Wednesday, April 30, 2014


     After writing this morning's post and then answering a poor soul who cannot remember his name or the rules of decency, one so called Fred Sanford, I needed to think of something kind and good in life and that came easily to mind - friends and the role they play in life.
     One does not need thousands of friends, but one does need a good friend, one who will tell the truth and try to make your life a better place simply by being in it. I am so lucky in having my best friend living with me, friends since I was 14 and he was 16.My life is indeed a better place simply for having him in it.
     Luck and good fortune have been given to me in huge amounts as I think of the many wonderful people in my life. All the new people who morphed from political allies to good friends, who talk and who listen. All the good people of the Village who worked so hard for the right reasons and who have given me encouragement to try again.
     I think of one of my oldest or long term friends, shall I say, who has been there for me since we were 11. They do not make them any better than this, a kind heart, an open heart, always there whether I deserve it or not.
     I think of the many wonderful people who were in my working life, the students, teachers and parents and how many friendships were forged during those years and know that my life has been enriched by them. I send out thanks to all of you.
     And I think of my friends here, in the Village, friends with whom we have reconnected, who make life here enjoyable, full of laughter and shared laughter and tears. I think of the people of my synagogue who supported me in my election campaign, a wonderful gift to me and I think of new friends I have made, people met in the course of business relationships who too have morphed into some of the best friends we have. They have become integral parts of our life, from a physical therapist who has stood by and with me thru rough times and many times if not for her, I shudder to think where I might be right now. No more knees to do but she is in my life as a friend, one of the best around. I think of an investor who has carved a niche in our lives as well, also sharing the moments of life with us and I think, how lucky Gerry and I are, how blessed by G-d we are to be able to share so much of life with caring others. 
     This is life, and together with a wonderful family, what more can one ask for?
     Please, leave the sourness out of this blog. Yes, one may criticize but in mature and positive manners, with suggestions that merit thought. One can disagree, but do so with civility. I could not get that civility elsewhere in the Village from some people, but this is my blog, and here I can demand it. How liberating! So how many REAL friends do you have, Fred Sanford? Shame on you. Grow up.


     I do not know why some people just have to be nasty. Whoever you are, please go find another blog to write nasty stuff on, but you will not be allowed to post here. Not unless you cut the garbage, lies and poor language usage from your postings. Or perhaps start your own blog and then bring it onto the trashy level you seem to so desire, but not here. My blog - my rules. Please pass that onto your friends. Notice I did not use one curse word to get the message across. Try raising your standards - you might actually become a better person for it.


     I read the paper as usual this morning, you know, the paper type of paper, and then just shook my head the whole time I was reading. What hypocrisy and stupidity, all gathered in one place. Let's see.
     First a convicted killer has trouble getting executed so they postpone the next one. Some inept doctor did not insert the needle in the vein properly and thus the snafu. I do not understand why it is so easy in the hospital to put someone out, yet in prison executions it is nigh on to impossible. I am not advocating a wholesale pell mell rush to execution, but seriously, why are we so concerned that a convicted killer who shot and then BURIED ALIVE a 19 year old girl feels some pain. Is he deserving of our mercy? And the next up was a wonderful specimen who raped and murdered an 11 MONTH OLD BABY GIRL! Seriously, are we to worry if he feels some inadvertent pain during his just rewards time? Why not insure that we get and train competent people, make sure these convicts are deserving of the ultimate punishment and then do it right, for G_d's sake!
     Then we have the issue of ALL STATE, you know, the big insurance company that makes billions off of its ratepayers, trying to make more off the backs of its agents, lieing thru their teeth as to the "benefits" for these agents, the same agents who help local people, such as myself, do the best policy for their homes and cars.
     We have Pfizer trying to buy AstroZeneca so it can reincorporate in Great Britain and not have to pay USA taxes. Such patriotism, such care for the country that allowed it to begin, grow and develop into a worldwide company that it is today. But definitely cut food stamps and increase farm subsidies to the big agro businesses because that makes sense!
     Where are our heads? Where are our leaders? Where? Arguing amongst themselves so that nothing ever gets done. Being the biggest do nothing Congress ever! Getting arrested for sexual peccadillos, for bribe solicitation, for misuse of funds, and on and on. And the good and sincere voices - well, they just get drowned out.
     Now is the time for people to stand up and see that fairplay is not just mouthed but is a part of reality, where people are able to stand up for their rights without established religions and PC nonsense allowed to overrun their rights. No, I am neither a liberal nor a conservative, just a frustrated person. Anyone else out there feel the same way, and please, no off the wall rantings, for they will be removed. I love my country and the good people in it, so no trash jobs here, thank you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014





     So welcome to my little experiment, a blog where I can sound off about anything I want, whenever I want to. Pretty heady thought. Obviously, much of what I write will have to do with where I live, Century Village in West Palm Beach, my shul, and the rests with my thoughts about the world, such as they are.
     I welcome all comment makers, as long as they are not abusive, insulting, or anonymous. If you have something to say, be of courage and stand up for what you believe. Later today I will put on some thoughts I wrote about Yom Hashoah and then try to post every day with smething or other. If there are suggestions you have to make such as links - and how to link - or anything else, please, feel free as I am a rank amateur in this area.
     Hopefully, readership will build up so I am not just talking to myself! Keep checking and please contribute your own postings as well.All you need is an email address at (you can get a new address as I did) and off you go!happy writing and reading.