Thursday, August 31, 2017


     It never changes, no matter what. All the promises, all the words and the end result is the same garbage.
     So that big liar goes to Texas and what do we get? Not help, not aid, but words that tell of the enormous size of the disaster, and how wonderful it is, so awesome. It is so big an event that Trump used its ratings to promote his sinful pardoning of Arpaio, the bigot. It was Trump again who took advantage of another opportunity to praise himself and what a turnout!! Always looking for numbers to show how bigly great he is. And by the way, could someone please teach him a few more words, some adjectives and adverbs as he is getting downright boring with his repetitious language.
     Yet under all these lies and bonhomie lay the truth. Who just cancelled the regulations that would see that this infrastructure would be better prepared for these more frequent events? And who is planning once Congress returns to cancel the Federal Flood Insurance program? And who keeps denying climate change? And who refuses to fill positions in the very agencies that are needed now to help our citizens. And who has instructed ICE to keep going after the immigrants no matter the situation? And who has idiot minions such as Conway who takes down CNN for interviewing a refugee and yet praises FOX to the heavens when they do the same thing? And who stayed way out of helping people- could have gone to a refugee center and dished some lunch but nope, stayed well out of it. I am not a fan of Gov. Abbot but he and his wife did the right thing and served up lunch with no fanfare. Just the right thing to do.
     And which party now is singing a different tune about a big relief bill for the damage and for help? Ah, yes, the same Republican Party that ranted and raved against the help for the people of the Northeast after Sandy which is still ongoing as far as damage repair. There goes Ted Cruz! And no, there was no pork in the Sandy bill, just miserable Republicans who are now praying otherwise. And who wants to cut almost a billion dollars from the relief fund in order to pay for the Wall? And who is now going to tout his tax reform bill which will actually relieve the 1% and not the masses of people who need it, but hey, what's a lie or two between friends. And wait till these people find they cannot give healthcare to their children because the CHIP program is cancelled. Yup, our leader and his minions surely do care for us, they surely do!
     And we cannot leave out those everlasting religiosos who know better for evidently G-d tells them to hate the other, to take off on the gay community, to sign a hateful petition or statement against them. Shame on them!! At least Mattis froze the whole armed forces deal right now on the transgender issue. May he continue to do the right thing as difficult as it is to do so in this administration.
     Finally, even should Trump try to weasel out on the whole Russian collusion issue and the criminal aspects of his finances and use pardons galore, the local attorneys in the states are waiting, willing and able to go ahead and charge locally and no pardon will work there. Ha!! Schneiderman is already working with Mueller in NYS.
    Actually, the final step is a good one, for it is about the people of our country. Yes, there are athletes who are showing their disgust at the events and yes, some make exorbitant salaries, but so do many of the Trump administration, and in fact, nearly all do or have done, so hypocrisy aside, people are standing behind justice and fair play and the values of the country, Trump or not. They are volunteering and feeding and rescuing. They are working as community activists, fighting for a better country, a better future for all. There are cities that shelter the chased and frightened immigrants even as Trump goes back on his and our words and takes off after the DACA people. We can be good, but oh lordy, it is hard to do and be so in this atmosphere.
     There is yet more hope when many Trump voters are expressing disappointment with his behavior, his tweets, his stupid blurting of nauseous statements, his pugilistic pictures on Twitter - just as a small boy would do, with fists up - and seemingly so much time on his hands. There is hope when the courts ban the attempted laws against sanctuary cities and when legislators are presenting petitions asking for wholesale TPS or temporary status for whole countries. Perhaps the Statue of Liberty still has status and function in our values. Yet when one politician threatens another that if she and others keep on with the fight re statues, they could find themselves met with worse than torches (KKK) and in fact, find themselves in Okefenokee swamp, a reminder of the bodies that were dumped in swamps during horrific years.
     We need to chooses sides here and not by politics, but by civilization and civility, by freedom to think otherwise, by freedom to tolerate, by freedom to stand up for our values and by leaving the threats off in the sewers where they belong.
    The more things change....but can we not change the rest of that adage?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


     Oh, the pompousness of it all!! What a pompous ass! Yes indeed, the man is a legend - in his own mind! The writing of a piece of paper and calling it a White Paper. What, does this compare to a statement of policy by the State Department, written with a great many pages or a highly technical and/or awaited paper of policy from the British Foreign Ministry?
 So what is this? This is a piece of paper drawn up by David Israel which contains the very same information stated by Ed Grossman at the previous Delegate Assembly. For daring to state the truth, he had the honor and privilege of being screamed at - literally - by David Israel sitting there on his  high horse on the stage,  and called a LIAR!! Telling lies. Following that, we had the ugly picture or sight of David Israel screaming and shouting for Security!! Call PBSO!! So frightened is the man for his safety and why? Because he was caught once again in telling lies or in omitting the truth and allowing the anger at being caught to overpower his own brakes?
     So let us examine this "white paper' in all its glory. First why is it here? Well, it was tabled at the last DA to wait till we have more delegates here as it is a major issue that should be voted on  by more than a handful of delegates. But then again, that is how David gets his way, by using the scarce ranks of delegates as his go to tool. He did that with term limits as well as other items so here he is again. He is intending to bring this up again on Friday and has so said at a committee meeting.
     Back to the paper. Forced to tell the truth, he now admits that there is value to the building and even though he has tried to disguise it as rebuilding costs, it is actually listed as depreciation value but the man can never stay on the path of truth, can he? And  there are all sorts of points that are better than that of the shed, that empty gutted shed in the backwaters of the Village. That little shed of 1274 square feet is alternatively supposed to be for the Rag, for the studio, for AB, has a lack of parking spaces, needs to take up some of the already limited parking with some kind of a hut or shelter for the infinite copies of a paper that few read, but anyhow - that is the story there. So a tad cramped, yes!!! Oh and do not forget that there are trucks from Seacrest that now park there right by their own building.
     Notice that the value is less than the CV building. Notice that once again the truth of the Camden business comes out that once again we are on the hook to fix it all up on our dime even as Levy once again takes the value and the profit as we fix his property. However, it is still cheaper than the alternatives. But wait, there are yet other questions. The Camden building is already done, being painted as we speak, so where and how is that figure arrived at and where is that contract that states all this. As usual, another contract without the delegates being clued in. Another David deed. But let's look at them.
      Camden. Maybe. Telling CV to move out of the Village and we replace the building and WPRF keeps the shed. Maybe. But why would we have to replace the building? There are many other realtors who are busy selling the units. Schechter will not stop this profitable business of his but in any case, he is not the only outlet we have. As far as the building is concerned, I have recently been in there and I noticed no floors sagging or squeaking and so what if they squeak? I smelled no mold and if it were so bad, the workers could and would not stay there or perhaps we should check that out by having code enforcement and the health department come check it out and oops, find yet more lies? A possibility indeed.
     Replacing the building. As I said why replace and why now. We have other issues to take care of first. And another temporary or prefab? What, so it could go merrily rolling along in case of strong hurricanes and I wonder why if this is so bad why it remained in place in wind storms? Hmmmm.
     Finally ,we are told that all this will be done and borne by the Levy family business but quite frankly, every time we are told about a contract by David Israel, there are clauses he keeps secret or adds on after approval. I would like to see that contract already worked out as  he so stated in committee and I would like to have that signed in front of everyone after double checking the contract that nothing was changed. And as for the need to find room for the so called paper? Who cares!!! Put it in the Treasurer's office since no one is there or in Bob Marshall's office as he is not there or let them join David in his office as they shill for him anyway!
    White Paper indeed. Pomposity personified and truth be damned again.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


