Monday, November 30, 2015


      "Oh, no! Say it ain't so!" But it is. Yes, Lanny, just as Virginia eventually found out that there really is no Santa Claus, you need to find out and understand that there is really no truth meter on Google, on the Internet, or as your buddy calls it - the world wide web, otherwise known as the www in the front of every URL address. There is barely any censoring done for violent words and incitement, hate statements, let alone checking anything for truth. People can write whatever they wish, make up "facts", skew polls and ratings, ruin doctors and hotels with their reviews, get paid for reviews and on and on. So just exactly what is your problem?
     You say that you were misquoted? Well, go find the whole thing on your friend's blog. In fact, the friendly blogmeister from Gary's blog has offered the info as to where it is, the date and all and so has Eduardo, so go look and refresh your memory if you must but please stop playing the socialite seeing a mouse and shrieking to the high heavens. It is most unseemly and unmanly as well.
     As far as saying nasty things on the blog or "disremembering" other items, you can learn from the master of it all. He is the one who plumped for term limits and lookee now! Quite the opposite. He is the one who told a Holocaust survivor to disappear in a puff of smoke. Considering all those victims that did exactly that, I would not give this a very high grade for sensitivity, or caring or for any prize for humanity.
      Yes , it is easy to recognize your writing with its hyperbole and inflated writing, just as it is easy to recognize my style and even David's lack of style, unable to string together two sentences without your help and it is easy to see who really writes his articles in the Rag so please, do not deny what is common knowledge, and in fact, was so common for him to have you ghostwrite his articles that he and his pet, Joy Vestal, coeditor of the Rag, accused me of having a ghostwriter. It took me three days to stop laughing.
     Yes, there is much to be desired on the world wide web, the same one which David accused me of ruining for him because when I deemed him and his actions fascistic, he claimed the 200 million readers read that. Well, now there are at least 200 million and one as a resident of CV came over to me last week and told me that he was reading my blog and loving it. David is now a laughing stock in the Village for that statement of his to me, as usual, having stuck his foot in his mouth. By the way, Mr. Israel, my latest country to chime in is Papua New Guinea , along with my stalwarts and other countries such as the Netherlands, Indonesia, etc. How and why they find and read my blog is intriguing, but perhaps they like the general comments about topics or perhaps they are wondering just who you are. Never took up my dare, did you? In any case, I am privileged and proud to have all these people, here in the USA and overseas, read my blog and I thank you all. G-d willing, I will continue writing.
     Tomorrow's posting might be delayed as we are traveling again but I will do my best to put one on early.

      Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 210 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


     Lately there has been much made of the right of and to free speech. Certainly, here in the USA there is an enshrined right to free speech based on and in the Constitution and a proud tradition. Oh, there have been glitches, particularly when people did not agree, so union organizers, fighters for social justice and other people along that line were often called traitors or seditionists or communists. Notice, by the way, that fascists were never included in this role call for all knew that they meant to take away rights from segments of society, though we must remember that communism led to severe repression as well.
     This right did have a limit, for when it infringed on the rights of others or violated safety issues, it was limited and we all know the fire in the theater rule or story. So one can rail against women, against labor laws, against LGBTQ, against Jews or Moslems or blacks or whomever as long as it does not advocate violence, death and mayhem. It can be rough, but it is the law.
     Today campuses around the country are demanding the limitation and the expansion of free speech - but very selectively. You see, what students wish to say about selected targets is fine, but if it infringes upon their beliefs then suddenly we have the college equivalent to helicopter parents and "safe" places are needed, advance warning is needed so that they can go away and not hear some strong statements or words. Opposition speakers are booed and heckled, BDS wants to bring back the oh so lovely days of rampant and wide open anti Semitism and disguise it as anti Zionism - sorry, folks, same difference. Even in Germany, in Germany! we have this. Nauseating beyond all words.
     And this weird world, like the Brave New World or 1984, has a newspeak language wherein things are truly not clear in the normal sense of the words. Values are shattered and thrust aside and society is not serving the people but rather the other way around.
    People forget that words are dangerous. Let us take abortion. For many years it was legal in the USA and many took advantage of the right in whatever situation they were in - and it was not our right to deny that access.  It was a right to criticize, but not to infringe on their right to control their own bodies. Then suddenly it was illegal and even contraception or talking about it was verboten and the back alley abortion deaths rose quickly.
     Finally Roe v. Wade brought the right back again but look what has happened. Rights are being limited particularly with nonsensical demands and new terminology that never was and never is. But worse than that is the fact that even contraception is being challenged. Viagra for men - oh, absolutely, but abortion rights and contraception rights for women - uh uh. No matter why.
    So pray outside the clinics all one wishes to. That is a right. But do not take life in the name of saving life. Yesterday we had another awful situation at a Planned Parenthood clinic, a clinic where help is given to women in need and NO abortion is paid for by or with Federal funds, but does that stop the killers, the liars? No and so more people are dead - death in the name of life. This cannot be. Denial of free speech leads to denial of other rights. We might not like what other people have to say, but if not deemed harmful or hate speech, or traitorous, then it is allowed. As it should be.
     Words can hurt and they cannot be taken back and contrary to that ridiculous nursery rhyme, words can hurt you. But again, it behooves us to watch mouths but we do have the right to shoot them off or shoot from the hip or whatever phrase you wish to use. And remember - these are words we are "shooting' - not bullets but if persistently denied, along with other rights, revolutions often occur, some bloodless and some not. (Word to the wise - and the not so wise - revolution is certainly called for here in the Village, but we are talking of a revolution of words, of votes, of deeds, of thought and emphatically not guns so please, no more fake Bakerizing of people. That was truly shameful.)
     Even prayer can be hurtful and harmful. For centuries, there has been a Good Friday prayer wherein Catholics were praying for the benighted Jews who have not recognized the power and the rightness of Jesus Christ. We, remembering that he was a Jew and died as one and proclaimed aloud values from Judaism, we have no problem with Torah precepts that he avowed, but we do have a problem where he strayed off that path and accepting him as the Messiah and are still waiting for one. This is a difference that does not lay blame on anyone for a belief - or rather it should not. However, the American bishops just recently petitioned for a change in the prayer, long overdue, one that does not call Jews benighted or evil or lacking in understanding for not accepting Jesus as their lord. This is called the right of religion, another guaranteed right of the Constitution. If it is abrogated in one place, it will be abrogated in another and in many countries around the world where forms of Christianity are not the main religion, Christians are in big trouble, facing persecution, being expelled from a country and even torture and death so can we all please agree that all should be left to worship as they wish, as they believe, without harming or insulting or oppressing those who are differing in their beliefs. If only we would, what a difference that would make. No bombs based on religion. No threats. No forced conversions. No killing between sects of the same religion. Just a blessed right of and to free speech in all areas with proper safety limits, but no helicoptering parents on campus or government to tell us what to say or do. Free thought. Ahh, what a world it would be.
      John Lennon calls for a world of no religion, no Heaven, no countries. I do not believe that would be so good either, but the thought is clear - a yearning for peace and brotherly love. Most times, I truly doubt it will ever be achieved but we can surely try. And while many of you reading this will not agree with me on some issues - that is your right and mine and thank G-d we live in America.

Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 210 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.

