Tuesday, May 30, 2017


     Every day I get up, open the computer and pick up my NY Times and then shake my head. Every day it gets worse. Every day I wonder how the hell is this man a President of the country and how the hell are we going to get thru the next three and a half years.
     In my last posting I wrote of the hunger and the poverty, the hate and the fear that is rife within the country, and then  I read of the budget cuts that are among the most inhumane ever - cuts to SNAP (food stamps), lunch programs, housing help, shelters, afterschool care, the wearing away of the wall between religion and public forum, the ripping away of rights from women and why not when  we have an alleged  sexual predator as president, one who could talk in salacious terms of dating his own daughter! Yuch!!!
     So the country continues to crumble and the president continues to get bigger and bigger with his suits not fitting and the faces he makes are definitely ones for the book. He is like an infant, sending out those ridiculous tweets again, calling Germany "bad, very bad", blowing hot air about the whole Russian mess which gets bigger and messier hour by hour. And of course, do not forget his ridiculous handshake challenges. How could he not have known as more and more of his people are mentioned and called on to testify. And if somehow he was unaware of this, then how can he remain as head of country when he is so blind and such a poor picker of assistants and aides? Either way it is not good nor reassuring.
     Why is it that men can never figure out when they have hit their own personal glass ceiling? What is it that pushes them, impels them, to keep going until they are mired down and have not a clue as to how to rectify the situation? He should have stayed with his reality show because he sure does not know reality now.
     And now we are shooting off a missile that is supposed to intercept incoming missiles? Right off the coast of California? I am ready to go back out there and drag my grandson home! But then again, are any of us safe wherever, when the gun lobby ramps up their efforts and the wrong people get a hold of the wrong guns. How can we put an end to international violence when the other countries do not know how to evaluate this Donald, this misplaced man.
     Well, folks, I have no answers, just questions, but perhaps can come up with answers if I tried long and hard enough. The question is - who amongst us has the courage to stand up to this guy, this no president of mine, and impeach an indict and once out of office - indict for criminal charges. Three and a half more years and we will no longer be the country that we were or are at present even as our liberties are violated daily, even as we lose the humanity and uniqueness of this country. Time for the politicians to man and woman up and do the right thing before we implode!
     And time to do the right thing here in the Village. Allowing a person to sign a contract before it is complete is wrong and downright stupid. Trying to play something too smart will always backfire and evidently the administration here is doing just that and additionally are sulking over what they presume is disrespect to their poor insecure egos. Information is not dispensed clearly as in trying to show how one company is giving a bigger doorway fee, but the truth is that the original company is forgiving two years of its previous doorway fee and thus they are the same. Lies and omissions. Business as usual.
     I will not be putting anything new on for Thursday but will post again on Friday. Please take the time to go back and read and reread those postings that you missed or need to reread for their info.


     The Goldene Medinah. The Golden Mountain. "Amber waves of grain". "Fruited plains". "The tired, the poor....yearning to be free." This used to be the America we all knew, or thought we knew, the America to which we pledged allegiance. The America in which we could trust our elected leaders to put the country first and themselves and their party second, at least for the most part. A country where partisanship was not the be all and end all of life.
     And yes, there was always a place, a person, a group, which did not fit into that America. There were the pockets of poverty, be it the 'hollers' of Appalachia or the tenements of an urban city, or even the family of middle class status whose breadwinner had lost the job. But now it has become a land where food pantries are pressured by the growing and more frequent demands of people, where McMansions are being built with extravagant features while more and more are homeless, including families with children.
     As for those "huddled masses yearning to be free", today instead of spending the money on welcoming, training, absorbing, we spend the money on more officials and hired crew to chase them, to deport them, to house them for years in deportee and immigration centers. We chase after the young and the old, it matters not in this new America.
     Our officials consort with the enemy and we abuse and insult our allies. We have alt right gatherings of hate and a growing number of vociferous purveyors of prejudice and hatred, feelings that should long ago have died. So today we have a rampant hunger in many places, hidden or out in the open. We have a loss of hope and faith amongst those whom the economy has left behind, untrained and not ready for the new world. We have frustrated and angry university graduates, weighed down by debt, who cannot find jobs commensurate with their training and who work as servers and barristas and temporary help. Our elected and appointed officials seem to think that they are there to serve themselves rather than the electorate and our 'leader' is certainly not that!
     So in our wonderful country we have hunger and poverty, hopeless cases. We have fear for our children, fear of the future and hatred grows apace. Old canards come rocketing back and never before has there been such a time of concern for our future, the future of an increasingly abused Mother Earth, and a deep gnawing worry for our future generations.
     Yet there is hope. There is a dim light growing and standing out amidst the darkness. We have those who stand up with courage and defend the helpless - and even die for it - but it is there. We have the man who buys a soldier desperate to get home a ticket out of his own pocket. We have the truly elderly honored for their part in defending our liberties and country in WWII and the Korean War. We have the volunteers who staff the food pantries, who walk amidst those who need help and who give that help. We have some of the 1% who realize they must give back and who set up true philanthropies. But it is not enough. The hatred must be fought and the hope must be strengthened. 
     The world of politics must be cleansed of those who would rip us off, betray our country, defy our allies, anger them even as some among us give comfort to the enemy. We need to demand qualified people serve once more as our representatives and not run our government as a business, a failing one at that, but as a government envisioned by Lincoln and our Founding Fathers - and Mothers for that matter - a government of and by and for the people. We need to become a country where women are respected, equal in rights as all humans should be. We need to become a country where even the administrations of smaller entities realize that force and abuse, that chicanery, lies and selfishness are no longer going to be tolerated.
     Can we become this country? Can we chase out the hatred and the fear, the hunger and the poverty? I certainly hope so for if not, if we do not make an attempt, a serious, hard and long attempt to do so, then we indeed have to fear for our country and the world. The choice is up to us. We need to stand up to the false leaders, to voice our demands and insure that we are heard. We need to reach out to the underdogs. We need to destroy the venomous hatred that runs rampant thru our society for it poisons all of us. And we need to take care of our planet, our home and science fiction and fantasy aside - there is no other place and no secret fleet of spaceships ready to haul the 1% and their servants off to safety. Nope, this place is it and our civilization can be the forerunner of a better world or the forerunner of all that is bad and that will kill all of us as the planet dies.
     Choose. Remember that we are choosing for more than ourselves.

Monday, May 29, 2017


   Before we talk of the Friday vote about Atlantic and Comcast, let me give a brief take on the trip of Donald. His ignorance showed thru - Israel is IN the Middle East, moron, and one does not show boorishness and push other people. Bully, as usual! One does not have one's wife dress in an awful black outfit and apparently she cannot stand you at all as she constantly pushed you away - and good for her. That there were no protesters in Saudi Arabia is not due to your popularity, ignoramus - they are not allowed - but you go ahead, keep on praising all the nasty dictators of the world. Just highlights your true nature. Blind eyes and deaf ears apparently as you began to twitter almost as soon as you landed though your aides are desperate to keep you from that pastime. And by the way, congratulating a man who is facing assault charges against a journalist is not a good idea. Freedom of the press, remember!!
     Donald and David Israel have much in common and that is not a compliment. He sits there in his office playing with what- his computers, his navel and listens to all Ed Black has to tell him. Best contracts ever - and yet, we always get screwed and this time around they want us to approve an incomplete contract. That is a real nerve and shows contempt for all of us. And by the way, are we not supposed to have a contract looked over by an attorney before we sign so who could possible be the attorney so ill informed and so guilty of malpractice so as to advise us to sign this incomplete and faulty contract? Or is it that it was never shown to one!!!
     People, time to think for yourself. Time to realize that David does not have your best interests at heart, certainly not the best interest of the Village. I cannot fathom why he is so hot to trot on this faulty Atlantic deal unless there is something in it for him and his crew. The power they feel they have? Monetary reward? A better private deal? All these are alleged possibilities but there has to be something unless they are just guilty of being so careless that it verges on fiduciary irresponsibility. And of course there are questions that have been simply ignored. If the new contract begins immediately, then what happens to the unearned doorway fee or is that the reason why a lesser doorway for Comcast in the new contract? Or does it start the same time as the proposed Atlantic, that awful contract. Clarification and details needed - which we never get anyway!!
     Following are two pieces we all should read and think about
  and then go to my blog posting of May 26th for reinforcement and check out thecenturyvillagemessengerclub.blogspot.com for more info.
     What do you get for $450.000?