     Words. Language. The Word. Word indeed. Communication. But what does it mean?
     We communicate with others thru gestures and words and our actions are often predicated by our words. So are we careful in the use of our words or do we waste them or worse, use them to fool others, to prove ourselves hypocrites.
     There are words of sense and words of anger. There are words that encourage, share the love and words that spread the hate, encourage it. What words does one use and how does it reflect one's inner soul and worth as a human being.
     Today words are increasingly being thrown about in a dangerous manner. We do not mean half the words we say so how is one to trust another. The answer? Trust is hard to come by. Words must be followed by appropriate action, action that fits the words if we are to believe what our ears hear. Too often that action is not there.
     Suddenly Trump is shouting to the winds that the federal government will be there. Truly? He just signed an executive order that would reverse the regulations that would have funded the federal government infrastructure to be able to stand up to intense flooding such as Harvey. But inside that regulation was the recognition that climate change is contributing to these new and more frequent floods so uh uh. Away it goes. And now funds will be forthcoming to aid the victims of his shortsightedness? And with what funds since he promises to veto any budget unless he gets his hateful Wall.
    The preacher Osteen with his mega church speaks of a human brotherhood and of helping people but when push comes to shove he eats his words and keeps his church doors shut to refugees from the floodwaters. Gasbag in the wrong time.
     Tillerson and Mattis and Cohn disavow the words of their overseer, Trump, but what do these words mean if there is no action to follow? What do they mean if Trump pushes his hateful thoughts upon our country, encouraging the lowest common denominators of people to push to the fore? Whose actions will become the factual laws of the land? Will it be the words and actions of Arpaio who now wants his conviction overturned as he "did not do anything wrong" or so he says. Nope, just did some magnificent acts of bigotry and hate, along with his brother sheriff from Maine who wrote a book of hate, Clarke did, and got the prez to tout it in his tweets.
      In the most recent New York magazine, several anonymous federal employees are asked when or what would make them quit their jobs. All of them had  a redline but all hedged on that except for one who had already walked out for the present. They hemmed and hawed as to what they would do if asked to do something that violated their beliefs, to do something wrong. All mentioned the need to have a job but what if that job entails doing massive wrong to others? Read this from the Nuremberg trials.
     "....send a clear message to each and very German, to each and every citizen of each and every nation, that they are as responsible for the actions of their leaders as are the leaders themselves responsible for the crimes they commit; that while  some (sic) might be following orders, the nation which closes its eyes to the behavior of its leaders is as responsible for their crimes as are the leaders responsible to their nation." Now read it again as I did when I first read it.
     Where will we stand, as individuals, as Americans, as a nation and what will history say about us if we stand by and allow these haters, this awful 'leader' to lead us down the road of hatred and worse. He has exposed a festering undergrowth of hatred within the hearts of some of our citizens and rather than see it shrivel upon its exposure, he encourages its growth, backs it up with his words and yes, his actions. Will we stand by as we take people off to prison for their orientation or skin color or religious beliefs? Will we stand by and say and do nothing lest we be noticed and taken away too? But we will anyway for that is the way of hatred and words of hate - they lead to deeds of hate and no one is immune.
     We have a 'leader' who has allegedly colluded with the enemy to gain profits and to gain office. Every day it seems that more and more filth comes to light. We find that he was working on a massive Trump Tower in Russia with the encouragement that "this will make him President!" Now the journalists who exposed the Russians and their hacking have added a new chapter on Trump and his 2016 campaign and the Russian hackers and government.
     We should hide our heads in shame and frankly, I would do so in great despair were it not for moments of shining light and the best moments of mankind. In a time of great need and shock, instead of tweeting, the moron, as who has Wi fi in the middle of dragging one's children to safety in a moment of terror, these people go out and save others be it on a paddleboard or a boat or a Cajun fleet from Louisiana, or private boats of theirs or simply carrying people off on their backs and in their arms and notice please that color plays no part as white on black and black on white and brown on the same - all help each other. So where the hell are you, Trump? Shut the hell up and put your money where your mouth is and hey, here is an idea, send a whopping great donation of millions from the Trump Organization to the people of Houston! You certainly are earning money every day from our taxes as you stay in your own hotels, so pay it forward. Actions and not your wasteful and harmful and hurtful words.
     Your hate filled words have led to the shooting of a missile over the nation of Japan by that nutjob in North Korea. And what is next? What is next? Is your finger poised to push that button as you go berserk with more words of hate? Where does it end? When we are back in tribes trying to stay alive and there is no more America, no more assurance of the survival of mankind?
     And your hate leads to the imitation by others who also shout words of hate. Look at the petty would be tyrants here in America and around the world. YOU have encouraged this, and you certainly have encouraged David Israel and crew as they too shout words of hate, deny freedom and rights, frighten others to follow in their footsteps, deluded others and have led us here to a frightening edge of a cliff. The ugliness of your soul and that of his is as ugly as is the new sign at our entrance with no beauty, no flowers, no joy, just sitting there looking like an entrance to a monument store, a sample of its gravestone ability. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
     Ugly are the words of hate and ugly are the actions that result. Ugly is what we become when we follow either by word, deed or even inaction. WE are responsible for what we allow. WE!! US!!

Monday, August 28, 2017


     Sounds like the title to a thriller, does it not?Unfortunately it is not and instead is the sentence of shock at what that ass has done yet again.
      First he has a news dump Friday evening, hoping the storm will cover his nastiness up - but it did not. He kept on tweeting about Harvey with childlike statements about its size and only a late, vaguely worded statement  mentioned the people. People see past his tricks and at least are beginning to question his tweets and other outrageous doings even as he takes apart the regulations that have kept our workingmen and women safe, that have protected our waterways, our air, have acknowledged the climate changes affecting our environment, kept a leash on the banks and business so as to avoid another 2008 disaster. We must pay more attention to what he is doing as well as the ever growing log of insanity and wacky deeds and tweets and especially his growing open connections with haters.
     What is even more frightening is his attitude towards the press, the free press, the press that has covered the news and been allowed a freedom ever since the trial of Peter Zenger in colonial America. It gave the press freedom to critique, to comment, to point out weaknesses, misdeeds, fallacies and this jerk is ever so sensitive to the truth that he goes ballistic as he just did, calling them people who hate their country, who are liars and are purveyors of fake news, even as he boasts again of a win in 2016. It is truly getting very tired even as more and more pols are openly saying that there is obviously something very wrong with him. You bet there is and just a minor point. This same attitude towards a press that points out the truth is evident in David Israel as he goes ballistic every time the opposition papers comes out with the truth. To quote someone,  "Sad. very sad, bigly so." And it does not end there.
      Now he threatens that he is going to end the NAFTA talks because he does not like the attitude of Mexico and Canada, not being cooperative in his opinion and how shocking that Mexico refuses to pay for a wall that obsesses this jerk even as we all know it is not necessary nor will it stop any "bad hombres" and drugs coming through. Only in his own tiny and useless mind.
       But wait, there's more. This man who is still making money from his business, what with the Trump hotel in DC the place to go for conservatives, for diplomats who wish to curry his favor, and worse, the chutzpah, he has charged the Secret Service big bucks to rent golf carts to guard him as he tootles around his golf course even when he should be doing at least some work since he ostensibly is the President. And now  we find out that during the campaign Trump and business was negotiating for a huge Trump Tower in Russia. Just lovely!!
     His daughter and the Trump family are in cahoots with a guy undergoing charges concerning money issues - great sense and sure hope she has better sense and brains when she works on the problems of the country - and his two little boys, Eric and Junior, are involved in Dubai with a partner and they do not pay their workers. And this is the guy that working people in some areas think is the cat's meow!!!!
     Fighting in the streets was something I warned about and yesterday we had exactly that as anarchists or antifa beat the crap out of alt right people and basically the cops did not do much, equipment and all. It will only get worse and will not stop unless Trump goes, even as some of the alt right people there were wearing Trump wear. And now we find that Trump and Sessions are resuming the arming the police with military equipment. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
     Seriously, this man leaves the country in a bad state. We have no guidance, no one truly steering the ship of state and no one seems to be able to control him. He appears to be addicted to that damn twitter and cannot let go. He obsesses about things to the exclusion of all else and leaves us floundering in deep waters. I just read an article that compares us to the metaphorical story of Game of Thrones and it made sense. Both places are in grave danger but at least they have a leader or two who will stand up for the people. What do we have here and as the long winter of three and a half more years with this man looms ominously over all of us, who knows what will be - even as this dangerous creep is running for office right now at the beginning of his first term. Yikes !!! The thought of it!!!
     What he did - and we are not done yet.

