Friday, July 31, 2015


     I have been thinking all day about the topic of hate and nastiness. I was truly taken aback at the level of gall, of chutzpah, that these two people had. Of course, I am referring to David Israel and Ed Black, who dare to do all they wish and to hell with everyone else.
     David Israel has been well known or rather notorious in his actions, at cursing people in public, yelling at them in public, ignoring them or insulting them, hating people who oppose him and firing people at will if they dare cross him. Exactly where Ed Black fits in here is unknown, whether he is the catalyst or the soldier who carries out the orders, but it does not really matter.
     David Israel should have been out of office at least two years ago but manipulated the delegate assembly THREE times until in the dead of summer he got term limits rescinded. After that he knew no limits. He would scream like a demented banshee and still does, in the assemblies, at anyone who dares to verbally oppose him. He threatened with calling 911 and the PBSO until he was told by the sheriff that they are not his servants, his posse and they do not subscribe to his whims. So now he calls on Al to shut off a mic, thus abrogating free speech, an American right and not for anyone in CV to cut it out and off.
     His paranoia and inner nastiness has come to the fore too many times and it has spread its foul odor over the entire Village. Why should I or anyone else have to write of his misdeeds and his contempt for the residents as he ignores their needs, never comes out of his hole to meet them and only invites the presidents of associations in for oh so false meetings when it approaches election time. And always around him, with him, unless he is off on a foul errand or trying to control things that are non of his business, is Ed Black, he who fires people, threatens people, has his sticky fingers and paws into everything that goes on in the Village.
     Anyone who opposes these people are subjected to nasty stuff. When I dared to oppose him two years ago because everyone else was too scared, too intimidated, he let loose his barrage of nastiness and was unpleasantly surprised when he saw I did not back away and gave as good - even better - than I got. So he got even nastier and I will stay off the topic of corrupted election procedure right now but will return to it at another time.
     Now we have a man who looks towards the future. He is getting on in age, is not so healthy, and is looking to carry on what he thinks is his legacy, so on he brings EBIT, the intern in training to imitate Ed Black and run the future UCO. I would not be surprised if he is being groomed for the next presidential election here in the Village and Israel will say he is retiring but trust me, his nastiness and his nastiness's alter ego will still be around.
     People, please, his nastiness, his mean character, his lack of people skills and inability to reach out to the residents, his never going around the Village to talk with people, never attends a show! Why are we allowing him to remain in office, to taint all that goes on in the Village, to start ridiculous projects and to play fast and loose with fiduciary responsibility and our funds, to intimidate his other officers. Look how Howie O'Brien does exactly what he is told to do.
     And what about the changing of rules almost on a daily basis. The Reporter has become a ridiculous yellow journalism Rag, not worthy of the paper it is printed on. Its editors consist of Joy Vestal, she who lives to serve David Israel, Myron Silverman who has no courage, no spine and no something else, and Don Foster, DonHoHo or EBIT now, who loves to fire people and then look for other Village positions he can grab for himself.
     Is it not time that we revert to civility? Is it not time for David Israel to admit that his time has come? Is it not time for him to GO GO GO!!! Is it not time for them to know and admit that criticism of a policy, or lack thereof, or a misstep in procedure or none at all, any criticism at all, is not to be taken as a personal attack. That is ridiculous. But nothing will change unless and until these men go, leave our UCO so that we might restructure it properly and fairly, staff it with a multitude of people rather than the few he keeps passing around. We will not have renters treated with decency here until he goes, even as he was the one who allowed Kelly to flourish with his renters and with the renters of Ed Black and Don Foster who owns multiple apartments in Sheffield as well.
     Are you not tired of the lies, the flaws, the bad consequences that we have to deal with? Are you not tired of the loss of your civil rights, your American rights? Are you not tired of the arbitrary rules that his "attorney" seems to come up with, all the while never showing anything in writing even as he strolls with Tennyson on his leash.
     Somebody out there is ready to run to oppose him. The opposition now has its own Facebook page, is on Youtube, has two blogs, has a thriving newsletter and email that is growing by leaps and bounds. All this will be thrown your way if you have the courage to run. You will not be alone and we will pledge to stay around and help and leave if and when the new president wishes, but the new president MUST be not of the David Israel/ Ed Black camp or else we are remaining in the doomed and nasty situation.
     Please, cut the garbage, run on the issues, David, speak to the people and stop hiding in your hole, debate like a man - or woman for that matter - but do something worthwhile other than your Papa Doc behaviorisms. The time has come. your time has come - and take your minions with you. No one will miss them.


     Well, folks, I hate to tell you this, but there is no way around it. We officially have a gang running the Village, entrenched in UCO and the only way out of this is to wait for time to take its toll or to reinstate term limits - NOW!!
      There has been a constant scenario of "unsatisfactory" people being thrown under the bus, so much so that the streets outside the UCO building are often figuratively red with their blood as they are thrown under the bus. Some deserve it, quite frankly, as they had sold their souls to David Israel and Ed Black for the privilege of chairing a committee or getting a new little fiefdom to run. Some are just casualties of war and the egos of weak and nasty paranoid people.
     Over the past almost six years that David Israel has been president, we have seen a major deterioration in the quality of UCO, in its lack of service to the people, in its violation of its fiduciary responsibilities to the residents, of its lack of inclusiveness, of not skimming the best from the Village to serve on UCO, to serve the residents.  What we have is an increasingly narrow and limited group of people who now are UCO. These people have one major responsibility - to serve David Israel and Ed Black. And yes, I know, we all know, that Ed is NOT an elected official, yet he is on more committees of UCO than G-d! And heads some of them as well.
     Just as an aside, a little anecdote which will give you insight into the warped, egotistical, and paranoid mind of David Israel. Some time ago he was told by someone to stop sending his emails to him/her as she/he had never given him permission to do so. He countered and said oh yes, because the email address had been giving to UCO. The reply? Yes to U
CO, but not to you and his response? An insane, "I AM UCO!!!"
     Yesterday was the straw that broke that proverbial camel's back. Recently we had a contentious Finance committee meeting where suddenly rules were changed. Suddenly renters were prevented from entering and Al, the guard, was sent there to make sure of that. Now understand that renters may have no vote, but they ALWAYS have been permitted to attend meetings and in fact there was one particular and notorious renter, Anitra Kraus (apologies if I misspelled last name), who not only attended, but took notes, ran IT, headed a committee, etc. etc. No one checks ids for renter or owner status and that is as it should be, but, my friends, there is a renter, a good writer and active person in the opposition, that they desperately wanted to exclude. Why? Who knows as it is time they learned that there are no secrets here in the Village. So Howie O'Brien, the good little soldier boy, listened to his master and closed the meeting to renters. Legal? I do not think so but even if yes, one cannot be inconsistent and allow some renters at some meetings and not at others. This is twisted logic, paranoid behavior, terror at possibly losing a position one needs to justify his life.
     Anyway, please follow along. At this meeting, three new members of the Finance meeting were announced. One was a man named Toby Lovejoy, an unknown, but probably well prepared to back up David Israel and Ed Black. Another was Don Foster AKA DonHoHo, or rather recently rechristened EBIT - Ed Black In Training as he is now accepting multiple positions - this committee, the associate editor on the Rag and fires people there as well, other committees or positions which I do not have at hand but does not matter as not to worry, if not on now, he will be in a couple of days!, and yesterday was given the position of Chair of the Election committee. Once again we will have a corrupt, shadowy election, all the better to keep the terrorist and gangster crew in position. Truly, an Ed Black in training, much to our detriment, and this for a guy who came in underage to the Village, demanded a paid position at the paper and if only he hangs on I am sure it will come his way as we have already set an example what with paying out on a $12.000 position for the Rag. This for a man who STOLE Internet connections from Olga rather than pay for his own, and who knows what else he was allegedly trying to steal - her information, her numbers, her identity and at whose instructions? Hmmm.... Just thinkin'.... And now, as a reward for doing his jobs oh so well, he is rewarded and we are screwed!
     But wait! There is more, oh, so much more. Toni, the Insurance head, was also appointed to the Finance committee, again part of the recycling of the same people, loading the committees with the same voices. However, Toni has her own ideas and objects to some proposed actions that she feels unwise or poorly done and she has resigned for that or unknown reasons. So....guess who was appointed to her seat and you only have one guess. YES! ED Black, the non elected person who is all over UCO, all over the Village, running our very lives without tacit permission, only the nasty, bigoted, evil desires of David Israel and sometimes I wonder what Ed Black has over David Israel that he gets all these appointments and all this power.
     We can go to court on this, sue David Israel, Ed Black and UCO for violation of civil rights, of the letter and spirit of the laws which govern 617 and we would win but it would be a protracted and expensive path. Many of us are already paying attorney fees as we ask questions of legality, so determined are we to rid the Village of these terrorists, these fascists, these gangsters. So sue and have him whine again about being persecuted, ad nauseum?
     There is a better and cheaper way. Term limits. Reinstate them and have a better Village where we can live with righteous people running the joint and perhaps we need a new system all together, an amalgam of hired and volunteers as this present system has been corrupted beyond words, beyond all repair. At this point, I would vote for a monkey rather than David Israel or his substitute at the next election but it does not even matter as Don Foster will continue to oversee its nasty reputation as a corrupt and cloudy election process. Prove me wrong, EBIT, and appoint others to the committee, others who do not agree with you and yours and let us all hammer out a fair and transparent process but your lord and master will never allow it and if you try to, he will throw YOU under the bus. Hmmm....
     So, residents of CV, are you going to continue to sit there like sheep? Make your outrage heard. Throw out the old and useless delegates who do not think, who do not represent you, and appoint those who will do the right thing and represent the association, not the whims and wishes and commands of the nasty ones over there in UCO. This is the United States of America and we are not supposed to be living under restrictive conditions which violate and deny us our civil rights.
     I was literally sick about all this yesterday. Enough is enough, Do we have to wait for death or physical infirmity to remove the maggots from our midst, remove those in training to take over or can we, will we, stand up and do the right thing? There is no Papa Doc here, no Tonton Macoutes, so there is nothing to fear and if all stood up to him he could do nothing, be as impotent as he and his buddies deserve. Stand with us, stand up for yourself, stand up for the right. Must we turn to the outside media again and make our shame known out there again? Must we turn to outside organizations  who fight for the rights of citizens to live freely? Do we not have enough to counter, to fight, to keep our Village the way it should be, to get rid of the Kellys and those who enabled him to flourish - and for that - look to UCO for they KNEW and ALLOWED it to happen.
     The present reality sucks. It is wrong, unfair and possibly even literally illegal. For those of us who came from Brooklyn, here is the old, yet fitting refrain - "Trow de bum oudda here!"

