Friday, January 30, 2015


 This is the continuation of the first Magic and it only gets worse. Dorothy knows figures, knows budgets and pulled our nuts out of the fire when she was cleaning up Ed Black's and David Israel's messes. Now she shows us their treachery and trickery here. Sad, but very true. Read it and see for yourself. 

Mr. O’Brien has responded to my earlier posting.  He has referred me to the “UCO BUDGET 4/1/15-3/31/16 AS REVISED” prepared on January 16 of this year.
The magic continues or should I say the sleight of hand.  From the itemized list of General Administration Expenses major changes are as follows:
Utilities – here we can see the “sleight of hand” in that the original $190,000 is now magically reduced to $15,000.  HOWEVER, the reduction has merely been transferred to Security and Irrigation expenses; $124,000 and $44,000 respectively.  Of the remaining $7,000 I will “assume” that $1,400 has been transferred to Laundry expenses thereby eliminating $5,600.  Unless you take the time to look into the detail with a fine tooth comb you might actually think that $175,000 has been cut from the budget entirely; an impossible task.  
Some expenses have been eliminated and while the total is relatively small, for some reason, it would appear as though UCO will no longer be assessed state or federal corporate income tax; at least as far as the budget is concerned.
Then there is the Road & Walkway Repair Expense - $10,000 - which is now planned to be paid for from the reserve fund.  Bear in mind, before money is expended from Reserve funds, the Delegates should, if only as a courtesy, be asked to approve the expense.
And then there is the belt-tightening aspect.  Reductions - $51,000 in Beautification; $8,000 in Insurance; $8,000 in Accounting Fees and other smaller sums.  Offset somewhat by small increases in Office Supplies, Centenarian Luncheon, and Computer Equipment etc.
Please remember, this is your money and mine too!  Ask questions if you have them and remember another time honored expression – “If you aren’t certain about the facts, dazzle them with bulls—t!”
Dorothy Tetro


   Read Dorothy's posting and understand the question she is asking. What we need are answers and  what we have instead are clouds and clouds of lies and mumbles.  Esther

I am fascinated by numbers and the stories they can tell.  This one, however, puzzles me to no end.
When the UCO Budget was originally presented, the line item titled Administrative Expense was $856,735.  It is important to remember that this was for 15 months.  This would be equivalent to $57,115 per month.  
The first revision brought this figure down to $643,000 for 15 months or $53,583 per month.  A detailed list was provided in the packet distributed at the January meeting of the Delegate Assembly.
The budget prepared on January 15 indicates $381,000 for a 12 month period (April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016) - $31,750 per month.
So – my question is – how can we have in hand a detailed list of items totaling $643,000 distributed early in January 2015 and now in mid-January 2015 the very same line item has been reduced by $262,000 for the year?  
MAGIC?  I doubt it.  So my question is, what items have been deleted or dramatically reduced?  Perhaps it is just that with so very many changes it has just become or will become more difficult to follow the money – to be able to know where it will be spent, during what time period and on what.     
Think about that please.  Ask questions and expect answers that you can understand or perhaps I should say that I can understand.
Dorothy Tetro


     Having just seen Flashdance at the Kravis Center, the title of one of its songs comes to mind. What a feeling it is to see that some things are beginning to go the way of the Village. Notice I do not say "us", but CV, as that is the goal of the entire opposition to the current UCO administration. So it is good, a real good feeling, when we see progress.
     What progress you might ask? Good.
     1. New budget hearings and formatting and still working on that.
     2. The sense that there is a huge new rock teetering over the budget that will destroy the Poohbah, O'Brien and all else maintaining their false budget.
     3. The growing chorus of voices speaking out, speaking up, demanding answers to hard questions. We will not be satisfied with the statement, "Come to my office." Shall we schedule thousands who want answers? Hmmm, might be an idea.

     4. If you are oh, so privileged and granted the royal right to receive the IFI; then you will have seen this:
This, my friends, is a great start. A start, mind you, but one we have been shouting about since the elections last year. We were told to shut up last year, cursed out, called names but lookee here! Delegates before alternates and I would love to hear details on that! NO ONE votes before 8 AM and I guess that means the Schechters too!
     But we need more. More counters from both sides of the issues.
     More people to insure that the voting process in the ballot room IS OBSERVED, as who knows what goes on with the zombie candidates that he digs up and drags in.
     More people must be included in the process as Ed Black carrying the ballots up alone to be counted makes my heart shudder and cannot be allowed to continue. Than man should be banned from the process anyway.
     More people to insure that the counters tally the votes, not get told by Ed Black that "we" will tally them. Really! Smells to high heavens.

     So we have made a start, but have quite a ways to go and one of the ways would be to get rid of Gorodetzer from this committee as she has shown her true colors too many times.
     But what a feeling to know that we have made inroads.
     5. Marc Friedman is no longer serving as the attorney for UCO so that whole mock process of new by laws has been stopped in its tracks. Gorodetzer, Black and Israel will not be able to shove through their nefarious plans for these changes so quickly.
     6. Cracks have been appearing at UCO. People have been thrown under the bus and Barbara Cornish is teetering on the curb. She has been told her bid committee is irrelevant, interesting that, and she needs to watch her back. Why she hangs on there is beyond me.
     7. People have heard the issues relating to censorship of meetings and dispensing of informational data. They do not like it and who knows when this bubble will burst. Eva, you need to hear this. VP of WPRF does not give you the right to censor and play Momma to us, deciding what is "good" for us and what we "want" according to you. My parents are dead and they were the only ones who had a right to decide what was right for me as their child and I did not always listen to them either so certainly you and David Israel are not even in the running!
     What we want is non partisanship.
     What we want are answers.
     What we want is transparency.
     What we want is a true budget with the true facts and future problems just waiting to be sprung on us.
     What we want is an austerity budget till we are back on solid footing.
     What we want is what we want!!! Not what others determine is best for us poor doddering senior citizens.


Thursday, January 29, 2015


N E W S    F L A S H      N E W S    F L A S H      N  E W S    F L A S H

What has been found is shocking in reference to the newest UCO Budget.

Howard O'Brien, UCO's newest Treasurer, is either not tuned in to how budgets are put together, or he is absolutely dumb, or missing a few shingles.

This discovery is not a maybe, could be, might be, possibly be, --- it's POSITIVE,-- IT IS FACT.

What has come to light and being carefully reviewed cannot simply be revised in the present budget.  The budget is going to need a re-do in its entirety.  This is very serious business.

If the budget passes the way Israel, Black and O'Brien want to present it, UCO will be absolutely/positively eating into the reserves that caused us to wonder if we can survive with limited monies.

We will be put into the same position that we were when the paving contracts exhausted 5 million dollars of our money.

Delegates must understand that no matter what excuses Israel & O'Brien use, they will not be able to cover up this budget fiasco.  And, that's what it is, another fiasco.