    As an addendum, we were glued to the screen yesterday as we watched scenes of Houston pass. We used to visit the city quite often when my son and family lived there and we recognized that vastly changed terrain and are concerned about the people we met and the rest of the residents. May G-d keep them safe and may help come now and as they try to rebuild their shattered live.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


     Who is a good guy and who is the bad guy? How does one distinguish between them? There are those who say that it is the maxim if you are not with us, you are agin' us. But truly, what if the "with us" is the bad side, the black hat group of life? I like this one better and came across it in a book. "You can't be a good guy if you act like a bad guy." 
     So who are the bad guys again? They are those who wish harm to others, who think of themselves way over and ahead of others and damn the consequences. They are those who hate, in large arenas or small and it makes no never mind in the long run, because hate grows and spreads; it is a scourge of mankind and the smaller arenas only encourages the larger ones until it poisons a nation and then the world.
     Here within  CV we have that encouragement. We have a hater at the head, one who hates with the same black look, the only qualification to being hated is the one wherein one opposes the policies of David Israel. Black, white, green, purple, Jew, Catholic, agnostic - all are the same if you oppose him. This same bitterness of him is on the outflow to others and encourages those other losers to side with him and spread it around, joining haters of other and larger areas and thus we have a hater and an evil and bad dude in the larger arena - Trump. All the small minded people of the nation, the deluded, the big fish in small ponds, the heads of insane militias, those who did not follow the Trump chain till the end - these are those who have enabled the bad guy to triumph at this point in time. And it is indeed a bad time for all.
     We have a man who is crude and who thinks nothing of throwing a nation under the bus if it suits his purpose. On Friday, even as the nation waited and watched with horrified looks at the CAT 4 Hurricane Harvey amble in to hit Texas, even as people waited for the President to declare a federal emergency, thus freeing up funds and aid, even as that did NOT happen at that point, Trump used the obfuscation of the  storm to hide his next three steps.
     First he hides the resignation of Gorka, that true Nazi and good buddy of his. What does it mean? Why did he go now? Will he stand with Bannon and Breitbart? Any answers from Sanders? Nope, get back to you on that is the standard response
     Worse, is that he further indulged in his hateful attitude towards others who are different than him, those who have served our nation in time of need, those who have given much to our nation, but Trump tosses them out the window by saying no more transgender recruits into the armed forces. And for those who are in them already, well, hang on by your toenails or sit on a nail, for Mattis was told he has six months to figure out how to deal with you. So much for gratitude. So much for recognizing dedication and service.
     We all need to watch out for this is merely the tip, the edging of the hatred, the winning of the bad guys. What is next? Cancellation of the right of all to marry? Cancellation of equal rights under the law, at jobs, at play, in the Boy Scouts or wherever? Will we have another Stonewall? Will we be back to entrapping people in bathrooms, taking advantage of raids and spreading that hate? Will two people walking hand in hand now become once again a target of bad guys. And make no mistake about it, the hatred and the discrimination spread.
     And then we have the third piece, the piece de resistance - the pardoning of that creep Arpaio, the sheriff who stood for the bad guys even as he wore a badge. He stood for the bad guys disguised as the good guy, among those who do harm to those under their control, those who hate because of color of skin, those who believe in the power of power, in the power of hatred, in the power of fear. This is the bad guy trying to disguise himself as a good guy. It does not work and Trump, by pardoning this is showing us his version of the "good guys, the good people" on the side and in the parties and believers of the neo Nazis, the KKK and extreme right. G-d save us from these 'nice' people.
     Worse than even hiding this under cover of hurricane, is the fact that Trump planned this for a hell of a long time, even consulting with Sessions, that other bigot, about what to do and was advised to wait till trial and conviction and then pardon but not interfere before that. The casualness of hatred. The casualness of evil. This tells a great deal about this Trump, this scourge of America and his character or lack thereof. Even as the probe on the Russian connection continues, Trump is planning to pardon all and sundry, including himself. Great way to commit crimes, to commit treason, especially when one knows one is guilty. Others follow procedure in awarding pardons after a long Justice Department investigation but not Trump, this bad guy, not even disguising himself as a good guy.
     So the Democrats warn that there is a limit, not that one would get that idea from looking at the actions or lack of action on the part of the Republican National Committee. And the ground continues to shake under our feet as even Paul Ryan that wimp manages to squeak out a weak tsk, tsk to Trump for the pardon and his other misdeeds but to censure him, oh no, too much like a "food fight". As one who has seen many food fights, trust me, not the same thing.
     And what about all the people who are not sue what side to support, the good guys or the bad guys or those who make excuses for the bad guys? In a fantastic and thoughtful novel, The Mechanic, read for  yourself what the role and importance of cogs are in the machinery of evil, how they and their work make it go further and farther into their misdeeds, encourage and enable the killing and do so by ignoring the truth and by "following orders". There is a point wherein one must stand up and say NO! No more!!
     A writer I greatly admire, Rob Eshman, who writes for the Jewish Journal, says that " We need to sleep with one eye open, sometimes the right one, sometimes the left one." Why, because hatred is the same coming from whatever viewpoint though the hatred from the right is perhaps even more evil as they do not even begin to disguise their hatred, ashamed of nothing.
     Those who hate, hate all, black, Jewish, gay, whatever. But the hate of Jews, the hatred and the anger directed at them is virulent beyond all else. That does not lessen the prejudice towards others but it is different. It is not "just a philosophical evil but its reality was the killing of millions and millions of human beings." To totally eradicate a people who have survived all who tried from ancient times till now. So for those who saw the evil and the bad guys of Charlottesville and in other places, remember: "...winds shift. That means next time someone tries to convince you that all the danger blows from one direction, remind them that it doesn’t. The Jewish left needs to mind the left, and the Jewish right the right. Let’s work together to fight the fanatics and their enablers wherever, and whoever, they are.....It is the defining genocide for all time."
     Nicholas Kristof has a marvelous op - ed piece and discusses the craziness of Caligula and what it did to Rome but in the last paragraph states the lesson and the hope we must cling to as far as we are concerned here in America. "....the lesson is that Rome was able to inoculate itself against unstable rulers so that it could recover and rise to new glories. Even the greatest of nations may suffer a catastrophic leader, but the nation can survive the test and protect its resilience — if the public stays true to its values, institutions and traditions. That was true two millennia ago, and remains true today."
     We all need to hold on to that thought. Tightly. And discern clearly between the good guys and the bad, between the truth and those who try to disguise themselves.

Friday, August 25, 2017


     "Why can't I have that? I want it."
    That seems to be the mantra of most people today, not just kids but adults as well. What one wants is what one gets for after all, one is entitled. It appears to be the thinking that what one wishes for one  gets and there is no reason why not. As a result there is almost no value placed on whatever one wanted after a short time and why? Because there was no investment in obtaining that item, no personal achievement, just an indulgent parent or an indulgent self. On the other hand, what one works for, puts in sweat equity, one values.
     This attitude of entitlement goes all the way to the top. We now have leaders who think that they are entitled to a respect they do not earn, to  fear of them due to their power and are entitled to use that power to indulge every whim they have. And the result - a society that is falling apart, that is riven with suspicion and hatred, that frowns on personal achievement and self control and demands instead whatever it wants, sensible or not. The result, in other words, is the situation we have right here in CV and the situation we have in this country and the world in general.
     What David wants is what David should get. That is his mantra. There is no thought in there of what exactly is what the Village needs and exactly what is the most important, has the highest priority. No, for the determining factor is the desires of David Israel. Hence we now have the mess of Atlantic Broadband. It is a contract worth millions of dollars being spent on a technology we do not need, a technology which will be outdated long before we are fully connected, a contract that will have our Village being dug up for two years at a minimum, a contract that will have our poor roads undergo heavy truck traffic, all the better to erode its remaining life and look quick, because there goes your money into the pockets of AB, into the greedy pockets of CSI and what goes into other pockets is your guess as good as mine.
     The AB contract is a prime example of how business is done here in CV. Contracts are presented to the delegates in one of several truncated manners. One can be given out during a DA and the instruction is to read it during the same time interval as reading the minutes, printed in teeny tiny print, difficult to read and demanding time. There is no time to reread, to think, to formulate questions and best understand it. Nope, for that would be inherently dangerous to David's plans for he wants, he needs that contract to go thru.
     After approval, David then adds in or deletes clauses that are inimical to his true desires and does not bother to point any of this out. Nope, for he is busy, on with the next wasteful project. Time and again he brings up another huge undertaking that is not necessary and while some are  blocked as in the DSL one, others are not. Yet the opposition and the sensible keep on truckin' for that is the proper thing to do. David Israel is NOT entitled to whatever he wants. Not in a million years.
     David, as does our other 'esteemed' leader, Trump, believes he is entitled to smooth sailing all the way, and his ideas touted as the best ever. When people do not do exactly as desired, here goes the pouting, the tweeting, the emails, the sullen statements, the attacks, the personal attacks on the opposition. It seems that the entitlement of these two and others of their ilk are ranked as the determinate factor over and above all else.
      Personally, I, along with many others who are speaking out more and more, are alleging that these people are off balance, plagued by mental issues, have persecution complexes and in every which way one can think of, are most definitely not fit for office. Not fit to be leaders. Not fit to determine the needs of the Village or the country.
     There is no more civil discussion and civil disobedience is treated as treason with police forces encouraged to use their pepper spray on protesters. The extremists are encouraged to come armed to rallies, rallies that should never be as they are cesspools of hatred, of poison, of a nastiness such as we have not seen for many a year. The echoes of the terror that others have undergone frighten survivors, frighten students of history and we all ask just how did we ever get here. What have we done or not done?
     We have treated our societies, the Village and the country as payback for our years at work. We deserve to be pampered, to be allowed to play bocce and pickleball and whine about the courts but we are not required to  put in work on the matter. Nope, we are entitled. And the same for the country. We are entitled to democracy. We are entitled to our thoughts and we are entitled to say what we wish to say with no impediment between our brains and minds and our mouths, no thinking required. We are entitled. We deserve them. We are entitled.
     But if we have no sweat equity, as it were, invested in this, then no, we are not entitled. Some fought for it and we owe them our interest and action to safeguard what they fought for. We need to participate and where not allowed, as in ahem, when David blocks some people because he is afraid of their minds, their brain power, their altruistic interest in the Village, well, take another path, forge on despite the trash that comes one's way. Hence the Messenger. Hence this blog. Hence those people who stand up by the mic and speak the truth, raise questions, despite all the garbage that comes out of that Chair's mouth. That is what we are entitled to. To work hard, to value what we have and make sure it remains with it.
     All we get in this world is what has been determined elsewhere and by what we put in to achieve our goals. Some are luckier than others. There is and always will be a difference in society, with some wealthier than others, but money wealth does not determine happiness, joy, value, love. No, for that is what we get when we value hard work, input into society and above all, value people. That is what we are entitled to. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nowhere does it say that we are entitled to it all or to achieve to the levels we desire. But we are entitled to go for it - as long as we do not run over others and violate the rules of society, take away what other are entitled to as well.
     Think about it.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


