Thursday, June 30, 2022


 The self examination and introspection continues apace, venturing into frank, unknown territory. It is the equivalent of the childhood rhyme of the spinning - and where it goes, nobody knows. Not even the spinner. That is the excitement, the dread, and the challenge. The largest, hardest demand is to be honest. Honesty can cost in myriad ways, many refreshing yet painful as well. We will see.

Yesterday, if asked to define a 'Jew", I would have chosen this answer: a Jew is one whom others say is a Jew, with all inherent connected issues. In other words, there is an element of perhaps helplessness, loss of independence, when thinking of this question and answer. However, there is far more to it than that. Much more, a great deal of it historical in both cause and effect.

A Jew is one who is never, cannot ever, be comfortable in place. Always, there is that dark eternal element of uncertainty, of fear, real, deep fear, willing to admit it or not. Through the centuries, Jews were always the "other", the alien in the midst, always susceptible to distrust and accusation. Always a convenient scapegoat, a distraction to be used by a dictator in time of peril to his position. And yet, that lesson never seems to be internalized, as with shock, again and again, Jews, citizens, long time residents, integral parts of society, find themselves denied that membership, that acceptance.

Steven Spielberg made a phenomenal movie called Schindler's List. But he made another, earlier one which actually has Jewish overtones and inner meaning. E.T. The Extraterrestrial. E.T. wanted to go home. Wanted to belong, to be where he indeed belonged. He lived in precarious safety, depending upon the courage of others to hide and protect him, at great cost to themselves. Sound familiar yet? Habayta! To home. Always and forever the eternal plaint and wish, etched on walls of synagogues,  even in a secret synagogue of Terezin.  

A deep desire, need, to go home. Home. A place where one was not the other, a place of warmth and welcome. A place of refuge for imperiled Jews  scattered throughout the nations of the world. Brought home, welcomed, simply because the Jewish people recognize that we are all in this together and it matters not whether the Jew has Asian features, black skin, long beards, or waves a Pride flag.  Or even denies one's Jewishness, whatever and however that is defined. A Jew is a Jew, like it or not, and that assurance is always there, admit it or not.

So where am I in all this confusion? I am a Jew, a proud one, never to deny it and its importance to me. Yet I am American, the third generation to live here, with three more following. We are Americans. We are Jews. We are the same; we are different even within families. We are secure, yet also look to our passports, kept up to date, certain of who we are, yet not so certain as to how non Jews think of us. 

Thousands of Jews have died fighting in the wars of this nation, but the antisemitism continues, grows, today, with killings in synagogues, attacks at schools, in stores, walking on the street, recognizable as a Jewish person. We have vandalism on our institutions, vile hate writings dumped on our lawns, our children frightened by scenes of maddened, red-faced troglodytes screaming "Jews will not replace us!" Who the hell wants to?

What we want is to be home. Wherever we choose to make home. We are not the alien like ET. longing to go home. Why can we not be home already? Why cannot the haters of the world leave us alone, not give us extra space on their dais of "to be hated" people? Why are we growing, exponentially, a deepening fear for our children on campuses as antisemitism, in all its faces and disguises, grows, in violence, in filth, in danger?

Why is it so difficult to be a Jew? Why fight so hard to remain, openly, a Jew? Why? Because we are Jews, a people which has outlasted all the great conquering nations of the world. All the efforts to kill, convert, or exile. All the horrid pogroms, massacres, economical oppression, and scientific plots for extermination. All the governmental inspired, approved violence against their Jewish citizens. We are here. Here we will remain.

 I am a Jew.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


I find it quite interesting that having crossed the ocean, landing in Israel, my deep interest and concern with the current events of the day has become less intense. Instead, perhaps more fitting, I find myself often in deep contemplation, introspection, trying to define more distinctly what are the parameters or lines designating, delineating one's 'Jewishness'. Just what is it that makes one Jewish or is there even any such designations, tried and true through the eyepiece of history?

Mind you, I do not expect any world shattering revelations within this self introspection, but I guess, as we slide down the backslide of life, we all find, discover, a need to look within. Perhaps it is connected with the desire to leave a legacy, one of thought, not necessarily of money or things  - even as the stock market is taking care of that, quite handedly! Perhaps as I walk the streets of my ancient homeland, as I visited a most wonderful thought provoking museum precisely focused on that very issue, the need manifested itself.

And so for a bit, though not totally, I have eschewed the corruption of our nation, the dangers and perils just about overwhelming us and the world in general. So, to begin with. I have known my identity as a Jew since birth or perhaps even within the womb! I lived in a Jewish world, family, friends, school, holidays and when young enough, I could even believe the world was, in fact, Jewish.

Born into a post WWII era, where insane hatred of Jews resulted in horror unknown to man, an attempt to wipe out an entire Jewish nation, extirpate their very memory, erase it from the world's memory banks. In doing so, monetary gain via slave labor, theft of properties and goods, and heretofore unplumbed depths of rabid hatred were satisfied, even encouraged. Blood lust ruled the day.

So who was a Jew in those unthinkable, yet so real, days and times. To whom was fate prescribing death for the "criminal" act of being Jewish? There was no questioning then who was Jewish. You were Jewish if so defined by the government wallowing in its own stinking depravity. Bloodlines were traced, fanatically. Conversion to another religion?  Never mind that - you were Jewish. Jewish law defining who is and is not a Jew, no matter, for Jewish you were, and  Jewish you would remain until your last breathe. 

 During that time of horror and bloodshed, nothing new in Jewish history, there were those who proudly proclaimed their heritage even as others denied and hid. There were those who underwent forced conversion, but practiced secretly, and were always distrusted, suspect and suffered unthinkable deaths. Some left their countries, where their families had lived for generations even hundreds of years, for to be a Jew was the most important thing to acknowledge. Even those who rebuffed being categorized as a Jew, so far were they from the tradition and practice and community, found themselves classified, like it or not, as members of the Jewish tribe.

Was it traditional communal practices that made one Jewish? Was it inherited, within the very blood and genes, so that even an adopted child would feel its tug? Would, in fact, that tug manifest itself centuries later, driving so many to trace their roots, find their ancestors and join the nation? Could one will oneself in or out of peoplehood? What indeed made one Jewish? Simply look around at any Jewish community worldwide and wonder, agape, at the differences among them, by skin tone, by ethnicity, by religious practices diverged over years of almost isolation, affected by influences of surroundings, of outlooks and viewpoints  and then tell me what makes a Jew- a Jew?

Stick with me over the next few postings as I maneuver myself through this question, as I think about, both large and small things that make up one's Jewishness, defines that person as a Jew. Will not be easy and I, in fact, have no idea where it will take me, as we go through this process together.   

The only thing I do know with 100% belief and internal knowledge is that I am a Jew and would never think to deny it. No matter those who hate me, who would throw antisemitic garbage on my lawn, try to kill me and mine, or deny my very membership in the panoply of mankind.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


  I have always wondered just exactly what is meant by the term or sentence of haunted, i.e. "Her face was haunted." Well, now I know. Now I have seen it with my own eyes. There was nothing else to use to describe the face of  Hutchinson, a young aide to Meadows, entangled and witnessing the entire visit to the dangerous cuckoo land of Jan. 6. Haunted by what she saw, haunted by the dissolution of illusions and innocence as her very heroes and role models collapsed of their own weight and corruption. As the burden of their own complicity became ever so clear and ever so much closer to reality.

The pain was real. The anguish was engraved on her face. The astonishment of her audience as they heard her words, as they were chilled by the very veracity and shock of those words, was challenged by none. In the words of a Fox news anchor, her testimony was "stunning and compelling". So where do we go from here?

