Friday, October 30, 2015


     In a musing kind of mood. The other day I wanted to take a look at something which meant a great deal to me and suddenly realized that I had no idea where it was. It seems that I had done it again - hid something so well to keep it safe, that I could not remember where it was, where I had put it. So.....since I have been putting off a greatly needed cleaning out and ordering of drawers, shelves, closets, etc., well, now was as good a time as any.
     Tally so far - box to daughters, total rejects, two huge bags to Goodwill, lots of memories and no item. But I am not discouraged as I have found other items, some of which I had forgotten I had and am not very efficient as I stop to think when I find some of these items or special shirts or whatever.
     I began to wonder at how life has turned out. While the world seems to have gone to hell in a handbasket and I see this morning that now China is threatening us with war if we do not get out of the China Sea where they are building an island in order to increase their control of the sea and its minerals - interesting method if you can actually get away with it! But as I am here, in CVWPB, I can do little about that situation other than to wonder how we elected all these politicians who seem to have nothing between their ears other than insisting on their "principles"  which means getting their way no matter what (sound familiar) and just what can be done about this. Anyway, I am here, off the Atlantic Ocean - okay, a few miles away, but the way the waters are rising, hey, we can be oceanfront property soon enough and can you just see all the fatcats hurrying to buy here in the newly desirable neighborhood!
     Anyhow, I thought to myself how interesting life is. Once I had thoughts of retirement that had never included Florida, never thought it possible, what with bills for the kids' schools and just keeping our heads above water, but then a friend insisted that one did not have to be 100 years old to buy and live here and persuaded me to take a look. One hurried half hour look at three apartments six months later and well, hey, there we were and I am sure there are people here today who would love to go back in history and change that event! Well, tough.
     I thought I would have lots of free time, go swimming every day, read tons of books, travel maybe, just live a life of leisure, peace, serenity, visit the kids and grandkids or have them come here, and life would be sweet. No more politics - HA!- of the workplace. No more agita. Just make sure our building was taken care of and how sweet it would be. Famous last words. At least we have one of the best associations around and are proactive in keeping up with maintenance and are a friendly group of people with an active board and no dictators or incompetents here. At least that worked out for us but what about the rest?
     Well, sometimes between meetings and appointments I feel as if I am back at work again - not something I like to think or feel. I  loved my job, loved the kids, made some great friends and it is always great to hear from my educational kids but do not want to go back to the future - uh uh. But then again, I think of the new friends I have made, some truly wonderful people with  greatly varied backgrounds, all caring for each other and lots of fun. These are people I  value and appreciate and on top of that have made recontact and regeneration of older long ago friends and that is great too. I know there are people out there, need I name names - who wonder why I did not go to other CVs and spare them but I love it here and I love being a gadfly, fighting for what is right and fair, fighting for the Villagers.
     The best thing is that I have now indulged my urge to write. I wrote over the years, mainly plays for the kids to produce, a major yearly event, and some homilies, might we call them, ran some workshops and had a wonderful life, but steady writing - never had the time and now I do and I love it. Whether people read it or not - I am writing and for anyone who has a creative urge, you will understand, whether one paints, or sings, or writes music, or excels in crafts (I have zero talent there!) the urge is there and when allowed to be fulfilled it is like scratching that awful itch and wow, it feels good.
     So as I cleaned and ordered and discarded and selected and discovered I also found my own thoughts, my memories of my parents as I found several old papers of theirs, cried a little for missing them and thanking them in my head for being the parents they were, for the guidance they gave me, the wisdom they imparted - though if I will ever forget being made to miss an episode of Brave Eagle (remember that show).....
     I recommend that we all clear out the cobwebs of our closets and shelves and the cobwebs in our mind every so often. Spend time on sweet memories, even bittersweet ones, be thankful for your home and life now, and forget the aches and pains, the doctors and their appointments and infernal testing. It is good for the health, good for the mind and makes the house neater, too! But - still no item. Oh well, another couple of drawers today and maybe I will be lucky but if not - I am still lucky and Gerry is always right there at my side so life is good. Thank you, G-d.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


     I wonder just exactly what is the matter with us, the people of this planet. I wonder if we actually think ahead, wonder just where it is that we are going and what we are doing in our journey thru life. For sure last night's debate of Republican candidates was a prime example of the low level to which we have fallen.

     I wonder if we here in the Village understand the ramifications of the actions of the David Israel camp. He continues to hold Broadband (Wi Fi) meetings and then afterwards holds another meeting with one of the companies, CSI, with whom, it is said, he is ready to sign a contract!!He ignores all the costs, the training and education of our residents for anything of this scale and the absolute NON NECESSITY of these plans.

     We allow our money to be frivolously spent, disappear down black holes that we so generously allot to WPRF as they use OUR money to spiff up THEIR property and should we attempt to buy that property, why we will be told that it is so enhanced that the cost will be very high - paying twice for and with our own funds. We continuously waste money on foolish things like night lighting where not needed, on poor contractors who cause us to fix their mess, on constant "beautification" at the Clubhouse, and yet our fences are going to wrack and ruin, our Security is at constant inferior levels, never living up to its promises though it is always "the best contract ever" - just ask Ed Black about that, and our roads - well, you all know about that. And then of course, we have our faux administration with its fake and broken promises to the residents, with its dictatorial powers and behavior, ignoring of the bylaws, restricted to the "privileged" few and governed by hate and emotions. So, again, I ask - where are we going and what are we doing?
     And back to the world at large.
     Iran. A dangerous country ruled by people who are basically insane, filled with religiously induced fantasies and behaviorisms, an existential threat not only to Israel, but to other Mid-East countries and to the USA. And yet we sign a treaty with it that we know and admit they will violate, that they admit, will soon unfreeze billions of their dollars even as they are found guilty and liable in court of supporting terrorism and are told to pay the victims of these terrorist acts. Cherry on top? They are asked to join in the talks about Syria even as they attack it and other countries. Nothing like asking the robber just what it is he wants to find in your home!
     We have Russia under Putin who is a dictator par excellence, invading countries all over the world, be it the Ukraine, Syria, trucking in Iranian arms into Syria and bombing away even as the rest of the world is still debating what to do, even as his country is going though economic hard times. As for the USA - why we are contemplating sending in bits and pieces of our armed forces to all these different countries so that we will not have a two front war as we did - and still do - with Iraq and Afghanistan, but will add in other countries as they pop up or sneak in. We continue to be the bulk of the UN and NATO forces in most cases and yet are cursed even as we are called in. What are we doing? Where are we headed? I doubt anyone knows and certainly not our "leaders".

     Israel is scolded and condemned by countries for killing those who have stabbed their citizens. Tsk, tsk, of course they are wrong for how dare they allow their citizens to fall on knives and get these poor Palestinians, innocent Palestinians, in trouble. After all, the blood dripping hands only allegedly stabbed these people. Where is the world when a 4 year old Israeli child, a little girl, is set on fire in front of her parents and siblings? Is it only the Arab child that garners sympathy? Why? It is wrong on both sides. Why is Israel called to task even as the social media is filled with videos detailing how to kill Jews, how to stab, blow up, knife, shoot, torture, gas and use any manner to kill, when little children are taught to kill.

