Tuesday, June 30, 2015


     Upon hearing about the basic collapse of any plans to rescue Greece, and then reading of Puerto Rico which used to be one of my favorite vacation places, I told my husband that we were in for a rough ride and accounts would drop precipitously. Unfortunately I was right and today there are several more countries with borrowing problems, including Italy and China - our biggest creditor.
     Add to that the threats of Iran and the going nowhere treaty negotiations, the turmoil in the rest of the Arab world and indeed in the entire Moslem world, the illegal immigrants problem all over the world with hearts going out yet what are swamped countries to do, and one is ready to throw hands up, stock up on food, water and ammunition and head for the hills - which presumably would leave Florida out as it is as flat as a pancake!
     Hatred is rampant throughout the world and while there is delirious joy re the same sex marriage decision among many, it does not cut the underlying hatred and fear of people who are different. People talk of the love of G-d, of the love of Jesus, of Allah, and yet gays are stoned and hanged in Moslem countries, derided and beaten up here in the good old USA, never mind the advancing and progressive rulings, churches are still being invaded and shot and did I not foolishly or naively think that was over and done with, and today I wake up to news of an armed man invading a kollel (a place of learning and advanced study of Judaic matters) in LA threatening to kill all the Jews. BDS, a hateful anti Semitic organization is disguised as a reasonable response to policy differences and grows afoot and today three churches - the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church and the Mennonite Church - are all scheduled to debate joining BDS. Jewish students on campuses are threatened and harassed, free speech when it comes to people supportive of Israel is considered null and void, and hecklers and gangs of organized and vicious protesters are brought in, working from prepared scripts. This is a movement funded from deep pockets and not a simple student movement, but its power and its hate and the damage it has already done and will continue to do is ignored - or even cheered on in privacy.
     Hate is a difficult thing to let go of, to be done away with, and religious hatred has been responsible for more deaths in the history of the world than can be accurately counted. Its ugly tendrils extend everywhere and allows for growth of hatred into other areas, such as that which is growing against women - again - as the Moslem world grows, religious extremism grows, and women are beshrouded, "put in their place" once again, and are told and legislated into losing control over their very physical bodies and their possible futures.
     Those tendrils have been exposed here, with ugly comments made based on various forms of bigotry and all from the side of David Israel and Co. Misogyny, religious accusations, gender and sexually based comments, racially bigoted remarks, all have had their place in their comments and reactions. As usual, such hatred arises from a sense of fear that they are less than others, that their domination is coming to an end and just as the world's dictators grew fiercer and more vicious in their last moments, so too do we now have a growth of the viciousness of their opposition and defensive actions against the opposition to them, to the growing ranks of those who demand truth and justice, to the growing exposure of the truth.
     Are we going to go along with this hatred, become part of this crazy world, or will we stand as a beacon of hope and light, not a place for the world to ridicule as they comment on the crazy bunch of loonies, seniors, who are at it like toddlers and bullies in the schoolyard or perhaps it is the growing paranoia amongst the failing powers that be. Only we can fix this situation. We can volunteer properly in the real world and do what we can to fix the ugliness out there, but we can certainly do more, much more in here, if we accept the responsibilities that lay upon us and do something, stand for something that will make one proud of oneself and amaze your grandchildren. Up to you, folks. Think about it. Come to the assembly on Friday and hear some truths. Listen, observe, and if you are a delegate, vote for what is right, not for a fiefdom. For the associations - instruct your delegates and if they refuse - fire them and appoint others who will. That is both the strength and weakness of our system here. Time to change? Now?

Monday, June 29, 2015


     Remember Sgt. Friday? He who would want only the facts, evaluate them and ultimately figure it all out and come out on the winning side of justice and what is right. If only we lived in such a world, but we do not. Legality is often misinterpreted as morality and laws are twisted to serve one's own twisted goals in too many a case.
     Today we live in a world where the facts are changed and are changing as often as one changes sox and more than that! The Internet is ballyhooed as a gift to humanity, the best thing since ice cream was invented and yet, today there is a story how businesses are worried about cyber crime and there is even a CSI:Cyber on TV which can scare the heck out of you. There is a terrifying book called Future Crimes which will finish the job! Yet people who maintain that they are the be all and end all of mavens on the Internet refuse to see this or even perhaps do not understand it and wish to embroil and entangle us in such a mess without proper research and care. At present, our internet connections with smaller networks appear to be the safest way to go and thus we should remain, upgrading speed, etc. as needed or wished, and save our millions of dollars for where it is truly needed - like the roads!
     But it appears our esteemed leader is hung up on the benefits of using the Internet to sneak and spy, to prowl around and see what one can find. He has written a huge article for The Rag regarding the use of metadata and the NSA and how we must continue this and the terrible awful bad thing it is to limit it. I understand that we need to listen in, to check up, to get intel on possible terrorism, but there has to be a better and more limited way to approach this and there also needs to be a plan B for the future as even doing this is outdated as the terrorists and the crooks and the whatnot are figuring out ways to avoid this. In addition, pardon me, but I believe there are issues closer to the hearts, minds and needs of the people of CV than the issue of metadata collection by the NSA and others. In fact, we all know that these types of agencies eventually do what they want anyway, just a bit deeper under the surface, just as the baddies on the Net use the Deep Internet to promulgate their nefarious deeds and needs and I, for one, am glad I do not know more about that nor am I ever going to dig into it. What I want to know is what are we going to do about our big problems here. Let us solve those before we offer the US government our help on other matters.
     What we need here in the Village is a new system and the sooner the better. Sitting at an informal spontaneous meeting of people I was shocked to hear how many people they knew who were buying up multiple apartments to use as investments. Yes, some bought for family members, but others were just like Ed Black et al in buying up apartments though I hope none are like Kelly who tops the blackhat list. We must tend to this issue and NOW for if not, we will become a mini  city of landlord owned units where things will be allowed to go to hell and making money will become the guiding light. We have seen it happen in other places and where it is still happening and it is not good for us, so putting other non essential issues aside, this is what we need to tackle and bluntly speaking - it will not happen under David Israel who allowed it to grow by leaps and bounds and perhaps even encouraged it., That remains to be seen in further investigations, but what does stand out are the facts - this had grown exponentially under the "rule" of David Israel and Co., and this must be stopped, the enablers tossed out of office and a clean and honest crew brought in to fix this up, get us back on track - and hopefully do it within term limits or have fellow believers follow along in a legal manner. And certainly we must combat some of the apathy seen at the latest meetings of UCO committees where at the latest Officers' meeting and the Operations meeting so many were not there. Where is their sense of duty - gone with the wind, I suppose. Where is their acceptance of the responsibility they were to take on as elected officials? All they wanted, evidently, was to keep David Israel in office, able to keep leading us down the wrong paths.
     People, we must all wake up, smell the coffee, turn on the lights and sweep clean. Old descriptions of what needs to be done, but clear enough in their intentions. Just the facts, ma'am, brings us to the inevitable conclusion that the facts are pointing to bad UCO decisions and actions or inactions and to the need for a change. The time is now. The need is now. And you are what is needed to make this happen.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


