Monday, August 31, 2015


      Here is a question posed by Marilyn Pomerantz, a former officer of UCO and a hard working asset for the Rag when it was the Reporter, before she was thrown under the bus. It asks a question that is concerned actually with the lack of honesty and transparency in the present UCO administration.
"David:  I have been looking for the video of the Officers meeting which took place Thursday, August 27th, 2015.  Where is it?  Do you not want the people of CV to see what was discussed, what is happening at these meetings?  I think it is important that people hear what is being said, see what committee members are actually attending these meetings and what is happening here in the village with WPRF and all of our other committee meetings. All meetings should be on your blog and on Channel 63."

Marilyn Pomerantz

Should be interesting to see if he even bothers to answer to this posted question on his private blog.


     Sometimes I wonder what the world is all about and where exactly where we are heading. I especially do so on a night like tonite where I am wishing so desperately to be able to sleep but cannot. Too late for a pill so I guess it is just one of those nites. Oh well. At least I renewed my library books already,
     It is a time to wonder about things like the shock received when we saw someone who shall be nameless entering UCO yesterday afternoon in a pair of black shorts and a t-shirt! Yes, folks, there is other clothing in this world, other than two jackets and a pair of pants. Be still my heart!
     It is a time for serious wonder at the course of the world. What will happen with these millions of migrants and refugees? Where exactly will they be able to go. One feels for those fleeing war and then thinks how the war came about. Why is it that the people of that country are fleeing while foreign fighters flock in, claiming to do their work for their god. Does one not wonder how confused G-d must be what with all these varying groups killing and beheading and maiming and burning and whatever, all in His Name?
     I worry over the fate of Israel. The younger generations today have no memory of a time when there was no modern State of Israel, and actually I do not either as we are the same age, but it frightens me to read and hear of the open regrowth of anti-Semitism often disguised as anti Zionism or anti Israel statements. I wonder why it is that the people of the Book, the people of their prayers, who for 2,000 years wandered in Exile, made their way in a frequently deadly and hostile Diaspora, who prayed all those years to redeem the promise of Zion made to their forefathers are now deemed irrelevant to that very land? I wonder when I will ever understand this world.
     I try to understand how African countries can be so wealthy in natural resources yet so poverty stricken and yes, there was colonial exploitation, but that has been over for lo these many a year and yet the indigenous population has managed to be sophisticated as any European in the culture of bribes and internecine warfare. Tribal warfare and genocide, religious war, widespread rape, children starving and the women, as usual, trying to hold things together, trying to keep their children alive and all of these people just pouring out of these war torn countries into a Europe which is neither prepared nor wanting to figure out the problem of handling this flood of humanity.
     I read, and even as I read the paper and try to figure out the market, the crazy ups and downs, and wonder how do I keep my investments sane somehow in all this when the "experts" themselves are at sea. I wonder how to invest with principles in mind, avoiding companies that support and participate in the BDS movement and try to have at least some Israeli companies in my simple little portfolio. And I wonder when will this all end.
     Europe itself is a roil with angry crowds and protesters. Politicians are being picked off left and right for bribery, sexual misconduct, and all sorts of "interesting" behavior. Ukraine is invaded by Russian troops and it is almost comedic how Putin thinks that one can hide that fact by stripped down uniforms. But the bodies go home to their Russian families and the ruble is suffering as their economy struggles under sanctions. Hungary once more is fencing in its borders, this time to keep people out and even the Channel is no barricade against migrant invasion. I wonder - what is next?
     And do not think that I am immune from wondering about our own country. 20+ people and growing running for president and nary a one of presidential caliber. I try to focus on one but every time I think I can make a compromise that I can live with and support, or at least vote for, this very same one then ups and does or says something stupid, or outrageous and there we are again - back to the what the hey is going on here feeling! The candidates fawn all over the rich dudes and forget all us wee little people, but we are America so yes, hear us roar - or at least vote. They pander to the interest groups and then lie through their teeth and flip when they get in office. How to deal with this? How to understand all this? I wonder.
     And then of course we have our own little mirror of the world right here in the Village. What do we do with our own political clique that is ruining the Village, that is headed by a man who seriously needs some mental health care? What do we do with the corrupt and/or inept? What do we do with the people of small minds who see only thru the mirror of their own needs and vanity and never mind the electorate? What do we do?
     We fight. We go on and push for the right things to happen, for the right people, for proper procedures and honest government. And at the end of the day we are either satisfied with our efforts and proud of ourselves for standing up for what is right or not. And we pick up the next day exactly where we left off. We are like water and our power of erosion on those who think they are mighty will eventually win out. We have made progress and I wonder at the marvel of that!
     And then I wonder why I let all this eat away at me and oof! I am going to look at some pictures of my little ones and laugh and smile at their antics and smiles, think of their hugs and kisses and remember that they are the reason for fighting for the right for if we do not then what will their world be like? I wonder.... 


Sunday, August 30, 2015


Read the latest Issue of the CVMessenger. Click here


     First, let us all stay safe today and be careful what with this huge display of lightning. We have dodged this bullet anyway for if this is only the outer bands of Erika, now sitting off the Keys, then whew! glad the real thing dissipated to a great extent. Marvel at the miracles of nature, at its awesomeness and stay indoors!
     But now for serious talk. We have long known here in the Village that David Israel has long had tattered reins of self control. It was seen in his tantrums at the Delegate Assemblies as he screamed and shouted in high pitched voice for 911, PBSO and for anyone to shut off the mic. His favorite shouts were "out of order" and "sit down". He appeared to be paranoid in his fear of others expressing opinions contrary to those he espoused and was fearful in an obvious and even nasty manner. He threw more fits in the offices of UCO where he screamed at all and sundry if they dared to displease him and delights in throwing people under the bus..
     David Israel stayed within the confines of UCO and his office for the most part. He never goes out in public to a Village function other than to show up at a race perhaps to show his face, but to talk to the people of the Village, to hear them and their wishes and needs - never. He is never seen at the shows. This tendency to rant and rave and hide from others is a tendency that shows up in people who are unfortunately afflicted with some growing form of dementia and painfully more obvious when this person is more so in the public eye. Dictators are particularly susceptible to these types of behaviorisms. Why? I cannot say, but it is so. Just look at history and tick off the names of those who were dictators and who were mad. Stalin. Hitler. Papa Doc. Idi Amin. The Lord's Army head in Africa. The head of ISIS. (Sorry, cannot remember all their names and do not feel like looking them up. The point is clear.) Are we to have a homegrown Putin here or an imitative Korean or Communist Chinese leader? He behaves as they did and do, throwing people away with the trash and isn't it lucky that he has no powers of life or death to wield over us.
     Even we had our own leader who suffered from Alzheimer's but thank G-d he was of a different caliber and we were spared the menace that could have been. That was Reagan who served at least the last term of his with growing dementia. And look what could be awaiting us - or is it already here? When Wilson suffered a stroke, I believe, his wife kept his isolated and ran the country. Is the "wife" of David Israel also doing that? Riddle me that, Mr. Ed Black.
     Of late, he who has threatened others with cyber damage to their lives by taking over their accounts, doing various nefarious things to them, who has scared people who do not know better with his techie knowledge that by now is outdated, he who has done all this is now, ironically, calling others cyber names. I and others who oppose him have been called cyber bullies. And yesterday's post on Gary's blog was definitely very funny and last nite I could not stop laughing at the mind picture that the words created, but it is really not funny. For a man who is the president of CV, for a man who has control over the spending of close to 8 million dollars, who is supposed to be planning for the future, for this man to keep mumbling "cyber terrorist" is pathetic and frightening. Remember, he kept this up for the time he spent in that Publix and I wonder if that is where he goes to escape the eyes and minds of most of the Village who shop at the closer Publix on Community? Just thinking out loud.
      I have long maintained that there is something wrong with this man and his mind. The situation is funny at times, but really not. Is there any way we can demand an evaluation of his sanity? Is there any way we can recall him NOW for all of our sakes? I feel sorry for him and do not wish dementia in whatever form upon him. I have seen the damage and sadness it wreaks upon all who suffer and their loved ones and caregivers, but besides that - we cannot be made to endure the errors, the grievous mistakes that he is making and will continue to make unless he is removed from office. Give him a big party but he needs to go.
     Think about this, the signs, the disasters that we have undergone here because of half baked ideas and the costly errors that are lurking right there for us to suffer with this man and his alter ego at the helm. This cannot be. It must not be.

