Monday, August 24, 2020


     What the heck is that? That is the number given to the asteroid that has, according to NASA, a "slim" chance of hitting the earth on - wait for it - November 2, the day before the election. Huh! Does that raise hackles and hairs on everyone? Does it send a shiver down your spine? Do you mutter to yourself how fitting this would be, a perfect matching end to our own man made disaster? 
     Do you look around at the country - California afire, TWO huge storms/hurricanes bound for the Louisiana coast over 48 hours, and the worst existential threatening election this country has ever had? I believe it is even worse than the election of Lincoln to the Presidency. Why? For  all were willing to accept the results, while today, the candidate Trump threatens to overturn the government by refusing all results contrary to his victory. In addition, he is doing everything he can to insure that he wins, including the very distinct tactic of fear and hate mongering.
     Now realistically speaking, the asteroid has, statistically speaking, no realistic chance of getting through, but I wonder, were we actually hit sometime ago, like five years ago, by some invisible force, perhaps the aliens  that Trump talks of, and we are now reaping all the consequences!!
     It troubles me when I look around or have a discussion with an otherwise intelligent person and listen to them spouting the nonsense, the impossible threats they state with complete conviction would result from a Democratic victory. What happens to their brains when the word, or topic, of Trump and Trumpism, is raised? And people still ask how could things happen? How could country after country fall self imposed victim to the malignant viruses of the extreme right? Or extreme left, for that matter? How could it happen there, here or anywhere? Well, just take a look around and see it happening right in front of your eyes. Then take a look back in time and see the hysterical rallies of the Nazis or any tyrannical regime, and watch the people cheer on their own terrible future awaiting them.
     Sometimes I am almost ready to endorse the weird theories of Trump about alien interference! How else can one explain the almost total implosion of this country beginning about five years ago? What the hell happened to the gray matter between the ears? Yes, Trump is demented, accuses his competition of being so as he mistakes his own image in the mirror for Biden, but the rest of the nation? Have we en masse resigned our souls, consigned them to the Devil, in return for a chance to rule, to lord it over those even more entrapped than us? Is that what America and Americans are really all about?
     I so hope and pray that is not the truth of the matter. One day, hopefully soon, very soon, we will all wake up and smell the truth. We will wonder how so many of us fell under the evil spell and influence of a crazed, hate filled, moral vacuum of a person? We will wonder how we let it get so far? I hope and pray that this realization comes before we find ourselves falling over the edge of the cliff as we blindly follow along, looking not where we are going or where we are being led, only following in the emotions of the moment.
     Fake tampering with ballot drop boxes. Impossibilities that are named such as duplicate votes. Virus infected boxes!!!! Unscientific and dangerous rushing of medical treatments before safety procedures have been instituted and followed. What the hell does he care if more Americans die, only caring about his remaining in office, to supervise the deconstruction of America.
     And what does America do at this point in time? We politicize life saving acts such as wearing masks. We turn to listing the most favorite Sesame characters, perhaps yearning for that sunny day on a street where the air is clear. Can we all find the path to Sesame Street again? Can we ever be that sunny country, naive, but caring, stumbling, but trying? Or will we resign ourselves to the new Amerika, the one where there is a new open royalty established, preview it all at the RNC this week as Donald I appears every night and/or a family princeling or princess is always present on stage. Hail Donald, the Prince of Darkness!
     Think I will go check the route of 2018VP1 again. Think I can dig an apocalypse shelter quickly, stock it up, and await the end? Hmmm - or are we already there!!
     People, just get out there and vote. Get that ballot and bring it over yourself. Put on a raincoat, a jacket, a tank top, whatever the weather demands, take a chair and nourishment, a book to read and a mask to wear and wait in line. Demand your right to vote and do it!! Do not leave it for the other, for every vote is needed in this threatened and threatening election. And do not forget to bring your own pen!!

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