Friday, November 27, 2015


       There appears to be a trend today, amongst governments large and small, and among people in the world, to revise history. We are now to pick and choose the events and their interpretations are twisted by facts gone unreported or forgotten and the stresses of the time are judged by today's rules.
     What do I mean by this? Take our own Village, UCO, and the history of it all. Today we have a man who insists that only he knows the true history of the Village and therefore he must be president for life. His historical knowledge is twisted and selective at the same time, refusing to recall what he has said in prior years - such as the statement that those who oppose term limits are autocrats at heart and will become autocratic. Ahem!!! Please look in that mirror. Thank you! He "disremembers" the harm he and his have caused to the Village with poor work procedures, no process at all, rampant discrimination against those who oppose him, vile behavior, tantrums and paranoia, horrific work projects in the village which have left us without necessary funds to correct the damage, a system of accounting that is rooted in la-la land, and worst of all, has generated a feeling of enmity within the Village simply by doing and being what he is. His words are lies, half truths, exaggerations and distortions, all accompanied with that snarky grin of his as he watches the destruction he has caused, sitting there ensconced amongst his hand picked small group of elites - those he has chosen in his regal rulings to rule the Village as he sees fit. Bad situation all around.
     But it is even worse out there in the real world. Suddenly all the figures of the past are being examined with today's glasses and being judged accordingly. For example, a great man of peace, though not perfect, has lately bee n pilloried because of his racism when he was President of a university. Yes, his racism was awful, but it was of the time as was the racism of FDR, part and parcel of the "genteel" anti-Semitism of the times, refusing even to help those being murdered as he waffled, yet that does not make us unmindful of what he did to bring the country back to a working economy. His wife, on the other hand, overcame her initial disposition and became a true humanitarian. All aspects of our great figures should be taught.
     Were we to carry this through we would have to tar MLK with the same brush, as his personal life, his philandering, left much to be desired. Yet that does not take away from his courage and historical footprint.
     This hysteria is fed by people who wish to revise history until it fits their needs. We "forget" so quickly that slavery is still alive, in Haiti with the restavik system, in India, in Arab and African countries using both black and Asian workers, in human sex trafficking. We forget that the slavery system, that awful beyond words system, was fed by African tribes warring and raiding other tribes, taking prisoners and selling them to Arab slave traders who in turn sold them to British and American captains and finally to the individual slave owner. All shared in the blame and still do when modern day forms of slavery are allowed to remain in place.
     But history is history. Shall we forget the achievements of Edward II of England who brought Wales into the kingdom, appointing the first Prince of Wales who was not Welsh? He was ruthless in his subjugation of the Welsh, yet it was important to the history and progress of England so what to do now? By the way, he also expelled the Jews from England. 
     Do we all make specialty groups and use them only? Yes, we have the ADL and the ACLU but notice how often they involve themselves in all issues. We have  Black Lives Matter but is it not right to say that all lives matter? Shall we not all work together and achieve or at least get closer to achieving a world where all are safe and respected _ Jews, Copts, Rohingya, Hindus, Sunni and Shia from each other and the ravages poured down on the Hazara and Yazidis,  the Bahai, the atheists, women, children and the list goes on - gay, transgender, the different and the quirky, the out of the box thinkers.
     History can be made to suit our purposes just as we see in CNN who used a map that showed Palestina rather than Israel. And you wonder why we worry? We worry when the ambassador  from France to the USA says, " These are the foundations of our model of society that the terrorists seek to destroy: Yesterday journalists and Jews; now ordinary citizens whose only crime was to enjoy life on a Friday night in Paris."  So Jews are not citizens? Are not innocent? Are they to be set aside, separate, judged responsible for their own deaths? The world is not yet where it should be and much of that is because of the peoples of the earth. We allow this to go on. We elect leaders who are so weak and faulty and who refuse to see the truth or find it at all. We elect these people and/or allow them to remain in  office through fear, inertia, selfishness and agreement with their policies. Again, not good.
     History is the story of the victors. Were the victors other than what they were, history would be written much differently. Neither would be 100% correct. Would that we could all agree on a unified and true version. Perhaps we can do a larger version of what I used to do with two disagreeing children in school. They would be given pen and paper and told they had to write an agreed upon account of the incident and when both agree on it and sign, I will read it and make a decision. Almost always the end would be that they would agree, share the blame, say they are over it and could they go back to class, please. Perhaps we need to do that. Can you imagine Putin and Erdogan together? Can you imagine Putin and the Ukrainian president together? Or , the leaders of rival tribes or even two responsible people, one Israeli and one Arab, all sitting and talking together, pad and pen in hand, waiting to return to the principal with the true history of the incident? Wow! If only it were that simple out there. But we can dream and work towards that dream, can we not and we can certainly start right here in the village. Hey, David, got a pad. I got the pens. One on one. Ha! As if. Manchild, double dare ya!

Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 210 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.


     We have just finished the day wherein we take stock of our life situation and thank the good Lord for all the good He has given us. It is a hard time now for the world, hard for people to look beyond the horror of the news what with the stories of death and destruction. These times bring to mind the two songs that we  used to sing  - War, What is it Good For and The Eve of Destruction.
     Yet today also brought forth good thoughts and hope for the future just as it has put some things into proper proportion though they are important as well. I used to do that with my educational kids when worried about a test in my classroom. I wrote several items on the board. For example, today I would write: Russian jet shot down - terror in Israel - economic uncertainty in the markets - Ebola epidemic - Class 8-1 takes a grammar test. And we have to think the same way today.
     And as for today, here in CV, I would or could do the same. All these horrors that we read of, see on the screen, people lost in economic despair and then add in references to David Israel and how he loses his way or Ed Black screws us again with "the best contract ever" - NOT! or  fees for UCO rise as we continue to pay for Levy's capital improvements of his RENTED facilities. Cracked roads and walkways, yes, but still safe in our community as a general statement. So we need to know that our problems are surmountable, and even when the large infant tries to roar, to wage war on those who oppose him, we need to see him as the unimportant minor would be tyrant that he is.
     So what were the signs of hope today? Well, first of all, there are so many more people who realize what David Israel and crew are and sooner or later they will be gone, be it by our vote or by the Lord's planning. We just have to keep up the fight and have faith and get out our votes, our delegates, remain vigilant.
     As for the rest of the world? Well, I watched a livestream of a wedding of two beautiful young people today, one the daughter of a man who was savagely slain, along with her brother, by Islamic terrorism for the crime of being a Jew in the Jewish homeland, only last week. The determination of the couple to live life, to carry on, the brave stance of the mother and wife who should have been sharing this moment with her husband - they will continue - Am Yisroel Chai. the nation of Israel will continue to live. We will carry on and the thousands who came to attend, even from overseas, to share in their happiness, in their promise for the future told me that we are one and no one will break us.
     In contrast to that joy I also watched the memorial for the slain Ezra Schwartz, the 18 year old American student butchered by the bullets of an animal. Over twelve hundred students, boys and girls, came special to attend this ceremony, to talk, to cry, to sing, to mourn and to  vow to continue on, to remain in Israel, to show the world that nothing will prevent us from doing what we must. We cannot explain bad that happens, only do good to contrast it, to defeat and defy it and as for the blood of all the slain - Hashem yinkom damam. G-d will revenge their spilled blood and meanwhile His people will live in the land of their forefathers, study their religious books, marry, have children, live their lives and carry on.
     There is strength in people, be it the Jews of Israel, the French who return to the bistros of the city of Paris, those who fight the terror, those who jump on the terrorist on the plane or train and those who reach out to help those in need. There is strength in those in the Village who stand up to our own form of harassment and terrorism, who see the truth and speak it, no matter the attempts to stifle them in the "fog of fascism".
     We will keep strong and just as we have defeated evil all though the generations, we will do so again and for always. To do otherwise is not acceptable. To do otherwise is destruction.
     Stand firm, talk to governmental figures, remain aware of the strength and sensitivity of people and remember what I posted on the blog about Thankful and  as I cried yesterday, as I cried  as I heard the voice of my former student, Gayle Sassoon, recovering from the tragedy of the fire a year ago, as I felt small in the face of her beliefs and determination and as I wrote to her how she has become my teacher - in these moments I knew we can do the right thing wherever we so determine. We can overcome the bad, the wrong, the evil, the incompetent, the dictators and the oppressors.
Believe with me. Believe with the good people of this planet.
Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 208 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


     Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family and to all my readers from he various countries of the world who are gracious enough to follow me.
     I am thankful for my family, for my friends, for the gift of writing, for my very life. I am thankful to be living here in Florida in the USA. And yet, there are dark clouds hanging around. So be happy today but remember there are those who have less than we do. Today I am putting on two articles written by excellent writers, written from the heart and perhaps they will help us understand the meaning of being grateful and the meaning of loss of surety of life. Please read both, long, but very important and well worth the time.

This was written by Rami Kaminski, MD, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Psychiatry in New York City.
His credentials are at the end of the piece.

For centuries, we lived in Berdichev. In the brutal Ukrainian winter of 1941, SS soldiers arrived there and rounded up eighty-seven members of my family – babies, young adults, octogenarians – stripped them naked, marched them to a nearby ditch, and executed them. Their lifeless bodies fell
silently into a mass grave.

Like most Jews in Europe, my family "cooperated" with the Final Solution.
They did not resist or fight back. Six million Jews were slaughtered in a
period of four years. They received little sympathy while they were still
alive and hunted down like animals. There was no public outcry because the
Holocaust fit the world's narrative for Jews during the past 2000 years: a
people destined to be persecuted and slaughtered.

During their two millennia in
the Diaspora, Jews were not known to resist.
There are few recorded instances in which Jews turned against their host
nations or retaliated against their murderers. Instead, the survivors – if
there were any – were expelled or left  for another place. The murdered were
regarded as "good" Jews. They accepted their fate helplessly, without

This narrative of the Jews has played out on the historical stage with
boring monotony: Jews get killed because they are Jews. Nothing novel about
it. After the Holocaust, however, the world, disgusted by this particularly
ghoulish period of history, accorded some sympathy for the Jews.

Media commentary about the ongoing Gaza War reveals the world has now
reverted to its pre-Holocaust perspective. Today, the only good Jew is a
powerless Jew willing to become a dead one. The Zionist Revolution is to
blame. It changed everything. Jews re-created their own country. The Arabs
attacked the new Jewish state the day after independence and promised to
complete Hitler's genocide. In succeeding decades, the Arabs attacked again
and again. Strangely, the Jews, many of them refugees from Arab nations,
adopted a surprising, new tactic: they fought back.

With Zionism, the Jews stubbornly refused to follow the centuries-old
script. They refuse to be
killed without resistance. As a result, the world
has become increasingly enraged at their impertinence.

The recent events in Gaza and Mumbai make this plain. In 2005, Israel
eliminated all Jewish presence in Gaza making it "Judenrein," and handed it
over to the Palestinians. Left behind were synagogues and thriving green
houses. The Arabs looted and destroyed them literally the day after Israel's
withdrawal was complete. Where these structures once stood, the Palestinians
built military bases and installed rocket launchers to shell Israeli
civilians. To date, some 7,000 missiles have fallen on Israeli cities and
towns, killing and maiming dozens, and sowing widespread terror. Medical
studies reveal nearly all Jewish children in the communities bordering Gaza
suffer from serious, trauma-induced illness.

The Gazan Palestinians then elected Hamas to lead them. Hamas proceeded to
kill or imprison their political rivals, and its leaders, true to the Hamas
charter, were unabashed in clearly stating their aims: they will not stop
until they achieve their Final Solution, kill all the Jews, take over the
land of Israel, and establish a theocracy governed by Islamic law.

As killing Jews for being Jews has been a national sport for centuries,
Islamic militants are justified in believing they are merely fulfilling
historical tradition in Argentina, India and Gaza. Surely the Jews in Mumbai
did not occupy Gaza. They were tortured and killed just for being Jews. And
predictably, in the eyes of the world, they immediately became good Jews,
just like my murdered family in Bertishev.

Good Jews would wait until Hamas has weapons enabling its members to achieve
their ultimate goal of absolute mass murder. Those enraged by Israel's
defensive military action insist Hamas uses only "crude" rockets, as if
Qassams were BB guns, and military inferiority were somehow equivalent with
moral superiority. In fact, Hamas now has Iranian-supplied Grad missiles
which have landed on Be'er Sheva and the outskirts of Tel Aviv.

Westerners have had only sporadic exposure to the indiscriminant killing in
the name of "holy war" which Israel has lived with for years. Memories of
9-11, Madrid, and London have dimmed. This is not because the Islamic
militants made a careful choice of weapons. They simply have not yet
acquired nuclear bombs. Once they do, the West will develop a less detached
view about the Islamists' professed intentions for the "infidels."

The only enlightened people in the civilized world who actually get it are
the Israelis. They've not had time for detached philosophical ponderings.
They've been too busy confronting the reality of Islamic fundamentalism.

Soon, Iran will have nuclear weapons. It will give them to Hezbollah and
Hamas. Today, Jews must take a position: either be "good" Jews willing to be
slaughtered without resistance, or be "bad" Jews who defend themselves at
the cost of being pariahs of our enlightened world. Good Jews would wait for
another six million to be murdered, and pick up to leave for another country
to start the cycle again. The bad ones refuse to go calmly into the ditch.
I confess: I'm a bad Jew.

Rami Kaminski, MD, is Director and Founder of the Institute for
Integrative Psychiatry in New York, a not-for-profit organization aimed at
evaluating current psychiatric services and how they integrate with
medicine, such as the mutual effects between medical and psychiatric
conditions. Prior to that, Dr. Kaminkski was the Commissioner's Liaison to
Families and Community and Medical Director of Operations at the New York
State Office of Mental Health. Dr. Kaminski also holds an academic position
as Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University. He earned
recognition in 1990 from Mt. Sinai Hospital as Physician of the Year, and
received the Exemplary Psychiatrist Awards from the National Alliance for
the Mentally Ill. Dr. Kaminski's research explores neuropsychiatric aspects
of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease and movement
disorders, as well as psychopharmacology of schizophrenia and other
psychotic disorders. He was for many years Director of The Schizophrenia
research Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. Dr. Kaminiski also served as
the Medical Director of the PMHP and consultant to the committee in charge
of developing the Special Needs Program.

Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 199 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.



This is the second article for today. It is long but comes from the heart of a young and gifted writer. Please read and think on its meaning. Thank you.

Op-Ed: Ezra Schwartz was eighteen and so am I

Ezra Schwartz was eighteen. I am eighteen.

Ezra Schwartz went to a religious Jewish high school and spent his summers in a Jewish sleep-away camp. I went to a religious Jewish high school, and also spent my summers in a sleep-away camp similar to Ezra’s, Camp Yavneh.

Ezra Schwartz made the noble and brave decision to go to Israel for his gap year, to a religious, orthodox institution for overseas students called Ashreinu. I too made that choice, and ended up in Yeshivat Shaalvim’s American program- a religious, orthodox, institution for overseas students.

Last Thursday, Ezra was killed. I am alive. 

I didn’t know Ezra. I won’t ever know Ezra. But since that twisted nightmare of a day last week, I have heard and learned so much about him. I felt my heart stop when my friend told me an American in Ashreinu was one of the victims of a shooting attack in Gush Etzion, a well populated and known area of the Judea and Samaria region of Israel. My stomach churned when I heard he was the roommate of a close friend, one who happened to have been sitting next to Ezra in the van during that hellish moment. I tasted vomit when I read that he in fact had been killed, and was not in critical condition, as so many news agencies that we rely on here for information initially reported on Twitter.

And when his picture was published, I felt the tears begin to flow. 

I didn’t know Ezra, and I won’t ever know Ezra. But in a way, I knew him- and know him- very well. The endless posts on his Facebook profile do not take long to mention common adjectives… “his smile,” “so kind,” and so often, “I love you and miss you.” 

In his smile, I see so many of my friends. The clothes he wears in his Facebook pictures- I recognize them from my closet. The look on his face in the pictures of him with his friends- it’s eerily similar to the one on my face, on my banner picture on my Facebook profile, with my friends. 

I know him through the dozens of friends I have that also know girls studying in the Jerusalem seminary, MIdreshet Harova. In fact, a close friend of mine’s roommate just happens to be Ezra’s girlfriend. 

I see myself in Ezra, and I see my friends. I see the hundreds of kids that flock to Israel from America to take their gap year (or two) here. So when I heard about Ezra, when it had fully sunk in that a normal teenager, from America, here for his gap year, was actually killed - actually murdered - in a terrorist attack, I immediately imagined my friends being killed. Myself being killed. This kid that I didn’t know, Ezra, being killed. 

I will not turn Tzomet Hagush (Gush Etzion junction) and Ezra’s death into a political battlefield, like many people have decided to do. I won’t cry, “It’s the settlers!” or, “No, we need more settlements!”. I won’t demand revenge or demand mercy- no, not yet. It isn’t the time, and this isn’t the platform. Right now, we still have to mourn.

So what I will do is talk about what it feels like to be here right now, as an American Yeshiva student, as an American in Israel for my gap year. On Thursday, so many of us were already saddened by the killing of two Israelis in Tel Aviv, two middle aged men killed while praying, two fathers, two husbands. But, as has become an unfortunate "normalcy" in this trying time, we read the report, were silent for a few moments, turned to one another and spoke about how terrible it was and how we just couldn’t believe it. Then we put our phones away, went back into our beit medrash, and continued on with our day.

That evening, information came in pieces. News agencies kept reporting differently. 

There was shooting attack near the Gush junction (the same place where, two summers ago, three teenagers were kidnapped and murdered. One of them, Naftali, was from the community where I am now studying). 

There were ten injured, and at least two Israelis dead.

No, wait; one of them was an American 18-year-old.

He was a tourist- no, he was on birthright- no, he…

As usual with tragedy, the original confusion is almost thick enough for you to reach out and touch. So many people were saying so many different things. Soon another student and I learned that the 18 year old American was a “shana aleph”, a “first year” student from Ashreinu. Then we heard he was a roommate of a friend of ours, whom some people were saying was headed to the hospital in critical condition himself. 

I left the Yeshiva building. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t feel. 

You see, as Americans, we feel that we come from a very secure, safe environment. Be it Sharon, Massachusetts or Teaneck, New Jersey, we can walk around not having to worry about being stabbed in the back. Not only do we feel that very security as Jews, but also as human beings.

If you’ve ever been in traffic, then you know how frustrating being stuck for so long and moving so little can be. But try to imagine constantly looking over your shoulder to see if someone is coming to ram into you and shoot you in the back of your head. With this sense of security that we have, as Americans, often when we hear or read about a terrorist attack in Israel, we chalk it up to the "norm" - because it has indeed become the "norm." 

But an American?

An American isn’t supposed to be killed in a terrorist attack… that happens to Israelis.... 

Because that’s become the "norm".

(In fact, just as I am writing this, a young Israeli woman very close to mine and Ezra’s age was stabbed to death, in the exact same spot where Ezra was gunned down.)

So I couldn’t believe it. I was in shock. I walked around thinking how how how how why why why why. I simply couldn’t understand. 

At around seven thirty at night we knew what had happened. Ezra Schwartz, 18, from Sharon, Massachusetts, who went to Camp Yavneh and who liked to play baseball and help people and laugh and who had a girlfriend in Midreshet Harova and who went to Ashreinu and who was roommates
I walked around thinking how how how how why why why why. I simply couldn’t understand. my friend and who wears the same clothes as me and who had a future and dreams and aspirations and heroes and questions about life and God and religion and was probably so excited for Rutgers next year and who probably caught colds and had headaches and fevers and who cried and had favorite foods and probably had a favorite one that his mom would make every Shabbat and got into arguments with siblings friends and parents and lived such an eerily similar life to mine, was dead.

And I was alive.

In my broken, distraught state, I did what any good Jewish boy should would and could do: I called my mom. I called my mom and cried. I curled up on the dark steps of our chadar ochel and wept for forty minutes. I thought of how it could have been me delivering food to soldiers, it could have been me going to see a friend in the Gush. It could have been anyone.

I wept and wept. I even begged God for a break, and asked if someone else could be the chosen people for just a few weeks, until we heal and get back on our feet.

I find myself here, in Yeshiva, asking myself questions I should never have to ponder. When I lay out my clothes at night, it really shouldn’t cross my mind whether or not these clothes will be what I’m wearing when I die. When I’m debating going out to see some friends, literally asking myself if it’s worth risking my life to drive to the city should stay far away from the equation. And I really, really should not have to write a letter to my family with “Just in Case” written on the envelope. The situation here really reminds me of the old Wild West. It seems that ordinary people just, well, die, with no rhyme or reason except that someone evil decided to end their life.

So how do we move on? How do we continue?

The Torah portion of this past week, the week Ezra Schwartz, Yakov Don, Avira Reuben, and Aron Yesiab Hy"d, zichronam l’vracha,  may they be remembered for a blessing, were killed, is the portion where God Appears to Jacob in Beit El, and tells him the land that he is  sleeping on will belong to his children.

The offspring of Jacob will return to the land.

I had the privilege of being in Beit El (a community north of Jerusalem) this past Shabbat, and it was during that very emotional, very inspirational weekend that I realized is that we’ve returned, but there’s a caveat: the land comes at a price. And that price is Ezra. That price is every single terror victim in the land of Israel. 