That's a good question..... CSI, the consulting firm working to negotiate a new cable contract stands to put close to that amount in their corporate pocket once a new contract is finally settled.
The burning question that should be on everyone's mind is : What did CSI do to earn that much money ?
Better yet :we should ask:what should they have done to earn all that money?
 UCO and The "team" who are working so hard on our behalf to achieve a good deal on the contract are missing the boat.
How's that? you might ask. CSI and UCO have been working on this deal for about two years. CSI reps have been busy running back and forth with papers and questions, and a few answers now and then. They have been at all the Broadband meetings and seem to be quite knowledgeable about the intricacies of cable TV and Internet and all that stuff.
Two years later and we still don't have a contract ! How can that be? 
Here's the way I see what happened.
UCO went to CSI and said"GET US A CONTRACT"
 CSI goes to the cable providers and says "GIVE US A PROPOSAL"
 Of course the companies supply the committee with their proposals but the committee  think they can do better.
 CSI runs back and forth to their connections and says " "THEY WANT A BETTER DEAL" .
Again the companies sharpen up their pencils and come back with better deals. More stuff and rosier promises.
BUT STILL NO CONTRACT! The proposals are shot full of holes and the committee doesn't like them so they send them to lawyers then sit at endless meetings devising strategies.

There is a better way.

 It should have went like this: 

UCO hires CSI and says" For all the money we are paying you, we want you to draw up a contract that we can put in front of the cable companies" " You guys are supposed to be the experts, you claim you know all about how all this stuff works " "So draw up a contract and we'll get one of these companies to sign it"

"We don't mind paying you for your services" " But you earn your pay  by saving us some money"

Doing it this way would avoid all the running back and forth and changing the deals. Not only that; Century Village would be in the drivers seat and be dictating the terms.
For all the money we are supposed to pay CSI for their services you would think it would be a simple matter for them to draw up a contract that works for us. If CSI was to be paid a commission on the savings they produce it would give them the incentive to get tough in negotiations,
You might also think that someone. ANYONE, on the committee would have thought of doing it this way.
It's just another example of the wrong headed, incompetent  thinking that goes on in the UCO administration.
It's not the first time . Remember the "best deal ever" with the security contract that was a complete disgrace. It finally failed leaving a bunch of committee members with egg on their faces and scrambling to find another " best deal yet". I don't even want to think about the horrible one page contract that engaged a paving company to do a $5,000,000.00 job. I guess the paving company drew up that contract too.

CSI ?...... They are getting well paid  to run around shuffling papers and mumbling platitudes. As for doing a real consulting job ....... NOT !
Paying all that money out to hire someone to  ask cable companies for contract proposals speaks volumes about the incompetence of this administration. Any former businessman would have cleaned this up long ago without having to resort to hiring super expensive consultants to do what could be done with a couple of phone calls and letters. But that is not about to happen, anyone worth their salt either wouldn't put up with Israel's nonsense or already tried and were thrown under the bus.
That leaves Century Village in a position where hiring expensive(and unneeded) consultants becomes the order of the day.

The other piece _Cost Analysis Atlantic vs Comcast

    Donald, David, et al,
 Attached are the numbers just run comparing Atlantic Broadband VS Comcast 7/15/17 THRU 6/30/27.
Regarding Atlantic Broadband, the only way to compare apples to apples is to use the Comcast numbers for the first two years of a hypothetical Atlantic Broadband contract because those current Comcast cost would continue in effect until 7/15/19
.Calculation eliminates the last two years of an Atlantic Broadband contract (total of $8,559,650) as again only way to compare apples to apples.  It would be extremely more favorable to eliminate the last two expensive years of 2028  and 2029 in any new TV bulk agreement.
 Unless made an error somewhere, only arguable numbers seem to be first the broadcasting fee and second the estimated savings to some individuals currently paying Comcast for services over and above the current bulk agreement with Comcast.
 Analysis indicates an incredibly close net excess cost for Comcast vs Atlantic Broadband in the amount of $278,153 for the subject ten year period.
 Also, the gateway fee of $450 per unit offered by Atlantic Broadband  is $785,400 higher than the $350 per unit offered by Comcast.  This difference is included in the total net difference of $ 278,153 with Comcast being more expensive by that net amount.

 In my opinion, based solely on the bulk TV deal, Comcast is very much superior because:

 1)  While customer service is not appreciated by many at either Atlantic Broadband or Comcast, the services of Comcast are much more well known by our residents and when the service is functioning IMHO it is excellent.   Atlantic Broadband (even if consolidated with Cogeco its Canadian parent company) is a  significantly smaller company than Comcast so its financial viability is more speculative.
 2)  It would be extremely more favorable to eliminate the last two expensive years of 2028 and 2029 from any new TV bulk agreement so that also favors Comcast.
 An award to Comcast in effect results in an extension of eight years over their current in effect contract while an award to Atlantic Broadband will result in a new contract in effect until 6/30/2029. With technology changing so rapidly it is not in the best interests of CV-WPB to have a ten year contract all the way out until 2029.
 3)  Comcast's proposal does not involve any build out  or construction issues so its contract can become effective 7/15/17 without any of those additional risks which would be applicable if the contract would be awarded to Atlantic Broadband.  Atlantic Broadband's proposal includes the laying of new fiber to each building in Century Village -WPB.  They have also indicated that their fiber network currently only comes as far north as Boca Raton and that they plan on extending their fiber all the way to West Palm Beach so they can service additional communities.   There is certainly no guarantee they can meet the 7/15/19 time frame.
 4)  The enhanced services under the proposed Comcast contract can be effective as early as 7/15/17 while services from Atlantic Broadband can not be effective until 7/15/19.
 5)  The $278,153 difference in the costs of a Comcast contract over and above an Atlantic Broadband contract do not warrant the assumption of the additional risks inherent in an award to Atlantic Broadband.
 6)  Per the Atlantic Broadband proposal, Atlantic Broadband will only offer their TIVO 6 cable box to CV residents who purchase broadband services from Atlantic Broadband while Comcast has indicated that they will offer their X1 box to all residents under the bulk agreement regardless of whether or not broadband services are purchased from Comcast.  This analysis does not include any adjustment in the increased cost of Atlantic Broadband's services should a resident have to pay for a TIVO 6 over and above the bulk agreement.  However, if such a calculation were included the amount would undoubtedly wipe out the current $278,153 Atlantic Broadband cost advantage multiple times over the length of the entire contract period.
 If you should notice any errors and/ or omissions please bring them to my attention for review and possible revision.  We all want the most accurate data being presented to the CV unit owners, they deserve the most accurate information.
 Thank you,
Jack Adams
Member, Executive Board
Member, Bid Committee