If ever there were a doubt of Trump and the imminent danger he posed - and continues to pose - to this country, persisting, remaining on life support within the troglodytic minds of his most deluded fans, its life support now must have the plug pulled. The harm he has perpetrated upon this nation, the continuing trail and paths of slime emanating from them, well, it must stop. Reality must set in. Right now! No holds barred. No delay tolerated. Time to give up the tantrums of toddlerhood and take on the mantle of adulthood, the recognition that the world can exist without you, nor for you, but rather for the entirety of humankind.

How could we have allowed this? How could we have allowed our homegrown traitors, long term conspirators, a la Putin, their role model, to put into play their most treasonous plan, almost succeeding in overthrowing this country, condemning all within to a world of fascism, authoritarianism, and a miasma of deep, stifling dreariness  and despair.

I wonder why everyone is so shocked by the behavior of Trump, his physical violence, his emotional immaturity and ugliness, his selfish self-centered narcissistic self, its focus only and for himself. I have said that was him all along, lo this past decade. People thought him a buffoon, and he was, but a most dangerous one. People excused his rudeness and weakness of character, mistaking them for a 'man'. Worse was the conniving of GOP leadership as they went along with his plans, installing 6 - SIX and there is that number again - Roman Catholics to the Supreme Court, thus introducing a church ruled state, with religious belief a determining factor in creating law, outrageous, unrealistic, manifestly dangerous laws.

The Court has ruled that it is now okay to use federal funds for religious schools and education. The Court has ruled it is okay for open prayer sessions at games and events intimidating those who do not wish for it, and certainly a violation of separation of church and state. But why should that surprise us, when the Catholic belief in the sanctity of the unborn fetus holds sway ALL THE TIME over the needs, even the life of the fetus carrier. Why should my belief as a Jew, which values the mother over the unborn, be stomped upon. Indeed, why is anyone other than myself allowed to have the power and right to dictate my choices, anywhere, in the bedroom, in the polling places, in stores, wherever and whenever ignorance rears its ugly head.

Why are we not placing this man and his henchmen on trial. For treason. For inciting murder and mayhem. For deliberately allowing and encouraging,  armed people, out to kill, to maim, to enter the Capitol and wreak havoc over all? Why are we sitting still, even as we encourage the justice system for traitorous leaders in other countries. Since  when did we allow one to get away with attempted murder or manslaughter, or trying to choke a man blocking his most homicidal desires and plans. Why and why and why!! Following orders were they? Have we not been there done that, already, too many times and have we not learned anything from it all?!

Apparently not. So "angry, defiant, and vulgar" is what we get. What some seriously mentally challenged morons continue to honor and protect. And what is he? One who wishes to “Take the effing mags away,” all the better to build his armed mob up in numbers, consumed by the numbers of the crowd. A man who throws his food against the wall when disappointed. A man who is quite clearly NOT a man in any way, shape, manner or form. In fact, he who rides in "The Beast", his armored car, well,  he himself is The Beast within. A Beast who endangers us all unless and until we indict, try, convict and imprison him and all who aided him. It is a lesson which needs teaching, which must be taught and caught.

Monday, June 27, 2022


  DC is on fire. It has red streak of rage running through it, consumed by thwarted desires to be an equal part of the American firmament. It wishes to flare out its wings of justified rage against the justices horribilis of a poor and dangerous imitation of a Supreme Court. That rage is joined with many others, and the power and fierceness grows apace.

In fact, it is no difference than what is going on right now in our tormented country. Quite honestly I felt a feeling of relief as I boarded a plane where politics were not debated, where people were soft and kind, extended a helping hand and arm to a parent beset by  a crying child and the anticipation of seeing friends and family were foremost.

People needed a vacation from the stresses of the world. Ukraine. Hunger. Inflation. Crazed gas prices. Arable land consumed  by subdivisions which none can afford. Trump and his poison. The lies, the bold and useless lies of complicit GOP members in the treason of Trump. The anticipation of a restored hearing tomorrow. The increasing question as to whether Garland will move, get off the dime and prosecute to the fullest sense of the law. The absolute and most dangerous debacle and  reality of a perverted, partisanship, twisted group of justices masquerading as partisans of justice.

For the next ten days or so I intend to revel in my family, new found and old, survivors of attempts to   destroy them, and take joy in new lives for themselves and their families. For remembering that we are all family members together, supping together at the same table.

Elementary yet so difficult to internalize for so many.

My postings will be taking place from Israel over the next week and a half and might appear  at differing times.

Shalom from Israel, from Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people from time immemorial, and shukran, thank you, for reading the posts.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


   You cannot be a living member of society today and not know the meaning of "having one's six". Not if you are breathing. Not unless you are a zombie, a member of the growing segment of American society, much to the detriment of all. In fact, these 'zombies' actually are fulfilling the 'having of one's six' even as they bare their own six to the rapacious violent, omnivorous, cannibalistic teeth of the masters.

The number six has also taken on dark significance these days. I am sure that were we to consult with a seer somewhere, we would be receiving ALARM ALARM highlighted with bold, glaring vibrant red and orange vibrating colors surrounding it all. But we consult no one; that is, no one other than the garbage, the most dangerous garbage, the evil spewers of that garbage, that has consumed, is drowning, social media.

SIX GOP members of our highest level of the legislative branch went crawling through their own dirt in order to gain a pardon for their most heinous, unpardonable treasonous acts of pre and post Election 2020.

January 6 was the day of rebellion, the attempt to overthrow this country's government, to deny democracy, to condemn this nation to a future of none, a future of complete, dangerous, autocracy.

SIX is the number of supposed Supreme Court Justices who have viciously lied through their teeth, just "shocked" Collins and Manchin at their turnaround - as if there ever were any doubts about the truth of these miserable human beings and their motives, their partisanship, their abandonment of America, its people, its history, its very existence.

SIX, our six has gone uncovered, open to backstabbing, to retreat into a world of yesteryear, as the country's decision makers abandon, violate, their oaths and conspire - yes, CONSPIRE - to defraud, to destroy, the nation's fabric, to shred it beyond any and all possibility of mending. No one, no one at all, has our six. Not for a long, long time.

We have denied the very truth of the vision of our eyes, of the hearing of our ears, of the growing rancidity of the very air we breathe, of the truth so there, right there, which we refused to see and  understand. We were the SIX blind men with the elephant, unable to put things together, allowing for the elephant to run wild, to trample all that we hold - or held - dear.

We have fallen victim, a much desirable prey, for those who would destroy the American Dream, the  World's Dreams. With our SIX left open, vulnerable to attack, we have given in to the dangerous weak segment, the untethered to reality, the discarders of democracy, the rampaging seekers of power, the appeasers of hate, become the losers that appeasers are, each appeasement consuming more and more of our very selves. Until there is no more to abandon, for all is gone. Until the statement of a wise diplomat, Winston Churchill, is upheld:

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

What we fail to grasp, refuse to grasp, is that we will be eaten anyway. Our six abandoned by those who were to have guarded it.

On Friday we truly were abandoned, turned back to those not so golden years of the past, ignoring all the progress made. It was a revelation only to those who persisted in denying, the truth of it all, the planning, the very vicious cold, long- range planning, that had one goal at its heart: to turn this country back to a land where right is only a direction, not a political stand, for NO OTHER viewpoint will be tolerated. The guiding precedent? The year of 1868 and there is that notorious number SIX yet again. Think not? And I quote the very words of a most manifestly unqualified supposed Justice who never should have been there in the first place, a sexual pervert, married to a traitor, a conspirator, along with the rest of the benighted  infamous, dangerous group of SIX on the Court, who are advancing along the path which will tear away all that we hold dear and sacred. As they lead the charge, proving the truth of that warning: "Burn the books - Burn the people.   

