Friday, August 28, 2015


     There are several basic truisms for any well run entity, political or business and one of the foremost is that one have just the right amount of people in it, to run it, to organize and move it forward in an efficient manner. The other is that the people, certainly the leaders, need to be intelligent and caring people who know how to work well with others. Well, folks, I am sorry to say that several meetings this week - the Officers, the Advisory and the Operations proved that our UCO is exactly the opposite of what should be.
     In the Operations meeting there was not a quorum so no votes could be taken, Obviously, David Israel thought this to be a comic event as he gave his moronic and grating laugh and then proposed to just appoint pro tem members so voting could proceed. He was anxious to do this because Eva needed some timely votes and he thought he could do anything he wanted. So he came up with the names of two pro tem people - Don Foster and Suzie Byrnes (from COPS).
     When told that this is not allowed with voices from both the audience along the wall and by his own Officer, Phyllis S., his reaction was to tell them if they do not like it to just leave, kind of nasty in his responses, both in language, tone and even body language. That it was against Robert's Rules which he so often quoted even as he misused them did not make a difference to him for he feels he is above any and all regulations and he can make his own rules, by golly. Quite soon after that Phyllis Siegelman resigned in an abrupt letter of resignation, making it clear that her walking out on the meeting in response to David's attitude was part and parcel of the reason for resignation and this from one of his coattail followers. Whoops there goes another one - RIGHT UNDER THE BUS - AGAIN!!!
     In the Officers meeting there was the same issue of no quorum and again it was a ridiculous proposal how to solve it. The voting or the names were counted and therein we have another issue. David seriously needs fine tuning in some academic areas. His alter ego miscounted at the Security meeting where it was first proposed to dump that awful Kent security company and Ed Black could not seem to get things straight numerically. In the Advisory meeting there seems to be a discrepancy with the votes being listed as unanimous against them yet Marilyn Goridetzer and Stew Richland voted yes on several, if not all. Lies? Miscounting? Hearing aids needed? Purposeful lies and stratagems to get their desires? I know where I land.
     Well, in the Officers meeting 3 names were called and then another 3 and then 1 and by any math - old math, new math, Common Cure - it adds up to 7 but somehow it came to 8 according to David Israel. Well, the man does not understand vocabulary, does not add numbers properly on an elementary level, solicits violations of our by laws and Robert's Rules, thinks he is the arbiter of all that passes for administration in CV so why the Hell is he still in office. He should be out for violation of trust, for fiduciary incompetence and negligence, and simple nastiness.
      One of the reasons we are running into quorum problems is that there are the same people being cloned again and again for various committees and jobs. Then when they are not here, the UCO machine grinds to a halt. Our proposed by law will ensure that there are no multiple positions held on committees or Village positions along with UCO positions and this will ensure an inclusive UCO as well, something we do not have now and will not have as long as David Israel and Ed Black run rampant over us.
     People, stand up for yourselves. Stand up with pride for your rights and with contempt for those who would deny you them and their use as a G-d-given right. Pass the bylaws and Term Limits or better yet - recall and impeachment. Give him the rest he so dearly needs. NOW.

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