Friday, August 28, 2015


     There are several basic truisms for any well run entity, political or business and one of the foremost is that one have just the right amount of people in it, to run it, to organize and move it forward in an efficient manner. The other is that the people, certainly the leaders, need to be intelligent and caring people who know how to work well with others. Well, folks, I am sorry to say that several meetings this week - the Officers, the Advisory and the Operations proved that our UCO is exactly the opposite of what should be.
     In the Operations meeting there was not a quorum so no votes could be taken, Obviously, David Israel thought this to be a comic event as he gave his moronic and grating laugh and then proposed to just appoint pro tem members so voting could proceed. He was anxious to do this because Eva needed some timely votes and he thought he could do anything he wanted. So he came up with the names of two pro tem people - Don Foster and Suzie Byrnes (from COPS).
     When told that this is not allowed with voices from both the audience along the wall and by his own Officer, Phyllis S., his reaction was to tell them if they do not like it to just leave, kind of nasty in his responses, both in language, tone and even body language. That it was against Robert's Rules which he so often quoted even as he misused them did not make a difference to him for he feels he is above any and all regulations and he can make his own rules, by golly. Quite soon after that Phyllis Siegelman resigned in an abrupt letter of resignation, making it clear that her walking out on the meeting in response to David's attitude was part and parcel of the reason for resignation and this from one of his coattail followers. Whoops there goes another one - RIGHT UNDER THE BUS - AGAIN!!!
     In the Officers meeting there was the same issue of no quorum and again it was a ridiculous proposal how to solve it. The voting or the names were counted and therein we have another issue. David seriously needs fine tuning in some academic areas. His alter ego miscounted at the Security meeting where it was first proposed to dump that awful Kent security company and Ed Black could not seem to get things straight numerically. In the Advisory meeting there seems to be a discrepancy with the votes being listed as unanimous against them yet Marilyn Goridetzer and Stew Richland voted yes on several, if not all. Lies? Miscounting? Hearing aids needed? Purposeful lies and stratagems to get their desires? I know where I land.
     Well, in the Officers meeting 3 names were called and then another 3 and then 1 and by any math - old math, new math, Common Cure - it adds up to 7 but somehow it came to 8 according to David Israel. Well, the man does not understand vocabulary, does not add numbers properly on an elementary level, solicits violations of our by laws and Robert's Rules, thinks he is the arbiter of all that passes for administration in CV so why the Hell is he still in office. He should be out for violation of trust, for fiduciary incompetence and negligence, and simple nastiness.
      One of the reasons we are running into quorum problems is that there are the same people being cloned again and again for various committees and jobs. Then when they are not here, the UCO machine grinds to a halt. Our proposed by law will ensure that there are no multiple positions held on committees or Village positions along with UCO positions and this will ensure an inclusive UCO as well, something we do not have now and will not have as long as David Israel and Ed Black run rampant over us.
     People, stand up for yourselves. Stand up with pride for your rights and with contempt for those who would deny you them and their use as a G-d-given right. Pass the bylaws and Term Limits or better yet - recall and impeachment. Give him the rest he so dearly needs. NOW.


     I sit here this morning exhausted after a nite barely sleeping, afraid that we would be late in getting my granddaughter to her 6 AM flight, to get her safely back home to NY. Got her out and up and am waiting to hear they are thru security. But in the meantime I am thinking about what I have to be thankful for. I know it is not Thanksgiving but it is certainly close to the High Holidays when one should take the time to stop, think, evaluate, assess and know the good and bad of one's life.
     So I am thankful for my wonderful family. All three have made us proud and the grandchildren are great and we adore them, from 5 to 21. They make us laugh and love - the best dividends ever. The funniest thing is when the older ones call and want to discuss the situation here in the Village and ask how my friends - and enemies - are!! Love it!!
     I am thankful for the doctors that I have found so that I can keep going and thankful for the opportunity to live here in Florida - though not with hurricanes! I love my friends that I have made, some of the most intelligent and caring people ever. Between my new and my old (in time, not age, not to worry) friends my cup runneth over.
     I thank G-d every morning for the strength and the mind that make it possible to continue the battle here in the Village, to right the wrongs that have been done, and to get us back on track, back to the Paradise we once were. And for sure, I am so happy that I can write a blog - never in all my life did I think this would ever be - and I get international readers as well! Go figure!
     I love the hope one can still have for the future though sometimes things seem bleak. That refers to both here and in the outside world and if only someone can explain to me how we can have 20+ people running for office and nary a true presidential candidate in sight I would be ever so grateful.
     I especially thank the course of my life that led my parents to send me to my high school for it was there that I met Gerry and in September we will be married 48 years. HA!! I used to think 20 was a long time. Tomorrow is his birthday and I wish him many, many more in full health, body and soul, with me alongside, walking in tandem as we have done since I was 14 and he 16 - just like my parents.
     We all complain and get frustrated by the annoying details and minutiae of daily life. We fume and fuss when people around us or people we need to do a job simply seem to have lost their knowledge and brains just before walking into our lives. But yet we must stop and look around and realize that family, friends, a faith, a hope for the future, an appreciation for our homes are all so much stronger and better than the petty garbage that sometimes we get handed by life. Take a walk. Read a book. Watch a funny show or a dramatic program. My favorite - go find a zombie apocalypse show and get lost in that.
     Really, we have much for which to be grateful. I thank you, G-d and hope to do a bit better with my soul in the coming New Year.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Barbara Cornish says, “THROW THE BUM OUT.”

She keeps repeating the same song, which is, if we do not like the president of UCO, we can throw the bum out - in other words; we can vote him out.  Ms Cornish appears to have her head in the sand because voters only have a chance to throw the bum out when they are both playing in the same field.   She does not take into account the fact that candidates running against David Israel do not play in the same field because they are barred from promoting themselves in the UCO Reporter, channel 63, the clubhouse or the pools.  Candidates who oppose David Israel must use their own private funds to make their voices heard - this puts them at a serious disadvantage.  Unfortunately, Ms Cornish does not have the foresight to understand this as she continues to sing her favorite lament. It is for this reason and this reason alone; she must begin to learn a new song:

 “Throw the bum out, SUPPORT TERM LIMITS.”  


