcome persecuted Jews form tortuous lands, Jews wishing to come home after thousands of years in exile.

I am grateful and thankful beyond words for the family, where we wrap each other in love, even through the petty spats, through political differences, through it all, for we are family. As for friends, my cup runneth over, and a special shoutout for the Sunday ladies. Very important, bless those who have taken our ability to communicate to the nth degree, allowing us to remain friends and keep in touch though distance separates us as well as the aches and pains of age. 

Thank you, Lord Above, for patience with me and all my foibles and errors. Thank you for hanging in there with me.

G-d bless all and a Happy Thanksgiving to all and a wonderful Holiday Season.

See you tomorrow with another posting.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Several interesting statements have emerged over the past few days, ones that indicate the realities of our lives. Know that these realities, like it or not, resent them or not, are here to stay for the long run. Yet another surge of COVID cases, with hospital wards filling up again. Yet more threats of other pandemics, certainly probabilities in life as we infringe more and more on land belonging to wildlife, where we have no right to be, to build permanent structures that have negative effects on all of us. For sure, the animalistic behavior of too many humans also poses a threat to us, wherever we live.

Time does not stand still, no matter what we think or feel. Many of us felt locked into a time capsule over the past two and a half years, no traveling, isolated physically with perhaps growing mental isolation, and this river of time held us in its grip, allowing for no forward movement in life, even forcing reversal of the current at times.

A flight attendant, representing all of them, spoke candidly. She stated, firmly, that they were "not prepared to accept" the conditions of flying today, all that goes with it, as "the new normal". Can anyone please explain, expand, on what the 'old' normal was? How does it differ, if indeed it does, from the 'new' normal? One was always expected to follow the rules. One was always expected to behave in a civilized manner, be accommodating of and to others, to be a mensch, to know that the plane was not your living room and demanded acceptance of restrictions as normal, part of the gestalt of it all.  

Was it 100%? No, but what highlights the difference between old and new normal is that the acting out today is far more violent, far more political - and ain't that ridiculous - and definitely more frightening as scenarios of terrorists taking advantage of these spoiled brat tantrums to pursue their own agenda. Far out? One might think so, but in today's world? Uh uh.

Today we can read of an aged mother laid off from a long-time job, leaving her in a precarious situation. She had apparently used her own savings to send her sons to school or support them in times of need. Nothing more or less than the actions of the majority of parents. Much is made of her sacrifice, though her layoff was pandemic caused and not ageism, and in raising her sons, we are told they were two Black sons. Really? One raises one's children no matter their color so why the emphasis here, the capitalized Black, and as an aside, they most definitely appear more White than Black and who the hell cares. They were her sons, she did her best by them, had problems due to that, and her son stepped up to the plate. Great. What is expected. Parents took care of us and now the tide of time, the currents of the river deliver a change to the normal, though most definitely not 'new' new. 

What is new in this changing world of ours is the fact that we are placing our emphasis on the wrong items, exacerbating the situation rather than smoothing the snarls out, clearing the river of blockades, allowing for the current to flow evenly, with mostly beneficial progress on its journey through our lives.

So you have to wear a mask to protect you and others. Grow up! There are far more existential questions around, ones that definitely impede the smooth flow of that river. Why not insist that our supposed political leaders act like the grownups they are supposed to be. Why not insist they refute, deny, purge the party of its growing fascistic behavior and members? Why not demand clear policies for the nation, not for the Great Divide. What will we do when the Ukraine is invaded, for that will happen as Putin is simply following historical imperative, modeling after Hitler who did the same. 

Will we enter a war, a possibly totally life changing war to defend that nation? Personally, I am not a fan of Ukraine simply because of their enthusiastic collaboration with Nazi forces to murder the Jews, steal their belongings. Nor has that anti-Semitism lessened any over the years. Be that as it may, do we abide by our treaty with Ukraine, with NATO? What do we do? Certainly, a topic more worthy of attention than the rabid focus on celebrities and their divorces or the family quarrels of the Royal family, just a family, as are most of us.

We have fought the river of time at the wrong bends, raised the harmful effects of its changed and changing course. We have forgotten that Nature has its own normal and we must integrate smoothly with it. But we don't, do we? Will we ever learn? Who the hell knows. What I do know is that if we do not grow up, stop playing with words of excuse, that worse will follow, more so than no. Our rules of conduct have frayed, our inner restraints wearing away. What is next? Beware, for the 'new' normal might simply be an 'old' normal on steroids. Not a pretty picture. Not at all.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 "This will be okay." So we are reassured by the star of NCIS Hawai'i, a message sent to upset viewers of the show when they heard there was to be a two week hiatus. Would that the above statement would assure the rest of America to the status quo of it all, rather than applying only to a TV show. Interesting though, quite so, when we think of all the other issues plaguing the country today and at least for the near future. Also interesting is that the reassurance is expressed through the persona of a modern strong woman, one who heads an arm of government heretofore led only by men. Fascinating, in a world rather more typified by trying to put women back in "their place", an attitude of the GOP.

Would that all was okay or will be. But will it? Conversations I have had over this past week tells me not to believe that statement, that reassurance. Perhaps for the show, but for America's concerns and uncertainty remain in place. In describing conditions in an office, on an issue, wherever there is a disagreement, present is almost always America's   'Great Divide'. Worse is the growing concern that this Divide will self-perpetuate, never to be healed, permanently reshaping America, its goals, its presence in the world, and the probable future of the world at large.

