Friday, March 31, 2017


      Nope, not a Biblical lesson. This is about our country, the United States of America, which once stood tall and proud, even as a new and small country, an example to the world of what could be done if people were strong in their convictions and the goal was a good and proper one. So the colonists, ill equipped and yes, consumed by factors of sects and disagreements, managed to agree on one thing - they needed to be a free country, away from the smothering control of England. And yes, not all were to be free, but at least we did remember that all should be free and over the years, too slowly, but at last it happened and slavery was abolished.
     The small and new country was the only country to take on the Barbary Pirates, a scourge to the world. It set its stamp on the New World, it protected its territories and yes, even stole much territory and caused heartache and horror to Native American people, but once again, this new country needed to learn what was right and proper and there was always a group of people who stood up for that right and finally most of the majority did learn from them.
    I know this is almost a whitewash of American history, simplified to almost an absurd point, but the very point is that we did try ad we did grow and we did become a light unto nations, nations which learned from us, nations which sought their own liberty and independence, nations which declared themselves democracies. We stood for human rights, we supported ways to find peace even as we fought wars to protect those who needed protecting. And yes, more errors were made but we did try.
     But something went wrong, seriously wrong. Today we are the butt of jokes all around the world. We are jeered at for our election process, ridiculed about our whole system of government and the way it no longer works. We began to hear only ourselves, to be unthinking automatons to a Party line. We became tribal in politics, in living, in loyalties and woe upon he who did not belong.
     Voices protesting this were heard, but were not strong enough to overcome the naysayers, the negatives within society. Our public servants became self servants and the constituents suffered. Patriotism, as usual, became the last refuge of the scoundrels and the would be tyrants. Suddenly only they knew what was best for people, whether they liked it or not.
     But there was more. Reaching right into the president's office and family, there began to grow a terrible and shameful connection between Russia and Trump et al. Whether he was involved personally or not is not yet known but the doubts and the questions are there and the deflections tried, the ranting and raving on Twitter, the accusations of "fake news", the pushing of fake stories by Trump, his use of lies - and the shadows of tyrants begin to fall over the country.
Is the man truly ignorant? Is he truly evil? Does he not know what he truly does not know? Is he mentally ill and can he use hospitalization and if so - what then?
     We are no longer a light unto the nations unless it is in the negative. Other countries are trying to push populism, nativism, prejudice - just as they see it in the United States. And on top of it all, the cause of it all, or rather the result of the cause of it all - us- as we are the ones who allowed him to get into this position  - but this man who now looks literally insane in his pictures, with his mean face or his pout or caught in the middle of a shout or threat and that hair!!  The whole gestalt is simply not normal!!
     Can we be a light unto nations once more? Do we even deserve to be and can we get back the respect and trust we have lost from the rest of the world? I really do not know and I hope and pray that we are all equal to the strength that this will take. But it must be done.
     And we must introduce more light into our Village. Now we have the "expert" David Israel who has knowledge that is quite well known by all, at least anyone who reads a paper, as he pretends to be  a know it all. So instead of writing what is of importance to the Village, he writes what is of more concern to others in spheres we can do nothing about. And as for pretending that he knows all about the Mossad and what they do with the internet - puh leez! The only thing that I see that concerns the Village is his approval of more control over what the media writes. Uh huh. Not a surprise, this coming from the man who wants to control all here in the Village and cuts off access to all media to anyone he dislikes.
    In addition, if he wishes to be honest with the Village, then why is he once again pushing Atlantic Broadband and this time with his stooge, Lanny, as the sudden expert on all things internet and broadband. Will the papers on this and other topics in the Village be open for public view, for transparency . Nope. Not on your life. Sharon Bock says she makes all things available to the public but not David Israel. Time for him to go. Time to let in the light here and let us be a light unto other condominium associations and how to run their developments. Time to get to work!!


    Just received sad news having to do with my old high school. The news came from several sources as the subject of these emails was a favorite teacher of our grade and many others. He played a big role in my life those four years and even afterwards and it made me sad.
     I thought then of other teachers from there and way back, realized how many are no longer here and there it was - bits and pieces. The bits and pieces that make up life are beginning to fall away more and more. Among these bits and pieces are good people and it makes me wonder why they go and others, less deserving, remain here.
     The absence of my parents left a huge hole in my heart and thank the Lord I have my grandchildren who constantly ask questions about them for they played a huge role in their lives. It fills a need in me to remember them, to laugh about them and then sneak in a story or two about their parents who were not the shining perfect children they try to pass off as the truth!
     But these bits and pieces, the other adults in my life, those who played a role outside my family, in the world where I was Esther, a person on her own, of her own value and how they did influence me. I had my Judaic Studies teachers, many from Israel, who infused us with Zionism and love of Israel and that is why so many of us live in Israel or are constantly visiting family there. I had an intense study of Jewish history from a professor of Hebrew University and I remember how I cut class every Thursday to babysit his kids when he and his wife were both late.
     And I remember my General Studies teachers who so impressed me with the breadth of their knowledge and from whom I modeled my teaching skills and my attitudes towards the kids. I remember my favorite sub, Ms. Gray, an English teacher, Ms. Novell. I remember Mr. Carmel, a man who went thru three religions until he became a converted and committed Jew and who wrote a book about it, So Strange My Path.
     This man who is just deceased answered my questions, did not condemn any of them, and forced me to push myself to attain the high standards he expected in his classroom and yet, he was always willing to have a discussion as we called it if he felt it was a serious enough need.
     These were the bits and pieces of my world then, along with family and friends but teachers were very important as I spent such long hours amongst them - from 7:30 AM to often as late as 6 PM. Together they made the bricks of my life.
     And now there are more bits and pieces, old and new friends who have become an integral part of my life. Bits and pieces who have become ill, suffered a tragedy or who simply grow a tad more tired as the years go on. And yet the brains function and the mind is sharp and their hearts? As big as they come. These bits and pieces are now the mortar between the bricks and how they are needed.
     And the foundation of life now, holding the bits and pieces, the bricks and the mortar together? These are my children and grandchildren and Gerry. Without these bits and pieces there would be no foundation at all.
     I know this is not my usual posting but the news of the death of Amnon, my teacher, made me think and evaluate and remember - not a bad thing to do at times. Bits and pieces.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

