Sunday, May 28, 2017


     Everyone always wants a bargain, refusing to realize that every bargain is not always one and is, is fact, quite a costly error. Such is what we at CVWPB have going for us in two places. One is our own Village and the other is, of course, our country's administration. Bargains they are not, but wholesale in amounts - of woes, of troubles, of poor leadership - oh yes!
     So first the really big picture - the federal situation. We just sent or watched Trump traipse around the world and people are commenting how wonderful it is that he 'stayed on task', did not tweet - no matter the provocation, stayed with the scripted speech and wow, presidential! What kind of low bar have we set that we accept behavior that we try to teach a kindergartner as appropriate and worthy of praise for the President of the United States. If one 'respects' the position as Trumpers are screaming, then the position must be one worthy of that respect, not that of a child, and yet, that is what we get. Not even his wife likes him!!
     I do not call it presidential when the man plays macho squeeze when shaking hands. Kudos to Macron who has seen enough and refused to let Trump do his usual ouchie!! Apologies due to the Montenegrin Prime Minister for being pushed aside by the kindergartner who needed to be at the head of the line and just look at the body language of that pusher!! My bubbie would have told him that if he ever made that face again it might freeze on him!
     He sulked like an infant and then scolded dignified leaders as if they were children all the while it was he who used another bully pulpit pose to scold as if he were the arbiter of it all. What he did was to doom the world as he refused to join in the Paris Accorde, allowed China to dangerously in international air intercept our jet - and why not, for they see him as he is - a bullying woose with no backbone and no interior strength. North Korea tests another missile and Trump's people are, in their own words "going to the mattresses" as his administration is under attack by their own behavior, their own either moronic and dangerous behavior or treasonous behavior and I truly do  not know what else to call it when it is uncovered that Kushner - with knowledge of others - set up a back channel means of communication between Kislyak and the Trump transition team. Wow!!! Mainly led by Kushner! Uh huh! Quisling anyone?
     So here is more of the wholesale bargain. Trump is planning a shift, moving around the men on his chessboard, reshuffling and bringing in or back some nasty dudes. All the while he is going to be under the control of these people who will watch that tweeting finger and that shooting off mouth. And the country - well, they will see more campaign stops for Trump to feed his overblown ego as he goes to the poor souls he is screwing with his planned programs and as he campaigns four months into his term of office!! Acting as a President? Leading the country? Beneficial plans? Nope!!These nefarious already  done plans of his are being rejected and/or being declared unconstitutional by the courts. Hence the campaigning! And the election is four years away!! Dude!!! Truly!! Hey, wonder if he will have the whole deal - behavior charts, gold stars and a pick from the Treasure Chest of little toys. Might work!
     So our wholesale 'bargain' here is a costly one indeed and it is no different right here in the Village. We have allowed a megalomaniac to take over the reins of the Village, inserting his desires and warped wishes into our budget, allowed him to make bad deals with WPRF as far as our spending and responsibilities, and now is in the midst of trying to push another multi million dollar debacle that will cost us over the next decade!!! if we allowed it to go through  - and so much for peaceful last years! And one of the worst things about this is that he is doing this again while the Village is over half empty and voices are not here to be able to speak and vote against his nefarious deeds and plans. Guess the road multi million dollar debacle was not enough. Guess the paying for 'repairs" at Hastings and the main Clubhouse when they are actually capital improvements was not enough, guess he did not learn his lesson at this proposed and pushed like a crazy person DSL plan for Village Wi fi that would have cost us our coverage and our multi million dollars again. At least we fought and won on that battle. So what now? More financial finagling for money as he did with the roads, more edge of bankruptcy as he and his minions did with money for the roads? More finagling as he did with the term limits here in the Village and so now we have a stale administration that leaves a bad taste all the time?
     Bad bargains here and in the country. Wholesale people that have divided the country and divided the Village. Nastiness pervades. So heroes who intervened trying to stop an ethnic bullying situation are killed for their troubles. Are we going to have that same situation here? Will someone sneak in a gun to a DA and shoot it off? Will we descend again to the image of armed guards standing there with threat in their posture, hired here by David Israel to intimidate us!!!!!
     Sometimes getting things wholesale is not such a good idea.
One gets what one pays for. One gets what one voted for. Neither Trump nor Israel is what we want nor need and only chicanery has gotten them into their respective positions. Time for the new season. Time for a change here and time for a change at the top of the country. That man is obviously unable to play his role properly and another must be found within the law. Out with all the damn liars and in with one who cares. Conflicting positions are okay, but not okay is the way that opposition is stifled - neither there nor here and in both places the man at the top and his crew are finding the heat quite uncomfortable. Let us turn that dial up!!

     To begin with - vote NO for Atlantic. Vote YES for Comcast or vote for a wait till we need a new contract. The quality of your life is at stake.

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