Growing is the fear that the investigation, the truth of Jan. 6 will not culminate in any published, formal conclusion a la the Warren Commission. The committee is running out of time. The blockades the GOP has jammed into place on the road to recovery seems to have backfired on the Democratic Party as they are blamed for the harmful troubles foisted on this nation by GOP intransigence and fear of a demented man. It appears the GOP, other than a few honest, truthful members, have united in their negative partisanship, where there is no room for concern for the electorate; rather, there is a catering to the lowest elements of society - the haters, the uneducated, the ones stuck in a determination to keep the world as it once was, rather than adapt and accommodate to new truths. 

There appear to be no people within the GOP capable and willing to take their 2020 defeat as grown, mature men and women. They whine all the day long, ally themselves with anti-Semitic groups, as Gosar is doing, has done, deny truths evident to any person who watched Jan. 6 unroll before our very eyes, heard the words, the instigating words of Trump who literally told his mob to fight - and so they did. And so, America crumbles, a bit more, a lot more, actually. Most assuredly, we cannot assure Americans and the world that indeed "this will be okay". Sad truth of the conditions today.

At a time when the Democratic Party needs to be strong, be united, they are consuming themselves from within. Liberal wing. Progressive wing. Conservative. Moderate. Who cares? Just present a united front and build faith and trust in the Democratic platform. Highlight GOP obstructionist tactics and lies, their role in the legislative delays to getting the show on the road, a road most necessary for the survival of this country. But they do not.

Worse is the exponential factor of influence that America has on the world, the gaping maw of its absence from the positive, strong, reassuring pose it traditionally has and inspires, the influence that is sadly and dangerously waning. We have shirked our responsibilities to ourselves and the world, to humanity at large. Like it or not, that was our role, a role in which we took pride, a role which we tried to perfect as we stumbled along. We succeeded more than failed and there was a future for our children. American can-do spirit, its perpetual optimism that served it so well through two major wars, economic crises, social upheavals and more, was severely, critically wounded.

We walked backwards, a bad tactic, even if we meant well. We threw out the baby with the bathwater with no other water or baby in sight. Acknowledging that our heroes and Founding Fathers had feet of clay should not mean that we need to disrespect their positive steps, their boldness and progressive, innovative thinking. Yes, some had slaves. However, they also recognized the need and right to self-determine their own fate, rather than have it imposed on them. They knew that democracy, a revolutionary belief, was the truth, the way to go. They argued re the status of slaves, their membership among the ranks of mankind, fought battles about it, compromised, allowing the country to exist, to move forward on the path of trial and error, of sucess in the recognition of truths and the discarding of lies.

This took time, too much time, but it did happen, though racial, gender, religious hatred remains viable, and indeed, a growing factor. We encourage that by discarding all that went before, rather than taking pride in the positive aspects, the ones that allowed us to move forward and drag the world along with us. People are people. Times are the times. No one is perfect. Certainly not if we judge them through the eyes of a changed world, not the one in which they lived, in which they formatted their thinking, their challenges, their push to indeed, make it all okay. 

If not for the flourishing and nurturing of their seeds, the seeds of democracy, the viability of those seeds, we would not have the society we have today. A society which, while not perfect, allows for the inclusion of all, the upward movement of all. If there are difficulties or not, that does not preclude possibilities, and probabilities. They are there. We see them, we know them, we live them even as we struggle to make it better. That is life.

So, completely okay? Perfectly okay? No, and truthfully, I doubt there is such a condition for there is always room for improvement. That improvement comes via hard work. Even if we take a step or two backwards at times, the dominant forward movement of this country, its integration within the soul of this country, will move it forward again - and has indeed done so many times.

As one stated, "Jan. 6 was a stain on the country's history." He continues, that "Donald Trump bears responsibility for it." Actually, yes, and no. We bear responsibility for allowing for the rise of such a man to the unbelievable office of President, the leader of the Free World. We allowed that. We enabled that. We abandoned our traditions, reverted to a more primitive time, a time of dictators, of hatred nourished via perverse, unfortunately influential members of society. We are the ones who need to recognize that it is not okay, will not necessarily be okay, unless we make it okay though our own efforts.

Okay? Maybe. Up to us.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 This time of the year is when families, multi generations, gather. Thankfully - or not, as the case might be - this year we can gather in reality, hugs and kisses included. I think I am all Zoomed out, despite all the opportunities it has afforded us during the height of the pandemic. I know that I have engaged in many webinars and seminars through Zoom but still, the real thing is the real deal.

Imagine the feeling when we can sit down with the kids and share with them family history and lore. We can share thoughts and lifetime pearls of wisdom - those we think are worthy of that name! It is that rare moment when both children and grandchildren are eager or patient enough to hear these comments, to share in family memories. It is then that we get a plethora of who'd a thunk moments. From both sides of the discourse.

Who'd a thunk that those third graders agog at the story about room size computers in their Weekly Reader would now be walking about with better, faster, more powerful and much smaller sized computers strapped onto their wrists or carried about in that permanent attachment - the phone. The kids, on the other hand, cannot fathom a time when there were no computers, no games, no Internet, no social media other than Page Six in the Post! 

Their minds go on red line mode when they hear that their grandparents actually lived through a time when not only were all TVs black and white, but the screen was round and tiny, encased in huge pieces of furniture, nor did everyone have a TV. And the TV shut down at midnight after a rendition of the national anthem, complete with flag flying. And then - static. Mind blowing.