But we pay it.

And we are here because we pay it.

And if we are here, we will live.

And we must live in order to move on.

To quote Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, “No matter how difficult [the] times are, no matter how great the loss is, however dreary and bleak the present seems, the future shines with a brilliant glow full of promise. The messianic hope has never vanished; the people have never been enveloped by the dark night of despair.” 

Life goes on. It is dark now, but it will become lighter.

We will live. 

We will pray, and study, for we will not hide our faces from God just because He hides His from us. We will live; we will go out at night and have dinner or see a movie. We will go on walks if we so please. We will thrive here, and we will tell our children and our grandchildren that we stayed in Israel, we lived here, during a year so bad and so wild that people were killed to the point of normalcy, that people were stabbed almost daily, that people were killed praying, eating, driving, walking, shopping, talking- living.

A year when people like Ezra Schwartz, a”h, were killed bringing food to soldiers that were protecting him. 

We will live. 

We will live like how Ezra and everyone else would have: with laughter, love, and kindness. 

On Friday I etched Ezra’s name into my siddur and my shtender, my bookstand. I will live every day I have left of my time here like I believe Ezra would have. And that is how I will continue to know Ezra- through myself, and through those around me, doing the same thing.

We will continue.

We will live. 

And through us, through our living:

Ezra will live.
May God comfort the Schwartz family and all the families of victims of terror- and all of us- among the mourners of Zion, speedily in our days

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


      What, you might ask, is that? Basically, it is the structure of the world, the micro, the macro and even the individual. It is a principle of proper writing and thus the bane of many a writer - especially some kids in my writing classes! You see, it is the odd man out that appears to be wrong, out of place. It is the actions that do not have a match, good or bad that stand out. No matter where you are or your topic or subject matter.
     I have found that there is a great deal of parallelism between our micro world of the Village and the macro world out there. It is not often a positive or complimentary one, for the "leaders" of these worlds leave much to be desired. Now please note that those idiots who snarl and rasp out, "Well, let's see you do better," are idiots, plain and simple. For sure in the village there are many who could do better and we have a super great one running for office this year, Phyllis, so that issue is clear and as far as POTUS - huh, never asked to be that and do not want it but there are those who aspire to it but unfortunately few reach the necessary level of intelligence and mix of words and actions that we need. Certainly not the one we got right now!
     But let us compare some items. Both presidents at present anyway, are incompetent. One snarls and threatens and the other purses lips, pinches fingers together, loves any teen other than the Jewish ones who get killed for being Jewish so inconveniently. One promises that things will be done and yet, and yet - it doesn't. Finally tomorrow we are to open the pools both indoor and out at the Clubhouse. So WPRF promises and so has David Israel allowed them to waffle along in a very poor timely manner. Obama promisess things too but warns us that we had better be afraid, tiptoe around the world  because the terrorists are out to get us and then turns around in a speech with Hollande and says not to be afraid. Well, which is it? It confuses us poor wee little people out here.
     Both need a great deal of persuasion and pressure in order to see the light. For years we pressured David Israel to admit the crappy job done on the roads under his aegis. But the willful blind are just that and only when it could not be ignored any longer, did he admit a lousy job and now we are facing millions upon millions of dollars to redo and in the meanwhile are repairing the perimeter walkway piecemeal at a cost of thousands. As for Obama, his thunderous silence at the terror rampant in the world, in Israel, his refusal to comment or contact the families of those Americans slain there - until someone hit him verbally over the head with the proverbial steel pole and he woke up and then called a family yesterday - and it means nothing. It is like the forced "say you are sorry", told to kids in a  fight in school. The thunderous silences of his at inappropriate times, the late responses and the weak and confused responses make us a pitiful target of the world's derision and despair as they look to a leader that is not there any longer. The USA is not what it was, sadly so. And CVWPB is in the same boat. Parallelism.
     Poor thinking, confused thinking, misplaced threats, foolish actions, saying one thing and then saying  that it is not quite ready - in both worlds of ours - and it ain't pleasant. The security in both places stink. Well, we all know what is going on in the macro world and here - we have seen the postings on this and the other blog and just yesterday I saw another example of "the best contract ever" - NOT. At 4 AM we rode out of the Village in a year old car packed with lots of loot for the family. All gates at Haverhill were open - what happened to the closures - and no one, no one, came out of the shack to check us. I said to Gerry that we could have been thieves who just scored a great deal what with the car and the contents. So, best contract ever again  - it sucks!!! Thank you once more, Ed Black, for doing an incompetent job and telling lies all over again. We certainly can depend on you for continuity of behavior, can't we?
     People need friends, parallels to them in the world. People choose partners, be they male, female or even animal in the form of beloved pets. People have ideas and there are parallel people with parallel ideas, matching and opposing. This is what makes the world go round, but please, choose role models carefully and think, think, think. Running parallel to the lives of all of us are the lives of others. We need to choose carefully, think carefully and root out the bad, the incompetent, the wafflers, those who fail to see the truth, those who need to retire and pick daisies or play golf and bocce or whatever, but not ruin life for the rest of us.
     Meanwhile the count in Israel goes on what with another stabbing.
       Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 199 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


     Son of a bitch! Yup, that is what I called David Israel yesterday at the Operations committee meeting where he behaved exactly like the term.
At this meeting two desperate officers of an association came in to plead their case, asked for help or guidance from UCO and asked for relief from WPRF. They were in a real pickle, owing tens of thousands of dollar on two abandoned units and these were units that UCO and the so called assets recovery committee with a prominent member called Ed Black - uh huh, the same one we all know and love so well - had turned away because one had a mortgage. Instead of saying we will help with the non mortgage unit and give you advice as to where to go for help on the other unit, they simply sent them away and now are asking for all monies, and should FPM, the court ordered receiver ever find a tenant for these units, there must be a double payment of WPRF funds every month. Yup! You read correctly. Now who in the name of all that's holy will rent or buy a unit that has a tail of tens of thousands of dollars attached to it, more than the unit is worth? No one, obviously and so these officers were asking WPRF and UCO to have compassion, help, and forgive at least some of the debt or work something doable with them. No and NO and NO again and again.
     I spoke up and asked for compassion, for understanding the situation, the desperateness of it, the impossibility of this small association with many elderly elderly in it with not a lot of money and NO is what they heard. We had a similar unit and were able to work things out to our benefit and so I got the number of the lawyer we used and went out with them to give it to them. As I walked out, while I answered a phone from my son and told him to hang on or I would call back, David Israel mutters in loud enough voice, "oh, now she will give them the answer to everything" in as snide and nasty a voice as ever was heard. I turned around and said quietly that there was no need for that to which he mumbled another nasty turn of words and I admit, I lost it and called him a son of a bitch and a hard hearted person with no care or concern for the people. And then walked out to give them the number and calm them down.
     This man is a menace. He is nasty to all and sundry and as cruel a human being as one can find and barely edge into the name of human being. He offers no help, no guidance, has no empathy with others and so this time he was on the receiving end of a name rather than dishing it out as he usually does. And I will confess, it actually felt good after all this time of being polite to him in public and ignoring his nasty statements made in public.
     Other issues were discussed there as well. Did you know that the indoor pool will cost $185,000!!! Another overrun brought to you by WPRF with lots of excuses of course. Another fine example of us fixing up Levy's buildings with our funds and getting nothing out of it except for higher fees for WPRF. And watch, I bet within a couple of years we will be fixing it again as we did a few years ago - and the same with the pool for the guests at the Clubhouse which is already slated for more repairs this summer, Yup. Better believe it.
     And by the way, do not forget that the lift at Hastings, both of them, are out and the second floor is barred to residents. This is an ADA issue and was brought to the attention of ADA enforcement and Legal Aid and finally, this committee voted to force WPRF into using the money set aside for this many moons ago and put in proper lifts and suddenly the cost went from over $100,000 to $27,500. Amazing, is it not. Like Ripley's Believe It or Not isn't it?
     Then, just for fun let us look at the list of members of the Operations committee. Here they are:
David Israel                     Bob Marshall
Joy Vestal                        Barbara Cornish
Fausto Fabbro                  Howard O'Brien
John Hess                         Pat Sealander
Ed Black                          Anita Buchanan 
Ruth Dreiss                      Roberta Hofmann
Toni Salometo                  Ron Massa
Donald Foster                   Dom Guarnagia