Sunday, May 28, 2017


     Everyone always wants a bargain, refusing to realize that every bargain is not always one and is, is fact, quite a costly error. Such is what we at CVWPB have going for us in two places. One is our own Village and the other is, of course, our country's administration. Bargains they are not, but wholesale in amounts - of woes, of troubles, of poor leadership - oh yes!
     So first the really big picture - the federal situation. We just sent or watched Trump traipse around the world and people are commenting how wonderful it is that he 'stayed on task', did not tweet - no matter the provocation, stayed with the scripted speech and wow, presidential! What kind of low bar have we set that we accept behavior that we try to teach a kindergartner as appropriate and worthy of praise for the President of the United States. If one 'respects' the position as Trumpers are screaming, then the position must be one worthy of that respect, not that of a child, and yet, that is what we get. Not even his wife likes him!!
     I do not call it presidential when the man plays macho squeeze when shaking hands. Kudos to Macron who has seen enough and refused to let Trump do his usual ouchie!! Apologies due to the Montenegrin Prime Minister for being pushed aside by the kindergartner who needed to be at the head of the line and just look at the body language of that pusher!! My bubbie would have told him that if he ever made that face again it might freeze on him!
     He sulked like an infant and then scolded dignified leaders as if they were children all the while it was he who used another bully pulpit pose to scold as if he were the arbiter of it all. What he did was to doom the world as he refused to join in the Paris Accorde, allowed China to dangerously in international air intercept our jet - and why not, for they see him as he is - a bullying woose with no backbone and no interior strength. North Korea tests another missile and Trump's people are, in their own words "going to the mattresses" as his administration is under attack by their own behavior, their own either moronic and dangerous behavior or treasonous behavior and I truly do  not know what else to call it when it is uncovered that Kushner - with knowledge of others - set up a back channel means of communication between Kislyak and the Trump transition team. Wow!!! Mainly led by Kushner! Uh huh! Quisling anyone?
     So here is more of the wholesale bargain. Trump is planning a shift, moving around the men on his chessboard, reshuffling and bringing in or back some nasty dudes. All the while he is going to be under the control of these people who will watch that tweeting finger and that shooting off mouth. And the country - well, they will see more campaign stops for Trump to feed his overblown ego as he goes to the poor souls he is screwing with his planned programs and as he campaigns four months into his term of office!! Acting as a President? Leading the country? Beneficial plans? Nope!!These nefarious already  done plans of his are being rejected and/or being declared unconstitutional by the courts. Hence the campaigning! And the election is four years away!! Dude!!! Truly!! Hey, wonder if he will have the whole deal - behavior charts, gold stars and a pick from the Treasure Chest of little toys. Might work!
     So our wholesale 'bargain' here is a costly one indeed and it is no different right here in the Village. We have allowed a megalomaniac to take over the reins of the Village, inserting his desires and warped wishes into our budget, allowed him to make bad deals with WPRF as far as our spending and responsibilities, and now is in the midst of trying to push another multi million dollar debacle that will cost us over the next decade!!! if we allowed it to go through  - and so much for peaceful last years! And one of the worst things about this is that he is doing this again while the Village is over half empty and voices are not here to be able to speak and vote against his nefarious deeds and plans. Guess the road multi million dollar debacle was not enough. Guess the paying for 'repairs" at Hastings and the main Clubhouse when they are actually capital improvements was not enough, guess he did not learn his lesson at this proposed and pushed like a crazy person DSL plan for Village Wi fi that would have cost us our coverage and our multi million dollars again. At least we fought and won on that battle. So what now? More financial finagling for money as he did with the roads, more edge of bankruptcy as he and his minions did with money for the roads? More finagling as he did with the term limits here in the Village and so now we have a stale administration that leaves a bad taste all the time?
     Bad bargains here and in the country. Wholesale people that have divided the country and divided the Village. Nastiness pervades. So heroes who intervened trying to stop an ethnic bullying situation are killed for their troubles. Are we going to have that same situation here? Will someone sneak in a gun to a DA and shoot it off? Will we descend again to the image of armed guards standing there with threat in their posture, hired here by David Israel to intimidate us!!!!!
     Sometimes getting things wholesale is not such a good idea.
One gets what one pays for. One gets what one voted for. Neither Trump nor Israel is what we want nor need and only chicanery has gotten them into their respective positions. Time for the new season. Time for a change here and time for a change at the top of the country. That man is obviously unable to play his role properly and another must be found within the law. Out with all the damn liars and in with one who cares. Conflicting positions are okay, but not okay is the way that opposition is stifled - neither there nor here and in both places the man at the top and his crew are finding the heat quite uncomfortable. Let us turn that dial up!!

     To begin with - vote NO for Atlantic. Vote YES for Comcast or vote for a wait till we need a new contract. The quality of your life is at stake.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017


     So the usual trash in the Rag, the usual pushing of Atlantic as push comes to shove at next Friday's meeting of the DA meeting which should not be held or rather not concern itself with the companies as there are too few residents and delegates to make it a fair vote for the Village. We are being asked to okay a contract THAT IS NOT YET WRITTEN. When was the first time, let alone the last time that you signed a contract for a car or for a renovation in your home, or for any service without it being complete? Never, I daresay. So why here?
     Again, I ask - why here? Because there is something fishy about this push. What is in it for David Israel and Lanny Howe? Why are they pushing a company that has dealt with small markets and is not yet ready to serve us and very well might not be ready in two years when the contract for it working goes into effect. Why do we sign with a small company that will have none of the capabilities of servicing us as does Comcast and when Lanny says that Comcast is too big!!! to service us - has he counted the number of XFinity trucks in the Village on any given day? Obviously not. What a jerk!
     He talks of what they supposedly have written in the contract but again - there is no complete contract!!!!And again, each of those ballyhooed redlining areas all have loopholes that are quite good for the company and not us!! We will get royally screwed for sure and what happens when they are not ready as if that could never happen especially as the roads coming up from Miami are scheduled to be majorly renovated over the next few years so can you just see the sight when along comes Atlantic and they are told to hold their horses. And why are we going with any new contract when we still have two years to go and we see that other companies such as AT&T are wiring up and thinking of being ready to serve  BLOC associations and buildings, so again what the hell are we doing now? The only reason is that Atlantic needs the time and the money to do the wiring so why the hell are we to worry about that!!! That is their problem. Let them get their house in order and then come around to serve. Does a dress store sell you dresses it proposes to have in two years? I think not and you would have to be an idiot to do that!!
     David Israel and his puppet, Lanny Howe are writing nonsense and half truths and full lies. Please go to the blog site CVMessenger.blogspot. com and read the articles and the information. Go back and read the articles and partial articles I have written over the past weeks. Speak up against this meeting and if held, vote for Comcast or else face a lousy system.
     And when the article in the RAG speaks of the various UCO organs who have supposedly okayed it - well, 99% of these organs ARE THE SAME PEOPLE as this is what David has done to UCO so do not be impressed. It is as if you voted three times in the same election! Voter fraud in a way, huh!?
     The lies are growing, the noses are growing and the fish is smelling pretty bad. Read the articles and think. See the truth and see what is better for us. Do the right thing and deny David his wish , his desire - not ours. UCO is for all of us and not to just serve as the vehicle to fulfill David's selfish desires. We have suffered enough already from him.


     Take your choice from the title or take both but whichever it is, it is not good. From the beginning, I have written of the nasty choices being made, of the bad outcomes that could be predicted. From what? From the choices made by the Trump administration, particularly within the sphere of advisers and officials. It was bad enough that all his choices for officials came from the business world on the whole, all people who lied thru their teeth at their confirmation hearings and look at what has been coming out in the wash - all their incompetence, their ethics conflicts and their lies in particular re contact with Russians. On purpose? Treasonous? It remains to be decided.
    But everyone fell in love with the fairy tale couple, Ivanka and Jared; that is everyone but me! The fishy smell was overwhelming to me, the danger signals flashing red, red, red as nepotism and inexperience came seriously into play and golly gee, look what we have now. The investigation of Jared Kushner as the senior adviser now in the hot seat. Nepotism is for the Third and Fourth and Fifth Worlds, not for the United States and yet look what we now have, even as his other kids travel around the world with security on our dime, making deals for the Trump empire. It stinks to the high heavens.
     This corruption and this interference and ties to the Russians has even seeped right down here to us, right here in West Palm Beach. Yup! And guess who? Our ostensible patriotic man, Brian Mast, he who voted to screw us with the healthcare bill, he who cannot be trusted, another one that I did not like from the beginning as he vigorously swore his loyalty to Trump. "Anthony Bustamante, a campaign consultant for U.S. Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), told the Journal he ramped up his TV ad buys and dialed back a mailer effort: “I did adjust some voting targets based on some data I saw from the leaks.” And Mast is now in office, much to our detriment.
     The whole atmosphere of this campaign has only grown worse in the administration. It has grown dangerous. The beating up of journalists, the arrests of journalists - and one has to check if we are talking of Pakistan or the USA. What is even worse, is the fact that the man who is facing assault charges for attacking a journalist who dared to question him re the healthcare bill, is now in office. So what? He will be a Representative from jail!! And what is indeed horrifying is when people stand and cheer or compliment the assaulter and think it is just fine. Shutting down the press is a bad sign, bad indeed.
     But what else can be expected from Trump is a serious question. We send him overseas and what does he do? He proceeds to lecture, scold, the officials of Europe as if they were naughty children. He fluffs yet another handshake, this time with Macron. Guess the Pope and his wife slapping his hand away were not enough! He speaks of Germany as "bad, very bad" but actually what he said is translated as "evil, very evil". Now I agree with that if discussing Germany and the Holocaust, but at present Germany is our ally so why does Trump diss them even as he is constantly singing praise of Russia and Putin? Fish again, anyone? And he is off again to yet another meeting and only G-d knows what he will do there?
     And in the meanwhile, we find that in 2012 there was a huge pulse of water under a melting glacier that actually warped the earth's crust, but go ask Trump and fellow blindsided idiots and they will swear up and down and all around that there is no environmental crisis going on. G-d help us.
     And this nasty air in politics, this "shiv in the back" atmosphere as one person wrote, comes right down to us right here in the Village. David Israel is a politician who has found his niche right here in CV and on our backs. He has run this place as his little fiefdom for the past eight years to our detriment both financially and with reference to infrastructure, constantly pushing his agenda on us. We have succeeded in some areas at stopping his plans and are now in the midst of trying to stop another boondoggle with Atlantic and their contract to be as David wishes and wants. The question here is - what will happen? Will he and his crew refer to violence as the outside world seems to be doing? Should we expect a reporter for the CV Messenger to be body slammed? But seriously, the nastiness is amazing and one can smell the panic in his "voice' as he writes plain outright lies as to what is being said. The gist of this particular issue is twofold. One in the very near future, at the next DA, is to turn down this Atlantic debacle that awaits on our doorstep. There is simply not one good thing about  it and so many pitfalls that it is almost beyond counting. So why does David Israel want this and them so much? You answer that question, you surmise the truth. 
     The second issue here is the fact that David and his administration are way past the sell by date. He has loaded the administration with mostly all his crew and hence there is very little that gets done here in the Village in a prompt and proper manner. Even as they whine that they need volunteers, that the Rag needs workers, they turn away volunteers who they feel are not "with" them and refuse to allow elected people to take on committee responsibilities; hence, we have our own little Trump-like administration going on here, right in our own backyard. Lovely!!
     We need reform all up and down our political system. Make no mistake about it. The corruption, the nastiness, the danger is from top to bottom. Stand up for what is right. Do not leave it for the other person. We need everyone to get out there, both nationally and locally - and right here in the Village.