Primitive level of society they think. How did we survive. Actually, quite nicely, as we were allowed to play outdoors, bike all day without constant checks and call ins, without exaggerated fears of all sorts of 'stranger danger'; simply told to go play, and play we did. All day, until suppertime. Furthermore, a great shock to their system - we actually spoke face to face with friends rather than sit beside them and communicate via text! Tell them to play, to talk, they look at you as if your UFO has now become visible.

In a more serious tack, we speak of the time when we did not walk through life defensively. We did not worry about cars jamming purposely into crowds. We did not worry that there were traitors in our midst, actual governmental figures who wished to overthrow this country's democratic government. Worse, that the sitting President would involve himself up to his miserable besmirked face and sun blasted brain. A definite member of the lower levels of intelligence, yet look at those otherwise intelligent people he ensnared. Shocking!!

Nor did we have almost daily concerns and myriad reports re the climate and environment. We most certainly did not have a Chief Heat Officer as three cities now have and others are contemplating. Heat complaints? That happened when the heat did not flow through those huge iron radiators. Or when the heat did not really slow the kids down as we jumped into the sprays of open hydrants, were sprayed with hoses, or went to the nearby park and its wading pool and spray. Along came with us packed bags lest we go hungry!

Life during our childhood and early adulthood was definitely different and though we now look at it through rose colored glasses - after our cataract surgery - we do actually realize that those times had their own perilous moments - hiding under the desk in preparation for a nuclear attack. Or chemicals spewing unchecked into once pristine waterways, or the helplessness in the face of diseases we can now treat, a whole list of things. Nor is today all bad, though heaven help me, but there are days.....

Who'd a thunk that our media would be reporting on all the Hollywood characters running for office. Reagan was the exception rather than the rule, but today, well, even The Rock is in as is McConaughey and hey, anyone who will trounce Abbott is gold in my book!

Democracy is endangered throughout the world and the USA was a leader in the stampede to destroy it under Trump, along with unfortunate remainders and reminders of his administration. who unfortunately have open pathways to treasonous rants, a la Tucker Carlson's three - part special about Jan. 6, complete with prejudice and lies, so many that even the believers will be stuffed! Or the poisonous blather of Greene and Gosar, along with the poisonous words of Omar, Tlaib, and all those characters on both sides who need to hitch up their pants, man and woman up and do the right thing, rather than cowering under tables lest Trump scold them, or their ugly base turn on them.

Yes, who'd a thunk so many once unthinkable thoughts and witness so many unbelievable actions and deeds. Good and bad among them. We must learn to be more discerning in our choices. Weigh the consequences down the road. And who'd a thunk that there would be defensive shopping for the holidays due to a chain of supply problem. Complete with shortage of pumpkin in cans and turkeys for roasting. Who'd a thunk indeed.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Ever look in the mirror, intentionally or not, and feel stunned by the reflection? Just who is it there within that piece of glass? Looks remarkably like your mom or your dad - but how can that be? With a shake of the head you realize the truth - that is you! But what happened to that 18 year old starting out in life? Inside, ignoring the physical issues, of course - you feel the same, So who is that  reflection? Who are you? Who am I?

The problem today is that most of us no longer recognize the days of youth, the idealism of it, and have gotten lost in a sourness of life, wallow in disappointments and look to blame someone, anyone, but certainly not you. Certainly not your fault! 

As a consequence of that attitude we begin to lose the recognition of others, the vagaries of life, the hard work necessary, and the failure to attain goals. We feel cheated. We feel demeaned. An ugly human trait then emerges in force - the need, the driving need to blame someone, any group of people who are lower than you on the ladder of society, but seemingly, somehow, have some secretive power to destroy all that you hold dear and near to your heart.

Hence the great divide. Not a river or mountain range or ocean, but the mental divide, the one that turns humanity into a THEM and US reality, a reality based on immature behavior and denial of obvious facts.

Thus it is not my fault when an election is lost. Nope. Rigged. Cheated out of your so deserved victory. So, you then reach out to other damaged souls and delude them into thinking you are a messiah, to ignore your oh so visible defects, and you then plan your own rigging. Search out high and low, mostly low, for abettors and enablers, and figure out how to unfairly influence, gain control of the election process. Plot the destruction of your country, for no longer is there loyalty to flag and country, but to individual, to master of life and death, to a life wherein you will get yours - or so you hope. All others will be destroyed, one way or another. THEM vs. US.

A most destructive way of life. Nothing positive. All negative, cynicism and falsehood valued above all. Justice corrupted as judges, incompetent and already spoken for, are appointed, while other candidates are besmirched with so called calumnies - communists, socialists, Leftists, traitors. Opposition grows to nonsensical levels, such as one nasty yokel who talked for eight hours, surviving on sweet candy, all to block a bill which would benefit most of US and kick start an end to the tangled chain of supplies, get people back to work, and recognize that society must be humane. We are not to return to a time when people below the upper wealthy of society were deemed worthless, other than for what they can give to those elites. All are peasants, peons, serfs, with little right to anything. Hunger? Homeless? Education? Upward movement for children? All in the negative column.

We were warned today that there could very well be revived volcanoes in our country. Scary. But the volcanoes in reality are already here. We are doing a great job of destroying ourselves and our planet way before these dead to live volcanoes manifest themselves.

"There is no them. There is only us."

                          (Luis Alberto Urrea)

If only we could internalize that. If only. We could then look at that reflection and know that we have done our best, failed and succeeded, and others are not to blame.


