Tuesday, January 13, 2015


    Walking around Sunday and Monday, talking to people, it seemed to me that we are something like the mythic stories of the village of Chelm, people who came to ridiculous conclusions and solutions to problems. I can remember reading them as a kid and laughing, wondering how it is that adults could be so nonsensical.
     Well, then I grew up and met a few Chelmites over the years and finally retired and moved here and when I paid attention after my first few years of retirement bliss, I found that obviously many Chelmites had moved here.
     You wonder how I know this? Easy. Just walk around and see what goes on. A small example. The bus stop near my building, which serves us as well as Andover associations, had a steep drop between the street and the bench and to sit down one had to carefully place a foot down that drop and hope there was no fall, no twisting. After numerous requests over the years we finally got it fixed - or did we? As a remedy, instead of simply pouring in street material to bring it level, simple enough, what we got were stones, a whole bunch of them. Great! Perfect for twisting one's feet, just perfect for balance challenged people. Chelm strikes again. And guess what? No one takes "credit" for this solution. Wonder why!!
     Then we walked to our annual meeting and wow, those cracks in the road had multiplied and deepened. Soon enough we will be able to stick our hands down the cracks. Hey, maybe we will find treasure, some of the five million plus dollars thrown away on this travesty of a road repair project. So whose idea was this paving and "repair"? Well, we all know the answer to that. Chelm strikes yet again!
      We are now in the season where lots of people come down, ready to swim, use the Hastings pool, take showers, use services and ...uh-oh, not available. They have been under construction for a looooong time and there are still missing pieces, including the heat for the pool on Friday! Why was all this left till now and why is this taking so long? Who the hell knows. We have gotten excuses from Eva, about this and the residents' pool at the Clubhouse, but here we sit, a season half over and facilities are still incomplete. Too much time spent on pickleball courts, I think!. I never see anyone ever there using the courts either. Chelm comes visiting yet again.
     Let's make a budget, right. Uh-oh, Chelmites strike again. Let's play mishmash. Just smoosh every thing all together, funds, expenses, make up stories about costs and feed it to the delegates and they will never know the difference. Uh-oh, the Chelmites discover that the delegates are actually waking up, thinking, demanding answers, DOING THEIR JOBS! The Chelmites do not like this new development and want to call in armed forces to quiet these people down. Bad idea, Chelmites, very bad. Seems that might be instigating riots and denying people their civil rights, freedom of speech. People are trying that all over the world and they are known as terrorists. Even Chelmites should know when they have reached the outer limits of what is permissible.
    So what should the rest of us do, the ones who still can think for themselves and see the emperor in his not there new clothes. Well, come to the delegate meetings and speak up. ALL are entitled to do so, not just delegates. Run for office. Vote in new people, not the same old recycled puppets of the Poohbah. Go to other meetings and find out the truth. Get involved. Here are a few meetings that will be taking place soon. Pick and choose as you wish.
       1. Messenger's Club Wed. Jan. 14, 3:30, room C Clubhouse
       2.Presidents and Unit Owners Club On January 16th 2015 @ 10 am in the clubhouse in room C.

       3. A special finance meeting has been scheduled to discuss the budget on:

           9:30 AM - Clubhouse Room c

    4. Nominations committee Jan. 15, 10:30 - 11:00 AM in UCO building conference room

     5. PRPC Open Meeting Thur. Jan. 15 Clubhouse Classroom B 10:00 AM

And there are others, some serious, some fun, some committee meetings in UCO and some club meetings that you will enjoy. The choice is yours. But do join in. BEAT THE CHELMITES! JOIN THE THINKERS OF THE VILLAGE, THE ONES WHO WANT TO GET IT RIGHT, DO IT RIGHT.

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