Monday, August 31, 2020


     Imagine this scene upstairs: Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, FDR, JFK, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, Nathan Hale, and a slew of others are sitting, agitated, shouting, crying, distraught beyond all descriptive terms. They cannot understand what has happened to their country, what has become of all their efforts to build and improve this land, this country they served. They acknowledge their errors, but in the American spirit, cheer on the efforts to correct and amend those errors. But now? Now they are confused, in despair and wonder aloud how a despot like Trump ever got to sit in that seat of power. How did America come to be headed by a snake, one who compares with all the dictators they fought against throughout the history of our country.
     Downstairs, in the world of today, people walk around with shoulders hunched around their ears, with frowns upon their faces, speaking with trepidation only after sounding out the political views of their co-conversationalist. There is a fear of what will happen if one speaks the truth to one who disagrees with them. There is a growing fear that we are becoming a despotic state, a country ruled by fear, by the very fears aroused and instigated by the one who should be out there railing against it.
      I heard the phrase "unbridgeable chasm" used in a conversation with a survivor of Mengele's twin experiments in Auschwitz. No one from the "normals" could ever understand what happened, how these kids felt, how these adults still feel, the anger, the denial of justice, the lack of knowledge as to exactly what was inflicted upon them. The very fact that the family company denied their knowledge of him, supported him for decades, and their escape from prosecution is aggravating, but think now of the mirror image.
     No, as of yet we do not have that degree of hate, but do you honestly think it is far away, not actually here right now? Think again. Think of the cages of the detainees, the lack of food, blankets, water, hygienic conditions. The separation of families, just like the train stations at any  concentration and death camp. The roundups, with trucks and armed forces, shouting, threatening, no warning and no escape. Steps taken along a very bad road and we are taking them. Be under no illusions about that. Watch the words, the faces, the distortion of mind and body as the right wingers express their hatred of other Americans.  Other Americans!!! We are at war with each other. That is now a fact. We now have another unbridgeable chasm and personally, I cannot see a clear path through, over, under, or around.
     Bad things start with missteps. They continue with purposeful missteps. They continue with increasing acts of hatred, of violence, of the bitterness of words. These words lead to actual violence. This violence, encouraged by those who benefit from it, grows apace and people are killed. Once one is killed, others will follow. This is a tired, evil, path of history and we never seem to learn, do we? Time and time again we persist in doing the evil dance with enemies of mankind.
     Folks, even as the tears of great Americans flow upstairs, so, too, do they flow downstairs. Why are 17 year old kids coming from out of state, armed with an assault rifle? Why are cavalcades of hatemongers encouraged by the President who calls them great Americans plowing into protesters? Trump encourages this because he knows he benefits from every act of violence, building upon the fear of people, exaggerating the facts, trying to build up a picture of a war torn America salvageable only by one such as himself.
 The goal? To rid this nation of anyone and all who do not look, think, believe, or act like them? What has happened to us?
     Citizens using paintballs and pepper spray against fellow Americans who basically have been declared worthless. The results? "an escalation of violence is something beneficial to Trump. Strongmen leaders incite crises so they can pose themselves as the law-and-order solution.”
     No mistake about it. No more warnings about blood in the streets. That is here. That is a fact. If we do not stop this movement in its tracks then we, America, are doomed. Doomed to lose our country, our place in history, our dreams of a future better and safer for all. Gone. In a shout of hate, a spray of burning acid, a spurting of blood. When we ignore the lies, the ever growing stock and harm of these lies, then we doom ourselves. We are the partakers of our own destruction.
     So folks, get out there and VOTE. That is the only way. Mail it in. Bring it to the office. Stand there till it is your turn, Stand there and watch that all get a chance to VOTE. You, me, all of us. The burden is upon us. Let us shoulder it willingly and play our role in saving this country.

Sunday, August 30, 2020


     It just keeps getting worse and every 'wild' statement or prediction I have written appears to be coming true. Did I really see it coming? Did I really think it would come to this or was I hoping that warnings would be enough to ward it all off? Honestly, even as I was hoping, I really was hopeless, for from the beginning Trump has been, to me at least, and apparently to a growing number of others, a true representative of evil, and that should be with a capital E.
     Physically, he is repulsive to any onloooker. There is never a smile on that weird looking face, only an orange complexion slashed through by a smirk, and that attitude reinforced by a perennial pose of arms crossed against his chest or a finger pointing somewhere out there. From that pursed and tiny mouth spews forth filth. Words of hatred. Words of treason. Words that speak against democracy. Worse, words that encourage the actions taken against democracy, against the government and its structure, opposed to the Constitution, refuting the ideals and goals put forth in the Declaration of Independence. In short, he is the clear and present danger to our survival as an American democracy and the pity of it all, the danger of it all, is that we have allowed it to come to this.
     His warmongering is typical of that of a coward. Free from the risks of warfare and wounding, Captain Bonespurs always wishes for military displays, the might which he feels can be used, not against our enemies, for he has made allies of so many and enemies of allies, but the ability - which he has used - to use military force against the citizens of this country. The very people he is sworn to protect, to serve, to defend, to be a President of the United States of America!!
     Constant displays of military personnel and equipment. Constant threats of sending in troops. Now the cutting of intelligence briefings from the leaders of Congress - a major change and not a good one. A letter sent to the Joint Chief and the Secretary of Defense asking where they stand on the issue of troops should Trump refuse to vacate the WH upon sustaining a loss at the polls - and I guess presuming that Trump does not shut down the polls or further interfere with its progress! An accusation  by another Senator that Trump is killing people with his constant rallies and railings against the truth re the virus, the discouraging of masks, and the constant lies that lead to more infections. I have so stated this long ago - so glad that others are catching up - but is it too late for us and our country? Is it too late for those who will continue to die and send us over a count of 200,000 dead?
     One of his former aides stated that it all looks a "bit" like the Weimar Republic, the weak government that was taken over and overthrown, tossed away along with the hope of democracy in Germany, and set in motion WWII and the rest of history. The most frightening thing about that statement is that 'bit' is not enough. The constant use of terminology such as law and order, or enemies of the people or tirades and threats against the media, the rising tide of hateful and provocative words, resultant deeds. Did I forget the blood in the streets as the new tribes of America war against each other?! It is upon us today, with violent instigators from the right wing extremists out for trouble, with the shooting and killing of protesters by a 17 year old armed with an assault rifle!!!!
     The callous use and instigation of violence, of fear mongering, of threats to our democracy, of plans stated to remain in office, to flout the law - and that is not a threat but a reality - the callous use of individuals to further his campaign - via trickery and lies. And the violation time and time again of the Hatch Act which is supposed to prevent the use of governmental officials in politics. Well, throw that one away for it is the opposite of reality, the common rule of the Trump campaign today. Use all officials and clear the way! Rules and laws be damned.
     To me, the most frightening thing is the deterioration of the fabric of our lives as a people united in a united country. I fear that we are no longer Americans, but rather are tribal entities. These tribes cut right across the lines of family and friends. Where does it end? Will we have an new country wherein we encourage the informing upon others as do all Fascist countries? Will we continue the farce of democracy that we have now, with the threats to that basic necessity of democracy -free and tamper free elections?
      Will we ever have trust again in our government? Will there ever be reason again to want that trust? And will the drip down of secrecy in government, of lies in government, of distorted government, ever stop? A NJ mayor sends a ridiculous thousands of dollars fine to a 17 year old girl who organized a protest. In Tennessee protesters are liable for a felony charge and isn't that just so coincidental that a felon can not vote there!! 
     And the secrecy that is growing in leaps and bounds! That secrecy, those lies spoken and not, seep down even into the lowest levels - such as we have here in CV where the administration in the person of David Israel has virtually shut down UCO, held no open meetings, cancels Executive Board meetings the night before or even the day of, cancels Delegate Assemblies and so many others, and we, the residents, those who pay the fees, have no clue as to what is going on. If one tries to get into the building where UCO is headquartered, well, just try it.
     No, there is a definite atmosphere of fear and worry. There is a definite despair growing. There is less and less to say and more and more reason to shake. The only alternative, the only antidote, is to get out there and VOTE. Prevent the awful tragedy that would be a retention of that EVIL man in office. Better he proceed to jail where he belongs. Prevent the downfall of this country, the best experiment of mankind so far, faulty, backsliding at times, but always trying to be better, not Be Best, that ungrammatical, nonsensical ridiculous program of Melania which makes a farce of the whole thing as the chief violator of this program is her husband - Trump!!
     No, there is no choice here. Shaking and dreading, fearing the worst, we must gather our courage and determination and not let anything stand in the way of our voting. It is a vote for liberty, for justice, for freedom, for honest government, for democracy, for hope of a future where we pay attention to improving the environment, where people count, not money. VOTE! That is our only hope and answer to the tragedy now unfolding in our country and in fact, the entire world. VOTE. Only you can save this country and the future of your children.