Friday, November 19, 2021


  Well, that statement in itself is obvious. However, the obvious has become denied, deniable, by those determining the fate of this nation. At times I look around, seeking Rod Serling, enduring the ear worm of its iconic signatory tune. What actually is obvious, at least to any normal thinking person, is obviously not obvious to those who deny truths, who accept lies as the standard political currency of America today.

Confused? So is the majority of this country! You are in good company. "It's a statement of the obvious." says a Republican. The GOP is going to play tit for tat games of retaliation. Pre-k level by this point in time. Gosar is an outright fascist, a member and supporter of Proud Boys, an openly white extremist, Jew hating group. Statement of the obvious? Of course! Since when do we tolerate this in our governing body, so very much in the open and defend the obvious, very obvious, violated red lines of decent society and government.

Gosar's claim, in so many words, is "that he didn't intend to threaten his fellow lawmakers, cause offense, or upset anyone when he tweeted out the violent video".  Uh huh! Of course not! Why would anyone think that portrayal of oneself violently killing a political opponent would instigate others to do the same - in real life! Are we not dealing with the obvious results of such behavior - the rebellion of Jan. 6, 2021? A statement of the obvious - and yet, its obviousness eludes too many, shoved aside in the vicious atmosphere found today in both Houses. Threats. Calls for revenge, insult trading in  public, lies, - obvious, yet apparently not to some. Aren't we so proud of our 'leaders'! Not!!!!!

   "It's real. And it's, it's rough"states Kamala Harris, the almost invisible woman of the administration. A shame, as she is quite capable, stands as a positive role model for girls, for women, for intelligent men who realize that medieval standards re women are no longer acceptable. An yet, again, the obvious..... When will the GOP realize that to consume ourselves from the inside out, temporarily hiding the wounds and the fractures, is but a temporary stop to the obvious - the disintegration of this country's government, a replication of the Duma, the legislative branches of any dictatorial government. Why do they not see or continue to deny the obvious and their destructive role within? ??????

We are told the tide is turning, that GOP members are beginning to defy Trump. Are they for real? The man remains a focus of too many, deified, even as he rusts away, his perversions and cruelty, his selfishness and nastiness, eating away at his soul. His heart? Bah! Humbug!! Never there - ever. He rants against McConnell - makes my day - for a most deserving figure gets paid off in the currency he himself used during this dangerous existential threat time for the nation. Tit for tat indeed.

The false claim of executive privilege - nice touch, don't ya' think? Do wrong, kill your parents, then claim orphan-hood as an excuse, to stave off timely and fitting punishment. Trump offends, attacked the legal system of this nation, mandates loyalty to him, not to the country. His banners were honored, while our flag became a weapon of offense and attack at the Capitol. The conclusion is obvious, yet again - see what we have in reality. Claims of false executive power and delay after delay through the courts.

A few more statements of the obvious? Trump is most definitely guilty, complicit in the deaths of 700,000 Americans. He turned aside every truth, every suggestion re the pandemic, allowed it to grow to monster proportion, encouraged his deluded followers to sacrifice themselves even unto death -kind of permanent there, and people indeed died.  The nation is reeling from it, and its side effects. Obvious enough? And yet, there he remains in his posh Mar A Lago. Even as we continue to bury the victims, continue to bury a positive future for this country.

A closing presentation of where we are at present. The lawyer for QAnon Shaman, presumably at least somewhat intelligent as he had to pass the bar, well, read the following and say the obvious. We need help. Now. Badly. Emergency basis. The next two paragraphs says it all.

"If you're asking my opinion, my opinion is meaningless. I will say that I would probably be far more effective over a beer with former President Trump, even if he didn't have a beer, because I understand he doesn't drink beer, but I'd have a beer," attorney Albert Watkins said.

"And I'd tell him, 'You know what? You've got a few f------ things to do. Including clearing this f------ mess up and taking care of a lot of the jackasses that you f----- up because of January 6.' In the meantime, I might talk to him about some other things that I'd agree with him on. But my opinion doesn't mean s--t," he added.

A statement of the obvious indeed. G-d help us all.

Thursday, November 18, 2021


  Sometimes I just get tired. Yes, there is a physical element, tied to age, activities and side effects of other matters, but the tired I am referring to is not physical. It is rather a tiredness of spirit, a loss of hope, a feeling that we truly are lost somewhere in a hostile wilderness, a primeval forest, with no exit plan in sight.

I wonder, how long can the country sustain itself what with these wounds, many self inflicted shall we say by the supposed defenders of her survival in that hostile environment. Ironically enough, these people are often the progenitors of the denizens within. Can we ever expect them to see the light, know the truth and separate it from the chaff that they have been fed? At this point - I think not.

When a Party, purposely capitalized, can deny the fact that their fellow GOP creep needed to be censured for his gross cartoon featuring him in the pose of a triumphant hero, slaying AOC and Biden. Really? Blood flowing, a hero, he purports to be. No, threatening the life of a sitting President alone is a crime. Furthermore, while I am most definitely not a fan of AOC and her gang, I do not support murder, open rebellion against the legitimate members of the governmental bodies of this nation.

I am so tired of the nitpicking, the open fights, trading insults. What the hell!!! We teach kids in school that they are better than that, that there are other, better, ways to solve differences, to mediate and compromise and then we have our kindergarten adults. So tiring. So depressing. So futile, one feels.

