Thursday, May 16, 2024


 The phrase “Nacht und Nebel" meaning night and fog, has long been used to deliver succinct description of life during times of war or conflict of major import. It brings to mind awful images of mass arrest and incarcerations, of law governing society tweaked so that there no longer is any true justice or moral law. The phrase above raises horrid vivid memories of pictures of those "disappeared", never to be seen or heard from again. Visions of the past, becoming ever more common in the present and most frightening of all, a future society rife with these perversions. 

Why now is this fear, these images, this reality more prevalent and relevant?  Perhaps because it seems that the entire world is burning up under the fever of hate inspired by the societal picture in the previous paragraph. Why have so many these days adopted so fervently, so openly, evil canards and tropes that have long ago been thrust out of the camp of civilization?

 Apparently, that was not the case. Not then. Not now. In fact, the evil tropes and memes of the past have remained, lurking, sculking in the dark corners of society. They and their proponents have been patiently awaiting the opportunity for them to burst forth in full bloody gory action. They have now been emboldened, enabled and strengthened, so much so that they are right there in the open. No hiding within night and fog for it is not necessary.

 In fact, hate has been turned into a virtue. It is openly blared via that powerful foghorn. Dressed in fine clothing so as to disguise the ugliness beneath. The people are fooled. They buy into the awful truly antisocial, anti-humane society, anti-humanity in general. Heretofore these views and their proponents were neither respected nor included in the legitimate political spectrum. Until one day they were and not only accepted as part of that spectrum, but they have also become ever larger, ever more powerful, squeezing the traditional members of that spectrum into near death.  

The filth spewing forth from that foghorn, now, many foghorns, grows in vitriol. It poisons the souls. It hardens the heart. And leaves no room for truth, morality and humanity to enter and take root. Those traits have become verboten in the ugliness of current society, in the growing night and fog overtaking society and its thinking. In fact, the voices of those traits have been diminished, forcefully, quite successfully as others now vie for the rather dubious honor of being recognized as the. loudest, most efficient 'reputable' user of those vitriolic foghorns.

The question in the mind of every sane and humane human being is why has this happened? Why now? Where was that hole in the dike holding back the flood of inhumanity? Why was it not detected? Why were we not alert to it and its possibility, its probability? Why was it not plugged permanently? Why were we not proactive as guardians of that   dike keeping us safe?

Mankind at its best is losing the battle. Our losses far outweigh all else, and in fact, even maintenance is fragmented, weak. Its voice is drowned out by the voices of the foghorns of hate and inhumanity. One prominent producer of documentaries said this. Quite telling, quite pertinent. 

" I've seen all of that, the shift to the extreme right with neo-Nazi groups like Atomwaffen. All of that was really troubling for me. It was really scary. So it was natural for me to go back to the times of a civil war when the country was obviously fragmented, and some of the values were still uncertain. It seemed natural to go back to the roots of a country that's never ceased to be divided and never ceased to be at war with others, or with itself in a way." 

Why is this indeed? It is not only America under siege, but also the entire world, now burning up under these misconceptions dressed as truths. There is great fear almost palpable, so strong is it that America after the election in November 2024 will cease to be a democracy. Our front line of defense is weak and corrupted. The three candidates most mentioned as campaigning for the office of President are each and every one of them pathetic. The continuation of America as America in their hands is a huge existential challenge. One admits his brain has been eaten by a parasite and he has confusion. Another, long demented, has been exposed, his crimes and offenses bared for all to see. The third has allowed his thinking to be taken over by those whose voices should not be heard in the White House. He has strayed quite far off the path where he should be. Coast to coast, North to South, America's citizens are worried. We will be left bereft, alone, to make our way in a world most frightening, most dangerous. There will be no looking to Europe for advice and aid for they will share with us the same leaky unreliable rowboat.  

For me, there is yet another corner where hate has grown strong. One described the current phenomenon this way.  "Antisemitism has a fluid quality, filling whatever space is opened to it, seeping into the cracks and widening them further." 

 Even when there is supposed to be an attempt to deal with this eternal aberration, a weak stab at it, actually meaning nothing of any value, here is what happens. In New Jersey. 

"Senate leadership has signaled that they have safety concerns and are not comfortable hearing bills supporting Jews at this time." 

Oh, of course, who would want to risk the dare of supporting Jews?!

What is left to say.

Clear and evident is it not, as the foghorns blare their poisonous, ugly words of hate and incitement to bloody action. As the fog rolls in, not on the soft, quiet feet of little kitty cats, but on the threatening dangerous feet of lions and tigers, teeth bared to bite and eat. _________________________________________Yitzy, the world is so ugly right now, uglier than it has been for a long time. But your glow, your goodness remains pure. As does our love for you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


  America's self-anointed guru of America - that would be Donald Trump. the indicted, the demented, the immoral. has determined that Jews who vote Democrat "need their heads examined". Well, yeah, maybe, astonishingly this dangerously sly fool could actually be correct - with a caveat.

Jews who now identify as either Republican or Democrat or whatever party designation chosen, do in fact need to have their head examined. There is no way now in the toxic universe of ours that Jews should identify with any specific party. There are lunatic members of both parties. Both parties have those among them who wish to cancel Jews. There are those in both parties who would see Israel disappear from the map (already happening on some maps). These once considered aberrant personalities have become the tainted, yet lauded, spokespeople for their respective political parties and we are all "woke" to this old as time, newer in our time, to the benefits of becoming rabid supporters of those who are swimming in rancid, rank ponds of JewHatred.

Thus, the rather obvious conclusion: Jews must not identify in entirety as a member of this or that political party. Not if their heads are on straight. Not if their minds are intact. Not if their natural instincts of survival are in fine working order. In fact, in ugly reality, Jews must very carefully sift and sort through those asking for support and donations. The times are critical, the peril apparent. For Jews today to lock themselves into a position which could backfire on them is not a good idea. Thus, a thank you to Trump, albeit the necessary second half of the statement. 

Yes, haters of the world, Jews do have influence. We have worked hard, achieved success, and have influence via earned seats on boards of political, financial, artistic, philanthropical, medical, cultural, media institutions. Extremely wealthy among us have set up foundations which dispense scholarships and support. Research, relieving the consequences of disasters, natural and manmade. Jews and non-Jews are recipients and beneficiaries of "Jewish" money sent their way. No conditions attached. Yes, Jews can be found in positions of influence, but for the most part that influence and the possibilities of it are wielded carefully and wisely, other than when Jews "forget" or deny their identity as Jews. So yes, restricting oneself to one party needs to be carefully reassessed in terms of today's caustic conditions of life.