     Tradition is nice, comfortable, reassuring, even heartwarming at times. It can be found in the areas of faith, of government, in any facet of life, and CVWPB is no exception.
     For years there has been a tradition, reinforced by by-laws, that there are term limits for UCO officers as far as same office is concerned and there has been a tradition that the responsibilities of administration be divided amongst the many, so much the better to gain the benefits of more life experiences, more brain power, and to continuously build up a new cadre of people ready to take over when the term limits cut in or when the voters decided they needed a change.
     Unfortunately, there also developed a tradition of self interest with contractors "donating" certain gifts to officers, in particular presidents of both the UCO and of associations as the rot seeped downward, or perhaps upwards. Not everyone was involved, but there were enough, so much so that the presidency of some associations was regarded as a profitable fiefdom, what with gifts from returning residents, comped repairs and upgrades, etc. Thankfully, much of this has stopped as newer, younger residents entered the Village and began to resist.
     However, this tradition remains in place in spirit, especially within UCO proper. Offices are to be held ad infinitum ad nauseum. Positions of Village wide import are to be held concurrently, such as VP and editor of The Rag, chairmanships of committees are divided amongst a few, as are volunteer positions.
     The newspaper has lost a proud heritage of informing the Village of knowledge they need, and instead has reverted to literally, a rag, shutting down veins of information, restricts writing to several people only - and why not take a look at the latest issue and count who wrote what. It is shameful, to say the least. Even when we had other slanted papers or editors, there was always the opportunity, even if limited, to opposing factions to get their information in. Not now. I guess we are too busy worrying about metadata and the NSA!
     These traditions are shameful, but how lucky we are to be developing new ones. We now have a new newspaper, for the newsletter, The CV Messenger, has grown and put on weight. Its circulation has grown enormously, with mailings to the north and wider distribution in the Village despite all attempts to shut it down, people are calling for help, writing letters, and reading the truthful and informative articles.
     Another new tradition, quite funny when you think of it, is that of The Rag turning into a response paper, responding to issues that the other blogs and The CV Messenger  have raised and even answered. Just look at the latest issue of The Rag. Joy Vestal pathetically defends her dual held offices. Barbara Cornish tries to use semantics to defend against the reinstatement of term limits with the fallacious reasoning of now inserting annual elections. That is not the question nor the answer. Is resigning again the answer? If so, Barbara, please take along with you the lord and master of all he surveys - or so he thinks - and let the sunshine in. Howie O'Brien continues to be the good boy he was told to be with his ridiculous budgets and statements. If we are doing so well, then why fire Edie? Who is going to do her work now? Ed Black? Might as well, as he sticks his finger and nose in everywhere else, much to our detriment. If we are doing so well, why the huge fee growth next year of at least $10 for the reserve alone!!! What will the final figure be  including associations? Heavens!!
     And what is the content of this purported newspaper? Responses to all that the opposition has brought up, desperate now to protect themselves, but folks, they are not "the firstest with the mostest, but are instead the lastest with the leasetest." Information, forms, cautions, that have already been in place for weeks and in cases for months, suddenly appear to be important to them. Too little too late.
     The other new tradition that has been developing is the neglect of the infrastructure of the Village or the incompetent and very temporary fixing of problems and money just going down the tubes. Take a walk along the perimeter and see the red markings in areas of great and/or many cracks. More temporary and costly repairs, piecemeal, AGAIN!!! Take a look at the benches at the bus stops. The one near us has not been safe for years and now it looks as if an elephant took a sledgehammer to it. But it is near the "infamous home of an infamous person" so it does not get fixed.
     We need new traditions. Ones of honesty, faith to and for our residents, loyalty towards them and the Village, a promise to do the best one can and always make room for and welcome in new blood, new thinking, new officers and volunteers, new writers. Never again would we allow a situation like Sheffield O to develop. The sudden outpouring of advice from UCO should have been there years ago and what I have always said - WHERE WAS UCO??
     I have long pondered the whys of this situation and wondered if there was evil afoot. I believe there are venomous people involved to a certain extent, but I came across this, and perhaps it might explain it better. It is Hanlon's Razor. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."
     Put that together with the following and I believe we have the impetus for the current UCO. "But evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart." Thomas Hood.
     Finally, a change to announce. Due to the fact that there are certain people who have no other way to think and respond other than to curse, threaten, use foul language, make remarks of racial, religious, gender, etc., to threaten physical harm and to involve families in their threats and engage in schoolyard bully tactics, I have no recourse other than to cut them out.
     From now on, if one wishes to post on my blog, you will have to sign in with your name and email address, just as one does on David's blog, but I will allow all except these particular animals to post. You will be listed as an author and thus have the right to post directly to the blog. Enough time has been wasted on these particular nits.
     Thank you all for your readership, responses and understanding of the situation. If you are already an author there is no change to you.

Friday, June 26, 2015


     It is amazing how an adult can play the peek a boo game with other adults and get away with it for so long. However, the game time is over and the truth is peeking out from all ends. David Israel, we see you now, we see your hand in the machinations that have gone on, as hard as you have tried to hide them.
     One interesting such failed peek a boo segment is in the banning of the information dispersal by opposition factors. It has always appeared to be Eva who has made the decision, but after reading several letters exchanged in 2013 between attorneys, it appears to be that Eva is following YOUR directions; it is YOU that has issued the banning. We should not be surprised because it was you in the form of your alter ego, Ed Black, who came and told the Greggs to censor me, cut me out of a book review club 5 minute segment - oooohh, very dangerous - thus causing the resignation on principle of a fine couple and excellent managers of our Channel 63.
     So, Mr. Israel, fess up and tell us why you made that decision and why we should not vote as should have been doing in the first place and overturn your decision, your unilateral, biased decision at that - and cowardly too, along with a big dash of paranoia.
     We begin to wonder at how much of you was in the poor contracts that have been previously signed, from paving to desired Wi Fi companies, a company which was chosen based exactly on what, as both companies proved to be incompetent. At least we avoided the Wi Fi debacle though you are right there trying to sneak in the broadband - peek a boo, we see you!
     We see you in the decision to keep Joy Vestal on as editor of The Rag, despite her position as VP and her deep and well displayed bias for you. She is your puppet and that is becoming clearer and clearer to even the most dim sighted and dim witted person in the Village.
     Peek a boo, we see you, as you sit and type in that back room, plotting and planning, gnashing your teeth, especially now that your favorite threat to call in the cavalry has been shot down - the PBSO says that they will not be and never were your posse. OOOps!!!
    Do not think that we do not see your plans and reins of control in your supposed blog, where you ban all free speech based on what? Only that the people oppose you. You send out your shills to post praise for you in an inane format and even have your buddy allegedly post truly nasty stuff on my blog, thinking it will bother me. I just shake my head and say, "uh huh, daily insult has come through." Yesterday's for example, is truly worthy of being shared with all of CV.
     This is what Fr/Ed sent to me yesterday and people who support the current UCO, THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE SUPPORTING, WHAT YOUR VOTES UNDERWRITE:
     ...And as for a Zoo, you and your goon family belong in one."
     Such class. Such an endearing manner. Such a true appearance of his soul and heart.
     Peek a boo - we see you - in all your nastiness and sneakiness and plots and plans. Time to go and perhaps we can find you a sandbox to play in. Time for term limits. Time for this UCO to go.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


         Another day, another paper or two and another day of the same garbage going on. It seems that there is nothing good happening around here, there, or most anywhere in our world. To complement this apparent status of the world, I am almost finished with Zoo by James Patterson. Somehow I missed it when it first came out and now there is to be a show based on the book on TV. Its premise is  scary, intimating that because of man and his interference, over interference, with the world of nature, that suddenly animals are changing and the war between man and animal, actually any sentient being, is growing, exploding, and the outcome or outlook is not good.
     Too much tampering and tinkering is not good. One needs to set up a paradigm and follow it. We finally have one such paradigm in a standardized RFP, or so I am told, as it has never been published for all to see, but I trust Jack Adams who has fought for this for years despite all setbacks and resistance.
     We had a deal layout for Iran, not that I believe a word or promise they make or say, but at least it was there, and firm and now, who the hell knows. The Ayatollah who is not stupid, just mean and nasty and a hater of the first degree, now demands that basically he get all that is coming to him in the agreement without doing anything on his part. Truly! Now that would be a great deal for him, not so much for us!! Anyone hear a roar of NO NO NO from the USA or EU? Nope, me neither. So much for our strong and moral leaders.
     The University of California is rife with anti Semitism and the rampaging of Arab and Moslem hatred, so much so that  "At a recent UC Santa Barbara student senate meeting, a Jewish student stated, “For the first time in my life, I felt that my identity, an unchangeable part of who I am, was under attack. … I don’t wear that Star of David necklace anymore. I don’t tell most people that I’m Jewish, and I definitely don’t tell them that I’m pro-Israel. ... I’m scared for my safety.”  Echoes of the past anyone?
     Yet people are afraid to tell the truth, to see the nakedness of the Emperor, for fear it is not PC, so they shut up, keep quiet or actually join what they feel is a growing winning team, the haters and anti Semites and remember, once they finish with one group there is always another to pick on. Hate is never done.
     Then of course we have our "wonderful" President, Obama, who thinks that his legacy will now be fulfilled by the Pacific Trade Treaty. Truly, more of an idiot than I thought. This is as bad for our working class, our middle class - our citizens - as NAFTA turned out. More jobs will be lost overseas as our workers cannot combat the slave wages that the overseas workers will be paid, so here go the unemployment lines, the foreclosures, the loss of the American Dream, the hopes for the future. And does his party agree with him - a resounding no, so where is he getting this support from? The Republican Party, the same party that Rick Scott belongs to who has just shafted the state, the party that gave birth to that aberration - The Tea Party - the party that wants to take control of a woman's body and decide for her what is best for her, if indeed, she has any rights at all.
     And of course, we have the healthcare, the same program that everyone complains of, but seriously, look around you and see that people who needed the coverage and never had it - now have it. And that includes, I am sure, many of us who have people in our own family who now have needed coverage. So now, the Republicans want to take it away and even concede now that maybe it is not such a good idea and many of the electorate will be anti Republican if it happens, but they are stuck in a rut, on a train they are not sure they can stop.
     That same train has a twin brother or sister here in the Village. David Israel and CO., are on a train of their own making and they know not what they can do, if indeed anything. All crumbles when the truth begins to come out, when murky political decisions and alliances were made and the Village screwed. All crumbles when our problems go public and try as he might to twist the story and make himself the hero, think again, David. You are the opposite. You knew of the situation and kept quiet until too late for many. Now we have an uphill battle against Kelly, your buddy of old times(?) but we have brought it out, the same CV Messenger about which you rail and spit saliva, the same people whom you have reviled, along with your minions, the same Petey Boy who now says that the rising prices are because of you! Seriously, Petey Boy, the economy has nothing to do with it? Your lord and master has done this all? Good Lord, what are you smoking or drinking that is giving you these delusions!
     The heroes, if such a term can be used, are the muckrakers of the Village, those who dug into the layers of dirt and mud that David Israel used to bury his misdeeds and sloppiness, carelessness, willful ignoring of the problem. That is who the heroes are, Peter Cruz. Not you and not him and indeed, none of you. We know who were at the series of meetings those years and the truth will out about the deals made.
     Think I will stay away from the paper the rest of the day and spend it with friends, a necessary antidote to the bitterness of the world today. At least, though, we can try to fix one area and that is to work together to keep our Village whole, safe, steady and financially secure - and that begins with the removal of David Israel and crew.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