Thursday, July 30, 2015


     It seems that the Rag is a gift that keeps on giving. I know they are proud of their new colored inserts, but are they proud of their journalistic achievements? Highly doubtful as basically, there are no achievements. There is not even proper proofreading! Typos occur in all published material and I just love when I find errors in books, but the amount and continuity of these errors is just too high.
     In addition, the content of the articles, if one can call propagandist drivel articles, is of low quality. But what we have here at The Rag is simply another example of what plagues UCO in general - the promotion of little people and their egos over the benefit of the Village and its residents. Truly, what was their life experience that has led them to their current positions? And please, I have seen the exaggeration of resumes grow over the years, so truth please. And yes, I agree, there is always time and reason to stretch and reinvent oneself, but there also has to be an acknowledgement when one is over one's head, going down for the third time, and the immediate necessity is to call for help.
     The staffing also calls for thought. DonHoHo has grown from a newcomer to one who wanted to be paid to one who returned with a bigger role than before, writing several articles and recipes for each issue. It is also interesting to note that he is now on the Finance Committee though he had nothing to say at the last meeting. Basically he has nothing to say, especially since he stopped writing his nasty comments on the blog of David's. Is this what we have to look forward to - another Ed Black in the making? Another one who will crawl into all areas of UCO without having been elected? I guess this is the CVWPB Intern Program. Not a good thought!
     Never does The Rag reach out now to gather opinions of others. Well, for one thing, they want to prevent what has already been outed - the truth. We know that UCO ignored the Sheffield O problem. We know that they have ignored other issues even as they concentrated on the whims of the Lord and Master over there in UCO. They have allowed false material and statements to be written and no refutation was allowed. Joy even hid her own knowledge of YEARS about the Sheffield O problem, hid behind her "journalistic" protection - The Rag!
     Ed Black's ridiculous article about the Kent contract and the holes in it as well as the lousy performance of the company needed to be presented along with a refutation but none was solicited for then Ed would have been angry and who knows what revenge might have been taken? Would Joy have lost her editor position? Wishful thinking, that! In any case, that article and its content is for another posting. Not neglecting you, Ed, do not worry.
     What irked me personally was the article that was supposed to represent a differing opinion on same sex marriage as opposed to the warm article written by Ruth Berman. If this article, if it can be called that, represents the best of the opposition then woe upon us. The article was bigoted with many nasty insinuations. For one, the one that most stuck in my craw was his rather clumsy attempt to say that while it is okay by him to have these relationships (oh thank you, Irv, for giving permission for people to have loving relationships) but not marriage. Why, just call it coupling! At that point, the nausea was overwhelming.
     Yes, people can be called couples, but the term coupling is used mainly to refer to animals. We couple two oxen as a yoked pair. Animals are coupled, bred to each other - NOT HUMANS. If the fact of two people who love each other getting the right to state this to the world bothers you, if two men linking up in a legal manner, able to take care of each other, adopt children together, adopt the child of one of the partners and yes, Irv, there are ways for gay couples to have their own children, then listen up. I can explain it to you privately. Well, if all this bothers you, here is some advice - don't marry a guy!
     I believe that humans should have evolved to the point where a loving and consensual relationship is recognized as such. It is time we recognized that G-d made us all and if you have a question, send it to the proper address. We do not have the right to deny permission for two adults to bind themselves together. How many more couples of advanced age must you see as they come to the registrars' offices all over the country to make their union official after lo all these years that they have been together.
     And no, I do not swing that way, but if I did, I would have wanted the opportunity, the right, to have found my partner in life and make it official. Gerry and I will be married 48 years, G-d willing, in September and knew each other and dated for five years before, thru high school and a year of college. Why can not others have the same right to do this openly in a loving relationship. Who are we to deny that?
     If your religious beliefs say no to all this, remember, others in the Bible were also to receive the same punishments and would you stone a rebellious child or a possible witch, a Wiccan? No, I would hope not so why LGBTQ couples?  No one is forcing you into such a relationship so no one is violating your rights. Restrict the rights of some and the rest follows. We had that situation in Nazi Germany, before that throughout history when Jews were marked with badges and hats, locked behind ghetto walls from sunset to sunrise, in Soviet Russia, in Moslem countries where Jews and Christians are second class citizens and even Moslems of a different sect are considered sub human and even right here in the USA where Jews were prevented by covenants in buying homes or were shown the signs, "No Jews". Hate grows, seeks places to enter. Let us keep it out. Wherever it might go.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     My readers already know how I feel about the demise of The Reporter, its devolvement into The Rag. I cannot state it strongly enough, emphasize it enough. The press and its honest reporters have broken many stories throughout the history of the world. Yes, reporters are not perfect and can be majorly annoying, but be it in revolutionary France, colonial America or any other country in the world, it is often the press which leads the fight for right, lights the spark that will ignite the hearts and minds of people.
     It is important enough so that I will simply state a few more thoughts about it.
1."Congress shall make no law ....abridging the freedom....of the press."
2."This provision now protects the press from all government - local, state or federal."
3. "This concept supersedes even the acquisitive power of the Officers of UCO and the imperial autocracy of the UCO Reporter Editorial Board."
4. "The only connection that the Officers of UCO should have with the UCO Reporter is the right to submit Articles and/or write Letters to the Editor."

Is anybody finding this a bit familiar? I apologize for incorrect punctuation, but you see, OOOPPPS!!! These are not my original words, but the words of someone very well known to you and highly embroiled in the running of the present Rag - DAVID ISRAEL. Yes, the very same guy we all so know and love (not).
Want more?
."..we the Unit Owners own the Reporter and we have the right to expect a free and independent Editorial Board free of undue influence."
"We do not need to read that which is in essence a filtered and smoothed UCO House organ!"  (Love that one!)
"....they have the right to their opinion and all of those writings should have been published under the rubric of Opinion."
"The right to our opinion and the right to criticize our Elected Officials is a uniquely inherent fundamental American right."
"These restrictions.....are a direct attack on the Democratic principles we hold so dear."

