Thursday, October 15, 2015


     However funny or silly be the title, the topic is not. Being limited of eye again, I revert to the question format, more lonely questions going begging for answers. Here we go.
     Why are we perpetually fixing the pools at the Clubhouse?
     When will both pools there ever be open on a permanent basis - together again!
     Why, if we have hired shoddy vendors under the aegis and urging and recommendation of WPRF, do we not hold them responsible?
     Why are we not taking care of the necessary before the frivolous? Lights on the handball court? Truly?
     Why do we have an IFI sent out about "open Meetings" when the list does not and never does include the Advisory meeting? What about the secret meetings that take place after the meetings?
     Why do we have taxation without representation in that we are taxed for use of facilities and then denied use of them - based on discrimination based itself on perceived political viewpoints? America, America........Remember?
     Why have those responsible for the debacle of the roads and walkways not come out and admit their fault and part in it? Man up, gentlemen.
     When will we recall members of committees and boards who never show up, month after month - and these are the people Israel and Black want to have final sayso over the Village? Shame, for shame!
     Why does David Israel never attend a show in the Clubhouse? Does he not care to mingle with the common folks?
     What does David Israel do in UCO all day, weekends included? It ain't UCO work, that's for sure.
     Why do we not figure out a way in which to catch the guy who rips our fences down and climbs over for his own shortcut? Replacing without remedy will not work.
     Why are we replacing the fences along Haverhill piecemeal? Are we waiting for them to totally fall down and then invite all the street neighbors in?
     Why does everything that Ed Black pushes never work. Certainly that software by the gates which is supposed to work for our safety doesn't. Some jerk decided he had to get in front of me out of the gate and cut me off as we both exited at the same time. Guess the babysitter had to go home! I mean seriously, what is the matter with people here? And with what we buy?
     By the way, what exactly IS happening with the guest pool?
     And of course, we have the burning question as to why David Israel and Ed Black have such a .... for cutting off voting and control power from the delegates. Perhaps they are just fascists at heart, elitists, as long as they are the elite.
     Eyes burning, so will be stopping now but feel free to add in your own questions or better yet, try to get some answers.

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