Monday, June 15, 2015


     So the story is now out in public, in the world outside. Quite frankly I was worried about this happening and still am now that it has taken place. I wrote of the people I knew who had changed their mind about buying here due to the motel and the homeless housing and now.....
     The people responsible for the entire situation happening in the first place have tried to avoid responsibility. Kelly does not talk to anyone and seems to have engaged an attorney. David Israel, as usual, blames the situation on his opponents though how they are responsible for Kelly et al is beyond any and all ken. He is the one who allowed him in. He is the one who knew what Kelly was doing and DID NOTHING and he is the one who fell asleep at the wheel, along with WPRF and the Levys.
     Then, of course, we have the homeless organization which says they are merely helping. Really? And how is that working out for us? Pretty crappy, I can tell you that. Housing homeless is more than sticking them inside four walls. How long have they been in this situation and why? Are they rehabbed, if that was the issue and we all know how many fall out of their rehab condition and then what do we have here? What about length of "help" and what happens afterwards? They are left to rot - along with our Village? What about their own fiscal responsibility and job situation or are they going to wander the roads here, perhaps making pretty signs asking for money? Have all the long term issues been worked out or even thought of? I highly doubt it.
     And why here, in a community that is vulnerable, that maintains a thin balance, what with elderly elderly and others just making it after losing resources. Are there not other areas, other buildings, foreclosed homes in the larger world, not an enclosed community more sensitive to fluctuations in its balance mode?
     Again, this should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. The helmsmen who ostensibly steer our ship of state along the byways of life and survival evidently are emulating the captains of the cruise ships that have run into trouble - led us into this with poor thinking, no advance planning, and excuses. Will they also make sure that they are okay, that they survive as the rest of us who cannot easily afford to move elsewhere are left behind. This is not our second home for many. This is our home. Period. And we bought here for many reasons, including affordability of purchase and life style and now? And now? Answer that question, David Israel, Ed Black, Mark Levy, Eva, all followers of our "esteemed" leader? Has everybody in that camp sipped heavily of the Kool Aid?
     Yet the committee meeting for broadband is still scheduled, infrastructure, irrigation and management are all squooshed into one committee for the same hour that people can manage to sit still, our finances are a mess and never you mind the stories we get from our Treasurer when he does show up to meetings. These stories change quite often as new facts and new wants come tripping on through.
     Time for a change folks, time for a change, and until that change is effected, time to stand up to intimidation, to threats, to sneak attempts to ram things through, to keep things quiet, and to keep information away, out of the minds of the residents or to give them half stories. Time to stand and demand. We want answers. We want responsible administrators. We want honesty, diligence, process, procedure, planning for the future and everything else that comes with responsible government.

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