Don't you love it! This guy shrieks unto the Heavens with all his twisted opinions and restrictions on the freedom of speech and press and assembly for opponents and yet, and yet - lookee here what he wrote in early November, 2008.
    Yes, these are his words, written somewhat illiterately, but still, I have said it before and will say it again. The man speaketh with forked tongue and speaks with whatever is politically relevant and for his benefit. In other words, he is a time connected liar and an opportunist and no one can EVER trust what he says since he does not mean a single thing and will seemingly do or say anything at any time as long as it is beneficial for and to him.
     This guy has got to go. Hey, even Obama, spoke to this yesterday when he said, " No one should be president for life. Your country is better off if you have new blood and new ideas." (Wow, I have been saying that for a heck of a long time!)
Hey, that includes you, David Israel. Resign, give it up, term limits are there for a purpose. Go. Shoo. Amscray. Get the hell outta' here! Get the point?
     A closing thought.
     "In "Federalist 51, "James Madison explained with cautionary insight the essential balance between the civil society and governmental restraint: "In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."  (underlining is mine).
    We need to internalize that thought from one of our Founding Fathers. We need to take it to heart and live by it, for certainly our government here, otherwise known as UCO, headed by David Israel and Ed Black, the unofficial Vizier, cannot and does not govern itself.

Even more seriously, we should all pray for the safe return of the two missing boys or at least knowledge of their fate, for the sake of the parents. Give your kids and grandchildren a call today, just to say I love you. It will make you feel better - and them too.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


     Excuse me while I finish laughing and catch my breath. Have you seen, or better yet, read the new issue of The Rag? I must say, the name fits beautifully. I have never seen so many articles in the same issue of a publication on the same topic, all saying the same thing and all, somehow, getting in at least one of two comments:
1. How oh so wonderful David Israel and UCO were in solving this issue and
2. How annoying that "small group" of haters was and how they have done nothing for the Village in any way. Even suggestions they have made are ridiculous.
And I may as well raise another point. Please read the letter from Kelly's lawyer, if that is what he truly is. It is illiterate in its punctuation and phrasing, very poor behavior for an attorney. Each punctuation mark, proper spelling all mean something and either this guy was last in his class, has no assistant to proofread, does not have grammar check, or plans to use the errors in the letter to void it later on. Be aware!
     Well, thank you for all your attention. It just goes to show how much you are afraid of us and the truth we represent and bring to the notice of the residents. Thank you again. You see, the problem for you guys is that the technique of the Big Lie, used so well by Stalin and Hitler, and well written about in books such as 1984 and Brave New World, is not really working very well for you anymore. So sorry, but perhaps if you consult your Fascist handbook you might find some help, such as increasing the censorship and blocking of news, etc.  Just trying to be helpful, ya' know.
     I must say that I was both pleasantly surprised and disappointed by two VPs. Barbara Cornish publishes her phone number for people to call. Still think she should call first to the associations, but this will work, though remember, as can be seen in Sheffield O, that some boards will not have the oomph to do that first call. She thanks people for their work, though I still challenge her to appoint me to one of her supervised committees. We do not agree on term limits, but that is okay as democracy allows for differences of opinion.
     However, I was truly disappointed by Fausto's article. He makes a plea to work together even as he writes that there is a small group of haters here in the Village who are impeding those "elected to 'guide' the Village in a positive direction." Pardon me while I puke over that statement. Have you too fallen into the rut of David Israel and Ed Black? Are you playing the oh, pity us, card? Are you actually trying to put these UCO officers in the pictures as the underdogs!!!!!! Love it!! You repeat that we should work together? Well, go to my blog and read where I wrote this over and over again, most recently on the 24th in What A Waste. Do not be a hypocrite and say one thing while meaning another. Please, we have enough of that already in UCO.
     So let's go to the main topic of the Rag - the Sheffield O issue.  "Stunning Turnaround" shouts the lead headline. Uh, what turnaround was that? The fact that Kelly has his lawyer say that he has given up one thing, trying to dissolve the condo association? Really? And exactly how will that make it a stunning turnaround? Are the units going back on the market? Or are we going to continue to have homeless and transients being placed in there? Will we continue to have beggars there? And how about that "scantily" clad young lady? Perhaps that is the reason why that dude is standing at the Okeechobee entrance with a big Viagra sign. He is drumming up business! These issues of the apartments and their occupants are NOT solved nor will it change for the upcoming year as we get more people using this building as a motel, perfectly placed for South American shopping trips.
     Yes, one step forward, but we are still way behind the eight ball, my friends. Please remember that and also remember that it was David Israel who YEARS ago sent Nancy Salmi home with her tail between her legs, left out there all alone, because he said and maintained for years it was not UCO business, much to UCO's shame. It only suddenly became UCO business when WE shouted and yelled, wrote about it in the CV Messenger, and spoke to a TV reporter. Yes, it was UCO's concern and we had to kick their respective asses for them to acknowledge it.
     And by the way, it was ME who asked what the president knew and when and sorry, guys, it was a perfectly legit question, one which we already knew the answer to. And then, of course, we have the lovely article by Jody Lebel whose sole purpose is to rally people against the opposition, to walk away, to not read the papers - the CV Messenger. Well, sorry, Jody, whoever you are, as that ship has long ago sailed. WE are printing more issues than ever before and they are being grabbed up, mailed out, passed along, read on line, etc.
     By the way, dearest, passing along truth is not rumor nor gossip. It is the annoying truth to those who are at fault and who will try anything and everything to deny it. Not working..... You should also know that there is no one group here, only people that have come together at times and who agree and disagree with each other, again, as is proper in a democracy, people who are individually finding their own voices and sometime these voices are united in one place, but as a cabal? Spare me. Get over your paranoia and sense of persecution.
     So sorry, Joy, praise yourself all you want, but self praise is worthless, valueless, and if this paper is symbolic or representative of a super paper in your mind and opinion, then you truly have lost your journalistic way, never mind journalistic integrity.
     Oh, and your effort to make a joke of a serious problem - people here in the Village are elderly or getting there! Many have paper thin skin, delicate to the touch, always being damaged in one way or another. People have various diseases and syndromes that make it difficult for them to heal when injured. A burning bench, purportedly there for the comfort and ease of our residents and the uneven rocky or deep pits in which these benches are placed, particularly those that are off the perimeter road, is not a joke. Perhaps I should invite you to sit down on one after the sun has been shining directly on it for  several hours, and then hobble you so as to simulate the problems of some of our residents and not to worry, I will dial 911 as soon as you burn yourself!
     Now who cares and who does not about our residents and not to worry, today I end here, but as we all know ..."I'll be back!"
So much to write about.

Monday, July 27, 2015


      Was a tad lazy this morning and just did not get up, instead mused about various things going on in the Village. As usual, there were many that needed tinkering.
     One of the meetings this week is to deal with a new election committee chair. I guess Gorodetzer has finally resigned or been removed. She did work hard, but I believe that the last few years have shown a deterioration in her thinking and flexibility and change is definitely a good idea, but change is the key word and question. My guess is that we are simply going to get another shill of David Israel, possibly Anita Buchanan who does have a brain but seems to shut it down when it approaches anything to do with her lord and master. What should be done is to appoint co - chairs perhaps, people who are either new or from different camps in the Village, thus insuring open debate, new actions and policies and the restoration of a clear and honest election process, a process which has sadly and greatly deteriorated. But that is a pipe dream as expecting David Israel to play fair is like taking a trip to Pluto! Reaaaaaallllllly difficult.
     Another topic this week in the operations committee is that of a fountain!!! by the island outside the Clubhouse. Honestly! Do we really need to spend $20,000 on that? Who cares and what difference will it make to the fabric of life here in the Village. It might look nice, who knows, but as I have stated many times before - we need an austerity budget and if we have $20,000 to spare, then apply it to needed projects in the coming fiscal year, not to pie in the sky wishful thinking projects that will do nothing. People want to know that we have settled the Kelly and Sheffield O situation, not that we have a new fountain by the Clubhouse. People want to know that the issue of renters and homeless and transients is settled, not that we have a fountain. I can go on and on, but the point is made.
     There is also an issue regarding the last Finance meeting where Al, the guard Captain, was told to, assigned to, monitor those entering the meeting room and to bar any renters. Interesting that. Are we going to assign renters a sign or badge that they must wear so we will know who they are? Are we going to tar all renters with the same brush or are we going to make a difference between the long term renters, those who have even made a contribution to our Village and between those who are of Kelly ilk? You all know what is right so why let this stand, another Israel special, probably with the blessing of Ed Black.
     Do we have the question of open access and debate, of distribution of handouts, etc. settled fairly for the upcoming election? I doubt it highly. Well, why not? Why not pressure Eva and the Levys? Why not insist that David Israel stand up and fess up to the fact that it is he who controls this and Eva is his pawn here, that he is indeed a Fascist in his thinking and behavior?
     Finally, here is a little tidbit being generated in the rumor windmill of the Village. Heard it over the weekend. David Israel is NOT going to run again as there is too much open and vocal opposition to his blatant violation of the original term limits of the Village. It is felt that his "legacy" had left too much bad taste. It is also felt that he is too damn stuck in his bad ways to do any good for us so he is not going to run and instead will throw his weight to someone else, someone already in the administration. Shudder, shudder. Unless this person stands up to the lord and master and says thank you but you are out, and so is Ed Black, then we will be in the same or even worse situation. Just a comment and thought.
     Well, life is certainly not dull here, is it? Always puts forth food for thought. Trouble is, how many people actually will do the thinking and then the acting? It has been increasing, so let us hope the trend continues.
    Nothing to do with this article, but go to this site and listen. It will take seven minutes - but WOW!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015


