Thursday, March 23, 2017


     Growing up, we always looked upon those people who were our Senators or president or in any elected office as people to be respected. Yes, I am sure there were wrongdoings as that seems to be part and parcel, unfortunately, of politics, but always there was a feeling that they were looking out for us as well as themselves and country was always above Party. Today? Not the same at all.
     The people in Congress, both houses, cannot get along even when they agree! Even Nunes states clearly that there is no reason to believe Trump's statement of being tapped by Obama, yet when something emerges that some emails may have been caught up legally, mind you, but the names attached were wrongly disbursed, Nunes goes running off to Trump like a cat with a mouse, trying to please the master. He violated the trust of the other members of this committee and certainly that of Schiff, the co-chair. Information is not for dispersal in an investigation such as this. It negates their purpose and McCain is correct now when he states that an independent commission is now needed. As for Trump and his tweets that he is vindicated, though why he says that I could not say, even McCain then says openly, "I have long ago given up on trying to interpret the remarks of the president of the United States". And meanwhile, according to CNN, "The FBI has information suggesting that associates of President Trump may have worked with Russian operatives to release information aimed at hurting former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign,"
     So to whom do we turn in such a mess, such a quagmire? The GOP is arguing amongst themselves re the repeal of healthcare for so many millions, with some screaming that it is not deep enough, take away more coverage. Sure, these federal people are covered with a platinum plan and the Fat Cats, well, they have enough money and they will get more under the Trumpcare plan.  The rest of us, well, dress warm and wear masks, for who knows what coverage will remain for us. And by the way, the master tweeter does not like his name to be associated with this plan. Guess he knows what a disaster this would be and wants to be able to blame others.
     And back at the ranch? Why we are just grabbing all those "dangerous" criminals off the street. If ICE cannot find the person they are looking for, why they just grab another. And the crimes of these "bad hombres"? DACA recipients. Traffic violators. Confusion about how they needed to fix legal issues and no wonder as it is so convoluted. The length of stay of these working people, yes, working, in many cases  - decades!! Paying taxes, working, owning homes, raising children who are going to college, born here or raised here from childhood but nope, let's just grab these people, separate families and on an off day, why not take advantage of young girls and rape them as a Border policeman is accused of. I have long maintained that under this atmosphere there is too often a temptation and a succumbing to dirty practices of intimidation, bribery, physical violence and sadistic tendencies, rape and all sexual abuse and it is just nauseating to go on.
     But not to worry as the new American royal family has spoken. The Secret Service needs over sixty million more dollars to watch over them as if I care if Junior or Eric travel someplace. Let their businesses hire independent contractors - not have the citizens and taxpayers of America foot the bill. Jared and Ivanka are nicely settled into West Wing offices - and hey, do you remember the show West Wing? What a difference from today's reality. And oh, not to worry re Ivanka's appearance as she has hired a stylist from Hollywood. All is well with the world!! But oops, another foot in mouth as a prince 'statesman' of the Royal Trump family, tweets, just like his father, a stupid and cruel statement re the terror attack in London. Who asked for his opinion? Who cares what he thinks? Not even Trumpers care!!
      Well, at least some people are coming to their senses. The lone Hawaiian Republican State Senator who was in a leadership post, has left the Party, disgusted by their behavior, has criticized Trump, despairs of the Republicans' viewpoints on women and rights, with their racism and sexism and all else. What I say? Welcome to the Democratic Party and let us help this lovely lady to further modify her viewpoints.
     And this whole mess of an administration is mirrored in a local administration right here in the Village. All is secret. All is nasty. For example, what are these rumors circulating now that Howie O'Brien has passed and we are left bereft of not only a sweet guy but also of our Treasurer. So....rumors have it that David Israel wishes to have Ed Black take over so now he should hold VP, Treasurer and various committees such as Security, et al. I do not think so and nor do many others. This is not a dictatorship here under the law no matter what this man thinks. There are rules and procedures and ignore many of them as he does, this is beyond the pale! So are many of his actions. Hey, maybe we can get the FBI in here to investigate him! Better yet, the NSA, as they see one of theirs, allegedly, go off the track and bring shame upon them even as he boasts of his career there - still not very clear anyway!!
     It is time that we all stand up for the things we know are right and to the crooked or inept or venial and greedy, those who could care less about others and only for themselves and their power. It is time we take America back and there are so many people who believe this. We oldsters are back on the picket lines, holding plaques, encouraging the millennials and even younger and refusing just to lay down and give in. April 1, right here in the Village we have two events. At 9 AM in the party room in the Clubhouse there is a light breakfast and a gathering of people, men , women, visitors, who will then march for human and  civil rights, for justice for all, for fair play, for women's rights, for public education, for the upholding of protective regulations for our citizenry and indeed the world, for immigrants, for labor rights, etc.
     After the march there will be an open mic for people to express their concerns and hopes and at 11 AM in Room C there will be a Town Hall with Congressman Brian Mast. Come greet him and question him on his stands. Make your opinions known and all in  a proper manner. Let us bring him over to the side of right. He already supports climate related regulations so there is hope !!
     And while we are at it, pay attention to the bills being introduced in Florida's Houses. There is a bill to cancel memory loss clinics, another blow to the families weathering this tragedy with a loved one and there are others. Do you want fracking in our state? I hope not. Contact your local officials,  your state officials and make them hear our voices. And this weekend there is PrideFest in Lake Worth so go have fun there.
     There are organizations galore out there and hopefully tomorrow I will list a few. Learn how you too can contribute and can learn and gather more information about the world of politics today and why your voice counts. Remember yesterday's proverb - Little by little, little becomes a lot. Be part of that amassing of all the littles until we have a lot - and we are well on the way. Join us. Let us clean house, clean America.

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