     I was talking with a few people the other day and we were trying to understand what makes David Israel tick. Why does he do what he does and why does he insist on continuing on the same path even as it crumbles in front of him and behind? Here is what we came up with and you are free to agree or disagree - that is your right, living in CV or not!
     For whatever reason, whatever original impetus, David Israel decided he wanted to serve in UCO. Great idea as he had some skills in the techie area that could benefit the Village. He also supported term limits, transparency in government and modernizing UCO and its procedures. Sounded great to some people so in time, he was elected president - by one vote, by a three way split vote, and finally by defeating a complete unknown who came out of nowhere, yet garnered a respectable amount of votes, so there was always an opposition there, muted and intimidated though it might be.
     But things changed as David Israel remained in office. Suddenly the idea of his remaining in office began to take hold of his mind, his very soul, and his ideas and actions began to change. His people skills deteriorated and he ranted and raved at people in public, in UCO, at the DA. He threatened people within UCO, other elected officers and cut them off from the computer and the Village cloud. Since he had by then put all onto the cloud and shredded hard copies, this essentially placed all the strings of control within his hot little hand.
     His opinion on term limits changed as his time to step down from the presidency came closer. He apparently had this heavy desire to be somebody and felt he could not be anybody without that office. So he pulled shenanigans until he was able to get term limits rescinded and is now fighting a renewed battle against its restoration. Apparently, he must feel that it is his right to remain there for life, a standard petty dictator's wishes, but the opposition is growing in force, numbers and influence.
     His sense of self importance grew by leaps and bounds and he began to develop a paranoia that everyone was against him except for his trusted few, a very few at that and always subject to change. "Outsiders" were not allowed into UCO, their experience, help and interest in UCO denied. Meetings behind closed doors where serious decisions on policy and the spending of our money began to grow in number, so what difference did it make if there were committee meetings, what with the secret meetings and the ridicule and as the administration by fiat grew.
     So one by one his principles deteriorated, went by the wayside, his apparent paranoia grew, his sense of self importance grew even as his concern for the wishes of the Village lessened, and his care about and for the conservation of our funds and their being well spent wavered and have gone down for the third time.
     What makes him tick? Twisted thinking. Ignoring the needs of others, downplaying their importance. Either willfully ignoring the situation in Sheffield O and in other areas of the Village or actually knowing about it and actively allowing it to happen and why? Well, David, why not answer that question and other questions about your history with Kelly? The DA is coming up soon, a perfect opportunity.
     What makes David Israel tick? A driving need to be somebody, anybody, who appears to be in power, never mind the consequences. It is a sad commentary for it takes away from any good or positive things he has done for the Village. For a man who speaks always of his legacy, he appears to be following Obama down that road of leaving either none, or worse yet, a negative one, one that scarred the electorate and violated the mandate each had been given. Such a pity. Such a sad end to a story that could have been so much better.
     What makes David Israel tick? Is it a matter of morals or lack thereof? Is it the growth of power, the desire for power as it definitely can corrupt? Is it a need to fill a major hole in his life with something, anything? Only David Israel knows for sure, but it does make for a sad story - for him, and unfortunately for us.
     Ralph Waldo Emerson said, " What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
     While the consequences of the actions and policies of David Israel are not necessarily small matters, they do pale in comparison to thinking about what lies within him, do they not? Enough of us have decided that it is enough, the Village has had enough, and hence the blogs and The CV Messenger and the meetings and the handouts of info that people need but that has been denied or neglected by the current UCO and the push to remedy the situation.
     David Israel, we decided that we could not figure out all the byways of your mind and soul, but all agreed that you need to go, must go, for your own sake and for the sake of the Village. Immediate resignation for cause, or removal from office for cause, is a must. Do the right thing and try to remember that once, perhaps, you had noble ideas that somehow got lost along the way. Remember that once you so stated and even put into writing that you never wanted to be president for life. What changed that? What indeed, made you tick? 
     Remember, FDR you are most certainly not - and even he should have known when enough was enough, though he was in the middle of a war and I believe I trust his reasons for remaining in office far more than I trust yours.

Monday, June 22, 2015


     There is a disturbing trend, a phenomenon in both real life and literature, that has developed and is gaining strength and it bodes no good for the world. This is the trend that demands no punishment be assigned for misdeeds, that emphasizes the forgive and forget aspect, that finds excuses for misdeeds, large and small, consequential or not, and thus leaves a huge void in the moral component of life.
     Today there is almost no responsibility assigned to wrongdoing. Children have their defenders in their parents to the point of no return, where a "discussion"  or a small "time out" will suffice. Teens believe they are invincible and when we do not punish for misdeeds, when we set no rules and boundaries, they find themselves in trouble, serious trouble at times, and then there is no way out. So what good are we doing when we allow  this to happen.
     Banks, financial crooks, criminals with more physical consequences, all know that there is always a chance for plea bargaining, even for complete escape, or at least no imprisonment or a short term and what they have done, the ruination of lives, is tsked tsked away.
     Today the emphasis is on "understanding", explaining away why the "errors" in judgment were made and how we can overlook them. One of the biggest or largest areas in which we see this trend is in literature, and particularly in Holocaust
literature. In the most recent novels, excellent though they have been, from The German Suitcase, to Finding Rebecca, to The Death's  Head Chess Club and others, it seems that there is always a "good" German, one who is in his awful situation as a Nazi guard, a member of the SS, or some such position, one who was trapped there or who took the job to try to do some good. They are excused and accepted into life by others, including their victims by the end of the novel and off they go into the sunset.
     This bothers me a great deal. Sometimes one must have the courage to say NO in resounding terms and while I do not wish to test myself, I do hope that I would have the courage to do the right thing at the right time - or at least admit to myself what I was doing.
     This trend is everywhere. It is now fashionable for convicts to have a "come to Jesus moment", finding G-d in whatever form or religion they choose, and then expect the world to forgive the rest of the punishment for their awful crimes.
Again, people are not stupid and know how to play the game and we in the rest of the world are left in a bad situation.
     Politicians are not held responsible for their chicanery and financial greed. The open door, the revolving door, between lobbyists and retired military, retired pols, retired ranking governmental officials is sickening and this is what turns the idealist youngster off. How does one fight this?
     And what about here, in the Village? What are we to do with our misleading pols, our error committing "leaders" who have taken us down the wrong roads so many, many times and yet here they still are. How many times are they to be forgiven, had excuses made for them, have it said that, "oh, they meant well"? I hope that is gone for good. People make mistakes, have judgmental errors and can then make them right. We do not have to hang someone for a correctable error and one who sees the error of one's ways. BUT, when one continues on in one's own merry way, no forethought, no care for the future, no care for anything but for one's own wishes and for the retention of power and authority, then we have troubles and our system of checks and balances, our moral system that demands people take responsibility and credit for both the good and the bad, has failed us - or rather we have failed it and ourselves.
     While we are not alone in the larger world and can only try to do our part in rejecting the crooks and liars and in punishing properly those who deserve it and help those who are truly worthy, in this world, our smaller world of CV, we can and must take larger responsibility for the deeds and actions here. We must hold those responsible for major errors to the line, demand answers, demand reform in government here, demand justice and honesty. While I do not know if there are legal actionable issues here, there are certainly issues of incompetence, of selfishness, of ignorance, both deliberate and not and this must be taken into account.
     We must take action. We must demand answers. We must demand resignations and banning from office - for our sakes. Forgive and forget - not here. Maybe in a few years if we are back on track, but until that point in time we have too much to do and too much to undo to even bother with that thought of forgive and forget. How much more damage can we be expected to take, undergo, before we reach our limit? And we must demand better terms from the Levys who seem to take and rarely give, come to the battlefront reluctantly and only when forced to. We have much to do - and please do not forget organizing ourselves for life after the Millennium Agreement expires. Hi HO, Hi HO, it's off to work we go.....