China, rather than feed her billions of citizens, invests in a missile with a glider that can swing around the world and then hone in for the kill. Wow! I am so unimpressed. All that brainpower wasted. When there is rampant hunger, obvious mass destruction of our living environment, homelessness a growing plague of our society, diseases impressing themselves as they grow to monster proportions, pandemics awaiting in the wings. And they invest instead in yet another war weapon. How many times will we kill each other, over and over? Dead is dead. And so will be the planet be if we persist on our self destructive paths and behaviors.

I confess, a if you have not already figured it out: I hate Trump and all that he stands for. He endorses and enables a growing, most dangerous, violent anti Semitism. He is anti the people, only for himself, dragging along those who bask in his shadow, waiting to get 'theirs', stomping on all and everyone to get ahead and avoid the leper camp they will be exiled to if they displease the Master, that deranged man who needed to be locked up long ago. 

Why does the media persist in giving him the attention he craves? Why do the courts allow him to use the delaying tactics he engages in, rather than demanding a timely end to this all, a just punishment and let us move on as a nation once again. Let us, as Lincoln said, bind up the nation's wounds. There are myriads of those wounds so let us get started on a task most important for our survival. As a nation. As a leader of the free world, shrinking, even as I write. As residents of a damaged, but hopefully, healing planet. Move on.

If we succeed in doing that, then perhaps we will stop walking on tippy toes around each other. Talk politics again, a  sane politics. Perhaps the glum faces of travelers will smile again, able to be revealed beneath those infernal, but most necessary, masks. Perhaps then we will take on this new massive flu, outbreaks of COVID, or any other plague. Perhaps. Then I will be able to breathe again, as will you as well.

Sometimes, sometimes....

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


  Maybe that is what is needed if we are to return to any kind of sanity in the near future. It is absurd how absurdities have become the mantras of the day, when extremism has become part of the ordinary, and most people appear to be wandering about confused, ignorant, convinced of their own superiority, or just plain stupid! When, how, do we gain their attention, perhaps entry into their heads and hearts? This entryway appears to be growing ever fainter in its possibility. Improbabilities have now become the possibilities, even realistic probabilities. Steel pole? Please?

Maybe it is the water? The air? The plastics? Something has definitely gone wrong with the thinking process of Americans or is it that the majority have simply faded into the background, allowing for the fringes to push their way forward and gain all the attention and all the power. This is a reality denying attitude, and yet, so American. 

I believe Americans have a national trait which allows for optimistic, reality denying thinking, that all will be right in the end, that balance will  prevail, common sense will overcome all. Hence, we can continue to laugh at the deluded, at their persistent belief in pure nonsense. Trump will be "reinstated". "Elections are all rigged". If a GOP candidate wins, it is G-d's handiwork. In fact, to them, it is obvious that G-d is on their side - for so  their pastor or religious leader has said. And so they believe, despite all the negative consequences. Despite the deaths. Despite the cracks in the firmament of the nation. Despite the ever growing danger of the outrageous thinking and actions of the fringe, their growing success in destroying the balance of this country, destabilizing it to such a degree that once unthinkable thoughts are now commonplace.

It puzzles me. It frightens me. No, it terrifies me. When I read of open calls for a "white Christian country, one religion" I get scared. So should you. When my thoughts and opinions, the very same ones I was told were absurd, extreme, jumping the shark, come out of the mouths and pens of the thinkers of society, when I read book after book, fiction and non fiction, echoing these thoughts, I tremble. I wonder. What took them so long? Were they afraid to speak out? Where were these people till now? As for all the truth tellers and their tell all books, why did they enable the madman? They allowed this. Writing of their fears, their secret meetings, are nothing, of no import other than to underline their complicity in the destruction, in the rape, of our nation. They allowed the avalanche of insanity to begin, to pick up speed, allowed a rolling ball of absurdities to pick up political validity.

It worries me, frustrates me to the nth degree when I daily read and hear of the uncovered filth, of  alleged crimes of Trump himself, his advisers, his family members, his financial organizations, his lawyers, when the echoing screams of dying officers on Jan. 6 reverberate through the air. I wonder why the hell have we not acted already? Why are these people not imprisoned already? Why have they not been called to pay the price for treason? Why are they continuing in office? In State Houses. In Congress. As judges. As once loyal citizens of a nation rather than cult believers.

Time to pay the piper. If not, those rats of Hamelin will prevail in their current role of the rats gnawing away at our foundations, threatening the children of this nation and their futures. Paying up hurts; I know that. But not paying hurts even more. Like the stored jets in the desert, now infested with scorpions and snakes, posing danger to all unless thoroughly cleaned and inspected, so too is our nation right now. The snakes, the scorpions, the traitors, the haters are all there. The inspectors in the desert use "whackers" to chase the snakes out of their hidey holes, to prevent future dangerous possibilities of poisoned bites. 

We, too, need these whackers, these steel poles, these broomsticks. We need to chase the snakes out, wake up people to the danger they pose. Fight them. Get rid of them and do what must be done to preserve the nation. We must relegate the fringes to where they belong - on the fringes of society - and "The fact of the matter is, the only way to save our state, so to speak, is to fight for the rule of law and to fight for our democratic values ..."

Enough talk. More action.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


  If only it were that simple. We so do continue to enjoy that simple, exciting, wishful moment when we are asked to clap if we believe in fairies. I have never been at any performance of this show, be it on stage or via TV, where adults present did not clap, probably with more force and wishful thinking, with more hope, than any child present. The adult fell back to the magical thinking of childhood, hoping, praying, that there yet remained something of the magic of childhood, something of the optimism from a time when anything was possible. Sadly enough, tragically enough, there is very little of that around.