Thursday, May 25, 2017


    Anyone out there feel like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall? Reading the news this morning, contemplating the multi million dollar boondoggle we are headed into if we do not cut this Atlantic bid off at the knees, I wonder what is next? Will it be a worry over all of us today that our Navy has deliberately sailed into what the Chinese feel is their water, and now what? Will they allow their protégé, North Korea, to take up the cudgel for them? What is happening? And in other foreign news, we have blown our sharing information status with the British as pictures of the bomb and other info was published and disseminated here in the USA including in the Times. What are we doing?
     Betsy De Vos, the imbecile who is worried about grizzlies in schools as a reason for allowing guns in school, adding to her "luster' by saying that discrimination against LGBT kids in vouchered schools is acceptable and allowed, that she avoids the accountability question re vouchered schools, denies that they will be funneling public monies from high poverty schools to these schools and the list just goes on. Ben Carson, and where the hell is his head at, now blames poverty on  a "mindset" of people, that they inculcate it, internalize it, within their baby minds!! That if the mindset is there it is hopeless, for even giving one everything, the mindset would cause them to lose it, so what, now we devise a test for this? Do we let those we think have this "mindset' to die in poverty? And this is a doctor? And this is the head of Housing? My head is spinning. As should yours!
     But there is more. The GOP candidate in Montana, who says he is just like Trump, ahem, is arrested for assault! Atta boy, just the way to solve disputes and get rid of the "false media"! And the CBO, the Budget Office, states that the "new" Republican bill will raise the health bill for older and poorer seniors by 850%!!! What the hell are we doing? Is this eugenics by another name? At least advertisers are pulling ads from Hannity's show for his bizarre campaign about Seth Rich, the kid killed, and blaming it on an arcane and ridiculous conspiracy of the Democrats!! How far will we go down this nonsensical and dangerous path? Will we ever be able to unravel all the lies of this administration, all their uncivilized behavior to put it politely, and get back to at least a kissing cousin to the truth? !
     And how about locally? What are we doing next Friday? Are we going to fall into the hands of another multi million dollar mess at the hands of David Israel and crew? We had a mess with the paving with which we are living. We escaped another mess with DSL no thanks to him for with him we would have still been eating the consequences. Now he is pushing Atlantic, a baby company, pushing them over our deal and relationship with Comcast, the big guy in this field. There is a survey by a crew for AT &T about possibilities so if they are doing a survey why did Atlantic not do one to check feasibility, and why are we rushing into the Atlantic contract, one so weighted for Atlantic's benefit, that we are truly asses to sign. We might as well just open our coffers and let them freely take from it until it is gone and then what? Guess we will all just have to turn to the radio in the living rooms again!! And by the way, who among you ever signed a contract, agreed to it, without all the details, without it being complete?
     What are we doing next Friday at the DA? Are we going to do the right thing and demand that the vote be put off till  a Town Hall in the fall when the residents return? Are we going to vote down Atlantic, using our brains rather than sitting on them, getting concussions every time we move?! What are we doing?
     The lies that float around the Village, the lies that float around the country - are part and parcel of the same class and mode of thinking. We allow our government to treat us with contempt, to not only avoid the truth, but to tell outright lies. The more we allow, the harder it will be to unravel and set straight.
     Nationally we are in a big mess and how to solve, what to do if our sitting President is actually charged with criminal offenses, with possible treason charges waiting in the wing, and watching a whole slew of people in the administration follow right along - what a F$#)^^#**^{&!!!!!
And as for here, in the Village - time to wake up, smell the orange juice (it is Florida) and do the right thing for all the residents and not just to assuage David's itches!!
     Let us tell the truth for a change, here and everywhere. Let us unravel the messes. Let us deny all those who would shut down America, shut down the Constitution. Let us walk in the proper paths for a change. We are dangerously close to a red line of our own. Woe upon us all should we go past it, be it here or nationally speaking. Woe upon us!! It is that serious. If we do not do something to stave this off we will be in the unenviable position of the Carrier workers whose "saved" jobs begin disappearing as of July 20th. Listen, people. Think, people. Let us help ourselves before it is too late.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