Friday, August 28, 2020


      Wow! I woke up this morning a bit dazed. I actually was able to fall back asleep at 3 AM and now I am late with the pill regimen. Dearie me! By the time I finish with the timed pills it will be time for lunch rather than breakfast. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that. Ahh, the woes of old age. And then I looked over my shoulder - carefully, so as not to set my back afire - and had a shock. Oh my!
     There he was, the almost birthday boy - tomorrow, as a matter of fact - and there, too, was my shock. Holy cow! He will be 74 and I am married to an old man. When the hell did that happen? How did it happen? When I look in the mirror I am puzzled at times, for there, looking back at me is my mother, even as I know it is me, and my matching partner is right there, to my left When did we get so old? What happened to the handsome young man with a head full of jet black hair, a straight back, and a gentleness to be valued and treasured.
       So, did the world age with us? Did we lose vital parts of our beings, our inner selves, as we lost physical abilities and attributes? What does being old - or getting older - actually mean? It really is deep food for thought. Ahh, food. Can't think about that. Too many pills to take before that can happen. Back to the topic.
     I think, at times, that we are, the two of us, somewhat bewildered and dismayed at the rise of ugliness again, the vicious and viral hatred that people seemingly cannot be rid of. We look at each other and wonder, not so much about ourselves, for we are at the tail end of our time on earth - hope I can eat before that happens! - but our kids, our grandkids - what will life be for them? Will there be an even uglier outburst of anti-Semitism? Will the world explode or implode with its self destructive anger? What will be?
     And I look over at my old man husband and then think that at least we were lucky and blessed enough to live a life together, to share the joys and woes of children - gotta' remind those kids of that again - and the absolute bliss of grandchildren. Waiting on the time for great grand kids. Someday. Hopefully I will eat again before that happens!
     So what does getting older mean in this world? It means a tad of confusion at the speed of life, the rate of change, the obsolescence of gadgets just as one feels at least a tad okay with it. It means sad wonder at the deterioration of manners, of decency, but also the comfort at knowing that there are still stalwart warriors out there who fight for the ideals of my youth, and quite frankly, still my ideals, and perhaps even stronger - or is that strong feeling my empty stomach reminding me, shouting, "Feed me!" Down, kiddo. At least another hour and a half to go. Patience is a virtue.
      There are also good points at aging. No one looks awry at you when you take a little nap in the middle of the day. No one tells you to hurry up. People actually hold doors for you. Store owners, at least here in Florida, know to point out the facilities when you wander in with an anxious look on the face. Not in Manhattan!!
     And again, and always, there are the joys and comforts in knowing that the two of us are together. There is the excitement in working together on new ventures. There is the comfort of simply sitting there in the living room, laughing and talking over old memories. There is a joy in life to aging as well - as long as one gets to eat breakfast!!
     There are the simple joys of somehow finding oneself watching a movie Alabama Moon on YouTube and having no idea I got there. Sweet movie. Watch it. There is the excitement - and the anger - that one feels when accessing the world of the Web, that satisfying and exasperating entity, the reaching out for information and the sadness at the lies perpetrated on it and even worse, the amount of people who believe those lies.
     So, Happy Birthday, my old man. Enjoy the best wishes and the love of family and friends as they reach out to wish you all the best. Know that I still love you and intend to keep you around for as long as the Good Lord allows. Lordy, Lordy - I sure hope this hour and a half goes by quickly, as quickly as the years together have gone by.
     Yom Huledet Sameach - ad meah ve'esrim. Beyachad. Tamid beyachad.


Thursday, August 27, 2020


     So we have reached this point. I do not know how much lower we can go. We are invoking the name of G-d even as we sink so low that G-d must be blushing in shame. He must wonder, as do all parents when kids go astray, where and how did He go wrong. He did not. We did.
      We invoke G-d's name even as we speak with the Devil's tongue. I have long spoken of Pence as the Devil's Spawn, and last night's speech merely provided proof of that as he finally opened his mouth in public. Would that he had kept it shut!!  We have fallen or marched into, whatever choice you make, right into the two refuges of scoundrels - religion and patriotism - wherein important ideas are co-opted into a nefarious plan that is actually the opposite of those two terms.
     Biden, a man of faith, is attacked as a man of no faith, even as the man who manipulates G-d roars his approval of these tactics. We are told we will live in a socialist world, well, we already do in many ways. Try Medicare and Medicaid. Try aid to farmers. Try aid to the unemployed. Whenever a society's governing organ reaches out to improve the lot of the people, as a group, well, sorry, folks, that is socialism in operation. And no one is demanding that we carry socialism out to its extreme, re ownership, even as the shriekers maintain silence re their own fascistic behavior and trending thoughts and actions.
     The tone of all the speeches at the RNC are all frightening as hell. Threats as to life under Biden. Threats that are manifestly false. Lies that show their ignorance of history, of facts, of truths. Lies that cut through every single speaker's speech at the convention. Lies that are egregious in tone, in meaning, in representational aspects of this new Fascist Republican party. And if we are honest, that is now its true name.
      It is a party which has no facts straight and twists and turns the facts on their heads. And no one cares!!! It amazes me. The man who mishandled the pandemic to the tune of 180,000 dead, claims now to be a hero in overcoming it and all the little rats follow along. Really? When did we overcome!!?? Pardon the use of that word in this context.
     And speaking of overcoming, theses fascists are depicting a world wherein immigrants will stream over the borders with no rule or regulations. They try to make all be afraid, to turn to them as the only hope of safety. The lies are amazing in such a negative way. That is manifestly untrue. What Biden wants is a fairer and more open system in keeping with the ethos of America. He does not recommend using a 'Heat Ray' that burns the skin of those at whom it is pointed; he does not recommend storing children in cages or abandoned in hotel rooms. Or losing them altogether. Killed with kindness, I guess! Biden wants us to be America!! The same America that allowed us or our ancestors in to this blessed country now undergoing the throes of death as a  democracy. And in the meanwhile, what about those naturalized citizens who cut the line who are living a the WH on our dime - Melania and her parents. They travel all around with them, on Air Force One as well!! So lovely is Fascism in operation!!
     Worse, while we are all arguing at our own funeral as America, a very annoyed and frustrated G-d sends some of His handiwork our way, but do we hear? Nope. We remain deaf to our own disgusting words, to our terrible pictures we draw, to the awful and frightening hatred that we are growing quite rapidly, and ignore the world and its collapse around our own ears.
     So, in conclusion, Dear Lord, please hear the prayers of one insignificant worshipper. Please provide aid to those of us who care, who want peace and truth, love or even a neutral relationship rather than ones filled with hatred and blood. Deal Lord, help us see the light. Before it is too late.
     Thank you. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