     It has often been said that what is past is prologue, that from the past comes the present and the future. It is the butterfly effect theory wherein the flap of the wings of a butterfly on one side of the world causes a hurricane on the other. To put it more simply, it is that six degrees of separation that often turns out to be only 2 or 3 degrees of separation. It is the consequences that ensue so quickly that we cannot even catch our breath.
     The echoes of the past are with us, and sometimes quite powerfully. Today, for Jews, is one of those powerfully linked days of past and present and the concern for the future. Today is Tisha B"Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, a day that has been filled with tragedy for the Jewish nation throughout the years, the long years, of history.
     It is the day that the spies returned with a fearful report on the land of Canaan and the Israelites wandered forty more years in the desert before reaching their Promised Land. It is the day both Temples were destroyed and the day years afterwards that the Romans plowed it all under, the day of the fall of Betar, an important city in Judea, the day of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and the day a momentous and ominous decision was made about the Warsaw Ghetto.
     So today many Jews fast, chant special prayers, have special programs, all to remind us of what has been lost and what has happened to us over the millennia. It is a day wherein many pray at the Kotel, or Western Wall, Plaza and many wish to walk up to the Temple Mount where the Temple stood, just to imbibe of the air, the sense of faith that was always there for on this same mountain top Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac. But today it was meant to be forbidden as Palestinians had other plans and these included using their holy mosque as a storage place, an armory of firebombs, firecrackers, rocks, weapons, etc., all to use against the Israeli and other Jews who came to worship at the plaza or walk up to the Mount. This is how one uses a place that one considers holy? As an armory from which to attack and maim and even kill? This is the goal of their plans?
     One wonders what the world actually values amongst its various populations. Are we ever to forego the hatred from years past, the enmity that never seems to die out or are we doomed to keep stoking those ashes until the fire is burning high again. Russia is back to a dictatorship again, one that wishes to bring back the politics of the Cold War, is indulging its long, long hatred and competition with the Ukrainians. China is busy beavering into our computer files, looking for information it can use against us, ISIS has an Islamic Caliphate in an arc from Afghanistan to Nigeria. Our president is "looking for his roots" in a land where democracy is shunned, where gay men are hunted and killed, but oh, there he is dining with an extended family of a father who deserted him before birth and had truly nothing to do with him for the rest of his life other than one meeting. Where are his roots as an American? Where are his roots as an ally to his friends or does the Obama doctrine command that we smile at our enemies and frown and turn away from our
     So the Turkish government is now going to fight ISIS, or so they say, but in the meanwhile they are taking advantage of the times and killing Kurds once again. Sunni is killing Shiite and both are killing Yazidis. The Serbs and Albanians are still at each other and the posturing goes on. And all the world blames Israel for the whole mess. Interesting how powerful one tiny country is?!
     And so the world continues to mourn. The mass graves of Srebnica were opened again and the tears of the survivors once more watered the earth. And our president thinks he is making peace with Iran, for "any deal is better than none, even a bad deal." Truly? Anybody hear the whispers of Chamberlain, echoing down the years, that now the world will find peace, that we will never go to war again?  How simplistic are these actions and how dangerous for all.
     So why is Israel so concerned? Simple. It is an existential threat and if Americans were aware enough they would know that Iran is an existential threat to the world, to the "Great Satan - America" whose flags they still burn even as they chant words of hatred as their leaders threaten to change directions in this deal.
     Tisha B'Av is not just for Jews to mourn dates and actions of history. It is a day for all thinkers of the world to wonder where we are going, what we are doing. We need to wonder if G-d is there on high, holding His head in His hands and agonizing, "What was I thinking?" Let us all take stock today of where we stand in life and for those who are fasting, think of those who fast everyday for they have no food - right here in the USA. Watch the Frontline program Poor Kids and wonder at our priorities. (Sorry if this is a bit down, but this is a sad day for my people throughout history and I do not see anything changing. The echoes of the past are too strong and one day soon I will write of the new PC anti Semitism of the world.)

Friday, July 24, 2015


     While sitting and waiting for something this morning I had time to think about what is going on with UCO and the two different camps that appear to be battling it out, with the reformers picking up momentum and the current incumbents resorting to all sorts of ruses in order to maintain tenure in office. And I thought to myself - what a waste! What a waste of time, energy, ideas and enthusiasm that could all go to benefit the Village without first having to slog through a million miles of obstinacy and stupidity.
     Just think what could be done, what energy could be provided, what synergy would result if new volunteers would be accepted and named to committees so that instead of circulating the same 10 people, there are now 30 people or 40 people or 50 people all bursting with enthusiasm, all eager and gung ho to serve the Village.
     Just think what energy would be invested in more profitable outlets rather than having this same energy wasted as we fight to get our ideas heard and even put into practice. And make no mistake about it, our ideas are being accepted and are being put into place even as they fight it. Our truths are being heard, even if it took years for them to admit it. Instead of them expending their energy on denying the truth, how much better would it have been to work in a cooperative manner with all?    Instead of us having to waste time fighting crazy pie in the sky plans, we could all sit down and figure out the best places for our money, the best investment for our dollars and even perhaps figure out how we could get our own Clubhouse and at less than the highway robbery prices and costs that we pay off now. Hey, maybe we could even figure out what to do with the golf course.
     Just think how easy it would be if we were all able to cooperatively able to sit down and rework the bylaws together, actually work on a true Village newspaper together or even better yet, encourage both papers, returning the Rag to the Reporter and enjoying the CV Messenger. Why not be a two paper town?!
     Why not encourage true action and participation by encouraging debate and discussion. There are plenty of people here with a working brain so why dumb things down and show contempt for our residents? I do not and I believe that effort and attitude is appreciated.
     What a waste. Truly. But there is nothing we can do about it unless and until we get term limits reinstated and bring on the fresh and varied volunteers and integrate old and new together, taking the best from all and leaving the negative out there to decay. Think about it.