     Yesterday I wrote how lies come home to their originators and perpetrators and that this is a phenomenon that is true, be it in a local area, a small area of family and friends, local governments and nationally as well, to our great detriment.
     So today let us see what we have with these bounceback lies. Nationally we are overwhelmed by them. The man who was to help the little man is helping them right out of existence. Health coverage. SNAP, food stamps, will be gone, so just starve, or catch squirrels! Rich people will get child care help - as if they need it - thank you, Ivanka! while the poor who need aftercare and pre-care for their kids so they can work - well, forget all about it as funds are to be cut.  Money for retraining and technical education so people can get jobs in the first place? Forget that as well as that money is cut. Earned income and child tax credits gone from undocumented workers and mind you, these people pay taxes and many of the children are American born citizens but who cares, right, for they are "bad hombres".
     So basically, children, the poor, women whose health is obviously not important and they are not smart enough to control their own bodies and make their own decisions, the workers who need retraining - all can go to hell in Trump's budget as he lies his way to screwing his base and oh, by the way, there is a minor problem in his budget - a 2.1 trillion dollar mistake, but hey, who's counting, as long as the military get their upped budget, right?! And as for those Carrier jobs that were supposedly saved? Well, by Christmas they will all be gone. Great job there Donald, great lies again! This man is NOT the president of many people, millions of them. This is the result of lies that people believed in their desperation. Shame on you, Donald and crew.
     And right here in good old CVWPB and David Israel's UCO, we have a major lie going on right now. David Israel has a major bug up his ass about broadband and getting his internet put in place, in a Village where there is already Internet so why? Who the hell knows except that this man is constantly caught up in lies of omission or commission, of budget needs and in taking on debt that should not be ours. Why he is now hot to trot with this Atlantic is anybody's guess but what is not a guess is that it is bad and based on lies, a false base and smelling rotten is an understatement of the year! I will summarize some points made by a very smart man and leave out the contract wording but print the gist of the argument.
     1.Bulk rates are to fixed with them staying the same except for $1.25 annual raise. Fair enough - BUT, they have the right to "adjust" this 'fixed" rate as they need or want to. Lovely! Who knows how the adjustment will go. David maybe?
     2. They will have the EXCLUSIVE right to advertise within the Village. Huh!!?? Since when is advertising allowed within the Village and in the sacred Clubhouse to boot! Eva and WPRF do not even allow our own people to campaign there but Atlantic can? Smelling lousier than before! Indeed!
     3. WE are to provide them with space within the Village, meaning that WE have to pay the cost for this as the medical building is being mentioned as that home. WE do not own that building. Who does? Levy maybe? Someone else in the Village? They will profit but as for us? Screwed again.
     4. By the way, this will be home for "up to" three Atlantic people. And for six months and one rep for the next six months so wait a minute! Up to means that they could send one whole rep. WOW! I am underwhelmed. Greatly so. And what happens after the first year of a ten year contract. Perhaps they will send someone up from Miami or send down from Canada? So service? Forget about that!
     5. Atlantic has the right to change the channel lineup whenever and however they wish to so we could find ourselves stuck with all the latest - from Miami or Canada or Timbuktu and as for channels to watch? Who the hell knows again! Their lineup already stinks and is greatly inferior to that of Comcast.
     6. Fixing the damage who is responsible? Not stated at all except by David's assurances. Wow, that will certainly weigh heavily in court when we sue them for leaving us in a disgusting way after they dig up the Village. And as to payment for that - what, out of the doorway fee which is suddenly being called "beautification". Fishy smell again, or is perhaps the rat that I am smelling, that we should all be smelling.
       7. If they are not ready within the dates stated, well what do we do? Contemplate our navels? Nope, that is David's job within his UCO office, but we would prefer our channels and streaming possibilities and music and whatever. So who will pay the higher fees to Comcast? Well, according to David, Atlantic will. According to the contract? NOTHING there. Nothing at all. So you can take that to the bank - uh, actually better not plan on that!
     And there are more points, but simply looking at all these points, plus knowing that Comcast has the biggest footprint in this area and AT&T has commissioned a survey to install fiber optics within the Village at their cost and not ours. Read that again. So why are we paying for Atlantic to install it at our expense? Go ask David. Sounds like a mantra , a bigly bad one at that.
     In addition, remember that the delegates have rejected this Atlantic contract several times but David has this nasty habit of waiting till most people are gone and then pushing thru his agenda - as he did with the term limit that we have had in the Village till he needed to satisfy his being here by assuming his President for Life position! AND WHOEVER SIGNED A CONTRACT THAT WAS NOT FINALIZED?
     TURN DOWN THE ATLANTIC CONTRACT FOR ALL OUR SAKES! And by the way, this could possibly save us hundreds of thousands of dollars from CSI if we do not need them for AT&T. Just a thought. Would need to be checked.
     David Israel just posted the new offer from Comcast, the largest elephant in the room. It is a great offer from that big company and it has proven itself time and again. No, it is not perfect, but then again, name one company or person that is. However, it has improved in all areas and we have not seen a repair necessary in years. The fact that it is offering the X1 box is amazing as prior to this offer it cost money to get it. It has better programming and more relevant channels and again, has proven itself. It leaves no loopholes and the 'redlining' of Atlantic is garbage as it is so loopholey that one can use it as a viewing glass! Comcast is here, no chances that it might not be and so why are we contemplating changing!!!
     I would like to thank Neil Moore for much of these points directly from the contract and his continued fight for this Village as well as several other people who continue to fight against harmful deals for this Village and who saved us from the DSL debacle that David wished to inflict upon us and which he admitted at a DA that he was wrong? Such a shock!
     Finally, a better fact that needs clarification and for that we fly all the way to Jerusalem on this, its 50th anniversary of being united. Today is Yom Yerushalayim , the Day of Jerusalem. There was a beautiful ceremony last night at the Kotel, the Western Wall, and perhaps at least some new person will realize that indeed, Jews do have a connection to Jerusalem and to the Wall and indeed, even to the Temple Mount for that is where the two Temples were before destruction. Jews have been turning to Jerusalem for centuries, thru exile and Diaspora, thru pogroms, thru the Holocaust, thru it all and we returned and we united it after begging Hussein of Jordan to stay out of the war; he did not, for he anticipated a victory and wanted his share of the loot - but he lost and we won. The iconic picture of three soldiers who fought in the battle for Jerusalem, the sound of the shofar of Rabbi Goren, the cry of Har Habayit Beyadenu - the Temple Mount is in our hands - and the fact that we allowed the Wakf and Jordan to have part in its control - says much - that the world forgets.
    So today, rejoice with us, sing Halleyuyah and ask for peace as we all do every day in our prayers. We have returned and we are not going anywhere. Jerusalem  - rejoice! The lie that Jews do not partake in the history of Jerusalem - a LIE!
WE are Jerusalem and Jerusalem is us.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

We have an update on AT&T’s proposed fiber-optics installation in the village. It now appears that AT&T has already installed fiber-optics in some of the buildings. NorthSky Communications was having problems in the installation in some buildings – the survey was to solve some of the problems.
The installation was NOT news to UCO, yet was kept hush-hush. Why, was David Israel pushing Atlantic broadband stating they needed two years to install fiber-optics when he knew that AT&T was already doing it? Why was this kept secret?  Why is David in such a great hurry to sign a contract?

The residents deserve an answer to these and many more questions.

P.S. Read the comments about the Atlantic Broadband Contract – it smells of rotten fish.  
It has just come under our attention that NorthSky Communications has at this moment completed a survey for AT&T to install Fiber-Optic  Wiring to our village at NO COST TO US. We were also informed that AT&T will offer Bulk Service to individual associations; they have done this in other developments.
Regarding this new development, it is imperative that we do not rush into any contract with Atlantic Broadband. There are too many questions that need to be answered before we commit to a 10-year contract. I beg every Officer and executive board member of UCO to make a motion to postpone the cable vote until we have more information. If you do not do this, and we do not have a quorum, we will be chained to Atlantic Broadband for ten years.
Olga Wolkenstein
The Century Village Messenger Club

Monday, May 22, 2017


     It is a sad but true fact that truth comes home to roost on the head of the liar, of the perpetrator of the misdeed. No matter how many times one escapes the consequences, it will finally out and then there are the serious consequences which are the worse for the liar simply because he lied and denied and now is found out. Almost every serious writer has a tale to tell with this warning and theme.
    Our 'esteemed' president, he who is not the president of many people, has now been on the receiving end of so many people's warnings and statements re his childish, even infantile, behavior. Perhaps he thinks it is cute or attractive or funny, but it is manifestly not so.
     Here is what one columnist writes.
       "Grow up! Just correction is not jaundiced crucifixion. Any hell you’re in is a hell you made. You are the author of your own demise. You are not being unfairly targeted; instead your above-the-rules, beyond-the-law sense of privilege is being tested and found insufficient. It will not immunize you against truth and justice."
     This is sad, but it goes along with the lack of respect that so many feel for this man. He refuses to own up to his errors in judgements, to his crazy behavior and on the difficulty his aides have in controlling him. Now think on that. Why should aides have to control the man, the President. Are you aware of how much this endangers the country? Just read the issues.
     "There are very serious questions here, ones that include but are not limited to collusion. They also now include the possibility of treason, obstruction of justice and making false statements."
     Not even 150 days and now the man is looking to set up a legal team to defend him in these matters and his possible criminal charges in these matters, let alone impeachment or removal from office in another way, the 25th amendment.
     But there is more to come in this area. It seems that the one permanent qualification to be in Trump's administration is to be a liar, a big one at that and one who still does not realize that he/she will be found out and sure enough, now we have Pence joining  the lie fest. Now the next question is - who replaces him as well?
     When are we going to get some grown ups in office? When will the members of Congress, both houses, remember why they are there? When will we get some honorable people back in office? And will all this be done before there is civil war? Before the world is ruined. Somewhere there must be hope for without hope all is lost. We must continue the fight, back on the picket lines, in among the protesters.
     And hey, here's a thought. Let's begin by cleaning up the Village and get some new and unselfish and grown up people into office. It certainly is a thought and begin by voting for Comcast and not Atlantic. No tantrums can make something that is bad for us appear to be good. Truly!