Delegates, --- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, --- stop them in their tracks, otherwise we are all going to be paying for it dearly in the near future and years thereafter.

PLEASE,  be SENSIBLE.           



     It must be that the Grand Poohbah has realized that his brain has been failing him. Lately, all that he writes that comes directly from his head only serves to get him deeper into the muck of his own making. Point of instance - his statements regarding the IFI and why he does not send it to Gerry. To put that into print! Dumb does not begin to cover that! Another point of instance - his unbelievable wacky comment about Lion Of Judah etc. when he thought he was taking Ed G. to task. Really!

     There appears to be no governor on his mouth or typing fingers. It is only when he has a ghostwriter either write or majorly proofread his articles that he might seem to have a complete thought in his head. However, when one reads these articles, they are obsessed with his paranoid fantasies of mobs, thugs, people who dare to disobey the mighty Oz and actually have no logic or depth to them.

     So how is this UCO administration functioning? Simple. It is not. The only thing it appears able to do is push its fascistic principles as it tries to hang on to its power, to protect all the cronies it has imported onto committees. but it is not working. In its desperate throes of survival attempts, it has begun to eat at itself. Barbara Cornish keeps up the fight for her bid committee to have some relevance, as well it should, even though Poohbah has deemed it  openly in public as irrelevant. Nice thought that. Makes a strong statement about what he thinks of process and procedure. But then again, I have been saying that for a long,long time. And his former cronies keep on falling by the wayside.

    Now I see that the Wi Fi committee meeting has been cancelled for February. Isn't that informative! Why is there still a committee when it was roundly and soundly defeated? Why does this man perseverate, never learning how to give up on ideas that he wants but that are harmful to the Village. Why? Because he has learned that if he persists and then comes back at a weak time for the Village and the DA, that he can get his wishes granted. Case in point - term limits, one of the most harmful things he has done to this Village. But then again, what does he care, he and his buddies. It is only they who matter, they and their self perceived power, they and their constant spending of our money in useless ways.

     It is time to turn the tide, time to sweep clean. Get rid of the recycled people now wandering the halls of UCO. Get rid of the stale thinking, of the ignorance, incompetence, lies and dishonesty. Get rid of the non elected people who have the reins of our financial stability in their hot little hands. Get rid of those who stuck us with  this security contract and who then make excuses for its blatant incompetent actions or lack thereof, a contract which gave us less than we had before and a lessening of our protection as Big Brother decides for us whether we really need the Rover or not. It is time to get rid of those who blatantly state that Big Brother IS watching - look at Eva's article.

     Well, people, we do not want nor need Big Brother watching us - not on the roads, not at the pools, not anywhere. We are entitled to our privacy and owning a unit here does not mean that we signed off on our rights as Americans. Just another example of Fascism at work as inch by inch, foot by foot, it has crawled into our lives and begun to devour it. Let us turn it out, turn it off and set new people in office. Let us begin with new people for the Exec. Bd. Let us bring back some of the experienced people who are even now pointing out the deficiencies of the budget and of the David Israel administration. Let us bring in and/or back people who have the good of the Village at heart, not their own bills and needs and no one else's.

                        TAKE A STAND!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015




     We have all been asked, at one time or another, why we keep at it, why we keep banging our heads on the wall. Well, the answer is simple - because we are discontent with the current situation and are determined to see it right. We will keep hitting that nail on the head, that crooked nail, until those who are truly malcontent with the situation, the fascists, will give up. That is it, pure and simple. But now let's look at details of the situation.

     Freedom of the press, access to media arenas within the Village are rights that are denied to us. We finally have ridiculously limited time at pools - before 11, when there is really no one there, and The Reporter? HA!!! Here is a look at what we have there.

     Their stated policy, as can be seen at the bottom of page A3 states the following:".....promises to continue its long held beliefs that this publication will print articles to inform our residents....We promise to seek the truth and to print both sides of an issue, to open dialogue...." (my highlighting)
     Well, how's that working? Not so much, to say the least. Let's take a look at the issue of the budget and dissent, examine how much of "both" sides of the issue is truly there.

     Page A1 - budget of Howie and David Israel is presented.
     Page A3 - piece by President on so called security and assembly issues, of the "nonsense" taking place.
     Page A4 - long and insulting diatribe by Hugh Green, a Poohbah supporter, rife with insults to those who dare to disagree and speak up. See a prior posting for details.

     Page A5 - "Opinion" piece by the infamous Don Foster, the infamous DonHoHo, writing "Point of Order" about the annoying use of it, how the noisy disrupters use that tactic. Hate to enlighten you fascists, but it is Marilyn Gorodetzer in her dulcet tones who is always standing up there in the front of the theater and sticking her finger in the air and calling out, "point of order".She is all yours! So again, truth in advertising - a good slogan to remember!
     Page A5 - a piece, "They Lost the Election" written "By Joy Vestal, UCO VP and Reporter Coeditor". Sniff. Sniff. Anyone smell anything rotten here? I sure as hell do! And so what if one lost an election? Does that mean one dies and goes off to the election loss graveyard? Tell that to all the candidates who have run and lost and then run and won. Tell that to Romney who is contemplating another go at it after two losing campaigns. Tell that to any politician, anyone anywhere who has tried for something, lost, but kept up the battle and won.
     Page A5 - Sadie's World cartoon shows Joy Vestal with a boxing glove on punching all opponents - how did this ever get in!?

     Page A6 - Editorial by the two co-editors, Myron Silverman and Joy Vestal, nicely done veiled threat to "think carefully before you cast your vote" with prior veiled references to who it is exactly that represents you.
     Page A9 - an entire page article written by - tada! Joy Vestal - on the UCO Town Hall Budget Meeting - supposedly so willingly set up by Howie O'Brien who did no such thing and only when his master, the Grand Poohbah, HAD to give in to the pressure of the Village, was this set up. The whole article and its words smells to the heavens and Joy makes sure that she ends it with an unflattering "quote" from an attendee, no name, as is usual in their camp, stating that "This group that was here today wants to take over and be in charge." Well, yes, they certainly do, as they oppose waste, lies, intolerance and fascistic behavior, threats, etc., etc., etc.

     Page A10 - an entire page written by Anita Buchanan, a known adherent of David Israel, who writes in this supposedly neutral piece about "Why People Run" and just has to include statements such as "I have learned that there is a hard core group here who don't know how to attend business meetings and who don't want to do for the general good of the organization but would rather rabble rouse to satisfy their own egos." Really? And where, Madame writer and Madame Editor - where oh where is your twice checked facts, your proof, your actual speaker who said that or is this once again, a made up piece to further denigrate the "thugs, the mobs"?
     Page A13 - a huge diatribe written by Hugh Green re Wi Fi and how these "thugs" just ruined it for the Village and there is nothing of the truth, of the backbreaking cost that would have been incurred on top of the horrific costs facing us on the roads, all thanks to the usual suspects, Mr. Green! And where is the fact or views of the opposition? Who the hell knows "cause it sure ain't in this rag.