     Frankly, I was not going to write this morning after a lousy night where I once again woke up  in the wee hours shivering, teeth chattering. I believe it is a physical manifestation of a deeply despaired heart, mind and soul. One protester's anguished plaint said it all. "When does it all end."
     Where does it end and more importantly, how does it end? I think of the hours I have spent staring at pictures of circa 1935  from Europe. Families on holiday, gatherings, class pictures, team pictures. I stare at the smiles, imagine the stories behind these pictures. I stare at the few family pictures left behind by my family there. I look and wonder. What would they have done if they had known? What could they have done? And what are we doing now? Are we caught in the same loop, knowing, but not, wondering to move or not, but where to go, what steps to take and how did this all happen?
     How did the United States of America, a country which fought a war to keep it one Union, a country which stood for democracy, for the valuing of people for who they are, which fought against hatred and prejudice, bias, even as it persisted - how did we get here? Why am I seeing pictures of rowdy men waving huge Nazi flags, shouting about Jews, screaming of blood and soil? And this is the tip of the iceberg.
     We have a government where people are resigning, explaining how wrongly off the path this administration has wandered. We are left with a government of know nothings set on their path of destruction as they cancel all safety regulations, as they rip apart the fabric of government for the people in their greed for profits, the almighty dollar to be racked up and boasted of in company meetings and forms. Those who resign are taking to leaving secret not so secret messages in their letters. RESIST. IMPEACH. There are signatures growing on a petition to form a congressional committee to examine the mental ability of presidents to remain in office. Even the infrastructure committee has resigned, the "big" promise of the Trump campaign. It too has gone the way of all things in this now rotten administration. With more rot growing.
     Now we hear that a memo  re transgender is coming and the plan? To separate all who cannot deploy, who would find it difficult. Deployability? What the hell is that? What? So the mothers who truly wish not to leave their children and the fathers who feel the same, the sons who wish not to stress their parents or leave aging ones behind for a stretch - shall we just disband the armed forces? Why single out transgender soldiers who have served loyally and well? Right! Prejudice again. And again and yet again.
     We  already have sold our country down the river what with the co-operation between the Trump campaign and Russia. Yet another email has surfaced with another top Trump campaign aide trying to set up the meeting of Trump  people and Russia. The thought, the idea, of a traitor in office, of a Manchurian candidate in office, as our President or somewhere high up in that same administration is chilling to the bone, to the very marrow.
     And now we hear that those American diplomats in Cuba have not only suffered hearing losses but have suffered brain damage and damage to their central nervous system. This is where our energy needs to be expended. Find the answer rather than run around trying to drum up rallies when one should be presidential and presiding!! We are under attack from within and without and we have an erratic unstable being in charge.
     The country is riven, driven into tribes of shouting, jeering people, protesters and white supremacists. We have families who are split, driven apart, we have friends who must make a pact not to discuss politics and ruin friendships, but for how long. This is a temporary fix and at some point, sooner than later, one will have to choose, many will have to choose.
     Does one support  a bigot, a mentally unbalanced man who speaks crazily when off the teleprompter? Does one support a hater of all that is not him and family? Does one support industry again at the cost of humanity and suffering or do we find a compromise there as we had before? Do we institutionalize and legitimate racial, sexist, religious hatred and bias or do we fight it and how? Where does it end? This question is more important than any other for it answers all. It outranks all other questions and concern for frankly, bad roads, a poor decision on broadband, a cheating swap - what matters it all if the country tanks. 
     Perhaps I do know why I wake up shivering with chattering teeth. It is the horror of reality today in the country and the fear that there is no way out. When will it end and how?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


     Just finished reading Into the Wild with a granddaughter and then watched the movie. Discussion today. It is a well known story about  a young man post college who has a beef with his dad, a legit one, and takes off to discover the world, its truth and beauty. So cross country he goes, meeting people he never would have had he stayed in the usual path, had experiences which strengthened his belief that beauty was in nature, truth as well. He idolized Jack London and Thoreau and even as he became a welcome guest with some people or a valued worker, he lectured them also on his beliefs and encouraged them to search the world, change their lives. 
     Like all kids his age he just knew the truth and that was the value he wanted most, the one true value. He did not need people he felt, only the glory of Nature. Finally he was off to the main goal - the wilds of Alaska. Not taking advice from anyone for he knew it all, off he went into the wild and there he dies as Nature played tricks on him. He finally died of starvation and poisoning as he finally realized that he indeed needed his family who had no clue as to where he was for two years and people need to be with other people, need to share their lives with others. A book well worth reading and a lesson well earned and learned.
     It is one we all need to learn, including my two most favorite presidents. One cannot go it alone in this world and when one tries it becomes a bitter world and no triumph is worth that loneliness and that growing bitterness as it becomes evident that most people do not value that, do not truly value you. So much for one's life.
     Why  begin with David? Because I believe he is greatly reminiscent of the lessons of this book and he is greatly enamored of the Trump way, the bitter, nasty, shouting, demeaning paths of life that he takes and uses. True, it is in a comparatively small arena, but he loves that big fish in a small pond life and holds himself aloof from the other denizens of that pond unless they service his needs  and are dropped when he is done with them. It is truly a shame for he turns away valuable advice and ideas from others with years and years of experience but the greatest tragedy  of all is the harm done to the Village.
     But the bigger picture. Sorry, folks. I have said it before and say it again along with the growing numbers of people who are also saying it and they play much bigger roles in the life of the nation than I do. The man is nuts, unbalanced, mean and vicious and definitely not normal. He is a categorical liar and lies as easily as he breathes, lies in the face of all proof, of pictures and statements and recordings. He denies the hate filled bigotry he expressed about Charlottesville, denies even that he looked into the eclipse without glasses. Who cares if he is an idiot that way so why lie about it. There is a picture of that very same act!!
     But far worse is the division he has strengthened in this country, encouraged. What is worse is that he has introduced the military in great numbers into the civilian part of government, into the executive branch. Ironic that they are calming him down, even chiding him for Charlottesville and the transgender announcement re the armed forces.
     But he argues with the world, cussing out his own party members should they disagree with him or think otherwise. He threatens them and is now basically at war with McConnell. Not my favorite character but what the hell!!! Adding salt to the wounds he has given the nation, he says he will pardon that racist Arpaio who just loves to pick on anyone with brown skin or who looks like an illegal immigrant, never mind if they are  or not, have committed a crime or not. Their crime is being or looking Latino or Hispanic. That is a bad precedent, folks, bad indeed. Jews know that. Armenians know that. Tutsis know that. And even Sunni and Shiite know it from one to the other. Native Americans know it. It is wrong and hateful and just plain ugly but there he is promising to pardon a huge racist.
     He threatens a shut down of the government if people do not give him his goddamned wall. He will allow the government to default on our loans and woe upon us if that happens. He will shut it all down so no government checks or services. Just his oily and hateful attitude and the continued damage he is doing to this nation and the world. Only the regulations that protect us as they disappear one by one so back to bad waterways, back to chemical poisoning of neighborhoods, back to the despoiling of Nature.
     Blame the press. Damage the trust that we need to live in  complex world. Just keep on doing it. Yet we have hope that he will either leave as a sore loser or by force and legalities. 67 former State Attorneys General have signed a statement bluntly condemning hatred and bias and referred to another brave one who said it in a pithy manner back in 1976.  “Dear ‘Dr.’ Fields,” he wrote. “My response to your letter of February 19, 1976, is — kiss my a**.” And he continued to reiterate these feelings today in our backwards world.
     Protest will continue though I must say when I looked at pictures of the protest in Phoenix I saw them standing holding signs and all of a sudden there was a cloud of what turned out to be gas and pepper spray or canisters of it and why? Are we turning into Selma? Are we turning into dictatorial countries where freedom to protest is ruthlessly quashed?
     The pith of the truth is that we are on a dangerous road. The pith of the truth is that we are stepping onto rumbling cliff edges both here in the country and around the world. The pith of the truth is that the fighting in the streets has begun and no, these protestors are not actors hired off Craig's List. I could not believe that when a formerly intelligent friend said that!! Truly!!
     The pith of the truth is that we are our own worst enemy and we must come to our senses. One good point, when some idiot chastised Barron for wearing shorts on Air Force One, Chelsea Clinton shut him down. Melania said thank you and here we go --Chelsea for President!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