Sunday, June 21, 2015


     "Uh oh, Uh oh, I'm falling in ....."
Oops! Wrong song, but oh that Uh Oh! works well, very well, in the situation and status of CVWPB as it stands right now.
     There are so many questions to be asked. So many questions to be answered. So many motives needing explanation and justification - if possible. So many unknowns to become known, to be dug out of the dirt in which they have tried to be buried. No more of the infant mentality wherein if something is not there, is hidden, it does not exist. Time for a lot of people to grow up, spew out the Kool Aid and get with the program.
     The latest and perhaps the most serious brouhaha is the case of Sheffield O. I remember sitting in a meeting several months ago and at the end of the meeting, just prior to ending, David Israel pulled a letter, or copy of a letter, from Kelly to UCO stating his intentions quite clearly, no misunderstanding them. In his oh so adorable put on drawl, Israel commented that he did not think he would succeed because of the lease holder on the land, the Levys, but we should buckle up for possible stormy weather ahead. No ideas solicited. No plans or assignments to look into this life altering situation. Nothing.
     Well, some other people heard and took this seriously, tried to help and aid that poor woman whose pleas for help were going unheard and ignored by a non responsive UCO.
     More and more people heard. More and more was published by the CV Messenger and the two blogs that tell the truth. Concern began to grow and then it became even worse, for in fact, since the season of shopping and entertainment was over and short stay renters were in short supply, Kelly came up with a new plan - take in the homeless, make this a rehab building of a type. Needless to say, no matter how the sponsoring institution tried to spin it, this was unpalatable to the residents of the Village and the murmuring of concerned and questioning voices rose in volume and number.
     In the meantime, down at the ranch, business was conducted as usual. Both sides of the mouth spoke. Oh, UCO had no power here, could do nothing, those poor owners in Sheffield O were on their own, perhaps we can give them a box of tissues or two but of course we will have to take that to a vote at a DA! That was the attitude on that issue, but somewhere it changed when the discussion was about foisting a pretty shabby security contract on us, a contract that is more in the breach in many areas than you realize (and more on that later). It changed when the talk was about forcing the Wi Fi on us from a company that was simply ill equipped to do this and had already failed at this in Boca CV. It changed when broadband was now being ballyhooed around the Village. Suddenly UCO did have the power to impose and demand of associations. Welllllll, smell a rat, anyone?
     The questions arise as to why this UCO seems to  have an allergy to the truth unless forced upon it? Why the changed story about the lifetime of the roads when we insisted that the lifetime was quite short and they resisted until the facts were before them and could not be ignored any longer. Why the hassles over the needed elevator in Hastings? Why the insistence on following up on certain ideas that have no place right now in our lives and why not concentrate on the nitty gritty of keeping our home safe and secure, whole and healthy in its physical plant and surroundings?
     And as for WPRF and the Levys? Where were they, where are they in all this? Were they really ignorant of this whole Kelly situation? Did someone in accounting not notice that checks were coming in from one person or trust? Why are they not proactive in protecting their investment and no bones about it, the Levys get a pretty penny from the Village. If they truly did not know until so informed by David Israel or truly forced to it by the noise made by the supposed "malcontents" then why did they not immediately jump in, horns blaring, ranks of attorneys taking this guy to the drycleaners, doing what was right and incumbent upon them to do?
     As for David Israel et al, how did things suddenly change and the info on Sheffield O suddenly get posted to his blog, basically a copy of the other side's info situation, and the boasting of the investigative report by The Rag? Gimme a break! That information is coming from the opposition. David Israel et al sat on their thumbs and rotated. That was all. And yet, when forced to do something, they and the Levys, outed as do nothings by the Post, suddenly David takes upon himself the role of the hero, of the investigator? Really, David, when all these questions need answering?
     Um,.....let's see.....Was there a check given and cashed or returned? Was cash given instead? What about that meeting with UCO officials and Kelly? What was the gist of that meeting and if you KNEW way back then, why did you do NOTHING! Were there political or financial benefits for you? How long has your relationship with Kelly been a fact? What was the incentive to shut up or was it that you are incompetent and unable to figure a process and procedure to handle a crisis of this import? Oh, but along comes Petey Boy, praising you to the sky for your investigation. Lord, have mercy on these  poor self denying people.
     And remember when I made a joke? or perhaps not such a joke and wondered aloud when we would see the signs and the beggars at the four corner intersections? Well, they are not there yet, but evidently they have reached the Clubhouse and just where do you think they are coming from. Think.
     My G-d, people, one cannot stand by idly on this and related issues. This man, this UCO administration must go NOW, RIGHT NOW, by recall, special election, whatever and the first step is to remove Gorodetzer and Buchanan from any and all things to do with elections as they are blatantly slanted and search for nit picking points and ignore precedent in their desperate search for a means to keep David Israel in office and again, I wonder - why? Why? Certainly not to serve the needs of the people.
     One nameless from now on poor thinking individual keeps telling me nobody loves me, everybody hates me - sometimes I think of the childhood rhyme about that and wonder if I should find some worms! but seriously, this blog, the work of the opposition is not for power, for office, for financial gain, for whatever nefarious motive one can think of. Threats that no one will vote for me just do not work. When have I ever said I was planning to run in an election in the future? Another imaginary gambit on the part of the opposition to negate the findings that the opposition has brought up and shown to be true.
     I appeal to you, the residents of CV, rise up and do something. I believe it was Jefferson who said, "When the people are afraid of the government, that is tyranny, a dictatorship, but when the government is afraid of the people, that is liberty."
Chew on that for a while.

Friday, June 19, 2015


     When I look back at the history of the dissent, the growing dissent, of CV, and at the energy expended in bringing issues to the surface, at the money that has been spent and will continue to be spent without taking any money from UCO or from shady people, at the thinking that has gone into this - I wonder at the shame and the waste of all this time, money and energy, all the bad vibes, the loss of brainpower to the Village. Why did all this have to happen to get to where we are now.
     And where are we now? We are at the point where more and more people, everyday, are realizing that they have been living under a growing dictatorship, an attempt to establish and maintain an Imperial Presidency that was doomed to failure, but will cost us much in many ways till we can get it gone.
     The CV Messenger began as a two or three page newsletter, poor copying, few articles, but look at it now. Today that paper is taking calls from people within the Village and without, those who have left for a few months and want it mailed and those who are here and want it left for them on their doorknobs, (please note that the doorknob thieves gang may still be around so check with Phyllis S. on that.),because this Messenger writes the truth and will allow any and all to post well written articles without hate messages, only truth and proof. It welcomes the participation of residents of the Village and just note how many people are writing on a regular basis.
      And why is this so? Simple indeed. The people now recognize that the Rag that is supposed to inform them in a non partisan manner, that is supposed to accept articles from residents without blocking and censorship, that is supposed to be a newspaper, not an advertising giveaway with hired people being brought on at the expense of the paper and ultimately of the Villagers.
     And again, why? Because the ostensible leadership of the Village and major Village organs outside , or supposedly so, of UCO are rotten, rotten to the core. There is an incestuous set of relationships in UCO. Membership  rosters of the committees are blazingly boring as the same names appear over and over again and meanwhile, the cries and pleas for  volunteers go on and on even as these volunteers are rejected unless knowingly loyal to the current UCO administration. David Israel appoints Joy Vestal co-editor of  The Rag even as she is VP in UCO and in addition, members of UCO either on the Executive Board or even officers of UCO have been absentee from crucial meetings at a larger rate than ever.
     This is why all this energy has been expended in getting rid of these wastes of UCO people and their twisted ideas of what makes a proper village administration and meanwhile those within UCO who have not been tossed out but know the truth, are struggling and are getting smeared along with the rotten apples, but their time to shine will come too, even as the opposition begins to triumph. And make no mistake about it, we have already had major victories and will continue but how much better would it have been, will it be, when all this brain power, all this good will for the Village, will be allowed to finally do what it can for the Village.
     The timing? That is up to you and your delegates. Make sure you are active in your association. Ask hard questions. Make sure the Board is aware of the CV Messenger and the information it dispenses to the Villagers. Elect honest and thinking delegates who will vote as the association wishes it to, not as some of Israel's delegates who say openly -"I do not care what they want, I will vote how I want." Push for term limits. Push for volunteer growth. Push for limitations on people holding more than one village wide job or position. Demand a UCO that is responsive and responsible to the people of the Village and not just for itself.
     We have come a long way, but there is still more to go. It must be done with your help- for your benefit. Join in and let us remake our Village, get the investors out who care not a whit for our home, forbid business within the Village that uses units as business units, vet your prospective owners and renters very carefully and make sure your by laws will protect you. Jean Dowling has a wonderful packet out about that, way before UCO decided to move their rears on this and who are still telling all to wait till they finish spending more of our money on unnecessary fees when the information is here, has been here, for months already.
      Boker Tov! Good  morning! Let us all wake up to a new and better day and future. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015


