Thursday, November 19, 2015


     Well, was hoping these early morning posts were in the past but obviously I was wrong. Oh well. Such is life, always full of lovely little surprises.
     Anyway, before we get back to the world at large let us take a little walking tour of the Village. You know once I bought that Fitbit device I am feeling the compulsion to get out there and reach that goal of 10,000 steps a day so have been putting on the miles walking in various areas of the Village. Guess I am making believe I am a CAM!!
     So what was that I was seeing on the perimeter walkway? Orange lines outlining areas which desperately needed repaving, as opposed to other areas which also needed work yet would have to wait their turn - sadly so as I guess we are repairing the damage from the crappy job these same administration officials did a few years ago, but doing it piecemeal. Who is doing the repair work? Was there a bid and process for it? Why not get the same company that did the other repairs in the black areas as they did a good job and their work is smooth and seems to be holding? Just askin' - again.
     And what else is new on our roads? Well, the cracks are getting larger and longer and I believe we have a new visitor to our Village. In numerous places on the roadways there are now very large and wide footprint like impacts where there is a depth to the impression and just exactly what is that? Is it the beginning of a sinkhole? Is it just the crappy job breaking up faster and that 15 years is a major pipedream - and where will we get our money to fix all this in the very near future? Or perhaps we wish to look like the boondocks with rutted dirt roads? Who knows what goes thru the minds over there at UCO. Oh, I got it, by golly. It is Bigfoot or his cousin the Yeti, come to visit us and traipsing all over the place!
     Let's look off road for a bit. Well, the swales by Stratford are disgusting and look like a neglected roadside segment of grass, scrubby, weedy and poorly covering the ground. Or of course we have that just about the ugliest and scariest looking stump of something or other opposite Dover B alongside the walkway. That thing needs to go. It is truly looking like something out of a horror movie. Pieces of trees are being left all over the place for days on end and guess what? I am sure you will be shocked. The bench by the bus stop opposite my building is STILL not fixed. I guess because I called David Israel a fascist on the world wide web for 200 million people to see and read about, so despite the fact that I presently do not use the bus and therefore am not personally impacted by this lack of repair, I do see friends of mine, building residents from my association and from Andover at the stop, but hey, what the hell, guess they are tainted by my living near them and David's toddler mentality. Sorry, folks, but go speak to Donald Foster the CAM? or Fausto, the VP who for two months has had nothing to say in the column of his in the RAG, David Israel in his hidey hole over there in UCO and perhaps convince him to do something worthwhile for the residents and grow up already.
     Feeling the need for recreation? So let's amble over to the Clubhouse guest pool......oops! Still not open. Well, hey, we still have at least three and a half months of season and then we can officially close it again should it ever open again! So.... over to Somerset for perhaps a game of tennis or pickleball and then a cooling off swim.  Oops again - there seems to be trouble with the courts, some water issue which appears to encourage these courts to take a dip so off to the pool but please be careful of the pavers that are sticking up - yes, exactly, those pavers that had our money spent on them already but as usual, had a half assed job done so we could do it all over again pretty quickly.
     Okay, so let's go to Hastings where we can go upstairs and play some cards and then pool or ping pong and then take a dip there. Uh oh, the upstairs is roped off. Dearie me! Whatever could the problem be? Aha!! The lift is broken - big surprise - and rather than WPRF do what they should, by putting in an elevator, a capital improvement, they refuse to do so. How much better for them if they insist that WE have to pay for it - put in an elevator or a phenomenally expensive lift that they recommend - and meanwhile just lock up the second floor - just another day in the life of fixing Levy's buildings at our expense. In the meanwhile, is the fence there fixed yet or shall we pencil in another year or two for that? And oh, what was that about a visit from Legal Aid and enforcement agents for ADA provisions? Uh oh, better do something and quick, Eva. No more games.
     Need more tour stops? Okay, today, let us stop by the UCO building where at 10 AM we need to show in force to let David Israel know that he cannot have free reign with spending our money as he now wants approval for anything under $5,000 or even $10,000 to be his right and his alone. I guess that is because he has done such a heartwarming job of being careful with our funds lo these many a years. Man, this guy has got to go. Luckily for us we have Phyllis waiting in the wings and all she needs are the votes of the delegates and many of those delegates know how special she is and never mind the nasty rumors and lies that present UCO people spread about. Disinformation, lies, repression of rights - same old same old. Time to get rid of them and refresh our Village.
     And now, what's up with the world at large. Could not leave this one alone. That Kerry needs to take a quick and sudden leave, needs a vacation desperately. Here is a quote from his oh so astute mind.
      "Referring to Friday's attacks, Kerry said: "There's something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that."

"There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of - not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, 'OK, they're really angry because of this and that'," Kerry said.

"This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate. It wasn't to aggrieve one particular sense of wrong. It was to terrorize people," he added."

    Now doesn't that make you feel better, knowing that the murders that took place in France in January, 2015 had a "rationale" behind it so I guess those who died and their loved ones can take comfort in that, huh? As for the latest slaughter, sorry, no comfort for you guys. Kerry says so, no reason for this other than to terrorize. Can you believe this guy? He is the Secretary of State? This is standing firm against terrorism, against yes, dare I say it - Islamic extremism and terrorism? Time for Kerry to join his boss in a planned retirement and we can only wish that the remaining term of Obama does not inflict a whole bunch more damage upon us and the world.

        Sleep is looking better and better. But don't forget. 10 AM for Bid Committee and do not forget Operations on Monday at 10 when we can ask Eva and the rest of them some lovely questions.

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