       The above is seemingly the mantra of Florida, borrowed by Louisiana, in its behavior and instructions re hurricanes. Personally, my mantra is to get the hell out of the area altogether, but it is not possible all the time, so not bad advice. However, one cannot hide nor run from the truth or bad news 100% of the time. Nor can an additional mantra of the GOP and the RNC be tolerated. One cannot stomp  on the truth, demean the country, abase its citizens, show contempt for all conventions of society and civilization, and expect that "stomp" on the truth will always work, though it does too much of the time.
     Unfortunately, this second mantra has trickled down into all levels of government, and why not? If the big dude gets away with it, well, goose and gander, so just stomp away, just hide and run, but please know that the truth will out. Responsibility, blame and guilt, will be assigned properly and the dues will be demanded. And paid.
       What is confusing is the interim. So now we hear that Sheldon Silver is finally going off to prison for his crimes. When asked for home detention rather than dying in prison, the judge said it was, " “corruption, pure and simple.” and "his time has come....he needs to go to jail." I ask now, why is this case different as Trump is so corrupted that I doubt he can even walk a straight line or tell the truth about anything, even what he just watched on TV!! Corruption is just that and no coloring outside the lines of truth can disguise that fact.
      His wife tells us that we need and deserve an honest man. Well, honesty is as far away from Trump as I am from understanding the physics of atomic fusion! Being honest about racist feelings, about mistreatment and contempt for women, of violations of rules by misusing the White House and other governmental fixtures and personnel for his own gain and political benefit, alleged tax fraud, hiding medical truths, and we can go on and on. The facts are there, and run, hide, stomp all you will, but the truth is the truth. And the truth will out. It always does. Hopefully, in time.
     The truth is also extremely relevant here in CV as well. At present we have a do nothing, or worse, president of UCO, the governing body. He evidently believes quite deeply into his cold soul that silence, hiding, running from the truth, is the way to go. Worse, there are more and more stories of his extremely erratic behavior inside the walls of UCO, bizarre behavior and comments, and a deepening penchant for delay, for concealment, for cancellation of governmental activities or simply banning delegates and interested residents from all meetings. It is only now after much complaint and questioning that this supposed expert on tech stuff has recognized the fact that ZOOM exists and is being used all over the world - and even right here in the Village. We will see if the promise to ZOOM at one meeting even happens.
     We can demand answers as to why the Clubhouse is closed to all meetings. Why has the delegate assembly been canceled for over half a year already? The theater can take about 225 people with social distancing, been offered to the Village for meetings, but David insists on keeping the budget, the finances, the issues and needs of the Village under shrouds of secrecy, of lies, of behavior rivaling that of Trump in his dictatorial style of government, in his lies and evasions, in his ignoring of the rules of society and our own bylaws, in his alleged demented and paranoid behavior. He refuses to prepare for future needs, crucial needs, and what are we supposed to do in the meanwhile, even as deadlines and needs grow stronger. Even as questions need to be answered as to what is going on with property nearby, with our own security and fencing, with the growing needs to police the violations around here such as hoarders, junk cars, violations of safety precautions, non permit building that endangers entire associations, deteriorating roads and a lack of funds still hanging over us from the misuse of funds, the extremely poor contract, from the last debacle of repaving. and a total shutdown of UCO for all intents and purposes.
     No, the governments on all levels of this country need help, need reformation- and now. We can vote the best way in November and get rid of that ugly man in the White House and his ugly cohort with him, but we are stuck right now with David, unless we actually rise up. Demand a recall. Do the hearing the right way. Demand  open government. Have a sit - in at UCO. Stand or sit with posters and blockade the building. Demand that he come out from hiding and answer questions. Demand that delegate assemblies be opened again and questions be posed with answers forthcoming. 
    Enough already with this corruption on all levels in this country. Enough of people who think they are IT and can do whatever they want, if they want, how they want, when they want. No! There is a responsibility and duty owed to the people of and on all governmental levels and we need to demand that all elected officials and all appointees answer to those duties. If not? Then get the hell out of town and let in the air, the truth, the light and proper government.
     If we do not speak up and out on all levels, then we are at fault and deserve the governments we get - such as right now. It is all on us. That is the truth and no running or hiding or stomping will change it. Vote Trump and his evil out and as for David - "Come out, come out, wherever you are." We are waiting and will not go away.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


  There are times when I wonder if we actually could be living in that long nightmare we all had as children, perhaps this was all a dream, or perhaps we were even in a parallel universe where history was turned on its head. America became Amerika, and we lived in a grey, shrouded world, where truth was a four letter word and lies the currency of the day.
     Lies are apparently the way to go these days. Trump is a "great' leader with awe inspiring leadership, particularly in handling (or mishandling) the pandemic. This, as we near 180,000 dead. That figure of 200,000 no longer appears to be an impossibility and is, in fact, a definite probability. Such leadership we could all, literally, live without!!
     The lies flew through the air last nite with the greatest of ease. More name calling, calling on poor Nessie from Loch Ness; leave the poor sea serpent alone, you troglodytes! Find some reality to hinge speeches on rather than the hysterical speeches of Junior, a Hitler, literally, in the making or his way, way, off nutjob of a girlfriend. The open insertion of the family into the proposed long term goal of Trump is blatant. 
     The longer I think about it, the more I examine his words and deeds, and the moral collapse of the RNC and the GOP, the more I see his monarchy building program growing and growing. The man and his family know no bounds, seek only the good and welfare of themselves and Americans can go along with their own destruction and debasement or go to hell - which is where he has us now.
     Sounds off the wall and I cannot believe that I am actually believing this, but in point of fact, I see no alternative. The man is and always has been a clear and present danger to us. His appointees are all slimed with corruption, greed, incompetence, and have worn out several pairs of knee pads as they kowtow to their master. 
     Too much talk of overstaying terms of office, ignoring of election results if displeased with them, tampering with the underpinnings of democracy - postal service, free elections, service for the people, and shredding the Constitution and all its provisions. No more checks and balances. No more separation of Church and State - and brother! That one frightens me, even as Junior spoke last nite of the importance of his triad of principles, including CHURCH - just like the triad of Hitler and the Nazis.
     The threats and even the acts of calling in the military, armed forces, to fight their own neighbors, shades of China, of the USSR, of Russia today, Belarus, Hong Kong and the list keeps on going - well, are we to be that or are we to be Americans? 
     Even as the numbers grow of Republicans who are finally bailing, openly admitting  that they served a madman as a leader, a greedy, racist, misogynistic man of no culture, only darkness, and a core of icy hardness, we are still facing horrifying memes that he and his urged on and fertilized with their own statements. 
      Kushner apparently has become an important part of this administration. That is a given. But, a big and loud but, the new meme posted by oppositional Republicans, that EVIL resides in Kushner, "Evil is real. And it lives in Jared Kushner," - well, folks, here go the antennae as we find the Jew in the administration and begin the laying off of all blame on that Jew. Apparently, the nastiness of Trump carries right on through even to those who oppose him - but now we must ask - how do they oppose and where are their goals and aims?
     In point of fact, we, America and Americans, are at a crucial point and must choose. We must choose carefully. We must be strong. We must be aware of the underlying plans and boiling ugliness beneath the surface of those who appear so civilized. A tie and a jacket mean nothing. Nor does a bullet in the back of a man going into a car where his three children are sitting. That is not law enforcement. 
     We are lost at present, way off in our meanderings down all the wrong paths of life. We have made so many wrong choices. The swamp of Trump has grown enormously. The "monsters be there' memes of the maps of the Middle Ages have implanted themselves in our time and we needs be aware of them.
        But these monsters are us. Us. By action and lack of action. By words and lack of words or the use of the wrong words. Let us return to humanity and the belief in being humane. Let us return to working to progress rather than to retrogress and slam the doors and windows on all progress and hope, on all dreams of and for the future, on all that America is supposed to be.
      Your vote is that important. It is not just one vote. It is many votes. Yours is the most important. So is his. As is hers. So is mine. As are all of ours. VOTE. Please.