This claimed to be demonic influence is more lacking than present. The needs of the Jewish state of Israel are ground beneath the wheels of the bus of the world. The auras of security among Jews, of safety in their lands of residence, including   America, have been shattered and shredded, become unrecognizable. Once again, in ever increasing waves of hate, there is an existential threat to the Jews - as a people, a religion, an ethnicity, a philosophy, as a benefactor of the world, as a nation, as human beings. An almost palpable fear among the people now exists. Once again. 

Are we forever to be "gifted” with this categorization and rejection? I hope not. I truly do. And I wonder why, why must this be so? Why is it so? Why has it always been so? Why do the Haters of the world scream of innate evil to be found within a Jew? Where? Heart? Mind? Bones? However, if so, how to explain the enormous transfer of wealth to those in need? To institutions of value? How to explain the donations of the ordinary Jew following the precepts of his religion, to provide for the widow and the orphan, for all in need. Even as some abandon the religious aspect of Judaism, the precepts remain. and the Jews hold true to these precepts. 

The Hate is an eternal conundrum. Forever inexplicable and to attempt to define it or explain it is to give it validity. That is a bad choice. Evil is forever shy of explanation and explication Justification impossible. We should leave it at that. Ignoring it will deny it the attention that it craves and then, perhaps then, maybe then, hopefully then, the lure of evil and hate will abate and finally, self-erase. 

A pipe dream? Probably.  Nevertheless, a pleasant pipe dream. Can we set that Dream in motion? Yes, but it will demand much willpower. Do we have that capacity? Do we have the desire and the drive, the determination, the strength?  Can we dig deep down, into our soul and extract till the final last drop is found. Can we? Will we attract enough who agree with us and our motivations? These are questions to which I do not have any definitive answers and do not believe that anyone has those answers. It is together we must find them and bring them to life. Together. Together we can drown out the raucous voices of Hate in favor of the more melodic ones of unity and optimism. The voices are there; they simply must be found and activated.     

Will this ever be realized, become real? Can it? Another conundrum?

I wait for wiser heads to let me know. 

Soon, please? 

Time grows short.

"And if not now, then when??

-----------------------------------------------------------     Yitzy, it is hard to watch the days go by, to celebrate the birthdays of your siblings and cousins and know, feel, you are not there. No new game creations of yours. No tumbling around like a puppy. No sudden words of insight and deep thought. Once again, your presence is felt by its massive absence. 

Miss you much, dear boy. Very much. And love you, of course.   

Always and forever. Always and forever.



Tuesday, May 14, 2024


      “How low can you go?” That is the question of the song as people twisted themselves into pretzels, bent bodies at unthinkable angles all to get beneath a poles or rope, to be the last one standing as the cheers and laughter of the onlookers rose in volume. It was all done in fun, no animosity among the competitors who hugged each other. Good wishes and comradery were in evidence.      However, this dance has other sides.  

For the contestant who goes lower, who is forced to dig deep beneath its feet to enable lower depth, forced into more intense "pretzeling', breathing, the very act of existence is challenging, more and more. The movements of the dance become the throes of murder even as the onlookers rise to their feet in a delirium of victory and the flush of bloodlust satiated, at least for the moment. 

Onlookers uneasy with what is going on are cowed into submission or forced to leave. Those who champion this perverted version of limbo send out rather liberating vibes and more join the flock of black sheep, don wolf's clothing, free their inner beast, and press ever closer and closer to the victim nation who now recognizes its new reality. The oppressors, reveling in the agony they have engendered now walk out in mob formation and identity, submerging their individuality to the anonymity of the mob. They go forth on the hunt, allowing the ravening beast free rein, off the leash, free to do as it wills.

Irony abounds. At the very same time that this nationHatred, JewHatred, is ramping up there's   increased attention paid to the Holocaust, the not-so-distant nearly successful attempt to wipe out at the very least the Jews of Europe and North Africa.  Its failure was mourned by too many. They now try to install yet another Holocaust in place while accusing the victims of genocide as the seekers of genocide. Anathema. Blasphemy.

The irony intensifies and the rust drips, drips, drips, scalding, maiming all caught within its web. No one escapes the ugly forces of the gale winds of its maelstrom. No middle ground here. One is either a supporter of the oppressor, or one of the oppressed.  One who stands quiet, stands by and watches or ignores, is merely an oppressor of differing degree.

 The haters wrap themselves well with the blankets of Holocaust memorials and speeches, vowing "Never Again" even as they foment the Again. Elie Wiesel caught that attitude, challenging it. At a meeting of members of the EU boasting of their efforts to establish Holocaust memorials within their country, Elie Wiesel spoke after they were done, so self-satisfied, so smug in their hypocrisy. His response was thus: " That's what you are doing for dead Jews. What are you doing for Jews living in your country?" 

That question is even more relevant in the existentially challenging times we are experiencing. The growth of hate, vitriolic and violent grows by leaps and bounds. Authorities enable it as they cave shamelessly to the demands of uninformed, deluded college students, brainwashed by Moslem and Arab professors financed by funds from deep nefarious sources, and supervised, taught by activists of these funders of mayhem and danger. The authorities abdicate their honor and sense as they acquiesce to "review' their Israeli ties, to divest from any and all - politically, economically, historically.

They are to buy into denial of the Holocaust, to deny Hamas's beastly massacre of civilians of all ages on Oct7, breaking a ceasefire and instigating a war Israel neither wanted nor set in place. But must complete. The calculated deaths of the Gazans were coldly planned and instigated by the murderers, achieving the goal of having the world blame Israel for the deaths of this war even as the blame is truly belonging on the shoulders and at the feet of Hamas and Sinwar, the leader, a coward who hides behind hostages and his own people.  

The world buys into his lies and Israel is now well on the way to being designated a pariah among nations. This a nation which has punched way above its weight in its contributions to the world. Shame on the people. Shame on the leaders. Shame on all of us who continue to enable this to be so as they downplay its importance and relevance until it will be too late. If not already so. 