     Remember that song, I believe from the early 60's when America was in love with its Presidential family, with an ideal that we thought we had? A simpler time, a time when we believed that there could be honesty and altruism in our elected officials. Would that we could believe that again. Would that the few and far between who are honest and brave, forthright and honorable, were more in number.
     So what do we expect from our homegrown politicians? As far as I am concerned and as far as many of our concerned citizens are, right now we can expect nothing but lies and deceit, vague statements and downright stupidity. Yesterday's meeting of the CV Messenger proved the point as we saw more and more of new faces, of delegates, who came to hear, to look and to ask questions.
     But why can we not expect and GET honesty from David Israel? From Ed Black? Oops, he is not even an elected official. My bad. From Phyllis Siegelman? Oops, she just resigned. And another one bites the dust! From any one of the VPs or the Treasurer? Just what is going on in their heads that they think they can get away with it? Well, have I got news for you - and no, it is not raining men. What it is raining is honest, strong, questioning younger people who are blasting forth with concerns and questions as to why we seem to be stuck with this guy in office and why can we not rid ourselves of him? Anyone hear the toll of the bell?
     And if we are on the topic of honesty and forthrightness, let me add in a word to those who seem to need it in order to understand just who and what I am and represent. I believe that I represent the long and proud history of honest journalism, of journalists who were and are not afraid to print the truth, to expose the lies. I try to do this in my own small way and in no way do I compare my efforts and achievements with the world class journalists. But I do try to emulate those of the past, the ones who did not make up stories to impress people with their supposed "bravery and courage" in search of their stories.
     Am I brave? Maybe? Someone told me I was because I withstood David Israel and Ed Black and Don Foster and Peter Cruise, etc. as they threw filth and threats at me, be it in the elections or on the blog. Who gives a ..... what they say? Ooohh, sorry, left out my dear friend Grace Macklin. Sorry, dearie. What I am after is what they do and yes, what they say, in pursuit of their selfish goals, of their foolish goals that will harm us even further, deeper.
     What am I after? Honesty. That is a trait that I have been taught to honor and follow, seek and apply, since I can remember. It was a trait that the family, nuclear and extended, followed and they believed in speaking up, in writing letters to any and sundry to express a point, to expose an injustice or incorrect dealing with someone.
     So, do I speak bluntly? Yes, I do. Do I sometimes use a more sophisticated word? Yes, I do, but I did offer free tutoring to David et al who seem to have trouble understanding. I do not know any other way and if it is strong for some, too bitter to their tongues, to their hearts and minds, well, take a chill pill and understand that the truth is not always nice, not a sugar pill to swallow and even Mary Poppins could not make it go down easier with her spoonful of sugar. Truth is truth and we need to face it, to face up to errors we might have made and might make in the future. And treating the electorate as dummies incapable of understanding and just leading them by the nose is not my gig, and belongs to David and his cronies.
     If one prefers lies, then please, do not read my blog. Do not read my articles in the CV Messenger. Please read the Rag where truth is withheld, not printed, for it would be dangerous to their nefarious plans. Do read David's personal blog on which he now barely writes as anything he says is proven incorrect, lies, and incompetent at best. But if you want the unvarnished truth, please, read my blog, read Gary's blog, read the CV Messenger, come to meetings, including the DA and committee sessions, stand and ask questions and don't just vaguely wave your ballot in the air. This is supposed to be an exercise of democracy and the principles which are the foundations of our country. Exercise them proudly, honestly, with thought, not just a groan to show David Israel that you are his acolyte. Show people that you are a thinker, a demander of truth, a good person.
     And by the way, I hope we do not hear Don Foster's name as a proposed replacement for Phyllis S. Lordy, lordy, but that would be the proverbial straw, the sight and act that even a blind man could see. Let us just get on with the amendments that will save our UCO administration as it should be, as one fulfilling our rights as Americans with freedom of speech, of the press and representation for our taxation. Term limits will certainly help.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


     Well, it looks like after ten years we are finally going to get hit again with a hurricane  and whether we are hit nose on or a side blow, it looks as if there will be consequences for us. I moan at the thought of the meat I have in my freezer, but if we stay safe that will be a small price to pay.
     Are you ready? Do you have water and food that will not need refrigeration? Do you have your shutters oiled and ready to slide quickly for closing? Do you have medication? Do you have your records safe and at hand? Check that your phone numbers for insurance are up to date. Do you have lanterns, fans, and batteries on hand. If any answer here is no, then today and tomorrow is a good time to go out and fix what is missing.
     We installed a landline this year that was meant for just such a time. If you have one make sure the number goes to family and friends who will want to reach you after the event - should it really come. I hope not, but better to be prepared than not.
     Hopefully this Erika will spin out and die somewhere far away from us but if not - I wish us all a safe time and may we all watch out for each other. That is the only way to get through these things.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


       Sorry for the late posting, but literally just flew in from Chicago and am doing this before I even unpack. Was not sure what to write, but simply hearing the news from a friend sent me the message.
      Let's go back to Hugh Green who states that we should let our "elected officials" do the work for us, running UCO, etc. I have no problem with that with two ifs. One if - that is IF the elected officials are varied and not cloned for every committee, for every vote and are running two or more positions in UCO and/or the Village. The second IF is the big one. Elected means that we need to curb the influence and power of non elected volunteers who are needed for UCO to function, but not to run everything, particularly if it is the same person and this is so in this case - the one and only - and thank G-d for that! - Ed Black!
     So Hugh, put your money where your mouth is and actually hear and understand the hypocrisy that you are espousing.
     The second complaint is the following. Hugh says that no platforms or plans have been put forth. First of all, that is a bald faced lie as we have put forth many ideas and when the current UCO actually realizes and understands that people want these plans to go into fruition, then they adopt ours as if it were theirs. In addition, how is one to present plans and proposals officially to UCO when we are banned as vermin from being on any UCO committee. What proposals or ideas you might ask? Well, how about the meeting, the DA, where they brought in Mr. Levy as if they had just heard of the crisis we have here in CV and acted immediately. Liars liars, pants on fire. They not only knew about it but ENABLED it for three years and threw Nancy Salmi under the bus for she had no influence with them, no money to give, no strings to pull. We did not care and went all out for her and got the Post involved and lookee there - David Israel got off the pot and did something! But now he is ignoring the continuing problem of transients in that association and is content to let it go on. WE AREN'T!
    Another idea? Ummm...... how about the truth about the roads and the money needed to fix them. For years they denied and denied and suddenly it had to be admitted to and now suddenly it is their idea about the need to fix and as they look for ways to spend our money - they use the mush account accounting principle! Not our idea, their perversion of the truth, of the facts that we kept hitting them with.
     Now here is another one. Our CAM has left and we can guess why, never mind the weak story they are putting forth. The law requires that we have a CAM and a CAM MUST be licensed, taken courses, do follow-up education. So what are the geniuses at UCO rumored to be planning? To appoint DON FOSTER, the inimitable DonHoHo as CAM. Does he have a license? NO!!!!. Is he experienced with this type of physical plant, our unique infrastructure? NO!!!! So will he give up being editor at The RAG? Will he get off the Financial committee and any and all other UCO jobs as the conflict is beyond the pale? Why are they even thinking of this? So they can keep all strings in their hot little hands, never mind the reality of what we truly need. NO!!!! They only think with their small brains and thick skulls and want more and more for themselves.
     Want more? Eva now has in her head a way to improve the party room - just take down the pillars and then there will be room for all the ballroom dancers, the French Canadian line dancers and the regular people who just want to dance. Cost? Hundreds of thousands of dollars and who will pay? US - as always - and who will benefit - WPRF and the LEVYS as we once again fix their property, improve it at our cost for their profit. This plan can in no way come to fruition.
     In today's Operations committee there was a lack of quorum and David Israel, he who suddenly keeps remarking that we must follow a process, he who never follows a process correctly and according to the laws, said oh, let's call a person and temporarily appoint that person to the committee. Really? Truly? YOU BET!!!! So who did they appoint? - Why non other than Don Foster! Such is our UCO. Runaway nonsense that is dangerous for us all.
      Thick heads that cannot hear fresh ideas, small brains that cannot understand how much trouble they are in, how much trouble they have caused and how there is a growing resistance to them, and thin skin for they cannot take being opposed, being jested about, knowing that they are pathetic. Again, if you cannot stand what comes in politics, especially when you engage in dirty politics and the opposition does not, if you cannot eat what comes your way, then get the hell out of the dining room and go to the toy room where you can no longer harm us any longer.
     Term Limits. Limit officer holding multi positions. Limit the multiple votes of the same cloned people.

