Sunday, August 30, 2015


     First, let us all stay safe today and be careful what with this huge display of lightning. We have dodged this bullet anyway for if this is only the outer bands of Erika, now sitting off the Keys, then whew! glad the real thing dissipated to a great extent. Marvel at the miracles of nature, at its awesomeness and stay indoors!
     But now for serious talk. We have long known here in the Village that David Israel has long had tattered reins of self control. It was seen in his tantrums at the Delegate Assemblies as he screamed and shouted in high pitched voice for 911, PBSO and for anyone to shut off the mic. His favorite shouts were "out of order" and "sit down". He appeared to be paranoid in his fear of others expressing opinions contrary to those he espoused and was fearful in an obvious and even nasty manner. He threw more fits in the offices of UCO where he screamed at all and sundry if they dared to displease him and delights in throwing people under the bus..
     David Israel stayed within the confines of UCO and his office for the most part. He never goes out in public to a Village function other than to show up at a race perhaps to show his face, but to talk to the people of the Village, to hear them and their wishes and needs - never. He is never seen at the shows. This tendency to rant and rave and hide from others is a tendency that shows up in people who are unfortunately afflicted with some growing form of dementia and painfully more obvious when this person is more so in the public eye. Dictators are particularly susceptible to these types of behaviorisms. Why? I cannot say, but it is so. Just look at history and tick off the names of those who were dictators and who were mad. Stalin. Hitler. Papa Doc. Idi Amin. The Lord's Army head in Africa. The head of ISIS. (Sorry, cannot remember all their names and do not feel like looking them up. The point is clear.) Are we to have a homegrown Putin here or an imitative Korean or Communist Chinese leader? He behaves as they did and do, throwing people away with the trash and isn't it lucky that he has no powers of life or death to wield over us.
     Even we had our own leader who suffered from Alzheimer's but thank G-d he was of a different caliber and we were spared the menace that could have been. That was Reagan who served at least the last term of his with growing dementia. And look what could be awaiting us - or is it already here? When Wilson suffered a stroke, I believe, his wife kept his isolated and ran the country. Is the "wife" of David Israel also doing that? Riddle me that, Mr. Ed Black.
     Of late, he who has threatened others with cyber damage to their lives by taking over their accounts, doing various nefarious things to them, who has scared people who do not know better with his techie knowledge that by now is outdated, he who has done all this is now, ironically, calling others cyber names. I and others who oppose him have been called cyber bullies. And yesterday's post on Gary's blog was definitely very funny and last nite I could not stop laughing at the mind picture that the words created, but it is really not funny. For a man who is the president of CV, for a man who has control over the spending of close to 8 million dollars, who is supposed to be planning for the future, for this man to keep mumbling "cyber terrorist" is pathetic and frightening. Remember, he kept this up for the time he spent in that Publix and I wonder if that is where he goes to escape the eyes and minds of most of the Village who shop at the closer Publix on Community? Just thinking out loud.
      I have long maintained that there is something wrong with this man and his mind. The situation is funny at times, but really not. Is there any way we can demand an evaluation of his sanity? Is there any way we can recall him NOW for all of our sakes? I feel sorry for him and do not wish dementia in whatever form upon him. I have seen the damage and sadness it wreaks upon all who suffer and their loved ones and caregivers, but besides that - we cannot be made to endure the errors, the grievous mistakes that he is making and will continue to make unless he is removed from office. Give him a big party but he needs to go.
     Think about this, the signs, the disasters that we have undergone here because of half baked ideas and the costly errors that are lurking right there for us to suffer with this man and his alter ego at the helm. This cannot be. It must not be.

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