     This is just one paper. Multiply it by all those that have been printed with this bias running rampant through it and then you will understand why we need to keep hitting that nail on the head, why we need to continue the fight. This is not a minority. Last time I checked, they won the votes on two major issues. That means a MAJORITY voted against what was proposed. Why keep stressing the 15 votes on one issue. A majority is a majority and I have sat in the DA where Poohbah won by a smaller majority and how about the huge majority vote against Wi Fi. Oh, forgot that?
     A lie is a lie and people are tired of these lies. They are tired of the fascist principles being employed here. Lets see where it all leads and why it is so uncomfortably familiar. It is the fault of those thugs, that mob - get rid of them! It is the fault of the Jews - get rid of them. It is the fault of the Gypsies - get rid of them. It is the fault of the homosexuals, those gays and lesbians - get rid of them. It is the fault of anyone who differed from us so get rid of them. But guess what - one day that bell will toll for you. The pendulum of history is on the side of those who fight for the right stuff. They are the true malcontents, the true discontented people, and they, like us, are fighting to correct the errors, to right the wrongs. Need a list? Just let me know and I will send it right over to you.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


     No, folks, not talking of the saints but of the legendary singing trio that most of us remember from days gone by. Their music was the soul of a generation and it continues so to the present .
     Trying to fill some time as I try to recuperate from this flu/bronchitis/Pittsburgh version, I found a recording from about a month or so ago of a PBS program about them. As I watched it, and sang with it - and bless your stars that you did not hear that! - I realized that much of what they sang , sang to us here in CV. Yup! Not kidding.
     If ever a group stood for the values of freedom, of democracy, it was this group. Hear the words in your head again. "'s the hammer of justice, it's the bell of freedom...." Strange that we have to fight for those concepts here in CV in the USA. As homegrown fascism raises its ugly head here in the Village, as it engages once more with the ugly policies of fascism - the lies, the dehumanization of the opponents, the push to shut them up, their demonization as the source and cause of all that is wrong in the world - in this particular the Village - the implied and explicit threat of physical intimidation - the words of that trio ring loud and clear.
     How many can remember singing their song, "We Shall Not Be Moved"? Remember the refrain.   "We shall not, we shall not be moved (2x) Like a tree standing by the water we shall not be moved."
     And there you have our philosophy and determination. Forget this crap about 6 "malcontents" ruining Wi Fi for us all. Forget about the crap about 6 "malcontents" forcing down the budget - and please G-d may that happen again in the Feb. DA. There were a hell of a lot of votes, way more than 6, to overthrow these plans of the current UCO. The anger, the determination of the delegates was powerful - and about time. Once more, refer to the trio - "How many times can a man turn his head before he can hear people cry" - and the answer in this case is not blowin' in the wind - but marked by the votes.
     Lie all they want to, put on their brown shirts literally or figuratively, CV is a democracy and so it will remain. We will not allow them to continue to steal our rights, to lie, to threaten, to steal our security and future from us. We will stand up to them, vote down their nonsense and continue to show up at assemblies to do just that. Two hours a month is not a hardship to keep one's rights intact.
     Come join us, run for office, become a delegate or insist that your delegate vote the association choice, not his or her private one, elect the right people and regain a voice, a say, in your administration.
     6 malcontents my -------!I know the manhood of some of you may be challenged and there are certainly gender identification problems such as the one that Gracie - oops, my not so amazing Grace - has, who cannot recognize the "fat little man" (her words) as her own leader. That will need more professional help than I can give, but if you need help in mathematics and counting, in understanding history, in reading documents of our country and what they guarantee us - hey, just come to us. We have many gifted teachers and thinkers who will gladly help you - cost free. Our pleasure. Hey, wanna' debate????
Go to the meeting today in the Clubhouse at 3:30 and hear more about the budget scam they are trying to pull. Muy importante!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


     It is one thing to dislike one's opponents. It is one thing to vehemently oppose them in print or screen. But it is another thing to propose, strongly and repeatedly, that your opponents be silenced, be kept quiet, have no right to speak and all under the excuse of disruption.
     What is this disruption that they seem to be so concerned with, that obsesses their minds and that brings them to the brink - nay, over the edge - as they propose the rules and behaviorisms of Fascism right here in our Village, right here in the State of Florida and the country of the United States Of America.
     This man who boasts that he is a patriot - after all, he saved us all after 9/11 - who worked for the NSA though as what it is not clear - and who thinks he still does, prints a supposed letter or email from a supporter of his who is just incensed at the level of disruption at the DA and how it must be stopped. This man, the Poohbah, is dangerous, as he tries to impose NSA rules of "eyes only" on papers that ALL members of UCO are allowed to see. There is NO SECRECY to be allowed here in CV. So, to control.

     Really? How? By use of force by a strong sergeant at arms? By intimations of quiet by threat, verbal and physical. This same theme continues to echo through the February issue of The Reporter - ironic that a newspaper should preach no freedom of speech - and just read Hugh Green's letter to the editor. It is an awful letter, twisting words and events and proposing silencing, using terms of criminalization to rile up feeling against all those who dare to get up and ask hard hitting questions. He says,
   "Since we live in the U.S.A., the epitome of democracy, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has the right to let others know of their discontent. But my question is: Should they do this at the risk of all the other residents of our Village who don’t know what is happening, don’t care what is happening, or are content with the status quo?"
     The risk? Is he kidding! Fascists think they are above the law. Their theme is that of Animal Farm pigs who wrote into the law that some animals are more equal than others - the pigs. What does that say about them? This is a man who has no patience with those who disagree with him and I have seen that at our annual meeting, particularly when discussing the now defunct Wi Fi proposal, though that is another one of his "wonderful" contributions to this month's paper. Interesting that, when so many people are banned from the paper and the opposition's viewpoint is not presented and the excuse of no room is given - but a zillion recipes can be printed - he has two long pieces. Hmmm.
     It is exactly for the reason of letting everyone know what is going on that the opposition has grown. More and more are becoming aware of what kind filthy games this administration has engaged in and are becoming incensed, speaking up - much to the detriment of David Israel, Ed Black and all their miserable supporters.
      But this is what Fascists do. They threaten the opposition. They call them names, accusing them of being criminals, a mob and in Green's words "show this band of thugs that they are not wanted..."