     Nelson Mandela once said that the key to understanding or having insight into a society and its values, its psyche, is to look at how they treat their children. Why is it okay for the Arabs to raise their children on religious hatred and plans to kill? For make no mistake about this - this is not about land or Jerusalem or settlements- it is religious warfare and when there was no state in 1929 in Hebron and when land was unilaterally returned as in Gaza and when there were no settlements - there was still the killing. There was still no peace. Why? Because the Jews are supposed to die.
     And this vicious and on the rise anti - Semitism is virulent and growing with 10.000 French Jews expected to immigrate to Israel this year where they will feel welcome. Today, the Palestinian community in Chile is trying to carry the war into that country and succeeding with a rise in anti Semitism there. And in the meanwhile the intelligence agencies of the countries are warning us that thousands upon thousands of these unattached young men arriving into the countries of Europe from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. are filled with anti - Semitic and violent thoughts and are only growing angrier and more demanding as every day passes and they are not receiving what they feel is their right! - a home, a job, food, clothing and even burn that which is provided by struggling countries whose own citizens are struggling to survive in tough times. The migrant families themselves are frightened of these men. So what are we doing? Where are we going?
     And how about here in our own country where Arizona has a "wonderful" law that states that families can only tap into welfare for a MAXIMUM of 12 months lifetime and after that - well, I guess just die or starve or somehow get thru the day and don't look too closely at their starving children. And there are other states with similar thoughts. Where are our heads here? What are we doing? Where are we going? Is this going to be Darwinism at its worst?

     Somehow, somewhere, our values were skewed off course, off the right path. We have obscene wealth next to obscene poverty. We have landlords squeezing and threatening the current tenants even as they plan their conversion to costly condos for the fat cats. We have people stuffing themselves on oh such prettily presented plates of food even as kids are going hungry, as Appalachia remains neglected, hungry, sick and uneducated, poverty stricken with  no economic relief insight. And do not forget our Rust Belt.

     Where are we going? What are we doing? I haven't a clue, only the despair and the wondering as I look at the candidates who are supposed to be leading us in a perilous time and I feel even more distraught than before. I will do my best to choose the best but is that best enough? I have deep doubts about that and as for here, our Village, well, I will do my best here as well, to try to help us get back on track and make those who have selfish reasons for being in UCO understand that the best part of a person is the part that actually helps others and gains satisfaction from that and not from power and the exercising of that power!
     Maybe we can all figure out just where it is that we are going and exactly what it is that we are doing and why. If not for us, then for our kids and grandkids for it is to them that we are leaving this world.

PS. Credit given where credit due. Yesterday Don Foster came to my apt. asking if I knew whose little tape recorder he was holding. I gave some name possibilities and thanked him for his concern. This morning, just now, we received a phone call and visit from Don returning the recorder to my husband who never told me it had been lost. So thank you, Don. Well done.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


     Well, I'm back. Exhausted, happy and ready to rock and roll, as the saying goes. And, as usual, more questions seem to rise to the surface and business seems to go on as usual here in the Village, something that ought not to be. Sooo....

1. A question of redundancy, ironically raised this time by the Lord himself, David Israel. Yesterday, at the Operations committee meeting, which took place immediately after the Bid committee meeting, when it came time to take a vote, Himself muttered in so many words that, "Well, there's a redundancy here, we just voted, but alright call the roll." Referring to what, you might ask? This.
Bid Committee                         Operations Committee   
David Israel                               David Israel
Joy Vestal                                  Joy Vestal
Fausto Fabbro                            Fausto Fabbro
Bob Marshall                             Bob Marshall
Ruth Dreiss                                Ruth Dreiss
Barbara Cornish                         Barbara Cornish
Pat Sealander                             Pat Sealander
Dom Guarnagia                         Dom Guarnagia
Don Foster*                               Don Foster
Toni Salometo*                        Toni Salometo
Ed Black                                   Ed Black
Look a tad repetitive? Redundant? What are we playing around with here? Why bother taking a vote if it is the same people again and again? I may have missed one or two people but they do not matter at all as they too are in the claque, but even if not, their vote weighs nothing should they be opposed to the rule of the majority - that majority that looks toward David Israel for permission for everything. REDUNDANT? YOU BET!!!!
     As far as the asterisk - Toni resigned, the second committee she has resigned from in recent times, even while remaining as the Chair of the Insurance Committee where her authority was demeaned and dismissed by David Israel when he threw me off the committee because he hates me and so expressed in so many words - government by emotions. Terrific. Leads one to have lots of faith in UCO. Truly - Not!
    We also have members like Roberta Hoffman who never seem to show up so what purposes do they serve other than as a spacekeeper so no other appointments need be made until His Holiness decides it is time, but then again, his circle of die hard supporters seem to be shrinking by the day.

2. Why is Don Foster asterisked? Simple. What exactly is he at this point? Is he a CAM yet? If not, then we are in violation as we are required by law to have  a licensed CAM at all contract negotiations. We do not, if he is not a CAM and neither is an acting CAM acceptable as such. And if he is a CAM by license, which we have not heard and in fact were told yesterday that he is not, but should he be - A CAM DOES NOT VOTE ON COMMITTEES. SIMPLE. So what gives here?

3. Yesterday at the meeting a resident had several questions mostly relating to building some restroom facilities on Duck Island. It would be quite expensive but he did raise an interesting point. Why are we spending thousands of dollars - again - on petanque courts, moving them from Somerset to defunct shuffleboard courts by the pool?  Why, he asked, not in a mean manner but in a concerned manner, are we spending money for courts that a group of residents who are never here for six months of the year yet  are not spending for facilities that would be used year round? I ask, think about it. Are the year round residents to be treated as second class citizens, with facilities being closed EVERY summer as if we would neither mind nor care if they are closed to us and that it doesn't matter anyway? Now do not get me wrong. The facilities on Duck Island would be a quarter of a million dollars, but hey, ever hear of the adage waste not, want not? If we were to save up and not spend on unnecessary items and use some of that money that appears to be left over in the budget from items that came in under budget, then we might be okay but NOT if we spend on repetitive items. Speaking of redundancy!! And by the way, what happens to that under budgeted money that was not spent?

4. Transparency in this UCO is a joke. The above questions asked tell us that the cycling of the same old people again and again on the committees so that the same small group is ruling us here and yes, I mean RULING. Transparency? Uh uh.

5.The Broadband Committee, you know, the one which morphed from the Wi Fi committee that was firmly voted against but which David Israel simply cannot internalize. Yup, that one. Well, even as he waxes poetic about the values of Wi Fi for the elderly, for the seniors, he conveniently leaves out the issues and I am not talking about the cost and the infrastructure that would be required. I am talking about the dangers, even as expressed by the NY Times yesterday in an article which reminds us that "Apps and devices developed to help older adults often reveal a gap in understanding them." It goes on to reveal the issues, some funny, some not so much, but rather sad and/or dangerous. It reveals the errors these devices can lead to as people misinterpret and misunderstand the differences between younger and older people and what is good for one, normal for one, is not necessarily so for the other and the tragedies and waste that can and do result from this not so funny comedy of errors. So next time he rhapsodizes about the benefits - think again.  Realize that there is a reality that he refuses to recognize and in a Village of seniors we had better pay attention to all this or instead of helping our residents we will be harming them indeed. Do not jump into anything again without clear research and teaching to residents. We have ignored that before and look what resulted.