 "(Thomas) said 'he agreed ...that only (only!!!)(sic) abortion was specifically 'at issue'....but he went on to call for the court to PURGE (PURGE!!!!!) "at the earliest opportunity' all other cases that similarly reasoned that various unwritten rights are protected by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.:

In truth, and we had better understand, there will be no due process anymore. What we NOW have - yes, now - is the rendering of all women to the reality of 1868, where women were chattel, property, no rights, no independence, no ability to do anything not allowed by their male masters. And no, this was not a land of Arabia, but the land of supposed brave and free Americans, a country that now has turned its back on the contributions of the female gender to it.

It has taken away the right to vote. It has taken away the right to enter study for legal and medical careers. It has taken away any and all rights to their children in a divorce case. It has placed them in physical and emotional, mental peril, as husbands are now allowed to abuse wives, rape them, abuse their children. All legal.

No more same sex relationships and same sex marriage?! Don't even bother asking. Mixed marriages between races and religions? Gone with the horrid winds. Rights to vote, to get an equal education - and do not, not for one itty, bitty second, think that this very decision of equality is not under attack right now! Boastfully. By those troglodytes who are first trying to recall that with an upright posture comes the responsibility of thought, of justice, of equality, of advancement of a society beyond the club and the weapon.

I am in despair. I cannot find one teeny tiny hinge upon which to pin or attach a whisper of hope, of optimism. Too many troglodytes around. Too many brainwashed women. Too many who are willing to consign to death, a cruel, needless death, of many women, even those carrying creations of rape and incest. Condemned to become breeders, with no rights at all. Might as well shop for red capes and white hats. Might as well join the underground resistance for the sake of your daughters and granddaughters and all the daughters to follow.

In several weeks there will be a plaintive voice, a historic tune, ringing out from Jewish households, institutions, and countries of residence - all over the world. An ancient lamentation will be coated with new, yet ancient, lament, as the rise of violent antisemitism grows, pervades the ugly undergrowth of the world as 'Christian and Christianity' are perverted, turned back to murderous times, beliefs and actions.

Lamentations 1:1-3

How deserted lies the city,
    once so full of people!

 there is no one to comfort her.
All her friends have betrayed her;
    they have become her enemies.

She dwells among the nations;
    she finds no resting place.

How tragically apropos.

Friday, June 24, 2022


  And on they run. All those bunnies. All those truths denying little critters, heading for the hills, or seeking those magic tree holes, to slide down to a Mad Hatter world, and to slither to and through the sewers where they apparently were born, raised and lived, imbibing the worst of human qualities. We often judge a person by the company he keeps, and all this mess is simply proof of the truth of that particular pudding. You know, dogs and fleas, etc.

Unfortunately, we are left with the very disturbing, discouraging mess that has been placed on us, around us. We have had to slog through layers of filth, of perverted reasoning, of oath swearing legislators betraying their promises, shirking their responsibilities, and buying into a personality cult which embraced a most disgusting critter of all. Perhaps the most frightening and unrest, unease generating aspect is the allegiance to a crazed, hyper, venomous Christianity, one which truly rather ignores the values of a true Christian. I am lucky enough to have wonderful friendships with true Christians and I worry over the growth of extreme religion, all the crazed, society dividing requests and demands it puts forth.

From Green to Boebert, to Gohmert, to Perry, to Mast, to DeSantis, to AOC, to Tlaib, to any number of legislators, governors, who are willing, anxious, driven, to attack the foundations of American democracy, to gnaw, to chop, to rot, all and sundry. What is left for us to do? Even as we lay bare the truth, the filth, the treason, of Jan. 6, all that went before and that which ensued, and incredibly remains alive, even as... we meet with continuing believers of evil, or those who work hard at encouraging outlandish, perverse behavior as they themselves supposedly spout truth, barely coating over the rabble-rousing words and memes they spew forth.

Yes, I was correct in my blog postings. Yes, I stated and predicted well in front of all the truths now emerging and damn it! Wish I had been wrong. What is worse, is the fact that I see nowhere for this nation to go, every option blown apart, forced down a path to the demolition of democracy and a dreary, frightening world in which to survive - not live, but survive. When the elected protectors, or alleged protectors, guardians, of the nation turn traitor, kowtow in adoration and fear before a manifestly disturbed being, so off track beyond adequate words to explain him, well, what is left? Whom are we to trust? Who will have OUR 6? Who will watch our back rather than stabbing us in that same back? We must try to hear the raspy, deep throated plea of Bonnie Tyler as she calls for a hero. We must be those heroes

 We must be our own heroes, lest all is lost. 

We will face demands that frighten one deep into an already besieged soul. That little bird of hope needs to keep moving, attacked by vicious attackers on one side, and weak response, even apathy, on the other. We must feed that bird a steady diet of vitamins of courage, strength and determination. We must partake of the same diet. Drink from the same fountain. Grow the same attributes of seekers of justice, of fair play, of equality, of a future, positive and bright, if we all contribute. If we value truth and honor. Decency. And ruthlessly root out the rot which remains, within and without. 

The Supreme Court has lost its honor, perverted its mandated role in our governmental structure. It is playing obstructive, partisan politics, lost its way, much to our detriment. It removes all heart and hope as it opens up gun ownership and carry rights, as it openly has a traitor married to a Justice, perverted himself, and never should have been installed. To the three most dangerous Trump appointees and the collusion of GOP chieftains in denying any other appointee the time of day, a modicum of honor and respect. So low have we fallen. So cheaply do we hold dear the lives of women. And frankly, unless we impeach some, or someone dies, there is no hope for the correction of this situation that spells doom for us. We have entered most dangerous waters, foundering, even as they proceed to undo every past and future decision to be made. As they ignore precedent, unless it is inimical to a just and safe society. 

The Justices these infamous SIX, bring shame upon us, spurn our history, as they overturn every one of societal changing decisions, the ones which endowed this nation with social attributes, with hope for those who were "the wretched refuse" of "teeming shores", who came here in and with the hopes to do better, to be better, to move society forward. In an environment true to itself, rather than to the corrupt, to the crazed.

To reiterate yesterday's posting - I am confused. I have conflicting hope and despair. What I do know is that we have little time in which to decide where we stand as a nation, what future we are going to engender.

Ours to choose. 

Ours to lose.

To be our heroes - or cowards and traitors.

“just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen” 

So directed Trump on Dec. 27, 2020, to the man serving as Attorney General in the last days of Trump's perverse reign.

Do you continue to deny the truth?

We must refute that attitude. Must. MUST.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


  These past years, in fact, most probably the entire decade, ever since people began to tout Trump as presidential timber, I have grown ever more confused. This timber, presented to the nation was full of termites, body, brain, and soul. He exhibited strange behavior, words that made no sense at all, or directly contrasted with the truth. Absurd infantile behavior, tantrums, and worse, became the lingua franca of the time. Much to our detriment, especially as we began to initiate divorce from our allies, and the limbs of that rotting tree reached out to embrace enemies, manifest opponents to democracy. I lost my country. I could not recite the pledge with any degree of enthusiasm or even belief, not when that rotten, ever rotting, tree was in charge.