To read the latest issue of The Messenger - Click here


     First, the staffer of Brain Mast was in the Okeechobee branch library today but hidden away in the small conference room with a lack of signage or complete knowledge of the staffers who told some people that they were not there. The staffer told me they will be trying to set up visits at least once a month with better signage available. Take advantage of these community visits to ask questions and get help. Come on April 1 to the Town Hall at 11 in Room C and ask your questions of Brian Mast himself. If we do not speak up, if we do not come, then what are we saying to the politicians and the people out there? That we do not care? That we are to be ignored?
     Now back to business. Wow, are we lucky. Not only do we have Jared Kushner as an unpaid employee of the federal government, a seemingly indispensable cog in the Trump machine, but now we will also have Ivanka, the daughter of Trump, as another unpaid federal employee, able to see all sorts of secrets and guess what? The royal family of America triumphs again as they follow the road of all dictatorial families and try to install their relatives in offices and positions of power. Forgive me if I am wrong but I surely do think that this stinks to the high heavens of nepotism and that, my friends, is illegal. Wow, another crime committed by Trump. Such a shock! Excuse me while I choke!!
     But back at the ranch things are not looking so good are they? Jeb Bush basically told Trump to get off his sick tweets, the ranting and raving about things that are not true and get on with the proper business. That would be a good idea but there are issues there, are there not? Let's see. Okay, so they stymied the House investigatory committee about Russia/Trump but there are still the Senate hearings at which Sally Yates will testify despite the fact and effort of the Justice Department - what a misnomer that is at present -and wonder what will come out of that. And do not forget the investigations of the FBI with all the information to come out there, a very serious investigation and allegations. Cannot wait, but people, what happens if there are indeed traitors at the helm? Sure, we can try for treason but can you imagine all these people in the dock, eligible for the death penalty and then who heads the government? Where does the taint end? A mess beyond words.
     What else is new in the daily messy news? Oh, right, all those jobs "saved" by Trump at Carrier? Uh huh! "The Carrier fan-coil lines and related jobs will be gone by the end of this year" and so will thousands of other jobs in the region. So much for help and boasting of things for the working people. And guess what, while they are losing their jobs they will also lose their healthcare as the Party seems to be insisting on reviving it, they will not have SNAP to help for food for the kids, or funds for schools or money for retraining. Good job, Donny!! And double that lie for the coal miners whose jobs are already lost to automation and then again, think of the useless promises of Trump even as he goes about destroying our planet. And in the meanwhile, remember that boasting of Trump that he would have the biggest coalition of gun enthusiasts ever, a typical boast - well, it ain't here!! As usual, another fake lie. Oooh, is that fake news? Got to check with the fake media!
     The best news ever? Donald Trump can have his pants sued off him! Ugh - that picture in the mind! Anyway, back when Bill Clinton was sued by Paula Jones, the case "went all the way to the Supreme Court, which held in a unanimous decision in 1997 that executive privilege did not protect a sitting president from lawsuits filed against him for private conduct." Oh yeah! Trump now has about 75 outstanding suits against him, private suits as well as other ones that insist he is going about all thing the wrong way. Don't ya' just love it!! Now they want to say that this cannot be - just ask that genius, Spicer.
     Trump thinks that he is above the law and yet as President he should be setting an example for the entire country but what he is showing is that one can do whatever the hell one want to so guns are being unsheathed and hatred is growing by leaps and bounds and humanitarian funds are disappearing and ethics seem to have no place in this administration. In fact, it appears that the fewer ethics one has, the better off one is.
     So what else are we doing in our once lovely country that is supposedly being made Great again? Let's see....oh, there ya go. We are deporting the wife of a disabled vet and the mother of four American born citizen children, one being brain damaged as a result of surgery as a child. Well, good going there all you Republicans. Deporting those bad hombres again. Wow, surely do feel safer, don't you?
    Fox is being sued for discrimination and there is a huge blossoming petition to have Trump either pay himself for Melania's security as they live apart or have her move to the White House. He who complained about the cost of Obama's trips to Martha's Vineyard is sure doing a whopper on the US taxpayer with his separate households, his trip to Mar a Lago and his other properties even as he golfs the days away. Ryan is pushing all thoughts of cooperation with Democrats for the healthcare issue and keeping the government going after April 28 and keeps ranting that we cannot tell people what to do with their healthcare - maybe, but we sure as hell have no right to take it away! But at least the judge in Hawaii extended the order blocking the travel ban.
    People, this is ugly. This is shameful. Are we a third world country that has dictators for life? Are we a third world country that wars against itself? Are we a third world country that allows itself to be manipulated by the likes of Putin and his Russian mafia? Where and when and how did this happen? Are we not ashamed? I am.
     Looking around I wonder why we even fight here in the Village to get things right, to get David Israel gone, settling into retirement and getting our Village back on track in all the many ways it needs. Why and how do we do this when David Israel has a role model in the President and as he sees the garbage that they get away with in Washington. Drain the swamp indeed! Anybody have a huge suction machine and a safe dump site for all that needs to be drained, here and in DC? Didn't think so.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017



Banning fracking in Florida is one of the rare opportunities for Tallahassee to actually improve life in Florida for everyone.

There are similar bills in the Florida Senate and House.  

SB442, a bi-partisan anti fracking bill, is assigned to three committees.  It passed through its first committee, the Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee 5-0 on March 8.  Nothing has happened since.  It still has two other committees to pass through, the Appropriations Subcommittee on Environment and Natural resources and the full Appropriations Committee.  It is a common practice in Tallahassee to allow bills that they don't want to pass to languish in committee without being heard.  That way, nobody has to go on the record against what they think might be popular with constituents. This bill could be a perfect example.

HB451 was introduced on first reading on march 7.  Nothing has happened since.
That is a bad sign.  It also has been assigned three committees to pass through, Natural Resources and Public Lands Subcommitteer. Agriculkture and Natural Resources Appropriation Subcommittee, and Government Accountability Committee.


Call and demand SB 442 be moved out of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Environment and Natural resources since there's been no movement since it passed through the Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee on March 8th. Share with others - Spread the word.

You will find the link below for the Ban Fracking bills as well as two 30 second ads - one against and one for fracking.  Following that are the phone numbers for SB 442 and  HB 451.  Call SB 442 first if your time is limited.
House Bill
Senate Bill
Date Chamber Action; 1/24/2017: Senate • Filed: 2/1/2017: Senate • Referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; Appropriations Subcommittee on the ...

WHAT!!! WHAT????

    What is the word of the day. What is it that we have done? What is it that we are allowing to happen? What are we ignoring? What is our fate and that of our country? What, just what the hell, is going on!!!
     And the what extends to other places in the world. What is happening in Russia where the young generation has woken up and protested in masses. What will happen to Putin? Will he be overthrown in a new version of perestroika and glasnost? Deserves it for sure!!
    What is happening all over the world with right wing extremist parties coming to the fore? Will we have another world wide hate fest? And will we allow the entire continent of Africa to starve to death, to die of Middle Ages diseases that should have been eliminated decades ago? Will we allow their continent and indeed the whole world to disappear as we know it in a climate apocalypse? Just ask Trump about that as he signed an order today just about unraveling all that Obama has done for the climate and environment. Does Trump think that the air in his hotels will be clear and clean and to hell with the rest of us?
    And what about the confession that came out today - there must be cuts in domestic humanistic programs and why? So we can pay for the wall between us and Mexico? So big talk about Mexico paying for it, huh! No one should be paying for there should be no wall as planned by the hate filled and xenophobic and lying Trump.
    What is happening? It is scary, frightening and think of older people not understanding why and how their food stamps or their health needs or their home needs will be cut and they are expected to just die quietly!! Think of the kids who will have no CHIPS program, no lunch or breakfast, no afterschool and of course we must do away with that subversive Sesame Street and PBS. Oh the propaganda they push!!! And by the way, where are the women in this administration? An all male panel decides on women's health needs? What the hell is that??
     What have we done? What have we allowed? Russia is in the Ukraine, our soldiers are going boots on the ground all over, civilians are dying en masse because Trump and his generals are pushing this crazy tempo of war and it is "let us conquer the city even if we have to destroy it!" Is there no better thinking than that? Yesterday I read what a curator said of the Ice Man, found in a glacier, who was murdered all those many years ago. He was murdered, killed, and we are still killing people, by many means, so perhaps, she said, we have not truly evolved very much, if at all.
    Trump keeps pushing his dangerous and even treasonous behavior and refuses to allow an objective hearing on the Russian - Trump connection. Why? What is behind that behavior? Is it the fact that he has sold us down the river? I truly believe so and think his entire administration needs to be taken down, charged for treason and for crimes they committed prior to becoming appointees and let us clean house. No more emoluments. No more ethics violations. No more mixing business of the country with personal business and profit. No more smirks and weird faces and thinking he is putting one over on the rest of us.No more!! No more faces of Spicer telling his lies, telling a reporter to stop "shaking her head" as he tries to say that the whole issue is settled. It is most emphatically NOT.
     In fact, why has the whole thing been called to a halt? What are the Republicans so worried about that they are trying to shut it down. The whole thing stinks and the thought that our whole administration is rife with traitors is mindblowing.
    So what to do? Here a few suggestions.
      Congressman Brian Mast is holding Satellite Office Hours at the Okeechobee Library on March 29th.  A staffer will be there from 1:30-3:30pm to discuss federal agency issues with any of Congressman Mast’s constituents.
     Town Hall on April 1 at the Clubhouse room C at 11. Go and ask the Congressman questions. Bring these questions to the ticket office and put them in a box for the emcee to gather. But ask away. Why is he supporting the repeal of our healthcare? What is he thinking of this wall and its financing? Where does he stand on the Russian connection.  What about women's rights and LGBTQ? There are so many things he can be asked, so do so!
     March on April 1. Come to the Clubhouse and march, after a light breakfast in the party room, with the Alzheimer's group and the Democratic Club and all people who care what is going on. There will be an open mic after the march. If we do not stand up and speak up, there will be no funds for medical research, for cures, for the arts, for anything - so be there. Then go to the Town Hall. Just down the hall. If you cannot do the march for health reasons, then go to the Town Hall for questions.
       Action Alert!!
Eric Schneiderman, NY Attorney General is accepting calls to investigate Trump's violations of the emoluments clause and EAGERLY tallying up public support. He doesn't care whether it comes from residents of New York. THIS IS BIG. Staffer recommended we call AND email.
Phone: 212-416-6218
Email address:

Message needs on read: "Please investigate President Trump's possible violations of the Emoluments Clause"
Please spread the word

     There are many things that can be done. What to do is not hard. Just do it. Channel the past if you have to. Picket and protest. Sing We Shall Overcome. Whatever - even go and buy a pair of Birkenstocks! I just did for other reasons but what the hey!! Get your beads and your grandchildren. Get your courage and your energy and let us have done with this mess. Have an answer for your grandchildren as to WHAT you did during this most unAmerican time. What? Get out there and speak up. Show we are unaccepting of this mess. show up for the Town Hall. Demand those answers.
     Please remember to sign up when you drop in your questions.
     I leave you with the words of Hillary Clinton at the Professional Businesswomen meeting in California.  "Resist, insist, persist, enlist."

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

To read The Messenger - Click Here


     Remember when your parents would tell you not to be friends with so and so because of a poor reputation or some other reason? Remember when you also told your kids to not hang out with the fast crowd or the troubled crowd? The people who are our friends, our go to people, tell much about ourselves. And that is why, friends, the whole thing about the Trump administration just stinks to the high heavens.
     Not a day goes by that we do not hear another instance of something rotten, something shady, happening or already happened, with Trump appointees.  So many of these people have questionable areas but because the Republicans are in a majority, they get confirmed, but the truth will out and will demand redress, no matter who or what they are at present.
     The chief guy with the most questions about ethics and violations of ethics is the president himself. One wonders how it is that he cannot seem to cut himself away from his businesses but instead he now chooses to use his Presidency to amass not free publicity, but publicity that is paid for by us, the taxpayer. He uses his business holdings as semi or quasi White Houses even as he refuses to publicize his visitor list, conducts the nation's business in public, open to the gawking of those rich enough to pay for the privilege and even has installed family members as part and parcel of his administration , allowing these callow youths, relatively speaking, access to top secret and confidential material without proper vetting. And he talked about Hillary?
     Speaking about Hillary, Trump is now trying one of his classic moves of deflection and as the nasty information keeps growing about him and his campaign and their discussions with the Russians, what does he shout now in his stupid tweets? Why, go investigate BOTH Clintons on ties to Russia. Does this man never give up?
     So what else is going on in this very dirty sandbox? Nunes, the very man who is supposed to be conducting a non partisan investigation is off meeting people in secret on White House grounds in the middle of the night, the same Nunes who had roles in the transition of administrations. Sniff, sniff. Smell that rot?
     That rot permeates the administration. We now have Rex Tillerson aka Wayne Tracker in emails from his former position in Exxon, certifying that the information put out by his company in official statements and forms was the truth but in reality was not the truth. Bad boy!! Very bad and liable for criminal prosecution. As this was before he became Secretary of State, he is liable for these charges to be brought against him and is that not a lovely picture indeed,  a friend our parents would not like us to have, a criminal in the dock.
     So off to Sessions, the Attorney General of the United States, the head of the Justice Department, and now 23 people from various states have stated that he gave false and misleading information and lied in responses at his confirmation hearing re the Russians and his ties to them. Such a proud example of what makes America great!! They want him brought up on charges. I agree.
     The violations of ethics and laws, be they confidential rules for our country, conflict of interests, the truly smelly business of selling your country down the road, the sickening love fest that goes on between Trump and Putin until suddenly one of them realizes that they're supposed to be enemies and makes a snide comment, but then all is forgotten again in a sea of "brotherly" love. We have requests for more money for this ridiculous wall between us and Mexico and hear no more that Mexico will pay for it so by all means, let us cut the funding for all the humanitarian departments and sections of government, the hell with the needs of the people and just apply those funds to the harmful and hateful areas of life.  Such a good idea!! And while we are at it, do not forget to target those cities who refuse to go along with the disgusting war on immigrants, Thus they are threatened with loss of funding - such a good man this president is, is he not? He would have made a good little Nazi, following orders and obeying the rules and commandments of the Party and the government and the hell with morality and justice and humanity. And whoops, do not forget the hosting of the Chinese at Mar a Lago! More business in public. Don't ya just love it!!
     The business of government is made to be done with transparency and honesty, with ethics - on the national scale, the state level, local levels and here in the Village. Would that it were so.