     I had to look around and make sure I was in the correct place as I heard the word "process" used at a Bids committee meeting yesterday. I have been shouting for that word since before I ran for office, since I first became upset at the lack of process and procedure in UCO, in anything having to do with the administration of the Village. That lack of process led to so many of the financial debacles and sneaky money trails because the perpetrators knew they would get away with it. So now, David Forness, Chair of Bids has been pushing for a process - how to write RFPs, the timing and the whole procedure - all that Jack Adams on that same committee had been urging for lo these many years. And look who suddenly wants process - David Israel, sitting there telling them all that 'we must adapt a process and if not we go down a slippery slope." Ahh, there's that slope again!
     So once again, what we in the opposition have been pushing for is now being adopted, at least they are mouthing the words anyway, and that is good for the Village. It was interesting to note that there was a vote for something that was out of process but the reason was given as an emergency situation. What, you ask? The perimeter walkways. Oh yes, those same walkways that have been in bad condition since a few weeks after they were first done as part of the unfortunate paving job. So what is the emergency that we had to drop process? It could have waited another couple of weeks and Toni Salometo and Barbara Cornish understood that and voted No on the motion to accept a bid for it.
     These two were strong in their urging to follow a process, to be sure of what we want and/or need and then make sure that it is correct, give the vendors all the info they need to make a proper RFP and then work the whole procedure. Good for them! Perhaps there is hope here and good for us that we see that they are being pushed to the wall and our demands for good governance are being heard.
     What was even more amazing was seeing David Israel sit there in that same damned creased jacket and pair of pants, and spout off that we need outside consultants and why, because we have no in house expertise! Yes, this same man who NEVER wanted outside information or supervision because he and Ed Black just knew it all, suddenly had caved to our demands and urges for experts. However, calling in experts and paying them and then ignoring them as they did with the Wi Fi scenario, and disastrously with the paving, is not a good idea either! So now we are going to consult with Simmons & White - AGAIN - on the roads? Are we going to take them up on their advice or will Ed Black just run and ruin the day again?
     And I beg to differ as to expertise. Yes, on such huge projects we absolutely must have outside consultants. But we do have experts living here in the Village whose life pre Village was in those fields such as construction or whatever it is that needs supervision. The problem is that David Israel does not like anyone outside his little circle and would rather die than admit that one or more of the 'malcontents" has it all over him with their knowledge in specific areas that the Village is working in. Never will he admit to that for that negates all he has been saying and shouting for five years.
     The "funniest" thing though that stood out at the meeting was hearing the constant reassurance that oh, the pro vote was not an acceptance as it had to go to Operations and down the line as part of the "process". And here is where this process is a joke, a misnomer. Who votes in all these committees? The same damn people! It is the same names that we see all the time with the token new guy here or there. For example, DonHoHo on the finance committee is not new. He is at the Rag, firing people. Double jeopardy in a sense? The same officers vote again and again so never mind three bites of the same apple; it is much more than that. What is the purpose of this farce? All it does is keep the corrupt and inefficient status quo and that is one thing we wish to change and for sure, term limits will help alleviate this situation.
     David Forness seems to be a calm and collected guy who understands the importance of process. Would that he remains insistent on this and would that it remains a true process and not a farce or corrupt as has often been the case in UCO.
     People, we have made progress, but the strength of an electorate is its participants. Apathy will allow corruption and ineptness to continue. It will allow the wasting of our funds, the pipe dreams that will take precedence over the necessities, the wasteful spending that will oppose the need for an austerity budget as much as we can in order to pay what we must and save where we must as for the roads and infrastructure and the post Millennium legal work. Take the time away from an hour at the pool or on the court and come and participate in YOUR Village Administration. Read the CV Messenger. Read the truthful blogs, not the fake one purporting to be the Village blog even as it is limited to the same shills and liars. Fine tune your time so as to help make our home the best place it can be. If not, the blame will be upon your shoulders when you look around and wonder how we ever got here. Proof - just look at how we finally moved them off the dime when we all stood up and roared about the Sheffield O situation. Together - we can rule. Together - we can make a difference - a big one.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


     I have been scratching my head since yesterday trying to figure out what that Finance meeting was all about and what was gained by it. What did it represent and what was that all about in the form of the bizarre behavior and seating arrangements of the officers of UCO.
     Normally, when meetings are held, all the officers are sitting at the big table, be it in the conference room or in Room C. Yesterday was different. It appeared to be coordinated and for some reason which I cannot fathom. David Israel and Ed Black who usually bookend the conference table were seated together in a front row on the left and behind them a couple of rows back and further left was Bob Marshall, out of it, as usual. It has been mentioned to me that David Israel was seen signaling to Howie O'Brien via head and hand movements at key portions of the meeting and discussions. Interesting, is it not.  In the front on the right was Joy Vestal, muttering to her buddy, particularly when I got up to get the mic for a speaker. As I took the mic, they spoke out loud in alarmed tones, "What is Esther doing? She's taking the mic!" Riiiight. I was going to put it under my shirt and take it out of the room and what? Sell it on Ebay? Dumb is dumb but that was ridiculous. I gave it to the speaker and sat down and moved the mic around as needed as no one else seemed willing. And guess what - it went back into place at the end of the meeting. Darn! No mic for Ebay sale. Oh well.
     Then of course we had Barbara Cornish sitting in the back, perhaps observing the overall gestalt? But then again, she does like to sit in the back of the theater when possible so .... But they all should have been sitting at the table as they are all members of the Committee. Were they trying to hide the fact that here was another example of the same people getting to vote again and again on the same issues? Vote here, vote as an officer, vote in Bids, vote in Operations, etc. ad nauseum. Did they think they were fooling anyone when Toni and Toby Lovinger, an unknown, were introduced as the new members? Really? This Lovinger was the token new guy and where he came from nobody knows, but seriously, all we had here was another reshuffling of the same old people.
     So, anyway, here comes the budget. But wait. It is not ready. It might not be ready till questions begin to be asked in November. But associations are going to be meeting in Dec. and Jan. to set their budgets so what does it get based on? Oh, who knows, since the UCO budget now gets locked in place in April. But wait! Then the two budgets will not be in sync so what are the associations supposed to do - pay more beforehand or less and then make it up and then pay again for the coupons  to be reprinted? And were the bylaws ever changed to allow this budget change or was the vote just for last year and  then assumed that it was ok to carry on?
     You see, the whole process is so murky that one needs the EPA to come and clear up the water. We were not supposed to talk about the roads and their big bill that will be coming due but it was the elephant in the room, so raise it I did and so did many others as they had questions about the funding.
     Most of the questions revolved around trust and surety. How are we to be assured that the money we are supposed to be putting away for road reserve will remain there and not be used for other items as we have our sophisticated mish mash reserve account. I was told - you won't be sure! Truly! You see, if the house is on fire, we use the money. Truly? What if the couch needs replacing or someone decides they have another pet project to use the money to pay for - oh, like perhaps Wi Fi in any version or signing other contracts that we know nothing about?
     Then we have two firms that are supposed to be possibly involved in an engineering report on the roads. One is the same firm whose advice we so astutely ignored last time so how do we know that we will listen this time, especially as all is done by the same dudes who got us in trouble last time with no contracts, fake contracts, pseudo contracts, moving money around, denying truths about the lousy situation and conditions of the roads and even being told yesterday that they really are not in such bad shape! Uh huh! Wonder what Village they are residing in?
     One thing that truly startled me was the statement of wonder that the paving company had not made sure to do the best job over at Greenbriar for after all, didn't they know that the President of UCO lived there? Really? And why should this be important? The important questions are really why did they not do a proper job in the first place ALL OVER the Village and why this "astute" president did not take them to task for this job and indeed, why he signed all the contracts that allowed them to do this?
     I proposed that the new contracts, the reports, the decisions, all be done out in the open, transparent, and not by the same people. Dorothy mentioned once burned, twice shy. The officers of UCO discovered, if that was their motive for sitting the way they did, that tough questions will and are being asked and no one is going to be led down the path of idiocy again.
     Then of course we had the question of funding the legal fees for post Millennium as we are sure that the Levy family has its batteries of lawyers at work already. I wonder what they will work with if this Sheffield problem is not stopped in its tracks all over the Village and if WPRF
does not rein in its wish list for the coming years. It is nice to indulge oneself with OPM - other people's money, but that money is OURS and we need to watch it like hawks. Pathetically, I thought, we were asked to show up at the Operations committee which is not even publicized! and voice our objections. C'mon! It is the officers who vote on this - we, as guests, have no power, and the officers need to rummage around and find a couple of pairs and stand up to WPRF and vote NO NO NO to pie in the sky and overly expensive projects.

     Anyway, getting back to the post Millennium legal fees. It is way past time that we start on this and on the planning and no, no more  Tennyson, which David Israel thought to be oh, so funny, as this is his pet who gives him the answers he wants. And please, no more Gorodetzer for these committees. I am seriously concerned about her health after sitting behind her at a DA and listening to her mutter away to herself the entire meeting until she stalked out.
     So, bottom line, what was accomplished yesterday? Who the hell knows, but at least these UCO people were put on notice that there are people who will remain in the fray, who will battle for the rights of the Village, for its financial sanity, for common sense and proper procedures. No walk in the park here and our blogs are going strong, our CV Messenger is going strong so we will not be totally shut out of the process and making our voices heard. Hey, maybe we can get a banner with our objections printed on there. It doesn't take too long. Put that in your pipe, Mr. Israel, Mr. Black. Enjoy the thought.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