     Exactly what are we facing. There was a big ballyhoo about the speech last nite and it was a great big nothing. Trump barely made mention or referred to Charlottesville and what it means and meant to the country and then gave a huge nothing, a mash mix of the same old same old. He spoke of principled realism. What is that? A plan with his rules but principles? The man has none and would not know a principle if it rose up and slapped him in the face.
     We are going to be sending more men and women into the maw of Afghanistan and for what? For a country that is supposed to build itself up? Exactly how? Shall they divide into tribal 'stans', shoot it out forever and a day and where will our people be? Being shot by their supposed allies?
     And what are we doing to our people when we basically tell them it is a free for all, no rules of engagement, just go kill terrorists. Who are they? How do you know unless one has a bomb strapped on or a gun in hand? What about if you do not like the look of a kid who is slowly approaching you. Bam!!!!But oops, he was afraid to come closer and retrieve his soccer ball. War, believe it or not, has to have rules, and when there are none we then become terrorists ourselves.
     I do agree - we should not be telegraphing our dates and moves to the enemy but if one thinks that reacting to 'conditions' is a new way, think again. It takes a long time to get a huge army brigade moving with all their equipment and support. Reacting could take several month and by then there are other 'conditions' so what the hay!!!
     But we will have help. Oh, yes! We are warning Pakistan - as if they have listened before and we are going to push India into helping Afghanistan. Say what! India has enough on its plate with its own poverty stricken masses and now they should forget them even more and go help Moslems who are shooting at them in various attacks in India? Huh? I do not think so.
     And back at the ranch what do we have. We have a Paul Ryan who calls the censure of Trump a food fight. We should concentrate on unity and be nice to each other, turn away the words of hate.Well, do you not think that censuring the model for the nation should be the paradigm of unity and lack of racial and religious bigotry? That is a food fight!? But in the meanwhile the voices calling for impeachmemnt grow, the statements of inability to carry out responsibilities of office grow ever more and now the Black Caucus, a powerful group, is calling for impeachment. Yay for them!! Good for them. And trotting out the loner African Americans willing to support Trump or the loner Jews willing to turn traitor to his people, bah humbug!!! Indeed.
     More seriously we have a problem with our navy but I have a growing suspicion that there is more to it than that. Why would so many ships have such steering accidents from running onto a sandbar to crashing into huge ships? I am thinking that those hackers of who? Russia? North Korea who have some truly expert ones? There is mischief afoot to put it mildly and why are sailors going missing and then being found on board. What is going on?  I believe that there are traitors amongst us who are helping these hackers and this should not be a surprise after the whole Russian debacle which is ever growing in its mess.
     The hatred of Bannon is not gone with him from the WH. It is present within the heart and soul of Trump and many of his supporters. It needs to be rooted out, destroyed, punished fiercely. That is the only way. Forget these charter schools wherein one gets one viewpoint. Public, private, parochial, but no schools on the public's back that educates only the chosen few. There needs to be no more need or reason for the riot in the Charlottesville city council meeting. There needs to be a demand on Trump for more accountaibity and words mean nothing unless  accompanied by deeds. Being forced to say "I'm sorry" means diddly.
     This period of time will go down in history as either the demise of the democratic leader of the world, the United States or it will be an example of misplaced anger, the power of hate and the scorn of the few over the many. It will not be a time to be proud of and when the kids ask what did you do then what will you tell them?
     And for that matter what will you tell your kids when you come baggage in hand to live with them when the Village tanks due to the mismanagement of David Israel and crew. Will you be able to explain why you fell under his influence, did not ask the right questions and worse, did not hear the answers that were given?
     Democracy wherever requires lots of work and lots of input. It requires leaders who are altruistic and not selfish. It requires leaders who mingle with the people, not stay in their little hidey holes in the back, never go to events or shows, never truly become part of the fabric of the Village.
     People, you pays your money and you makes your choice. My dad used to tell me that all the time whenever I had a dilemma. One has to take responsibility, can get advice, but ultimately it rests upon you and your shoulders. So where are your shoulders today, people?

Monday, August 21, 2017


     Milestone yesterday. Took my first Uber ride and still not sure how the details all work though the driver patiently explained it. Driver from Nepal, here for twenty years, came to America because it was a welcoming place, opened a restaurant, became part of the warp and woof of the country. Guess whom he did not appreciate? Guess whom he did not understand? Guess who frightened him? Me too!!!
     And so it begins. the backing off of the voices of condemnation for Trump's big stupid mouth with which he declared what was truly in his black heart - a hatred of others who are not like him, a refusal to accept that the world is changing and the old hates have to go, a refusal to acknowledge that there are no good Nazis and for Jerry Falwell, Jr. to say that in his heart Trump is a good person is not acceptable. It is not acceptable to equivocate about evil. There are no excuses that will work when marchers are flying Nazi flags and shouting about Jews. We were there before, many times, and know there is no good ending with that and it does not end with Jews for these people always need an enemy.
     Now we get polls that are telling us that Trump's numbers are not doing well. That is part and parcel of the "Fake News" about which Trump was tweeter shouting yesterday, the same twitter guy who could only say "that's too bad" about the McCain ship disaster with ten sailors missing and only two hours later found the time to twitter a keeping in our heart message. Again, too little too late.
     He is feeling the pinch, the desertion of those who voted for him, their embarrassment about their choice and the diehards who are refusing to admit the disaster Trump is, those who close their eyes to his nastiness, his danger, his oh so bad everything!! He is increasingly alone, embattled on all sides with thousands across the country going out and protesting again against him and his policies. His demeanor and face show that feeling when he is in an unguarded moment and at other times one sees the hostility in his tight and frowning face.
     As for me, I say good!! Either he changes in a huge manner or he goes, how who cares Let him resign, let him get censured as he deserves and then resign or then have him declared mentally unfit, unsuitable and unable to run a country. Let him go back to running his companies into the ground and not pulling their nuts out of the fire because he is president. He has now disbanded the environmental advice council as he does not need them, well on the way to destroying every regulation that was serving to save the ecology, the environment of the country and the world.
     We need a President! A man who will be the moral center and example for the country. A man who will keep his negative feelings to himself and give the country what it needs to regrow into what it once was or was becoming. A man who will be an American in every sense, every positive sense of the word and by the way, that man can easily be  woman.
     What have we done and what milestones are we reaching and passing? How do we get out of this mess. Three more years of this and we will not be the USA, not as we know it, not as it is supposed to be. Just finished reading Patterson's new book called The Store, a thinly disguised reference to Amazon and giving it the worst possible motives and nefarious plans and it truly rings true. Most of his recent books are below par, with so many just being shot down the chute, but this one is simple, easy to read and sends a simple message. We must be alert to what is around us. Big Brother is not so far away and quite possibly already here, nicely ensconced in our society and we do not even recognize it. We must watch people like Trump and his crew. Name me a good one in the bunch. Try hard and see how difficult it is. Prejudice and bias, nationalism and supremacy, business over morals, over country, selfish moves and an incestuous exchange and revolving door between lobbyists, industry shills and nabobs and Trump aides. Swampy indeed!! And if his base cannot recognize nor accept this as reality, even as they lose their jobs and get no retraining, even as they cannot harvest their crops because they have no workers but Trump does in his hotels, even as the hate divides us into a tribal society, no better than Afghanistan or Pakistan or one of many Arabian or African countries, if they cannot recognize him as the disaster he is, well, too bad as the rest of the country does and will.
     This drive to separate groups of electorates can be found right here in the Village as David strives to "show" and accuse those who oppose many of his foolish and wasteful plans. He attempts to push them off to the side, but it is not working and that is making him even angrier than ever, losing his temper even more and that is truly a sight to see - and laugh at.
     His garbage that he pushes is beyond belief. Once again confirmation was received from the tax office that the realty building is listed as zero value because that is how ALL non taxed buildings are listed but in  another category they ARE valued because one day their status  might change and therefore their value would be needed. The proof is in the pudding, in the faxes, emails and books of the tax office, David and his lies be damned.
     I, and so many others, are tired of lies and fake governments, fake public servants who cheat the people rather than serve them, who have desires that drive them, but these desires are theirs and not the people's. Beware his plans to completely take over all the media as it revives in the Village - the Rag, the TV, the announcements, the shows and tapes he puts on HIS blog, whatever makes him happy and secure in his back room.
     Milestones that mark a highway of life. They can be good or bad. We must make of them what we can and so when we look back we can say that so it began and so it improved and we were on the right road with the right milestones, in the country and in the Village.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