6. The Security company. Well, here we go again and this is not hearsay but an eyewitness account and I was that eye. We were waiting to get into the Village at the Haverhill gate, behind a car which seemed to be unable to get in and why not as there was no sticker on the window! There it sat, there we sat, as the young lady inside, looking ever so spiffy in her new uniform, did not move from the gatehouse. Granted, there was a line of a few cars, but ahem, we, too, were waiting and so was that car. Finally, we waited till all the cars in the other lane were gone and shifted over, she barely glancing at the card Gerry held up as we rolled thru a raised bar and we noticed that the driver of the stuck car was getting out of the car, a big dude. Suddenly we noticed that the gate in front of him was raised and in he drove, nothing checked and off he went seeking his desired goal as we drove alongside for a while, watching him bending his head forward and side to side, obviously looking for signs or directions and guidance as to where to go. Definitely not a resident.Security? I think not. Again. For more money than we paid before. An error? Definitely yes? Will something be done about it? Who the hell knows and perhaps we need to station Ed Black there as he seems to know and guarantee all as the best contract ever - all the time - but what use a "great" contract if it is not fully implemented? Just askin', just sayin'.
     When it comes to voting in March, do not vote for him or his stooges, no matter who they are. They all fall in line for him and enough already of his UCO. Time for a change. Phyllis is waiting.

Monday, October 26, 2015


     Spending much time with the kids this weekend and watching the two boys especially do their baseball routine, I was reminded of the rules of the playground, the expectations of proper behavior on the field, the values of promises made and kept - or not. These were two little boys - 5 and 9 - and yet they were able to play by the rules and if one went somewhat off the straight and narrow the other boy reminded him and a sorry was said and on the game went. There was no name calling, no nasty comments, no threats, no outrageous remarks, no sentencing one to the gulag never again to be allowed to play.
     And I wondered, if little boys like this can understand the rules and reasons for and behind fair play, why they work and why they must be observed, then why oh why cannot a grown man understand these very simple rules, understand that his outrageous behavior continues to remain in the toddler zone, egocentric to the extreme and really a very tired manner of behaving.
     If promises are made to the residents in the very oath of office, then that promise must be kept and if it cannot, then one must show himself out of and off the field and learn the rules once again, or better yet, try another game.
    If one makes a promise, implied or tacit, to keep our finances on a steady and responsible level, to keep one's fiduciary trust, then one must be careful as to how one spends the money of others and not be cavalier about it. One cannot simply say to one, "Oh, just keep the money." Really? Do that with your funds please, not ours. If you recall David Copperfield and poor Mr. Micawber who could not keep good financial balance in his life, then remember this statement. "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty one pounds, result misery."
     We here in the Village prefer the balanced budget or even one with money left over so that we can amass the funds necessary for future needs but not spent for frills that are unnecessary such as murals in a pool area or redundancies, poor workmanship and poor contracts and vendors which require repetitive repairs and costly too. We prefer clear and transparent designated funds rather than the cloudy system that is now in place.
     So while these two little boys could not understand high finances other than how much they needed to have to buy a favorite hot lunch - and which they conned out of their soft touch grandmother - they did understand the need and value of fair play, what it allows and what it avoids. Age 5 and age 9 so the question is how old are you really?
     So what is your next violation of the rules of the playground? I know what I expect to happen so let us see if you are as much of an infant who cannot deal with opposition, one who makes illogical statements and by the way, there are hamlets in the Himalayas that have acquired some Wi - Fi, so by how much does that change the audience of 200 million interested people, the ones who avidly follow my blog and who are awaiting more news of you? Perhaps we need to give them time to catch on to the apparent latest craze before we count their numbers!
    Do you not see how you open yourself up to ridicule with nonsensical statements and toddler behavior. How many times have you been asked to man up, grow up, come out in public, debate, respond in any manner in a grown up and adult manner, drop your gavel, drop your tantrums, cease your made up rules that come from your mind only and let your attorney on a leash sink quietly into a well deserved and needed retirement. If you open a door, expect people to walk through it.
     You see, the choice is all yours. Yes or no. What will it be? But if you continue to remain on this very same path, then do  not blame others for the consequences. That, too, is childish. Look to your own thinking and actions and square your shoulders and accept blame and responsibility where it belongs.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


     Early in the AM and no little ones around so can write for a bit. Gotta tell ya, getting down on the floor - and then getting up when the game is over is hard work!!
     Anyway, had the chance to peek at the blogs out there and have some observations and questions. There is a curious sense of what the ..... on one of them and a bunch of questions that have newly arisen and demand answers - if they can or will be given. In any case, 200 million people will be reading this, right David, and wonder how they will view your hypocrisy, your attempted bullying and intimidation, your paranoia and egotism, your personal overbearing hate that you direct at me and others. 200 million readers. Is that correct, dear David? Your statement, your figure, your megalomania and your time to get the heck out of Dodge in the form of UCO.

1. Why was such a large pdf file put on way, way AFTER the event and the contract long ago signed?
2. This posting is as useful as three armpits so what was the meaning or purpose of this action? Lanny Howe states in his typical fatuous manner, "Never before Dave Israel in the history of UCO would so much detail have been made available to those wanting to see it." Useless detail, Lanny, at this time.
3. Was it to portray the once again supposed martyrdom of Ed Black, the non elected person who seems to have no problem spending our funds and deciding how they will continue to be spent? He appears to be reading too many jihadi stories.
4. Why were there so many companies to be read thru and interviewed? A careful perusing of the RFP responses should and would have winnowed this list down to a maximum of 3 - 5 companies. This merely points out or highlights the lack of process, procedure and knowledge of the current UCO officers in dealing with million dollar plus contracts.
5.How could David possibly think that anyone other than his maximally blinded sycophants could watch the video of the Insurance committee and have any lingering doubts as to his massive and growing paranoia, incompetence and infantile behavior?
6. How could anyone watch this and not be turned off by the governing of his brain by his emotions, the virulent hatred he has for any opponent, particularly one who has a working brain and trounces his every word every time?
7. How could he possibly be re-elected, he or his stand-in, whomever it might be and heaven forfend it be Ed Black!
8. How could anyone not notice his mental deterioration, his inability to be any type of leader other than a bad one at the present point?
And now some answers:
1. We need to be quit of him.
2.We need to install a leader with common sense, with a heart, yet with toughness when necessary.
3. We need a new president who knows the ropes, who has both personal and UCO experience in contracts.
4. We need one who has demonstrated either in personal or UCO experience the ability to use process and procedure in a consistent and logical manner.
5.We need a person who does not work in the midst of hate and animosity.
6. We need a person open to the advice and ideas of ALL, who will admit to needing help or possibly making an error.
7. We need a person who wants the position to serve the people, not to serve oneself.
8. We need a person who has a sense of personal self worth and style, of dignity, of grown up mien.
9.We need a person who is confident and who does not need a coterie of yesmen and sycophants surrounding him/her at all times.
10.We need a change!
     Phyllis Richland is that necessary change. Under her aegis I believe we can begin to   -straighten out the mess we have here,
 - remedy the unequal and unbalanced relationship with WPRF,
-correct the poor financial accounting and planning, the manner and method by which we are to amass sufficient funds to redo our roads the right way, the way they should have been done the first time around,
- plan properly for the future,
- work with the associations in a proactive and cooperative manner so as to avoid Sheffield O and Windsor issues,
- set up a transparent administration,
- work for and achieve a more democratic and fair manner of elections and do it openly - not as David is supposedly trying to do now with Honest Ballot Company without informing the delegates,
- keep power in the hands of the people, not a teeny tiny group of people who run the joint!
- vary the people in UCO so as to have diversity.
The list can go on and on, but the point is clear - he and his buddies have got to go, even as their group seems to dwindle as more and more people are turned off by the truth and turned off by his nastiness and incompetence. Whatever he did in the past, if anything, that time is long gone, long, long, gone. Time to change. Time to rearrange.