The sickening hypocrisy grows ever larger and more encompassing of the leaders and followers of the world. They lie with every atom and molecule, with every syllable emerging from their twisted forked tongues. They vow to memorialize the Holocaust even as they energetically enable another as they then turn on Israel, embargo its weapons at the very moment that Israel faces an existential threat far more severe than ever before.    In fact, should it, G-d forbid, ever come to pass it will place the original Holocaust and all the horrors of the millennia, in the shade of a far greater one.

In the words of Rabbi Avi Weiss, spoken to Jimmy Carter on the White House lawn, and as relevant today, after the words and actions of Biden. “Don't give us the Holocaust at the expense of Israel.” 

 In other words, either you are with us to solve this perennial dangerously nonsensical hatred or stand aside, and we will do it ourselves.  

We will not play nor participate in the new version of limbo. We will not go low as we can go. In fact, we will rise to the challenge and force the world to rise to the understanding that it needs. It will be difficult. It will be the cause of many a tear, but never again do we do the limbo. Do not stand beside us even as you hold guns and knives behind our backs. How low will YOU go?

 We will only dance the dances of joy and celebration. We will dance the dances of victory. We will dance the dances of the righteous and the safe. But we will never again allow anyone to force us to dance the new limbo or to the tune of their tainted instruments. No more. No more.            



Yitzy, my sweet boy, so many have written to me, spoken to me of the golden middot, manners and values which you evidenced in your too short life. Would that you were here to teach them to others.  Perhaps to bring peace to this world. But you are not. So do your best up there. Bother that Big Guy. Force Him to see the truth below. 

 Love you and miss you more than words can say. 

 Always and forever. Always and forever.

Monday, May 13, 2024


 This is the truth of it all. 

“This is New York. We’re an inch from full pogroms.”

 Actually, that is an understatement. Today, in the modern streets of world cities, not in the Russian Pale of Settlement, nor within Nazi Germany, nor in the blood-stained fields of past millennia, that fear exists. Where? In the cities of France, England, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands et al. Ever more frightening is the hate presented in the streets of America, a fabled land of rescue from hopelessness and terror and acceptance, a land of promise.

From the time that God sent a message to Abraham to leave the land of his birth and travel to the land which G-d promised to his descendants, to the land then called Canaan, and through the centuries, this was, is and always will be the land of the Jews. From Abraham's first purchase of land to be used as a burial site for all the forefathers and mothers, through purchases and inhabitance throughout the centuries, from a  constant presence in Israel to the 1860 movement to settle outside  Jerusalem, to the waves of  Aliyah as Jews fled constant  persecution and death, to the immigrants, refugees, from Arab lands and the slaughterhouse of Nazi Germany and collaborators, immigrants from the western nations - Israel always was. always is and always will be the ancestral home of the nation of Jews.
We Jews are the indigenous people of this land, the survivors despite all the conquering empires, of and through the constant rousting out from the land. Always there was a return from exile. Always a longing, a yearning, an integral part of Judaism. One cannot separate Judaism from Zionism. It is well enmeshed into the very fabric of the religion and nationhood. No amount of denial by other nations matter. It is the land of the Jewish people. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.   Those who returned bought land, sweltered in marshes and deserts, fought raiders, and built the land. The land of milk and honey paid for, always paying for, with blood and tears.       

And here we are today. Not very different from centuries past. Reiteration of the theme - “You can't live here. You can't live there. In fact, you can't live anywhere." That is the meaning of all the chants   of hate, the river to the sea, of calls for the death of Zionists, of all Jews. Growing hostility to Israel's very existence, discounting all it has given to the world. The ugliness of their faces, their words, the very palpability of the venom they spew forth with every breath - frightening beyond description and understanding.  Bloodthirsty mobs reveling in their deep dark ignorance.   

In New York State with its large Jewish population the shouts of hate are striking. Particularly when screamed at small Jewish children. Off to a day at school, accompanied by their frightened parents who only wish to keep their children safe and do not understand why, why, why this is happening.       Simply incomprehensible. 
What has happened? Over the past decade, particularly the last three years, there has been an astronomical increase in anti-Semitic attacks. These attacks have grown in number, in size, in vitriol. They have grown in ambition. They are clearly obviously organized. by some deep pocket organization or individual. One group alone, SJP, has over 500 chapters at universities around the nation and their puppet masters have them well trained.  Openly advocating for the death of Jews.     Naive, poorly educated college students, brain washed by Moslem professors are inculcated and absorbed into a cult of hatred ancient and ugly.

 When asked to define terms of Intifada, of Intifada Revolution, of River to sea, of Zionism itself, of the term Palestine, there's a blank look and then more shouting of catch phrases. Truly GIGO - garbage in, garbage out, only this garbage has sharp edges. It is garbage that insinuates itself into the very cells of people, corrupts their minds, their hearts, their souls. The result? I refer you back to the second sentence of this posting. There is a deep consternation. How and why is this happening? Why is Israel singled out as a nation to be made a    pariah among nations. Stick a pin in a map of the world and it is likely that you will come upon the site of natural disaster, often magnified by the situations on the ground there, and areas of constant consistent warfare, starvation in reality, no water at all, emaciated victims, dead bodies and burning villages, gang violence. Egregious violations of humanity, yet Israel, for the sin of surviving October 7, 2023, and waging a war not of their asking nor wanting, fought in different difficult circumstances to eliminate future promised threats and to rescue their hostages now dying rapidly. Why and how does any of this excuse, justify, lead to the targeting of Israel and all Jews? Why is it?    Primitive. hatred beyond reason beyond any scope or possibility of understanding. 

So yes, we are frightened. An iota of space between what is happening today and the imminent arrival of the first pogrom in the land of America. Should that actually happen the fuel will cross the seas and darken the world even as it lights up the skies with flames of hate and murder. Again. Return to a past of blood and gore. Return to a past which should never have been. Should never have been repeated. A repetition of which is imminent. Right here. Evidently the very thin veneer overlay of civilization over the barbarity within is almost useless.    

Biden has peeled back his outer layers, and his prejudices now are clear to the world. His self-appointed position to be the ruler of Israel, to be its general to misdirect its armed forces, is quite megalomaniacal even as he holds out a rather rotten carrot for their acquiescence. It is intelligence which should have been long ago disseminated to Israel which would have indeed cut the war, the losses. Why?  I hear no answer. And for that matter, why the neglect of the hostages? Why are they barely named? Why is it OK for Israel to pull out without regaining their hostages in such fragile conditions? Why an resounding silence the answer.  Who is alive? Who is in dangerous condition? Silence.  