I stood, quiet, respecting our past history and principles when the national anthem was sung, yet could not sing; this was no longer a country I recognized. I wondered where it went, why it disappeared, and then ... then... then what? Would there be an afterwards or would we lose entirely the benefits and challenges of democracy. Would the country be riven in two, or perhaps even smaller fractions of what was once a great nation? And where the hell was the sense, the intelligence, the native understanding of peril, existential threat, as it grew, loomed ever larger, in both the rear-view mirror and through the windshield. We were trapped in a trap of our own making. And then - what? How do we exit, gracefully or not, from this morass? How do we regain our ethos, as a nation, in our role in the world?

So here it comes, the twisted, convoluted, maybe made up for a specific purpose, to explain away what the hell happened to us, as a people, as a nation. Simply put, we lost our marbles, turned off higher brain function, deluded ourselves into excusing awful behavior which we condemned in our own selves and our families, co-workers, whomever. Yet for this man, all was forgiven. Why? Why? Thus, the community of psychological geniuses came up with new terminology to explain it all. To explain it all away? To justify what we did? Now gird yourself for a 'learning' experience.

"Identity advancement" and "group prototypicality". G-d bless these coiners of new terms and explanations; how else could we disguise the severity of our moral collapse? Simply make up a term, or take an old one lingering arounds, and go for it! Following the national trend of self entitlement, lack of responsibility, and denial of truths. How lucky can an American get?

"Identity advancement" - ...refers to the belief that a politician “stands up for Americans, acts as a champion for Americans, promotes the interests of Americans, and has the best interests of Americans at heart.”    Got it? Next up at the plate - "group prototypicality". Say that ten times in a row and the excuse making streak is right there. Its definition? "...refers to the belief that a politician represents what is characteristics of Americans, is typical of Americans, and stands for what Americans have in common." Woe upon us if that man and his antics, ridiculous and dangerous at one and the same time, represents what is America! So help us G-d, for I believe we are way over our sell by date on that one.

That kind of says it all and what I say is Phshaw! Phooey! It served to excuse our criminal backsliding, reversion to primitive behavior, shucked our apparently thin veneer of unity, as Americans, and went for the throat of this country. I could care less for all the excuses and fancy language. What we did as a nation, as a people, as individuals, was to renege on our contract with society, with other Americans and with the world at large. Like it or not, that is what America stands for. To suddenly pull the pin and let a societal grenade go off and riot in favor of it, follow a most definitely guilty President!!! To engage in an attempted coup! Words fail - they fail me and they fail society at large. WE have ourselves.

The simple truth is that we lost our heads, minds and souls. We forgot who we are supposed to be, what America represents, lost our pride in that and  substituted aggrievements of all sizes and scope. We allowed hatred to run rampant, everyone crying out how poorly they were treated and never mind the just issues of the neighbor. Nope, forget "all for one" of the Three Musketeers. It is "all for me"- the one that exists in the American psyche during the Trump era. That psyche imagery, that "role model" - please excuse the term here -  was that of Trump, forever excused from any and all rampant misbehavior, egregious in action and intent.

Now, it is up to us, Will we have the righteous behavior to place that man and his cohorts on trial? Will we cleanse house of traitors at the highest level of government? Or will we fall down on the job, fail ourselves to the point of imminent danger, the sirens roaring but to what avail?

Yes, I am confused. I am sad. I am worried. I am fearful. Will we, Americans come together, see the truths of the situation, or will we be condemned to preside over a second Civil War and the dissolution of the noblest experiment of mankind.

How did we ever get here? how have we reached the lower levels we have now plumbed? Confused? Heck, YES!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 Once Turkey was known as the Sick Man of Europe, or the world; it does not matter. What does matter, is that it was deeply disturbed, turbulence eating away at its core, and it had to change. Over the past two weeks and for years prior, I have been watching our country become the Sick Man of the Western World, in fact, the entire world. We lost our way, were groping in the dark, trying to find some guidance, to come across some light, but failed, abysmally so. Rather than find the light, we found our way deeper into the darkness of hopelessness, of shocking turns of events. The darkness deepened, almost, or perhaps actually, reaching the point of no return.

Over the days and weeks of the Hearings, with more to come, with new evidence and information continuing to be disclosed, we have reached a crossroads. Either we are at an impasse, the country irretrievably lost in a darkness of its own creation, or there remain remnants of veneration of and for truth, for love of country, for allegiance to duties and sworn oaths, for nation over selfish, destroying desires. For people within to find the courage to stand up against those who would destroy us in the name of a power grab, to be able to do the right thing.

Yesterday I heard some of those people. Though they very mistakenly supported Trump, voted for him, despite his mammoth and visible, glaring, deficiencies, when push came to shove, they did the right thing. They stood up to pressure, to threats, to intimidation of themselves and their families. We are proud of them. We are grateful to them. In fact, were it not for them, the democracy of this country would have been a figment of a once upon history of a once upon striving to be Camelot, and the hope of billions of people.

We are sick at heart here in our besieged nation. We are sick in thought in perverted desires, in the blood mist of threats, even unto the murder, yes murder, of those defending this country. I growl with anger, with frightened thoughts, wondering how it came to be that a very visibly mentally deficient man, one demented via physical cause, via crazed utterances, through gross misrepresentations of the truth, unable to actually separate truth from falsehood, even not wanting to do so. Why? He was obviously succeeding at his imitation Hitler role, doing quite well even as the country sank, ever deeper and deeper into the unknown, into a foreboding future.

It matters not how or why he was mentally challenged, unable to acknowledge a reality unfavorable to his short and long range plans. Perhaps he had a physical, aging induced brain undergoing massive, negative changes. Perhaps it was also chemical. Perhaps, no, it was, wishful as well. It matters not. What does matter is the very obvious fact that so many for so long stood by him whereas if he were in their business office or family, would have long ago been advised to get help and/or leave. Immediately. Before irreparable harm was done. Well, we are too late to stop the harm, but we still have time to make some repairs, to ensure that such a President never, ever, ever, find welcome in our country.

Watch the next hearing, where newly disclosed videos will be played. Sit there with mouth open, agog, at how close we came to inviting our own destroyer into our homes. How still too many very evil people and gangs continue to favor him, to eschew all truth and go for the bad over the good. And that includes you and you and you and all those who deny the importance and truth of these hearings, their professionalism, the very damaging evidence of conservative Republican witnesses. Those of you who do not listen, well, you may try to keep your head and mind in the sand, but the sand erodes and there you are! Bare to the world. There is no running away.

Our country is sick. Our leadership, particularly on one side is very ill. As are the dangerous extremists on the other side of the spectrum who invite hatred and bias -for others - even as they decry the prejudice they claim for themselves. The truth is, a pox on both your houses, curses to you all who stomp on and over this country. Time for the healthy among us to step up to the plate, to hit those speedballs coming our way, to hit it out of the park with massive swing and strong desire. We can win - but only if we want to and act accordingly.

Will we?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


  Those are the two choices open to Pope Francis, particularly following the resignation of Pope Bendict XVI before Francis's elevation to Pope, the leader of the Catholic world. He would rather undergo the continuous agony of knee pain, consigning him to a wheelchair, than operate, to relieve the pain, and continue his vastly important role in the world today. I think he is just tired, a tiredness only other world leaders can understand, as they too undergo much pain, if not physical, then mental and emotional, as they attempt to thread their respective countries path through ever growing, dangerous minefields.

The Pope has that option. Most people in the world do not have that choice, to resign, to escape, the burden of responsibility, the onus of it. They are in these various critical crises up to their necks, like it or not, admit it or not. We cannot resign from life unless we are willing to take that life away. Or cede the lives of so many others in this mad world of ours today. Even so, those wishing to escape reality, to the point of sacrificing others, will nevertheless find themselves enmeshed in the same troubles.