Monday, March 27, 2017


     So what is the something rotten? Well, first of all it is a play that we just saw down in Broward Center for the Arts and it is well worth the trip. It is on schedule for Kravis next season and you should definitely buy tickets and prepare to laugh and applaud loud and long. Besides the laughs, what I found great and reassuring was the fact that so many people recognized all the lines from the various Shakespearian plays - and as a fan of Shakespeare and a student of Shakespearian works, I greatly appreciated that reassurance of culture in America - as well as recognizing modern American culture in the segments, lines and bits of songs that came from American iconic musicals. The actors were great and it was a terrific audience.
     Under the laughter and the jokes, one could see what was rotten in society of then and thru the years. Shylock was funny, but the truth was there. And when the characters were banished to America, the new country, there was song and dance over how it was the land of dreams. Not such a dreamy place now is it for so many. And funny jokes were cracked by the wife about women and equal rights and yet underneath one could sense frustration that we are still not there yet. But anyway, go see it and have  a great time.
     So.....what else is rotten? Well, you should know the answer by now but in case you forgot, here are some reminders. Think you have privacy on your broadband or internet or devices? Well, forget that what with the law that the Senate just passed and straight on Party lines with the Republicans screwing us again.
    Want some more? Okay. No one is supposed to be able to force you to reveal your medical issues, your genetic issues but once again the Republicans thought otherwise and in a misnomer of a bill called the Wellness Act, workers can now be forced by employers and the bosses to reveal all and then just try to get a job when they know you have a medical condition that will cost the plan money or work time lost to a medical need. Thank the Party again for that.
     More? Okay. So Ted Koppel told off Sean Hannity, that he is not good for America, that he encourages the hatred in America between opposing viewpoints. How right he is and how true we see it is when we see the role model, you should excuse me, tweet that all should watch the Pirro show and see her kick ass with Ryan, blaming him for the failure of the healthcare vote. Well, I am thrilled that it failed, but the plan stunk to the high heavens and ALL Republicans are to blame for even allowing it to get to this point, never mind the fact that after seven years all they had was hot air and nothing else. And don't think that Trump is not blaming the Freedom Caucus for it - those extreme right wing Republicans and thank the Lord above they did not like it, though for the wrong reasons. They wanted to squeeze even more out of people!
     Now Mnuchin says that they will turn to tax reform and that is an easy deal. Huh? Since when is tax reform easy? I guess since what they plan is simple - screw the little guy, the working class and remnants of the middle class and give the money to the needy -you know, the rich who will get even richer and to the corporations who will stack up the bills in their vaults. Simple, sure enough. Just not too good for us.
     But rest easy for now Jared Kushner, the 36 year old son in law of Trump, has now been deemed responsible enough to just about turn the government an the country upside down. He will reorganize everything, privatize where he feels it necessary - guess it will work out just as well as the privatizing of prisons and convict transport!! And do not forget that experienced government employees will be left out of this equation - jut business people. What a mess!
      Rotten is the atmosphere we now have in the country. Rotten is the fact that people do not like nor trust other people if they have differing viewpoints. Rotten is the fact that people will not even talk to these opponents for otherwise there will be a shouting match or worse. Rotten is the fact that now we have airlines who throw kids off planes because they are wearing leggings. Might as well throw the entire country off the planes. Like it or not, leggings are an accepted mode of dress and who the hell is United to decide women and girls have to wear dresses!! Are we in United Statesastan? What the hell!!  Boycott United!!Rotten is the fact that the president we now have is a truly incompetent and dangerous one who has introduced all sorts of negativity into our world. Rotten is the time that we now have the governor of California warning off Trump, so just who is governing this country? What can we expect? Rotten is the fact that we need to figure out how to get him and his henchmen gone for after all, he is not a legitimate president in my book and for those of you who care, there are big protests in Russia today over corruption and a leader of these protests was arrested. Is this what we are to expect in our future? After all, Donny loves Vladimir and makes excuses for him all the time
     What is not rotten are the founding principles of our nation, the underlying goodness that still resides in people, the strength and courage of those who plan to protest and stop these monstrous plans in their tracks.
     So to take a page from today's play, something is rotten in the state of the United States - but we hopefully have the courage and the strength and the willpower and the patience to root out this rotten material and rebuild and bring us back to where we should be.
    And that urge and need to rid the state of rottenness should carry over to the Village. Eight years is more than enough for a man who has done us much harm particularly within the financial arena and in the destruction of the will of people to be volunteers for UCO due to his behavior. It is time for him to go. He is not President for Life. No one has died and made him permanent king of the hill. G-d forbid. Look at his behavior with the volunteers on the Advisory Committee and keep on watching. There is always more.
     The softness of rot can be rooted out  nationally and locally and right here in the Village - its gotta' go. As a PS, do not listen to the blathering of Lanny Howe on David's blog where no one is allowed to respond. What is wrong if there is a March for Alzheimer's, a terrible disease which steals people away, and a March sponsored by the Democratic Club and a Town Hall with Brian Mast who HIMSELF chose the day and hour - all on the same day. And yes, a Republican coming on the same day as a Democrat sponsored march? That is called America and democracy at work. The two Marches can coexist and the Town Hall meshes in as well. Busy day but what a great day for the Village. It has woken up, joined America and will do more for its residents than argue about the chairs by the pool. Why not join in, Lanny? The show at Kravis is not till 2 if a matinee and the evening if that is the time. More than enough time to show up.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


     To be betrayed is one of the most hurtful feelings and events in one's life, be it by a partner or a friend or a person in whom  one is supposed to have trust, faith and expectations. Today, so many of those who are supposed to be upholding words of oaths, to serve the people, to protect the Constitution, are indeed part and parcel of the betrayers and they sink to depths which go lower and lower each day.
     Brian Mast, a freshman congressman from the district that includes Century Village, an area where Medicaid is a fact and necessity of life, where surety of medical coverage is indeed a necessity FOR life, has betrayed us. He lost his legs while serving in Afghanistan. We appreciate his efforts and service and do not begrudge him the medical care and prostheses that he received via the generosity of American taxpayers. But, a huge but at that, it does not mean that the comradery that a unit develops in wartime is the same as a comradery of a Party group in getting them to pass the repeal and the Trumpcare bill which would indeed introduce that famed 'death spiral" into reality for so many. Teamwork and team loyalty is not appropriate for this matter. It might earn him the appreciation of his boss, Trump, but certainly not of his constituents and I hope he is prepared to answer for that. Why did he think it appropriate that a large part of this repeal and replacement is huge sums of money into the pockets of the wealthy? Why, if this is such a good plan, do we not incorporate federal employees such as Congressmen into this plan and cancel their costly and platinum valued health plan? It would certainly save money. Betrayed is what we were by him.
     And betrayed is what we were and are by the lack of forethought of many American voters in choosing Trump as an element of misplaced antagonism and protest and betrayed is what our allies felt once this man was elected and opened his mouth. Betrayed is what we are when we hear that there was a great deal of evidence that supports the statement and conclusion that there was collusion between Trump campaign people, high up in the campaign and Putin and other Russians. Betrayed is what we were when we know that Putin expressed his interest and indeed resolution to defeat Clinton whom he hated intensely. Why?Because she has a working brain and Trump does not? Betrayed is what we were when the NSA says in so many words that they knew the Russians would interfere with the election but not quite sure of how it would be. Why did they not do something before the crisis? Betrayed is what a woman who voted for Trump when her husband is grabbed for deportation even after years of contributing to society. She thought only "bad hombres" were being deported.
     And let us take a leaf out of the book of Trump. For years he agitated that Obama was not truly an American citizen by right of birth. For years he carried on and the marvel is that people actually believed him. But here is another hypotheses along the same idiotic lines and let's see how Trump likes this one. Perhaps Trump is the intruder, the fake, the imposter. The man is presumably born right here in America, grew up here and yet he cannot speak one whole entire sentence in English but rather wanders from topic to topic right in the middle of a syllable!! He cannot spell to save his life - not even simple words like tap - tapp!
    And why not add to this betrayal by wondering aloud how a man of great mental imbalance and issues could have passed any kind of sanity test and if there is not one, then perhaps we need to install one ASAP. A megalomaniac. A great big bully. A man who thinks something is so because he says so, making a lie into a truth? A man who desperately needs a haircut!! A man who cannot accept blame and instead blames everyone else and then if that were not enough, he just tosses them away (kind of like someone else I know right here in the Village). And speaking of the Village, of the events coming up, the March on April 1, that sponsorship comes from within the Village from the Democratic Club and from without as other organizations wish to join. That is called democracy. Try it - you might like it. The Brian Mast Town Hall is a combined effort of several organizations and the right of all Americans to ask questions of their representatives. The sponsorship is not important; the principle and the questions are.
     Finally, betrayed is what happened to us all. Betrayed by those who squandered their vote. Betrayed by those who did not vote and hence gave a vote to Trump for all intents and purposes. And betrayed we are by all those who say well, he is president so let it rest. NO!! We cannot stand by and allow our rights be destroyed, become limited in scope, lose our right to privacy and the expectations that government and its public servants are there to serve us, the public, rather than themselves and their business interests and donors. Betrayed with the position we are in now when all safety regulations in all spheres of life are being taken away and betrayed we are if the BAT goes through, the border adjustment tax, for rather than helping our economy it will cost the public huge bucks as the price of everything goes up so hence fewer buyers, fewer need for factories here, less money for free spending, fewer jobs in the service industries as fewer people need services and down we go, down into the depraved and wrongful thinking of the alternative reality of Trump and his sycophants.
     Betrayed is what we are when the president thinks that he can lie till the cows come home. Adam Schiff told Trump that "presidential credibility, once squandered, may never be fully regained." But this will never be as Trump has no dignity left and for a cherry on top, this man is pushing fewer or no regulations on water and clean air and it is now predicted that water is already unaffordable for one in ten households and that is scheduled to grow to almost 30% of American homes within five years.
     So do not betray yourselves. Do not betray the futures of your kids and grandkids. Do not accept an administration when  a Bannon tells Congressmen that they have to listen and obey! Last time I checked, there is still democracy here in America despite Bannon's deepest wishes. 
   Step up. Ask questions. Demand answers. Do something! Anything!
     By the way, the hours on March 29 for Brian Mast are 1:30 to 4.