This assembly, which went berserk on one poor soul of a man who has been so abused by David Israel every time he gets up to speak, who threw a Nazi salute to show where he believed David Israel stood, and what he represents, should now be told that he is a  political seer, who saw the path these people were walking and called attention to it. Was the salute nice? NO, emphatically not, but is the future that this current administration plans for the Village nice? NO, emphatically not. We must not allow that!
     Folks, you have all got to make up your mind. Many have fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. You fought for your country, whether the country always supported its army or not and did your duty. Is this what it has come to - a Fascistic Village? A dictatorship by a Fascist creature who has suborned others to do his bidding? A Village where freedom of expression, assembly, etc. are BANNED from all arenas and only under a lot of pressure was a room opened for the Messenger's Club and their presentations. They are the ones that forced a budget revision and it is interesting to note the changes not only in money allocated, but in categories. This is a lousy budget presentation AGAIN. Compare it to the detailed ones that Dorothy Tetro presented and ask yourself - who is pulling the wool over our eyes?
"How have they accomplished this feat? Not by peaceful demonstration. No, that would be too easy"
   More lovely - and telling remarks from that same letter. Peaceful demonstrations? NOT ALLOWED! Thugs? Really? Who is threatening whom with force? Perhaps Hugh Green looked in the mirror and applied his own affect to others. Well, Mr. Green, the ugly apparition you see, the man in the brown uniform with the shoulder bandolier is YOU and YOUR BUDDIES. Once you accept that, perhaps you can remember once again that this is the USA. Why not watch the three night mini-series about a group of malcontents who struggled with the ruling authority of their time and see what they have wrought. Was not necessarily smooth nor pretty, but here we are! Gang of thugs indeed! Gang of patriotic malcontents -YES!
     Get rid of these people. Vote carefully for new Executive Board members and work towards that goal and idea and promise -NO FOURTH TERM!
PS. Just saw this quote on Gary's blog and it is so apropos of what I wrote that I am placing it here on mine. Read it and think about it, what it says and the situation here in the Village and what people have said.

Once you permit those who are convinced of their own superior rightness to censor and silence and suppress those who hold contrary opinions,just at that moment the citadel has been surrendered.
- Archibald MacLeish

Friday, January 23, 2015


     I guess one can excuse David Israel from understanding how a long married couple works as he never had someone like that. He should know, that there are no secrets between
Gerry and me, we open each other's email and sometimes even answer them.
     A while ago, I told Gerry that he was not getting the IFI because he is married to me. He said a divorce was too big a price to pay for getting the IFI and then took it upon himself to badger Israel to get them. Finally, shamed into doing just that, the IFIs began showing up in our inbox.
     Now listen to this. Suddenly I noticed that the IFIs were not coming again. I thought perhaps because Gerry spoke up at a DA or attended other meetings that were not particularly friendly to the Poohbah.
     He emailed David Israel today and here is what the man wrote. He is paranoid beyond words, makes up stories and believes his own lies and does not fulfill his responsibility as a representative of UCO. One cannot pick and choose if one boasts about it. How free he is with information - NOT! So below is the email we received and the email that Gerry sent. Please know in advance, as you will know, if you have read this blog - that I never ever said he was using the IFIs to gather information. I questioned what he is doing all day long in his office - certainly NOT UCO work that is beneficial to us all. Anyway - read it and weep that such a man is our president and read it and laugh that he is so paranoid that he is funny.
By the way, I asked Gerry if he expected me to apologize on my blog for something that had never been and he laughed. We will simply get the IFIs passed on to us.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Gerry and Esther Sutofsky  wrote:
 Have not received any IFIs as of late. Please check into this and let me know if there is a problem. As president of my association , I like to be up to date on UCO matters.
Thank you

Gerry Sutofsky

Now the fool, who thinks he can actually split life long partners asunder or have one partner force the other into doing something, wrote this back:

Hi Gerry,
Your lovely wife implied, in her BLOG,  that my IFI mailings were being used to steal peoples data.
While this is patently absurd, I felt it best to exclude any possibility of you being exposed to such non-existent risk.

A full apology and retraction (on her BLOG) would be appropriate as curative.

Dream on, Mr. Poohbah, dream on. You now have blown your own lie wide open - YOU DO NOT SEND IFI TO ALL THOSE WHO SHOULD BE GETTING THEM. YOU MAKE SURE YOUR SYCOPHANTS HAVE THE INFO AND TO HELL WITH EVERYONE ELSE. We see the same kind of behavior in this issue with ED. I really do not care who is responsible for fixing the break as that will be straightened out. What is important is how you, via yourself and via Ted Herle, the CAM, categorically refuse to send him the information he is entitled to in a timely manner. You are a liar and a cheat and you said this in your own words and behavior.
 What is patently absurd are the statements you make and the world of paranoia in which you live. I actually feel somewhat sorry for you.


Gracie girl, your own lord has told you now that he does not send out IFIs to all that want it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


     Well, Disney was as magical as ever. The kids loved it and so did the adults and we had a grand time. What was not so great is the gift my little ones bequeathed to me - the flu and am feeling miserable. Came home and went straight to doctor. Ruins some plans of mine, that's for sure.
     When I could get a connection , I tried to keep up with the blogs and what was going on. But first,  let me just say this. Gracie, the little not, tells me that David Israel is so open and sends out his IFI. Well, oops, Gracie girl. Only to those who kowtow to him. Once my husband spoke up at the DA, even though he is President of Wellington E - guess what? NO IFI. We are being "punished" so next time, not so amazing Grace, get your facts straight before mutter more inanities.
     David Israel, otherwise know as the Poohbah, has uttered mentally questionable statements before, highlighting his paranoia and his incompetence , his lack of mental acuity, and his warped thinking. He has made some doozy statements and shown a temper when one disagrees with him, and yet he tells us that the opposition is threatening him. They are not - only saying that when the truth comes out, when honesty is made paramount, when funds are not hidden in a huge slush fund, when UCO realizes it has a responsibility to its members - all its members - that peace will reign and budgets accepted.
     But how about this statement:

"Well, oh glorious Ras-Tafari, lion of Judah, son of Ra.....Disrupter of meetings, aspirant to relevance .....Etc."

UCO does not respond to threats.

Dave Israel
Is the man slipping off his moorings? Lion of Judah refers to the late Emperor Haile Selassie who carries a connection according to his country's history and tradition, to the ancient tribes of Israel. Ras-Tafari is the religion that follows this belief and the adherents are known as Rastafarians. In fact, most have dreadlocks and that is truly funny because I know Ed would love to have enough hair to make dreadlocks!
     Son of Ra is the son of the sun god, a chief god of the ancient Egyptians so what the hell is he babbling on about. He not only has a screw loose, he has many screws loose - and this is our head of UCO? UNACCEPTABLE.
     As far as governing via threats - who is calling the kettle black? In fact, this whole statement reeks of prejudice as the Rasta and Haile Selassie are and were of black hued skin, and the Egyptians are also of darker hue, so what is it, Mr. Poohbah? Do you not like these people? I am sure that the residents of the Village would be very interested in this.
     So, Poohbah, get off your high horse and reach out for reality again. Recognize when your time to exit has come. You could have done it gracefully and with honor and respect, but you chose to keep on way past your sell by date, refusing information to people who are entitled to it - unless you dislike them- and every other stupid and nasty stuff you have done. Get real and get thee going!