Monday, August 24, 2020


     What the heck is that? That is the number given to the asteroid that has, according to NASA, a "slim" chance of hitting the earth on - wait for it - November 2, the day before the election. Huh! Does that raise hackles and hairs on everyone? Does it send a shiver down your spine? Do you mutter to yourself how fitting this would be, a perfect matching end to our own man made disaster? 
     Do you look around at the country - California afire, TWO huge storms/hurricanes bound for the Louisiana coast over 48 hours, and the worst existential threatening election this country has ever had? I believe it is even worse than the election of Lincoln to the Presidency. Why? For  all were willing to accept the results, while today, the candidate Trump threatens to overturn the government by refusing all results contrary to his victory. In addition, he is doing everything he can to insure that he wins, including the very distinct tactic of fear and hate mongering.
     Now realistically speaking, the asteroid has, statistically speaking, no realistic chance of getting through, but I wonder, were we actually hit sometime ago, like five years ago, by some invisible force, perhaps the aliens  that Trump talks of, and we are now reaping all the consequences!!
     It troubles me when I look around or have a discussion with an otherwise intelligent person and listen to them spouting the nonsense, the impossible threats they state with complete conviction would result from a Democratic victory. What happens to their brains when the word, or topic, of Trump and Trumpism, is raised? And people still ask how could things happen? How could country after country fall self imposed victim to the malignant viruses of the extreme right? Or extreme left, for that matter? How could it happen there, here or anywhere? Well, just take a look around and see it happening right in front of your eyes. Then take a look back in time and see the hysterical rallies of the Nazis or any tyrannical regime, and watch the people cheer on their own terrible future awaiting them.
     Sometimes I am almost ready to endorse the weird theories of Trump about alien interference! How else can one explain the almost total implosion of this country beginning about five years ago? What the hell happened to the gray matter between the ears? Yes, Trump is demented, accuses his competition of being so as he mistakes his own image in the mirror for Biden, but the rest of the nation? Have we en masse resigned our souls, consigned them to the Devil, in return for a chance to rule, to lord it over those even more entrapped than us? Is that what America and Americans are really all about?
     I so hope and pray that is not the truth of the matter. One day, hopefully soon, very soon, we will all wake up and smell the truth. We will wonder how so many of us fell under the evil spell and influence of a crazed, hate filled, moral vacuum of a person? We will wonder how we let it get so far? I hope and pray that this realization comes before we find ourselves falling over the edge of the cliff as we blindly follow along, looking not where we are going or where we are being led, only following in the emotions of the moment.
     Fake tampering with ballot drop boxes. Impossibilities that are named such as duplicate votes. Virus infected boxes!!!! Unscientific and dangerous rushing of medical treatments before safety procedures have been instituted and followed. What the hell does he care if more Americans die, only caring about his remaining in office, to supervise the deconstruction of America.
     And what does America do at this point in time? We politicize life saving acts such as wearing masks. We turn to listing the most favorite Sesame characters, perhaps yearning for that sunny day on a street where the air is clear. Can we all find the path to Sesame Street again? Can we ever be that sunny country, naive, but caring, stumbling, but trying? Or will we resign ourselves to the new Amerika, the one where there is a new open royalty established, preview it all at the RNC this week as Donald I appears every night and/or a family princeling or princess is always present on stage. Hail Donald, the Prince of Darkness!
     Think I will go check the route of 2018VP1 again. Think I can dig an apocalypse shelter quickly, stock it up, and await the end? Hmmm - or are we already there!!
     People, just get out there and vote. Get that ballot and bring it over yourself. Put on a raincoat, a jacket, a tank top, whatever the weather demands, take a chair and nourishment, a book to read and a mask to wear and wait in line. Demand your right to vote and do it!! Do not leave it for the other, for every vote is needed in this threatened and threatening election. And do not forget to bring your own pen!!

Sunday, August 23, 2020


     Yesterday I tested my husband, a crucial test, which, luckily, he passed with flying colors. The question was simple: did he know what tomorrow was. After a teeny bit of a pause, he answered correctly: it would be the 54th anniversary of our engagement. Yup, men are supposed to remember these things. Upon being pressed further, he also remembered why we had chosen Aug. 23 as the day for that to occur. It was also my parents' anniversary.
      It would have been 79 years today for my parents. Unfortunately they will be celebrating it with the extended family upstairs. But the legacy they left behind remains with us all. In fact, Gerry and I set out almost unconsciously to base our marriage on the example they provided. Put the other first. Listen. Share the moments in life, all moments, good and bad, happy and sad, and be there for each other.
     Marriages face challenges, and many are broken under them. I can remember the challenges my parents faced throughout the years, and yet, always, they were together. From ages 14 and 16 - they were together. At the moments of his death they were together, as my dad died at home, per his request. All through life, they were together.
      So today, as Gerry and I remember those two stupid young kids getting engaged, looking forward to a life together, we also look back and remember the lives of a couple who set the standard, who set a high bar, who cherished loyalty and love, companionship and aid, advice and humor, and always to understand that a disagreement was of momentary importance, but the important things in life were forever.
     I wonder, today, how they would have dealt with this pandemic, this quarantining, this new world of ours. I think they would have faced it together, as they did every other time of crisis in their lives, pre and after marriage. Living through a Depression, where there was often hunger in the home, and certainly very few pennies to pinch together, to times of illness and emergencies, to the needs of their children - always, they were together, working things out, pushing for a solution and accepting what could not be changed or could not revert to what was.
     I think they were - are - our paradigm for our lives now. We need to accept that life is different now. Perhaps never to change back to what was. Hopefully, we will find a vaccine, a safe one, a tested one, and soon, safely soon, but till then, and even after, life will be different. Not the way I would have chosen to spend perhaps the last years of our lives, but on the other hand, knowing that one has to accept change and challenge, we forged forward.
     As a result, on the 54th anniversary of engagement, and on the G-d willing upcoming 53rd anniversary of marriage next month, we are closer than ever.  We have learned a most important life lesson. There are things that will never change and are certainly, we find, not so important, but there are also things that do change. Two become one, even as the individual grows independently as well. Two develop new responses to challenges, encourage each other to try to attempt new activities. And through all this, if one is lucky, if one has the role model par excellence, to follow, then one is blessed.
     So today, as we live a not very exciting life, we will enjoy the day. No sky jumping, no drone controls, no huge celebrations; rather, a day of sharing as we work on research for another project, as we talk of family, as we hold hands and watch TV - maybe a horror movie, for that was one shared liking we had and spoke about as we first dated. And we bless our luck for the life we did share and will continue to share as long as the good Lord allows us. For our children and the dividends, the grandchildren, that source of ever and always unconditional love. And maybe we will have some ice cream for a treat.
      Only one shadow over all this. I never received a proposal! 
So how did we end up here, 54 years after engagement, 53  - almost - years of marriage, of modeling after my parents - and Happy 79th Anniversary to you - but we did! And we are blessed for that.
      So, Gerry, will you pop the question today and what will my answer be? The air is tight with suspense and tension. Will it be alleviated? Only time will tell. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Friday, August 21, 2020