     What a wonderful few days we had. Graduation was lovely, the time with family was great and thoughts came to mind simply by walking around here in LA and at the graduation ceremonies. Conclusion? Short but simple. The rumors that Donald has been spreading around, that there are "bad hombres" here, that  druggie immigrants, criminal and scary immigrants are overwhelming us. Wrong, so bigly wrong.
     Looking around at graduation and talking with people we realized that what we have on the East Coast is not the future of America. The future is here, as far as its population is concerned. We sat in front of a family of Vietnamese heritage, behind a Jewish family, near a Japanese family, lots of Chinese families, Latinos and African Americans, Koreans. Accents of all types were heard, with some adults speaking the mother tongue - for them - but the kids responded in English, unaccented, American English. Mixed couples of all sorts of combination were plentiful and the children were beautiful. The children mixed and played with each other though they had just met. We all cheered each other's graduate and the pride of the families with the 'primero' graduate of college in their family was most obvious and charming. These kids were stroked by grandparents and the parents were beyond words.
     The same mix of peaceful people was seen at the Getty Museum - and what  a place that is. If you are ever here in LA you must allow time for a visit here. In fact, several visits would be required to see the whole thing.
     So were there some people who looked unusual? Perhaps. Maybe one might have been a gangbanger before his wife and kids tamed him. Perhaps one is not as honest as one should be but for the most part one could not tell people apart by their behavior. No bad hombres here. No sir!
     So where are these bad hombres. They were in the gym where one was called out and the big coward denied he was Richard Spencer, the neo Nazi, he who wants to throw "Jews and coloreds out of 'our' business establishments". They are the people who sent the professor, a woman of color, nasty tweets how she would be hanged, called her a n......., and other oh so lovely names. So where are the bad hombres? You figure it out.
     More places? Well, just look at Washington D.C. which has become ever more swampier since Trump entered. The Fat Cats have come strutting into town, been appointed to positions of power, in places where they can destroy our heritage and have instigated almost a civil war in their ignorance and nastiness, in their forgetting what America stands for, what it means to be an American. 
     The other day I watched a music award ceremony I had taped and Joan Baez came on. That woman is amazing. She stood there and very gently put Donald in his place as she sang Swing Low, Sweet Chariot". She is still as fiery as they come and so are we, the rest of us who have had it. In fact, the whole country is at dagger's edge with each other. We do not hear each other anymore. We are so angry at the current situation, at the possible future, that our better instincts are overwhelmed by our fear and determination to do something, anything, to correct the situation.
     So what to do? Talk, sway people, put down the weapons and even some of the sharp words, but maybe that is not all that possible anymore. I truly do not know and am indeed fearful. All the I told ya so statements that I can make give no permanent satisfaction. Not at all. But it is hard not to react strongly, powerfully, when the slime of our reps in DC comes to the surface, the lies they have told, their non recognition of truth and how it always comes out, the treasonous behavior of our so called leader and his crew, the threats to lynch Rep. Al Green, because he dared talk of impeachment and how dare  he, this African American?
     So Kushner has his own motives going on here. And Ivanka goes along for the ride and talks to panels of women when her father has the biggest disgusting attitude towards women and had behaved accordingly. Hypocrite. We find that campaign promises are not kept - nor should they for they are dangerous, but people feel betrayed. And the anger grows.
     I would like to quote from a column , a very good one, that Peggy Noonan wrote in The World Street Journal, or WSJ as it has taken to calling itself. It is entitled "Democracy is Not Your Plaything". "It would be good if top Hill Republicans went en masse to the president and said, "Stop it. Clean up your act. Shut your mouth. Do your job. Stop tweeting. Stop seething. Stop wasting time. You lost the thread and don't even know what you were elected to do anymore. Get a grip. Grow up and look at the  terrain, see it for what it is. .......If you don't grow up fast, you'll wind up abandoned and alone. Act like a President or leave the presidency........The President needs to be told: Democracy is not your plaything."
      That says it all.

Sunday, May 21, 2017


     So here we go again. Honestly! And if you think that there is a great deal of honesty in the whole package and its pushing, then all I can say is Honestly! Once more, David Israel and crew of yesmen and dupes are pushing for Atlantic. Once more we are having something pushed down our throats whether we want it or not and the pressure is on. Now there is that  "very small group of people" to express their opinions for the thousands of residents who are not being represented nor heard.
     Several years ago David Israel tried the same hard sell with DSL. If that "small group" that bothers David so had not done their homework, had not asked hard questions, had not pushed for answers, had not challenged the answers that were given, we would now be saddled with a broken system, an unsightly infrastructure of towers all over the Village and yet another debacle sponsored by David and crew. Boca had DSL and had to break the contract so terrible was the result.
     But David wants what David wants and so off he went on another search, another place for us to waste our money, even as the fees were raised this year to a new height. So he settled on Atlantic, a company from Canada and yes,  they are a foreign company no matter the fact that they have an American branch. They operate in Miami and have at least seven or eight channels of local Miami news, lots of Spanish stations and a lot of    promises that they will be ready to serve us come the time of end of contract with Comcast.
     I doubt they will but let us see what we would be getting if we go with this contract. Well, honestly, we get a lot of promises that they will have the wires or connections drawn in time. They will dig up the Village and hopefully replace it properly but be prepared for lots of upheaval, ugliness and mess. They will give us the same lousy service they have been giving Miami and if you do not believe that, well just go on  line and read for yourself. We will get a promise of ONE person here to help. Really? Honestly! ONE? Wow!! NOT! Xfinity trucks are here in plentiful number and we have a man on grounds to answer questions and quite frankly, I have found that over the years Comcast has improved greatly and we have, knock wood, been trouble free and been able to install the X1 system right at the outset of it and it is great.
     The Internet works well and we stream a great deal on it. Why would I want to get a company that has lousy Internet service and so I will be shut down and as for the use of everything on the computer - well, blow me down if it will all turn to dross from gold.
     What we get on this contract is line after line where they forswear any responsibility for downtime. Well, what if they're not ready to even begin. We were promised they would pay for the new and raised rates of Comcast so we could continue service. Where is that in the contact? Why would they be exempt for downtime? Where is a guarantee that their service will improve noticeably in the next two years so we can see they can actually do the job. In fact, why do we not wait for them to actually improve?! Where is it written in the contract that they will pay!!!! Where?
     No HBO. No Starz. No actual reassurances that are written and mean anything and in the meanwhile, we are chaining ourselves to a lousy two years of service from Comcast for why would they give it to us since we stabbed them in the back. We are dooming ourselves to ten years of contract in a fast moving area and will be behind the eight ball. Where is the promise in the contract that they will upgrade us in a timely manner? In fact, where is that vaunted statement of David's that they will snake thru the wires and not staple them? Where are all these promises and no, not David's statements but ones that can be legally enforced and what are we going to do when this all collapses? Go hat in hand to Comcast? Oh, for sure, they will be so nice to us, giving us a good deal - HA! Honestly, why would they and why should they since David Israel has been playing games with them and wants out, not for trouble he has for he freely admits he is pleased with his service. Why? Because they were "snippy". Oh dear, his honor has been offended, his ego has been damaged? Him and Trump!! Well honestly, I do not want to pay a price for their egos!
     So listen to the "small group" again and all the buildings that do not want Atlantic.  Not such a "small" group after all. Look at the last vote, the last two votes and see how many want Comcast yet David keeps pushing, pimping for Atlantic. What is in it for him? That question remains unanswered. Is it just ego satisfaction or anything else? Is it a lack of understanding of the damage he will inflict on us? Why does he keep telling everyone that the TV will be great when it will manifestly be not! Why does he say we need the Internet when he says at a  meeting that most people do  not need internet or use it so no problem. What happened to his push for broadband and Village wide internet? Oh, new and younger people would not come. Really? Honestly? Look at the prices of the units now. Rising and where is the internet - getting ready to be ruined by David Israel. Another greatest deal ever - like the road paving, like the security contracts, like the buses which were quite late going on line in operating, like the entry gate systems, like the pavers, like everything else he pushes. There are naked  people out there people so recognize that fact. Honestly!!