     And there it is again. The front page of the paper just boils over with stories of hate and its consequences. A hate shooting in South Carolina. Thought we were done and finished with church shootings in the South? Then the UN comes out with a figure of 60 million people fleeing lands where hate is the ruling note and any tiny difference means that you are dead, and most probably your family along with you and in a gruesome manner to boot.
     Why is this happening? In a world where hate has destroyed so much thru the centuries and in the recent past as well as the here and now, why have we not learned a thing? Why can the world rush in to help Nepal or Haiti or a tsunami struck land or even in the natural disasters in our own country, yet hold the hate still so close?
     Why? I believe it is because we are following the wrong leaders and allowing those wrong leaders, either by their own hate filled agenda or by their weakness as leaders, to have a void in the web of the world. We either believe in the wrong leaders or we do not believe in the weak one and then the masses are left to fall to the lowest common denominator and thus we have the shootings, beheadings, and the list goes on and on.
     Our international leaders rush like chickens from one crisis to another, solving nothing, only creating panic and hand wringing. Nationalistic concerns overwhelm the needs of the world in general and society is rife with unrest. Thus we have the melding of the ultra right wing parties of Europe and a huge shudder goes thru me. The Jobbik party of Hungary, the Golden Dawn of Greece, offshoots from KIP in Britain, and more and more, led by Marie Le Pen who says she has foresworn her father's beliefs, but, a great big but!
Actions appear to speak louder than words. All Jews, all liberal tending people, all dissidents had better watch out.
     Then we have the jihadists, Moslem extremists who would rule the world in a revived seventh century caliphate and slaughter any and all who stand in their way, including members of their own faith, if they do not worship and believe exactly the same way. No room for differences here and we all know what is planned for the infidels. Those Moslems who differ in this use of violence and mayhem must speak up for otherwise, no matter their numbers, they are irrelevant.
     Our national leaders fall into the same weak and irrelevant categories. At least they do not push hate or killing, but where is their strength to guide, to lead, to make a  better society? The  presidential race has become a joke. Trump? Nuff said on that.
 Rubio? He can't organize his own finances so how do we trust him with others, let alone his lack of foreign policy experience. Sanders? C'mon. He might be a loving grandfatherly figure, but is that enough? Clinton redux? Rand Paul? Please, Ayn Rand is so over! Carly Fiorini? Where is her experience in dealing with leaders of the world? At this point I might as well throw my hat in the ring as qualifications do not seem to matter, only wishes.
    Our current leader is weak, and like the teacher who makes a threat and then does not or cannot carry it out, no one believes any more. In fact, at this point, sinister beliefs about him are abundant and even I believe at this point that the man is missing a large piece of his backbone and his feelings about Jews and Israel are dangerous, to say the least. Personally, he can hold whatever beliefs and prejudices he wants, but publically he must do what is best for the country and he does not. Nixon hated Jews yet knew that Israel was our ally and acted accordingly in 1973.
    So when we have no leaders, or poor leaders, or bad hearted leaders, the dregs of society rise to the surface of society and then we have a hate embroiled world, country and neighborhood for make no mistake about it, most of our problems here in CV have arisen or grown to such proportions because our "leader(s)" is/are bad for us. There is no expertise at finances yet they control literally millions of dollars. There is no contract experience, yet they keep on signing contracts without proper review and adjustments. They refuse to hire the experts we need at the time of need, yet rush right in to disasters that cost us millions. They refuse to acknowledge that priorities must be in place, but refuse to do anything until it is in crisis mode. 
     This lack of expertise, of knowledge needed, of people skills, of process and procedure, of violation of the rights of all Americans, their refusal to acknowledge the necessity of an inclusive administration has brought us to perhaps the lowest point we have ever reached. Yet on they continue.
     Suddenly they know what to do about the housing situation. Here, in reality, they are following the lead of the reformers, of the opponents, for we were on top of this issue way before UCO and even had an entire packet put out, not only about this housing situation and how to remedy and best of all, prevent, but also about the necessity of filling out the proper HUD papers for senior housing, 55+. Then, along came Jones, late, as usual, and stuttering about how they care, but really cannot do anything, but not to worry, they will spend our money unnecessarily, on more lawyer fees, even though we already have that information and the forms and guidelines out there already.
     All this leads to frustration that grows worse. It is difficult to see one's home and community driven into the ground by one who is incompetent and his incompetent followers and minions. It is hard to remain calm when personal insults without rhyme or reason are sent out, when threats are made to physical safety, to life and limb, when extraneous family members are brought in to be insulted and damned.  (And yes, Gracie, I have said you are an idiot, but Lordie, Lordie, what else can I do when you keep making those ridiculous and repetitive statements? But maybe I will just ignore you. Much better idea.) This is what comes of poor leadership and yes, folks, it is right here, not in River City, but in CVWPB and we must rid ourselves of it. The feelings are growing deeper and deeper as the situation worsens. Hate, here in the Village? Very well could be and as the other side has already made threats to physical safety, then perhaps there is even more need to be watchful and wary.
     Time for them to go - for all our sakes, for the sake of the Village, for the sake of sanity and good government, for a small spot of peace and refuge in a roiling world. Term limits, limits on offices being held in multiplicity, process and procedure, proper contracts, expertise where needed and the list goes on. Following the leaders - not here, folks, please.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


     Last nite was an inspiration, a signal of hope, a beacon of light in an increasingly dark and troubled world. 46 young men and women, all seniors, graduates and graduating, were gathered for a different graduation ceremony, one where they were awarded diplomas from a two year intense program wherein they learned how to conduct themselves on campus, how to answer those of the BDS and anti Semitic movements, how to use words and internal strength, how to motivate the apathetic, how to take part in the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam, the repair of the world.
     These kids were all Jews, from secular to Modern Orthodox, all friends, united by their pride in being a Jew, in their passionate love of Israel, in their ability to add to their already huge load of responsibilities as student leaders with heavy programs of studies. And one of them is my grandson #2 who followed in the path of his older brother but who definitely is leaving his own footprints.
     Zachi is his own unique self and style. He loves bowties and funny socks. He has a huge heart, with room in it for the Friendship Circle and for being a medical clown. He has strong shoulders to take on a dual program, AP courses, editorships at his newspaper and yearbook, and still be a wonderful son, a great brother, an empathetic friend and the sweetest grandchild one could wish for.
     Zach, knowing his grandmother and the little mischievous imp that lives inside her, knowing that a special young lady was also graduating from this program, told me that I had to behave. I did - for the most part, but a person has to have some fun, don't they? But his young lady and her family were warm and delightful and played along. Poor Zachi!
     All these kids were off to various campuses, to Israel for a year of study, or off to the IDF to help defend and serve the State of Israel. There was a speaker last nite, one of several, who broke the audience down to tears and then received a standing ovation, though it did not bring her son back. Her son, Michael Levine, was a "lone" soldier in IDF, meaning that his family did not live there. He was the first paratrooper killed in the war in Lebanon as Israel tried to retrieve two kidnapped soldiers, and the only American Israeli lone soldier killed in action. His grave now stands as a message of inspiration to thousands of people and at Mt. Herzl Military Cemetery his grave is the most visited after Rabin's, and is covered with rocks, stones, shirts, brigade badges, anything and everything that sends a message that someone was there. He is considered to be a unique individual, one among many, actually, and the story of his life has inspired young Israelis and Americans alike.
     There are good people in this world. There is hope for the future. These kids remind me of the generation that went out and shouted down a war, that thought they, too, could and would change the world. Well, it did, to a certain extent, but unfortunately got lost somewhere in a fog of drugs and excess. I do not believe these kids will do that. Their hearts are clear, their passion for justice strong and their determination second to none. They are fiercely bright and intelligent and I am so proud that my Zach stands among them.
     And now for a sad comment. I have no problem with constructive criticism. I have no problem with opposition. But I do have a problem with people who answer nastily for no reason, who make their insults personal using foul language and attacking in an extremely vituperative manner. They attack family members, even unto writing vile things about my grandchildren. This, I do not understand nor accept and er Fred.....er Ed, who acknowledged his identity, proud of it and his nasty writing wrote this to me yesterday. Read it and think. You out there that support this man and his friends, his buddy, you that think that these people are normal - think again. Could a person like this actually have your benefit at heart? Have the best in mind for you? Or is this person a truly sick individual needing help big time and ASAP, STAT or whatever term you wish to use. This is a person(s) whose heart is black with evil, whose soul has gone into hiding, whose humanity has long ago gone missing. It is sad, so very sad. And pathetic, so pathetic.
     Read and judge for yourself.