    Of all the comparisons made between what is, and what can be, should be, will be, what sticks the most in my mind is the imagery of a country shrouded in darkness, rife with greed, overtaken by lies and violence, ruled by a militaristic government masquerading as beneficial for the citizens. Worse, it maintains a hereditary government, from father to son to daughter, all to maintain the corruption, the greed, the hatred, all bankrupting what was once the United States of America.
     To the contrary, we have the chance to turn this country around, before it crosses the line, allowing our history and greatness to cross the River Styx rowed by a victorious Charon. It will not be easy, turning this country around. We are coming from behind. It will demand hard work, sacrifice, and unity. A union of people of all types, a diversity such as we have not seen in lo these past four years as we became more of a tribal nation rather than one - America. In fact, the only America I saw growing was that spelled Amerika.
     What else does one call a country where a major political party calls out for the Storm, brags about it, pushes it and its hateful supremacist mantras? What else do we call a country when the president of that country calls for tear gas and troops to push though a see through manipulation of Church and Bible? What else do we call a country where the President calls for ARMED sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel to stand 'watch' over the polls? Gee, nothing like any kind of intimidation, would you say! Nothing like that statement and plan to delineate the true nature of that man, Trump.
     This is an election that pits a true patriot, nothing glamorous, no emphasis on charisma, false as it is, but on a man who knows what life is, who reaches out to others - who likes ice cream - a man of my heart! - who knows what it is to meet burdens and struggles and  deal with them. A man who knows that to tell the truth is the only way to go. "This will determine what America’s going to look like for a long, long time.” 
    What is the truth? Over 5.5 million cases. Over 174,000 deaths, rising daily. The worst performing country in the world. And no. There is no miracle. No Lysol cure. No poisonous oleander cure. No hydroxychloroquine. No demons and alien spirits in the night. No body washes. Nothing but attention to rules of safety, to the words of the experts, to truly scientific research projects to find a vaccine, a safe one, a good one and then manufacture enough of it to go around. Primary is to teach the people of America to trust the government once again, who will take the vaccine.  
     We are all tired of the pandemic, tired of the restrictions, the holes it has left in our lives. Certainly, I did not anticipate spending so many of my supposedly golden years cut off from family and friends, missing my theater and movies, even using the libraries differently. On the other hand, I have learned some important truths, discovered new hobbies, shared new moments with my life partner, and am enjoying life, albeit I do miss some of the past life. But it will return. I feel that strongly - but, a big and major but - only with the right leaders, the right attitudes and the unity of the country.
     The speakers at the DNC spoke out on all topics. They spoke of a better time, a return to the light, an end to the darkness that has begun to overwhelm this country. They represented a diversity, the true America, the salad bowl of America, where the differences and similarities are cherished. Where immigration is not considered a sin or a crime. Where families are not ripped apart. Where help is forthcoming. Where there is a fair share of the burden on all, not only the middle and lower economic classes. Where corporations are not treated as special humans needful of aid and sympathy. Where science is trusted, used to help us, where the environment is once again a prominent concern, where we look towards the future needs of the world. Where the country is exposed to the light of day, to the light, harsh as it might be, of truth, to the warm feelings generated by knowing that we are becoming a nation once more. And for me, and for many others, to feel welcome once more in this nation, not to hear the daily rantings of hate filled pus pockets of humanity calling for my expulsion or even death.
     We sing and ask that "G-d shed His Grace on Thee". Let us truly mean that, hope for that, work towards that, for remember, there is a partnership between man and G-d. All need to pull their weight, to share the burden. Then, only then, will there be any Grace at all.
     First step: VOTE for Biden and the Democratic party candidates who share that vison, not the ones who do not. Find goodness and honesty  and support it. VOTE!!

Thursday, August 20, 2020


A wait of a week is far more likely, and if wishes were horses, we would all be riding into DC with one goal in mind and anticipating a victory too long in the making. However, before I continue, let me apologize for the late arrival of the blog. For a change, Atlantic Broadband has fallen down on the job, abrogating every modicum of service and slaying their promises with great vigor. Promised service on the day of problem, we are now being told that a wait of a week is far more likely, and that, over several weeks of constant interruption of service and incompetent technicians. And this is what our incompetent president of the village has committed us to for ten years! I think that perhaps he needs to be committed!

In any case, what I wanted to write about today was the night of the women capped off by Obama. Warren said that "it didn't have to be  like this." Kamala Harris was blessedly open and called the man a predator, exactly what we do not need. Clinton called it like it is with comparing him to a sneak, a liar and boy, is he ever!!  We were warned that he lost the majority yet won the official election, though I have maintained, he is not a legitimate president at all.

All maintained what I have said all along. The man is a danger to democracy. He is a perilous individual to any sense of right, of empathy, of understanding, of good will, and a friend to hatred, racism, greed, and selfishness. All that reeks and stinks. It does not make me happy at all to be able to say I told you so. I wish to the heavens above that I had been wrong, but I was not and am not.

A real danger to our country. A danger to the world. A danger to the existence of mankind as he surely sets on a path of demolishing every step we have taken to right the wrongs of the environment, to try to turn back the clock on destruction. Perhaps he watches too much TV-LOL-and sees himself as the head of a survivor train like Snowpiercers,  for that is his plain of thought.

We need to remember who we are and who we have come from. We need to pay honor and respect to all those who have come before us. We need to incorporate their dreams into ours. We need to remember that some of our ancestors were the "progressives" of their day and it is thanks to them that we have unions, benefits, better lives and living.  No child labor. No mills of death. And legal recourse, until this man and his ilk have chased that down and crashed it right into the wall.

We need to heed the woulda, coulda, shoulda warning of Hillary Clinton, and learn from the past and build a better present and future. We need get out there and vote. We need to talk to others, to ask them to define their thinking if they favor Trump. We need to bring out the vote and get our votes in.

I am hopeful, but not stupid. There are too many days and too much time between now and then. Post office tricks - and they are not fixed either - Russian interference and it is continually ongoing - and any snake oil talk that he can provide, any hate mongering that will get him another vote or three or ten, any number of deaths that he will ignore - all stand in the way of freedom from dictatorship and a return to our democracy and role in history. Be ever vigilant and ever loyal. Be a true American and vote for America, not Amerika, that belongs to Trump.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


    To me and so many others, the choice is as clear as day and as obvious as the nose on one's face. The big and little people of America are speaking out loud and clear, even as we continue to be puzzled and troubled, greatly so, by those who continue to support Trump. A master of manipulation and divisiveness, a man who has just about threatened the very continued existence of this country, as one united and playing a major role in the world and yet there he is.
     Every damned day he takes yet another outrageous step, opens his mouth and out spews more illegal plans, more attacks on our Constitution and laws. Why not a third term he wonders! Why not? Because the trauma he would inflict on the world would be one that steps over the red lines of all. Besides the fact that it is against the Constitution!! Minor problem, yes?
     Contrast the words of people about the two candidates. One set of words come from the simple little person of society, a security guard in the NY Times building. Her statement? ! "I could tell he really saw me.” And  continues - “Joe Biden has room in his heart for more than just himself,” .  And he indeed saw her, for she was one of the three people who officially nominated Biden as the Democratic candidate for president of the United States of America, and, G-d willing, our next President. This, to me, says it all. 
     Simply contrast those words with others, the ones that describe and delineate Trump, a man who would drive her to stay away from work should he ever show up at her place of work. He “trampled the rule of law, trying to weaponize our Justice Department to attack his enemies and protect his friends.” Read those words of Sally Yates. 
     The Senate committee investigating the Russian investigation- the Senate!! - where the Republicans dominate and have enabled this man all along to thwart the rules of government, to destroy the fabric of America, that Senate Committee speaks clearly of the ties of the Russians and  Trump's campaign, of the misdeeds of his major aides. This man now wishes to remain in office, as what - a Manchurian candidate in real life? A traitor to our nation - for he is indeed that. And certainly, a "clear and present danger" to our survival and security; hence, should have been removed long, long ago. The very obviousness of his dementia, his anger, his demagoguery, his continual descent into a dictatorship, all demanded that he be gone, out of a position wherein he damaged us on an ongoing basis.
     So as we surge to over 5.4 million cases of infection, and 172 thousand dead - and these are only the confirmed numbers, and it is believed the numbers are much higher than that, this man continues to be deadly incompetent in his administration's handling of the crisis, of his own demented denial of it and Johnny come lately attitude and actions. I repeat - this man should have all the deaths, the tragedies, laid at his feet and should be legally liable as complicit in these awful figures. These statistics are not numbers, mind you. Remember, each number, every number, all the numbers, are people, individual people and their loved ones, their loss to society, their horrible, lonely, and needless deaths.
     Mind you, we must not fail to remember his destruction of the environment, of the very safety regulations in place to keep us safe, to keep cancer outbreaks from our children and diseases from all of us. We need to remember the children ripped from families, their "lost" in the system tragedies. The absolute cruelty towards immigrants, the denial to them of  the chance to achieve an American Dream that we all have in our families. And not forget the slime of venality, of cronyism, of incompetence, of greed, of the power of money, the stink of it all that permeates his every step and every aide and administrator appointed by him - and that includes Kavanaugh and the Trump children as well! His own wife cannot tolerate the act of holding his hand.
     Clear as day and as necessary as the air we breathe, we need to support Biden. We need to hear him out, to understand the remnants of his severe childhood stuttering as he stumbles over a word. Trump simply blathers on with lies and more lies. No excuse other than his being a demented and awful person. 
     We need to see that Biden is the America of the future that we need, that we must have. And should something go wrong with him as it could go very wrong with Trump - already has - would you rather have Kamala Harris step in or the cowardly Pence, ruled by 'Mother's" decisions, by a face cemented in an expression we were all told as kids that would freeze on our faces!! By a man who sends shivers down my spine when he speaks of a Christian country. That statement always brings about deaths and more deaths. Fact check that in history.
       It is clear that we need, must have, a change. A man with heart, an honest man, a man of faith who respects the faith of others, a man who has overcome tragedies and come out stronger for it, a man who sees us all, the people of America, a man who values the lives of all, who uses science to move forward, and sees the answers and warnings of science. A man we need now.
     So go and vote. Do it as early as you can. Bring the ballot over, get there early to vote,  and be prepared to wait. Have patience as you exercise the most important right we have. VOTE. Please. Vote for our future, and vote for our past and present as well. VOTE.