     The power of words, the power of the pen have long been known. Books are powerful and that is why dictators try to stifle the words of books, of opposition, burn them even, but just one word from a famous author -  "J'accuse!" - turned the French world upside down in the Dreyfus case.
     We of the opposition believe in the power of the word and hence our blogs, The CV Messenger, and all the handouts that have been for the Village's benefit. And now we have the words of current UCO people, elected and not, and they will now hoist themselves on their own petard. I would have liked to have let them worry for a few more weeks but I guess just seeing their hypocrisy in print excited some to just go ahead so I will follow their lead and by the way, take the time to read Stew Richland's posting on Gary's blog - an excellent piece.
     Term limits is key to getting rid of stale thoughts, stale people, selfish people. It has always been so at CV until some people who have no lives other than that conferred upon them by UCO, needed to remain in office. They had a deep visceral need to do so and felt and still feel that we OWED it to them to allow this. One in particular was elected and the other was his shadow? bossman? vizier? guru? Take your choice.
     Let's take Ed Black first, he who is non elected yet is chair of multiple very important committees, especially concerned with the use of our funds - and their misuse - and who has not a finger, but a whole hand in almost every aspect of UCO because that is what David Israel has allowed. Courtesy of Ed Black we now have the lousy Kent security contract, a mess on the roads, a self aggrandizing man who thinks he can do the job of PBSO and never mind the harm it causes and who is such a hypocrite that it boggles the mind.
     "A shill is someone whose praises are motivated by self interest." Written by Ed Black on May 23, 2008. Interesting, that , as he is now a shill for the present UCO administration and a chief proponent of speaking out for allowing it to remain in office forever and a day. Nice.
     " one should be allowed to occupy any one office indefinitely......the fire in the belly of any newly elected to do their very best is itself one compelling reason to allow limits to stand.......make damn certain UCO promotes and encourages the next become involved in the governance of this Village...."
     Sounds like something I would back, does it not? Hmm, Ed Black and I agreeing on something. Wow!!! Ed must be gnashing his teeth at this point. Ah, yes, but words do have a way of coming back to haunt their owner. One must be careful about what one supports and then suddenly does not because it is inconvenient.
     And let us not forget his other statement about Channel 63 - "....bad enough that Channel 63 is using our information station to bore us to death with a presentation out of the 1950's." This from the very same man who censored Channel 63, caused the resignation of the Greggs, and look at our Channel 63  now - right out of the 1940's. One better, huh, Ed.
     So, hypocrite number one wanted term limits, nay, demanded them, urged them, for the very same reasons that he now degrades, denies, and defies. Such a hero! Such a good and pure man driven by the purest of all reasons - self interest and greed, greed for power, for control!
     Now let us approach our esteemed leader, the eminent and distinguished  Mr. David Israel, he of the somewhat lacking vocabulary, the one that derives from the Cold War and old techie terms. Yes, you got it.
     He states, on July 11, 2008 that "I was/am opposed to removing term limits. Autocrats abhor term limits because they preclude their becoming permanently ensconsed in their Autocratic positions."
     Yes, read it again. Translation: dictators hate term limits because it means they could not remain in perpetual and oppressive office - all the better to ruin the lives of their electorates. Wow!!! Double wow. He who now thinks of himself as do others of his ilk, as the president for Life, actually said the opposite was a good idea. He who now wants to be dictator for life once railed against that very idea. So who is the Autocrat now, David? Guess he has been reading too many of the current events of African and South American countries where the elected official then suddenly denies free elections due to "ensuring the safety of the country - at least in the present." Try back in about 20 years or so and maybe then will be a better time for human rights, for civil rights, for freedom of speech, for new people and new ideas, for a better CV.
     Yes, people, this is who is now in office and who wants to remain there forever, never mind the disasters he has brought upon us, one after the other, in a troubling cascade and who knows what else is lurking there in the background, waiting to be found out and dealt with. Who knows? Scary thought.
     But there is a way of dealing with this and that is to get rid of the dead wood, simply by reinstating term limits and do not grandfather anyone out. No present officer in any position of UCO who has outlived term limits is to remain in office. That will get them removed, all those dead heads who needed to be weeded out. They can always run for another position or just wait an election out and then run again. They can always volunteer, so the idea that their "experience" will be lost to us - what hooey! Another delaying tactic by those who lie to us on a daily basis and if you do not believe that, then just say the magic words - and there are many - Sheffield O, Easthampton, $5 million dollar boondoggle and debacle of road paving, $30 million waiting to be collected, Wi Fi and Broadband sneaky plans, Kent security disaster, Channel 63, The Rag and its disintegration, poor planning if any at all, and do not forget the four units owned by Peter Cruz in another Sheffield building! What awaits us there? Hot benches, dangerous to sit upon or even touch and how about benches that are unsafe as presently placed and been in that same condition for years, yes, years! And the list can go on and on.
     Time for these hypocrites to go, to let us try to fix up what damage they have wrought and bring our lovely retirement bubble back up to where it should be, without breaking the backs of the residents. Let us bring back VPs who reach out to their quadrants, a president who gets out into the fresh air and actually talks to the residents where they are, not in a majesty format wherein he sits in his office and deigns to entertain them and display his benevolence. Abraham Lincoln said it a whole lot better than I ever could -"government of the people, by the people and for the people..." Every president, including our Founding Father George Washington, who turned down a crown by the way. (want that too, David?), knew that two terms was enough - for the man and the country and the only one who defied that, FDR, proved eventually to be a poor  decision. Two terms and then out, to try again for something else or again, later, for a past position. What is so bad about that? There is no downside- except for those who are megalomaniacs.
    And as an aside, there is a nasty rumor now being spread in the Clubhouse and by the pools that Howie Silver resigned due to mental illness. How dare they! Go look in the mirror and see just who has paranoid tendencies that are well documented, who has megalomaniacal issues, who has temper tantrums and fits like a toddler. Leave a good man alone and appreciate all that he has done for the Village.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


View the CVMessenger Newspaper Vol.#11 - Click here.


     Yesterday, Olga asked several questions of David Israel re his statement that UCO is vigorously managing to interdict irregular call in channels so that Sheffield O renters cannot be called in. Well, besides the fact that one cannot block a person from his/her home, no matter the circumstances or path by which that residence became one's home, we now have another misuse of a term.  
     Interdict is truly defined as a prohibitory decree and arises from Roman Catholic censures having to do with burial rights and rites. Well, I am assuming we are not burying anyone at the gates or supervising burial elsewhere so what exactly are these bans we are using.? And, for that matter, what are irregular call in channels?
     Do we have tags on systems that say irregular? Do we have secret backdoor techniques of calling in, perhaps left over from the Cold War so spies should be able to escape the dangerous territory of Century Village? Is walking up to the gate and leaving names called irregular? Once a person is on the books as a legal tenant then he has all rights coming to him as a tenant, renter, owner, whatever.
     Quite frankly, the only way to stop anything is to stop it from happening and that would mean an increased awareness of WPRF and stronger and more alert and educated association boards, a process which is about three years too late. So please, David, edify us and please ''splain'" to us all about the irregular channels, what they are, how they work, why they were not used before, if they are legal, and exactly what are we "interdicting" and how? That would indeed be so helpful.
     It would also help some of your beat the drum friends as Gracie says the pot is empty so it cannot be stirred. Tsk, tsk, Gracie, wrong again. Your pot might be empty, but there is much in the pot of UCO that must be explained and needs to be stirred right down to their deep and murky depths. So sorry if that bothers you, dearie, but such is life. A little upset is good for the soul - forces one to think and evaluate one's priorities and morals.
     Then we also have this next brilliant statement.   "The biggest threats to our futures at CV are things like crazy paving lawsuits and irrational loudmouth morons who represent NOTHING at CV calling on local TV and politicians with demands that confuse the situation even more."
This is courtesy of our deep thinker of the nasty mouth, Petey Boy. so let us see if we can understand his statement or contention.
     Crazy paving lawsuits. Hmm. Aren't we about to have a meeting tomorrow for the Finance Committee and one of the main reasons so many are so concerned is because of the paving issue? Is it because David Israel et al finally had to fess up that good golly we actually do have a piece of garbage in our paving situation, that they allowed a substandard job to be done, did not properly supervise and now are first talking of bringing in an engineering firm - and we had better demand approval and provenance on that one! Is it because we now have to come up with millions upon millions of dollars - ranging anywhere from $15 to $30 million depending on the day and hour it seems! Is it because we now have to figure out how to cut this money out of the exhausted pockets of our residents. especially repugnant as all this could have been avoided or done properly with a proper job, proper supervision, proper everything! So, dear Mr. Cruz, what crazy paving lawsuit? If there is indeed an issue and there certainly is, what is crazy about it? All the contentions of the plaintiffs have been shown to be true so.....
     Loudmouths who call on local TV and political people? Uh, would that be in the same way that David Israel called upon 911 and the PBSO to be his enforcing posse, the posse that would intimidate those scary people with the canes and walkers? The same PBSO that finally shut him up? Or would that be the people we elect, or watch and whom we have to go to to protect our rights as they are violated here in the Village? Is it those people to whom we had to turn in order to get some attention at UCO, who when pushed to the wall, publically outed as liars and worse, finally HAD to do something? Is it the TV people who tried multiple times to interview our esteemed president of UCO, David Israel, who hid in his office and apartment like a scared little toddler afraid because he was found out to have stolen some cookies or spilled the milk?
     It seems that no one is confused except you and yours, Petey Boy. Sorry about that, but I am doing my best to clarify the language used by your master and helping him to understand the necessity of using precise language and full explanations. If not, we will continue to push and question, and yes, even have loud mouths, all the better to shout out the truth, whether it pleases you or not. Why not just shut up and read The CV Messenger for the truth? Why not eagerly await the next issue which will truly bust your chops and get ready to catch your eyeballs as they pop out of your sockets as more truths are revealed. Oy vey, but you guys are in for it. Truth will out again - as it always does. There is no hiding from it.
     But don't you worry. You just go on living your life for we have a bit of time to spare as the publisher goes on a small vacation. So just maintain your status quo and your misbeliefs for in the long run....well, you'll see. But not to worry. We will do the worrying for you. Have a good day.

