Monday, November 22, 2021


 This time of the year is when families, multi generations, gather. Thankfully - or not, as the case might be - this year we can gather in reality, hugs and kisses included. I think I am all Zoomed out, despite all the opportunities it has afforded us during the height of the pandemic. I know that I have engaged in many webinars and seminars through Zoom but still, the real thing is the real deal.

Imagine the feeling when we can sit down with the kids and share with them family history and lore. We can share thoughts and lifetime pearls of wisdom - those we think are worthy of that name! It is that rare moment when both children and grandchildren are eager or patient enough to hear these comments, to share in family memories. It is then that we get a plethora of who'd a thunk moments. From both sides of the discourse.

Who'd a thunk that those third graders agog at the story about room size computers in their Weekly Reader would now be walking about with better, faster, more powerful and much smaller sized computers strapped onto their wrists or carried about in that permanent attachment - the phone. The kids, on the other hand, cannot fathom a time when there were no computers, no games, no Internet, no social media other than Page Six in the Post! 

Their minds go on red line mode when they hear that their grandparents actually lived through a time when not only were all TVs black and white, but the screen was round and tiny, encased in huge pieces of furniture, nor did everyone have a TV. And the TV shut down at midnight after a rendition of the national anthem, complete with flag flying. And then - static. Mind blowing.

Primitive level of society they think. How did we survive. Actually, quite nicely, as we were allowed to play outdoors, bike all day without constant checks and call ins, without exaggerated fears of all sorts of 'stranger danger'; simply told to go play, and play we did. All day, until suppertime. Furthermore, a great shock to their system - we actually spoke face to face with friends rather than sit beside them and communicate via text! Tell them to play, to talk, they look at you as if your UFO has now become visible.

In a more serious tack, we speak of the time when we did not walk through life defensively. We did not worry about cars jamming purposely into crowds. We did not worry that there were traitors in our midst, actual governmental figures who wished to overthrow this country's democratic government. Worse, that the sitting President would involve himself up to his miserable besmirked face and sun blasted brain. A definite member of the lower levels of intelligence, yet look at those otherwise intelligent people he ensnared. Shocking!!

Nor did we have almost daily concerns and myriad reports re the climate and environment. We most certainly did not have a Chief Heat Officer as three cities now have and others are contemplating. Heat complaints? That happened when the heat did not flow through those huge iron radiators. Or when the heat did not really slow the kids down as we jumped into the sprays of open hydrants, were sprayed with hoses, or went to the nearby park and its wading pool and spray. Along came with us packed bags lest we go hungry!

Life during our childhood and early adulthood was definitely different and though we now look at it through rose colored glasses - after our cataract surgery - we do actually realize that those times had their own perilous moments - hiding under the desk in preparation for a nuclear attack. Or chemicals spewing unchecked into once pristine waterways, or the helplessness in the face of diseases we can now treat, a whole list of things. Nor is today all bad, though heaven help me, but there are days.....

Who'd a thunk that our media would be reporting on all the Hollywood characters running for office. Reagan was the exception rather than the rule, but today, well, even The Rock is in as is McConaughey and hey, anyone who will trounce Abbott is gold in my book!

Democracy is endangered throughout the world and the USA was a leader in the stampede to destroy it under Trump, along with unfortunate remainders and reminders of his administration. who unfortunately have open pathways to treasonous rants, a la Tucker Carlson's three - part special about Jan. 6, complete with prejudice and lies, so many that even the believers will be stuffed! Or the poisonous blather of Greene and Gosar, along with the poisonous words of Omar, Tlaib, and all those characters on both sides who need to hitch up their pants, man and woman up and do the right thing, rather than cowering under tables lest Trump scold them, or their ugly base turn on them.

Yes, who'd a thunk so many once unthinkable thoughts and witness so many unbelievable actions and deeds. Good and bad among them. We must learn to be more discerning in our choices. Weigh the consequences down the road. And who'd a thunk that there would be defensive shopping for the holidays due to a chain of supply problem. Complete with shortage of pumpkin in cans and turkeys for roasting. Who'd a thunk indeed.

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