Monday, August 17, 2020


     Here we go again. It was not so long ago that we were all horrified at the sight of children, even infants, locked up in cages, freezing, deprived of not only medical care and education as required by law, but also suffering from the cold, without proper clothing, beds and blankets, going hungry for lack of proper nutrition with children being asked to take care of those younger than them, strangers, even infants!
     The Border Patrol, Homeland Security and ICE tried to hide these new concentration camps for children, those ripped from their parents' arms, literally, left to live in terror, to die from illness, and then get lost in the system as they were shipped and trucked for hours in the dark of night to distant locations far from parents and anxious relatives waiting to claim them.
     We, America, the United States of America, did this. Oh, they tried to hide it, but could not and as the news spread, the outrage grew. Adding to the miseries and the horror was the fact that Americans, neighbors, were able to live with this, to terrorize and mistreat children, to encage them as wild animals, to treat them as vermin. Our neighbors! 
     So do not be so quick to say this could never happen here. Evidently it can - and did - as they "followed orders". So did the Nazis who shoved Jews into the gas chambers, who wacked the heads of children on sidewalks, who caught infants on their bayonets, who crammed Gypsies, gay people, opponents of Hitler to their deaths in those gas chambers too. Following orders. What a horrid echo of the past. What a gruesome present we have designed.
     So we all screamed, cried, some with crocodile tears, and we thought the problem was mostly resolved, with better conditions, some education activities, but really? No, not really. Now we find that the ICE contingency is warehousing kids who are without adults, in hotel rooms. Yep ! Hotel rooms. No one is there to supervise and see that the children are getting the proper treatment mandated by law. 
     Going hungry in a hotel room is no different than being starved in a cage. Going unsupervised with children left to live their own Lord of the Flies, is not the American way. No - this is all wrong. So wrong! And where do they send these kids? They dump them - DUMP - them over the border or send them back to impulsively chosen countries in Central America. 
   Where are the parents? Are they notified? No, for ICE could care less. This is the same dumping of humans that the Germans did as they revoked citizenship of Jews and sent them to starve and die of exposure. The hotels are members of huge national chains and they claim they have guidelines. Guidelines for maltreatment of children with little brown bodies? Mistreatment of little and larger children bereft of parents and guardians. Mistreatment of infants who have no clue as to who they are, their names, their parents, nothing - and what happens to them? Are these children who are abandoned then stolen into human trafficking? And that would be our fault, our guilt, our complicity.
     Personally, I will never check into another room of these hotel chains and you would be surprised - or not - as you read of which chains they are. Shame on them. They are as bad as the German factories and farms that used slave laborers in the war and claimed not to notice how skeletal they were, how they froze in winter, how starved they were, how ill. No, we cannot shut our eyes to this. Never. Never.
     J'accuse! J'accuse every single American who knows of this and does nothing. This is beyond even the blatant attempts to destroy our democracy, undermining its supports and foundations. This is about humanity. We have people who protest the treatment of animals yet do nothing for these kids, these what - future criminals, according to the biggest criminal of all - Trump!
     God Almighty, people. We must stop this - for good, forever. We must punish whoever took part, who designed these plans, who okayed them - right to the top of this filthy chain.
     J'accuse! J'ACCUSE!!This horror must stop. 
We must all vote against the perpetrators of these deeds, their bosses, their philosophy. Understand that. Feel that. It is not so far from these victims to ourselves. Do not try to fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
     Dear Lord, this must stop! Now!


    One of the most frightening things a homeowner can hear is that there are termites in the home. Treatments vary, according to the degree of infestation and the property size, but it is disheartening and makes one a bit paranoid afterwards about those damned little destructive critters. There are also times when there is no hope. The property is damaged beyond repair and must be demolished or undergo a huge, very huge, repair job. That is to be avoided, prevented.
     There are other kinds of termites. There are human termites at all levels, those who disregard all rules, make decisions based on their own selfish needs and desires, with no regard for others. Thus, they eat away at one of the major principles of any society. There are rules. These rules are meant for the safety and well being of all members of society. Hence, disregard and violation are punishable. And yet, how much have we disregarded in the breach of this societal need.
     There are human termites all though society today. Look outside our country and see the eating away at the democracy of Poland. Bit by bit, bite by bite, all the progress is going, going, go..... And what happens there, can happen anywhere, and indeed, is doing exactly that. Including, my friends, America. 
     The repression and suppression of 'different' people. The destruction of all progress and rules made to safeguard the environment. The crackdown on free press and on opposition. The arrests, the disappearances, of opposition figures. Sound familiar? All we are missing right here is the step to disappearance and with the illegal kidnappings of protesters off the streets and holding them incommunicado for hours, in dark and lonely rooms, no calls, no lawyers, no explanations, well, draw the inevitable conclusion. We are not very far from our own termite destruction.
     Those termites exist at all levels. We have termites of democracy in state positions. We have termites on county panels. We have termites right here in the Village, as they eat away at our governmental structure, and for what? To sell us out again in the next Agreement? To hold monies for themselves? To make new rules and decisions that were never agreed to by delegates? For nefarious and selfish reasons? Because they are increasingly senile, dementia setting in, and yet, as on the national level, those who stapled themselves to the coattails try to restaple and hang on to the reflected power and privileges. And all the while, the termites eat away at our democratic society, chomp, chomp, bite by bite, as we ignore, are blind to, are apathetic and could care less.
      These termites of society depend on ignorance and cowardice. They depend on a moral vacuum, on a society in the throes of other crises, too busy, too preoccupied with other major issues to pay attention to that almost silent destruction, that eternal dinner at our expense. But, folks, if we play deaf, if we refuse to heed what is going on, if we refuse to put into play the remedies for termite infestation, then we are doomed.
     "Alarmed and disheartened" is the way Amy Klobuchar described her feelings and concern. Trump, the major termite of society, of democracy, the King Termite of destruction, of chaos, of hatred and oppression, of societal negative upheavals, is chewing through our joists and support beams. Inducing major uncertainty about an election and its results are preludes to refusing to heed those results if they are negative for him, or declaring victory, even with a mouthful of society's I Beams, still showing at the corners of the mouth. 
     Chewing through a vital system of organized and progressive society, a trusted, functioning, reliable postal system, is the way he is turning this election into a win/win situation for him, ignoring the wars that will follow. Even as we ignore what he has done, the destruction to our support system for democracy, the ruination of the future and of dreams, and the constant refrain of nastiness and hatred that run through his campaign. Even as the environment, natural and manmade, collapse around us, enshrouding us in a termite tent that does not do its job of elimination, but rather allows the job of continual destruction , cut off from the world, from any paths that remain to fix the situation. The termite team has it covered, in all situations. You can be sure of that! To our despair.
     We must act. We must attack this termite infestation with all our might, with all tools at hand. We must cut them off before they get any further into our structures. We must cut them off before the Constitution is eaten away, before the Declaration is forgotten, ignored, meaningless. Think not? Think again. Think back to eight years ago. Think back to four years ago. Now think ahead four years on two different paths. Which do you want?
      Be truthful, for your inner truth, your 'termiteness' will come through loud and clear, depending upon your visions and desires for the near future. Tell the truth to yourself and see if you will be happy with what you envision. Then think again and join the Exterminators of Termites. Join the team which will rout out the infestations, repair the damage, educate our kids to be watchful and aware, for freedom and democracy demand attention, demand constant overseeing, demand the eternal watch for those human termites.
     Nothing comes without hard work and it is all too easy to slack off, to be tired of all that a good society demands of its members. But the alternative is not really a good one, is it? Think about that and get out there and vote. Show your confidence in our system and refuse to allow the Termite in Chief to eat away at the belief. 
     Afraid of the mail? Then bring your ballot in yourself or take a chair, some food, a drink, and a book and wait in line on voting days. Do whatever will work for you, but VOTE. VOTE to get rid of those termites chomping and belching as they destroy all our societal underpinnings. VOTE to keep us safe. VOTE for your children. VOTE against hatred. VOTE against nastiness. VOTE.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