Sound familiar? Look familiar as we look back on lists of other committees? That is your UCO - actually, their UCO, for it belongs to these people who are rotated through the various roles and positions in UCO and half never show up but are kept on since David refuses to appoint a diverse selection of people and indeed, warned off someone today by reminding them just who it is exactly who appoints people to this committee -as indeed he does to all committees as he is violating the rules - as usual.
     People, you must get rid of this guy, out to pasture he must go and vote for those who will administer a fair and honest UCO with process and procedure. Vote out any and all who are his puppets, whose names are associated with him. Vote for new people, other people and choose carefully and vote for the presidential candidate that is the best for us - Phyllis Richland, the best out of any and all candidates. The one who represents the people - you.

Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 198 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars.

Monday, November 23, 2015


     So we continue yesterday's post about alarm clocks. There are so many more to pick up on in the Village. Yesterday there were a whole lot of postings on Gary's blog about the miserable performance of the new security company. I wrote about their careless opening of a gate without even checking on the person in the wrong lane almost immediately after they came on. How could we possibly expect anything better when we keep having the same incompetent people responsible for their hiring. Remember - the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different to happen. Well, it does not. That is why we must throw David and his henchmen OUT OUT OUT of UCO and put in Phyllis.

  By the way, Jangor said on Gary's blog that I censor as does David. No, I simply defend myself from the nasty, violent, moronic and pornographic emails supporters of David Israel and crew were sending me. My nausea had reached the top. So here is jangor's post:

Obviously, when they wrote the article about Linda and published it in the August UCO, they did so without any real feelings or truth in the last paragraph. Those of us who know her know what kind of heart she has and appreciate her. (P.S. I tried to submit this to Esther's blog, but I guess she restricts as much as DI's)". Wrong conclusion and I gave directions as to what to do. Send me a gmail account, call me, contact me however you wish and we can fix the matter.
     But there are more alarms out there in the world and if we refuse to hear them and pay attention to them then we are doomed to repeat history and I, for one, will keep resetting that alarm until more people tune in to its warning sounds. There is a movement, a thought about a philosophy of mindfulness - "finding the still small voice of the soul that we barely hear", let alone pay attention to. It is about being aware of what is going on, so concerned with the busyness of life that we actually do not pay attention to larger and smaller concepts and ideas. As such we lose sight of important things. Being in touch with our souls, with morality, with ethics is most important and these are the alarm clocks of ourselves.
     But most of us walk on oblivious to the world. I cannot begin to count the number of people who do not know of the terrorist murders going on in Israel on a daily basis, multiple murders at that. They are oblivious to the deafening silence of the US government - the State Department and our miserable president, Obama, who refuse to acknowledge the murderous loss of American citizens, including the latest, an 18 year old boy from Sharon, Mass. They raise questions as to whether this was a terrorist attack!!!! Really, what do you believe a person riding in a car shooting an assault rifle at stalled cars constitutes? And even if it were - is there not a need to console all the rest of the victims, but no, that I cannot even begin to think what to call him, John Kirby, days after the murder of Ezra Schwartz and the wounding of other young Americans, reads off a statement as if he were reading a shopping list - with as little emotion or spacing or care or anything, reading it only because he was called to task. Concern about the sentence of a cop who should not have beat up a boy, but no concern about the continued murder of Israeli and American citizens. So much for our president and our State Department and John Kerry and John Kirby. They should be run out of office posthaste. Thank the Lord above that we have less of Obama left than we had before. Another year and a month and one can only hope that we all survive his waffling and wavering. Pursed lips and fingers held together mean nothing.
     How many know of the BDS movement wherein Israel is demonized and delegitimized? Where in Germany - Germany!! a large nation wide store pulls Israeli products - all Israeli products off the shelf. They need to be marked, we are told. Really, does anyone else have the shudders and the visions of JUDE painted on Jewish stores once more? The American Anthropological Society wants to boycott Israeli academia, the same academia that gave the world the intel chip and the cellphone chip and so many other medical and scientific improvements as well as the Bible, the Ten Commandments and even Jesus - as he was born, lived and died as a Jew, calling upon terms as filthy as the old canard of Jewish supremacy. Really, for those who need reminding, please find Mark Twain's comment about the remarkable contributions that the Jewish people have given to the world.
     David Wolpe, an amazing man whose writings should be read by all, wrote, the other day, that "the enemy of the Jews becomes the enemy of the world." He says that it is a simple historical rule that has been demonstrated over and over again. "Regimes and ideologies that target Jews never stop there; they are imperialistic....and begin by identifying the "other" and then move on to target larger circles." And yet, no one loves that alarm clock. Not the mechanical one nor the human one. No one likes to look and see that damning alarm clock, calling on us to find that work ethic and get out of bed. No one likes that human alarm clock that calls out warnings, that points out deficiencies, yet alarm clocks we must have, like it or not.

     G-d said to Abraham that "The nations of the world will be blessed through you" but does not add that we will be loved for that and indeed, are not. Yet we are not alone, and wars have proven that to murder one group of people inevitably leads to the murder of others. Just as one good deed inevitably will lead to another, so, too, does one bad deed lead to another and the inevitable indifference to wrong in the world.
     The alarm clock is ringing here in the Village, and more importantly, out there in the world. Russia now has troops in Syria in a massive movement and are elsewhere as well. China is building islands in the sea and they ain't from Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. France and Belgium are trying to scrub clean the terrorists from their societies. Hotels are exploding and children are being kidnapped and raped, used as slaves. People are being beheaded, whipped, thrown off roofs for being gay. The alarms are ringing off the night table and cannot be shut down without a concerted effort by all. Hear them ring and do something.
Total in Israel for October, November:  23 dead, 194 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars.