Monday, August 24, 2015


     In the new issue of The Rag, there is a huge article by Hugh Green, a fan of David's who keeps coming back for more abuse and lies (wonder what that says about him), but anyway, it is a long rant disguised as a think piece, all about the evil group of dissidents who are ruining the Village. SNORE, SNORE. This does get boring as time after time the same sentences are used and they do not make any more sense or come up as truths than they did the first time they were used.
     To be a communitarian is to be concerned with the needs of the community, not one's own, and one generally finds that working with the community, AS a community, will satisfy the needs of the individuals who make up this community. It is elementary, my "dear" Hugh Green and all other people who find it difficult to absorb truths.
     Green, in his rant, says that the opposition is eating away at the community. Ahem! Want to look at that sentence again? Exactly just who is destroying the Village. Just take a look at the picture on either my blog or Gary's that will be up sometime today and look at what was and what is. Who has let the waters go sour, ugly green? Who has let the infrastructure deteriorate into a truly precarious state? Who has fiddled with the funds of the Villagers and obfuscates where these funds are and what is happening to them? Who has divided the Village? Exactly just who was the person who raised religious slander in the last presidential election - and it was not me! Who is the one who is showing disrespect and could care less attitude by scheduling a Budget meeting on Yom Kippur - and is a Jew to boot! Lovely!'
      Just exactly which camp is one of community, urging others to join in, to contribute and which is the one which follows fascistic principles, who debases other humans wherever and however they wish? Notice that the opposition is a growing community of people who work together with no one boss, no dictator. Instead, we all work as a community and welcome others and value their input. We do not throw people under the bus. Shall we name of few of those whom you and yours have thrown under that proverbial bus? Carole S., Marcia Z., Howie S., Lori T., Dorothy,
Jerry K., even Barbara C. when it suited you!, and these are names that the people of the Village know but there are so many more that it would take too long to list. Why else would people of this community keep on, keep pushing, keep trying to get rid of the incompetents who have ruined our home and by the way, Hugh, you are Johnny come lately in that statement. I have long maintained, way before you, that the Village was being ruined, split, riven by disagreement. But the reason behind that is the intransigence of Israel's camp, the refusal to see what is in front of them - the end of their era and the return to a proper UCO.
     You say that we have presented no plan and done nothing. Truly? Despite all censorship and attempts to muzzle us, we have come out with platform planks and have presented it to the CV residents, we have a paper, and they like them and it and they go to meetings and by the by, just exactly who was it that exposed the Kelly situation and who was it exactly who enabled it for three years? It was your buddies that enabled it and brought us truly to the breaking point and do not think that we are finished - it is still a motel and yet we are the only ones continuing to fight against this man and his plans and his actions.
     Hugh, just because you get the right to write in The Rag does not make you right, only a tool, a tool in the hands of mad carpenters, the demolition crew of the Village. In fact, your very article proves the point - there is no free speech here, the paper or imitation of it is a biased voice of the current UCO, Joy Vestal is pathetic and needs to hang her head in shame and this place needs to rid itself of the incipient fascists who would have it all their way. Just where is the two sided presentation? Ahh, nowhere - just like the Rag.
     Ask yourselves all one question. Why would a group of people who do not desire anything, not office, not power, only a chance to help, to volunteer, to be able to relax in the sun of their home village knowing that UCO is being run properly and with the residents in mind, to rid us of incompetents and liars, why would they take the abuse that has been handed to them, thrown at them - I myself have received over three hundred emails - that I have saved and notated as to IP addresses, etc.,-full of filth and threats, religious and gender based language that is not complimentary, trust me on that! - why would they continue, spend hours on this, spend thousands of their own dollars and that was not easy to come by - why, unless they truly have the welfare of THE COMMUNITY at heart. Think about it and I hope you are not too far gone to not recognize the fallacies of your thinking and the truth when it slaps you in your face.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


     Here is the crux of the issue. If one has a good leader, then one will have a good following and by good I mean that which is morally good, positive for the electorate, well meaning in its aims and goals. And the converse is true as well. Bad leader = bad followers and bad means that which is morally decadent, selfish, and harmful to the electorate as it benefits only the leader and his chosen few.
     At present, all one has to do is read the various blogs and realize that the issue is clear. David Israel is a bad leader. There appears to be nothing in his program that would deny that statement, and indeed, there is much to confirm it. Ed Black is his partner in all this and it is well known how he performs his functions as a non elected boss of UCO. Even his teeny little followers present his mode and methods as they pathetically follow orders and post nasty and meaningless comments - and where? On David's personal blog where they know no contradictory response is possible since the blog which claims to be a non censored one is so totally censored that it boggles the mind.
     So, "inquiring minds" ask of the new nit on board, Michael McNelis, where he gets his information and how does he substantiate his statements. Evidently it seems that I am suffering from a form of PTSD after the election of three years ago. So wrong, SO DUMB and to be honest, my reaction the following day after the election when I arose, was, "Oh thank G-d. I still have a life." You see, a good leader actually wants to be nowhere this type of responsibility if it is done right. It is the poor leader who puts himself forward for therein lies his power, his validity to prove to himself that he matters, to gain a following that will worship him as they suck at the teat and hope to claim a little piece of the power. This is history since time eternal and it is so sad that we have not learned from this and continue to choose our leaders in the macro and micro world for all the wrong reasons. And our supposed leaders continue to try to pull the wool over their own eyes and the eyes of their followers and it is indeed too bad that it takes people so long to fully recognize and accept the truth and some people never learn - hence the  resurgence of anti - Semitism, Fascism, dictatorships, and brutality. And the machinations of Israel and Black to keep themselves in their third world mode of dictatorship, allowing the Village to slide deeper and deeper into a truly bad situation is part and parcel of the same modality.
     A good leader knows the burden of doing the right thing and how much it will cost, and I do not mean financially, but in all other ways and does not look forward to this and ONLY goes for office because that leader knows that the right thing must be done, regardless of personal discomfort in fulfilling that responsibility.
     So, to clear up the issues for those of our slow learners. I was not at the advisory meeting, fool, I was in Chicago, and much as David Israel tries to run his secretive and nasty UCO, as I have maintained - the truth will out. And then I will post it here so others can read and know the truth.
Second, I am not interested in positions of supposed power, for as I have just stated, a good leader knows that these positions are hard on one, hard on the soul, the heart and the mind if done properly and not selfishly. Too bad that the "leader" now is one that does not fit this paradigm of a good leader and has not for lo these many years.
     Third, oysh! Get a life already. Stop thinking that you are residing in the shade of a great man, a shade that will help you, empower you and raise your value and estimation in the eyes of the world. How's that working for you Petey Boy? Not so much as you have reached a level that rivals the poor reputation and opinion others have of some  of your present camp.
     So please, all of you there in the David Israel camp, all those who feel that they are right in this selfish pursuit and maintenance of personal power and selfish reasons, please, by all means, argue your points, argue your sides, but please, argue them on the issue, with sanity and as much reason as possible. Criticize the opposition, which includes me, but do it on the issues, on the platform planks, and not with silly schoolyard statements and tactics. Grow up! Both the leader and his followers are truly becoming tiresome. I think it would be more exciting - and practical - to follow the trail of a snail than to try to reason with you guys. Evidently your Act III requires you to leave good sense, morality, positive thinking and behavior all outside the door. Well, open that door and allow it all in - for your own sakes.
     The Emperor here is naked, his new clothes non existent and it is indeed so sad that the child must tell the supposed adults this truth. One can manage to fool oneself for a long time but not forever. Time for all to get dressed,
     Old, but still true - POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!