Friday, March 24, 2017


   If you can recall, there was a show long ago, when my kids were kids, about a dinosaur family that faced the same challenges of daily life that we face. Their world was a good one but the powers that be ignored facts, lied to the people and the series ended with the family sitting and shivering at a strange winter which overcame them, snowing forever and they sat there shivering, saying it would end and so ended their world. Sounds familiar.
     But the favorite line in this program was , "Because I'm the Mama, that's why!!" And don't think I did not use that line on the kids and they laughed and listened - and it worked quite well in school with the kids using teacher instead of Mama. There comes a time when we have to know that someone has the final sayso, someone that we need to and can trust. I would say that in our government it would be the president and the more important figures of government, But, a big but, not today, not when we have a president who  knows he is wrong yet defends the most outlandish statements in a ridiculous statement of his own and I quote him.
    "I'm a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right. Hey, look, in the meantime, I guess I can't be doing so badly, because I'm the president and you're not."
    "...he has presented himself as the last honest man ..." and yet he is the man on the planet who can least accept the truth. He creates his own nasty reality, an alternative one that consists of lies made up in his own head, lies which he then lays off on someone else when he is caught out, lies which are meant to deflect attention from his own sins and they just mount up. Pathological lying is a sickness, one of the many mental issues he has and this man needs to be gone, settled in a nice room in one of his hotels and cossetted and soothed all he needs and wants but certainly needs to be far away from the buttons of power, from the seat of power before he destroys us all.
     There has been nothing good that he has done since inauguration. He has terrified millions, upset millions more, threatened members of his own party that they had better vote as he wants or else he's gonna get them!. He wants a Trumpcare that is going to strip the coverage from most and has disappointed many who thought he would improve it - silly people! He has endorsed the views and philosophy of the Fat Cats, stripping all regulations that protect us and the environment, allow us to build toward a better place for our children, cut all the safety lines for workers and our kids in school and just find one good thing he has done. The only thing I can find is that Nikki Haley as the UN Ambassador is a powerful speaker, a needed one but is she expressing her views or his? I would bet on hers. She is one to watch for future developments.
     How do we deal with this man who cannot deal with the truth, with this man who would sooner lie as tell the truth and perhaps does not even recognize truth when it rises up and smacks him in the face. How do we explain him to our kids - to ourselves!!.
    I have no answers other than hoping that the powers that be start finding some common ground, like perhaps the betterment of our country and get together and solve this problem, especially the Republicans who are still Party above all. Party uber alles, no matter who is hurt. No matter the fact that nothing positive is happening and all the negatives are simply increasing in power and in hate inducing actions and feelings. Just look at what happened late yesterday and overnight.
     Trump  has been threatening mayhem for the Republicans who have the gall to turn him down. Those who are voting No seem to be doing this because they wish to make it tougher, not better and 24 million people are still going to lose their coverage, but what the hey! Just the struggling masses so who cares, right!
     Yesterday we heard from a dad who needed a proper education for his son and Boston was it. His local district disagreed and so did Gorsuch who stated that de minimis - the minimum was enough. Really? Are we to tell all the parents and all the children with learning disabilities that they are to be limited in their aspirations for the minimum is enough for them!? How dare they? How dare he? And the Supreme Court justices felt the same way too but what would happen if Gorsuch had been confirmed and faced a similar case. This man has no heart, just like Trump, and he needs to be rejected. And speaking of no hearts, Brian Mast, yes, the very same one who will be available April 1 here in the Village and a staffer on March 29 in the library, tried to rally others to vote for the repeal! He is a Trumper all the way, right over our dead bodies! Be there, question him, make his see the light!
     And the lack of care and concern for the people, the atmosphere of let business rule continues with a vote by the Senate, right along Party lines, to allow ISPs to sell our info. Yup, a regulation had been passed to prevent this, but this is one of the regulations that Trump and company do not like. You voted for him? Look what you have done! Even as people are beginning to see thru the nasty right wing sites, we still have a long way to go to combat this nastiness and disregard for and of others.
     And by the way, it appears that America has shut its doors. Might as well take down the Statue of Liberty for it no longer welcomes people onto its shores and though its doors to a better life. They have decided to make it harder, almost impossible and to take a looooong time to get a visa. Welcome to Trump world.
         How do I know this? Why do I feel this? Because I am a thinker, that's why. Because I am a mama, that's why, who is worried for her little chickadees. Because  I am a person who cherishes truth and cannot abide liars. Because, like it or not, planned for or not, I have become an activist and brother, did I think those days were over long ago but you know, activism is necessary out there and in here in the Village. David Israel is a mini Trump and just as bad for us. His actions and behavior are toxic to us and he too must be put in his place and answer to the people. Calling opponents of theirs names is the last resort of a hopeless person who knows he has no excuses for what he has done and caused. Trump and Israel - what a pair.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


     On March 29th, a staffer of  Brian Mast will be at the Okeechobee Library to answer questions and concerns and perhaps provide help if needed that deal with federal agencies.
     On April 1, at 11 to 12, Brian Mast will be holding a Town Hall in room C in the Clubhouse. Questions and sign ups should take place in the Clubhouse prior to this date.
     Prior to this on April 1 there is a light breakfast at 9, a march around the Village and an open mic. The march is for all the rights and cares that we have and is a non partisan all welcome affair.
     This is open to all and is NOT a UCO sponsored affair, but rather that of social organizations that are non partisan.
     Go to all, attend one - your choice, but do show up at at least one. Century Village is a concerned entity - come and show your interest and care.