Sorry for no posting but internet very spotty here and goes out at very short intervals. Hope to be home and writing something new tonite.Thanks for your patience.

Monday, January 19, 2015


     For those who have not seen it, there is an excellent video on Gary's blog. It provides an excellent and thoughtful presentation of issues and situations in the Village and why things happen as they do in the DA. What was truly most telling was the emphatic statement made several times by David Israel that he accepted the offer of an independent audit by three members of the Village. He stated that therefore there was no reason for a motion to that affect.
     Well, the man lied. He lied through his teeth and that is not the first time nor the last, I expect. We cannot continue to have such a man as the head of UCO, as the head administrator of the Village, one who uses others and then throws them away like used tissues. Or else he keeps them around to run the place while he hibernates 24/7 in his safe old room just tap tap tapping away.
     Finally, look at this ridiculous and immature answer to the letter sent to him regarding he budget. What arrogance. What stupidity.
     People, this man has got to go. NO FOURTH TERM and no deals for the remainder of this term. Beat his every wish down, no matter what it is, until he realizes that only honesty, transparency, promises kept and open media arenas are the rule of the day. This man has a thick hide, but he is feeling the pain. Well, we have felt the pain for too long and fair play will rule the roost, like it or not.


Hope this connection lasts!
      I do not know what happened at the Democratic club but I can certainly sympathize with Olga at the gate. I also found problems and delays at the gate and the entire Village is complaining. This is the great deal we got via the hard work of Ed Black. NOT. This contract was rammed down our throats at a DA and is just one of the many things that this administration has done that highlight its incompetence and lack of proper process and procedure. I have been saying that for the longest time. It is time that we all pay attention to this as election time approaches. We need to get rid of the non thinkers and put in fresh people, knowledgeable people from the past who know what to do, what is the truth, how to handle our money crisis rather than exacerbate it as the Poohbah and Black want to do.
     Now we have this Democratic club problem. Again, I cannot speak to details but can say that before we tackle the world, we had better tackle our little world and straighten it out before we fix the universe. People who live here, be they Democrats or Republicans or whatever political persuasion, know that there is something very wrong in the Village and it behooves each and every one of us to speak up and out. If we do not, and the Village truly enters crisis mode - it will be our fault. and no one else's.

Off to see the mouse, and hey, sourpuss with the foul mouth, sorry you are so jealous. Maybe if you search hard enough you can find somebody who loves you and is willing to spend the day in your obnoxious presence.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


     It is interesting to note that over the past few months that more and more people are rebelling against the "rule of the Poohbah and his evil adviser, Black." More and more people have come forth with stories of trying to get information and aid from UCO, be it via phone or in person, and for many it has become an extremely unpleasant experience. They are made to feel small, ignorant, dumb, and wasteful of other people's time, particularly of the "important" people in UCO. Many report that it was an Ed Black they spoke to, or rather were insulted by.
     My question here is - why is it Ed Black who is answering questions, or ignoring questions? He is not even an elected official of UCO and has been foisted upon us by the Poohbah who cannot be bothered having contact with the common resident who dares to invade UCO. Go to UCO and see for yourself. There are the same old people hanging around in the front entrance and lobby as if it were a hangout, a social club, for those in the know. They engage in chitchat and commentary. Then we have the perennial Mr. Ed Black who seems to waylay all before they get to the VP who should be answering questions and helping those in their sector but look at the VPs and know the reason why. We have Dom Guarnagia who is most often out doing the rounds and hitting the trouble spots that people have asked him to do so he is not available for aid and my question - where the hell is the CAM in all this? Why can't he figure this all out by himself? Is it not his job?
     Back to the VPs. My bad, folks, Pat is Corresponding Secretary,Dear Lord, a person who has nothing to say at the DA because she does nothing, has no contact with the residents and suffice it to say that she could do with a reality show called personality makeover.
We also have Bob Marshall who is out there, put there by his "friends" (save us from such friends) to take an office away from a functioning human being, who either sits there in a semi conscious state right next to the Poohbah at every committee meeting so he can be told what to do, or rambles on about non sequitur topics. Finally, we have Marcia Ziccardy who is the "black sheep" of UCO. David Israel routinely cuts off her access from the cloud, where UCO information is stored (bad move that), tampers with her computer, and stymies her every question and suggestion at meetings.
     Finally, we have Joy Vestal who actually had some good moments as VP, as in the Social Security here at the Village, but she is so busy with her communications areas that she has simply run out of time for her residents and has turned really nasty with the paper.
    So there we have it - our unfriendly UCO. The volunteers get fewer and fewer in number as they are recycled, to insure an insular UCO, the volunteer luncheon was definitely smaller than normal and here we sit, we, the residents, waiting and waiting for help.
     Well, G-d helps those who help themselves and so do that we must. Come to informative meetings. Come to the DA whether you are a delegate or not. Inform yourselves as to what is going on in the Village. Ask questions again and again and demand answers. Tell the Poohbah that his oh so sweet Presidents meetings that he calls in the month or two before elections, when butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, are no substitute for constant contact, reality checks, and getting out of his office once in a while and breathing fresh air, moving around, other than just tap tap tapping away. People are onto him now. Just come to meetings or Village functions and see how the residents approach opposition people and ask good questions. Tick tick tick, Poohbah, tick tick tick.
     Oh, here is a suggestion. Next week I believe it is the History channel that is going to have a three night special mini-series about some rogue malcontents. No, it is not about us. It is about our inspirations, our American heroes, our Founding Fathers. Watch it. You might actually learn something.
     I will be away most of this week at the mouse house where my grandchildren just love to visit. We will be in a home where I am not sure of the Wi Fi connection but will do my best to connect. If not, enjoy the week, whatever you may be doing, check on it to see if there are updates and I will definitely be back either Thursday or Friday. For those of you foul mouthed people who seem to need to send me multi daily garbage, go ahead if that is what you need. I understand and pity your poor mental health and am willing to do what I can for you. Ta ta!!!
    I will tell Mickey and Elsa you all say hi!