Friday, May 19, 2017


    Fool. Laughing stock. Clown. Utter chaos. And the list can go on with child and infant right there as well as incompetent, dishonest, liar and many others. What gets me is how so many people refused to see this man For what he is and was prior to voting for him and even now say that one must respect him for he is President. Nope, sorry. Respect needs to be earned and all he has earned is  a reputation for being a whiner and a big blubbering baby, the kind who will pick up his marbles and go home - if only!!!
     There is growing talk of impeachment, of Amendment 25, of criminal charges and the ripples keep going. Now Pence is enmeshed in this right up to his jelled hair and Ryan is now trying to deny a tape where he laughed at the statement that Trump was getting paid by Putin and when he could no longer deny it, he said it was a joke and not really a secret. Ha!! Liar, liar!!
     For months I have been calling him incompetent and ethics challenged. For months I have been calling him out as a liar. I have been calling out the Kushners as basically phonies as well and all one has to do is check the papers. Why have some people refused to see that not only is the emperor naked, but so  are the rest of his court.
     I have long maintained that the truth will out, be it here in the Village or out there in the local and larger governments yet the politicians seem to keep thinking they will be permanently Teflon and nothing about them will stick. Sorry - wrong indeed, bigly  so!!
     So now we have all these investigations and we all need to think concretely about the future. What do we do with a corrupt and incompetent government that is giving away the store? What do we do about replacing it. How do we convince our allies that we have not lost our collective minds and that we are still the USA.
     How and when do we stop tossing people out of the country willy nilly? I have just finished a book called The Lady Who Wrote in Silk, about the terrible things done to the Chinese in the late 1800's and it is scary how there are people who have never grown beyond that hateful thinking and nasty prejudice for anyone who is different than they are. Scary indeed. But it must be addressed for the issue is at hand.
     We must get Putin out of our business and stop these friendships with murderous dictators. We must address the environment, the labor issues and the education and the retraining. We must address healthcare before the Republicans force an implosion here and we must get
back to a government "of the people, by the people and for the people; - said by a President who was the most hounded and hated president ever - and not  that whiner Trump!!
     To sum it up, we need to get some honorable and truthful adults back in government, people who indeed are public servants and not getting served by the public. Tough to do, but possible if we all work hard at it.
    And now, sorry, but I must say this at least once.
     TOLD YA SO!!!!!!!


The guest posting below is written by one who wishes to point out the inequities of UCO and why its present actions are so wrong. It is the same thing as what is happening nationally. The ostensible leader thinks he can do what he wants when he wants and the rules do not apply to him. Ethics are thrown out the door and a good plan goes sour. David Israel........Donald Trump et al - different levels but same problem. Lies, paranoia and some other mental issues, ignorance of what needs and should be done and the right way to do it and certainly a present incompetence in office. Both need to be voted out or impeached or forced to resign.
  I will write another posting later tis afternoon.

From: Anonymous
re: UCO committees

The long established traditions set here at CV years ago have brought 
us famously to where we are today and we can continue as we deserve
to be lead by good people.

Voting is a serious privilege and those that are elected to the UCO Board
especially represent each of us.  Each member is a positive part 
of solutions to some issues and continual improvement.  Each helps
energize all of us residents in forming a good and well planned  
community in these later years of our lives.

It doesn't sound right here at CV when we hear people talking about
how certain newly elected/formed committees at UCO are refused/
disbanded/turned away.  Refusing to accept the role of elected members is contrary and negative.  Furthermore, only allowing those

"same former committees" to speak and not hearing new thoughts
is not fair play.  Let's re-look at ourselves and re-consider being
considerate of each other and helping our causes

Neil Moore

Thursday, May 18, 2017


     Okay, full disclosure. I have no dog named Charley nor am I traveling with anyone named Charley. Just liked the title as it has to do with the posting.
     I am late posting because of travel. Got up with the birds yesterday to fly to California. Our plane in Atlanta to LA was a loooong layover and what do you know - they added more time to it due to construction by Delta in LAX. We then crawled over the country at a slow rate and then stood on the ground and roamed the airport for 45 minutes - again - construction and gate issues. Baggage was at one carousel but not really - we had to trek to the other end of the looong area to the last carousel and naturally, guess whose luggage came out close to last. I was already figuring out where to buy what I needed.
     Not finished. Back the way we had come to the sign for the rental company  and at last that went smoothly and we thought okay, home free, just plug in the GPS and away we go. One hour and we will be there. HA!!!!!! Famous last words. We then toured LA for two hours as the lady inside directed us around traffic and added another hour onto our little journey. Would have taken less time if we were on the highway in the HOV lane.
     At least the hotel is lovely, the Fullerton Marriot and waiting for us was our grandson so all was forgotten in the hugs and kisses. Grandson #1 all grown up and graduating college and all I picture in my mind is that little baby on his first day of life as I held him and then put his mother's favorite Bert doll into the bassinette. Cannot quite hold him the same way, but the emotion is even stronger.
     In the room, unpacked, drink and nosh gotten from the Elite room and I finally decided to see what was going on in the world. Uh oh!! Here we go again. Let's see. Market down enormously and I think I will not check my accounts, not wanting to see the size of the ill afforded loss. So, the news. Okay - Trump destroyed the market - been there, seen that. Next? Mueller appointed to head the Trump-Russia investigation. Finally! Something done right. That man was amazing after 9/11, new on the job and strong. Read that Trump not so happy about this news. Tough!!
     Coast Guard commencement and what happens? The man whines how he is picked on, getting it more than any other president - perhaps because he deserves it? - and then another goof. John Kelly, head of Homeland Security, tells Trump that he might use the sword he had been given on members of the press. Trump chuckles and answers "yeah."  Uh oh - picked up and recorded. Goof city again.
    The co - author of Trump's The Art of the Deal says that Trump will quit and not wait for impeachment . He does not like to lose and will try to change its devastating blow to him, the loss of his job, as a victory. He states that Trump is using the reactive part of his brain and cannot think straight now. Ha!! I have been saying that for months!! Personally, the sooner the better, not that I am anxious for Pence, but perhaps there will be lessons learned here for politicians and voters alike. Perhaps people will learn that we need to choose leaders carefully and not from the ranks of clowns on reality shows or people with bags of hot air, low morals and lack of aptitude and talent.
     Perhaps people will finally realize how frightening it is to realize that our supposed head of country is a traitor - knowingly or via stupidity - it does not really matter for the end result is great harm to the country. It means that our government at the highest ranks is filled with co authors of treason or again more ineptitude and carelessness and severe lack of knowledge on how to run a country. The cracks in the GOP are beginning to show but we must also remember the past before we let people off. McCarthy, I believe, said not so long ago that he believed that Trump and a Representative from California were actually getting paid by Putin as they defended him so much. Scary!! And now he still defends him!? The members of the Republican Party will have to man up, shoulder the responsibility of theirs in this morass, this catastrophe, and work with the Democrats to fix it. Even Pence realizes it as he build his own political fund, his own PAC - to make America Great or some such similar slogan. Here we go again, but perhaps he will have learned a lesson and perhaps the country will teach the politicians a lesson in 2018 and then in 2020.
     So, anyone out there musing on running for office in 2018. Hey, anyone want to run against Mast? Got my vote and my efforts. And I will say again. We must be careful and proactive and determined for  THE WHOLE WORLD IS STILL WATCHING!!!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


