Wednesday, April 30, 2014


     I read the paper as usual this morning, you know, the paper type of paper, and then just shook my head the whole time I was reading. What hypocrisy and stupidity, all gathered in one place. Let's see.
     First a convicted killer has trouble getting executed so they postpone the next one. Some inept doctor did not insert the needle in the vein properly and thus the snafu. I do not understand why it is so easy in the hospital to put someone out, yet in prison executions it is nigh on to impossible. I am not advocating a wholesale pell mell rush to execution, but seriously, why are we so concerned that a convicted killer who shot and then BURIED ALIVE a 19 year old girl feels some pain. Is he deserving of our mercy? And the next up was a wonderful specimen who raped and murdered an 11 MONTH OLD BABY GIRL! Seriously, are we to worry if he feels some inadvertent pain during his just rewards time? Why not insure that we get and train competent people, make sure these convicts are deserving of the ultimate punishment and then do it right, for G_d's sake!
     Then we have the issue of ALL STATE, you know, the big insurance company that makes billions off of its ratepayers, trying to make more off the backs of its agents, lieing thru their teeth as to the "benefits" for these agents, the same agents who help local people, such as myself, do the best policy for their homes and cars.
     We have Pfizer trying to buy AstroZeneca so it can reincorporate in Great Britain and not have to pay USA taxes. Such patriotism, such care for the country that allowed it to begin, grow and develop into a worldwide company that it is today. But definitely cut food stamps and increase farm subsidies to the big agro businesses because that makes sense!
     Where are our heads? Where are our leaders? Where? Arguing amongst themselves so that nothing ever gets done. Being the biggest do nothing Congress ever! Getting arrested for sexual peccadillos, for bribe solicitation, for misuse of funds, and on and on. And the good and sincere voices - well, they just get drowned out.
     Now is the time for people to stand up and see that fairplay is not just mouthed but is a part of reality, where people are able to stand up for their rights without established religions and PC nonsense allowed to overrun their rights. No, I am neither a liberal nor a conservative, just a frustrated person. Anyone else out there feel the same way, and please, no off the wall rantings, for they will be removed. I love my country and the good people in it, so no trash jobs here, thank you.

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