Flying again tomorrow in the early AM so will post later on.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Sent: 10/23/2015 3:27:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
 At one time you had my support, until the "DEMON" within,rose to the surface....denigrating everyone who had a different point of view.... Your position in this instance, is to select the "Chair"  the committee member's are chosen by the chair ( which you acknowledged at an Advisory Meeting, some time ago ) Your actions as of late are unacceptable, by many, those who did support you as well as those that did not....
You have made some valuable contributions to the Community, however, that is not what you will be remembered for.....
 2015 2:17:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Your continued support is greatly appreciated

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 1:47 PM, <> wrote:

You have EXCEEDED YOUR AUTHORITY!    SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dave Israel
United Civic Organization


Friday, October 23, 2015




     Seems that things never change but the gall does increase and in this one, I am sorry to say, we have to include Dom Guarnagia as he is the one who submitted the minutes and lo and behold! Magic! Evidently the entire segment wherein Toni said she was the only one ever to appoint or dismiss people from her committee and my questions concerning my abrupt and illegal removal and David's weird reaction and verbal outburst and tantrum in this matter, his unbelievable egotism and paranoia that 200 million people are anxiously awaiting news of him every day - Good golly, Miss Molly! There is something wrong here,  don't ya think! Just sayin'.
     Please go to the CV Messenger website to see the video of the entire meeting and see and hear the truth, that which David Israel is always trying to conceal. I cannot stress enough how important it is to know the truth and behave accordingly, make proper decisions based on full information.
     In any case, I am too busy today to spend too much time on that man today. It has taken me an hour to get to this point what with my two little grandsons discussing the important things in life - the Blue Jays, ball games and Little League or its equivalent, the disadvantages of going to school when we are here and a true waste of their time - you know, stuff like that. Much better dividends out of this side of life! 
     Seriously though, watch the video, read the truth on this blog and Gary's blog and KNOW the truth. It is of grave importance that you do so and before the March elections.
     Aahhh, off to school they went and a little peace and quiet now reigns in the house. I have my marching orders for the day, all the important purchases that must be made. Would that it was as easy to fix the Village with some little special purchases! will try to post later on today but if not, will see you on Sunday but will make the effort.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


     First I must state that the foliage here in Pittsburgh is amazing - golds and greens, reds and oranges and every shade possible. Stunning.
     Now back to the meat of the blog. And there is a first thing to state here as well. Though I certainly had foreign countries reading, I did not meet the 200 million membership of the web so I am afraid poor David was disappointed. Too bad.
     Anyway it seems that the more things change, the more they remain the same, or actually get worse. I have lost count of how many times we have called David Israel to task for hiding things, for a lack of transparency, for keeping secrets which inevitably are found out. Certainly the whole issue of the Wi Fi here in the Village was a perfect example of him going ahead, he and Ed Black, and working on a contract and ready to sign without asking for permission from the DA, another million dollar boondoggle. It was emphatically turned down and many associations turned to their own plans.
     Well, now the man who thinks it all revolves around him, and that all are out to get him, has decided that he must continue on this path and changed the name to Broadband and at the last meeting he had Comcast in to talk. They were speaking of extending the contract and changes to it at a cost of $54+ a month. Comcast handed David a sheaf of papers, flyers, that he was supposed to distribute to others in the Village. Instead he threw them into his folder and that was that. When asked about them he said this is what it is about and stated some details and enough was enough for him.
     Do we know if what he said was the truth? Why is he holding these papers? What is he afraid that we will see on them or understand from reading them? Has he even heard from all the new technological methods of wireless for the Village? There are so many gaps in this that one could drive a Saturn rocket right thru the holes.
     There are many people who have much to say and contribute on this topic and there is much to study. There should not even be discussion of implementation until the DA is totally read into the whole deal and not in 10 minutes either as they always try to do. But will this happen? And if you believe that, come to NY with me and I have a bridge and a tunnel to sell you.
     What does this man do other than taking off after people who disagree with him, who point out the errors of his ways and yet who have offered numerous times to work with him, with UCO, for the betterment of the Village. Is it that he truly does not care about the Village? You decide. Judge by his actions. Go on the website of the CV Messenger and see the video of the insurance club meeting, especially around 20 minutes in. It is truly an eye opener for those who need it.
     The other day he asked me if I know what the phrase "to create" means. That was very weird as it had no place in the conversation, but perhaps this is what he does all day in his office - he creates people to populate the committees as he puts it except that it is the same people over and over again that he populates committees with!! Look at the tapes of the meetings that he allows on and by the way, where is the Advisory meeting where David was slammed hard about and for his actions or lack thereof.
    We can go on and on with no shortage of things to say or point out. We have already made numerous suggestions and constantly point out the need for process and procedure for that eliminates lots of glitches. Yet he does not work with a process and only keeps saying that ridiculous phrase that if one does not follow process it is a dangerous slope. Well, Mr. Israel, you have slid way down on that slope and need a towbar to get back up. Better yet, stay there at the bottom and bow quietly out and let Phyllis come in and straighten out the mess that you have created. If that is what you think to create means then please, abstinence is the way to go for you and for all our sakes.
     People, how many more times must it be pointed out where David Israel has failed, where his best buddy has caused and added to the problems. How many more times are we going to see one after another of the volunteers thrown out until every committee consists of the same people, the officers and some few people that David tolerates. Over and over the officers vote on the same issue and it is a farce as why would anything change when it is the same people voting, desperate to keep their power, their little fiefdoms, all secure if and only if they obey the lord and master. This is not what UCO is supposed to be about and for sure this is not UCO serving the people.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

IF THE SHOE FITS............