Sunday, November 22, 2015


      Pity the poor alarm clock, so necessary and yet so maligned and hated. It is slammed, cursed, thrown and yet where would we be without it. It gets us up for work or for that really early flight. It gives us that extra hour to cram for a test. And it also gives us warnings.
     You see, there are other alarm clocks - human ones - and we need to pay attention to them as well as to the little annoying one on our night table. It is the whistle blower who sets off the alarm and is generally not thanked for that effort, be it Erin Brokovich, or the cigarette suit or anything else that interfered with the daily lives of people, inconvenienced them. People just do not like alarm clocks, mechanical or human.
     We have alarm clocks here in the Village as well. These are the people who first began to call attention to what was going on here in the Village, with its harmful policies of careless spending, of the ignoring of process and procedure, of shoddy workmanship and hence the constant repetition of the same work orders and payment again as we tried to fix what never should have been. These people were the alarm clocks of CV and many people did not appreciate them for it bothered them to think that our administration was not doing right by us or they were comfortably ensconced within it so do not upset the applecart, they thought. Or there were people who did not believe us, could not believe us, for then it would have meant that they had been taken for fools all those years.
     Well, pop goes the weasel - again - as now we have the continued throw under the bus policy when Linda Graff was tossed out of her receptionist job - unpaid - at UCO. Why? Ostensibly it was to give returning snowbirds a position but even that does not make sense for it should and could have been discussed and why do temporary people take precedence over permanent people? In any sense, in any world, be it business or organizational, no one wants the temporary over the permanent unless there are nefarious motives behind it. Use of power. Hiding misdeeds and malfeasance. Threatening people and showing them how quickly they can lose their little fiefdoms, all part and parcel of the machinations of the David Israel camp.
     Actually there are usually other reasons behind and those reasons have to do with the fact that there are smart people who finally wise up, pull the cover off their eyes and see what is going on in UCO and then want to write about it, talk about it, fix it and then BOOM!!! They are gone. The weasel has waved his paw and off they go. Alarm clocks no more. And do not think that anyone is immune and beware the sudden "gift" of generosity from David as suddenly he appointed John Gregg to the Bid committee, the same man whose work with Channel 63 was rudely interrupted and forced his retirement on principle. Beware, John, for this man is not to be trusted. Keep a watch on your back.
     And as far as Lanny's ridiculous as usual paean of praise for Bob Marshall - well, let me force back my nausea for a minute - ah, better. This is the same Bob Marshall, who, along with those two stalwarts Ed Black and David Israel, who brought in people from Texas to fix the roofs and other damage in the Village and we all know where that went, what with Dover's roof falling over the side and just hanging there and other roofs which leaked more than not and all the rest of the fixable items that were not fixed and then, only recently, did David Israel and Ed Black laugh, yes, laugh, over the debacle of these Texas people. Sure, who knows what they got out of it and why should they have any empathy for others. That appears to be alien to them.
   Yes, alarm clocks are very important and when one knows how to set it properly, to pick a gentle tone or a gradually rising insistence, or one who knows that work has to be done, the plane has to be caught, the co worker picked up for the carpool - when reality sets in, then the alarm clock can be appreciated. So people, accept and appreciate the alarm clocks of the Village. It has not been easy for them as they were and are still being abused, maligned, mistreated, by our ostensible leader, David Israel, a man who does not play nicely with others, who does not go by the rulebook of decency, who indulges in temper tantrums worthy of the worst of the 'terrible twos" though he is well above that age. Be kind to the alarm clocks that point out the signs and strains of paranoia, of megalomania, of distaste and contempt for the principles of our country, of democracy.
     Bertolt Brecht wrote in one of his famous poems about "Poor B.B." lines which suggest that eventually all that will remain of our grand cities and works and our presence in them will be the wind that blows through their remains. Kind of like Ozymandias. So appreciate the alarm clock, that much maligned tool of life. And stay tuned for Alarm Clocks Part II for tomorrow's post.


     This was written by Linda Graff upon her firing from UCO. Not to worry, Linda, you are in good company. And Ken - you stand by your wife as you should. Loyalty is important. As is truth.

Opinion Piece
by Linda Graff

When I became a full time resident of Century Village, I immediately felt welcomed. I made friends, became involved in the many social activities and clubs that are available here, and I enjoy the amenities very much.

I also made it my business to give back -  to volunteer some of my time and effort to the community that had so welcomed me. At UCO, I was assigned to work at the reception desk where I was trained to greet and direct visitors and manage incoming phone calls. I have worked in service professions throughout my life; it was my pleasure to perform this job professionally and with a smile. I enjoyed meeting and working with my neighbors.

Imagine my surprise, when I showed up at UCO for my scheduled work day and was told that, “The snowbirds are back.”  My services were no longer needed. I was told that I could reapply for my job in May. In other words, I was fired. Eventually, realizing that I really had no reason to be in the office (a new volunteer was already sitting in my seat) , I left. I had nothing else scheduled for that morning, so I went home. So much for giving back.

It took a few days for me to get over this incident. My feelings are hurt, but I am also angry. Why would any year-round resident volunteer at UCO if they know that they might be fired when the snowbirds return? I have worked at volunteer jobs all my life. Having more volunteers than work is a good thing. Couldn’t all of the available people be scheduled? A once-per-week slot could be made into a once every other week slot. Two days per week could become one day per week during the winter. Everybody works, no one's feelings are hurt and, most importantly, the work gets done. Next Spring, I expect that UCO will be shorthanded again and put out a call for new volunteers. I will not answer that call. One day, no one will. It’s just a matter of time.

Friday, November 20, 2015


       One was an 18year old American boy in Israel for his gap year. Motive: to strengthen his knowledge of Judaism. This day he took time off to deliver snacks to kids his own age who were serving to insure the security of the State of Israel and its citizens. Along with him were five other boys from his yeshiva. Inside the nearby village of Alon Shvut was another yeshiva where many other boys, including many of his former classmates from high school - and my gentle #2 grandson - are also spending their gap year. Not an unusual day - except that Ezra never made it back to school and is instead back home and instead of preparing for Shabbat, is having the rites of death performed, readying him for his final trip.
     Two men stabbed to death outside a shul in Tel Aviv. A third in critical condition. Why? Because they are Jews and because they thought that they would try to pray with a quorum, a more preferred manner of praying than doing it alone. The cost: their death and that of the wounding of another man.
     Nine others were wounded at the Gush junction. Two others were killed and though one was a Palestinian, Israelis and Jews worldwide are making no distinction and a letter of condolence is being sent to all families. Terror and hate make no distinction.
     The most murderous day yet in this sakhin intifada. A man wakes up one morning and decides to get an automatic weapon and go to a place where there is often a traffic jam at that time of day and then shoot that assault weapon into cars and when done, ram his car into another so as to take more people with him, he and his accomplice figuring they would have done a good day's work.
     And in the meanwhile a nation is stunned. And in the meanwhile a nation continues to bleed. The wounds of other mothers in Israel are cruelly ripped open once more as they recall the deaths of their children and reach out to comfort the newly bereft. This is a special club that no one wants to join. It is by violent invitation only.
      The terror in Paris or today's hostage taking in Mali or the bombing in Beirut or the attacks on Israelis are all part of the same whole. There are no rationalizations. There are no reasons. And there certainly is a moral transgression on those murdered, torn from life, when the US State Department issues a statement that tells both sides to take actions to stop this and to take carefully measured steps so as not to inflame the situation. Really? How dare the State Department. How dare Obama stand by silently. Could not this 18 year old American boy also have been his son? Is he not to be mourned or is he to serve only as another vehicle for the State Department to exhibit their long known Arabist tendencies? Are we to blame the Israelis who dared to walk in the only country that welcomes Jews, that brings them home if they must, the country that French Jews are immigrating to in vast numbers, the only Jewish state in the world while there are 57, yes 57, states of Moslems so why do they want this little one? Why? Because it is not the state but the people within it - their goal and thus, the world acquiesces in their murderous intent when they blame the victims and somehow these victims should have never fallen onto these knives, should not have wanted their lungs and hearts to be ripped apart, should not have wanted bullets to rend their bodies temples of death, to wish to live, to live in peace, to love their families.
     So unto the Heavens we Jews will cry again. We will weep and mourn with the families for Jews are one, no degrees of separation, a small group of people who defy the attempts to slaughter them, to wipe them off the face of this earth. That will never happen. Never.
     And so my daughter is keeping her son in Israel and going to visit him soon, as we are to do in March. And the mothers and fathers of thousands of other kids there, be they in yeshiva or university, volunteering or interning are keeping their kids there and planning to visit. The point is made. And despite the hearts of all of us being in our throats night and day, we will persist, strive and survive. It is time the world learns this and learns that terror makes no distinction and by the way, stop this odious comparison of the Jewish refugees of the 30's and 40's to the Syrian migrants. There is no comparison.
     So we pray for an end to this horror. We pray for the world to wake up and realize what it is that we all face. No one's loved ones are immune. Let us put an end to this murder and weeping and let us join hands to fight the terror of this growing "caliphate". Let us stop the tears. Let us stop the blood. Let us pray, yes, but let us also take action, have courage and faith. There is no other way unless we wish to keep on the path of murder and rampages and blood filling the streets and no one is safe. Je suis Paris. Je sui Juif. Je suis Mali. Je suis Beirut. Je suis Americain. Je suis human.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