Politicians have turned their backs on Israel, on their Jewish constituents. It is bitter, quite so. And that is the ugly blunt truth of it all. Try to put as many coats of whitewash as you can, as you wish, the truth bleeds through along with the blood of the victims. Ancient blood of ancient persecution.  Fresher blood of more modern years and centuries.   Brand new blood of Israelis and Jews being killed for the crime, so deemed, of being a Jew.

Well, to that I say F- -K. You. Ugly words. Ugly emotions. Ugly truth. You, the enemies, the haters. have forfeited your right to be accepted as humans. You have taken upon yourselves the role of being the forefront of a new revitalized, brutalized enmity and hatred towards Jews. Judaism gave a conscience to the world and evidently it does not suit you nor please you but know there will be an   accounting for it all.     

We will not go away. We will not lay down before you. We will not bend knee to you. We will not bow our heads to you. No, we will not give in. We will not give out. We will not be Dehumanized, Discounted., and Denied existence. We are here and here we will remain. We will be here for eternity.    The land of Israel, the land which our God has given us, has promised us, is also ours for eternity.

The voices and cries of our slaughtered reach the Heavens, rend its soul. Their tears flood the streets. of the life above. This is not a threat. This is but a promise. Understand what your hate has wrought. Understand the terror you have inflicted upon many. Understand the consequences. Accounting will be done. and payment. will be demanded. 

That indeed is the blunt truth of it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. 
That is the blunt ugly truth of it all. 
Yitzy, I am at a loss for words. I truly hope that your purity protects you from truly understanding the evil of the world today. I do hope that you are protected up there in the heavens. I love you too much for me to think that you might know of the evil to be found within people.
Yitzy, simply remember to remind the One Above that His world is in trouble, His people call out to him. We need help.
Always, our love for you is constant.     
 Always and forever.  Always and forever.


Sunday, May 12, 2024


 War is the absence of law. War is what happens when law proves inadequate, unable to fulfill the task it faces. War results when laws are ignored, useless, or even tampered with to become a system of outright immorality, illegality and inhumanity. War itself is an act of inhumanity. But mankind seems never to have been able to outgrow the need or the will for it.

War. It is an ugly word which conjures up awful pictures in one's mind. It portends a life rife with uncertainty and massive bloodshed. Mealy mouthed politicians speak in glowing terms of the goals and benefits of war, omitting the fields of unavoidable destruction left behind in the dystopian world of war.  

Over the millennia one of the most active fields of human endeavor has been the 'improvement' and 'cvilizing' of warfare. (One of the most oxymoronic activities ever.) Rights of prisoners of war, the banning of certain weapons, treatment of civilians, even timeouts of a sort, but the fact remains that warfare and the violence it engenders is a major loss for the nations involved, generally one side the aggressor, the initiator of the conflict.      

 Yet with all that civilizing, war seems to remain the same. Same brutality, the same ugliness. The same awful pictures. What has changed since that first caveman picked up his club and beat somebody over the head to the times of today? Absolutely nothing other than the fact that the utilities of warfare, the methods by which we wage warfare, have been 'advanced' to the point where we no longer need kill individuals, but can aim at larger bottom lines, the infamous body counts by which success or failure of warfare is measured. An ugly concept and even uglier in actualization.               No, there is no law of war.

Some will argue that there are laws. There are codes. These so-called codes are grossly inadequate to fulfill the tasks assigned to them and are more   honored in the breach rather than in the keep. The rules governing treatment of POWs, or enemy civilians, weapons 'legal' for the killing, truce honoring - all inadequate. Not necessarily because they are bad rules, but because mankind in the heat and fever of warfare cannot find the time, the desire, even the ability to stop on that proverbial dime and avoid crossing 'red lines' of combat.   However, all sides in a war are guilty of acts contrary to the rules of warfare, with or without intent. The question is how to know, how to evaluate and where, if possible, to define cause and intent. Unfortunately, politics and emotions often rear their ugly heads at this point, tainting the entire process.   

War is generally instigated by one side of the conflict, generally the one with less justification, if any, on its side. It is with criminal intent, with murder in mind, a desire to rape and pillage, to wreak havoc with their arms, and urge their legs to provide speed as they race towards fulfillment and satiation of their bloodlust. Worse, it is not towards the soldiers that they run but the civilians - the men, women, children, young and old, healthy and ill, who are the targets. They are the slaughtered. They are the tortured. They are the kidnapped. 

Such was the case on October 7th, 2023, when the Beasts of Hamas attacked. and slaughtered and destroyed lives. Hamas instigated a war as they broke a ceasefire in place. Now, as they are losing militarily, infrastructure hidden in, among, and beneath civilian structures, community structures   used as military bases, the majority of their forces decimated, a growing loss of civilians used as human shields for Hamas, now they claim to be the victims. They indeed are victims - of their own bloodthirsty crazed actions.   

 Biden now indulges them, gives them, along with the rest of the world, what they do so desire, as the entire world goes mad with a revived vitriolic poisonous homicidal JewHatred.  Anti Zionism, anti-Israel, anti-Jew, antisemitism, JewHatred - all one and the same. Now Hamas demands a ceasefire, as a victor, on their demented terms rather than as a defeated entity. Permanent withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. The release of thousands of murderers. Israel to expend its own energies and funds and reconstruct Gaza. Even as Israel's communities have been shredded, decimated, destroyed. Even as they refuse to release the names of the hostages they hold, dead and alive. As they demand the right to send back only the remains of dead hostages rather than the live ones. 

And the world concedes. The world lays blame at the feet of Israelis as the entire world is turned upside down. Well, Mr. Biden, you wanted the Michigan votes - fine, but now you will be lacking votes from elsewhere. Many more votes. Your insane demand that Israel disconnects and spends months MONTHS on rebuilding Gaza, creating huge tent cities, providing food, water, schools, hospitals, community centers -WHAT THE HELL!! No mention of the hostages. Are they to be totally finished, collateral damage. OK for them, for Israeli civilians, but not for others? No mention of the destroyed northern Israel communities. Nor the blood-stained southern communities. And then what happens after those months of indulgence of Hamas demands. What happens then? And where the hell are the Arab nations who refuse entry and citizenship to these brothers of theirs. Nowhere.  

