Sunday, June 19, 2022


   I think if I had gone to law school and become a lawyer, I would now be hiding my head in shame for the disgrace, the criminal, yes, criminal, behavior of those lawyers who continue to reach out to defend a man so obviously a clear and present danger to the public, to the nation, to the world. Lawyers are doing their job when they defend one accused of a crime; however, they are not to suborn perjury, to aid and abet in the whitewashing of crime. Particularly true when those plans are ongoing, with not even a glimmer of halting, and indeed, ongoing for a planned future that will be the death of all that is America, all that could possibly give us a better future. 

Intent. "The concept of intent is often the focal point of Criminal Law and is generally shown by circumstantial evidence such as the acts or knowledge of the defendant. In Criminal Law, criminal intent, also known as mens rea, is one of two elements that must be proven in order to secure a conviction (the other being the actual act, or actus reus)"

That is the legal definition of intent in criminal law. In my humble opinion and in the minds of many others, the intent was clear. Is crystal clear. The intent was to destroy this nation, its hallowed history of peaceful transfer of power, something no other nation had been able to do since inception.

 Was there intent!  Read, watch, decide for yourself. Here are the words of a judge in a hearing re this case.  “The illegality of the plan was obvious. Then watch the emotional struggle of a well- known conservative judge who stated that this behavior, these actions of Trump and enablers, were a "clear and present danger to democracy".

Mental state. Well, herein is, in my pseudo lawyer opinion, the only path that man has to take if all were right in this world, if criminals, particularly in this case, were to receive the punishment they deserve. And truly, not even that, for how does one measure such an audacious, ambitious, crooked plan - to overthrow this nation's government, to spit on the Constitution, to damn the Declaration of Independence, to renounce all that we are supposed to be, to spurn history, to initiate the millions upon millions of Americans into the dreary, gray, hopeless, dangerous world of autocracy. Particularly when the ruler is insane, and demented - two different things.

 If he were to use insanity as a defense, then we could simply lock him up and then go after those who knowingly, condemned by their own confession in hearings and/or interviews and/or in their own books. They KNEW. THEY KNEW! They told him that his plans were worthless in legal manner. They are condemned, become accessories when in their own timelines we know the timeline of " ... documenting what he had been told, and when, about the validity of his election fraud claims and the legality of his strategy for hanging on to power." 

It is not enough for a chronic liar, one who does not distinguish between truth and lies, who confuses  the two according to his fractured mind, or does he - to free himself from the consequences of his own actions. In any case, that man knew and knows exactly what he was doing, what he planned, what he almost achieved, what he continues to rant on ad infinitum, ad nauseum. He is as insane as Hitler, hoped to follow in that man's path, only here in America. 

Insane? Yes. Criminally insane? Not in legal terms, not with the warnings and cautions of those who told him over and over that he had lost, and certainly not re his dastardly plans for the Capitol and his opponents there. Opponents? NO - they were enemies to him, deserving of death. Insane? Yes, but intent - in bucketfuls. Here come the robe and slippers.

Gigante of Mafia fame, carried out a campaign to prove his insanity, walking around outside with robe, pajamas and slippers. Kind of failed, though, did he not? Most deservedly so. Trump can emulate him to the nth degree, but being a megalomaniac, a narcissistic personality, having treasonous desires and plans to make those desires a reality -nope, not legally insane. Certainly, even if he were, he would then be in the category of criminally insane and need to be locked up - forever, as he will never change his broken song. Nor his spots. Nor his stripes.

Folks, we need to get real. Were we to allow him to wiggle his ugly self off the hook, off his own petard, well, we have then aided and abetted him. We have encouraged those who came loaded for bear, who desired blood, who believed they were justified in hanging political enemies of Trump, who beat the crap out of police guarding the Capitol - even killing them. That cannot be. That cannot stand. Not if our country is to continue to stand.

Killing one's parents and then asking for mercy as an orphan is not a winning gambit. Nor is acting insane, pursuing lies as a winning campaign tactic. Confusing people as to truths and lies is not a legal excuse. That man is demented. His mind is definitely demented, as is his black soul. He is as dangerous as a hungry black bear defending her cub while in your living room, heading to the kitchen - where you are, armed with a salad fork. Nor is the guy outside, who invited the bear in, who went along with the plans, a hero, if he finally calls 911. Pence took his own damned time, questioned lawyer after lawyer re his ability to change the election results. It was not out of courage, of doing the right thing, but of him having enough sanity to know that he would be in lots of trouble if he spurned the law, historical truth. He had no desire to be the straw that broke the country's back. Hero? No. But wiser than Trump? Yes. Thank goodness for that.

However, we cannot continue this way. We must face up to the truth, ugly as is. Whether we acted, believed in that attempted coup, its most frightening almost success or we wished to go bang a few of their heads, or we were apathetic, well, the blame is on our shoulders. To not act, to not be careful, watchful, inevitably leads to a loss of the privileges we have, is a denial of the values of our forefathers, a spitting on the blood of those who gave their lives, or suffered ghastly war wounds and memories. 

That is not acceptable. Absolutely not. We cannot have an insurrection again.

The only way to stop this in its tracks is to lay blame and punishment where it belongs, and then begin a huge program to reweave the fabric of this country, so that we are once again


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