So here we are. Today, among the sane, there is a consensus that Trump is guilty of "seditious conspiracy", a crime for which others have already been sentenced regarding participation and planning of Jan. 6 and its disgraceful, ugly coup attempt. The question before everyone now is whether to charge Trump, to indict, put him on trial, convict and punish with a proper consequence. Most likely a long prison sentence is appropriate for his outrageous, treasonous decision to involve himself in the planning and carrying out of a massive plot to overturn this government, to cancel the Constitution, the entire process of law and order, to counter history, to spit in the face of all those who love their country, the United States of America, who value democracy and the hope it represents for a better future. 

Even so, there are those who have committed themselves, once again, even now, to the falsehood of Trump, accept the 'rightness and truth' of it all, legitimizing the pressure, the incitement for others to cheat, lie, maim, and kill. It must be the air or the water in Texas that allows for the massive population of deniers of reality, swearing to the truth of the Big Lie, denying the election and legality of Biden as president, backing a traitor on the highest level of the country, swearing to all that is wrong in this country of ours today, actually, for many years already. Abbott offers 'mental health' aid to Uvalde, even as he ironically needs heavy doses of therapy himself. I am not the only one who feels this way. There are many. 

The only way to be able to make at least a start in healing the great divide of this country is to air the truth, harsh, disillusioning, dangerous as it was and is, and do the right thing. We must delve deep into the nation's psyche, address it, and heal it rather than paper it over, allowing room for further rot and mold to grow, to poison our nation once again. To clean a pus-filled wound, one must bust it open, drain the wound and then heal it with appropriate attention and medicine. Any other path is futile.

"Leaving Trump unaccountable would be a dereliction of duty by ... the AG. There are risks in proceeding, but there are equal risks in letting Trump slide free yet again.

“I don’t think Trump would be shy about firing up his supporters again,” ... Either way, there may be no stopping Trump, but standing aside like the Republicans did during two impeachments should not be an option."

No organized pathway through this mess, even, especially, when compared to the most egregious past activity of Watergate. This was, continues to be, a massive attempt, a coup which came too close to success, while Watergate was less so, almost amateurish in retrospect, in its misdeeds. Even so, prison sentences were meted out, including for Nixon, though later pardoned by Ford in an attempt to heal the nation's wounds. Our wounds today are far past a pardoning of the instigator and his co-conspirators, of the unbelievable treason of the presumed leader of a country, of a sitting President.

Prosecuting Trump, his fellow traitors, is absolutely a risk worth taking. The option of resign or operate, choosing resignation, is not really a viable one. In fact, I believe the other choice, to operate, is the only way for us to convince the deaf, the blind, the unthinking, to understand the validity of Trump's disgrace, his crimes, the peril he imposed on and to the very existence of this nation, yours and mine. The understanding that we can never, ever, ever, allow for such a situation again. We are not a Third World nation whose governments change through violence and bloodshed. We can and are supposed to be better than that. We are meant to be a model for the world, a picture of "we can do it" national feeling, a country which emulates the principle of "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again". Not try to pull a coup, but try to better the world, our nation and all others. To live up to our burdens, our responsibilities. To examine, deep and long how we got here in the first place. What went wrong? Then, we need, must, address the causes and heal this grievously wounded nation, sick to its heart and soul.

Long ago, Alan Paton wrote a book called "Cry, the Beloved Country", regarding South Africa and the massive wrongness of it. We cannot allow for that to take permanent place here; else we face a bloody civil war such that will rival any that have gone on before. It will be the shredding of a world order, if not on the same level of Pax Romana, then at least an attempt to better the world, increase its chances of survival, in peace and harmony, with fairness to and for all. With respect for the humanity of all, with recognition of the rights of all Earth's inhabitants to a surety of food, shelter, education, and opportunity to raise oneself to a higher level, to provide for families and a better future for all.

Even as I despair, as I think of the almost hopeless task that is before us, I also hear the small, but powerful voice of Pollyanna, the eternal hope within for a better world. Maybe we are better than we appear to be, than we have been this past decade. Maybe. May it be so.

G-d bless us as we work through a manifestly, huge, overwhelming task - to rebuild, to ensure that we indeed do return to "One Nation, under G-d, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All"

Folks, there is no viability for any other option. None. At all.

Monday, June 20, 2022


   The world is changing, at enormous speed and with many frightening, life changing moments. It is almost too much to take in and understand. It is shocking, and to be found at all levels and intersections of life, offering little to no relief - other than to deny the whole mess, insist on living in a deep hole where nothing penetrates. It is to allow life to flow around you, but never with you, as you give up responsibility and input.

This morning I am torn. There is so much that is wrong in this world and indeed, is most frustrating what with the mule headedness of so many, refusing to hear the truth no matter the issue or the proof. The world is torn, on the brink of an eternal war waged upon a proxy nation, already reduced to rubble, with its population, soldiers and civilians alike, being reduced in horrific numbers. It is a world undergoing massive starvation, within numerous nations, even supposed 'wealthy' nations, as the breadbasket of the world is destroyed or unreachable. It is a world where supposed leaders lead only in name, other than to lead their nations into a quest for their own personal power. 

It is a nation, to quote a distinguished jurist, "What in the world has become of our country and those who purport to lead it? Is this really who we have become?

America in all its greatness cannot survive the centrifugal forces of self-destruction loosed and growing across our land. We have become incapable it appears to address pressing national problems like climate change, voter suppression, assault rifles on our streets, kids being gunned down in our schools, the dangerous rise of white nationalism and antisemitism, and the self-confident smugness of growing ignorance across a host of national issues."  

It is a nation where a former, should never have been President in the first place, is actually guilty of treason and could be, should be, charged with that crime. But will he? Will his acolytes and cringing enablers who refused to do their part in removing him from office? Will we be able to maintain stability within this country of ours? Doubtful, looking grimmer by the day.

Finally, probably least important on a scale of urgency, it is, in fact, most urgent for us, here, in the Village in West Palm Beach. Our home, my home, no other to turn to, is under attack. On all sides, from without and within. If we refuse to face that fact, if we refuse to understand the parameters of it all, then we are doomed, perhaps already are.

We have a most unconscionable contract, signed by a former President, an early proponent of the rule by fear theory so popular with Trump. It was a contract that sucked this Village dry, imposing massive unconscionable money obligations upon it, insisting that we pay any and all expenses of WPRF facilities, whether they were useable, damaged, or in need of repair or capital improvement. We paid for cars for the other side. We were limited in ability to amass funds necessary to properly maintain the Village, inducing great rifts within the Village, all to the benefit of Benenson and WPRF. They gained breathing space as we were distracted by arguments that should never have been allowed to see the light of day.

We have been refused relief from the contract by the courts, always biased towards deep pockets. However, if done properly, the arbitration insisted upon by the court, might improve our current situation. Maybe. Who the hell knows?! But we must fight like hell and that fight begins with a  long overdue replacement of a lawyer incapable of dealing  with sharp minds of more connected legal team of Benenson and who slows down our more capable lawyer on the team. It is very difficult to climb out of a hole which we ourselves dug, and then proceeded to dig even deeper, rather than dig footsteps and handholds with which to pull ourselves out, into the sunshine.

Finally, most urgent, here we are, back at the ranch, with a rot eating at our very foundation. The Village is a wonderful demographic mix, with all populations welcome to UCO, urged to participate, to join in and with the Village, to become part of the whole. Now we are faced with a major quandary, one that will determine the future of the Village and its welcome to all.