     Well, was hoping these early morning posts were in the past but obviously I was wrong. Oh well. Such is life, always full of lovely little surprises.
     Anyway, before we get back to the world at large let us take a little walking tour of the Village. You know once I bought that Fitbit device I am feeling the compulsion to get out there and reach that goal of 10,000 steps a day so have been putting on the miles walking in various areas of the Village. Guess I am making believe I am a CAM!!
     So what was that I was seeing on the perimeter walkway? Orange lines outlining areas which desperately needed repaving, as opposed to other areas which also needed work yet would have to wait their turn - sadly so as I guess we are repairing the damage from the crappy job these same administration officials did a few years ago, but doing it piecemeal. Who is doing the repair work? Was there a bid and process for it? Why not get the same company that did the other repairs in the black areas as they did a good job and their work is smooth and seems to be holding? Just askin' - again.
     And what else is new on our roads? Well, the cracks are getting larger and longer and I believe we have a new visitor to our Village. In numerous places on the roadways there are now very large and wide footprint like impacts where there is a depth to the impression and just exactly what is that? Is it the beginning of a sinkhole? Is it just the crappy job breaking up faster and that 15 years is a major pipedream - and where will we get our money to fix all this in the very near future? Or perhaps we wish to look like the boondocks with rutted dirt roads? Who knows what goes thru the minds over there at UCO. Oh, I got it, by golly. It is Bigfoot or his cousin the Yeti, come to visit us and traipsing all over the place!
     Let's look off road for a bit. Well, the swales by Stratford are disgusting and look like a neglected roadside segment of grass, scrubby, weedy and poorly covering the ground. Or of course we have that just about the ugliest and scariest looking stump of something or other opposite Dover B alongside the walkway. That thing needs to go. It is truly looking like something out of a horror movie. Pieces of trees are being left all over the place for days on end and guess what? I am sure you will be shocked. The bench by the bus stop opposite my building is STILL not fixed. I guess because I called David Israel a fascist on the world wide web for 200 million people to see and read about, so despite the fact that I presently do not use the bus and therefore am not personally impacted by this lack of repair, I do see friends of mine, building residents from my association and from Andover at the stop, but hey, what the hell, guess they are tainted by my living near them and David's toddler mentality. Sorry, folks, but go speak to Donald Foster the CAM? or Fausto, the VP who for two months has had nothing to say in the column of his in the RAG, David Israel in his hidey hole over there in UCO and perhaps convince him to do something worthwhile for the residents and grow up already.
     Feeling the need for recreation? So let's amble over to the Clubhouse guest pool......oops! Still not open. Well, hey, we still have at least three and a half months of season and then we can officially close it again should it ever open again! So.... over to Somerset for perhaps a game of tennis or pickleball and then a cooling off swim.  Oops again - there seems to be trouble with the courts, some water issue which appears to encourage these courts to take a dip so off to the pool but please be careful of the pavers that are sticking up - yes, exactly, those pavers that had our money spent on them already but as usual, had a half assed job done so we could do it all over again pretty quickly.
     Okay, so let's go to Hastings where we can go upstairs and play some cards and then pool or ping pong and then take a dip there. Uh oh, the upstairs is roped off. Dearie me! Whatever could the problem be? Aha!! The lift is broken - big surprise - and rather than WPRF do what they should, by putting in an elevator, a capital improvement, they refuse to do so. How much better for them if they insist that WE have to pay for it - put in an elevator or a phenomenally expensive lift that they recommend - and meanwhile just lock up the second floor - just another day in the life of fixing Levy's buildings at our expense. In the meanwhile, is the fence there fixed yet or shall we pencil in another year or two for that? And oh, what was that about a visit from Legal Aid and enforcement agents for ADA provisions? Uh oh, better do something and quick, Eva. No more games.
     Need more tour stops? Okay, today, let us stop by the UCO building where at 10 AM we need to show in force to let David Israel know that he cannot have free reign with spending our money as he now wants approval for anything under $5,000 or even $10,000 to be his right and his alone. I guess that is because he has done such a heartwarming job of being careful with our funds lo these many a years. Man, this guy has got to go. Luckily for us we have Phyllis waiting in the wings and all she needs are the votes of the delegates and many of those delegates know how special she is and never mind the nasty rumors and lies that present UCO people spread about. Disinformation, lies, repression of rights - same old same old. Time to get rid of them and refresh our Village.
     And now, what's up with the world at large. Could not leave this one alone. That Kerry needs to take a quick and sudden leave, needs a vacation desperately. Here is a quote from his oh so astute mind.
      "Referring to Friday's attacks, Kerry said: "There's something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that."

"There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of - not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, 'OK, they're really angry because of this and that'," Kerry said.

"This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate. It wasn't to aggrieve one particular sense of wrong. It was to terrorize people," he added."

    Now doesn't that make you feel better, knowing that the murders that took place in France in January, 2015 had a "rationale" behind it so I guess those who died and their loved ones can take comfort in that, huh? As for the latest slaughter, sorry, no comfort for you guys. Kerry says so, no reason for this other than to terrorize. Can you believe this guy? He is the Secretary of State? This is standing firm against terrorism, against yes, dare I say it - Islamic extremism and terrorism? Time for Kerry to join his boss in a planned retirement and we can only wish that the remaining term of Obama does not inflict a whole bunch more damage upon us and the world.

        Sleep is looking better and better. But don't forget. 10 AM for Bid Committee and do not forget Operations on Monday at 10 when we can ask Eva and the rest of them some lovely questions.