     I do not understand. What is it, that little piece, that tiny flaw, that nick in the soul which allows one to turn on his fellow man and for others to turn into apologists for that self-same person, even as they themselves are thrown into the maw of the monster? What is it?
     Let us start with the lesser of two evils even as it too affects thousands. David Israel seemingly has nothing better to do with his very limited and cold life other than to figure out ways in which to increase his 'power' and rain disaster down upon the residents of the Village even as he treats them with contempt.
     There is a long train of such disasters but the most recent one is the proposed debacle of the building swap. He denies truths even as he uses fake numbers to convince people to vote for his desire. When the actual numbers come to the open, he goes on the attack and thinks shouting and then cowardice will do the trick. When that did not work he now has an interview about it, asked questions by a friendly soul. Here he lies in oh such a reasonable voice, in all his glory as there are no opponents there to wave the truth in his face, to debate him on the facts, to tell the real truth. Nor will he allow any opposing viewpoint to be posted on his so called Village blog for so much is he the coward and the tyrant. David is a true fan of Donald's alternative reality and this reality will hit the Village with yet another one of his financial disasters under which we are already reeling.
     On to the  more dangerous one in the short and long run of things. This is a man with no soul, only a cold beating heart which allows him to say truly cruel things, to walk on a path devoid of honor, devoid of ethics, devoid of morality. This is the man who is supposed to be the moral light of a country, of a world, and in fact, he is the very diametrical opposite. This is a man who discusses the size of his genitals about which I could care less as long as he keeps them in his pants. He boasts of the small size of his hands which  he cannot keep to himself and he talks of hate and hatred, finding good people in bad crowds, finding niceness in would be murderers, in hate mongers, in the inheritors of a monstrous legacy of imposed fear and bloodshed.
     But what is most concerning and puzzling is how seemingly intelligent people, some of whom are directly in the crossfire of these 'nice' people, make excuse after excuse for him, fiercely apologize for him, cut him a break and then wonder why others do not. They whine that he is picked on and no other president has ever had that. Really? Let us wake up Lincoln. Let us go back and peruse the papers about Obama, from his ears to his birth. Take Grant, take any which one you want - that is part of the job and if this man is too delicate to take this then get out of the WH and go to one of his hotels and stay there.
      Court Jews, shameful people, and the latest one is Mnuchin who says thus: "as someone who is Jewish, I believe I understand the long history of violence and hatred against the Jews (and other minorities) and circumstances that give rise to these sentiments and actions.”
But Mnuchin argued that Trump’s comments were misrepresented and pointed to an earlier statement in which he urged Americans to “condemn all that hate stands for.”
     No. Wrong, so very wrong and so very cowardly. Does he need the job he has to boost his ego so badly that he would support a man who supports people who would throw him in the ovens? Does Kushner think that he would be immune? No, for from Kapos, to the Judenrat to the Jewish police, to the individual Jews who turned in those who were hiding - the end was the same for all, gas and ovens. Words of hate and support for that hate cannot be "misrepresented". Never. This is not the topsy - turvy world of Alice in Wonderland.
     So on Facebook one trumpets the words of one old lady who heads a tiny local chapter of the NAACP and she is trotted out for show to portray how even African Americans support these statue loving people and the philosophy behind it. Another court person. This weighs nothing as we put it on the scale with the thousands, the hundreds of thousands, with the 300 people from Yale who urged their classmate Mnuchin to do the right thing, with the resignation of the Arts Council, with the resignations of the business and manufacturing councils and advisory boards, against all the organizations who have pulled their charitable dinners from Mar a Lago, from the Republicans who finally stood up for the moral and the right and we will see if they continue to do so. Or will they sell their souls once again in order to win elections.
    The base is what I keep hearing. So do 4,000 people in Iowa balance against the millions who are protesting? Does that base measure up against the fading of its numbers and percentiles? Does wrong make right or does wrong use expediency to get its way. Do we allow a sociopath or as one called it a prime opportunist who knows to grab each opportunity to better himself over others, do we allow that man to rule us, to destroy our democracy, to destroy the world? The man cannot even spell four letter words finding himself unable to know the difference between heel and heal. He is the first and will never do the second.
     He is the ultimate swamp critter and at least we have Carl Icahn resigning due to the fact that he is in trouble himself with his own conflict of interests with his connection to the administration and almost every single one in the administration has the same problem, but the swamp goes on under a new chief crocodile - Trump - and fools think new croc, new reality.
"Lord what fools these mortal be!!"
    Hundreds of years ago there was another eclipse and afterwards people said they could see three suns in the sky and pronounced that a good omen for the Plantagenet family which ruled England. Well, slowly but surely those suns faded and the three brothers, Edward IV, George of Lancaster, and Richard III died and their descendants were rooted out by the Tudor family and rulers, Henry VII and Henry VIII. Even the great Elizabeth I did her share. Beware of false omens. Seek justice and righteousness, and upright leaders for if not there will be hell to pay.
     No apologies for hate nor the purveyors of hate, whatever rung of society they supposedly rate. As far as I am concerned, the man known as The Donald is trash. I could care how much money he has or garners from others. You apologists out there, think again and stop with the Obama excuses and the Hillary excuses. They are out of the picture and unfortunately Trump is right smack in it. Would that it were not so.

     Try reading the following and think about it.
         AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR FELLOW                                   JEWS

To our fellow Jews, in the United States, in Israel, and around the world:
We know that, up to now, some of you have made an effort to reserve judgment on the question of whether or not President Donald Trump is an anti-Semite, and to give him the benefit of the doubt. Some of you voted for him last November. Some of you have found employment in his service, or have involved yourself with him in private business deals, or in diplomatic ties.
You have counted carefully as each appointment to his administration of a white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi or crypto-fascist appeared to be counterbalanced by the appointment of a fellow Jew, and reassured yourself that the most troubling of those hires would be cumulatively outweighed by the presence, in his own family and circle of closest advisors, of a Jewish son-in-law and daughter.
You have given your support to the President’s long and appalling record of racist statements, at worst assenting to them, at best dismissing them as the empty blandishments of a huckster at work, and have chosen to see the warm reception that his rhetoric found among the hood-wearers, weekend stormtroopers, and militias of hate as proof of the gullibility of a bunch of patsies, however distasteful.
You have viewed him as a potential friend to Israel, or a reliable enemy of Israel’s enemies.
You have tried to allay or dismiss your fears with the knowledge that most of the President’s hateful words and actions, along with those of his appointees, have targeted other people — immigrants, Black people, and Muslims — taking hollow consolation in how open and shameless his hate has been, as if that openness and shamelessness guaranteed the absence, in his heart and in his administration, of any hidden hatred for us.
The President has no filter, no self-control, you have told yourself. If he were an anti-Semite — a Nazi sympathizer, a friend of the Jew-hating Klan — we would know about it, by now. By now, he would surely have told us.
Yesterday, in a long and ragged off-the-cuff address to the press corps, President Trump told us. During a moment that white supremacist godfather Steve Bannon has apparently described as a “defining” one for this Administration, the President expressed admiration and sympathy for a group of white supremacist demonstrators who marched through the streets of Charlottesville, flaunting Swastikas and openly chanting, along with vile racist slogans, “Jews will not replace us!” Among those demonstrators, according to Trump, were “a lot” of “innocent” and “very fine people.”
So, now you know. First he went after immigrants, the poor, Muslims, trans people and people of color, and you did nothing. You contributed to his campaign, you voted for him. You accepted positions on his staff and his councils. You entered into negotiations, cut deals, made contracts with him and his government.
Now he’s coming after you. The question is: what are you going to do about it? If you don’t feel, or can’t show, any concern, pain or understanding for the persecution and demonization of others, at least show a little self-interest. At least show a little sechel. At the very least, show a little self-respect.
To Steven Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and our other fellow Jews currently serving under this odious regime: We call upon you to resign; and to the President’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen: Fire your client.
To Sheldon Adelson and our other fellow Jews still engaged in making the repugnant calculation that a hater of Arabs must be a lover of Jews, or that money trumps hate, or that a million dollars’ worth of access can protect you from one boot heel at the door: Wise up.
To the government of Israel, and our fellow Jews living there: Wise up.
To Jared Kushner: You have one minute to do whatever it takes to keep the history of your people from looking back on you as among its greatest traitors, and greatest fools; that minute is nearly past. To Ivanka Trump: Allow us to teach you an ancient and venerable phrase, long employed by Jewish parents and children to one another at such moments of family crisis: I’ll sit shiva for you. Try it out on your father; see how it goes.
Among all the bleak and violent truths that found confirmation or came slouching into view amid the torchlight of Charlottesville is this: Any Jew, anywhere, who does not act to oppose President Donald Trump and his administration acts in favor of anti-Semitism; any Jew who does not condemn the President, directly and by name, for his racism, white supremacism, intolerance and Jew hatred, condones all of those things.
To our fellow Jews, in North America, in Israel, and around the world: What side are you on?
Michael Chabon
Ayelet Waldman
Berkeley, California, 8/16/17