   That is a title from an excellent book written by a British vet, but is also so apropos of life these days. Great events, small events, personal, local, national, international, all separate, yet all somehow linked together.
      Take tonite. At approximately 12:45, in the midst of an apparently active dream, I pushed away from something, or someone, and woke up flying through the air, landing on my back. Oof! It hurt.  A small thing as life goes, certainly not of great import to the world, but certainly to me. Not only does this mean weeks of aches and soreness in the back and, once again, down my left side, but it also highlighted the deteriorating condition of my life, physically anyway. The fall was one thing. The getting up was another. Between the two of us, it took a good 20 minutes for me to figure out how to maneuver, and to ignore the pain. Not great, but perhaps I need to be grateful for the small things in life. Nothing broken - I think - just bruising and aches and pains, bad enough. But I guess it could have been worse.
     On the other hand, things are generally broken here, locally, in the Village, particularly with UCO, the administration of this Village. Evidently. the President of UCO has decided to take his behavioral cues from the greatly demented, divisive, destructive and evil man, Trump and behave accordingly.
     Using the excuse of the virus, he has shut down UCO. Delegate Assemblies where decisions are voted upon, have been canceled since March. Please note that there is room aplenty in the theater for a delegate only socially distanced meeting to take place. In addition, many committee meetings have also either been canceled or held in a room where again, there is room for social distancing, but limited to members only, the same old tired coterie of sycophants who rubberstamp all David asks for. The rest of the Village, well, apparently they do not matter. This man, who portrays himself as a techie, boasts about it, apparently never heard of ZOOM which allows so many to join in and participate. Perhaps he needs to realize he is out of date and the Village needs a replacement, one more capable of seeing us through the next few difficult years.
    In the meanwhile, no  one knows what is going on. There are issues with the neighboring huge plot of land. There is great deterioration in the roads and walkways. There is a left hanging issue with the audits, the auditor, including access to papers necessary for the Treasurer to do his job. What monies are being spent? How about the next budget? There are questions re security and vast lengths of the perimeter left unfenced, open for "guests" to arrive unexpectedly. There are questions re planting that was supposed to have been done along some fencing. Huge worries re a new agreement with WPRF and the Levy family, as the prior one is expiring in a year. We were truly shafted in that one and it appears that we are on the same path for this one as apparently nothing is happening on our side to prepare.
     So what we have here is government by one man and his groveling, sniveling yes men. The same tired retreads for the most part, the same majority who prevent any progress or change in this now closed system, wherein one cannot even get into the UCO office - which we paid for - unless we have an appointment and try to get that if you are not a 'favored' individual, or one who has difficult questions needing difficult answers.
      Government by fiat, by dictation, by the same thinking that belongs to the Executive Orders of Trump, that would be dictator, that  example of a fascist dictator if ever we saw one, particularly here in America. So all those 'little' Republican members of both Houses are now wondering how to rein in this man. Why wonder? They have reaped what they have sowed with their enabling, their cowardice, their moral vacuum, and now, now, they are troubled! What did they think would happen?
     What has happened is that this man and his cohorts have destroyed the fabric of this country, ripped apart the web of checks and balances and spun their own evil web. A web of constitutional violations. A web of racism, anti Semitism, sexism, all things vile and poisonous. Nothing great here. Nothing small here, other than the remnants of a man's heart and soul, for he has long ago sold them.
      Power is the goal. The retention of that power the guiding principle. The destruction of our democracy ever more apparent as now he is  rudely, crudely and cleverly, tampering with the USPS, having it both ways. If he loses, well, it was fraud by the post office and those scheming Democrats, so no, he will not leave.
     On the other hand, there is the great possibility that via his tampering with the ability of the Post Office to do its job, by starving it of funds, by appointing a shill who does his bidding, as head, well, once again  he will be the illegitimate president and forget about this country. No more. Instead we will have a country divided into the haves, the have nots, the raping of our lands, our waters and the very air we breathe. Environmental protection goes down the tubes, medical oversight, scientific guidance, freedom, free press, equality in housing and jobs, education - all gone bye-bye. Simple-just limit the mail-in ballots - which he himself uses - and there ya' go!
     The results? The fall of the greatest country this world has known. The return to a Civil War II, a great and bloody war that will cost so many lives, cause great harm to the world as well, as blood runs in the streets, simply enlarging the clashes that are taking place now between protesters and extreme right wingers. There will be no stopping this destruction. The people of this nation are that angry, frightened, confused, and needing to release all those pent up negative energies and there ya' go again. A divided America. A destroyed America. The death of a dream.
     Yes, life is composed of things great and small and if we ignore the small, the larger things come into play and finally we have the greatness that arrives. It is up to us to insure that the great things are positive, helpful, instructive, and insuring that we survive as The United States of America. If we do not - no one else will. Now contemplate that and decide on your next step, great or small. As we used to shout - "The whole world is watching!"

Friday, August 14, 2020


     Cannot figure it out. My opinion changes everyday with the most current madness. The man is demented. That is clear. The man is an ethics and moral vacuum that sucks too many others into his black hole of ruthlessness and insanity. Nuts. Crazy. Lunatic. Off the wall. And yet, and yet, there is within his madness a sly and cunning germ of defined and definite steps to enrage others to the point of no return and force the changes through that he wants so badly. Can one mix such two opposites together? Can one be both living in madness, yet remain cunning in political moves?
      Sadly enough, one can and history is rife with examples of such dichotomies. However, what makes this one different is that this madman controls power strong enough to destroy the world. Literally and figuratively. That is something that needs to be changed. He needs to be removed from any such position and frankly needs to be either imprisoned and or locked in a hospital for the criminally insane. Oh, hell, may as well include the damages of involuntary manslaughter as he is complicit in the deaths of so many due to his criminally negligent policy and attitudes towards and with the pandemic.
     Cohen, not exactly a shining example of a model citizen, called it right. It takes one to know one, does it not?  " gain power for myself, the fatal flaw that led to my ruination, was a Faustian bargain: I would do anything to accumulate, wield, maintain, exert, exploit power. In this way, Donald Trump and I were the most alike … soulmates.”    This simply confirms what I have maintained all along. Trump and coterie are in it for the power, for the money that gives them power, for the maintenance of their status quo, the one that benefits them and theirs to the detriment of all others. It is the haves vs the have nots, the ins vs the outs, the greatest divide in society since the cruelty of serfdom and slavery, wherein a person's fate was determined by birth with practically no chance for, shall we say, upgrading.
     There is a ballsiness about his daring to state, openly, that he will not approve a bill to aid people to survive this pandemic and the economic crisis he has himself exacerbated, because it will contain desperately needed funds for the post office to be able to handle the onslaught of mail-in ballots. This is openly tampering with the election, open tampering with possible results, having it both ways -claiming fraud if he loses and victory if the ballots are blocked. Nasty - insane, yet deviously clever. The political astuteness of a lunatic, right up there with the madmen of history, with the likes of Hitler and Stalin.
     The lies, the contradictions, the deflection of his vices onto others, such as claiming the Democratic ticket is "anti scientific" - well, that one chokes me, or the nastiness of his own character onto a "nasty mad woman" - a woman with more decency, more honesty, more brain power, more anything positive that he has ever had or aspired to.
      The lowest point he has now chosen to descend into is once again, a 'birther' controversy, knowing that if he states it, then denies it, it will still hang out there, as ignorant, illegitimate, and ruinous as it was with Obama, but clearly, it is part and parcel of his plans. Thus, "Trump said he “heard" the California senator doesn't meet the requirements, adding, “I have no if idea that’s right.” and thinks he can get away with it with his oh so solemn statement that it needs consideration, such a serious statement! Truly, he is the sum total of the descriptive terms -  "a con man, a predator, a racist, a bully and a liar"  - from his old buddy, Cohen.
     The absolute gall. The absolute concern that we should all  have as this man openly tampers and set up constitutional issues, existential issues, and yes, we should all be worried half to death. This man, who claims Biden wants to run things with a slash of his pen, this man who does exactly that with his masses of Executive Orders that are destroying this nation in more ways than can be counted, this man can be the final impetus of the crashing of our government, of our demise as a democracy and a replacement government of and by dictators. 
     I truly do not want to be able to say, "told you so". But if we do not insure the viability of a true and open election process, a funding of the post office, an allowance of time for mailing out and mailing back, then we will not be assured of that and instead - we will get what we earned, what we allowed.
     People, I am choking on this possibility. It keeps me up at night. It eats at me during the day. It destroys my hopes and dreams for the future of my family and yours. Get out there and show your opposition to his cunning insanity. Get out there and VOTE. Get your ballots in early. Bring them to the offices if you can. Send by overnight. With Fedex, UPS, whatever works. But VOTE. There is much resting on  every. single.  vote.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