Friday, January 16, 2015


     How much longer do we endure the garbage that goes on here in the Village? It took me about 15 minutes to get in thru the Haverhill entrance and that was on the BAR CODE line! There were lines on both sides of Haverhill. Take these guards and train them, for Pete's sake! And tell the Rover not to stand in the other lane with those lights flashing deciding what to do - should he go, should he stay, should he sit on his thumb and rotate..... this is ridiculous, just another wonderful gift from Ed Black, the gift that keeps on giving!
     How much longer do we have to deal with a president who cannot or will not explain the budget and a treasurer that seems incapable of doing it either. How much longer will we have secrecy and sneak meetings so that people do not know what is going on? How many more people will still not learn that once the Poohbah has used you up, he kicks you under the bus. Over and over again he has done this and now his latest victim is Bettie Blechman. Threw her off the paper (she resigned after nastiness), threw her off the Social Committee, this after many years of service to HIM. Just a used tissue to him.
     How much longer do we go without facilities that we are paying for? How much longer till we are given the information as to where the money went for the old rovers or where they even went! How much longer will we have to deal with utter garbage in the form of a proposed $65,000 tasteless, garish marquee flashing sign for the Okeechobee entrance. How much longer till we have a proper accounting of our monies, a proper accounting system, not a slushy fund?
     We can shorten the waiting by denying more slaves and dupes to the Poohbah and run for office or instruct your delegates to vote for the ones that oppose him. And yes, you idiot, Gracie, not only is it legal to instruct the delegate how to vote, it is the delegates' JOB to vote the association's wishes. Oh, and by the way, my foul mouthed writer, do not think that because you used a VPN or proxy server and seemed to come from India or elsewhere, that we do not know and recognize your filthy, nasty and should be censored mouth.
     In any case, the more we challenge the current UCO, the better off we are and the sooner we start to build up our own representation in UCO, the surer thing it will be that there will be

PS To Grace. First of all, fowl means a chicken, so please check your spelling. Second, I was not talking to you in the second comment so please do not let your guilt feelings misinterpret what I write. Are we clear yet?
PS to Foul Mouth- Don't you tell me what kind of a Jew I am and how I pray. You are a @#%^$&**^% bigot so please do take a long walk off a short pier and do us all a favor.


TO “ANONYMOUS” – Come out, come out, wherever you are!

In a previous posting, I suggested that you might like to have a face-to-face conversation with me in order to satisfy yourself (and I would imagine others) who have it in their heads that I am George Loewensteins “puppet”, that that is not so.   I suggested a time and place.
WHERE WERE YOU?  I was there along with many others and I don’t believe we had an opportunity to speak or if we did you certainly did not identify yourself as the person who made that statement.
So, I am again issuing the invitation.  I will be present at the budget meeting on Tuesday January 20th.  Perhaps you will come out of hiding at that time.  I look forward to meeting you.
Dorothy Tetro


Read this and think and understand. This is economics 101 and we all need to understand. Thanks to Dorothy for taking the time and patience to explain.

At the last Delegate meeting many questions about the new budget were raised.  One of the questions was – and I am the person who posed it – related to the funds WE i.e. UCO has on deposit.
The answer I received, very surreptitiously, was “in BB&T”.  Well folks, I sincerely hope that was not quite accurate.  UCO funds MUST be invested in secure accounts, the ones we generically know as FDIC insured accounts.  Since January of 2014, the FDIC limit per account (or tax ID number) in any one financial institu-tion has been set at $250,000.
So, again I ask – “where is our money?”  I know exactly where the money was on March 1, 2014.  But now I must say, I have no idea.  
Additionally, I believe the residents and owners of Century Village should be advised of the title of each account and how much money is in each account.  During my tenure as Treasurer I prepared and distributed this report monthly and I can assure you the report can be prepared in ten minutes – maybe fifteen.  
From the statement we are given it would “appear” that the fund accounting method we had for many years has been disbanded.  I think I have a very good idea as to who might be behind this thinking.  Putting all the “eggs into one basket” is a very very good way of concealing expenditures.  
Let us not forget that I served as UCO Treasurer for over five years in total - under two different administrations.  When I was out of office the road re-paving fiasco and the shuffling of money took place.  
Perhaps a detailed report relative to UCO bank balances at January 1, 2015 will be made available to us at the meeting on January 20th when the new budget will be reviewed in depth.  
Dorothy Tetro


This is an article taken from The Jewish Journal and well worth reading. Deborah Lipstadt is a well known author and scholar.