"Ah the shit for brains slob is off to visit one of her goonish relatives graduating from a reform school somewhere. Can't stand the heat here honey?"

And the purpose of this? Only to try to hurt. Well, it failed and will always fail. You see, I am secure in myself and my value and certainly in the value and worth of my family and friends. So sorry that you are lacking in both and in that surety. Pathetic, truly pathetic, but if you wish to reveal yourselves to others, far be it from me to stand in your way. Let your ugliness be paraded for all to see. All this is, is kindergarten bully schoolyard mentality residing in an ugly manner in a purportedly grown man. Fie! Shame on you. Go stand in the corner!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


     Immanuel Kant, the philosopher said, ""ought implies can" thus setting up one of his great philosophical principles. Simply put, it means that if one should do something, then he can do it. Should implies that it is a positive thing or idea or project. It does not take away from the fact that it might be difficult to achieve, but it does give a person impetus to at least try, and try hard. (Whew! Shades of Philosophy 101 in college. Hated that class!).
     It also implies that there are restrictions on what should and can be done and that, I believe, is a good part of the problem here in the Village. There are too many people who have inserted themselves into situations wherein they have reversed the principle, making it "can implies ought and ought implies should". That gives rise to poor thinking or lack of thinking ahead and bad or evil consequences for many.
     Just think of the can so ought theory of philosophy. I can push Wi Fi - so I will, never mind the millions it would cost.
I can push broadband - despite the lack of necessity and the cost. I can keep pushing the big unnecessary sign for Okeechobee entrance - despite the ridiculous cost and its lack of necessity. I can keep defending poor contracts, so I will - despite the truth poking its head out of the slime in which we tried to bury it. Ditto for the road paving situation!
     And the lies go on and on. One of my favorite ones is now on the second blog, ostensibly that belonging to Elaine Brown - HA! It reminds us that UCO is our "best friend", shows a picture of two Sesame pals or Muppet pals and then tells us it is Best Friends Day and come to volunteer. Pat Sealander, in an emailing from David Israel pleads for volunteers for the Clubhouse and gives the hours needed.
     So when should we laugh - or cry. Elaine's posting is an insult to our intelligence. What? Are we children to use PR for a child's mentality and a really young and simple child at that? And as for Pat, what a joke. Wonder what excuse she would make this time around if I called. Will she either ignore it, as her master has done, swear against me, as her master has done, double check with her master before doing the above, make a feeble excuse as Barbara Cornish has done and then vanish off into the "nacht und nebel"of the UCO building and philosophy? The point is - they lie and lie and lie again. I do not believe they can help themselves at this point.
     Another thought I had today was the question of friendships. A boxer, Willie Pep, said, "The first things to go are your legs. Then it's your reflexes. And then it's your friends." People like to be near others who have shown signs of success, can wield power, and become hanger-ons. That is the UCO we have now, but it is also the UCO that is wavering, losing its legs and reflexes and the rats are beginning to desert the ship. Success breeds people and failure breeds loss of people. Who will continue to hang around when David Israel and Ed Black meet failure after failure, when lie after lie rises up to slap them in the face, when the electorate finally says, "enough is enough" and votes him out, defeats his propositions soundly and roundly.
     It has already begun and will continue. The wave cannot be stopped, the CV Messenger continues to grow and the hard questions being asked are becoming harder and harder to avoid. The issues we face are becoming life threatening.So perhaps we can go back to the original principle that began this posting. "Ought implies can" - and can implies should in its understanding. So.....one ought to resign, can resign and should resign. Or at least own up.
    And now, off we go, into the wild blue yonder..... off to graduation of grandson #2. Will continue to write and will be back here quite soon. Congrats to all of us here in the Village who have been enjoying the graduations of our grandchildren - from nursery to post grad and may we continue to "shep nachas" - get enjoyment and pride - until way into the future.

Monday, June 15, 2015


     So the story is now out in public, in the world outside. Quite frankly I was worried about this happening and still am now that it has taken place. I wrote of the people I knew who had changed their mind about buying here due to the motel and the homeless housing and now.....
     The people responsible for the entire situation happening in the first place have tried to avoid responsibility. Kelly does not talk to anyone and seems to have engaged an attorney. David Israel, as usual, blames the situation on his opponents though how they are responsible for Kelly et al is beyond any and all ken. He is the one who allowed him in. He is the one who knew what Kelly was doing and DID NOTHING and he is the one who fell asleep at the wheel, along with WPRF and the Levys.
     Then, of course, we have the homeless organization which says they are merely helping. Really? And how is that working out for us? Pretty crappy, I can tell you that. Housing homeless is more than sticking them inside four walls. How long have they been in this situation and why? Are they rehabbed, if that was the issue and we all know how many fall out of their rehab condition and then what do we have here? What about length of "help" and what happens afterwards? They are left to rot - along with our Village? What about their own fiscal responsibility and job situation or are they going to wander the roads here, perhaps making pretty signs asking for money? Have all the long term issues been worked out or even thought of? I highly doubt it.
     And why here, in a community that is vulnerable, that maintains a thin balance, what with elderly elderly and others just making it after losing resources. Are there not other areas, other buildings, foreclosed homes in the larger world, not an enclosed community more sensitive to fluctuations in its balance mode?
     Again, this should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. The helmsmen who ostensibly steer our ship of state along the byways of life and survival evidently are emulating the captains of the cruise ships that have run into trouble - led us into this with poor thinking, no advance planning, and excuses. Will they also make sure that they are okay, that they survive as the rest of us who cannot easily afford to move elsewhere are left behind. This is not our second home for many. This is our home. Period. And we bought here for many reasons, including affordability of purchase and life style and now? And now? Answer that question, David Israel, Ed Black, Mark Levy, Eva, all followers of our "esteemed" leader? Has everybody in that camp sipped heavily of the Kool Aid?
     Yet the committee meeting for broadband is still scheduled, infrastructure, irrigation and management are all squooshed into one committee for the same hour that people can manage to sit still, our finances are a mess and never you mind the stories we get from our Treasurer when he does show up to meetings. These stories change quite often as new facts and new wants come tripping on through.
     Time for a change folks, time for a change, and until that change is effected, time to stand up to intimidation, to threats, to sneak attempts to ram things through, to keep things quiet, and to keep information away, out of the minds of the residents or to give them half stories. Time to stand and demand. We want answers. We want responsible administrators. We want honesty, diligence, process, procedure, planning for the future and everything else that comes with responsible government.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