There is a group who have over the past decade, bought into the Village in increasing numbers.  Armed with funds with which to tempt owners, their plan only became clear after passage of time, and frustrated plans. Compromises were unacceptable, yet they persisted in increased buying, taking over several associations, to the detriment of those associations. Absentee board members, lack of positive interaction with UCO, violations of safety and construction rules of both  Village and County, much to the very real danger to Villagers. To the point of condemning apartments, where sections were collapsing onto lower floors as a result of improper construction. Unsafe, unpermitted renovation- tearing down bearing walls, concreting areas belonging to the association, introducing chemicals harmful to life itself.  Unable to buy a piece of property by Dover which would have allowed their women to sit separate from the Village, barring other Villagers, private property where there was never any. They could not subvert or change the rules regarding separate swimming pools and or hours. A proposal totally antithetical to the ethos of the Village.  

Enter a long-range plan, one which would allow them to separate themselves from the Village while living within it, totally shredding the very soul of us. They bought the Medical Building, one where residents were served via therapy, drugstore, salons, etc. No one was barred. Parking spaces were available for peak demand times. A symbiotic relationship. But no more.

This group wished to close this building off. They wished to build within a huge synagogue, to cut parking places, to build two swimming pools, one for men and one for women, along the shoreline of the lake, endangering its very viability, demanded an area of more density, changing the looks of the Village. Building tall intrusive walls where there were none.  We are a retirement community, not a replication of city crowding. We did not buy into that at all.

They lied when applying for permits, a process which we had to insist upon as they freely violated that requirement all over the Village within apartments, refusing to notify and gain approval, nor had County input or permits, a very dangerous situation. Including the rental on a hotel like basis to couples, especially ones with many young children, totally not for this Village!!!

They lied when they said Saturday store hours were to be in place. Not really. In a courtyard where huge crowds would be standing, talking, dressed in Sabbath clothing, well, no cars would be able to enter - no room, dangerous in the overcrowding. Women dressed as they do here, shorts, tops, pants- to wander around !!! Gimme a break!!!

 Availability of parking spaces as they do not drive to synagogue, as they said in their permit request. Well, they certainly do during the week and the area will be overcrowded with cars and traffic, with people crossing the street, by people known not to listen to rules for walking here in the Village or riding trikes and bikes safely. Furthermore, the lot will be parked in by Friday night as cars will be there, available to drive home after the Sabbath is over, on Saturday night. Just to contemplate the problems arising on a Saturday night with show and dance - in peak population months - Oy Vey!!

No, this is not antisemitic. I am a Jewish woman. I observe the Sabbath, am part of the Orthodox segment of Judaism. I find no difficulty at present living within the Village. We knew the rules before we bought and agreed to abide by them. There should be no exceptions to this. If the living situation does not fit the needs, nor cannot be modified, as the Village has done in other cases, then look elsewhere. There are so many areas under construction now, open, from the very beginning, so why not go where it would be easier to live by one's own rules. I, and so many others, have no problem with a mixed demographic population within the Village. That is perfectly fine and good for the Village. Aitz Chayim, the synagogue across Haverhill has even improved a situation at Haverhill entrance, working with the County to increase the time allowed for we old folks to cross the street. Anshei Shalom has generously made their grounds available to the Village numerous times, to the benefit of all. 

However, what is not good, is a group which seeks to separate and divide, to conquer, to create its own rules or lack thereof, endangering others, which in fact, induces antisemitism as this group refuses to conform to rules and regulations. And aims at separating a piece of property at the very crossroads of the Village for their own, never mind the lies with which they coat their requests made to the County. There are those of us who know the truth.

It behooves all of us to pay attention to the calendar and be there for the hearings. It is our lives at stake.

Our future at stake.

Sunday, June 19, 2022


   I think if I had gone to law school and become a lawyer, I would now be hiding my head in shame for the disgrace, the criminal, yes, criminal, behavior of those lawyers who continue to reach out to defend a man so obviously a clear and present danger to the public, to the nation, to the world. Lawyers are doing their job when they defend one accused of a crime; however, they are not to suborn perjury, to aid and abet in the whitewashing of crime. Particularly true when those plans are ongoing, with not even a glimmer of halting, and indeed, ongoing for a planned future that will be the death of all that is America, all that could possibly give us a better future. 

Intent. "The concept of intent is often the focal point of Criminal Law and is generally shown by circumstantial evidence such as the acts or knowledge of the defendant. In Criminal Law, criminal intent, also known as mens rea, is one of two elements that must be proven in order to secure a conviction (the other being the actual act, or actus reus)"

That is the legal definition of intent in criminal law. In my humble opinion and in the minds of many others, the intent was clear. Is crystal clear. The intent was to destroy this nation, its hallowed history of peaceful transfer of power, something no other nation had been able to do since inception.

 Was there intent!  Read, watch, decide for yourself. Here are the words of a judge in a hearing re this case.  “The illegality of the plan was obvious. Then watch the emotional struggle of a well- known conservative judge who stated that this behavior, these actions of Trump and enablers, were a "clear and present danger to democracy".

Mental state. Well, herein is, in my pseudo lawyer opinion, the only path that man has to take if all were right in this world, if criminals, particularly in this case, were to receive the punishment they deserve. And truly, not even that, for how does one measure such an audacious, ambitious, crooked plan - to overthrow this nation's government, to spit on the Constitution, to damn the Declaration of Independence, to renounce all that we are supposed to be, to spurn history, to initiate the millions upon millions of Americans into the dreary, gray, hopeless, dangerous world of autocracy. Particularly when the ruler is insane, and demented - two different things.

 If he were to use insanity as a defense, then we could simply lock him up and then go after those who knowingly, condemned by their own confession in hearings and/or interviews and/or in their own books. They KNEW. THEY KNEW! They told him that his plans were worthless in legal manner. They are condemned, become accessories when in their own timelines we know the timeline of " ... documenting what he had been told, and when, about the validity of his election fraud claims and the legality of his strategy for hanging on to power." 

It is not enough for a chronic liar, one who does not distinguish between truth and lies, who confuses  the two according to his fractured mind, or does he - to free himself from the consequences of his own actions. In any case, that man knew and knows exactly what he was doing, what he planned, what he almost achieved, what he continues to rant on ad infinitum, ad nauseum. He is as insane as Hitler, hoped to follow in that man's path, only here in America. 

Insane? Yes. Criminally insane? Not in legal terms, not with the warnings and cautions of those who told him over and over that he had lost, and certainly not re his dastardly plans for the Capitol and his opponents there. Opponents? NO - they were enemies to him, deserving of death. Insane? Yes, but intent - in bucketfuls. Here come the robe and slippers.

Gigante of Mafia fame, carried out a campaign to prove his insanity, walking around outside with robe, pajamas and slippers. Kind of failed, though, did he not? Most deservedly so. Trump can emulate him to the nth degree, but being a megalomaniac, a narcissistic personality, having treasonous desires and plans to make those desires a reality -nope, not legally insane. Certainly, even if he were, he would then be in the category of criminally insane and need to be locked up - forever, as he will never change his broken song. Nor his spots. Nor his stripes.

Folks, we need to get real. Were we to allow him to wiggle his ugly self off the hook, off his own petard, well, we have then aided and abetted him. We have encouraged those who came loaded for bear, who desired blood, who believed they were justified in hanging political enemies of Trump, who beat the crap out of police guarding the Capitol - even killing them. That cannot be. That cannot stand. Not if our country is to continue to stand.