     What a choice! So many topics to choose from, so much wealth for commentary, a virtual plethora of rich and relevant topics and titles. What did I do? Simple. I wimped out, refused to pick a title, and will range over the areas of concern, worry, or glee.
     So, the world is falling apart. Almost every country that has held elections in very recent days has also had a spiral of violence, riots protesting the election, its taint of fixing, of dictators, manifestly unpopular, winning by landslides. People have had it, but - a big but - can they do enough of anything to turn the tide? The brave people of Hong Kong are being shut down, arrested, chilled by fear, new regulations, arrests, and the world ? Does nothing.  Another day at the office. Turn the page, change the channel.
     Oh yeah!!!! Harris the VP choice of a singularly open and brave candidate Biden choosing a person who challenged him in a debate, but this is what he wants. No groveling here. A person who will speak her mind, who is bright, stands for much of the American Dream the way we were taught in school, the way our parents, grandparents and even many of us, experienced the immigrant striving for that dream, for the future of their kids.
     In four years who knows what will be. Harris as incumbent VP running for President or even as a sitting President should anything happen to Biden? Wow!!! Wow!!! WOW!!!! Finally, a brighter outlook for America and the world. Finally an administration which will rid the departments and ranks of appointees of incompetents and cronies, and refill them with experienced, valued career employees. Empty slots at State will be filled. A new Attorney General will be chosen, one who is not a shill for the President and his egregious deeds and statements. A pipe dream or two? McConnell and Graham gone, gone, gone!! And RBG hanging in there until she can take an honorable retirement as we can appoint a good, honest, open, capable, thinking, new Supreme Court Justice.
     Ah, the fresh air of hope. Speaking of hope and fresh air, even as more EPA rules are being ripped asunder today, this about methane leaks, these EPA disasters will be reversed and once again the environment and the changes, the climate changes wreaking heavy disasters and changes upon us, the use and understanding and acceptance of science, real science, not pseudo science of delusional people who sleep with aliens and evil spirits - this will be the renewed world. A return to sanity, long, very long, overdue.
     The irony of it all as this man uses race baiting, race hatred,  every appeal one can make to the lowest points of a human heart and soul - this is Trump's strategy. Biden and Harris come out strong and determined, competence shining through, and Trump falls back on his moronic name calling and any negative he can think of. He is being pushed to the wall, this national bully, and he does not like it, not one little bit. Tough!!
     And who cares for the people of this once great nation, once great leader of the Free World? Not the man who advocates opening schools, even as the ones that did open are now quarantining kids and teachers, or even have closed back up. Not the one who persists in denying the virus and its effects on kids, the young. Not the one who thinks we are doing great even as the death rate is still and continuously  over 1,000 a day. A total of 200,000 dead will seem like yet another pipe dream. Not acceptable by any means or people - other than the delusional, sycophantic crowd that surrounds this sick and demented man.
     It is time to return to the past and to the future we deserve, we need and we stand for. Time to reject the nastiness, the open race baiting, the hatred that is now valued and praised. Time to grow up!! Time to be Americans once more. Time to reject that which deserves it and reopen our hearts, souls, and minds to our traditional values, and strive once more to be the best we can be. To be the America that lives up to the promise of "give me your tired, your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores" - for that is what this country did for all of us. We are all immigrant, only the dates and timing differ. Time to understand that. Time for America and Americans to be what they are meant to be. Time to strive for excellence, for hope rather than to live in fear, in despair, in hatred and hopelessness.
     Time to check your registration, your polling site, sign up for mail in ballots. Bring them in to the office so there is no delay  in their being received. Insist on your right to vote. Time to VOTE and change this country in a positive manner. VOTE. It will do wonders for the nation and for each and every one of us. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


     Manifest is defined as that which is clear to the mind, easily perceived by the senses, clear in its presentation. During a significant period of time, an era of American expansion, we were taught that it was Manifest Destiny. America was meant to rule the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Mexico to Canada. Anyone getting in the way was trampled upon. That was the way it was, one nation growing at the expense of others, and truly, has anything changed about that to the present?
     Destiny is defined as that which is meant to be, what will necessarily happen. Presumably, one cannot avoid one's destiny. Fate is the development of events, without a person's control, but - controlled by some kind or type of supernatural power or being.
     So here is the question of the day. Was it destiny, fate, or courage on the part of Biden to  pick Kamala Harris as his running mate? This is the woman who faced him down on TV, and I believe this was one of the reasons he took her on as VP. She has the wits and the smarts to take on someone, and will talk with him openly, honestly, a government run by discussion rather than by dictated and erratic terms and decisions. And those made by a certified lunatic!
     And now, America, we are at the crux of history. The acidic atmosphere of hatred, nastiness, pursued by Trump et al, is there, and will the Democratic Party be able to climb above, or will they have to descend to that level? Honestly, I would rather they took the high road, but how much crap can one tolerate? Already the same haters are hard at work. They  questioned Obama's right to be president and now they are doing the same to Harris. She is an American. Period. Born here, a citizen by birth and a contributor her whole life to the welfare and benefit of the public she served and continues to serve.
     Is she perfect? No, for no one is, other than Trump, of course. Just ask him! But this apparently is her destiny - and hopefully the destiny of the American people and nation to have a winning ticket, a campaign of decency and relevancy, rather than moronic and childish nicknames stemming from a schoolyard bully who never grew up nor ever grew his brain. Here are two examples of such 'brilliant' intellectual capacity exhibited by our present illegitimate president. "There are some very, very, very nasty, frankly very dumb (players). I haven't noticed that."  "selecting a woman as his running mate, musing that "some people would say that men are insulted by that."  
     These are symbolic, representative of his mindset and his limited vocabulary and intellectual and moral values. Basically, if one searches for the positive within him, one will search in vain. These statements were from the man who claims to love and respect women - even as he talks of his "hot" daughter, as he talks of assaulting women, as he talks of the rapists and criminals, who are naturally black and brown, never of his ilk or of CEOs or his family, as he continues to hide his papers and the truth from the public. I cannot imagine these statements coming out of either Biden or Harris.
     We are at a crux of history. We will actually step in, as 'supernatural powers', and decide the destiny and fate of this country and its people - and even that of the world. Will we step up to the plate? Will we take on the responsibilities we have shrugged off before, leading to the  debacle we now have? Will we do the right thing, step out of the nasty circle of hatred, of negativity and vote for a destiny for a brighter future.
     It is up to us. To you. To me. To all of us. Remember that Tuesday, November 3,2020, and let us find the luck of Tuesdays; let us reassure one and all that we have not all lost our minds, that we remember values, we remember ethics, that we remember morality, and we treasure thinking, caring, intelligence, decency, hope, and inclusivity. Let us bury those who wish to turn our country into a third world tyrant run nation. Let us bury these witches and warlocks in the figurative traditional crossroads. We are better than this. We must be. We can be. We have been and can be so again. Let us choose to redefine Manifest Destiny. The right way.