Monday, July 20, 2015


     A chivalrous gentleman wrote that the "malcontents" only began to holler after David Israel became rude in his behavior towards me when I opposed him for office. How dare I? I say thank you to that person and all people who supported me then in that run, but not to worry. I am a big girl, all grown up, and the noises of small people do not bother me. Indeed, they amuse me for it is easy to swat them away and down and do provide a degree of amusement.
     You see, the point of running was almost not to win. I came out of nowhere and ran for office only so that the faults and danger of David Israel and Ed Black could be seen openly, brought out  and shown to be how dangerous they were and still are and in that point - I won. Never mind the nastiness and cloudy election process. Just look at the progress in the past two years. We have defeated many of his plans, forced him and his minions to face the wrongs they have done, the ills of their neglect, the financial disasters they are forcing upon us - and by the way, come to the meeting Wednesday at 10 in the Clubhouse and prepare to hear a bunch of hooey so come with good and pointed questions and demand that they be answered and never mind the "come to my office and I will explain." We want explanations NOW. So, yes, we have had victories and the satisfaction meter is running high.
     What was and remains one of the best aspects of the run was showing others that it can be done, that David Israel has no magic power and no matter how much he screams and throws tantrums or tries to intimidate with fancy techie words or out of date Cold War terms, there is nothing to fear. So he calls names. So what. So he sics his henchmen and women on me, as few as they are - so what? At the forum he was shown to be limited and incapable of answering strong questions and we will continue to do that.
     Of course, for me, the best aspect was the friends that I have made from that run, the people I came to meet and how some of them have become my closest and most valued friends, admired by me for their intelligence and courage, for their caring and I would run twenty times over just for this result. I am blessed for this outcome.
     And let's see what has driven them so crazy, to the point of sputtering. Hmmm. Term limits. Yesterday, one of the sweetest persons I met thru the campaign gave me a whole expose on term limits, or rather a good and detailed presentation and explanation. Basically it states that term limits is "rotation of officials'. Now how can that be bad, giving people a chance to come into office and give their all for others and if not, well, there is a time when they will have to go. Fair enough as no one gets a guarantee here on this world. For that - wait till the next and talk with the big CEO.
     This paper delineated how many political entities have term limits, from large to small and the value of it. In fact, some big companies now even insist on having their CEO leave after several years and bring on another, all the better to air the place out, tweak it in another direction, look at things from another viewpoint, meld the two outlooks into a brand new and profitable one. What can be wrong with that? What? Well, some people cannot give up their hold on what they see as power. The synergy of their efforts grows exponentially and they simply see themselves as entitled to remain in that position, no matter how useless, no, dangerous and harmful they have become, how devalued they have become. This is the act and behaviorism of tiny tots in adult bodies. Sad, but true.
     We can also ask the question that you must answer for yourselves. Would you simply stand by and allow our Federal government the option, the ability, to censor our papers, you know, the ones left on your door (despite the doorknob thief gang)? Would you allow Obama to censor the programs on your TV or streaming device? So why then do you stand still for the censorship of those same things here? Why is it okay for our once respectable Village paper to turn into The Rag, a censored, meaningless, ever smaller readership, telling the truth about nothing and becoming a Pennysaver handout? Why is it okay to allow censorship and even destruction of our Channel 63 and why? Because I was the person that Ed Black could not stomach seeing on Channel 63 in an under five minute discussion of a book club. Really and truly. And we had two principled people, the Greggs, who stand by their principles who resigned and now Channel 63 is a bulletin board - and you all out there allowed it by not standing up and shouting about it.
     Why have you all allowed David Israel to decide who can or cannot talk at the Clubhouse, giving marching orders to Eva, head of WPRF here in the Village, who can or cannot use and how they can or cannot use other WPRF facilities.
     Why do we have a very muddy financial outlook and budget with explanations short, unclear and changing daily, sometimes almost hourly? Why have some of the best writers of the Village now become steady columnists in The CV Messenger, the new and vibrant Village paper? Why? Because they are blocked, banned from The Rag. Why is there a rotten system of multiple votes by people who think they can control the Village and whence it goes? Why are there shenanigans with by laws that are desperately needed? Why are helpful people and meetings not called on and in until UCO and David Israel are forced to do it, shamed into it? Why do we have people that evidence serious mental issues running things in UCO and in various committees, people who shout and threaten or talk and mutter to themselves.
     These are a lot of things to think about, to weigh, to find one's own place within the struggle. Remember when we manned the barricades, carried the posters, forced a world to hear and change. Well, we are the same people, just a bit older and perhaps more sophisticated in how we can go about changing things. Bring that person back. Stand up tall and say - no more. Remember - "the whole world is watching' - well, they are now too.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


     (YAWN)  (YAWN)  (YAWN!!)
     It does get tiresome, hearing the same old same old as excuses for lack of proper behavior, both reactive and proactive. So what do we do about this? I really do not know, as they seem to think they can keep telling lies - even to the world outside - and no one will notice. Well, too bad, because the world has and that is the way of life.
     Yesterday I read an unbelievable book that had been assigned as summer reading to a granddaughter. Evidently I had missed it when first published, a "last lecture" of a dying man. I am so impressed by this book that I will buy my own copy to keep and reread, but one of the things that most impressed me was his statement that one of the most important principles by which to live life is to "tell the truth -and tell it always." That's it. Simple, but evidently so difficult for this group of miscreants to do.
     So correct, letting people out there know that we have rapacious investors and lackadaisical and incompetent administrators is not necessarily the best for resale value. But how many times will it take for them to learn that we are not interested in resale, but in LIVING values. We live here and want it to be the same environment into which we bought. It seems that only public exposure has brought action by this UCO we have to do anything and all of this could have been avoided with a little proactive work when it all started, but uh uh, it was not UCO business - or so they said.
     And why not? Well, let us think. How many apartments or units did various members of UCO own themselves? OOOOOHHHHHHH. Could that have anything to do with their lack of action? The fact that they had so many units bought for themselves as investments? Oh, dear, caught with their pants down yet again.
     So we decided to take action and air out the matter and good golly Miss Molly, but suddenly they are alive, slow, but there. So Friedman is brought in - well, that could have been done three years ago. We have been long time working with him on fine tuning our bylaws and so could other associations if they had been clued in - but no, "it was not UCO business".
     Suddenly, according to the Great Apologist leader, David Israel, "UCO meanwhile is vigorously interdicting irregular call-in channels which have been enabling the flow of residents to and from the Sheffield - O motel". Really? Wanna put that into English so people will truly understand what UCO is or is not doing? What is "vigorously interdicting" - stopping? So why now ? And how? And why was it not done before when YOU, yes YOU, David Israel, knew that this was happening and the man who caused it all, Donald Kelly was YOUR political buddy, gave you his money and his vote. Uh huh, and you did what, exactly? NADA!!! Not until the actions of the opposition, those who truly care for the Village spoke up and out and took action to bring this to the eyes and ears of the Village and beyond, when they had to do that.
     You say "Terri Parker declined to interview me, as I would not go for this malcontent agitprop approach."  Is it not the truth that YOU refused to be interviewed as hard questions were being asked - and would be aired - and your lacks and incompetencies, your selfishness , your lack of providing protection for the Village even as you saw it attacked - all this would have come out on TV.  And what is with this "agitprop"? It is an old Communist term meant to signify political propaganda mainly thru art, literature, etc. So what does it have to do with the man in the moon here? Do you think that you can throw in some words to impress people? Are you accusing us of being Communists? Sorry, McCarthy is long gone.Sorry, does not work and if you prefer, how about we go at it toe to toe or brain to brain and see who knows more fancy vocabulary and where and how to use it? Truly, very silly of you to try to use words that are out of place and meaningless in context.
     Finally, we have the other Great Apologist brought out from the basement - Lanny Howe. He is here to teach us why we should not have term limits and it is only the "malcontents" who wish it? Again, these lies are sooooo tiresome. We have ALWAYS had term limits until some selfish investors who wished to run the Village wanted it to remain permanently in their hot little hands so they went after term limits and after three tries - yes, it was their tries - when there were very few thinking delegates here, did they gain their goal and since then have been fighting a rearguard action against bringing it back, Well, you will lose here too. Time is on our side, in many ways. And Lanny, by the way, it is not a crime to run for office and lose in a vote, which incidentally has been questioned as to its integrity without answer - hmmm, maybe we should go get Terry Parker and set her up to observe the next election or investigate the past ones. An idea is it not? Anyway, since you quote other elections and politics, how many of our politicians have lost and run again and again - and then won!!!! OOOOOHHHHHH, again.
     YAWN, YAWN - answering these same stupidities day after day gets tiresome, but then again - it is fun too and my new guide tells me that life needs to have fun in it, and I so do enjoy poking holes in faulty logic and circular reasoning.
Always good for a laugh - even as we know the seriousness of it.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