     So by now we all know the story or rather the preface to the story of my being thrown off the Insurance Committee. If not, just refer to the post below this one, the one from yesterday and it will all be explained. In any case, read this and weep? laugh? 'cause I swear, one cannot make this up. Talk about truth being revealed!
     Yesterday a group of supporters and I individually made our way towards UCO to attend the committee meeting. We sat quietly and respectfully, even taking part in the discussions and then a question was asked of the chair as to how she picks volunteers for her committee. She responded with three bullet points: a basic intelligence, a willingness and desire to help the owners and residents of the Village and a willingness to learn and work hard . Not bad, totally sensible.
     Upon being recognized I then pointed out that the minutes of last month's meeting, distributed at this meeting, listed a welcome to me as a new member and yet here I am, tossed off. I stated that I completely fulfilled the requirements, there was no incident of dereliction of duty so what happened. Toni then replied that she has always chosen her members by herself, NEVER consulting or asking for permission and the ball was then in the court of.....David Israel and therein lies a true tale of a growing case of paranoia and megalomania that is second to none, a tale which leads one to question even more as to why this man is still in office.
     Like a sulky child, David Israel then says that he tossed me off not for any other reason than I had called him a fascist - on the World Wide Web - the www that is found in all URLs and 200 million people had read this! Promise. This is what he said so let us take the simple but telling part first.
     Was it on the web? Of course, and so is all the activity that anyone of us does on the Internet. So is his blog which unfortunately has presented many attacks and outright lies and guess what - so what was the response? It is called freedom of speech as in the First Amendment of the Constitution of our country. His camp is the one that threatened physical violence, not ours. We have simply agitated for action, for repair and prevention of further disasters.
     So 200 million people read it? C'mon. I think I write well enough and do have an audience from many countries around the world which does boggle the mind as to how or why do they find me and keep up readership, but I do write about international topics as well so perhaps? But I promise you all and I laugh at the thought - there are not 200 million people reading it and I promise you that these same 200 million people are not interested in this small man called David Israel. Truly, the paranoia and the megalomania, the infantile centering of his world around himself - dear G-d, what is the matter with this man? He truly needs help and NOW!
     So that being put aside, and ignoring the ridiculous childlike statement delivery, let us examine the accusation of being called a fascist. Yes, I did, and rightfully so for if the shoe fits then one has to wear it, particularly if one chose that shoe oneself.
     Again, already explained but I will do it again. The definition of fascist is one who believes in dictatorial behavior and measures, one who believes or follows the precepts of fascism, stated or implied in one's behavior. So now what is fascism? "A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. "
     He does not yet - yet - have complete power but every day he takes steps bringing us closer and closer to that point and that is his obvious goal as seen clearly in his closing of media outlets, denigration of his opponents, growing paranoia typical of many dictators, and while there is no nationalism involved in the Village, there have been open and not, of racial and ethnic slurs. So....if the shoe fits then one must acknowledge it is one's shoe.
     Notice, that while I might have used a capital F in the word, for the most part I have decided not to capitalize as this is not a particular school of fascism that belongs to a particular person, but rather the general principles involving complete and total control of all that happens within one's sphere of influence and that has been his goal since forever.
     As for pots and kettles, lest we forget, towards the beginning of his "illustrious" career here in CV, he called Carole S. a Nazi. Yup so who is a pot and who is a kettle? And just exactly who is it that calls people names orally, aloud, in the midst of crowded areas - you know, piece of ....., toxic tart, whore, etc. Had enough? Who is it that has threatened to blow people up with firecrackers - an acknowledged technique of revolutionists and terrorists. Hmmm....
     So...for calling him a fascist in my writings I am told "you have no part in UCO." And exactly where does it state that in the by laws? Not that it makes a difference since he and his attorney on a leash keep making up new by laws, new wording and new nonsensical interpretations. He admits that is the ONLY reason I was tossed off. Not for any reason other than that of his hatred of me and his paranoia and megalomania that he believes 200 million people are waiting with mouths open, dying of curiousity to read the latest garbage he has pulled. Is he for real? And unfortunately the answer is yes and unfortunately we now have an openly acknowledged tyrant who believes that his personal feelings are the rules by which UCO is run. He is the king. He is the ruler. He is the dictator. He is the resident fascist. Now how many people will read that today on the World Wide Web? Go worry about it , David. Truly. I am amazed at the depths to which you have deteriorated and fallen. Resign and get some help. And let UCO be run according to the rules and by laws we have.
     Now the question remains: am I on or off the committee? Think he would "fire" Toni if she insisted? I doubt it for there is no one else who knows as much, who has done as much for the Village and its insurance needs than Toni. But, I leave it up to her and have no feelings of ill will towards Toni and only respect for her work and understand if she does not want to put herself deep in his filthy mouth and mind.
     So, David, will you grow a pair, pull up your pants, or continue to walk around or rather hide in your little backroom there and continue on your erroneous path? Will you drop the fatuous statement that 200 million people are dying to read about you? I, who write the blog, have no illusions about my readership numbers. Yes, I am pleased with their consistency and numbers of new readers every day and am amazed at the variety of countries from which my readers originate, but 200 million!!! Gimme a break. And give the Village a break. Truly.
     By the way, as an aside, Joy Vestal looks spent, all worn out. Perhaps she is just finding her two jobs as VP and Editor of The Rag just too much for one person so here is some helpful advice. Quit one or even both and life will be so much more relaxing for you. Just sayin'.
     As for you, David, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be able to call you a true adherent and practitioner of democracy in its highest form, but that is up to you. Okay, full disclosure, there are probably at least 100 things that would give me greater pleasure, but you do get the point. Think about it. Need help? Advice? You know the address.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


     Remember when the novel Anatomy of a Murder was published? It became a solid best seller and was much discussed. Well, here we have the anatomy of a tyrant. And just who is the tyrant? David Israel.
     UCO was founded on the premise of volunteerism and inclusion. There was one motive that mattered - that of serving the Village, making a better life for its residents and towards that end all residents were encouraged to participate either by running for office or by volunteering their efforts and knowledge to UCO.
     Towards that end committees were formed as needed and seats filled. The by laws state the following:
                            ARTICLE VIII
1. The president, with the advice of and consent of the officers' Committee, shall create all standing and special committees and appoint the chairmen thereof....any unit owner in Century Village who is a member of UCO, may be selected to serve as a member of any committee.

Nowhere in the bylaws do we have the statement of David Israel that he sent to me and that he has used on countless people who displeased him, the tyrant of Century Village. Here are his twisted words.
Mrs. Esther Sutofsky,

It is with deep regret that I advise you that your appointment to the Insurance Committee is herewith reversed.

You are of course aware, that the President of UCO populates Committees. as clearly stated in the UCO Bylaws.

Ms. Salometo, Chair of the Insurance Committee, appointed you without prior consultation with, or consent of the President of UCO.
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization

      Once again this man has twisted the words of the bylaws, made up words and by laws and done whatever he has desired. So wrong!
     Tyrants are those who have no cojones, the cojones of which I wrote yesterday. They live in fear, trembling, in back rooms, surrounded by yesmen who live off of the benefits they achieve from this relationship. These tyrants are paranoid in the full sense of the word and its implications, and cause immeasurable harm to those over whom they rule.
     And yes, people, David Israel believes that he is the ruler of the Village. He ignores our bylaws such as the one which states that we conduct meetings according to Roberts Rules and openly disparages those very rules. He throws temper tantrums worthy of the worst two year old and throws them with the consequences of his position. He is a dangerous man in that he perverts all that is the essence of CVWPB.
     Several years ago I had enough of his nonsense up to that point and began to engage in threads of comments on the then working blog. Obviously he did not like it or other opinions and questions that were posed and eventually he shut the blog down and opened his own personal blog and BANNED his opponents from commenting thinking he could shut us down. But it was too late for that.
     Three years ago I decided that someone had to stand up and at the urging of several people I had never met before and with the support of many other residents, I ran for president simply to show this man that he was not alone out there able to do whatever the hell he wanted. My numbers, coming as a complete unknown and despite all undemocratic and unlawful and contradictory of the rules of democracy shutting down of all access to media, managed a respectable number of delegates and have continued to oppose this man and what he stands for, oppose this man for what he has done to the Village and what he plans to do in the few months he still has left in office.
     He has openly stated that "she will never get on any committee" - meaning me - and blocked all my attempts to volunteer despite the years of experience and expertise I have to share with CV. Finally, looking as if he found that he had half a worm left in his apple, circumstances led to my being appointed to the Executive Board.
     No sooner did that happen that suddenly there was a new revision of the by laws that meant that I would be unappointed. Anything to get me out and away from him. I simply pointed out that such an act had major consequences and many votes would have to be undone as their voters would have to be disqualified and thus their votes null and void. Oooops. he did not reckon with that.
     As a member of the Board I am to serve on at least two committees. Well, fat chance of that as not a single chair had the cojones to appoint me to their committee as they were under the threat of being fired from their little fiefdom. Aahhh, the pettiness of little people, the cowardice is amazing.
     Toni Salometo had the cojones to ask me to join her committee and I happily acquiesced and settled down to do the best job I could, taking assiduous notes and asking questions. Suddenly, yesterday, I was fired and here is Toni's answer to my question concerning her knowledge of this act.

I was not aware that David was going to fire you from the Insurance Committee. I was not a party to anything that took place today. 
If I had not wanted you on the Committee, I would not have asked you. Nor would I have thought to put you in this position.  
I apologize for what has happened, the decision was not mine. 
Toni Salometo 
     Very calmly, I ask all of you out there still sitting on your thumbs, nicely rotating on the spit until  David Israel thinks you are done - is this what you want? Is this what you will tolerate? Have all of you out there lost your cojones, lost your sense of right and wrong, lost your ability to stand up to tyrants, lost all interest in keeping our home viable?
     He rants and raves about court and suits but where does this man get off doing what he does? He leaves suits and legal action as the only way to go, does he not? Talk about wasting the resources of UCO! Just who, exactly, brings all these suits down upon UCO and David Israel if nought but Himself, the Lord of the Village. It is time for this man to go, to take his mental illness and leave, to take his paranoia, his megalomania, his quest to emulate all the tyrants of history right here in our small piece of the Earth. And we are allowing this by standing quietly by as he rends our by laws into meaningless shreds of paper, as he twists all to his benefit and makes up whole lies in an instance - and why BECAUSE WE HAVE LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT AND EVEN ENCOURAGED HIM BY OUR SILENCE.
      I will be just fine. The question is - will the Village. I think not. Stand up and roar at his actions. Stand up and become a delegate and by the way after all my postings about the irregularities of the elections guess what? There is a proposed hiring of Honest Ballot Association to run our elections at a cost of close to $7.000.

     Mr. David B. Israel President United Civic Organization, Inc. Of Century Village 2102 West Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Via email:
Dear Mr. Israel:
October 15,2015
The Honest Ballot Association (HBA) is pleased to have the opportunity to work with United Civic Organization, Inc. of Century Village. With over 100 years' experience managing elections, HBA is uniquely qualified to oversee the election of your board of directors. HBA will be available to manage your election in March of2016. Additionally, HBA will share the details and activities that are needed to guide your election to a fair result.
The attached proposal describes the necessary steps to ensure that your election is executed in an impartial and honest manner. The proposal lists the procedures for the election; it allows for the addition of specific meeting dates when they are determined. Will you please review the proposal, and call me if you have any questions.
Will you please have an authorized officer sign the proposal and return it to me via email: or via fax at (718) 279-0873. Your election date will be reserved when we receive your deposit check. To get started, we will need: 1.) a copy of the voting section of your bylaws, and 2.) Your delegates roster in excel format.
Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you.
Very Truly Yours,
L~G~ Linda Gibbs President

     Don't get me wrong. This is a step in the right direction but done the wrong way, as usual, tacked on to the back end of an IFI reportedly detailing and picturing reports from the "CAM". Did he think no one would look that far? Where is mention or presentation of this to the DA? This man thinks he can do anything all by himself and with his buddy, Ed Black. We need to show him he is wrong, oh so wrong.

Monday, October 19, 2015


        No, this is not about a physical manifestation of anything or a homegrown version of Fifty Shades but instead a discussion of a concept, one sorely lacking in today's world. It is the concept of bravery, of courage, of moral rectitude of knowing what is right and what is needed and then doing it and never mind to all the holy rollers or naysayers or cowards.
     Kerry has made yet another of his "brilliant" statements. Israel and the Palestinians, he says, need to clarify the status of the Temple Mount. Really? There is nothing to clarify as the status quo has not changed; change has occurred only in the Big Lies that the animals send out, the better to encourage sick individuals to go and kill someone as if it is a trip to the comic book store. But his cojones are not there as he and many others lack the courage to say the truth. There is murder being done here every day - the murder of innocents in the street, in a bus station, riding a bike and all for being Jewish - not Israeli - but Jewish. That perennial hatred is alive and well in the Arab and Muslim world where a Facebook video gave directions on how to kill a Jew - that was the title. And lest one be bored while watching, it was accompanied by one of those ranting Hitler like shouting speeches made by some imam or one who called himself that.
     There are no cojones among the world's politicians. No one dares say the words Islamic and terrorist together. No, for now they have become "assailants" or suspects. Truly? What more do we need? They are literally red handed, their knives are dripping with the blood of our young for that is their main target - our young, our future, and yet they are suspects?! Not really, but I guess lack of cojones and a penchant for lies keep these talking heads from uttering the truth.
    You know, I despise Putin and all he does and his goals for his country but I must say that that man has cojones. He knows what he wants for Russia and goes after it, running over all in his way and the hell with anyone else. He spits on America and rightfully so for we have become weak and pitiful, full of mouthy people who talk, talk, talk, but do little or nothing. Every two bit country in the world thinks that it can insult us, blame us for their woes but then again demand money from us, demand aid with no strings attached. And continue to curse us even when they get their blood money.
     Cojones is lacking amongst our presidential candidates. Among the Republicans let one squeak be heard from the nutjob extremists on the right and lo and behold, suddenly the candidate turns more right himself. No one stands up for true beliefs, only political expediency. Shame on them and shame on us for allowing this and not demanding that they be honorable and honest.
     As for Democrats, where is Clinton's statement on the murderous mess in Israel. Does she go along with those who blame the Israelis for allowing their citizens to get in the way of bullets and knives or does she have the cojones to say the truth? I used to despise her for standing by her man when he could not keep his zipper up, but maybe it took some cojones to do that if she were looking at the bigger picture, what she felt he might be able to do, what she might be able to do if they were elected. Perhaps. I still think she should have left him, setting an example for others in this condition but that is the past. But where is the present need for strength and honesty? Nowhere that I can see in this case.
     And we down here in little ole CVWPB - where are our cojones? I had some when I dared to run as an unknown against David Israel and I believe that is what drove him even more insane and paranoid than he already was. It bugs the hell out of him that I continue to be a gadfly, always watching his UCO. But we now have Phyllis who wants to challenge his reign and never mind the lies they are beginning to bandy about, testing the waters for the nasties and their strength. Perhaps, hopefully, people here will have grown their own pair and stand up to the current administration, winnow out the chaff and keep the good and solid. Who knows? Takes cojones you know, something evidently in short supply in this world.
     Hey, maybe the French can send international troops here instead of their proposal to send some to Israel - without even asking Israel!!! So much for sovereignty, but then again, it is only Israel, the country held to a double standard. In any case, maybe some troops here would insure an honest election!!! And no, I am not suggesting an invasion for you souls out there who take all literally.
     As for our wimp and wuss of a president - he is too busy figuring out how to keep our troops where they do not belong, are not appreciated and are basically useless, trying to fight a war we cannot win. Oh, and he is busy finding other areas to insert our soldiers. WE now will have the beginning of troops in Cameroon in Africa, 300 of them and how many more? And why? And for how long? And what does Congress say - NOTHING!
     The rest of the world is no better and now that the movement of these migrants has slowed down, now that Hungary has said enough, now that Slovenia has said it can only handle so many a day and no more, now that winter is upon Europe, we will now have hordes of aimless people roaming the cities, 60% of whom are single men and no one has really vetted them. Has anybody had the cojones to suggest that we remedy this issue, that we take steps to insure safety of the population of Europe and without hate, just common sense? Nope, would take cojones and that is in short supply as we well know. No one says nuttin!
     Would we here in the United States simply open up the entire border to Mexico and say to all and sundry, "All ye from Central and South America, all ye from Mexico, who desire entrance to the USA, just step on up and we will provide you with food, clothing, shelter, jobs" and to hell with our own citizens looking for jobs, for homes, for food, for shelter, for hope. Would we do the same thing on our Canadian side, a prime gateway for terrorists trying to enter the USA? We have already caught a goodly number of those! Why would European countries be any different in their thoughts? Why not sit down somewhere and truly work out the situation in Syria and get these people back to their own land where they can build their own country. but no one has the wherewithal to say so, to do so.
     The scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz sings,"If I only had a brain.". Perhaps we should all be singing, "If we only had a pair."