Jewish Journal: Over the last few years, the rise of European anti-Semitism has caused alarm in Jewish circles, even before the events that took place in Paris last week. What should we make of this recent escalation?
Deborah Lipstadt: We’ve been warned about this. We’ve seen the signs of it. We’ve seen the attacks on Jews — and maybe the authorities took it seriously, but it certainly hasn’t been taken seriously enough by others — and now, in the most obscene, horrible way, [it] has percolated out to the general community. French Jews have been under assault [for years] and where’s the outrage? Not just for what is happening to Jews, but outrage at what’s happening to [European] society. The Jews are the litmus tests; the Jews are the weathervane. 
JJ: Even before the attack on the kosher supermarket in Paris, there was something uncanny about the violent massacre of cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. Even when Jews are not the targets, it’s hard to see these acts as anything other than repetitive iterations of dark Jewish history.
DL: This is not just a Jewish issue. Anybody who values a multifaceted, multicultural, liberal, democratic society should be terribly concerned. My thought is: It starts with the Jews, it never ends with the Jews. 
JJ: Last August, in an op-ed for The New York Times, you wrote that people concerned with rising anti-Semitism tend to “overstate what is going on now and completely understate the situation in 1939.” What’s different now, from then? 
DL: Things can be bad without it being a Holocaust. What happened at the supermarket in Paris was horrifying; what happened at Charlie Hebdo was horrifying. But the police were there to stop it. The government was there to condemn it. When these things happened in 1939 in Europe, there were no governments speaking out. [Anti-Semitism] was a government action! This is entirely different.
JJ: And yet, you also noted in your op-ed that far right, often anti-Semitic political parties have been gaining more and more traction in European parliaments.
DL: And that’s disturbing too. People who are not on the streets shooting anyone, but who are very respectable, sort of feel that if only Israel would solve the [conflict], everything would go away.
JJ:  Are Israeli policies at all to blame for the rise of Jew hatred in Europe? 
DL: When there are problems in the Middle East, these situations exacerbate, they get worse. Let’s just take Paris, for example. You have Ilan Halimi [the French-Jewish citizen of Moroccan descent] who was kidnapped and killed, held hostage in the most horrific way; then you had the murders in Toulouse at the Jewish day school; you had the murders at [the Jewish Museum in] Brussels; none of those things had anything to do with Gaza. Now, when things happen in the Middle East, do things get worse? Yes. But to simply link it all to Israel and put it all on Israel’s shoulders gives the perpetrators a free ride. 
JJ:  Historically, whenever anti-Semitism rears its head, certain conditions within the larger culture make it ripe for scapegoating the Jews. You’ve blamed “a distinct strain of Muslim anti-Semitism” for the latest resurgence. So when we say “European” anti-Semitism, we’re not even talking, really, about the average European.
DL: I’m talking in the main about Muslim extremism. You have a real problem in the Muslim community — which certainly doesn’t mean all Muslims or all European Muslims — of an extremist element that is deeply anti-Semitic, deeply hostile, and willing to cause pain and lash out. And that has been sort of coddled by European society, as opposed to saying, “These people are dangerous.” But I [also] think many Europeans have lost patience with Israel. There’s this feeling, “Well, the Jews have sort of brought this on themselves.” 
JJ: So, how would you describe the phenomenon that what used to be exclusively anti-Semitic acts are now also happening to ordinary, secular Europeans? 
DL: It’s a failure to be able to live and accept a multicultural, liberal, democratic society. And there’s been a certain infantilization of Muslim extremists in much of Europe, by saying, “Oh, we shouldn’t reprint these cartoons because they’re insulting.” That’s an infantilization and capitulation to extremists. Too many people are willing to say, “They’re anti-Semitic, but it doesn’t really affect me. My ox is not gored.” Well, your ox has been gored.
JJ: Why does it take an act of extreme violence against non-Jews for people to wake up and take to the streets? 
DL: Because there’s a certain attitude of, “Well, this happens to the Jews; this is all because of Israel, and if only Israel would solve the problem with the Palestinians, all this would go away.” It’s a way of blaming the victim.
JJ:  Last summer during the Gaza war, the U.K.’s Sainsbury grocery store removed kosher products from its shelves in response to anti-Semitic threats, which signaled to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that Israel and Judaism had been “thoroughly conflated.” And yet, those who hold anti-Israeli views will argue that they are critical of Israeli policies, not Jews. 
DL: The two have been tied together. I mean, like BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] people who immediately after Charlie Hebdo said, “This was the Mossad.” [Note: On Jan. 8, an article in the Jewish newspaper The Algemeiner reported a BDS conspiracy theory linking the Mossad to the Charlie Hebdo shooting.] Those are the crazies. Those are the extremists. But to them, it’s one and the same. Kosher food has nothing to do with Israel, but I can assure you that the next time those supermarkets that were targeted want to order soup nuts, they’re going to see whether there’s a non-Israeli brand they can buy.
JJ: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to conflate the anti-Semitism in Europe with what he perceives as an anti-Semitic regime in Iran, which has avowedly denied the Holocaust but hasn’t publicly sanctioned anti-Semitic violence. What is the relationship between Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism? 
DL: I don’t think Iran’s Holocaust denial is very important right now. Each time [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad would talk about Holocaust denial, his status in the free world would go down a little bit. He could talk about wanting to kill Israelis and wiping Israel off the face of the Earth — but [when] he said, “There was no Holocaust,” people got upset. I think hard-core denial has really diminished; what I see more of is a trivialization of the Holocaust — the “genocide” of the Palestinians, the “Nazi-like” tactics of the [Israel Defense Forces]. It’s not outright denial, but it’s denying the true nature of what’s going on. That’s what I call soft-core denial.
JJ:  What would change if a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were reached tomorrow? 
DL:The solution extremists want is the end of Israel. So a two-state solution is not going to suddenly calm them down. These are people who have been bred on terrorism, and bred on distrust, and bred on Sharia law. These people aren’t going away. 
JJ: So how can Jews and liberal, democratic societies guard against acts of terror? 
DL:I don’t know. I’m not a policy analyst. I’m a historian. 
JJ:  How would you characterize your current state of alarm?
DL: My state of alarm is higher than it’s been in the past and getting higher.
JJ: Having studied Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism for so long, don’t you ever get tired of these topics?
DL: (laughs) So tired. So tired! But, on the other hand, I feel lucky that I get to write about, study and teach something I care so much about. My vocation and my avocation come together, and that’s pretty nice.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


    Many articles, discussions, impromptu conversations and meetings have taken place and will take place in the near future, all with regard to the budget as a whole and in particular and there is much strong feeling in the Village.
     Much of this feeling is generated by the growing knowledge that we, the residents, we who are UCO, have been purposefully kept in the dark, with realities glossed over or eliminated in public discussions at the DA, such as these discussions are in the first place. The security contract was crammed down our throats in about 10-15 minutes while distracted by other discussions  and issues and lied to as to its final costs and terms of service. We were told how "wonderful" were the results of Ed Black's oh, such long hours of service. Well, do us all a favor next time, Mr. Black - stay the hell out of UCO contracts, especially as you are neither elected to office, nor Executive Board member and thus should not have final say nor be contact for such a huge contract.
     Let us look at one point in particular - the Rover, its purpose, its contact number. We have always been able to contact the rovers directly at times of need by using its contact number. We were told that this new contract would provide EMT style drivers who would know CPR, the better to serve us Villagers. Well, for that help, we need to contact them and here, my friends, is ANOTHER CHELM MOMENT.
     We cannot contact the rovers. We are not allowed to. Yes, you read that right. So what? Here is what. we are deemed not knowledgeable enough to know when we need emergency help that we are paying for so we are to call the east gate, run by the same fools who cannot get that line of cars moving, and THEY will decide if we need the Rover. Yes, they will call the head of Kent for the Village, she will decide and then the rover will be called - or not.
     By then, folks, one caller will be dead, just dead! But who cares, right? So what! obviously our intellects have deteriorated to the point where we cannot run our own lives, cannot know if we need emergency services, so we might as well be dead anyway! So what? Well, the choice is yours. Me, I would forget the rovers and call 911.
     What I am saying is so what about our differences. So what if we are on different sides of the issue of the golf course. So what if we are on different sides in politics, in freedom of choice for women, in financial planning, on which coffee to use or anything else. So what! The most important thing here is to be together, united, to fight against this inefficient, criminally stupid, wasteful and just plain incompetent and wrong, UCO administration and its current president and shills who follow his every word and direction, or rather, those of Ed Black, who is the puppet master.
     We need no more Chelm moments here - not in the planning of the budget or dispensing of OUR funds. We need no administration which pursues a sign for Okeechobee at a cost of $65,000 - and yes, you read that right too. We need no garish, crude, nyculturny, neon flashing marquee as if we are Times Square or a movie theater open to the public. (That is the wonderful taste of the Grand Poohbah, by the way).
     We must stop this reckless spending. We must insist on respect for us and our life experience and knowledge from our vendors. We must insist on an austerity budget until we figure out exactly how much money we have, where it is, what we truly need to do to keep our Village in good shape and cut everything else out. And hey, here's an idea and why not go ask Eva and WPRF and Mark Levy about this. We are being denied service of facilities that we have been paying for - from the Hastings area to the residents' pool - so we really should get a refund on those payments. Think about it.
     C'mon, folks. Forget the differences among us and look to the similar needs we all have. Compromises can be reached. That is the way of life, particularly if one is open to it. Without that we will have an administration as ridiculous and roadblocked as our Congress and that is bad news.
So run for office, get the right delegates appointed, instruct them how to vote and let us begin right away on the next Election with a nice big slogan -