Friday, August 18, 2017


    Now I think I know what Cassandra felt like as she warned Troy of the destruction on its way. For months I have written re Trump and how bad he is, what a danger he is, what a rude and crude man he is and how incompetent and mentally ill. Impeachment. Not my president. Sounded extreme, I was told, take it down, show respect and yet what do we have now and this is one time when I wish I would have been proven wrong.     Even the chickens of society, the CEOs who are perennially worried re their bottom line and tax cuts for them, deserved or not, even they have for the most part stepped up to the plate. Republican lawmakers have finally bit the bullet and named him by name as incompetent, so wrong in his statements and how ugly his beliefs.
     And yet I find myself still arguing with people who  revolve around the statues. It is not so much them as what they represent and what Trump mouthed off about. Nice KKK? Fine Nazi? I think the statues are wrong and the Civil War will not  be forgotten because pigeons have a fewer amount of statues to roost upon. But if that is the fuss perhaps slow down the removal although I must say that a statue of Hitler or Himmler would not go over too well either here or in Germany! So understand where the protesters are coming from and also understand what and why the Jewish people are nervous. Been here, seen that before. No wish to return there. And for those who voted for Trump or did not vote and thus gave him an unstated vote - think atonement, think rethink, and read Paul Krugman's op - ed piece today in the Times - even Caligula comes off as better than Trump!! The qualities of Trump - his lying, his charlatanism, his impulsivity, his carelessness, his illiteracy and lack of intelligence were portrayed as other - as fearless, as truthteller when it was exactly the opposite. What you saw was what you got. So bad that people were shocked and thought it must get better; it cannot get worse! Well, think again.
     But saddest of all is the despair I feel in that essay and in the essay of others. Read Leon Wieseltier ,read Nathan Englander - all on Facebook and feel that despair even as they write of the decay of values, of the quality of our leader, of the very essence of America. And they are not alone.
     Where is our country? Where have all the hate mongers come from? Why do they hate so much, willing to beat the crap out of people they do not even know but who are black or Jewish or are "white traitors" in their book? All brown people are to be thrown out. Oddly enough I just picked up an item of clothing labeled Native Outsider and is that not ironic. That is how I have been feeling for some time. That is how I feel when I hear people call for my death. And for my family and for my people and for those who champion fair play and equality , protection under the law for all and that we live on one planet that is in danger.
     Is it that humanity has decayed so much that we can no longer see any commonality, that we know only to return to the hatreds of yesteryear, the buried ones, the ones that live on in the dark?
Yesterday, a person told me that he is almost ready to believe that inside this man's shoes there are cloven hooves and I wonder........
     It is a duty upon us to reject this man, to stop the decay and defeat the despair. We have done it before and can do it again, the only difference being that this time our ostensible leader is one of the bad, the negative, the destroyers. He needs to go - immediately and quite frankly he can resign for all I care and then we will teach Pence the proper way to be a President for all Americans. Or he can be impeached or he can be locked up in a psychiatric hospital. But in any case out he must go and if not, if we let things go by, if we refuse to recognize his evil, yes evil, then we are indeed doomed and Cassandra I have indeed become. To wait for the 2018 elections and hope people come to their senses is too late for when the Justice Department is already trying to become Big Brother via warrants and prejudice is an okay feeling now, then who knows what will be by 2018. Will there still be an America or will it be Amerika along with all those nice and fine people? Will we need another Homer somewhere down the centuries to tell the story and will we be as sung about as Camelot? Your choice.
     It is  heartening though that the Arts and Humanities committee have resigned en masse indicting the president for his actions or lack of action. The first letter of each paragraph of the letter spells RESIST. He is accused of equivocation, of gutting the arts, of prejudice, of hurtful rhetoric, of nuclear war threats with no diplomatic efforts or staffing , of eating away at American values and the list goes on. Yes, there is hope but we must be strong, very much so if we are to come out as the America we need to be.


     I cannot. I simply cannot write a rational, emotionless thought piece today. This man is crazy and I mean clinically so. There is no rhyme or reason to him other than an egotistical fly by the set of the pants and the hatred of his heart and attitude.
     The President is supposed to be the moral center of the country. He is supposed to inspire confidence in times of crisis. Surely the man can recognize a crisis when it hits the country so hard and so deep but evidently the master tweeter who tweets immediately as soon as any word or thought hits his mind, yet here he could neither find the time nor the energy nor the interest to respond until he barely responded, fell into his own mouth and then shocked the hell out of his aides, his country and the hearts of the world.
     The truth is there are no nice Nazis, and the truth is that there are no fine Klansmen. Bigotry and prejudice have no place in humanity any longer. And yet there it is as the man doubles down on his infamous words and defends the idea that statues that are monuments and memorials to a war that honored the idea of disunion and slavery, of oppression and bloodshed and of ignoring the efforts of our founding fathers and those who fought for independence and lost lives and wealth and family.
     The man has lost all sense of propriety, of timing and of decency. Here he is talking about the mother of the victim of the car ramming and he ends with a boast of his winery, the "biggest in the country' but lies again, only one of he biggest in Virginia and quite simply who gives a damn and why mention it here.
     He cannot get his tiny mind off his own self and own interests. The late night hosts gave it to him but good and all he does is get on his twitter account for three hours and tweet away more nastiness, more garbage and the market goes to hell   as the business world deserts him, running away from one who professes admiration for bigots and Nazis and those who love and  support them and he cannot find it in himself to pull himself together.  Europe hates him, distrusts  him, South and Central Americas dislike him intensely as they feel he demeans them, sees them only as adjuncts to his country. Meanwhile America itself is growing with those who are willing to chase people, to deport mothers and fathers, teenagers who know no other country, American citizens who must go with their parents who have lived here for decades and raised a family, worked productively but they are immigrants, legal or not and out they go. Sessions wants to grab all from anyone accused of a crime, never mind trial or guilt, just get the wealth, the car, the houses, the money.
    There is ugliness in his heart. There is a blackness in his soul. And the corresponding hatred and darkness is growing within the country even as there are others brave enough to stand up to it, even members of his own administration, even as they are trashed by him. In a minor point, it seems that this nastiness is to be found in all mean and soulless people, the same with the trashing of others, the throwing under the bus, the deserting of those he once supported and received support from. So David Israel look into the mirror and look into your eyes and heart. Are you the man you want to be and is this how you wish to be remembered?
     Congressmen are calling for his impeachment. 40% of people polled are calling for impeachment already. And Gail Collins says it just right in her op - ed piece today.
    "This can't go on. We don't have time for impeachment. Patriotic Republicans and administration officials have to get together and find a way to make sure that Donald Trump will never again say anything in public that is not written on a piece of paper. It's their duty to the country."
     This man is dangerous. This man is a blot on our country. This man is evil and this man is manifestly mentally disturbed. He has no place, never had a rightful place, in the Oval Office. He achieved it through the machinations of his Russian allies and is a traitor to his country, its meaning and its history as well as its place as a moral leader to the world. He is  a friend to the dictators of the world but no friend to us. He must go! Or be controlled but how and who? Removal via law is the best way. As a Jew I shudder. As an American I shudder. As a human being and citizen of the world Hamlet said to Ophelia, "Get thee gone."