     Growing up, we always looked upon those people who were our Senators or president or in any elected office as people to be respected. Yes, I am sure there were wrongdoings as that seems to be part and parcel, unfortunately, of politics, but always there was a feeling that they were looking out for us as well as themselves and country was always above Party. Today? Not the same at all.
     The people in Congress, both houses, cannot get along even when they agree! Even Nunes states clearly that there is no reason to believe Trump's statement of being tapped by Obama, yet when something emerges that some emails may have been caught up legally, mind you, but the names attached were wrongly disbursed, Nunes goes running off to Trump like a cat with a mouse, trying to please the master. He violated the trust of the other members of this committee and certainly that of Schiff, the co-chair. Information is not for dispersal in an investigation such as this. It negates their purpose and McCain is correct now when he states that an independent commission is now needed. As for Trump and his tweets that he is vindicated, though why he says that I could not say, even McCain then says openly, "I have long ago given up on trying to interpret the remarks of the president of the United States". And meanwhile, according to CNN, "The FBI has information suggesting that associates of President Trump may have worked with Russian operatives to release information aimed at hurting former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign,"
     So to whom do we turn in such a mess, such a quagmire? The GOP is arguing amongst themselves re the repeal of healthcare for so many millions, with some screaming that it is not deep enough, take away more coverage. Sure, these federal people are covered with a platinum plan and the Fat Cats, well, they have enough money and they will get more under the Trumpcare plan.  The rest of us, well, dress warm and wear masks, for who knows what coverage will remain for us. And by the way, the master tweeter does not like his name to be associated with this plan. Guess he knows what a disaster this would be and wants to be able to blame others.
     And back at the ranch? Why we are just grabbing all those "dangerous" criminals off the street. If ICE cannot find the person they are looking for, why they just grab another. And the crimes of these "bad hombres"? DACA recipients. Traffic violators. Confusion about how they needed to fix legal issues and no wonder as it is so convoluted. The length of stay of these working people, yes, working, in many cases  - decades!! Paying taxes, working, owning homes, raising children who are going to college, born here or raised here from childhood but nope, let's just grab these people, separate families and on an off day, why not take advantage of young girls and rape them as a Border policeman is accused of. I have long maintained that under this atmosphere there is too often a temptation and a succumbing to dirty practices of intimidation, bribery, physical violence and sadistic tendencies, rape and all sexual abuse and it is just nauseating to go on.
     But not to worry as the new American royal family has spoken. The Secret Service needs over sixty million more dollars to watch over them as if I care if Junior or Eric travel someplace. Let their businesses hire independent contractors - not have the citizens and taxpayers of America foot the bill. Jared and Ivanka are nicely settled into West Wing offices - and hey, do you remember the show West Wing? What a difference from today's reality. And oh, not to worry re Ivanka's appearance as she has hired a stylist from Hollywood. All is well with the world!! But oops, another foot in mouth as a prince 'statesman' of the Royal Trump family, tweets, just like his father, a stupid and cruel statement re the terror attack in London. Who asked for his opinion? Who cares what he thinks? Not even Trumpers care!!
      Well, at least some people are coming to their senses. The lone Hawaiian Republican State Senator who was in a leadership post, has left the Party, disgusted by their behavior, has criticized Trump, despairs of the Republicans' viewpoints on women and rights, with their racism and sexism and all else. What I say? Welcome to the Democratic Party and let us help this lovely lady to further modify her viewpoints.
     And this whole mess of an administration is mirrored in a local administration right here in the Village. All is secret. All is nasty. For example, what are these rumors circulating now that Howie O'Brien has passed and we are left bereft of not only a sweet guy but also of our Treasurer. So....rumors have it that David Israel wishes to have Ed Black take over so now he should hold VP, Treasurer and various committees such as Security, et al. I do not think so and nor do many others. This is not a dictatorship here under the law no matter what this man thinks. There are rules and procedures and ignore many of them as he does, this is beyond the pale! So are many of his actions. Hey, maybe we can get the FBI in here to investigate him! Better yet, the NSA, as they see one of theirs, allegedly, go off the track and bring shame upon them even as he boasts of his career there - still not very clear anyway!!
     It is time that we all stand up for the things we know are right and to the crooked or inept or venial and greedy, those who could care less about others and only for themselves and their power. It is time we take America back and there are so many people who believe this. We oldsters are back on the picket lines, holding plaques, encouraging the millennials and even younger and refusing just to lay down and give in. April 1, right here in the Village we have two events. At 9 AM in the party room in the Clubhouse there is a light breakfast and a gathering of people, men , women, visitors, who will then march for human and  civil rights, for justice for all, for fair play, for women's rights, for public education, for the upholding of protective regulations for our citizenry and indeed the world, for immigrants, for labor rights, etc.
     After the march there will be an open mic for people to express their concerns and hopes and at 11 AM in Room C there will be a Town Hall with Congressman Brian Mast. Come greet him and question him on his stands. Make your opinions known and all in  a proper manner. Let us bring him over to the side of right. He already supports climate related regulations so there is hope !!
     And while we are at it, pay attention to the bills being introduced in Florida's Houses. There is a bill to cancel memory loss clinics, another blow to the families weathering this tragedy with a loved one and there are others. Do you want fracking in our state? I hope not. Contact your local officials,  your state officials and make them hear our voices. And this weekend there is PrideFest in Lake Worth so go have fun there.
     There are organizations galore out there and hopefully tomorrow I will list a few. Learn how you too can contribute and can learn and gather more information about the world of politics today and why your voice counts. Remember yesterday's proverb - Little by little, little becomes a lot. Be part of that amassing of all the littles until we have a lot - and we are well on the way. Join us. Let us clean house, clean America.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


     Last nite I heard a proverb I liked. It is Tanzanian and states that "Little by little, a little becomes a lot" and how true that is. Little by little people have become more and more sure that there is something, many somethings, wrong with Trump. It is a watch that does not tick properly and irks the **** out of one.
     First of all, Trump is a man who refuses to admit he is ever wrong. It punctures his self image and the mere thought of it shivers his timbers! His two mentors, his father and Roy Cohn, a most obnoxious creature, taught him these values and they have never left him. I finally understand that awful face he always put on during the campaign and even now, that scowl, that squint, that ugly, ugly face. He believes it makes him look tough and evidently looking tough enough times, little by little, he believes it will become a lot and people will see him for the twisted version he has in his own troubled mind.
     “He’s deeply, deeply insecure about how he’s perceived in the world, about whether or not he’s competent and deserves what he’s gotten,” he added. “There’s an unquenchable thirst for validation and love. That’s why he can never stay quiet, even when it would be wise strategically or emotionally to hold back.” So speaks an autobiographer of Trump. And how true this is.
     In a series of meetings and via phone calls, Trump and Pence have warned Republican Congressmen that they had better vote for the repeal or else. "I'm coming after you," he said. This is not the Wild West. This is not how grownups play. This is the schoolyard bully who has never left the insecurities of childhood behind and so little by little the little became a lot and hence this ugly, inside and out, man who is now the President. This "lot' that has accumulated is going to destroy us, destroy the world, unless it is taken in hand.
    The values are skewed. Tillerson, who states that he did not want this job, but his wife told him that G-d wanted him to do it and now he agrees, G-d truly did and he is doing what he is supposed to - well, that scares the bejesus out of me!! G-d is not telling people here to do "their" job and if He were, then I certainly hope G-d had better sense than this. No! Little by little we have accumulated a lot of bad and twisted people as the captains of our administration. Not good!
     And little by little we have alienated the entire world with these twisted ideas. Our allies have just about given up on us and whether he likes it or not, Trump must come to his senses for no country can go it alone these days. None. Soon, if he has his druthers, we will live inside a huge ghetto, walled off from the world and he wants other countries to pay for this paranoid wall. Meanwhile, Mexico has warned its companies that they had better stay away from this job, not provide either building materials or workers to aid it. One does not pay for their own imprisonment and this is not the Warsaw Ghetto Wall or any other ghetto wall. But do not be surprised if somewhere within the shelves and drawers of this administration there are plans for other ghettoes and internment camps,  for, you see, a little hate and a little hate adds up to a lot of hate and hatred knows no bounds once let loose.
     So little by little we get messes. Trump turns off the leaders of other countries and now, I guess tired at doing this little by little, we are going to piss off 28 nations at one time, a lot of little by dissing them and not going to a NATO conference because, you see, Tillerson has a prior engagement. I kid you not. But, a big but, he will find time to go visit Russia. Yup, the same Russia that interfered with the election. The same Russia that has given us a most illegitimate president. The same Russia that interacted so nicely with Trump campaigners. The same Russia headed by his bro, Putin. A little becomes a lot.
    And meanwhile, back at the home front, people are beginning to realize that oh boy, have they messed things up. Little by little they are realizing that all of Trump's budget, all of this man's plans, the man they voted for, the man who would change the world, shake it us, had done so - with a little of hate, a lot of hate, a little of incompetence, a lot of incompetence and now his budget is going to shut the faucet of local help groups so screw the job training and screw the food and heat help and screw all else that would help these rural people and don't forget the urbanites who are getting screwed as well.
    So, little by little, we have seen the ugly inner truth of Trump, the lot of problems that he has caused and continues to cause. And, I hope, that little by little, more and more people are coming to realize the truth and a lot of them will rise up and join the protest movement. Let our voices become a lot of voices, a loud chorus of "oh no you don't!!" Not on our watch. Let the littles add up to a good lot.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