Sunday, October 18, 2015





                                                         PHYLLIS RICHLAND


          "Don't let it be forgot
             That once there was a spot
         For one brief shining moment that was   known
                  As Camelot."

     So go the words of the finale of Camelot, the idea of which began in great hope for the future, for the destiny of mankind, but which failed abysmally in the end.
     Camelot is what was referred to after the assassinations of the Kennedys, John and Robert, its shine and hope shattered. Once, the USA stood for something. Once, America meant honor, demanded respect, stood for something. Once, but no longer.
     Once, when America joined the fray it meant hope for the world. They sang of it in WWI - "The Yanks are Coming" . The Axis began to lose the war the very day they involved the USA in it, though it took long enough, but it also was the very public beginning of the end for our moral principles, for forgetting that there is a right and a wrong and if we were to mean anything as a country, we needed to think and act with care and thought, with moral principles as our guide.
     But we did not, refusing to bomb the train tracks of Auschwitz - Birkenau even as hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being rushed frantically into the gas chambers, 6,000 to 10,000 a day. And why no bombing? Oh, we might hurt a few prisoners. Uh huh! Like they were not being killed already. Ask the prisoners, the survivors what they would have wanted. But it was not to be, for why stop something that one really deep down did not have objection to, particularly in the State Department.
     We ignored the dirty and murderous background of Nazis after the war as we began a frenetic and frantic campaign, obsessed with the Red Scare and segued into the HUAC hearings and blacklistings of McCarthy.
     We lost our way in Vietnam, pulling a Big Lie entry into the war and 58,000 dead later plus hundreds of thousands of wounded and the thousands missing and the horrific aftereffects, we got out and today - we send tourist trips there, have trade with Vietnam and for what was all that death other than we lost our way.
     And it has continued till today. I read a phrase the other day and liked it and am borrowing it. We have a broken moral compass. It has led us astray, running off to the wrong paths, the wrong directions. Our leader is an embarrassment to us. He is a laughing stock to the rest of the world as he purses his lips and thinks that he is making a point. Instead he is tripping over himself trying to explain away his actions and inactions, the words of his twisted Secretary of State Kerry and the State Department's spokesman Joh Kirby as they condemn Israel for daring to allow their citizens to get in the way of knives, for daring to defend themselves, for shooting at body mass when faced with terrorists, murderers, of whatever age, for one  stabbing and attacking another is a murderer, plain and simple.
     We make excuses for animals and provide them with words for more. Why did it take so long for Obama to even mention or remark about the victims of this wave of murder? Is it okay to hack some 60 year old rabbi to death simply because he is Jewish? Is it okay to kill two men, stab a woman and her 2 year old toddler and then stand and laugh and spit on her when she runs, bleeding, pleading for help - and there was an Arab medical clinic right there!!!
     Camelot is broken, the shards of its dream lay across the world. One can hear the joyous sounds of the opening Camelot even as the dark shadows of the ending lyrics caused people to cry and cry we must for we have allowed this to happen.
     We have elected incompetents. We have allowed the world to fall back to a time when money, the fat cats, ruled the world and people meant nothing. So today we still have a mine owner who can ignore the safety rules. We have politicians who care naught for their constituents, only wishing to rant and rave. We have anti choice people who kill in the name of life, who scream for the fetus, but when that fetus is born and becomes an actual child, they elect the people who cut the programs that would help that very same child.
     We have become a nation of hypocrites, of incompetents, of moral deficients and the words of the few who are trying to change things are falling by the wayside. so once more it is okay to let people starve. Once more it is okay to let our social safety net get bigger and bigger holes. Once more it is okay to kill Jews because they are Jews and any other "excuse" to justify that killing should be slammed and the truth shouted to the heavens, but again, there is that broken moral compass.
     And do not think we are immune to the shattering of Camelot as we live in our little CV. Indeed not, for once, yes, we had a Camelot. It had its wrinkles and for the betterment of the Village and its future, we set up a UCO, meant to help the associations as they negotiated some Village wide contracts. That UCO has now grown into a monster, led by Mordreds out for their own power and might. This UCO has fallen into disrepair and worse and it is now upon US to fix the situation. If we cannot straighten out the rest of the world at least let us make a stand here. Get rid of the nasties, of the threateners, of those who do not wish to serve but to gain, to take, to bask in their own reflected assumed powers, They talk of reflection cracks and do not accept that the cracks are all in their moral compasses but if only they had the courage to truly look deeply into their own psyches and see the truth. If only.
     Help bring Camelot back. No one time or theory or philosophy is perfect. For that one needs to sit at the feet of the Lord, but until that time we can all try.  We need to vote with care and thought this national election, as difficult as it may be, as limited in honesty and moral strength and altruism as are the candidates, but try we must - and we must do the same here. Reject the anti Camelot state of David Israel and Ed Black and any so called heir they send down the track to take David's place. Send them all packing and let them all wear new t-shirts reading - we were sent packing.
     Camelot, Camelot.......