     "What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you. " Nietzche
     As a mother, as a teacher, and as a member of society, I have tried to demonstrate and to teach that telling lies is not a good idea and that they are found out, one way or the other, and then comes the deluge - the deluge of disappointment, of error, of damage and of a necessary disbelief forever of the liar.
     Well, folks, this is the situation we have here in the Village. For years there have been people telling lies and they were very good at it too. There were people who believed those lies because they could not see the forest for the trees and there were people who saw these lies and shouted to the heavens but were spurned. Well, today the situation is otherwise. Today the liars are on the defense, caught with their pants down, or rather, afire. Their lies have been outed as their consequences have arisen to the surface more and more.
     No, the roads are fine and we have 30 years in them.
     No, the roads are fine but we have to fix a few areas.
     No, the perimeter walkways are fine but we have to do thousands of dollars in repairs in some areas.
     No, all is fine, but we have only 15 years and need to get $2 million a year to pay for it.
     No, the roads are not fine, we have from 8 1/2 to possibly ten years to amass money for it.
     Well! Any other lies?
     We are in a fine situation here in the Village. All is well with the budget and the infrastructure.
     Well, our irrigation system is failing and requires hundreds of thousands to fix.
     Well, our fences along Haverhill are ok- as long as the vegetation keeps holding them in place.
     Well, we have no problems of security here in the Village - if you do not count all the robberies over there in the back and the motel business and transients and oh, of course, the homeless moving in.
     Well, we have the money being saved - but it is all being put into one mish mash fund, no designated funds so we can keep you guessing.
     Oh, we are on top of everything - so now, folks, please go back and reread from the top.
     We know what we have to do - so of course we are still pursuing nonsense and wasteful spending in the form of broadband and moving and creating signs for Okeechobee. Never mind how much it will cost - from 100,000 to millions. We want it.
     These people now have as their goal not the good of the Village, not the welfare of the Village but the maintenance of themselves in office, in positions of heading little fiefdoms, of spending money that is not theirs to spend, of sloppy work habits, of lack of professionalism, of lack of knowing when they need help and most of all, being inveterate and inevitable liars. They just cannot help themselves and deny the truth even as it rises up and slaps them in the face.
     And their response? Well, several were quite upset about my previous posting AND SO IT CAME TO PASS. As usual, one was just the result of a blithering idiot so we will ignore that one, but one, in particular, came from that old favorite  er Fred....er Ed and I quote and we will parse it immediately and ask you again, think, why are these people allowed to remain in office or be appointed to positions of power and control over our lives, our funds, our very existence?
     "You silly slob. If you or your creep husband were so unhappy, you would get your cheap ass back to NY. You are the disgusting reason people don't like CV, you troll."
     So, to parse. First, there is nothing of any value in here - no suggestions, no ideas, no refutations of claims I have made.
     Second, the remarks are personal, meant to hurt and intimidate - failure number two.
     So, the lies. I am neither silly nor a slob. True, I am not a neatnik and can be silly with my grandchildren, but I believe that there is no connection with my behavior here in the Village. Failure again.
    Hate to tell you this, Mr. Fred/Ed, but my "creep" husband would probably win a Mr. Nice Guy contest here in the Village and anywhere else we have lived so oh, dear, failure again and actually, what the hell does he have to do with this. Maybe in your marriage your wife cannot think independently, but in mine, we are respecting and respectful of each other, so again - failure, a stupid one at that. 
     "cheap ass". Hmmm. Interesting. Perhaps you were looking in the mirror and saw your face and mistakenly wrote about it in your supposed slam? Or perhaps you were trolling deep into your psyche and came up with that old but tried and true anti - Semitic canard about Jews being cheap. Hmm again. Gee, I wonder whose money goes to support artistic and cultural foundations , special funds and organizations to help worldwide, etc., etc., etc. so oops, majorly wrong again and a true insight for people to see into your nasty soul.
   People do not like CV because of me? You are indeed a lackey and fool.
   -Of course the lack of proper roads and walkways,
   -deteriorating pool conditions,
   -deteriorating lakes and waterways,
   -lack of freedom of speech and press,
   -a paper called The Rag which does well in ads but not in much else unless you like recipes and biased writing,
    -an administration which is known as a do nothing or do harm one,
   -where they cause super heads of a radio to resign due to principles and the attempts to stifle them and free speech, 
    -An administration which abandons associations that need help because they are too busy with their own desires, so we fall into motels and homeless.
   And the list can go on and on. Terrible situation at the gates which still line up to the street - even in the summer! With sneaky camera placements because gee, people just love having no privacy, don't they.
     And of course, you call me a troll. Really? Or were you just looking at your boss?
     So we have parsed and have found you severely lacking in sense and truth - as usual, no surprise. Lies, lies and lies again - so why would anyone believe you even should a word of truth come out of your  mouths and why should anyone support you or want you to remain in office?
     The honorable thing here to do would be for the lot of you to resign. If not, we will just get term limits returned as it always was and get you gone that way. Out of dual positions. Out of power. Out of commission.

Friday, June 12, 2015


      I warned about it many times, spoke about it, and even said that should this come to pass at its worst, I would not be here to see the total demise of the Village, but no, you moron Gracie, I am not moving. Why don't you. Now. What a great gift to the Village that would be.. And why can I quote my students wishing me happy birthday - because, double moron, they sent these wishes and statements to me on Facebook. Got it, fool. You are one of G-d's most annoying critters. I hear Canada calling.
     Anyway, today it has come to pass. I have spoken to three people who have told me of their changing their mind, despite a good winter here, they will go looking at Deerfield or elsewhere to buy as the situation at Sheffield O, the homeless issue are just too much. They know of others who are thinking and doing the same.
     So here we are in a rotten situation and why? Because UCO in the form of David Israel and Ed Black and all officers along with Eva and WPRF and Mark Levy were all asleep at the wheel or too lazy, incompetent, uncaring, unthinking, selfishly attuned only to their own desires and not those of the needs of the Village, unable to get themselves together, or could care less about the problems they have allowed to grow here in the Village.
     They refused to address an issue at its beginning with flimsy excuses even as they tried to cram Wi Fi down our throats, ruined our roads, let our irrigation go to hell, and let the waters turn rotten - but ignored the other situation. David Israel needs to do some atonement. Beat his chest, return the money that  Kelly gave him for his election, deny the support and admit what he has allowed to happen - in public. Act - NOW! Before it is too late. Put aside other less important issues and get on the ball with this or he will find himself administering a Village composed of hopelessness and despair with weeds growing thru the cracks and unit after unit being abandoned. What will you then have to say about resale values then, David and all your fool followers who rant about resale values.


     Yesterday there was an Advisory Committee meeting, well attended by guests, though as usual there were members missing. Guess not important enough.
     On the agenda was the amendment submitted by Olga and supported by many which was to return Term Limits to the Village as it always was. In addition, there was a section which stated that no officer of UCO was to hold two offices at the same time. The required signatures were there and more.
     I must say that Marilyn Gorodetzer ran a good meeting as far as able as the voices rose, particularly amongst the members at the table, and she had to raise her voice. Still, credit due.
     However, the quibbling that went on about nonsense, the repetitive statements as every member there felt obliged to chime in, was time wasteful. First we were told that the two items had to be separated into two amendment proposals. Fine, but the debate over whether to have to get new signatures for this was ridiculous. EVERYONE who signed knew exactly what they were signing and changing the submission into two or changing the wording would not have made a difference to them and their decision to sign. It would only have delayed the removal of Joy from one or the other of the positions she holds.
     In any case, to make it short (er), the second proposal had to be reworded so as to make it clear that the purpose was to insure that NO officer of UCO hold a head position in ANY other Village organ, such as the paper, Channel 63, etc. The purpose very clearly was to insure that there be a separation of "church" and state here in the Village or should I say, in this case, press and state. Not only would this amendment serve to insure that a person's responsibilities would not be overwhelming and thus be able to be done properly, but also that there was true non partisanship, or at least an attempt to do so.
     Again, end results have made it necessary to rewrite the amendment proposal and get the signatures again and resubmit to the process. It will be done; this is only a slight delay and to our benefit, or rather, the benefit of CV. It will insure fresh air into the Administration of UCO and everywhere else.
      What was annoying, to say the least, was the fact that although the Chair ran a decent meeting, it was clear where her loyalties lay as every time it seemed that criticism might be laid directly at the feet of David Israel, the speaker was stopped - totally - or warned off, for no reason. Are these committees a place of free speech, particularly when nothing was actually said, or not? Is extreme sensitivity or perhaps the knowing where the blame lies just too much for these people?
     In addition, I am thoroughly disappointed in Fausto. Here I thought he had something of an independent brain and boom! total disappointment. He had the gall to insinuate that nothing good, nothing positive, nothing new comes from the opposition. Really? First of all, how are they to propose officially when they are banned from all of UCO. Second of all, when they do propose a good idea, it is co-opted by UCO and David Israel and no credit is given but rather credit is taken. If it benefits the Village, so much the better, but at least do not lie about it. Fausto, it seems, has gulped at the Kool Aid. Too bad. I had hopes. Foolish me.
     Yesterday was just representative of a barely functioning UCO, a UCO which is run according to the whims and twisted desires and needs of its ostensible head and not according to the needs of the Village. That  Village rots, but the broadband initiative or stupidity, rather, is pushed. The waters reek, but the sign for Okeechobee is pushed. Who needs a sign when anyone coming in to the Village will not buy if the roads suck, the waters reek and the homeless are lining up for a unit. Will we soon have designated spots along the road medians at the four corner spots of the Village with the signs stating "G-d bless. I'm hungry or looking for work, or have six children, etc.?"
     Don't get me wrong. I have full sympathies for the homeless and the hungry and have said so many a time - but not to be renting here in a subsidized manner, not for us to be known as the refuge of the homeless of south Florida. You want to talk of resale values? Well, here is a topic to be discussed in that context!
      Let us get on with what is needed and have open debate about it and stop with the quibbles and quabbles. If we do not act, if we do not think carefully - where is the money coming from to fix our infrastructure - and without breaking the backs of the residents - well, we might as well close up shop. David Israel and buddies may just as well stay here and play on their computers while the rest of us get the hell out. Maybe David Israel will actually get out of his back room and take a walk, or ride, and see what he has done to the Village. But I and many others will not be here. He will have chased us out in the name of permanent dictatorship rights. What a pity.


