Wednesday, March 22, 2017


     Last nite I heard a proverb I liked. It is Tanzanian and states that "Little by little, a little becomes a lot" and how true that is. Little by little people have become more and more sure that there is something, many somethings, wrong with Trump. It is a watch that does not tick properly and irks the **** out of one.
     First of all, Trump is a man who refuses to admit he is ever wrong. It punctures his self image and the mere thought of it shivers his timbers! His two mentors, his father and Roy Cohn, a most obnoxious creature, taught him these values and they have never left him. I finally understand that awful face he always put on during the campaign and even now, that scowl, that squint, that ugly, ugly face. He believes it makes him look tough and evidently looking tough enough times, little by little, he believes it will become a lot and people will see him for the twisted version he has in his own troubled mind.
     “He’s deeply, deeply insecure about how he’s perceived in the world, about whether or not he’s competent and deserves what he’s gotten,” he added. “There’s an unquenchable thirst for validation and love. That’s why he can never stay quiet, even when it would be wise strategically or emotionally to hold back.” So speaks an autobiographer of Trump. And how true this is.
     In a series of meetings and via phone calls, Trump and Pence have warned Republican Congressmen that they had better vote for the repeal or else. "I'm coming after you," he said. This is not the Wild West. This is not how grownups play. This is the schoolyard bully who has never left the insecurities of childhood behind and so little by little the little became a lot and hence this ugly, inside and out, man who is now the President. This "lot' that has accumulated is going to destroy us, destroy the world, unless it is taken in hand.
    The values are skewed. Tillerson, who states that he did not want this job, but his wife told him that G-d wanted him to do it and now he agrees, G-d truly did and he is doing what he is supposed to - well, that scares the bejesus out of me!! G-d is not telling people here to do "their" job and if He were, then I certainly hope G-d had better sense than this. No! Little by little we have accumulated a lot of bad and twisted people as the captains of our administration. Not good!
     And little by little we have alienated the entire world with these twisted ideas. Our allies have just about given up on us and whether he likes it or not, Trump must come to his senses for no country can go it alone these days. None. Soon, if he has his druthers, we will live inside a huge ghetto, walled off from the world and he wants other countries to pay for this paranoid wall. Meanwhile, Mexico has warned its companies that they had better stay away from this job, not provide either building materials or workers to aid it. One does not pay for their own imprisonment and this is not the Warsaw Ghetto Wall or any other ghetto wall. But do not be surprised if somewhere within the shelves and drawers of this administration there are plans for other ghettoes and internment camps,  for, you see, a little hate and a little hate adds up to a lot of hate and hatred knows no bounds once let loose.
     So little by little we get messes. Trump turns off the leaders of other countries and now, I guess tired at doing this little by little, we are going to piss off 28 nations at one time, a lot of little by dissing them and not going to a NATO conference because, you see, Tillerson has a prior engagement. I kid you not. But, a big but, he will find time to go visit Russia. Yup, the same Russia that interfered with the election. The same Russia that has given us a most illegitimate president. The same Russia that interacted so nicely with Trump campaigners. The same Russia headed by his bro, Putin. A little becomes a lot.
    And meanwhile, back at the home front, people are beginning to realize that oh boy, have they messed things up. Little by little they are realizing that all of Trump's budget, all of this man's plans, the man they voted for, the man who would change the world, shake it us, had done so - with a little of hate, a lot of hate, a little of incompetence, a lot of incompetence and now his budget is going to shut the faucet of local help groups so screw the job training and screw the food and heat help and screw all else that would help these rural people and don't forget the urbanites who are getting screwed as well.
    So, little by little, we have seen the ugly inner truth of Trump, the lot of problems that he has caused and continues to cause. And, I hope, that little by little, more and more people are coming to realize the truth and a lot of them will rise up and join the protest movement. Let our voices become a lot of voices, a loud chorus of "oh no you don't!!" Not on our watch. Let the littles add up to a good lot.

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