I will tell you what happens then. Same old, same old. Why not? They will have had months to re-equip to rearm, to reorganize. to keep their twisted ugliness in the eyes of the world as the world chants of support for murder and mayhem, for slaughtered babies and burned children. Once again, the world says the hell with the Jews.

 Well, no more. Down to the last stone. We will fight down to the last Jew. We will fight. We will win. So it has been throughout history and so it will continue. You and all your enablers, you and all the haters of Israel, with your misplaced pressures, with your encouragement of the violence of Palestinian terrorists, you have created this situation. You have allowed it to grow into this monster which threatens the sanity of this world. 

You and your impotent, lying, posturing statement of "ironclad ties' between America and Israel.  

       Feh! On! You! 

On you as well along with your coterie of followers and enablers, is a disastrous mess we will have here in this country as a demented old man wins an election which was yours to win. Yours to keep.  You threw it away with your misplaced sympathies and your misplaced pressures. Your misplaced statements. The enabling of more murder of Israelis. All on you. 

Law? War? Not in the same breath.  


Yitzy, the situation is ugly down here. We so desperately hope it is better upstairs We also wish, hope, pray that the Angels are besieging G-d, reminding Him of the once again perilous situation His people are in. Time for Him to reengage. Time to remember us. 

Even as we will always remember you. Keep you close in our hearts. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.      


Friday, May 10, 2024


  We all know that old, but still relevant adage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Power goes to the head and applies itself directly onto ancient genes still alive and vibrant which speak to the lust for Power, the more the better. Its lure is seemingly unconquerable, irresistible and has the power to corrupt those formerly thought to be resistant, unsusceptible to its attraction. 

Once upon a time America thought it had mostly overcome the problem of the corruption of the halls of power. We thought we had basically eliminated it, and went after it, prosecuted it whenever it appeared and raised its ugly head. Sure, there continued to be events and instances, but never to such an egregious degree that one worried re the future and the soul of America.

 Unfortunately, it is not the present case. Not at all. Today Corruption is rampant within this country. Money flows from whence it should not to whence it should not go. Barely disguised bribes in the form of gifts, outright cash or the paying of bills, acceptances to various schools, appointments to corrupted positions in government- all front and center, unavoidable. Incompetent judges, ill-informed and educated, partisan to an extreme, corrupt and degrade our system of justice until that idea is a bitter joke. Anomie gains strength and our country suffers. The ideas of grace, impartiality, all gone, out the door, apparently never to be welcomed to return, replaced with the lowest dregs of humanity, fueled by greed and fear. Outright bending of the knees, the exaggerated behavior as the "toads" of the King and I, as they prostrate themselves before those who wield the scepture of power. Deep shame upon you as you desert the ideals of democracy, proving your own overwhelming impotence in matters which count the most. The conscience of America is bent, withering, almost gone.   

  "Et tu", Joseph Biden. You have succumbed to the lure of power. You have declared yourself the boss of Israel, a cruel self-appointed papa, ready to toss out the babe for defying your commands, wrong and demoralizing and life threatening as they are.   You have assumed for yourself the governing and decision maker, the chief general, of an independent nation - Israel. You have arrogantly assumed this was a one-way alliance, downplaying contributions of Israel: In science research, medical advancements, philosophy, mathematics, literature, artistic endeavors, cutting edge fields of knowledge, gathered intelligence. And so much more. The only always loyal friend of America in an area of the globe most obviously anti America, anti-democracy, replete with a plethora of terrorists slavering to destroy Americans wherever they are.

You, Joseph Biden, will not be the destroyer of Israel, the enabler of a second Holocaust. You are not that important. Your inadequacies and disloyal attitudes and actions regarding Israel will be as chaff in the wind. Israelis have been defending the   nation and its survival from before the date of statehood. Without American assistance. It will do so again if necessary. 

She will fight where the enemy is, even ensconced within their own population centers, in repurposed schools, mosques and hospitals to sites of murder and mayhem, sites from which to wage war and purposely harm their own citizens. Israels soldiers are brave and talented, boys and girls, men and women fighting for the land, for their families, for their very lives. Israel can and will stand up for herself. Meet the demands. Even under difficult circumstances. Will do what must be done. With or without the aid of a false America.  For however long it takes, how many sacrifices must be endured.  

No more Oct7s. No more shelling constantly from the north and the south. No more terror emanating from Arab villagers. No more are they to ululate in happiness at the deaths of Jews, distribute celebratory candy to cheering children, or celebrate the horrible death of their own child who died in a terror attack of their own. 

No More. ENOUGH.       

  This is a mess of your own creation resulting in the definite loss of the 2024 election and the awful result of a reelection of Trump. a mentally defective. morally impaired person There will ensue a brain drain of this nation, of those who cannot and will not tolerate the thought of living under the authoritarianism of Trump. All this will be laid at your feet. However, at this point you are equally as repugnant a choice as your egregious moral failure has taken on enormous consequences unable to be overlooked or discounted. You have set the tenor of your record for posterity, a quite ugly one at that.  

Hang down your head, Joe Biden. Hang down your head in disgrace and shame. Try to lift it up. Use the right words. The right thoughts. Find the right path. Time is short. The need is great. The consequences greater. Hang down your head or raise it up high. The choice is yours, even as we bear the brunt of the resultant fallout.

Be brave, Joe Biden. Joseph Biden, swallow your pride and fess up. Make amends.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

-------------------------------------------------------------Yitzy, tell us, send us a message. Are there any doubts up there as to what is happening down here? Is there any discussion? Is G-d even a bit disturbed at the severity of the peril? Is God even a bit disturbed, a tad disturbed re ad the situation of his people? Yitzy, talk to him -for all of us.          

   I miss you so and cried in the doctor's office as we spoke of you.  Love you - 

Always and forever.  Always and forever.



Thursday, May 9, 2024


 The past year has been rotten in many ways. Events have taken place my personal life as well as in the life affected by the world at large, the world of others, their actions, and the effects on me and mine. The ripples of their deeds have far too often run into the ripples of my own eddies. These meetings are neither welcomed. nor heartwarming.    One of the most unfortunate, to put it mildly, events of the past year. has been the shocking though not really unexpected rise in vitriolic anti- semitism, so much so that it is now JewHatred, one word unable to be rendered apart so intimately are they bonded.   