Whose fault is that? How and when did we lose that optimism, that sense of can do American spirit? Cannot give a specific date, but I do know that the loss began decades ago, commenced with the angry opposing forces of progress versus regression, of extremes on both sides which precluded any kind of compromise or rational talk. It continued at exponential pace during the Trump era and is rapidly gaining even more speed these days. Today,  analysts are openly speaking, warning, of a possible - probable? - Second Civil War, late to my train, but finally there. Woe upon us when there finally is no one left in the audience who will clap to revive Tinkerbelle, no longer believes in the possibility of impossibility. A sad day indeed.

Replacing hope is cynicism, resignation to a coming world which will please no one other than those on the very top of the food chain. Even they will face the ever teetering and tottering of that ladder they are perched atop, ever shaky in an authoritarian world, where there is no loyalty to anything or anyone other than to oneself. A most sad, bad day for life.

A sick deer ran into a hospital, while her brethren are being slaughtered on the byways of America as they engage in wild runs away from the hunters. We passed numerous dead deer on the roads of Pennsylvania. What a metaphor for the crazed running, the useless ducks and dives that we take today in order to survive. It is laughable, if not so worthy of tears instead. We run for what appears to be the closest shelter and find ourselves deeper in the hidden muck inside, struggle to get out, and only get deeper into the mess. We then look around frantically, frenzied, seeking aid from wherever. Above it all we now see the head of one presuming extra privilege, extra safety for believers, poses as a return to sanity, to order, and even as a branch is extended to us, the muck and mire grow thicker, never truly losing their grasp upon us.

A former general states re COVID that "Society's very existence could have been threatened." Correct other than for that one word - could. No could there, rather a 'was', most definitely, threatened and remains so today. We have lost all sense of society, of possibilities, of talk rather than confrontation. We have lost that sense of honor, of representing the true needs of constituents; instead one votes for the powerful, the one who frightens us the most. Even if totally diametrically opposed to the truly needed by the district's population. We do not even bother anymore to ask for believers in magic. That is gone. Tinkerbelle lays dying in front of our eyes and still hands.

 "if...you’re not part of the solution and you’re potentially part of the problem. I feel very strongly: This is a case where responsibility to the whole trumps a person’s right to do whatever they want." 

That is what we need to remember, to etch in our understandings of reality We need to be grateful, more so, for what was, what remains, and what can be, if only.... We need to return to the unity of a UNITED States of America. We have room for all within our borders. Natural American traits will prevail - if we allow them to. We will regain our faith in the possibilities ahead of us, before us, challenging us, but oh so possible, if only....

If you believe in fairies, please clap. Now. Loud and strong.

Monday, November 15, 2021


  Same difference, the more things change ... Does it ever? Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Language, the words used to express things, can change, but underneath it all is the same old, same old. The same filth. The same ugliness. The same canards that have plagued humanity since the first humans roamed this earth. And who knows, perhaps if we ever do get to other planets, other universes, or they visit us, we will find the same old there as well.

Before we continue, I would first like to apologize for an unexplained no blog yesterday. Flying time again. The airports are full again, the lines long, the planes delayed, people running like lunatics through the concourses to catch their connecting flights, and now we add on the eternal lectures re wearing masks, accompanied by threats of federal crime, being tossed off the plane, mind you, everybody is wearing one - and the unbearable crowding, a la sardine style, into jammed planes. Oh, don't you love the warning that if you do not surrender your rollaboards, they will be confiscated anyway if the flight attendants deem the overheads are full. And as for service? Forget about it unless you are in Business or First Class. The rest of us, we just pay through the nose, endure the 'charms' of flying, and remember to bring some food and drink for inside the plane - choices are quite limited. Be that as it may, plane travel does serve a purpose, allowed us to attend a wedding and celebrations, and can tie the country together. We will see. The jury is out on that.

Back at the ranch we are back at the same old filth and garbage that has plagued humanity since time began. With the first person  who looked upon another, of differing gender, color, place of origin, physical appearance, whatever the choice or excuse, it all began to go wrong. Sorry to say, religion, the very thing that should unite people, give them standards, morals, values, of high standing, that very same religion instead turns the world on its axis, upside down, malicious and vicious. Where have we gone wrong and how do we self correct? Can it even be done?

 "One nation, one religion" ... under G-d". What god? Which true god wishes this to be? Which true G-d wants the believers to kill others, to destroy all those who are 'different' in one way or another? To chase them down, to obliterate them from the face of this earth, wipe out even the memory of their existence? Which G-d, which true G-d, has spoken to His or Her people and told them to refuse the benefits of science, of discoveries that benefit humankind, choosing instead, opting for, the death of those pitiful believers? WE have twisted the alleged words of gods throughout the centuries until they benefit us, allow for our own sins and crimes against humanity, excuse the results as collateral casualties of the beliefs of the time. That would fly, if we did not go right ahead and repeat them!!! When we definitely know better. Or should.

So yesterday we are told of a preferred new Pledge of Allegiance. One religion. Here we go again. Mind you, this is not new, a sudden uptick in nastiness. No indeed, for it is a canard, a filthy belief in the inherent superiority of one religion over another. Catholic, Protestant, sects within, warring. The same for Islam, with Sunni and Shia at it and Yazidi blasted by both. Jews and their warring sects wishing to dominate the others. Where, when, and why have we decided that one is the best? Whence? Derivation? Benefit? 

