Friday, June 17, 2022


  When is enough, enough? When or better, what, will it take to crawl through that hairy chin and reach the ears and eyes of those seemingly, willingly and willfully, blind and deaf to the truth. The immutable truth of Jan. 6 or1/6 as it is now referred to. Or is the awful truth that they indeed recognize the truth, the validity of the findings of the Committee, but continue on their crooked, deceitful paths all the better to achieve their awful ambition - the overthrowing of the legitimate government of these United States and the death of democracy. Worse, they would do so with the installation, the crowning, of a manifestly demented, cruel man, as the Ruler for Life, the first of a new royal line.

Months, years, ago, I warned, wrote, of the "clear and present danger" that Trump and his adherents represented to us, the nation. I said it was a real danger, not theoretical, but front and center. Over time, the danger he posed grew even clearer as demented, deluded, and so many evil people joined his camp due to fear and/or greed and obscene lust for power, to hang onto the coattails of one who looked to be a permanent fixture in the Oval Office, the soon to be crowning room of the States.

Awful to contemplate. Horrid and frightening to realize how close we came to this. Simply watch the struggle of a dignified Judge Luttig to gain control over his emotions as he testified to the overwhelming knowledge of how close we came to destruction.   A "clear and present danger to democracy". Clear and present. CLEAR AND PRESENT. Where were our eyes, our ears, our love of country, our loyalty to the land, the nation, which enabled our predecessors to build a new life of hope for their children - us? Where and when did we take that wrong turn, the one which had a dead drop on one side, a rock cliff on the other, and only one lane in which two-way traffic had to pass, to cooperate lest all be dammed, blockaded and certain death to many who came that way.

Nor is this struggle over. Far from it. The man continues to shout, his ugly, raspy voice ringing through the weakened foundations of the nation, causing them to shake and shiver, causing us to stumble and fall as we try to make our way to safety. As we pick a hesitant path through the IEDs of that man and his awful White Extremists groups.

  • Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, a Democrat
  • Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado, a Republican
  • Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, a Democrat
  • Rep. Alex Mooney of West Virginia, a Republican
  • Rep. John Rutherford of Florida, a Republican
  • Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, a Republican
  • Rep. Steven Palazzo of Mississippi, a Republican
  • Rep. Lori Trahan of Massachusetts, a Democrat
  • Rep. David Schweikert of Arizona, a Republican
  • Rep. Roger Williams of Texas, a Republican
  • Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, a Democrat
  • Rep. Vern Buchanan of Florida, a Republican
  • Are you gaining an understanding of how deep in the muck we are? This is only a partial list and does not contain the Senators who placed themselves in this rather dubious and evil pack of cowardly hyenas, as they gorged themselves on the growing pile of detritus, the dying embers of a once proud world leader, a proponent of democracy and equality, even as it stumbled. Even as it picked itself up to try again and succeed. Joining this infamous list of traitors are those who enabled this madman to pursue his plans, almost to the point of success, all those of the government, of its institutions, advisers, lawyers, who disremembered where they lived, their responsibilities owed to the nation, to themselves and their families. To the past and the present and future.
  • Time is fluid. While we cannot regain lost time, we can either make it up somehow, or cause further loss as we strangle possibilities. The story of this nation will be polluted with the filth of those who would deny it, even as they chanted their supposed patriotism for it. Lies, all lies, and the shame and tragedy of it all is how long it continued, how it continues to the present day, fly in the face of all logic and reality. How confused we are as to how to handle it all.
  • Face the facts and the hard decisions necessary to purge these traitors from our midst. Indict and convict. Force required appearance by subpoena. Throw the book at them, giving them the longest terms in the most hardened prisons, a due punishment for the peril they subjected the nation to suffer. Throw away the key after locking the door. Educate those indoctrinated with his poisons. Educate for the positive rather than the negative. Allow thoughts, ideas, arts, to blossom. Realize that we are all the same beneath the skin tone and how little that skin tone actually means. Enforce the equality of genders - long overdue. Build and rebuild this nation, true to the bold ideals of 1776, updated to modern times, protected by modern weapons against modern threats. Rejoin the world, defend the world, be brave and honest in dealings with enemies and support our allies. Work to decrease the gap between the 1% and the rest of us.
  • All difficult, but all possible. If we grind away at it; if we work hard, knowing that a future for our children will be there for them. A good and positive one, rather than the one of dead environment, a lawless world, and apocalyptic conditions.
  • Those are the choices we have. Either we cooperate on that narrow two way - one-lane - road or we lose it all. Simple. Dreadful to contemplate. Beautiful if realized in actuality.
  • Do yourself a favor - watch the hearings, be horrified at the truth unveiled, and resolve to be part of a better nation, a better world.
  • A better you.

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