The threat is overwhelming. It is populated by herds of dumb, deluded animals who have shed their humanity, their independent thought capacity, and consigned their fate, their lives. to the beast who leads them. My fervent hope is that the hordes of pathetic sheep either wake up or follow their evil leader(s) right off the edge of the cliff.  Their abdication of self-control, their nonacceptance of their roles in furthering another Holocaust, is greatly frightening and threatening, as every alarm goes off within the genetic trauma alerts of every Jew.  The air reeks of their hypocrisy and barely covered hate and hope of a bad end, shall we say, for all Jews - including those moronic ones who stand with the herd and chant calls for their own demise. Holocaust Redux. 

But thankfully there remains sanity. in the very few strong enough to resist the siren call. I'm encouraged violence. One of the people who has fallen at their enthusiastically into the camp of Jew haters is a man who thinks that he is now assumed their life in the role as in the role of Papa Joe for all Jews. He will be the one to command Israel. He will be the one to decide how they fight a war which is not his. A war which has been thrust upon Israel. He is the one who will decide the fate of all Jews, not only within Israel, but without.

However, he is so not my Papa Joe my father, my pups always look. that always looked out for me and for his children always. look to make the make the right choice. to shred curtains trying to disguise evil deeds and evil thoughts. This Papa Joe No, not my papa. Oh, the Papa of any do nor Of any rightly thinking person. It is not for him to decide the faith of a nation. It is not. for him to decide that certainly the lives of Palestinians who enable Hamas to remain in place for so many years. who have allowed Hamas to shed shred their own lives, steal that food, steal the concrete meant for them to rebuild their lives. It is not for him to decide that. no Hamas is responsible. for in meshing their infrastructure within the infrastructure of civilians sacrificing them. to decide to weigh and judge Jewish lives versus Palestinian lives. The lives of those who suffered massacre and butchery of rape and pillage. versus the lives of people placed in danger by their own people. How to separate the so-called innocent civilians of Gaza from the quite enthusiastic, to say the least. Patrons of Hamas, who cheered as the buddies dead and alive were paraded through Gaza as they chaired Allahu Akbar. Are their lives worth more than the lives of Jews? Are the instigators of the war violated? violators, the true criminals to be given victory because Papa Joe has decided that it must be so new. paragraph

No, no, this will not happen. This will not be allowed. Israel, if not allowed to claim its own right and integrity as a nation. will then disallow the actions of the world. The vicious drippings and drooling of their hate, the hypocrisy of Papa Joe and will do as it must. As for me, I adopt this Papa Joe out of my life. He has fallen into an evil well within his soul a deep well within his soul which has enabled him to carry out unequal calculations, to the point of deciding that the lives of Palestinians are more worthy than the lives of Israeli Jews and the lives of world Jewry.  

 No, Papa Joe, no more. We adopt you out. we cancel yourself appointed adoption. We remind you that if you are worried about. the Michigan votes, well, worry about the New York votes. The New Jersey votes. The Pennsylvania votes. The California votes. The Illinois votes. The votes of cities and suburbs where American Jews live.   Illinois votes the votes of cities and suburbs. We know that this issue, the survival of Israel, is existentially critical for all Jewry. So, you go and worry, ex Papa Joe. Go. Worry. 

Very few of the public world can touch my heart, my soul, with their words. Brett Stephens is such a one, a throwback to the true moderate Republican, now an endangered species. Here is a man who. should be president. I have taken the rare step of   enclosing an entire opinion piece that he has written, just yesterday. Read the words here. Feel the words.

Just a reminder, Papa Joe, you are not my papa. My Pops would be ashamed of you and your weakness, your thoughtlessness as you consign Israel to a garbage heap in a bloody swamp, in a lake of their own blood, as you deny them the arms and ammunition necessary for their own defense. As you empower Hamas the murderers by pressuring and denying Israel. Where the hell are your brains? Who the hell has been advising you? They should all go to hell.            


   If only.

Dear anti-Israel campus protesters:

Though it may take a few years before you realize it, supporters of Israel like me have reasons to give thanks to militant anti-Zionists like you.

Recently, a friend asked what I would have made of your protests if they had been less fervently one-sided. If, for instance, pro-Palestinian student groups at Harvard and Columbia hadn’t castigated Israel immediately following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Or if Jewish students and professors hadn’t faced violence, harassment and antisemitic imagery from you or your allies from Harvard to Columbia to Berkeley to Stanford. Or if you had made a point of acknowledging the reality of the Oct. 7 rapes or the suffering of Israel’s hostages and their families while demanding their safe return. Or if you consistently condemned and distanced yourselves from Hamas. Or if all of you had simply followed rules that gave you every right to free expression without trampling on the rights of others to a safe and open campus.

In short, what if your protests had focused on Israel’s policies, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, rather than demanding the complete elimination of Israel as a Jewish state? What if you had avoided demonizing anyone who supports Israel’s right to exist — which includes a vast majority of Jews — as modern-day Nazis?

In that case, I told my friend, I would have disagreed with your views but I wouldn’t have despised them. Nor would a broad plurality of Americans, including many to my left. The result could have been a movement that would have had stronger arguments and greater impact. You would have been able to win over undecideds to your cause. And I would have had to fight harder to make my case that Israel must get rid of Hamas.

I realize this isn’t how some of you see it. The most hard-line among you want to “sharpen the contradictions,” as the Marxists say. Your real goal was not to shape U.S. government policy, at least in the near term. What you really want to do is normalize anti-Zionism, particularly on elite college campuses, while hoping that the bigger payoff will come in 20 or 30 years, when those you’ve converted to your cause become senators and governors and university presidents.

But the problem with sharpening the contradictions is that the contradictions being sharpened are your own. For every student who became ardently pro-Palestinian during the protests, another one, perhaps a Jewish student with previously indifferent feelings about Israel, finally saw the connection between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. For every professor who’s shown up to your encampment to lend support, you’ve lost a fair-minded liberal with your Maoist-style sloganeering and your arrogant disdain for the genuine fears of some of your Jewish peers.

And for every commencement ceremony whose cancellation you’ve effectively forced, or which you intend to spoil, thousands of apolitical students — who didn’t get to have a proper high school graduation thanks to Covid — have taken an intense and permanent distaste to you and everything you stand for.

In short, if sharpening the contradictions is the game you’re playing, it’s paying bigger dividends for my side than it is for yours. It’s also nothing new. Those 1968 protests you’re trying to emulate? What they mainly helped achieve was the election of Richard Nixon followed by nearly 40 straight years of right-of-center governance in the United States.