Actually, there are no benefits unless one calls it good for the soul - the terror of the flames and torture of the Inquisition, the burning of witches right here in good old America, the second class citizenship of too many, the overzealous Zealots of Islam and Judaism, so contrary to their true beliefs and once again, forever and eternal, the horde of those who are believed to be dispensable, perfect as pawns in the competition of nations. Now it is out there, public, the proposal again, to make this country, our America, into a one religion country and by the way, Heaven help the agnostic and atheists in this equation! 

Think not, that this does not impact negatively on the rest of the thinking of the nations of the world. The harmful effect of a powerful country even thinking aloud in this manner is disastrous. Yet there it is. And who is first in this not so brave New World? Is it the Jews again? Or the Moslems or perhaps those pesky Catholics, or that one annoying sect of Protestants? Who knows? Where does it stop? Well, it doesn't. Never. We see that. We felt that. All throughout the centuries. Through all the blood, the rapes, the awful horrors that we inflict on other humans because they are not just like us. The tragedy is - they are indeed, just like us and our actions bear spoiled fruit in the shape of the same horrors upon the oppressors in turn. What have we done!!! We have so very much perverted the words, meaning, intent, and beauty of religion.

Today, here in the USA, we have states promising bonuses for reporting 'wayward' teachers. We have Churches claiming religion bans vaccine. So much better and oh, for sure, G-d's will that people die. For sure. What the hell is the matter with people today? Furthermore, the exaggerated sensitivity of those opposed to these negative facets of humanity are not blameless. They foster, in others, a backlash of anger. Newfound, newly restored, newly versed actions and reactions. An evil mulberry bush dance.

"We’re in hell,” intones one TV pundit. So true.

Where are we going? Why have we chosen the wrong horse to ride? On the wrong paths. Why do we once again have hordes of relief seekers massing at borders worldwide? Have we forgotten so quickly the hordes of stateless Jews thrown into the no man's land outside Poland? As they do it again to another group? Are we classifying all those who came illegally with the dirty word "migrant"? Despite the fact that so many have become contributing members of society, with American families, whatever that means. What are we doing? Where are we going?

"The signs on the road ahead give cause for concern. America suffers from a list of societal and political conditions that predispose it to violence, and the list seems to be growing longer. At the same time, states that have always defended their sovereignty are more and more defiant of federal authority,..."

Not "Look, see what G-d hath wrought", but rather a 'Look, see what man hath wrought.'

Have we truly advanced since the first war club of bone bashed another? Are we proud of what we have accomplished? In all areas? Think about that. Now what do we do?

Thursday, November 11, 2021


  Ahh, to be back in the warmth of Florida, where temperatures in the low 70's earn the comment, "bit chilly today." Well, trust me, it gets bone cold here in the north and me without my gloves. I wonder if the hearts of the northern dwellers are as cold as the temperatures.

I think that we, all Americans, have grown cold, forgotten our manners, our shared citizenship, our shared dreams and goals and instead concentrated on the differences, causing us to move further and farther apart. The big question now is whether we can come back from the frozen tundra of our hearts or not. Can we warm up again to each other? It is even more difficult now because of the past two years when lockdowns and fears kept us apart, from from friends and family as well as the opportunity to meet new people. We grew afraid of each other, drew away when one approached, almost as if we were vampires out for their blood! The sight of little kids wearing masks made me cringe inwardly, wondering what we were doing to their psyche.

Worse than that, we seem to have grown a generation of people who think that not working is okay, that leaving it to others to support them and their needs is okay. They state they cannot find a job and need help even as store after store, business after business are desperate for workers. To make pretzels now in Annie's pretzels, is to earn over $17 an hour, along with benefits. Not bad.

But we have grown lazy. We have forgotten the rewards of working. We have forgotten the need to work. We have become lazy, manufacturing going, going, almost gone. How can we possibly be a superpower if we make nothing. We take no pride in the creation of an article meshing beauty and necessity such as we saw in older, vintage and antique items. Personally, I have fallen in love with them, amazed at the ingenuity and variety found in them. We need to learn to see again, the meshing of ideas and people. The creation of new beginnings out of older ideas. New hopes from old dreams. New life where it is almost dead.

Can we do it? Yes, we can, says Dora. We need to delve deeply into the American conscience, find ourselves as we should be, Americans first and foremost and stop this dead in the water unthinking partisanship which is truly harming us.

Remember, we pledge to the flag and this country, not the elephant or the donkey!


  Oh, what a relief it is!

Remember that jingle? Remember how simple those times seemed to be? All it took to erase the headache, the upset stomach, the daily frets, was a magical tablet which was dropped into water, would fizz up said waters, and down it went. All gone!

Unfortunately, those days are long, long gone. In fact, many of us, particularly we elderly, feel that today we are living in a transplanted alien world or a parallel dimension, complete with different values - or lack thereof. How else to explain the reality of today, the everchanging details of which change, fizz, so fast that all we feel is the sting of the fizz but no relief in sight. Or taste. Or anything.

Ya' gotta' admit that the whole thing is bizarre. Ted Cruz, a sitting Senator from Texas - maybe that explains it - takes on that powerful and oh so dangerous fiend, Big Bird, even as he talks secession from the Union. I thought we had definitively answered that question a century and a half ago, but obviously we have some slow learners in the bunch. Perhaps Teddy boy fails to understand the power of history, of imperatives that will burp and bring forth another Civil War to preserve the Union, and G-d help us then, for the consequences will be dire indeed. Perhaps it is Ted whom we need to send back to Mexico. 