ABC, Malcontents and Mr.Kelly

So if seems as if all the complaining by the Malcontents is beginning to bear fruit. The situation has been aired on ABC News last night.

Here is the Link- click here

Friday, July 17, 2015


     Today there was an excellent meeting where Mark Friedman spoke about the way to avoid the Sheffield O situation. We have been working with Mark for quite some time, so much of this we already have in our bylaws. However, the fact is, is that this meeting should have been held three years ago when the situation first came to light and not have David Israel tell this poor woman that this was not a UCO matter. What does he think IS a UCO matter - only the Broadband and lousy finances?
     If this meeting had been held at the proper time, then there would have been no crisis and what was done could have been stopped. It is always easier and wiser to stop something from happening rather than trying to correct it. Negligence has a grave cost. And UCO neglected its duties here. Not an unusual situation for these UCO officers.
     Here is another example of being unprepared. There was a discussion to be held at the Bid committee about fencing for  Hastings when all of a sudden it was realized that it was not even known or sure about what type of fencing it would be so how does one have a bid meeting or discussion about this unknown? As a result, the bid committee is postponed for a week. Another smooth transaction, huh?
     Now we have another matter, you know, the one where Ed Black was "such a hero" directing traffic, Well, as I have stated many times before, the truth will out, the crux of the matter will be revealed. The fact is that the PBSO should have been called immediately and Ed would have been deprived - and rightfully so - of the directing of traffic that he did - and that there was no need to do and in fact was dangerous to all involved.
     He unilaterally decided to close the Haverhill gate due to no electric but the barriers could have been removed and if he felt such a deep need to direct traffic he could have supervised two guards as they checked the ids of the cars entering. Instead, he bollixed up both Haverhill and Okeechobee traffic and when someone finally called the PBSO they told him he had no business keeping the gates closed and to open them and they then had to undo the mess that had backed up both these main streets. Oh, my hero - NOT! Read that again, Petey Boy.
     Finally, we have our own unique CV version of "The Wheels on the Bus". Once again another volunteer has been thrown under the bus without warning and for no reason other than for a whim of Vestal and the newly ordained substitute assassin at The Rag, DonHoHo. Cindy, who acted as receptionist was asked to train Mildred so that Mildred could work there and not at the office which was harder and harder to walk to. That is fine and for sure the Rag could have accommodated two people, but no, she was asked to train and then WHAM!!! Fired - out you go. She should be honored that she joined another distinguished member of UCO who has given years and years to UCO and the Village - Howie Silver. So the wheels on the bus go round and round and continue to crush the living daylights out of many good people and deprive the Village of their work and talent and it does not matter who you are or what you have done. If the powers that be want you gone then WHOOSH off you go, under the bus. Happy journeys.


     Well, back to the world and its oh so delightful messy situation. The Obama administration is "on fire" to get this Iran treaty signed, all the better to allow them to destroy us, yes? Obama is having his fits because Netanyahu and indeed most of the government there, including the opposition, are anti the treaty since it poses an existential threat to the country of Israel.
     Obama makes a big deal over getting some more arms money over to Israel and I hate to burst his bubble but there is NO protection against a crazy country with insane and extremist people running it who have control over a nuclear device.
     Iranian governmental officials now say they are going to watch carefully for any "devious" tricks that "arrogant" nations will try to pull. Such a spirit of cooperation and humility that a treaty has finally been reached, huh? NOT! They are thrilled that the nations of the world, led by Obama, desperate for a legacy to leave that will make up for all his failures, have fallen into their trap. Even Clinton now, the Hillary of two days ago who said it was a deal worthy of being kept and honored now says that the Iranians cannot be trusted. Well, welcome to reality once again but what to do - "don't trust - verify." So she says. Why sign a treaty if it is "the best we can get" if it stinks.
     Really and truly? We still will need approval from the Iranians to inspect, to be concerned with a shady area and we all know how cooperative they are and have been, how levelheaded they are, the same country that this week, yes the week of the treaty, burned US and Israel flags and called for the death and destruction of these two people. But on we go, sealing the deal on our own demise.
     And if the news from that sector were not enough, we can read of yet another terror attack, no, not in Israel, though they have had continued terrorist attacks, but right here in Tennessee where a "lone" individual managed to shoot up a recruiting center via the many guns that he had with him and what does one story headline? That the mosque where he prayed is in mourning, Really? Where were they when they heard extremist viewpoints being voiced and pushed? Where were they when they saw his dress and mode of behavior along with a typical extremist beard? Where were they and where are all the mosques when their young run wild and there is no countering the vileness that they listen to on the Net? Where are the "peaceful" Moslems who claim that Islam is a religion of peace? Show that to me. Explain your verses calling for killing the infidel? Explain why your pitiful and too late comments are irrelevant as the extremists and killers rule the day. Speak up or be counted out of the game.
     This has been a rough time for the Israelis, indeed for all Jews as violent anti - Semitism has reared its ugly head,out in the open again, even PC. A prominent member of the Russian Jewish Congress is shot down, a Jewish family in Paris is invaded, injured, all sent to the hospital, with grievous injuries to the young daughter and why? Because they are Jews and the Moslem attackers said, "Jews have money." Is there any doubt as to why Israel is so nervous about this treaty, about the world today?
     And then today we read of Saudi Arabia having talks with Hamas! Yes, Hamas, the very same terrorist organization who swears that they will destroy Israel, who shoots thousands of rockets at the civilian population and now are in talks with their supposed enemies, the Saudis who have supposedly opposed Iran. Really, again!
     But now the pressure will rise on the Jewish members of Congress, House and Senate, and wouldn't one like to be a fly on the wall in those discussions and calls. "Can the plan" is not just a catchy rhyme; it is a plea for existential survival. Talking out of one side of one's mouth that oh, anti - Semitism is so wrong, and then allowing it to continue by excusing most of it as anti Zionism - sorry, Zionism, the love and hope to return to our homeland has been in our prayerbooks, hearts and souls for thousands of years. It is an integral part of what makes up the Jewish ethos and if one wants to deny it, just go back to last century and see how intermarried, converted, and atheistic Jews were just that to Hitler and his many, many henchmen throughout the countries of the world and do not forget the rallies here, and in Great Britain, with the pro Hitler gangs and political parties, the rallies and accusations now, the threats, the hatred.
     Maybe a bit sensitive, but I do not think so. Too much history. Too much truth. Too much apathy on one side and too much go, go go from another. The treaty is awful and needs to be defeated. Truth needs to be recognized as such and the impossibility of certain dreams acknowledged for they are not dreams but instead future, not so far future, nightmares. So what with a new Ice Age predicted and the hatred that is rampant throughout the world, the culture of violence, shortages of food and clean water that are predicted - welcome to the New World.