Killing one's parents and then asking for mercy as an orphan is not a winning gambit. Nor is acting insane, pursuing lies as a winning campaign tactic. Confusing people as to truths and lies is not a legal excuse. That man is demented. His mind is definitely demented, as is his black soul. He is as dangerous as a hungry black bear defending her cub while in your living room, heading to the kitchen - where you are, armed with a salad fork. Nor is the guy outside, who invited the bear in, who went along with the plans, a hero, if he finally calls 911. Pence took his own damned time, questioned lawyer after lawyer re his ability to change the election results. It was not out of courage, of doing the right thing, but of him having enough sanity to know that he would be in lots of trouble if he spurned the law, historical truth. He had no desire to be the straw that broke the country's back. Hero? No. But wiser than Trump? Yes. Thank goodness for that.

However, we cannot continue this way. We must face up to the truth, ugly as is. Whether we acted, believed in that attempted coup, its most frightening almost success or we wished to go bang a few of their heads, or we were apathetic, well, the blame is on our shoulders. To not act, to not be careful, watchful, inevitably leads to a loss of the privileges we have, is a denial of the values of our forefathers, a spitting on the blood of those who gave their lives, or suffered ghastly war wounds and memories. 

That is not acceptable. Absolutely not. We cannot have an insurrection again.

The only way to stop this in its tracks is to lay blame and punishment where it belongs, and then begin a huge program to reweave the fabric of this country, so that we are once again


Friday, June 17, 2022


  When is enough, enough? When or better, what, will it take to crawl through that hairy chin and reach the ears and eyes of those seemingly, willingly and willfully, blind and deaf to the truth. The immutable truth of Jan. 6 or1/6 as it is now referred to. Or is the awful truth that they indeed recognize the truth, the validity of the findings of the Committee, but continue on their crooked, deceitful paths all the better to achieve their awful ambition - the overthrowing of the legitimate government of these United States and the death of democracy. Worse, they would do so with the installation, the crowning, of a manifestly demented, cruel man, as the Ruler for Life, the first of a new royal line.

Months, years, ago, I warned, wrote, of the "clear and present danger" that Trump and his adherents represented to us, the nation. I said it was a real danger, not theoretical, but front and center. Over time, the danger he posed grew even clearer as demented, deluded, and so many evil people joined his camp due to fear and/or greed and obscene lust for power, to hang onto the coattails of one who looked to be a permanent fixture in the Oval Office, the soon to be crowning room of the States.

Awful to contemplate. Horrid and frightening to realize how close we came to this. Simply watch the struggle of a dignified Judge Luttig to gain control over his emotions as he testified to the overwhelming knowledge of how close we came to destruction.   A "clear and present danger to democracy". Clear and present. CLEAR AND PRESENT. Where were our eyes, our ears, our love of country, our loyalty to the land, the nation, which enabled our predecessors to build a new life of hope for their children - us? Where and when did we take that wrong turn, the one which had a dead drop on one side, a rock cliff on the other, and only one lane in which two-way traffic had to pass, to cooperate lest all be dammed, blockaded and certain death to many who came that way.

Nor is this struggle over. Far from it. The man continues to shout, his ugly, raspy voice ringing through the weakened foundations of the nation, causing them to shake and shiver, causing us to stumble and fall as we try to make our way to safety. As we pick a hesitant path through the IEDs of that man and his awful White Extremists groups.

  • Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, a Democrat
  • Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado, a Republican
  • Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, a Democrat
  • Rep. Alex Mooney of West Virginia, a Republican
  • Rep. John Rutherford of Florida, a Republican
  • Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, a Republican
  • Rep. Steven Palazzo of Mississippi, a Republican
  • Rep. Lori Trahan of Massachusetts, a Democrat
  • Rep. David Schweikert of Arizona, a Republican
  • Rep. Roger Williams of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, a Democrat
  • Rep. Vern Buchanan of Florida, a Republican
  • Are you gaining an understanding of how deep in the muck we are? This is only a partial list and does not contain the Senators who placed themselves in this rather dubious and evil pack of cowardly hyenas, as they gorged themselves on the growing pile of detritus, the dying embers of a once proud world leader, a proponent of democracy and equality, even as it stumbled. Even as it picked itself up to try again and succeed. Joining this infamous list of traitors are those who enabled this madman to pursue his plans, almost to the point of success, all those of the government, of its institutions, advisers, lawyers, who disremembered where they lived, their responsibilities owed to the nation, to themselves and their families. To the past and the present and future.
  • Time is fluid. While we cannot regain lost time, we can either make it up somehow, or cause further loss as we strangle possibilities. The story of this nation will be polluted with the filth of those who would deny it, even as they chanted their supposed patriotism for it. Lies, all lies, and the shame and tragedy of it all is how long it continued, how it continues to the present day, fly in the face of all logic and reality. How confused we are as to how to handle it all.
  • Face the facts and the hard decisions necessary to purge these traitors from our midst. Indict and convict. Force required appearance by subpoena. Throw the book at them, giving them the longest terms in the most hardened prisons, a due punishment for the peril they subjected the nation to suffer. Throw away the key after locking the door. Educate those indoctrinated with his poisons. Educate for the positive rather than the negative. Allow thoughts, ideas, arts, to blossom. Realize that we are all the same beneath the skin tone and how little that skin tone actually means. Enforce the equality of genders - long overdue. Build and rebuild this nation, true to the bold ideals of 1776, updated to modern times, protected by modern weapons against modern threats. Rejoin the world, defend the world, be brave and honest in dealings with enemies and support our allies. Work to decrease the gap between the 1% and the rest of us.
  • All difficult, but all possible. If we grind away at it; if we work hard, knowing that a future for our children will be there for them. A good and positive one, rather than the one of dead environment, a lawless world, and apocalyptic conditions.
  • Those are the choices we have. Either we cooperate on that narrow two way - one-lane - road or we lose it all. Simple. Dreadful to contemplate. Beautiful if realized in actuality.
  • Do yourself a favor - watch the hearings, be horrified at the truth unveiled, and resolve to be part of a better nation, a better world.
  • A better you.

Thursday, June 16, 2022


 Yes, folks, we are in the realm of fairy tales, only these are rewritten to fit the tastes and needs of a perverted group of very dangerous children, resembling the turned savage boys of Lord of the Flies, a modern fairy tale. That fairy tale documents the deterioration and turning of a group of stranded British schoolboys, whose introduction to the reader is the sound of Kyrie Eleison. Yes, the introduction of the theme of religion backing horror, the perversion of G-d to fit twisted thoughts and plans.

This is a common theme of the Extreme Right these days as they jump headfirst into the swamp of political religion, into the land of upside-down fairy tales, those with no "happily ever after" ending. Most definitely not. The question before us now is this: are we too enmeshed in this new revision of traditional fairy tales to ever recover?

Fairy tales set up moral values for society along the same path of Aesop's fables, but with more story line. The authors of these tales, famous or unknown, knew that religion and government do      not mix very well; hence there is very little to no mention or use of religion within them. It is usually based on values, courage, honesty, and truth, with appropriate rewards and punishments. True beauty is to be found not only via outer appearance, but also within, as in that of the Beast in Beauty and the Beast.

Unfortunately, today we have an entire political party, within the entire spectrum of its members, turning to these revised tales, to the ugliness within, to the temptation to take it up to the next level, and for what? For the sake of Power. To do what? To rule. Simple as that. And if it takes the likes of Boebert, well, then so be it.

  "unrighteous politicians, these corrupt, crooked politicians" and to install "righteous men and women of God" in their place.  "We should not be taking orders from the government, the government needs to be looking at the church and saying "how do we do this effectively?"

Are you running scared yet? If not, well take a look at what awaits us if we do not wake up, shake off our apathy, ignorance, and even the sneaky desire to go along with these dangerous people, well, we are lost. As is democracy.

Next up for the GOP - the rise of De Santis, a true Fascist if ever I saw one. 