The fizz of that magic tablet is overcome, rendered useless by yet anther formerly impossible scenario of a former President of this country under investigation, along with his cabal buddies, re alleged treasonous actions and plotting. Any day now I expect a curtain  to be pulled back. There, in open display at Mar a Lago will be not a Wizard, but three ugly witches and wizards, oddly enough resembling Eric, Junior, Jared and Ivanka, busy boiling eyes of newt, chanting ditties, while Trump and his cabalists dance in the altogether, along with Lady Macbeth. Oh, Lord, where is that tablet now?

Need more? Most of us can remember going down to a local K Mart, a 122 year old company, and finding just what we needed. Well by end of year there will be SIX stores remaining. Fizz, anyone? In the era of warming and realities of global warming, we are now being told of a burst of polar cold, brrrr! coming at us. Where the hell are my gloves? 

An aggrieved deranged man demands things go his way - all the time - and if not, well, just change things around! Worse, he drags along with him the deluded thousands upon thousands who believe his lies, swallow them whole, die for them and of them, and this newfound epidemic, no, not COVID, but Trumpian Derangement, and political nefariousness, grows apace. One pol makes the statement, "There's a lot of hurt out there." Trifle understated, true nevertheless. One muses, about how much longer this country and its judicial system will last, at least in proper format - or is too late already?

Evidently Amazon delivers people now; witness the woman who jumped out of a van and then calmly plucked her phone out of the top of her shirt and called...whom? Another van? Amazon - to complain about delayed delivery, - a mystery! Wonder if we could find another tablet to fizz things up a bit. My headache and tummy ache.... 

And now we need an entire bottle if we are to obtain any relief at all. 

 " (DHS) Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas has issued a terror advisory amid a "heightened threat environment" across the United States.

"The United States continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as we approach several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence," 

Yup, the cherry on top in this crazed world of ours. Hey! Was that the Bizzarro Superman flying by? It figures. Is this Tuesday? At least then I would know its Belgium! Oops, it is Thursday; hence, off to another plane! Plop, plop. Fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is - just not today!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


  What is that? That seven minute rant and its poisonous content had a student telling his parents thus: “I’m never getting vaccinated. I’m never getting any more shots of any kind. Did you know Trump’s still president?   From a 'history' teacher, Lord help us, going berserk, yet another victim of the deadly Trumpian virus. New strains emerge almost on a daily basis, hourly, if one listens to all of Trump's own rants. Apparently there is no vaccine, no cure other than.....  Other than what? That is a most frightening realization.

So what does it matter if one teacher loses his marbles? Well, it is not one teacher. It is the thousands upon thousands of deluded souls who bought into this revisionist history, ala Hitler, ala Bolsonaro, ala Putin, ala Xi, ala Peron, ala any and every dictator or wanna be dictator who needs to pervert and twist the narrative to fit their needs, their wants, their oh so dangerous attempts to destroy the democratic nature of a country. Treason. It is time we recognized it as such. Free speech is one thing, but treasonous speech, advocating the overthrow of a government, or making hundreds and hundreds of phone calls to harass and frighten officials who stand up to these lies - well, that is treason, assault, harassment, stalking, whatever name it fits. That behavior, those actions, must, absolutely must, be punished under the mantra of "let the punishment fit the crime".

How do we reunite a fractured country's soul when the hammer wielder persists in a continuous pounding, seeking every piece that remained intact until now. "Republicans are increasingly divided over the bipartisan infrastructure bill that will soon become law, with tensions rising among GOP members over whether the party should remain united against all aspects of President Biden’s agenda or strike deals in the rare instances when there is common ground.' How do we run a government when half of it obeys, like automatons, every word, every hint, every order, that spews forth from that toxic being? Seriously!!!!???? The new operative imperative is apparently screw the nation, f**k the people and their needs - the only dictat of any import and consequence, that ranks high above all else.

Why do people believe in, support to the end, face their own imprisonment, all in the name of, for, a man whose own aide stated that his administration was run like the Gestapo, complete with purges, rants and threats. Loyalty to the man was the First Law. Loyalty, fealty, to the country - never mind!

Now all this raises another point of discussion. If all these people who have written all these tell-all books, the former personnel of the Trump administration, knew the truth, why did they shut their mouths? Why did they not engage in 'rant' behavior, shouting out the truth, rather than supporting the falsehoods, the imminent danger to this country and its people? "Riddle me that", quoth the Riddler. Indeed.

This country will not heal, if that is even a viable possibility anymore,, unless strong, perhaps harsh measures be taken. Complicity is a crime, is abetting, a crime for which there are laws. There are laws for treason. There are laws that take precedence over all. No one, NO ONE, is above the law. Until and unless we take steps to enforce the law, imprison the violators, the abettors, the complicit, and the poisonous head of this ugly pimple on our country - Trump- well, this will all continue until we reach and cross the point of no return. If we have not done that already. The jury is out on that, but closer and closer to a verdict. 

So. Folks, while there remains much that is good, wonderful even, in our lives, we must, absolutely must, watch carefully and act accordingly. If not, well, the end is clear. Just read the paper, hear the new and analysis, truly listen hard to the words, the plans of Trump and Trumpians. The future is in our hands - presently. How much longer? Do not know. Their timetable? Their plans? Definitely chugging along, even as our train is wearily trying to make it up that steep grade. The outcome is in our hands - now, but hands are broken easily. Where are we going? Is that seven minute rant the forewarning mantra for us? You decide. I have decided already. Long ago. About 2015.