     Remember that kid's game, Follow the Leader, wherein all sorts of crazy steps and acts were done so others would do them too? Cute but it gets a tad off the beaten track when adults play the same game. What was cute is now not only seriously dumb but seriously dangerous as well. It seems that the followers all lose their minds and independence simultaneously and no one thinks anymore - only follow the Party line.
     It seems that wherever one goes, there is the same stupid and dangerous game. Down here in the Village we have the followers of David Israel and no matter what he does or says or how he acts, these people are blind. They like what he has given them - a piece of the kingdom, a chair of a committee or a seat on one. They can make a bunch of papers neat or boast to someone that they work at UCO. Never mind that the followers and volunteers are shrinking in size or that periodically there is always one being thrown under the bus.
     But how sad it is when one sees grown people just casting a blind eye and a deaf ear to the sins of his making, bankruptcy of the Village where unless Dorothy had not pulled the nuts out of the fire, we were left with $11,000 to the Village's name. Think about that. We had David et al secretly transferring money and what is worse we have the same culprit who signed back in office as VP, a job he cannot physically nor mentally fulfill at this point, but David wants so David gets.
     We have had the bad, very bad roads, the filthy water, the breaking infrastructure but no money so what do we have money for? Putting in a new A/C which should be a capital improvement but nope, WPRF and the Levys say no so we eat it. And that happens time and time again. David sits there like a good little boy because he loves his back room office and his computers and the fact that he does not have to mix and mingle. He never goes to a single show, nary a one. His only friends are those who benefit from their relationship so hey, one day they can throw him under the bus huh?
     Nor does David ever listen to the by laws and his latest project is to turn the new by laws into a reaffirming of his role as president for Life with no possible way to rid ourselves of him other than death. Is that what he wants us to wish for him? In the meanwhile he flagrantly violates all. No Robert's Rules. No neutral chair at the DA. No appointing of independent people to committees or throwing them off and even preventing a member of the Executive Board from fulfilling the responsibilities as for example - ask him why I am not on a committee. His shouted words that I have no place in UCO still ring out in the air of UCO. Screw him and his nastiness, but I would like to do my job properly but it appears that there is no one chair who has the balls, the spine to ask me on. Cowards, the whole lot and that is our Follow the Leader in the Village. Shame on you all.
     National sphere now. Just listen to the committee hearing on Russia and interference in the election and the fact there is no, that is NO paper work on tapping Trump. None. None. But Nunes cannot seem to get that thru his thick skull and keeps saying that perhaps there were other things that were done, other paranoid fantasies and watch Trump jump on this in his next tweets and rantings. Nunes is the toy puppet of Trump and is that not sad for us. In the meanwhile, Rogers does not answer questions. Why is that? Afraid what might come out?
     Trump is the worst President ever. The corruption in his administration, the fights, the backbiting, the dirty way the election was won - and again, I do not believe he is a legitimate president - the nastiness, the deflection. Once again he talks that now it was Clinton who tapped him so off she needs to go to jail once more. He has spies on his people, the same corrupted and sneaky ethics violating conflict of interest people that form his Cabinet. And now we have a candidate for Supreme Court who quite recently has stated several times that women need to fess up about their pregnancy plans. Really? Do men have to fess up their plans to impregnate women, when and how and how often? Do they boast of when they are getting Viagra or Cialis? There is no respect for women in this administration other than for Ivanka, his daughter and for whom he and his administration shill, and the women who serve are near nitwits - hence DeVos and Conway. Maybe we should throw in Palin as she would fit in very well.
     Time to stop the game. Time to get serious before we throw our country down the toilet, down the drain and into nefarious hands. Before we have armed rebellion. There is no shutting off the wave of protests, the anger and the fear - unless people finally wake up and realize that it is PUBLIC service and not SELF service. If they do not - well, you follow the crumbs here.
     So, remember this summary of yesterday's hearings and results. Let's see....Trump is wrong - not a big shock to anyone with a brain, but this man has to accept that his days of accusations are over. I know he will never accept that for now he is stressing over the fact that there was a leak and that is what his party is concentrating on. Why? The leak was telling the truth. Trump has time to focus on a player who knelt at the anthem. So the guy is a jerk but is that what the president has time to think about when the world seems to be collapsing around us? Evidently he thinks just that. But rest easy now for Ivanka is getting her own office in the West Wing with clearance for classified information. Yup, here we go again, the new Royal family. Makes one want to barf big time. And in the meanwhile there are boasts from big Russian figures about continued contact with the Trumps, and Google has to expand its definition of hate postings. Such a progressive world we now live in as the haters crawl out of the woodwork and the neo Nazis and fascist right wing parties thank Trump for inspiration. And meanwhile commentators are now beginning to mumble what I have been saying for quite some time. There is an odor of treason in the air and it comes from the Oval Office and extensions. Life in America today.

Monday, March 20, 2017


        Bet you are thinking of the wrong talk. Nope, not the birds and the bees. I am still waiting for my mom to talk to me about that and she is gone four years already! Didn't seem to do me any harm by missing out on it. But what about the talk today?
     How does one explain to kids why we accept a president who is definitely not normal, one who would be punished severely if he behaved like this in a classroom setting. How do we get the kids to understand that yes, telling a lie is not good and doing the right thing is what should be done for the alternative, doing the wrong thing, is not acceptable. How do we explain to the boys that there is a code of behavior that they must abide and no one, boy or girl, may be rude to one another and use pejorative sexual terminology. How do we explain that there are people with different choices in life and we must respect them all as long as they are within the right and moral law? How do we explain that there are more things in life than getting rich, than having a huge car or a fancy wardrobe, that we are put here on earth to be kind to our fellow beings, to seek justice and do what is right, how, when the supposed role model that all can see does the exact opposite and his followers trail merrily along in his wake.
     I am worried about the next generation for certainly those among us and the following generations have not always done such a god job. We have allowed hatred and contempt to rule the world and yes, there is a time for everything under the sun, we know it and we know we do not live in
an ideal world, but still, what have we done? I have no answers, way above my pay grade, but I do know that we do need to return to serious discussion in classrooms and chat groups and everywhere else, turn to the dystopian books and make relevant connections and ask relevant questions. Brave New World. 1984. The Handmaid's Tale. Homo Deus. Go read and think  and then think again how do we get rid of this nut job and I am not the only one who feels this way. In fact, I am truly and deeply embarrassed that such as he is president and that we have allowed this to happen. No, I did not vote for him but I see those who did awaken a tad and ask where is their health coverage? Where is their Medicaid? Where is their job training? Where is their clean water or are we going to start digging wells here rather than in Africa? Too late, I believe, but what we can do is warn our representatives in political office that they had better listen to us and not their Party with that capital P. They are there for US and they need to etch that in their brains.
     In the meanwhile we have a president who sends in spies to the various Cabinet meetings to check the loyalty of his own appointees - commissars anyone? We have an acknowledgement that there will NOT be insurance coverage for all under his supposed disaster of a plan. He is getting sued by a lawyer re debts that Trump has and alleged lies about them and his oh so clever remark about the Korean situation is that the leader is behaving very, very badly. Wow! Such astuteness and finesse in understanding the behavior and what should be done!!
     Truth needs to be first and foremost again. Truth as truth is and always has been and not an alternative set of facts that never were and never will be. We need to demand that our president be examined by an impartial expert or better yet, a panel of such, to check if he is whole and sane of body and mind. I truly doubt that the mind is intact. We need to truly examine his deeds and misdeeds be it on and via his taxes, his conflicts of interest, his lack of understanding that the office is not his to enrich himself further, and just what did he do with the Russians and if he is a traitor, which appears to be a big possibility, either that or a stooge, be it either, he needs to be removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - he and his henchmen who also have done misdeeds with finances and who have massive conflicts of interest and a severe lack of ethics. Finally, we need to get rid of those fools - Kellyanne Conway, Spicer, those nonelected shadow presidents Jared and Ivanka Kushner and anyone else who does not belong. We also need to purge the hatemongers such as Bannon and other Breitbart personnel, Alex Jones and whomever far away from the government.
    People if we do not take the proper steps now, then will we? Will it be too late or will there be rebellion in the streets, riots, as people realize what has been taken from us or even worse, will we have to battle a massive new force of law enforcement officers who are not of the best quality or morals and who will follow the fascist rulings and directives of you know who. Will we be grabbing people off the streets? Think and answer if you can. I cannot.
     And if you need more things to chew on here are a few: The Comey appearance and the committee. Is it to chastise the "leader' or to find the truth about Trump et al and collusion with the Russians. if that is true then again - is Trump legitimate? Doubt it highly.
     Or you can think about the fact that the Consumer Financial protection Bureau, you know, the agency who will help, for example, in credit card disputes - well, say goodbye. the golf player does not like it. Of course.
     Never let it be said that the man does not provide news and either conversation topics or conversation stoppers!