     Remember that line. Remember the chant as we stood in lines, embarrassed in front of the world as we fought a war that began with a lie, a war that should never have been fought, a war that killed so many and a war that split the nation and many shamefully abused those soldiers who fought and came home. Hopefully we have learned from that war, though in many instances it seems not.
     Today the whole world is watching once more. What has happened to this country? What has happened to the country that led the free world, that took bold stances for human rights, for the environment, for the future. What happened to their ally? Where had they gone wrong and how was this allowed to happen? How did a child in a man's body take over the country?
     When France came to her senses and chose Macron, when Germany came at least part way to its senses and avoided the Freedom Party and kept Merkel, when the Netherlands came to its sense and rejected the extremism before it - why did the US fall prey to the idea, the revolting idea of populism, of nativism, of xenophobia, of pure hatred of the other. How and why did so many do without thinking and allow the worst part of themselves to vote? How did people so fool themselves and allow Trump to come to power where he then proceeded to overturn every promise he had made, filled the government with every Fat Cat he could find and gave fresh life to the swamp and its critters.
    The whole world is watching today and last night and yesterday when the news burst out into the open that Trump has so causally given away secrets from an ally, now claimed to be Israel, which will allow the Isis group to figure out the who and the how of this information and we will have bad results as a consequence - all because of Trump's big and stupid and careless mouth and lack of forethought as he sought to boast of how much he knew and they did not.
     Pelosi asked just what do the Russians have on Trump that he keeps giving them all they want and more? Remember before the election when it was rumored that there were tapes? Well, people, perhaps there truly are blackmail tapes made on one of Trump's business trips to Russia and now we have our own version of the Manchurian Candidate right there in the Oval Office. One day the man denies and the next he says it is true and then he makes an excuse why it was right and why his aides goofed again. He causes his advisers to lie, to knowingly pervert the truth as when one says he was there and nothing was revealed and then today has to admit oh yes there was but it is okay, because the president is allowed to say whatever he wants. To whom he wants and to hell with our security and to hell with the relationship with allies and to hell with getting any help or any more trust from them. And they are perfectly entitled to cut us off until this man is gone from office.
     Now we have the treasure trove of Comey's memos which he always writes up after meetings and major discussions, These are known to be fact filled and detailed and now we have the one wherein Trump asks him to basically lay off Flynn because he is a "good guy". The Republican Party has come to a crossroads now what with all this information and all these disasters. They must show their base that there is a line of morality and justice an truth that must be accepted. The finger that Representative Darrell Issa flipped to a reporter is not the answer.
     So what is this man proud of? He supports all the dictators who will deign to be his friend, the bullies of the world unite, and the human rights disappear. Now we have Trump welcoming Erdogan of Turkey even as he has decimated his country by locking up all people who disagree with him, thousands upon thousands of people from workers in the street to soldiers to teachers to government officials. He claims it is an honor to meet him. Blech!!
     And now what is next? We have a government headed by a man who is not a man, but a child and a dumb one at that. We have a government whose officials lie openly, blatantly, for their master and are proven wrong every day, even thrown under the  bus time and time again by their boss, that child! Read David Brooks op-ed piece in yesterday's Times and read the truth as he dissects this man and what makes him tick so badly.
     All I know is that this cannot continue. By late day more Senate Republicans were expressing great and grave doubt about Trump and his dealings. But where are the Congressmen, those cowards who voted away health care for the nation. Where are they now? Why are they not speaking up? Are they all cowards like Rubio? Are they all morally lacking? Are they all without hearts and souls and consist and exist only as  ambitious egos?
     I cannot understand what makes some people tick this way, those who forsake goodness for selfishness, those who never grew up. We have enough of those here in the village, particularly in the back of the UCO building. But we are small fry and when the leader of the whole country acts this way, then we need to remember - the whole world is watching and unless we force action and get satisfaction from the two houses of Congress, then we are complicit in the downfall of this country and in changing history for the worse. Do you want this? Do you want to explain this and your non action to the future generations? I do not, most emphatically. So go to Indivisibles and find out where there are protests, watch the women of the March and any other organizations who are standing up for resistance and reform, for a return to our true ways and to build a better future.
     The whole world is watching!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


     We all know the Shakespearian phrase of "a rose by any other name" and the principle can and should be easily applied here. Treason is treason is treason, no matter how it is colored in or explained away by anyone. And when that treason is performed by the president of the United States, well, friends, no more saying that something must be done or should be done. It has to happen and the first act is to remove this man from office pronto by declaring him incompetent and unable to perform his duties. No more wimping out and no more usage of technicalities to try to explain away his yet another misdeed, this one more serious than any other to this date - at least that we know of. It confirms what we have suspected for a long time - this man is either incompetent in so many ways, and/or mentally ill, and/or colluding with the enemy, that enemy being Russia. How many more times must we see him grinning with the Ambassador and with Kislyak? How many more times is this man going to endanger us, the country? And how many more times are the Republicans going to turn their backs on their country in the name of strengthening their party, uber alles!! What they are doing now is being complicit in the treasonous act and yes, Ivanka, that is what it means to be complicit in something - to aid in its taking place, either before or after the act, being an accessory in any which way. I]If the shoe fits, wear it.
     So once again the Trump people try to weasel out from under. The president has the right to declassify information and thus it is not against the law, but, a big but, the material has not been declassified from highly confidential - 'just' breached by the moron or the traitor. The WH has been desperately begging the Washington Post not to reveal more details due to the high importance of this information and the danger to the source. In other words, Trump is now complicit in the possible death of the source, in the exposure of this source and how he gets the information, and has endangered millions, yes, millions of people as it is now revealed that the reason for banning the computers on flights had a good reason behind it. Well, Trump could care less as he plays the childish behavior of see what I know, I know more than you, nah, nah, and see - you did not know this! And out the mouth comes what should not!!
     That we should be talking about the President in such words, in such misdeeds boggles the mind indeed. "....the president shared details of ISIS plots involving explosives concealed in electronic devices and potentially smuggled aboard US bound planes" A staffer states “With news like this I’m beginning to wonder why Trump ran in the first place and if he really cares about the country."
     This man who screamed in his pathetic tweets how Hillary should be locked up, how she was a traitor, could not be trusted with secrets - well, as always, the answer to all that is self denial, the result of looking in the mirror and seeing there all that he has accused others of doing - leaking and leaking and leaking. Well, here is the leaker!
     And then again, we have the Republicans who wimp out, including, to my shock, McCain. We have others who are willing to state that this White House is a mess, has endangered this country, but as for 'brave' souls like Rubio - “I haven’t seen the story,” Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said, .... “Sometimes this stuff is breaking faster than our ability to check online.” Ahh, our Senator!!!
     This is a body blow to US intelligence workers. This is not the first time nor will it be the last unless he is removed from office. I do not like nor trust Pence, but at this point, I will have to go with security of the country over all else. What with Korea playing nuclear games and now their being very suspicious in the Wannacry computer hacking worldwide mess, we need someone who can actually think, rationally and boldly, who can help put down risks without pressing a button.
     He has further called their actions reminiscent of Nazi Germany because information about his campaign and collusion with Russians came out. He has spoken in front of their Wall, of officers of the CIA killed in the line of duty - and spoken of what? His campaign, his win, and how he is president and how is he doing!! Koch, he is not!!
     He has stated that, G-d help us, he is too smart to need daily briefings and has revealed highly classified knowledge to the Russians. All this all by himself and his staffers are always behind trying to clean up his mess. Yup, like the elephant standing in the middle of the room and  at the end of the parade. But what we need is a President who is presidential. We need someone who has some working brains, who understands his responsibility towards the country and its people, that he is not there to increase his holdings or to have people tell him how clever he is, how he won Michigan or supposedly, how millions of votes were fraudulent - jerk!. This man is not the man we need and, is, in fact, the direct opposite and is endangering us every minute he remains in place.
    When two personalities report that Kellyann Conway actually hates what she is doing, that "Bleeech, she needs a shower" after being on the show and defending Trump, when all the little gofers in the White House lie and lie and lie for him, well, this is not what we need. We have crazy Korea, we have a crisis in confidence by our allies, when we have world wide hacking begun in our NSA as it was hacked, when we have a story out today that United Health Care and other Advantage companies were working the government, using the woes of patients to squeeze more money from Medicare, endangering the program, well, folks, we need a working brain at the head of it all and that is surely lacking in Trump. If there is no way of sidelining him, giving him ice cream by the quart and making nice nice to him every so often, then he seriously needs to be out of office and that is in the hands of the Republicans at this moment - unless he can be impeached and convicted if done properly.
     I worry for our country if this man remains in office. He talks of running again for another term? Well, folks, he will not need to if he remains in office now for the United States will not be recognizable as such by that time, either by being destroyed in actuality, or so changed that it is a dictatorship and a disaster on the hoof and for what that looks like just go reference Venezuela.
     We all need to speak up. We all need to demand action from our supposed reps in DC. We need to wake up wimps like Rubio and force Mast to regain the courage he once had. We need to do this nationally. We need to assure our allies - France, England, Israel, Australia, et al that we are trustworthy once again, that we are back! That we will enforce the values of humanity. That we will work with the nations of the world to end the crisis in Syria, will do something about what is happening in Turkey, will speak out against the violation of human rights, will have the courage of our Founding Fathers, imperfect as they might have been. But for sure, the President needs to be put out to pasture. Let him down gently, but get him gone from the Oval Office - for the sake of our country and the world.