Nor is this the only help you’re giving my side.

I am a Zionist not only because I support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state — an abstract point about another country. I am also a Zionist for the most personal of reasons: because I see Israel as an insurance policy for every Jewish family, including mine, which has endured persecution and exile in the past and understands that we may not be safe forever in our host countries. For anyone with a historical memory of France until Dreyfus, Germany until Hitler or Iran until Khomeini, that kind of insurance is one Jews can’t afford to lose.

What happened on Oct. 7 shook my faith in the quality of that insurance: What else does the Israeli state exist for, after all, if not to protect its people from the kind of butchery they endured that day? But what happened on Oct. 8 — the moment your protests began — renewed that faith, because it gave me a glimpse into what America might yet become for Jews, at least if people like you were to gain real power.

I get that many if not most of you see yourselves as dedicated idealists who want to end suffering for Palestinians, champion equality and oppose all forms of bigotry. There are ways you could do that without making common cause with people who hate Jews, want to kill us and often do. Supporting a two-state solution would be one such way. Insisting that Palestinians deserve better leaders than Hamas is another. Building bridges with Israelis is a third.

Instead, without knowing it, you are my daily reminder of what my Zionism is for, about and against. For that, if nothing else, thank you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


  How does one handle a day like today? How does one manage to mesh together feelings at extremes completely opposed to each other. The very core of my being is confused, upset, beset at each and every turn, every moment, with joy vs. sadness, with yearning vs. anger, defiance. How can one attempt such a quixotic campaign, whose ends, middles and beginnings self-cancel each other, leaving one in even more of an emotional morass than before.

In December, as my readers know, our family suffered a tragedy that will echo long into the future. It was the loss of our youngest grandson, a gem, a golden child of such unusual aptitudes, behavior, thoughts, beliefs, whose very goodness challenged the acceptance and belief in such a child. 

Surely, we were exaggerating from the depths of our grief. Surely, for no one can be so special, especially at the age of 13. Yet, there it is. Attested to by so many, unknown to us, who had followed Yitzy's harsh trail, who knew him from his various fields of endeavor. Baseball. Soccer. Bird. watching. Snake discovery. Scholar. Tutor. Friend. Dispenser of kindness. An open ear and an open heart. Letters and people crowded the house of mourning and continued for long after. An entire community and beyond took the family into their hearts. Until this very day.   

 With courage unequaled. with care for others, with reassurances for them, Yitzy, his 'Yitziness'   overwhelmed and inspired all who came into contact, who had come into contact with him. A delightful child with mischief in his eyes and grin, and now a video has been sent out. Volunteers, young and old, presenting themselves to speak to    the specialness of him, of his sunshine, his heart so big as to encompass all within his belief in the innate goodness of all. To present the dedication of an entire school campus in his name and the reasons why. He was inspiring of young and old at the very tender age of 13 and the years before, never given the chance to grow up and do what he could and would have done to "fix" the world, Tikkun Olam, an obligation of every Jew.    With gaping holes in our lives and our hearts, we try to understand the unfathomable. Why was he taken so prematurely? Did G-d miss him so that early recall was necessary? Was he too pure for this tainted world of ours? Only G-d has the answer, and that answer has not been forthcoming.

 Once again, always again, tears roll down my cheeks in ever increasing flow as I view the video sent out re the dedication. My heart, so shattered already, shatters even more. Even in death, Yitzy remains alive in the hearts of so many, inspiring to so many. A school. A street. A Torah.    

Why, G-d, why? Why? WHY?   

At the other end, today is the birthday of my Pop, my beloved, wonderful father. He too was a man of honor and unusual goodness and kindness, an anonymous donor to those in need who never knew who it was who aided them in that harsh moment in their lives. He respected learning, always yearned    for more.  He loved to argue, debate, a man who was as he presented himself. No airs or false pride. A man who continues to inspire my life as I try to live up to his example. He is one of the wisest, straight arrow people I have ever known. His guiding principle in life was from the Bible. "Tzedek, Tzedek tirdof". Justice, charity are the goals to which one should aspire.

We know, the family, that these two souls, with shared love of mischief, will also share the concern over the rampant ugliness of the Jew hatred permeating the world below. They will take him to task re His apparent negligence of His people and their woes, of the perils of the Earth, His Creation. Here is a hint, Lord. Do what they ask, for persistent they are and persistent they will remain. 

The elephant in the room remains not unseen, but rather visible. What is the future of Jewry? What, if any, is the future of Jews in America? I can see before me the anxiety of people wondering, is it past time? Should we have left long ago? Have we left it too late? But what is left if we remain? All I, and so many others, Jew and non-Jew, can see are two non-acceptable choices. One. the hand of authoritarianism wrapped around our neck, strangling our breath or on the other side an incompetence of glaring visibility. A closet gradually exposing its inner contents -of hate and danger. Antisemitism is front and center, positioned to be first horse out of the gate.              

Why and wherefore is it written that Jews are to be an eternal target for haters. What is the matter with humanity that stresses the evil and discards the good by the wayside, to drown, to disappear in the muck and mud of the ditches. Unfathomable and persistent. An ugly combination.     

Whence do we go from here? When will the world cry for our dead, for our lost, convinced and recognizing of legitimate grief? When will it realize simple truths. i.e.  - this is not the Israeli War on Gaza. Rather it is the war of Gaza waged upon Israel and the citizens of Gaza. Who incidentally, in today's pictures, yet again, show no signs of starvation! When will the world discard violence as a legitimate weapon?  When will the world understand that violence is not free speech? When - if ever. 

A happy day, a bittersweet day, and a most hateful day. All in the same day. 


Yitzy, no extra words to say as they are written above. Just know that we love you- 

Always and forever. Always and forever.            

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


   What has happened to my country? I now fully understand and sympathize with the taking of the knee as the national anthem was played. Why? Because my country has disowned me in every way possible. It has disowned my fellow Jews, and it has deserted my ancestral homeland, Israel. It has embraced a foreign policy which harms rather than helps and empowers the vicious animals of Hamas to hold out, to be the aggressors and the victors in their dirty games. It endangers both my countries as our enemies celebrate.   In fact, wherever I turn, whatever direction, whatever prediction of the future, I join with those who see no future for    Jews in this country at all, other than perhaps as a persecuted, oppressed scapegoat for the ills of society, a traditional role for Jewry throughout the ages. 