Thursday, August 17, 2017


    The land where the streets are paved with gold, the golden mountain, the goldenah medina - all names for the land where all was possible, where one's family would be safe, where children could be educated, where dreams came true. And yes, there were sour notes along the way but if we take a look backwards, what a country this was and still is - and will be if allowed to remain so.
     But beneath the light, beneath the dreams, there are piles of dirt, a darkness which seems never to go away. It is a place where a bigot, a sexist, a disrespecter of all laws, of contempt for working men who are denied their wages and fees, is supposed to be filtered out and yet here we are, 2017, with such a man, such an alleged criminal, moral and otherwise, a liar from the get go, installed in the Oval Office where he is in the throes of making it a most tawdry looking place, physically and otherwise.
     Some people are confused by all the terms being bandied about so I am going to summarize a small lexicon from the Times for those who are a bit at sea. Sorry for any language and expressions, but they are part of understanding what we face.
     alt-right - A made up term used as a coverup  for racist far right movements. Sounds nicer does it not. But it comes with the same bigotry and hatred. It espouses nationalism and is anti immigrants, anti feminism, anti gay and transgender, anti Semitism and espouses violence in the search for its victory.
     alt-left - no such thing! Made up term to provide an equivalence between a violent right and those who oppose it. As real as "fake news".
     alt-light - those of the far right who moved a tad towards the center and who are despised by their former friends. It disavows some of the excess hatred and fight with the alt right re anti Semitism over the "fact" that Jews manipulate the world, its governments and the media. Wow!! Would have thought that things would have been a lot different if that were the case.
     antifa- short for anti fascists. It was formed decades ago in Europe to fight against the growing rightist movements and unfortunately has had to continue the fight. They do not believe in running away from a fight and do engage in trashing some windows and doors but will not attack people unless they are attacked.
     cuck - short for cuckold, an insult coming from cuckold, and used by the alt right on anyone, especially conservatives who are not rabid supporters of anti Semitism and racism in general.
     S.J.W. - social justice warrior, meant to be an insult from the right to the left but personally I believe it is an honor to achieve that title.
     Blood and Soil - come from 19th century Germany, means that the blood has a mystical tie to the land and used by the Nazis as well.
     Globalism - short for globalization and an insult from the right wingers. Unfortunately they do not realize that the world is one, all are affected and one cannot stand alone. Hence Trumps stupid raves and hypocritical rants and never mind that all the junk from his hotels are all made elsewhere!
     White Genocide - the whole world is out to get every last white male. That is their premise and their theme is the number 14 you will see on their items and stands for the 14 words of this sentence - "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for our white children."
     Their signs are the following:
     Fasces - the ax and rods used in Italy under Mussolini and till this day.
     Black Sun - Germanic symbol that Himmler loved.
     Blue Dragon's Eye - an ancient symbol for choice between good and evil and too bad they chose wrong!
     Black Cross - symbol meant to evoke the flag of the Confederacy.
     Othala Rune - from a pre Roman alphabet used by the SS and others of similar ilk who preferred - to put it mildly - the color of white.

     Okay, scary terms, scary images, but lesson over, even as we understand that our not president has just spoken in favor of these 'very nice people, fine people' and has literally shouted it aloud, looking like a new version or reincarnation of Hitler with his shouting face, that awful, ugly face filled with hatred. These are his private conversations and statements coming forward, and he believes he will get away with it and you know, he may be right. He is reported to be exulting in his 'glory' over what he said even as his aides are describing themselves as numb, dismayed and the armed forces, all five of their heads sent out a message against neo fascism and Nazis. Have his fellow Republicans actually condemned him or just his words? Big difference. By not doing so and continuing to accept him as a leader, they are condoning hatred, racial, religious, gender, orientation and anything else you can think of. No longer the golden state are we? And what is worse is the fact that Pence spoke out and said he backs up Trump!!!!! Bravo to those who called out on Trump and  may they continue to be brave and righteous in their dealings with Trump. And some Jews who know better are either quiet or serving as self hating Jews thinking they are safe by siding with the Nazi lover. Doesn't work that way. We know that. Better to read or listen to the comments of the late night hosts. They got it right.
     Once more, the choice is ours. Do we condone all this hatred, accept him as Our Leader as Ann Coulter says, approve the praise of David Dukes and Richard Spencer, the violence of the haters and the inevitable bloodshed or do we stand up, stand tall, stand proud and be Americans.
     If we are to be swayed by words, led us heed the words of Judge Katzmann, a federal appeals court judge, the son of a German Jewish refugee. He said, "How fortunate we are to have you here, contributing your hopes, your aspirations, your skills, your heritages, your music, your culture, your literature, your food to the tapestry of this nation. The American story is your story."
     The man in the WH who now claims his father came from a Scots background, all warriors, is denying the German heritage of his grandfather. Why? There is much there to be proud of and if he wishes, he can signal that he does not agree with the worst of it. He certainly is not a warrior, other than for the wrong and the unjust, for blood and hatred and violence. Listen to Judge Katzmann and let us all say Amen to that and the hope and plea of so many to love, rather than hate, to accept rather than spurn - to be American and human in all that it means, the very best one can be.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


     Sorry for delay as I am traveling. Perhaps it was good that there was a delay for here we are standing in what - pre Fascist Amerika? When Ann Coulter calls this man "Our Leader" every bone, every sinew, every ounce of my very fabric shudders. What are we doing? How have we allowed this man to rule in this manner? How? How? What have we done? All the protests now, all the Republican pols crying out now, where the hell were they at election time, at voting time, at stand up and be a man time?
     The man stands there and rants, looking remarkably similar to a ranting Hitler, and claims there are "nice people" on both sides!!! Yes, the SS guy who politely helped the old Jewish woman onto and into the boxcar, he was nice too. The torturer who said to the torturee that it would hurt him far more than it would the tortured. So apologetic. So 'admirable'!
     I have raved and ranted, shouted to the figurative heavens that this is a bad dude, an awful man, devoid of humanity, of morals, of ethics, of a heart. It did not matter whether he had Jewish grandchildren or Jewish appointees. They stood there and listened to him rant yesterday, spew hatred and moral filth and hung their heads, along with Kelly.
      Rubio says, "Mr. President, you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame.They support ideas which cost nation & world so much pain," he wrote. "When entire movement built on anger & hatred towards people different than you, it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them."
     Appreciated, but is it too little, too late. And too wishy washy. Will we follow up on this. As far as I am concerned and as so many others feel, this man has to be removed from office. He is ultimately unqualified and unable to perform the requirements of his office. The main requirement is to be the leader of ALL Americans and he cannot. He praises the alt right, the terrorists who practice their trade domestically, who kill people in our country and it is proven by the statistics that alt right terrorists have killed more people than any "left" or Moslem situations here in the country, excluding 9/11, our first shock.
     Terrorism on any level, one death, one horror is awful. But when nut jobs deny Sandy Hook, when one says that the Nazis at the riot were Jews!!! in disguise and one can tell them by their noses and curly hair! I vomit. I tremble. And so should you all, for NO ONE is immune to the horrors of this type of extremism. NO ONE.
     So when person after person quits, albeit  a delayed action, from his advisory council, they are lambasted by Trump. Just look at this face during the speech and fear, people, fear. and if that and his speeches and his tweets are not enough, how about this one, more frightening than ever. It is being pushed by our wonderful Department of Justice, under the racist Sessions, who promised to do his best, oh yeah, to prosecute those responsible for Charlottesville. So watch how it is done.
     On July 17 the Department served notice on DreamHost, a warrant to give over all the information on every person who used that site to enter an anti Trump site, one which organized protests after the Inauguration. FASCISM!!!! Violation of every word and clause and sentiment and principle of our Constitution.
     Bias and hate and extremism and hatred and fascism are now in the very fabric of mainstream America. This warrant is unconstitutional and should scare the pants off every sensible and patriotic American. Have we now truly entered the world of 1984? Are we in Animal Farm where the pigs are more equal than others and we know who the pigs are, do we not!
     When we have a government, an administration such as the one we now have, it is totally wrong and totally unconstitutional and needs to go. There are ample reasons to invoke Amendment 25 and ample proof of the need to indict a sitting president even though as far as I am concerned he was never my president, elected illegally via tampering by his fellow fascist Putin. 
     The synagogue in the town was threatened by three neo Nazis armed with assault weapons standing across the street and when prayers wee over were instructed to exit the rear for safety and in group. The police - they refused to safeguard the synagogue so security was hired. America? 
     People, I am scared, immensely so. This is a horror which has overtaken us and just talk to people and see the depth of the feelings and the fear, the anger. I did yesterday and believe me, people are angry and frightened and want this man gone from office. Pence and Cabinet members and Congress - stand up and do your job and swear that you will fight this fascism in Amerika approach, root it out.
     If not, what we saw in Charlottesville will be remembered as the second round of shots heard round the world and the fighting will be magnified. When demonstrators bring assault weapons to a protest, this is bad.We are headed to a civil war and is that what we want? Was not one enough!!
      And send word to all would be dictators that we will not stand for this, not here, not in America, not anywhere in America. Be Americans.