Sunday, July 19, 2015


     (YAWN)  (YAWN)  (YAWN!!)
     It does get tiresome, hearing the same old same old as excuses for lack of proper behavior, both reactive and proactive. So what do we do about this? I really do not know, as they seem to think they can keep telling lies - even to the world outside - and no one will notice. Well, too bad, because the world has and that is the way of life.
     Yesterday I read an unbelievable book that had been assigned as summer reading to a granddaughter. Evidently I had missed it when first published, a "last lecture" of a dying man. I am so impressed by this book that I will buy my own copy to keep and reread, but one of the things that most impressed me was his statement that one of the most important principles by which to live life is to "tell the truth -and tell it always." That's it. Simple, but evidently so difficult for this group of miscreants to do.
     So correct, letting people out there know that we have rapacious investors and lackadaisical and incompetent administrators is not necessarily the best for resale value. But how many times will it take for them to learn that we are not interested in resale, but in LIVING values. We live here and want it to be the same environment into which we bought. It seems that only public exposure has brought action by this UCO we have to do anything and all of this could have been avoided with a little proactive work when it all started, but uh uh, it was not UCO business - or so they said.
     And why not? Well, let us think. How many apartments or units did various members of UCO own themselves? OOOOOHHHHHHH. Could that have anything to do with their lack of action? The fact that they had so many units bought for themselves as investments? Oh, dear, caught with their pants down yet again.
     So we decided to take action and air out the matter and good golly Miss Molly, but suddenly they are alive, slow, but there. So Friedman is brought in - well, that could have been done three years ago. We have been long time working with him on fine tuning our bylaws and so could other associations if they had been clued in - but no, "it was not UCO business".
     Suddenly, according to the Great Apologist leader, David Israel, "UCO meanwhile is vigorously interdicting irregular call-in channels which have been enabling the flow of residents to and from the Sheffield - O motel". Really? Wanna put that into English so people will truly understand what UCO is or is not doing? What is "vigorously interdicting" - stopping? So why now ? And how? And why was it not done before when YOU, yes YOU, David Israel, knew that this was happening and the man who caused it all, Donald Kelly was YOUR political buddy, gave you his money and his vote. Uh huh, and you did what, exactly? NADA!!! Not until the actions of the opposition, those who truly care for the Village spoke up and out and took action to bring this to the eyes and ears of the Village and beyond, when they had to do that.
     You say "Terri Parker declined to interview me, as I would not go for this malcontent agitprop approach."  Is it not the truth that YOU refused to be interviewed as hard questions were being asked - and would be aired - and your lacks and incompetencies, your selfishness , your lack of providing protection for the Village even as you saw it attacked - all this would have come out on TV.  And what is with this "agitprop"? It is an old Communist term meant to signify political propaganda mainly thru art, literature, etc. So what does it have to do with the man in the moon here? Do you think that you can throw in some words to impress people? Are you accusing us of being Communists? Sorry, McCarthy is long gone.Sorry, does not work and if you prefer, how about we go at it toe to toe or brain to brain and see who knows more fancy vocabulary and where and how to use it? Truly, very silly of you to try to use words that are out of place and meaningless in context.
     Finally, we have the other Great Apologist brought out from the basement - Lanny Howe. He is here to teach us why we should not have term limits and it is only the "malcontents" who wish it? Again, these lies are sooooo tiresome. We have ALWAYS had term limits until some selfish investors who wished to run the Village wanted it to remain permanently in their hot little hands so they went after term limits and after three tries - yes, it was their tries - when there were very few thinking delegates here, did they gain their goal and since then have been fighting a rearguard action against bringing it back, Well, you will lose here too. Time is on our side, in many ways. And Lanny, by the way, it is not a crime to run for office and lose in a vote, which incidentally has been questioned as to its integrity without answer - hmmm, maybe we should go get Terry Parker and set her up to observe the next election or investigate the past ones. An idea is it not? Anyway, since you quote other elections and politics, how many of our politicians have lost and run again and again - and then won!!!! OOOOOHHHHHH, again.
     YAWN, YAWN - answering these same stupidities day after day gets tiresome, but then again - it is fun too and my new guide tells me that life needs to have fun in it, and I so do enjoy poking holes in faulty logic and circular reasoning.
Always good for a laugh - even as we know the seriousness of it.

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