Friday, August 21, 2015


          Had some time to just muse around today and had some thoughts about getting older. What are the changes that happen in our thinking and attitudes - and never mind the body! That , we know changes and that is just life, but I have found that life begins to mean different things with the values changing. What was important is not so much and other things and values comes into play.
     For example, think about the kids in your life. Those sweet, adorable wonderful, frustrating kids that you raised are now, in turn, raising you! Now you get told that you need your rest, that you shouldn't do too much or so much, take it easy and go see the doctor - as if we needed reminders about that!
     What about the showers and the baths? We used to worry only about shelves for soaps and shampoos, pretty tiles, and now we worry about height of a seat, grab bars all over the place and shower chairs! What is important seems to change.
     And how about the pleasures in life. Remember how vacations used to be crammed full of activities and evening shows? Now we say aaahhhh when we get to sit by the pool, take a lovely nice little walk around the lagoon or the beach walkway or even a sweet little nature hike, not too steep, not too long, just right!
     And even in daily life, the everyday life we all lead. Don't you hate when people ask what do you do all day? I do. I live. That is what I do. It may involve an appointment with a doctor. It may involve a movie or park or some other activity. It may involve a fight with incompetents (sorry, could not resist). It might involve a precious hour wherein I get to sit and read, a favorite activity. It might include the writing of a blog, something I never had time to do during my working life. Something I love. It is even nice just to sit on a bench or by the pool with friends or even alone and think how wonderful it is to live in CV and how we have to make sure to keep it that way.
     And isn't it great to sit and gab with your friends and it is not about work, not about the problems with school, nor the problems with our kids who are rebels or nerds or whatever. It is just good to laugh, to share.
     Best of all are the visits we have with our dividends, the grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. We go to them or they visit us and then how sweet it is - when they go home or we do - back to our schedule and lives, our own beds and homes.
     Aging is a bit cranky at times. I do not understand all the craziness about Viagra and Addlyi (what a crazy name). Sex is not the be all and end all of things and we should know that by now, know that a hug at the right moment, a reassurance that one is still loved and loving, a walk holding hands is just as meaningful, so why the rush to go take more meds to mix with the toxic stuff we are already shoving down our throats?
     Getting older means we have time to laugh at the stupidities of our politicians, their uselessness and the sadness of it all that 20 candidates are now running for President of the United States and there is not a one in the bunch really worth much - and neither is the one we got right now! They lie, they exaggerate, they obfuscate and then do the opposite of what they promised and stated while they were running _ kind of like what we have here in CV, huh? And then we move on.
    It means we laugh at ourselves when we lose the damn keys, when we cannot say the word that we know begins with a certain letter and sounds like.... but cannot get it to come out off our tongue. And then, an hour later or in the middle of the night - voila! there it is. So we laugh - and we worry - and that is life in ACT III. Would not change it if given the choice. Would you?


      Yesterday's meeting of the advisory committee was a travesty of a meeting. The officers  came into the room with smug looks and nasty looking clothing, showing complete disrespect for the meeting and its purpose. David came in wearing his usual worn and creased pair of pants and one of his two jackets. Does the man not have any other clothing? Does he never launder or clean them? And for those who complain that someone's shorts are always falling down, well, there was an officer there who exposed great areas of his lower rear geography, so please, people, before you throw the stones check your own pants and those of your friends! The point is not that one must wear formal clothes or business attire - wear shorts and a tee if one wants - we are retired - but for Heaven's sake, show a bit of respect to the residents and your position and be clean and neat and make sure your clothing fits!
     PS to Petey Boy aka Village idiot. So two things, fool. First of all, I had a typo and left out the "r" and instead of Fabrio it became Fabio not that anyone could mistake and confuse the two. Hate that long hair of Fabio's. Second of all  - you, YOU, talk of thinking minds? Not yours anyway, fool, and not to many of them in the Israel camp are there? And who said anything about dropping shorts unless that is what you had in mind - a purposeful dropping of your shorts, but that would mean that you are a pervert. Hmmmm
     But the purpose of the meeting was serious. It was to introduce the five amendments to the bylaws that will reform our UCO and remake it into a democratic and capable representation of our electorate, staffed with people who are not after their own agenda and their own little power circles, but instead work to service the Village. Needless to say, they voted the same way on every one of these proposed amendments - no - not a surprise, though it was a pleasant surprise to hear that Gorodetzer actually voted yes on some. Good for her and developing some independent thinking and voting.
     Since they were all voted on, they all have to move forward to the next committee which will be a replica of today's voting as the same people vote again- exactly  one of the issues we are trying to resolve and of course, they do not want to as it would mean a loss of their power.
     One of the major topics was the reinstatement of term limits. When David Israel's and Ed Black's own words endorsing term limits were read to them, the reaction was laughter, a snide laugh by David Israel. He thinks he is Teflon - nothing will stick to him so he can say anything he wants, contradict himself, grab power and glom onto it with his ugly miserable sticky paws and it will be ok and why? Because it is him and he is the master of all who reside here in the Village.
     Has he worked to get us a CAM to replace Herle? Who knows? It is all secret - except for the rule that legally we MUST HAVE A CAM and no, Fabio is not a CAM nor is ED, nor is anyone else here. Jean Dowling is a licensed one so why not ask her and if not, then many things must come to a halt because there is no CAM here and the law requires one.
     Finally, another example of David Israel's nasty and who gives a damn attitude. He knows that the budget is a hot topic and many will wish to attend and many of those who want to are Jewish - as is David - though he will work quite hard to hide that fact,  and he has scheduled the next meeting of the finance committee on the budget on September 23 - Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. When he was reminded of that error???
he took off after the one who reminded him with one of his nasty and disgusting rants and tirades.
     People, is this the one we want to run the Village? Is this the attitude we want in our president? Is this the representative of all that we are here in the Village? I would desperately hope not so VOTE FOR TERM LIMITS AND VOTE FOR ALL THE AMENDMENTS. MAKE SURE YOUR DELEGATES KNOW THE WAY THE RESIDENTS WANT THEM TO VOTE - VOTE YES, YES, YES, YES, YES ON ALL FIVE AMENDMENTS.
      And by the by, David has a big entry on his private blog that purports to be an interview with a Post reporter. There are two very small bits, a sentence or two from David - this is not an interview. Again, if you need tutoring in vocabulary, just give me a call. Nor does David in any way acknowledge his falling down on the job by enabling Kelly to grow his "motel" business, knew about it for three years and did NOTHING and nor did his officers such as Joy Vestal who was at that meeting with Salmi. So much for the power and objectivity of the press!
     In no way does David acknowledge that it was the work of the CV Messenger and its investigative reporting, its initiative and its articles that brought this situation out into the open and forced Kelly to quit his nefarious plans but now what do we do about all the units he owns? Must the opposition do David's job again? And again?
     This man does not learn and has the nerve of a master thief. In a recent exchange of letters with Ed Grossman, who, by the way, has weathered all the abuse directed at him by the David Israel camp, and kept on, keeping his nose to the grindstone, spent thousands of his own money, and in this exchange David is persisting in keeping on his old path of denying information required by law, playing the old denial game, playing dumb - which I must say, judging by his record is not hard to play for him.
     This needs to stop and the officers who are now so far up his rear that they breathe with him, need to look to their past as documented by articles in past Reporter issues, and stop this ridiculous opposition to the truth and learn to work with us for the benefit of all. We do not care about power for ourselves. What we care about is justice, the right thing to do, honesty and what is best for the Village. It appears that the only way for us to achieve that is to oust the David  Israel camp with all its corruption and incompetence and dishonesty. Join us. Instruct your delegates for the DA.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