I thought, hoped, that was a phenomenon of the past, that the madness here would die down, but it has not. In fact, it is worse than ever with no indications even whispering of a correction of course. It has grown into a monstrous existential threat to our survival and in fact, the survival of any progress made over the centuries throughout the world - for everyone. The backwards thinking violence asserting misnomered "progressives" have wrought their worst and are descending to even lower depths of Hell for all of us. ALL. Huge DANGER signs ahead.  

With crazed mobs shouting for the death of Israel, for the death of me, for all Jews, how am I to trust in this nation any longer? How can I pledge allegiance to a nation which has disavowed its allegiance to me? Is there room within for any logic? Are there any ears willing to listen, minds willing and able to see through the obfuscation, the tempting, empowering throes of calls for violence? Are they willing and able to see the truth as reflected with the videos of their behavior, the threat they are to society in general as well as themselves? The ugliness is blatant.

Authorities tremble in fear of these manifestly stupidly dangerous mobs of students, being played as puppets of their so unprofessional professors who vend not education nor enhancement, but purvey hate and homicide, of medieval hate as they gladly, triumphantly upend western society, a goal they have chased, prepared for, for decades.

The blood-stained rhetoric of their chants, the vandalizing of institutions which had granted them permission to come, to learn, to take advantage of an open society so different from most of the countries of the foreign students - all chilling to the souls of the targets of their visible hatred and vicious plans. 

For the American students homegrown, they have bought wholesale and whole enchilada into a rather exhilarating world which not only allows for violence but praises it and removes all constrictions from it. The cherry on top: it is ever so fashionable, complete with its own accessories, ever so empowering as adults cave to their misbehavior, so much more than that as we look into a fast-approaching future based on the motivations and nefarious goals of the fomenters of this awfulness, as they shout hatred, to advocate violence to frighten the adults who have ruled their lives. They are triumphant as the authorities, the adults in their lives, kowtow to them, set empty deadlines, useless consequences which never happen, and give in to egregiously dangerous demands. 

The granting of these demands can and will most certainly reek of BDS, of triumphant JewHatred, of finding a path which melts the very ground beneath their feet, as the solidity of true progress over the centuries is buried ever deeper within the swamps of their thinking, their goals, and the inevitable end of it all. It bodes evil and destruction for all, a return to the Dark Ages of humanity.

The realities of the modern world are front and center, yet we remain blind. We feel the shaky ground beneath our feet, and so grasp onto false support. We see the plinths of society tilting at ever steeper angles but refuse to shore them up. We hear the ugly chants yet remain deaf. We know the truth but do not defend it. The world remains silent or in tandem with the mobs, allowing for the success of those pulling the strings, for the success of hate. 

Are we in fact all haters? Do we all wish for the liberating permission to create our own Purge movies? Do we all have chainsaws in our garages and attics, under our beds all sending out a clarion call for a christening of blood? How have we reached this point? I am so puzzled, so disheartened. I can barely see any pathway with any possible clearance to climb over the hurdles so solid, so high, with hate. So many, as the mad desire to isolate Israel, to reinstate world Jewry once again as the handy dandy pariahs of the world grows and intensifies.  

Why. Why. Why. Dear Lord, have You indeed forsaken Your people once more?

Once upon a time, a time fading quickly into the past, the world could look to America to set the standards, to hold themselves and others up to benchmarks of quality and progress. True progress. Today. not so much. We have two outdated, outmoded dangerously incompetent people. running to be President of the United States of America. In this aspect we are shamed in front of the world. We pulled our own pants down and spanked ourselves with big wooden paddles.

 One man, Trump. is a demented, demonic reincarnation of the views and values of Hitler. His desire to wreak REVENGE in capital letters. His promise. to do just that. Chilling. Even more chilling is how so many refuse to see behind his rather weak front, to see through to the truth that he is a criminal at heart. An evil person at heart with not a single redeeming feature within body or soul. 

And to the other man - a man who is way beyond his sell by date. He cannot see that his policy of stomping and tromping on Israel, of hedging its possibilities is grossly empowering and encouraging to Hamas, to continue on their bloody path, to refuse to give in, to send out false rays of hope and then cancel them, to watch as our hostages die one by one by one. until they will be no more.

Ammunition shipments to Israel have been frozen. What now? Joe Biden, will you stand by as Israel is down to it last bullet, its last functioning rifle, its last standing defender a 12-year-old brave little girl with a pile of rocks at her feet? Will you stand by? The hordes of Hamas will pour in again, rife with hate and bloodlust, all those not so innocent Gazans. Know that YOU - Joe Biden - will have set the stage for this. You will be ranked with Hitler, tied as the largest purveyors of the venom of a Holocaust, once again perpetrated upon the Jews. Are you now oh so proud as you anticipate that moment? You must know that is the only end if you continue your destructive policy towards Israel.

  Are we ending the age of America? Are we demonstrating that mankind is not capable of supporting a true democracy? Cannot overcome its barbaric instincts for violence and blood? Cannot forestall its urge to find scapegoats, to wreak havoc upon some group? It almost matters not who or what, but just someone - after the Jews. Of course. Now, America. America. God has refused to shed His light upon us. He has covered over that light with clouds of darkness portending evil to come. Is it our fault? Is it His fault that He built us with points of weakness? When the whole structure will collapse and the stress and strain - I don't know. I just don't know.

Yesterday, a day set aside to remember, to feel, the Holocaust, to know the loss of so many souls, of   so many unborn, of children denied futures. We are watching the hatching. of another Holocaust. Not so much in the future but rather far closer than that. Yesterday over 2000 more Yizkors, the prayers for the dead, were recited. For the slaughtered in their beds, or dancing, or in captivity, brutalized, tortured, and soldiers doing their duty even as they guarded gates for aid to Gazans!   

All the voices that climb up to the heavens. Will the gates be open for them? Will God. unstop His ears and hear the groans and moans of His creations?

 If someone, anyone, can provide me with an answer my doors are open. My ears are open. My eyes are wide open. I crave reassurance. I crave certainty of a possibility of future for the little ones.

  From whence will that come. That assurance. Answer me, someone, please. 

-------------------------------------------------------------Yitzy, golden child, now is our time to catch the ear of G-d and persuade Him to listen, to heed the cries of His embattled Creations on Earth. We are desperate. We are confused.

Now is the hour of our need.  

Love you, miss you, hold you close - 

Always and forever. Always and forever.