Sunday, March 19, 2017


     We all had one, at least one, and usually there was a sidekick or two to go along. It was the kid who always had the best, the most, the largest, the whatever superlative he could think of and even if proven wrong, why never you mind. The truth did not matter. The boasting made this kid feel better than anyone or at least soothed his need, his either tiny and fragile ego or matched his megalomaniacal personality. One could not talk to this person, at least not with reason.
     We have all met this kid years later and sometimes he has outgrown the problem but at other times, nope; in fact, it has gotten worse but what is even worse than that is the fact that somehow he has worked himself into a position of power and the more power the better he feels and the worse he acts.
     So locally, we have our David Israel, our personal albatross of Century Village, he who casually hands our money out almost as a carnival prize. He will die before ceding any of his illegally accumulated power and will take the Village down with him. When the pleas for volunteers go unanswered there is a place to look for the reason why. It is nigh unto impossible to work with this man unless one is a sycophant of the first order. Hence, no volunteers and the negation of the elected officials who will not cede their souls and minds to his control.
     What will happen with this man? Who knows. Perhaps one day he will get his just reward and in the meanwhile we will keep on pointing out his misdeeds and different ideas that we have that are better for the Village. Many is the time when he has appropriated these ideas as his or has even had to change direction due to our interference with his plans. Remember DSL? Remember his pushing for Atlantic Broadband - which he is still trying to sneak in? Remember what he is doing now with the A/C. Remember the money he has wasted.
     But this man is a petty tyrant, ruling his fiefdom here in the Village and there is a bigger dictator out there who will have more influence on ruining our lives than David Israel. That man is Donald Trump, the reality show host who has wandered into a place where he has meant disaster for so many millions of people Those who voted for him are now either in a fog of denial or are questioning themselves and him. What is he doing to them? What is he doing with their community help organizations? What is he doing with the Meals on Wheels which feed their parents? What about the SNAP for their children? What about funding for after school so they can work at their jobs and know the kids are watched? What about the lunch program at school? What about the healthcare they just signed up for and where the hell are those promised jobs such as the ones that never showed up in coal and what about the air and water? And why are there no more safety regulations at their places of work anymore?
     The answer to all these questions is simple., Donald Trump NEVER had the welfare of others in mind. He never cared for the working class, the poor, the middle class. Nope. He lied. Shocking!!His concerns were all for the Fat Cats and the richer the better, the bigger the tax breaks. Even the vaunted childcare proposal from Ivanka fits right in with the poor people between $500,000 - $1,000,000 income getting big breaks on their child care costs. Why I am so relieved for them!! I was so worried!
     Next question. Who can think of some good uses for 21 billion dollars? Job training. The retention of Big Bird? Community help? Legal Aid? Food programs? Educational funds for public school? How silly we all are. Why it is far more important to spend that on a ridiculous wall that will never be paid for by Mexico and why should it be anyway? And why build the damn wall in the first place? And gee, where could we spend that money on infrastructure instead of a wall and hey, do not forget that there are many miles of land that will have to be taken from private people and yes, here we go again, from Indian nations. Return to the future? Stealing land again? But why not, and since Trump likes to compare himself to Andrew Jackson, let us keep the comparison going and remember that Jackson was the cause of the Cherokee Trail of Tears as they were ripped away from their land in the mountains of North Carolina even though they were well integrated into the community. But, you see, some Fat Cats of the time wanted that rich land so they had to go. Sound familiar? It should.
     So what about democracy? What about the rights of the people? What about the huddled masses, the refuge America has always given to those who need it. Evidently it depends. For example, it was okay for Pence's grandfather to come from Ireland since Ireland was never a land of terrorism. Uh huh. Love to ask the people who were killed in the bombs and shootings and killings for so many years between Catholic and Protestant and between the Irish and the British. But nope, we must be disremembering. So Pence's family could come but as for these of today. Nope. I guess too bad for them.
     As for law and order, well, it depends. We are going to flood our streets with Border Police and ICE and just rip these people away, never mind the lives we are ruining and the productive members of society we are flushing away. And as for the courts that disagree with that and the travel ban, why off with their heads! Trump says they should be torn apart!! Yup, law and order - fascist style.
     So what to do? Are we going to allow this to happen? Are we ready to give up? Are we ready to cede control to the rich and watch our rights fade away? NO!!! Do as many others did over the past few days and donate - be it to Meals on Wheels or any other project imperiled by Trump's proposed mean budget.Join Indivisible. Join a protest. Attend a Town Hall. Ask questions and demand answers with truth in them. Go on Facebook to make connections. Ask around and by the way, for those of us in CV, on April 1 there will be a Town Hall in Room C in the Clubhouse between 11 and 12 with Congressman Brian Mast. Have your questions ready. Hear his answers. He appears to be good for the climate but dear me, what else might we ask? Hey, what about repeal of Obamacare? What about loss of Meals on Wheels and aid to those in need? Come listen. Come attend and behave so we can get those questions answered. All are welcome.
     For other links and email addresses, check with a prior post from two days ago and they are all there.

Friday, March 17, 2017


The elected president of UCO David Israel used prejudice and emotions to remove the Chair and three members of the advisory committee without justification.   When a superior administrator acts emotionally to make irrational decisions, it becomes clear that he has become unhinged and psychologically unfit.  It serves to give us notice that he has become a danger to others as well as himself.  When the president of UCO uses these tactics to make rash decisions that do not serve to benefit the residents it becomes clear that he is no longer able to serve in an administrative capacity.   He allowed his hated for three people that the Chair installed to fly into a rage and erupt like a fuming volcano. The three individuals he removed were assets to the advisory committee.  But the Chair, who HE chose was smart, unbiased and operated the committee like a fine tune clock was also removed, which made no sense.   His action is expected to have detrimental consequences to the bylaw changes the committee was working on. 

Before  the Advisory Chair installed his three antagonists she installed three individuals who he recommended in the last election. One for Vice President, two for executive board and one who is an officer of UCO; these individuals were not removed.  This clearly proves that his actions were based solely on his biased hatred for these innocent victims.  But, why remove the chair who was doling such a great job? – it makes no sense.

When the president of UCO acts in an irrational frenzy, it is a clear sign of mental deterioration. It has been suggested by a higher authority that he resigns in order to safeguard himself and the future of the village. 

     Olga has written much about this incident and the continued practice of David Israel in blocking people. He refuses to listen to the by laws and refuses to share UCO responsibility to the detriment of the Village. Read the whole of it all on Olga's blog, but the above sums it up pretty well. In short, David Israel is a little man, small of stature and small of mind and even smaller of moral behavior. This is who has decided that he is to be president for life here in the Village, the same man who has brought us time and again to financial ruin, the brink of bankruptcy. This is the man who refuses to operate as a chair should, who has the ego of a giant and the ability of a gnat. If I sound angry it is because I, too, have been blocked from taking a position on at least two committees which is what should be happening as I am a member of the Executive Board. This man needs to go! Pronto!! Perhaps we need Botticelli to sing Time to Say Goodbye and he might get the hint!