     Ya gotta love it. Do they not see nor hear how funny they are, how hypocritical they are, what their flip flops of yesterday actually mean? Do they still not understand that the truth will out and playing games on his blog will not change the outcome? Whatever they think, whatever goes on in their twisted little minds, I do thank them for the laughs they provided yesterday in all their glorious stupidity and non thinking.
     So what happened? David and Ed (sounds like a comedy team) are running scared. The opposition has a set of five amendments that are written in  clear and concise language, checked and written with attorney review and input, and the import of it is clear. Lanny, their pompous mouthpiece in residence states "that to pass them ( these amendments) would cause a massive upheaval in the way things have been done." EXACTLY!!!! He then admits that maybe at another time he would pass them (oh, thank you, kind sir) but not now. Why? Because gone would be the cronyism. Gone would be the cheating and the fake voting. Gone would be the rubber stamp voting wherein five to ten people control our destiny and the fate and future of our home. Gone would be the profligate and wasteful spending of our funds. Gone would be the incompetence and the selfishness, the nastiness and the dual and triple and quadruple hats worn by these very same incompetent and venial people.
It is indeed quite funny when Lanny so pompously and so stupidly points out the real issue here and then thinks no one will understand that and he even admits that yeah, maybe at another time he would pass these but not now, not when the "malcontents" are suggesting these changes. And why is that? You think about it and come to your own conclusion. If Thomas Jefferson thought Thomas Paine to be a radical would it have made his words in Common Sense any the less important or seminal in and to the American Revolution? Please, Lanny, grow up, and stop showing such contempt for the intelligence of the residents here in the Village.
     Then of course we have that moronic vote on David's blog, the one where he thinks he is a major blogger or website who sponsor those votes where thousands and thousands of people vote. So his little Niblets will vote and vote again and anyone else will not be allowed. The few that were allowed through are now blocked again and guess what? Poor David go it wrong in the beginning and actually Gary and Marilyn and I got thru with a posting. I quoted David's own words about term limits right back to him and Ed's as well, and asked for an explanation as to why their views have changed. DAVID thought it proved someone to be an autocrat if they wished for no term limits and Ed stated that it is not good for officers to be entrenched seemingly forever. Wow, has their tune ever changed! But the best part is that my post and Gary's post were removed. Mine did not last even an hour and needless to say I never received an answer. Never really expected one anyway. I, WE, already know the answer. thank you, Tsar David.
     So you go on, little Davey, and dream your own dreams. Push people to vote in your ridiculous setup for how can a vote of perhaps, and I am being generous here, of a couple of hundred votes, if that, be meaningful in a Village of thousands and thousands of people. How can a "poll" be valid when people are blocked from voting. I gotta say it, sorry. You are so stupid here and in your dealings yesterday that I truly fear for your mental health and sanity.
     Want to hear the Village speak? Go to Facebook and see messages left, including one that goes like this: "G-d you guys are an awesome group of activists and congratulations on your success. I called a week ago to talk to Joy Vestal, and I left her a nice message and she never returned my call. and yes, she was back in town."
     Does this not say it all. Get to the meeting today at 10 in UCO. Speak up. Tell of the bad system we now have, how we need to return it to term limits and clear out the old and in with new ideas, new people, keep the good and out with the nasty, the bad, the poor thinking, the lack of planning. Try to help these poor benighted fools who now sit in UCO planning for themselves, discussing what snacks they need from BJs instead of following process and procedure in running the Village. Time to give them a rest, time for them to sit by the pools, go play pickleball, go read a book, go try to become intelligent once more.
     Term limits. Pass the amendments. Bring good government back to the Village again. Rise from the depths to new heights.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


     I almost do not know where to start as there are so many things to write about. OK. Will start with the case in the Supreme Court that had a wonderful write up in the NY Times yesterday, August 18th. It was a small case that became a big, a huge case and resulted in major changes to freedom of speech issues and basically the result is that it is almost unlimited. AHEM. Hear that, David? Hear that, Ed? Hear that, Eva? Do you actually wish to get into a real legal mess as you deny freedom of speech here in the Village? I hope not, for your sake. Now I want, NO, I DEMAND, the right to distribute leaflets, papers in the Clubhouse all of which have to do with our home. I DEMAND the right to have open meetings without begging. Please consult your attorneys - not Tennyson - but real ones and check out your risk by denying this and you, Joy, same deal for you and the paper.
     Then we have that fool, once again, sticking her nose out and getting it chopped off - Elaine Brown. You should stick to pictures of animals, Elaine. What she posted was about a website that is trying to curb the cyber bullying that has led to so many suicides amongst our kids for it is truly vicious. I know personally as I had to deal with it in my prior life as a principal. It hurts the child a great deal and is difficult to track down and put a stop to the evil and the hate that is part and parcel of it. So what are you saying here, Elaine? Is David being cyber bullied? Really? I would have thought that it is far more of a likelihood that he is doing it. He has tried it before and certainly tried to do it with me when I opposed him for office. Lucky for me that I could give a hoot as to what he directs towards and about me but as far as pity for him? Gimme a break!! Writing the truth about someone's actions and speculating as to the underlying reasons, particularly when these speculations are backed up by facts, is not bullying and too bad if poor David and Ed are feeling a tad besieged. They are correct. They are being besieged by a storm of facts, by a growing opposition, by people who are realizing the truth of all these matters and his sticky grasp on our lifelines in UCO will be removed.
     Next item up. The proposed budget. Suddenly all is cut, but the revenues increase. Huh? More fuzzy accounting. And what happened to us amassing the needed million for the roadway redoing? Suddenly it is not an emergency or a need awaiting us just down the road? Is it back to denial and statements that it was a wonderful job and hoping that no one remembers your statements that contradict that? Are we back to Ed accountancy? What the hell? Howie, you know accounting, so step up, take a breath and tell the truth, not what David And Ed want you to say. This will backfire on you at the finance meeting.
     Aha! And now to the amendments. Oohh is David running scared! Oh yes indeedy! For these amendments will take the reins right out of his greedy little hands, right out of the grasping hands of his non elected consigliere and put them back where they belong - in the hands of the people. UCO will definitely be changed. He is correct in that. But how? Well, there will be more people of more opinions in there. There will be more people voting on things, not the same people on different committees  There will be more people in positions around the Village, not the same people wearing different  hats and then complaining that it is okay for them to do a lousy job because they are so busy. Wonder how that excuse worked out at their previous jobs before the Village. Why should we have to suffer and tolerate incompetents, whiners, liars - see yesterday's blog for all that. Why? And the answer is  WE DO NOT.
     So push your delegates to vote properly when it gets to the DA. Reinstate term limits. Reinstate the idea of democracy here, rather than the rule of the few. We already had the American Revolution. The French revolution, the 1848 revolutions, the revolutions of Eastern Europe and the demands for their rights and even the ideas behind the Arab Spring - all there, some succeeded and some did not but it will here if we all do the right thing and do not get bullied or threatened into doing what His Nibs and His Niblets want. Stand up for the right. Shut down the wrong. Please note the accusations David makes in his posting on his private blog masquerading as the Village blog, and note that he says nothing to back up his ridiculous accusations. That is because they are all lies and this is his technique. There are no inconsistencies. There are no complications. They are simple and clear and ruinous to his plans to install himself as King David. That guy was in the Bible, a great person, but it is not this David sitting in his little hidey hole in UCO. Look beyond the lies and see the truth.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