  • that's because he's learned all of Trump's lessons.
  • The expert added that DeSantis 'doesn't have the baggage of Trump,' and could rally voters."

  All the creepy theories and policies of Trump, the same megalomania, the same use of the power of government to wring the life out of democracy, to use power to blackmail, to force all to go along with his ever so wrong in every which way policies, from LGBTQ+ to Special Olympics, to the right to wear masks, the right to choose, to control one's own health and body issues, to the last letter of every textbook, to the ruthless pruning of any book which encourages thought. With a better looking outside than Trump just imagine "Oh, The Places HE will Go". Not where we want to go. Most definitely not.

Along the line, the theme of seeing what we wish and unseeing the truth, we have all these "patriots" singing in ringing tones and high decibel level, of their "true patriotism". Oh, for sure. Only a patriot could plan and carry out a special tour of "The Winter Palace" i.e. the Capitol, suborn members of Congress to commit treasonous action in aiding this plan, and have a document entitled "1776 Returns", a complex, down to the last itty bitty nitty gritty detail to takeover the government, its buildings of law and order, of legislature and justice, and completely overthrow the legitimate government of this nation, the destruction of democracy, never to return. Oh, most definitely patriots! You think!!

For sure, they swear, with the power of those hairy chins, "we are patriots". The Democrats are making it all up. For sure! All those guilty of active enablement of Trump. All those guilty of doing nothing!! All it takes for evil to succeed is to maintain that idea of no action, just bug out. Ignore the truth. Ignore the danger to the nation. Abandon responsibilities owed to the people of that nation. Forget honor. Forget anything except your own skin, afraid, like a little child, to call out the bully.

Thus, the nation suffered, the world suffered, became more chaotic, more depressing, economies tanking due to inaction and delay, because of a lack of courage to call out that Russian megalomaniac, Putin. Because we have ALL of us, fallen down on the job, laid down our tools and called it quits. We have either picked up our marbles or abandoned them and have discovered, much to our dismay, the consequences of inaction, of not following the truth of the adage - "Do the crime, do the time".

The video laying out all the plans of the Proud Boys, and all its nefarious allies, should have turned your hair gray, and if already so, then even grayer. 

We are looking at corruption that has eaten away at the core of our values. Rotten and rotting more even as we speak. We are facing a crisis such as we never have faced before, not even the Civil War I qualifies. Yes, we might actually have to fight to retain our country and its government. No, it is not a perfect government. No system is perfect, for that is not human. But a true democracy honors the humanity and the rights of all. It does not attempt to restrict, to take away, to denigrate, to urge and practice evil and hatred, nor pander to the very worst of us and in us.

We have lost our way. Even the house built of brick is being blown over by the strong breathes of the wolf. In fact, there are very many wolves surrounding us, the pack growing by leaps and bounds as society rots, falls prey to the false, to the lies, to the very things that will damage us beyond repair. There remains a modicum of hope. But we must allow hope, accompanied by honor and honesty, with courage alongside, to fly out of its imprisoning box. And we must fly along with it. No other choice remains. Not any good ones.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


  Unfortunately, very much so. The eternal question is for how much longer? When will people get the message - or worse, they have gotten the message, albeit, tragically, the wrong one. What will it take to make this horrid, murderous, bloodshed inciting canard, along with collateral hatreds, just go poof! Go away, never to return.

The answer, and yes, blowing in the wind as it spreads rapidly, crawling out of hidey-holes, oozing out of woodworks rotten with them, out of closets, and new initiants, eager to join in the 'fun', get their share of the 'glory' and goods. What, you are asking, is the topic around which I have apparently skirted? Okay, antisemitism, and now half of you out there go yawn, yawn, again, the same old nonsense. 

Well, unfortunately, it is not the same old, same old, while at the same time it is. Tragically so. As Rod Serling used to say, "Do not turn off your television". Do not shift to some game you play. The massive growth of violent antisemitism, its whitewashing as it is hidden behind words of flimsy disguise, well, this is no joke. Nor is it paranoia. Nor is it imaginary. No, the blood of Pittsburgh worshipers, the blood and pain of those attacked for the crime of WWJ - Walking While Jewish - the rabid hatred of the New Left towards Israel and any idea of the right of the Jewish people to have a homeland, a refuge, of their own - well, the sum total is frightening. Beyond words, almost to the point of paralysis.

Imagine you are intending to take a long, costly flight to pay honor, to share in the grief, with others of your family, at the burial place of your extended family. You are not even sure at all exactly where, and indeed, even who, is buried there, but you do know that there are definitely enough for you to undertake that holy visit. Imagine, walking through a terrible, frightening surroundings, simply to get to the site- and there, you are halted, rudely stopped in your tracks. 

The site is closed to you! Never mind any reason; it is simply closed. Moreover, you cannot continue   this voyage to honor your many relatives but must instead exit the cemetery. Now, imagine this is not a place of greenery, of honor, of serenity. No, no need to imagine, for this cemetery is a killing ground, a site of one and a half million plus of your extended family destroyed in the most malevolent manners possible. You even know that there are members of your immediate family here, grandparents and greats, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, friends - yet you are banished. Go away! Not wanted! Not allowed! Juden Verboten!!

It is traditional for students in the gap year, studying in Israel, to take a trip around Yom HaShoah, the Day of Holocaust Remembrance. The trip is not a fun one, rather a frightening hesitant walk through a valley of blood, tears, echoing cries of horror, pain, heartbreak, and confusion. What was this hell they had arrived at? Who are these people, with barking, fangs dripping dogs, the shouting, My Papa, Mama? The names of children shred the air. Bubby, Zaidy? The cries of pain, of loss ring. They darken the souls and hearts, even destroy any trace of humanity within those leash holders and screaming uniformed personified evil.

Finally, you manage to creep, tiptoeing, crying, the tears pouring unnoticed, unstoppable, down your face, the memories of your parents coming alive within you, the stories becoming reality. Finally, painfully, you reach the site of the massive murderous institution - the ovens, the crematoria which spew smoke and ashes 24/7/365. Night and day. The air rife with the stink of burning humans, the hopelessness carved into the faces of those striped pajama clad semi-humans. You are told this is your fate, or this is where your family is, now and forever gone.

Finally, you are here, where you can honor these victims of hatred, these victims of the seemingly eternal Jew hatred, antisemitism raised exponentially. The greed of the murderers and surrounding villagers who sell water to those waiting to die, to grab the last hidden pieces of heritage, of hope, as they barter water for blood. As they promise to deliver a note, or accept a baby through the trees, that hole in the wire. As they take the money and ignore the promises. Hurt upon hurt, each incising deep into the hearts of those awaiting unimaginable death. For that is what it amounts to. And you yourself now burn to pray, to weep, to mourn, to vow this would never, ever, recur.

And you cannot. You are forbidden. You are shouted at, denied, the tones the same as the ringing harsh tones of the forefathers of these supposed security guards. Whose security? What are they forbidding? Are these students, these young ladies going to tag the walls of the crematoria? Are they going to have an ash fight, pick up the remaining pieces of bone, unburnt, never to go away, and throw them? Perhaps they should have at that moment, giving the owners of these particles of bone a final shred of revenge!

But they never would engage in such sacrilege at the site of the murder of their family, immediate and extended. No, these young ladies from Darchei Binah, a seminary in Jerusalem, were simply there to pay honor and homage, to serve as the new recipients of these echoing memories, these haunting eternal cries. They were the vessels to ensure that this would never, ever, ever, be allowed to repeat. Never! Denied. Denied entry. Denied the right to mourn, to pray, to honor, to cry, to learn, to feel history, to understand their role in history.