Friday, October 16, 2015


       Another day, same eye problem. Tad better but not pleasant. Anyway, here is a piece touching upon several different topics and written not all at once.
     So been reading - or having them read to me -
the comments thread on MyVillage blog. It seems that some people still bluster about the same nonsense. The concern here is the reckless and in many cases non authorized use of our funds. We are close to $6 million in the hole in total for the roads and walkways and with no end in sight nor any organized method in which to amass the funds we do need - and sooner than later - to fix the roads in the manner that should have been done the first time around. But as usual, the know nothings went blundering on ahead and left us in the lurch once more.
     This reckless squandering of funds continues what with "beautification" of the parking lot under the title of safety changes. Uh huh. A bit overboard on that one. Do the safety stuff and leave out the rest. Lights on Duck Island - really - all the better for the bugs to bite and I just love all these night activities here in a place where we sometimes struggle to fill the Clubhouse for a show in the evening and most nites people are tucked away in bed or on the couch watching TV or some quiet activity.  so who the hell goes to Duck Island at nite other than the water moccasins and the alligators. I guess it will be the overflow of those who cannot find room at the handball courts. You know, all those people waiting in line with bated breath for the lights to be installed there for night games. C'mon!
      Then of course we have the mural on the wall of the indoor pool. Really? Will we also have an art appreciation class to discuss it. I am still trying to figure out the eave mural for which we paid $3,000 and it is ugly and now even uglier what with rocks and stuff being placed on it. No offense to the artist, but please, think in terms of another career.
     The outflow just keeps on in mighty torrents and meanwhile we have people who are watching their pennies. Yes, at times we might have to raise fees, but we must make sure that it is for a necessary purpose - NECESSARY, not silly and foolish and we must make sure we spend it wisely, with care, with research, with proper airtight contracts to protect ourselves. And anybody ever hear of a multi year contract where prices do not rise every single year? Yes, they do exist yet we cannot seem to write or sign any and our costs just keep on rising - more money for the same old inadequate, in many cases, performance. 
     So stop saying how you do not want a care facility. We will have no home or a shambles of one if we do not use our money wisely. That is what a new administration will ensure even as we work to find help for our long, long term residents  who have outlived their money - and not allow in deadbeats or placements of those who do not belong here. That is how one protects our home.
     We are tired of the Big Lie program here in the Village and we are tired of it in the world. The lie repeated is the lie that worms its way into supposed truth and yet people fall for it time and time again. Yesterday we had Abbas telling lies through his blasted teeth, screaming that an innocent 13 year old Palestinian child was dead, executed by Israel. Well, what was there to say when a picture of that very not innocent young murderer was shown being fed by hand by a nurse in Hadassah hospital, receiving all medical care necessary and looking just fine and oh, did I mention that innocence had no place there as he and his cousin stabbed to death a truly innocent 13 year old Israeli Jewish boy who made the error of stopping to buy candy after school. That boy is now in critical condition.
     And the rest of the world has gone back in time, back to the malicious and out in the open air season of hatred for Jews. This nonsense that it is because of settlements or status quo on Har Habayit, the site of the Temple - two of them and the site of the imminent sacrifice of Isaac - or lack of peace talks - and whose fault is that, huh? or indeed, peace talks taking place - all nonsense. When there was no land, were no settlements, when Israel was a truncated piece of land, mostly desert, that the world found satisfactory for the remnants of Jewry, when we did not have Har Habayit, when we were blocked by the very same people who so boldly scream now - when all this was the case, we were still, attacked, blown up, killed by missiles, kidnapped, tortured - and why? Because we are here! Simple. The Arabs do not want Israel to exist or for that matter any Jews, any Yahuds, to exist. The echoes of history are there again and again and the world acquiesces.
     The NY Times admitted yesterday that it is indeed biased against Israel. It admits that it has even called for the end of Israel, allowed people to state that. Has it allowed people to call for the end of Saudi Arabia where people are lashed, beheaded or Pakistan which backs the Taliban, or Afghanistan where women are battered, despised and abused or any other country in the world? The answer is no.
     Well, I have an answer to the State Department which goes along with this, which allows statements to be made by two idiots - John Kerry and John Kirby - to the effect that Israel has to moderate its violence. Truly, why do not Israelis learn not to get in the way of knives, huh? Why do they have the unrealistic hope of being able to walk down the street without being stabbed or hacked to death by a meat cleaver? Why? Why? Just exactly who is stabbing whom here and why are we not allowed to defend ourselves. As for shooting of the murderers? Well, what would one have us do - ask them if we should stand still for more or are they done and if they are indeed done for the day, tired of their hard work, do we invite them back, to kill some more when they are rested?
     No, the answer is we will do what we must. Notice that the civilian in the street runs toward the victim, to help. Notice that in the very few times of angry attacks on Arabs it has been the Jews, the Israeli Jews , who stand up for them, who defend them with their very bodies. Would we stand for being stabbed all day long wherever we go here in the USA and without defending ourselves, or curse the rescuers who wound or even shoot to death the perpetrator of violence and hate? Just look to our school shootings and then answer the question.
    Well, Am Yisroel Chai - Lanetzach. The people of Israel are alive and here - for all eternity. So those who want otherwise, if they have not yet learned so from history, have a new lesson for themselves. and the rest of the world had better take notice.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


     However funny or silly be the title, the topic is not. Being limited of eye again, I revert to the question format, more lonely questions going begging for answers. Here we go.
     Why are we perpetually fixing the pools at the Clubhouse?
     When will both pools there ever be open on a permanent basis - together again!
     Why, if we have hired shoddy vendors under the aegis and urging and recommendation of WPRF, do we not hold them responsible?
     Why are we not taking care of the necessary before the frivolous? Lights on the handball court? Truly?
     Why do we have an IFI sent out about "open Meetings" when the list does not and never does include the Advisory meeting? What about the secret meetings that take place after the meetings?
     Why do we have taxation without representation in that we are taxed for use of facilities and then denied use of them - based on discrimination based itself on perceived political viewpoints? America, America........Remember?
     Why have those responsible for the debacle of the roads and walkways not come out and admit their fault and part in it? Man up, gentlemen.
     When will we recall members of committees and boards who never show up, month after month - and these are the people Israel and Black want to have final sayso over the Village? Shame, for shame!
     Why does David Israel never attend a show in the Clubhouse? Does he not care to mingle with the common folks?
     What does David Israel do in UCO all day, weekends included? It ain't UCO work, that's for sure.
     Why do we not figure out a way in which to catch the guy who rips our fences down and climbs over for his own shortcut? Replacing without remedy will not work.
     Why are we replacing the fences along Haverhill piecemeal? Are we waiting for them to totally fall down and then invite all the street neighbors in?
     Why does everything that Ed Black pushes never work. Certainly that software by the gates which is supposed to work for our safety doesn't. Some jerk decided he had to get in front of me out of the gate and cut me off as we both exited at the same time. Guess the babysitter had to go home! I mean seriously, what is the matter with people here? And with what we buy?
     By the way, what exactly IS happening with the guest pool?
     And of course, we have the burning question as to why David Israel and Ed Black have such a .... for cutting off voting and control power from the delegates. Perhaps they are just fascists at heart, elitists, as long as they are the elite.
     Eyes burning, so will be stopping now but feel free to add in your own questions or better yet, try to get some answers.