Wednesday, January 14, 2015


     Gary's blog, My Village, has a wonderful little video regarding freedom of speech, of expression, of a transparent government, of a willingness to accept criticism and correct errors. The speech of JFK is accompanied by overlaid pictures and questions and statements. It ends with a statement from JFK that man was born to be free and independent and is followed by a quote from the UN regarding the right of people to free speech and access to media. It is well worth viewing.
     It is frightening to think about it, but we, in the world and here in CV, have allowed our rights to be curtailed, inch by inch. We speak up less. We speak in lower volume. We question ourselves if it is worth the trouble. Well, this is wrong, oh so wrong.
     We have allowed fear to close our eyes and mouths to the invasion of our lives by radical Islamists and their radical interpretation of religion. We have allowed them to tell us what we can and cannot write or picture, what we can ideate or not, in public and even in private. We are kept in their lines by threats and actual violence and even now, with the blood still staining the floors and streets of Paris, once again people are talking negatively about the new cover of Charlie Hebdo, shushing people up and whispering of the violence it will ignite. Well, too bad on those too delicate to hear what needs to be said and shown. The shameful, pulled out and exposed to the sun and air will die. Violence survives in secret and it is that secrecy we must combat.
     Yet there are still questions to be asked and answers to be given and it would be one thing if the answers were honest and came from soul searching, but they will not. Where were the millions of people to march when a teacher and three students were shot down in a Jewish school in Toulouse? Where were the millions to march when Ilan Halimi was kidnapped and tortured for 24 godawful days. Where was the unity when Hollande told Netanyahu not to come. Really, when there were victims who died BECAUSE THEY WERE JEWISH  and not because they were French. Netanyahu was there to represent his fellow family members, as the leader of a country that is the only Jewish country in the world, in the only country that will welcome all its family members, rich or poor, black or white or Asian, the only country that stands as a refuge for us. 70 years after the Holocaust and we are back to the future - again!
     We, all the people of the world, must stand up to tyranny, to threats of violence, to attempts to wrest our rights from us, from all attempts to run a corrupt and inefficient government, from intimidation and opaqueness, from lies and incompetence, from planned threats, from anything and everything that can and will be thrown at us - all in the name of shutting down the opposition, anywhere and anytime.
     Shakespeare often equated the natural world with the world of man. If there were violence in one it would be reflected in the other. (Makes one think a bit about today's world weather and world situations, huh?) But even more meaningful, we must also see that the corruptness, the violence, the threats, the secrecy, the incompetence and veniality that is so often the guiding principles of larger governments, are reflected in the smaller ones, such as our own UCO. We must fight this at all levels.
     Be of courage and stand up to the fight. If we keep quiet, if we hide our heads in the sand, we will be left with nothing and no one to defend, to enjoy. George Orwell's Animal Farm does not exist here in the Village. No one is "more equal" than others and pigs do not rule here in CV, only in Orwell's farm - until the rest of the inhabitants rebelled. Think about it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015











    Walking around Sunday and Monday, talking to people, it seemed to me that we are something like the mythic stories of the village of Chelm, people who came to ridiculous conclusions and solutions to problems. I can remember reading them as a kid and laughing, wondering how it is that adults could be so nonsensical.
     Well, then I grew up and met a few Chelmites over the years and finally retired and moved here and when I paid attention after my first few years of retirement bliss, I found that obviously many Chelmites had moved here.
     You wonder how I know this? Easy. Just walk around and see what goes on. A small example. The bus stop near my building, which serves us as well as Andover associations, had a steep drop between the street and the bench and to sit down one had to carefully place a foot down that drop and hope there was no fall, no twisting. After numerous requests over the years we finally got it fixed - or did we? As a remedy, instead of simply pouring in street material to bring it level, simple enough, what we got were stones, a whole bunch of them. Great! Perfect for twisting one's feet, just perfect for balance challenged people. Chelm strikes again. And guess what? No one takes "credit" for this solution. Wonder why!!
     Then we walked to our annual meeting and wow, those cracks in the road had multiplied and deepened. Soon enough we will be able to stick our hands down the cracks. Hey, maybe we will find treasure, some of the five million plus dollars thrown away on this travesty of a road repair project. So whose idea was this paving and "repair"? Well, we all know the answer to that. Chelm strikes yet again!
      We are now in the season where lots of people come down, ready to swim, use the Hastings pool, take showers, use services and ...uh-oh, not available. They have been under construction for a looooong time and there are still missing pieces, including the heat for the pool on Friday! Why was all this left till now and why is this taking so long? Who the hell knows. We have gotten excuses from Eva, about this and the residents' pool at the Clubhouse, but here we sit, a season half over and facilities are still incomplete. Too much time spent on pickleball courts, I think!. I never see anyone ever there using the courts either. Chelm comes visiting yet again.
     Let's make a budget, right. Uh-oh, Chelmites strike again. Let's play mishmash. Just smoosh every thing all together, funds, expenses, make up stories about costs and feed it to the delegates and they will never know the difference. Uh-oh, the Chelmites discover that the delegates are actually waking up, thinking, demanding answers, DOING THEIR JOBS! The Chelmites do not like this new development and want to call in armed forces to quiet these people down. Bad idea, Chelmites, very bad. Seems that might be instigating riots and denying people their civil rights, freedom of speech. People are trying that all over the world and they are known as terrorists. Even Chelmites should know when they have reached the outer limits of what is permissible.
    So what should the rest of us do, the ones who still can think for themselves and see the emperor in his not there new clothes. Well, come to the delegate meetings and speak up. ALL are entitled to do so, not just delegates. Run for office. Vote in new people, not the same old recycled puppets of the Poohbah. Go to other meetings and find out the truth. Get involved. Here are a few meetings that will be taking place soon. Pick and choose as you wish.
       1. Messenger's Club Wed. Jan. 14, 3:30, room C Clubhouse
       2.Presidents and Unit Owners Club On January 16th 2015 @ 10 am in the clubhouse in room C.

       3. A special finance meeting has been scheduled to discuss the budget on:

           9:30 AM - Clubhouse Room c

    4. Nominations committee Jan. 15, 10:30 - 11:00 AM in UCO building conference room

     5. PRPC Open Meeting Thur. Jan. 15 Clubhouse Classroom B 10:00 AM

And there are others, some serious, some fun, some committee meetings in UCO and some club meetings that you will enjoy. The choice is yours. But do join in. BEAT THE CHELMITES! JOIN THE THINKERS OF THE VILLAGE, THE ONES WHO WANT TO GET IT RIGHT, DO IT RIGHT.