     Or should I say it is better understood as questionable honesty? When a presumed leader loses touch with the wishes and understandings of the electorate, when they begin to doubt his honesty and cannot place their trust in him, well, that is a bad situation.
     We now have a "leader' in the White House whom we cannot trust any longer. He appears to be concentrating on a frantic attempt to leave a "legacy" (sound familiar?), and is even devoting more of his time to planning his post term life, how he can remain in the public eye and influence others. Well quite frankly, I do not care about his post presidency life for he is screwing up this life right now.
     This is a President who has reverted to the old canards of "warmongers", "money interests", "foreign influences" when referring to the opposition of many people here in the USA to this deal with Iran. Even his own Secretary of the Treasury says or rather admits that Iran is a terrorist sponsoring nation and can and most probably will get worse with the billions of dollars we are so kindly going to return to it. So no, I do not trust this President.
     Nor do I trust the current President of UCO. He lies. That is a fact and that is a simple yet profound statement. He lies by omission and by commission. Both are not good traits in a presumed leader, especially one who has control over a budget of close to eight million dollars and growing annually. Nor is it a good idea for this presumed leader to have as First Buddy a man who also lies, who has not received the trust of the electorate, who has his nasty little fingers in almost every pie of UCO and who then excuses a grievous error by saying, "Oh, so sorry, but I am such a busy man dealing with UCO matters that this kind of slipped through" - in so many words. Well, excuse me, but the slip was a horrible contract that he verbally supported whole hog in the DA.
      So here are some issues with honesty that I have - we all have - with David Israel and buddies.
     He lies about his expertise.
     He lies about the true ongoings with personnel in UCO.
     He throws temper tantrums.
     He presents a rude and nasty public face to opponents - even if they are part of his administration.
     He is a megalomaniac with paranoid tendencies.
     He lies re the necessity of having a CAM aboard to help negotiate contracts, to oversee smaller projects where an outside project manager is not required. This is common sense, good thinking, whether required by law or not.
     He lies about the movements of our money, our funds, as they get transferred from one purpose to another.
     He engages in cloudy accounting principles.
     He and his cohorts subvert the system, the process and procedure which is supposed to be there, which is supposed to insure an orderly progress of a contract from proposed idea to signed contract.
    He has built up a dishonest and stacked administration with replicating the members of committees, until we have identical committees with an additional face or two added in, thus precluding any opposition to his plans.
     We have suppression of all civil rights of the electorate, with dictatorial control over media - sound familiar as we look into historical dictators?
     He is a liar as he states that we need volunteers, want volunteers, welcome volunteers, yet does not accept a majority of those who apply and then throws others under the bus as his imperial whims desire.
     He is a liar when he states that he is working for our benefit even as he is not, as he uses incompetent and non knowledgeable people to negotiate contracts, avoid the safety steps built into this process and then has ignorant people run the whole shebang.
     He demands complete obeisance to his whims and wishes without taking into account the true needs of the electorate and the Village.
     So.... answer me this, Mr. Israel.
     Who will oversee the projects that Herle was in the midst of solidifying and who will oversee their work in progress even as the contract was signed?
     Where will we get the expertise we need or will you then ignore that need as you did in the five million dollar fiasco of the road paving?
     When will you go to school and learn the true meaning of words such as emergency. The perimeter roads and walkways have been crap since they were supposedly redone so what is the emergency and what is the emergency of the restriping as they too were in an emergency situation almost instantly as they sank into the not yet ready roads?
     Where is the CAM in  all this and how can you proceed without one?And no, being president of the Italian American club does not make one capable of this. Pulling together  a party or pulling a ticket out of a hat for a prize are not pre qualifications for a job of this type.
    When will you realize that we are all so tired, so very tired, of the shenanigans that take place in UCO, of your contempt for the intelligence of the electorate, of your complete disregard for them, of your complete disregard of all proper process and procedure, of all necessities of good government. 
     By all measures of good administration and good government, you should resign but if you cannot bring yourself to do the right thing then we will help you along by continuing to point out your deficiencies and the necessity of going away - ASAP!!! TERM LIMIT. TERM LIMITS.
     When will you try at least to emulate the actions of a true good and honest leader when he recognizes when he is at sea and needs expert help? When already? Do something good for once in your life here at UCO. While you remain in office - GET HELP!

Monday, August 17, 2015


     Sorry I am late, but hard and long day yesterday and for the second time this week was held involuntarily on a plane for over an hour as some "disaster" or another was dealt with. Not a happy camper!
     Anyway, here is a prayer for UCO that began to write itself in my head during those waiting times. It is both serious and sarcastic, funny at times. But it does send a message thru to the readers and maybe even to G-d. He alone knows how much we need help here.
     Deal Lord in Heaven. We send You our plea, we send You our request and hope for Your aid and comfort in this our hour of crisis. We here in CVWPB are in difficult straits. We are led by a leadership that is incompetent, to say the least and it is so difficult to get them to understand what they have done wrong. It is especially so because You in Your eternal wisdom have not endowed them with a powerful intellect, neither for understanding issues nor for knowing what needs to be done and how.
     We need You to send us some help in the form of understanding by the delegates as to what needs to be done, what is presently wrong in the system and how to remedy it. We need them to understand the limitations that are in place for our benefit, that are meant to prevent exactly what is happening now - an attempt to set up a permanent and self replicating dictatorship complete with corruption and wrong doing.
     We now have a short time in which to remedy our situation as with no CAM there are no contracts allowed to be finalized and there is no substitute for a CAM, not a contractor nor anything else. Only a licensed CAM who is in our employ on the straight and narrow.
     We need the people of the Village to realize that actually You help those who help themselves and we have started down that road, made some lengthy strides on that very same road, but need encouragement to continue, to get others to see the light, as they say, to understand the true motivations of the current administration and its partner Village organs such as The Rag, Channel 63 and even WPRF. Help us defeat those who subscribe to the maxim of "Free speech for me, but none for thee."
     Help us remove the Devil in disguise that seems to have set up nest in our Village. That it is a nincompoop devilish sort makes no matter. It is still an impediment to our proper and good life here in our home.
     And in closing, we say that You, dear Lord, know what is in the heart of every being on this earth, understand the truth even should it be disguised or hidden for there is nothing that is hidden from Thee. And we say - Amen.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


     I am in a quandary. I do not know if I should throw a tantrum a la David Israel or bang my head against the wall, shout to the heavens or shake my head in sorrow at what has come to pass. I mean the garbage about UCO that keeps coming to the surface, the truth that refuses to be buried - it just boggles  the mind.
     As stated before, I had hopes, seemingly or obviously misplaced, that Fausto might do some good in UCO but obviously I was wrong. A man who keeps spouting that one of his eminent qualifications is that he is president of the Italian American club here in the Village, who states that it is incorporated and thus worthy of special treatment, and the excuse that he does not know the process, therefore is excused from it - uh uh. No good. First of all, it is a long and well known principle in the law that ignorance of it is no excuse and will not get one off.
     So what to do with ignorance of something. And do not get me wrong, not knowing a detail is fine - if - one makes sure to remedy that state of ignorance by research, by asking what is the right way to proceed, by checking with experts - by doing anything to make sure one is on the right track. To say that one does not know the process and that  a committee voted on something and ergo the DA did not have to - or so he thinks - not good, my friend, not good enough by far.
     In addition, Fausto presented himself as the new Dom for he would take on as his special area of expertise and supervision that area of infrastructure that Dom had handled. He would work with Ted Herle, the CAM. Well, how's that working out for us? Not so much. Not so good as Herle resigned under very cloudy circumstances, and now we get this same VP stating that he did not know how much the contract was costing us for the restriping?! Is he for real? Does one not know how much the car mechanic is taking to fix one's car or how much the painting contractor is charging to repaint the building or how much the plumber wants to fix the clog? The answer is emphatically no! One might forget after the job is done and time has passed, but for G-d's sake, this job is NOW so how could one not know. If this is a physical issue of memory inability then Fausto needs to go. If not, and it is a measure of incompetence or hiding the truth or obeying the Lord and Master in order to hide something - then he still has to go along with the other incompetents and liars.
     If there is another explanation I certainly would love to hear it. My mind is open, though disappointed. And by the way, there is another incorporated entity here and that is The Reformists Party of CV so do we get special privileges too?
     How do we allow this bumbling Three Stooges UCO to continue to exist? How do we let them keep ruling our lives, spending our money, wasting our funds, letting the infrastructure deteriorate, and keep the lies flowing. How? By standing by and doing nothing.  I will not be here for the meeting, but if you are, then go to the advisory committee meeting on Aug 20th and show that we will not stand for tampering with the proposed by laws, or with their trying to ram through bad ones for the Village. Gorodetzer is the chair of these by law proposals that will ruin the Village for good and we all know her totally biased behavior, so be careful. Speak up at the meeting. Flood the meeting, support the by laws that the CV Messenger has put forth though attacked and frustrated at every turn in their attempts to right the wrongs we now have, what with dual jobs, corrupted media and all the rest of the garbage that goes along part and parcel of the present UCO administration. And do not forget the wonderful contracts we get shoved down our throats - yes, just like the security contract with Kent, "the best contract ever" - so says Ed Black, the author of this travesty of a contract and the liar about it until it all blew up in his face as the truth came boiling to the surface.
     You cannot make up this amount of ignominy, of corruption, of incompetence, of lies, of wastefulness, for it would certainly task the mind and imagination. Nope, this is all real, sadly so, and all the result of the "hard work" of these nincompoops!
     Term limits, folks. Term limits.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