Thursday, June 11, 2015


     Did you ever wonder what G-d was thinking when He made humankind? What thoughts were in His head when humankind was given everything they could possibly desire - and yet needed more, always more. And nothing has changed since then, has it? No one ever seems satisfied with the blessings they have and hands are out, grasping for that one or two or three items that seem to have eluded the grasp.
     It is lucky that we do have those who have an unselfish gene, willing to put themselves out for the sake of others, those who worried about children in factories, about children going hungry - right here in the good old USA, about equal rights for all, and what a long way we still have to go on that particular topic, and other ills of society. They tackle these jobs with enthusiasm and perpetual hope that right will win.
     But look at how much veniality we have in this world. Look at the supposed leaders of the world, of the biggest, most powerful countries who are even meeting as we speak, and see how they cannot agree on any important item. So in order to prove a point, people in Greece are still cut loose and no one seems to have an answer to the woes of Greece - or the woes, indeed, of any country that is not their own.
     Look at the leaders of so many of the countries of the world, particularly at those struggling countries of the Third World who are supplying the world with so many of the essential natural resources, yet whose leaders seem to manage to mismanage it all and somehow the wealth of the country funnels into private accounts. Look at the leaders and politicians of the Western world and just count the tenpins as they go down one by one for embezzlement and fraud, for nasty deeds, for immoral behavior and the list goes on. Look at other leaders and wonder how they can be in such a position, afflicted with megalomania such as Putin, et al.
     Once we thought we were advancing into a golden world where the rights of all were to be respected, but somewhere along the road something happened. Yes, rights for the LGBTQ community have improved and hopefully we will not see the viciousness of the past return, but I ask you, did you ever wonder what happened to the rights of women? Why is rape used as a weapon of war? Why are young girls still bartered and sold? Why are girls denied education? Why are women being forced by growing numbers of fundamentalist sects to beshroud themselves, remain out of contact with the world, not allowed to drive, not allowed to maintain human contact? And this goes for all religions of the world in their fundamentalist forms.
     Why are women being told here,  in America, that men know better what is good for them and their reproductive rights, the control over their own bodies? Why is it that in every nasty comment I receive from er Fred....er Ed there is a misogynistic comment, always that insult based on the fact that I am a woman. Why are we told insultingly, condescendingly, that they know better and in rescinding our rights they are actually looking out for us? Really? Please go look out for someone else, thank you.
     Why is it that prejudice based on skin color and ethnic origin are still around, even growing in some cases? Why is anti Semitism rising once again, out in the open, a proper cause to some people's twisted minds. Why is it that Israel is not allowed to be known as the Jewish state? Why can Jews not have a state of their own especially when one realizes how many states other religions have? Why is it that Jews are allowed to be chased, hounded, banned, killed, despised and the world stays silent again - or even worse, joins in.
     Why is it that the fat cats are returning to the seats of open power in a more open manner? Why is it that a big government is okay when their industries get breaks but not so good when there are programs for the poor, the hungry, the weaker parts of society? Why is it that there are no funds for the humanistic aspects of society and government, but there are funds for the military, for the spies, for the fat cat on Wall Street and the manufacturers who outsource overseas or even worse, are firing Americans and bringing in foreign workers here to replace them. Outsourced in our own country!!!! That is just wrong, so wrong.
     And do not think that we are immune to the baser aspects of that here in our little CV. We wonder how a person such as Rubio who cannot keep himself out of debt, who does not know how to prioritize, or use smart financial advice is now running for President of the USA!!!! Seriously? He is going to come up with a working budget that makes sense - on top of his total lack of foreign policy experience? And almost each and every one running in that particular race has a great big flaw and yet run they will and run they do.
     What is the matter with us that we allow the same situation here in the Village? How is it that people who consistently run our finances into the ground are elected - and even not elected yet have control over the purse strings? How is it that we keep the same old tired people who are trashing our physical plant for lack of common sense, proper procedure and investigation before commitment? How is it that we allow ourselves to be ruled by incompetents?
     How is it that we do not wonder why G-d does not take this world, roll it up into another ball of clay and start all over again? Do you wonder? I do, especially on a day such as this when the headlines are just awful and repetitive of times in the world's past when voracious nations would gobble up others and screw anyone who opposed them. I wonder what G-d is thinking? I wonder what the hell we are thinking? I wonder, I really do.
     I should add that at least we can surround ourselves with family and friends, particularly on a day when the sourness of the world seems overwhelming. But still, the truth, as Muldar and Scully used to say, is out there - for all to see. All one needs to do is look with open eyes. And wonder.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


     Thought I could leave this topic alone for a while, thought the message had gotten thru and yet here we are again with a person requesting information from David Israel yet, the person who is so tied up in his version of Wi Fi that I believe his manhood is at risk if he does not get his way or at the very least his ego.
     I said it before and will say it again. Village Wi Fi, by any name is a waste of time, MONEY and effort. The other options that  are available are just fine and probably safer to use and more tailored to one's needs and desires. We personally live in an association that has many people not interested in Wi Fi in the building and we are in no way going to force them and those of us that have individual accounts with whatever company WE CHOSE are quite happy. We have the best Comcast that can be had and use quite a few of the possibilities that can be used and have never had a problem. In fact, Comcast is much better than it has been in the past.
     The associations that have had the building wired are also quite pleased and let us look at the contrast - the CV in Boca had a village wide program and QUIT because it was horrific. So what are we doing or better yet, what is David Israel doing? Why is he so hot on this topic? What will he personally gain from this - and the answer(s) are yours to choose.
     And if he now calls it by broadband initiative or whatever term he wakes up with, it is the same garbage all over again. There is already broadband in the Village. I have it and so does anyone else. It does not have to be first imported here as David tries to maintain. Nor do we have to wait to "grab the power of the global internet" as he pompously puts on his blog - with his initiative. If you are connected, you are connected. Period. End of discussion. The Internet is the Internet.
     Now let us look at the negative aspects of a village wide program. The larger the program, the more victims waiting to be picked off by the hackers and thieves that roam the Internet 24/7. Seniors are not as knowledgeable about protecting themselves on the net, on email, etc. and if the black hatters think they can get more people via hacking into a larger network, then by golly, they will do that. Think of them salivating as they view a CV network. We would be open to vicious people with the skills to hack, to use worms and viruses, to tunnel, to reverse engineer, etc. Trust me - if it is there, they know it. And will use it! And do not let him tell you he is the be all and end all of the computer world. He is long out of that world and anyone can read and pick up on what is happening. I have done so and so can and have many others.
     We here in the Village are already in crisis mode financially speaking. We have huge physical issues here in the Village. We have a do nothing and selfish UCO administration that picks and chooses what it wants to do. It cannot help associations that are ripe for the picking with some advice and handholding, they can accept checks from a man who wishes to destroy us and our way of life - yet, they have time to enforce and impose a choice not of our own making on us because they want it . NO WAY!!!
     I just walked into the house after flying back from Chicago and read some of the stuff on line and had to write this. Now I will unpack. Please think about what we have been saying on the blog and I hope someone gets hold of this questioner and explains the facts of life to her, not as seen thru the eyes of a forked tongue speaker, but thru the eyes and mouths of people who are out to help the Villagers.