It is now time for the residents of Century Village to adorn themselves in their finest attire and attend the funeral of Mr. Ed Black.  Mr. Black, is a man who has made one too many mistakes in the operation of the village.   He has reached an  end in his career and needs to be put to rest.  His latest failure, the security contract should be the last time he has any responsibility in chairing or being on any committee in UCO.  When he submitted the Kent security contract to the delegates,  he did it with such urgency, they were forced to accept it before they had a chance to review it properly and vote on it.  As a result, Kent Security turned out to be an entire failure.  A failure Mr. Black refuses to accept.  He blames the failure on not having the time to supervise Kent because he was too busy with his other duties.  He could easily have asked any member on the security committee to assist him, but he did not. He chose to use a lame excuse, which resulted in the guards not having adequate training.  Mr. Black lacks the ability of a person needed to head a UCO committee.  He should resign voluntarily or be forced to resign.  This is the second most crucial time Mr. Black failed in his duty to represent the residents. The last time was when he pushed the delegates to vote for the road paving which was a five million dollar wasteful disaster. It is now time for Mr. Black to relieve himself of all duties and put himself to rest.

A new Edition of the CVMessenger is out. Click here to view

Thursday August 20th. 10 am in The UCO office meeting room.

Five proposed amendments to the bylaws will be discussed and voted on.

 Stand up and be heard at this critical meeting.

Read the proposals in this issue of The CV Messenger.

                  Wednesday August 26  10.00am 
         Room C in the main clubhouse.
Final plans for the Protest against Donald Kelly.

    Review of the proposed amendments.

Friday, August 14, 2015


     And before anyone goes nuts, this is not a reference to Fausto in UCO other than the same connection that all the people in this posting have. So first, what is a Faustian deal? Throughout history there have been rumors and accusations made about people making deals with the devil, selling their souls for what benefit they wanted. They conjured up the devil, or went to meet him at the crossroads nearby or even met a representative such as Lola in Damn Yankees!
     Personally, I have no truck with the Devil. I do not believe there is an actual figure as such and the real devil is inside us, when we lose our moral compass and sell our soul for petty benefits or even on a larger scale. When we give in to our baser instincts, that is when we make a Faustian deal, derived from the name Faust, another name for the Devil.
     Unfortunately, I believe that many of the people now elected or volunteering for UCO, and a small group getting smaller as more fall by the wayside or are thrown to the wayside, have made these deals. They have found their own devil and made the deals. And what are the results of these deals? Why did they make them? What have they lost by doing so?
     First and foremost, these dealmakers have lost much of their soul. For the "status" of being in UCO, for being able to say "I am a ----- in UCO" they have sold out, sold out on their duties to their fellow residents, sold out the goodness of their souls and for what? For the chance to say I am head of this or I have established this little new fiefdom, or I know David Israel or Ed Black? Feh!
     And who is the Devil in this picture? Make your choice and name your name. Your opinion, I guess. I know mine and it is an obvious name when we see all the deals made for this one or that to suddenly have  a special job in UCO or the sudden demise of yet another volunteer as he/she is thrown out, or the public berating of others and why they stand for this I do not know nor fathom, unless it be for the fact that they have  a job they do not wish to lose.
     Some have sold out the last itty bitty bit of their integrity and for an example just look to Joy Vestal. Did Ed Black ever have any soul to sell out - big question on that one. And where is David's soul? Another big question. We can go through every name on staff, every officer, every Board member and you make your choice after thinking carefully and judging after you evaluate exactly just what these soul sellers, these sell outs have actually accomplished for us.
     Bad roads. Poor perimeter walkways. Sketchy swale upkeep. New temporary ponds and lakes. Donald Kelly. Homeless. Suppression of rights. Poor accounting principles. Poor future planning or none at all. Selfishness versus altruism. Incompetence. Opaque governing. Exclusion of others and those not in their "innie'' gropup. And the list can go on and on.
     People, are we going to make a Faustian deal because we are too lackadaisical or too apathetic to watch out for own good? Are we going to stand by and see the Village go down the tubes? Are we going to stand by and see our fees go ever higher and higher and for basically nothing? Are we going to keep paying the expenses of the Levys and fix their property even as we pay rent for it and have barely a say in how it functions as every year there are more and more rules and restrictions placed upon us?
     The answer must be a resounding NO and we must yell - Devil, get thee gone!  
   Term limits. Term limits.

     I know that there have been some strong postings lately, but folks, time is coming when we have to put forth delegates, candidates, and vote anew. If we do not, then we have only ourselves to blame and no right to complain. October is coming and soon after that March comes in like a lion and we need to vote. We need to make sure the election process is clean, transparent, honest and if we sit on our thumbs - well, you look into the future and see it as it will be.


     Part of the joy of a give and take is exactly that - the give and take, the dueling with words, the moment when one knows that a point has been scored. But that implies that the participants of this activity are well ranked against each in levels of ability. It is not so when one is constantly being derivative in his writing.
     Derivative means that one has taken or tried to take the style of another, the words of another, and tried to make a point using them but not succeeding. A good example is the use of yellow journalism as a term, a descriptive word being applied to The Rag. David Israel, who before this NEVER used this term, now suddenly says that his opposition is a part of yellow journalism.
     Let us take this accusation apart. Who has told lies, orally and in print? Who has been the one to take over an entire newspaper and turn it into his mouthpiece? Who has hidden facts from the residents and then only spoken about it when forced to? Who has hidden items from the general public and included them only in those ridiculous IFIs sent to those whom Israel feels he has a chance of co-opting or already holds them in thrall?
     Again, the truth will always out. I have said this six zillion times and yet, the liars, the incompetents, refuse to accept this, instead keeping to their quickly eroding path that will take them nowhere other than to a bankrupt Village and a physical dump of a place.
     They hid that the previous CAM, Carver, was a paid employee of the Village at the same time that he had contracts with associations to manage properties. He hid the fact that Carver took over as basically the project manager of the road paving job, manifestly unqualified and how did that work out for us? He hid the fact that he knew about Kelly, enabled Kelly, refused to do anything about Kelly until forced to by US and even now we are still in crisis mode for what of the tenants, the homeless being sheltered quite inappropriately here in the Village. What of that? Who the hell knows, since David Israel is a consummate liar and omits the truth whenever and wherever possible.
     He has hidden the truth about Herle. Yes, people quit or resign or are fired all the time. That is the world of business, but how and when and why Herle decided to leave, the roles that UCO officers played in this decision, when they knew and why was it all held secret and not disclosed to the DA? Why was it only sent out - and even then, sent out only in the IFI - only AFTER we broke the news.
     Derivative? Yes, David Israel. You have not had one positive original thought in who knows how long and seem to gain some energy only when you are screaming at someone in public and why people stand still for that I will never understand. You gain some energy by trying to hide the truth and never learn that one cannot do that. For Heaven's sake, just pick up a paper and see what has come out just in the past few days, what with ISIS and chemical attacks, planned sex slavery, a frontier mentality in some law agencies and what else and who knows the next thing that will come to the fore?
      So give it up already. You are becoming tired and useless unless it is to do harm and cause ill will. Leave and take your minions with you and let us get on with the job of restoring our Village to its glory days, to a place of safety, where people were not afraid to walk at 2 AM, to leave a door unlocked, and of course, let us not forget those infamous members of the doorknob thieves!!!
     Term limits, folks, term limits. Attend the advisory meeting, the DA. Send in your messages to the blogs that will print them and all one has to do here is send me an email asking to become an author and get a google account and one can post. Gary's blog is open for postings. Only you know who's blog is closed to all except for the usual suspects! TERM LIMITS, THE ONLY WAY TO THE FUURE FOR OUR VILLAGE.TERM LIMITS.