Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 You know that rock, pushed up that steep mountainside only to slide back again. A recidivist rock and truly an exercise in futility. Yet, even as that rock, which will persist in its contrary behavior, the pusher of that rock knows he must never concede nor admit defeat. That is so even as the assignment is known to be of eternal duration.

That rock is the eternal rock of the Jewish people and all those of righteous thinking. This is the Rock of Anti Semitism. At present it has morphed into a rock of immense volume and weight so very difficult to keep pushing against the force of gravity, against the lure of hate and the freedom it grants to those wishing to do violence and harm to the Jewish nation and, in fact, to any group subjected to persistent attempts to eliminate it - permanently. At present this Rock is at its weightiest most resistant state since the end of the Holocaust and its post war manifestations.    

Most frightening at present is its rather vigorous disguise as a manifestation of humanitarian concern. Within that rather flimsy thin veneer lies the rotten reeking core of vicious JewHatred, well nourished by huge feedings of hate, virile, viral and toxic - and successful beyond the expectations of its generators and adherents. One rather eager persistent participant in the new hatred is the BBC - as a whole and BBC Arabic in particular. 

While England has always had a rather genteel   Anti Semitism, there have been manifestations of it in violence such as the burning of the Jews in the Tower of York and their expulsion by Edward II. By the rules in place enforcing their exclusion from Parliament. At present, though, this more subtle Anti Semitism has shed its flimsy disguise and revealed its true form. " Since the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, BBC Arabic has been forced to make 80 corrections to its reporting. " No, not an error, but a policy openly violating one of its founding principles -that of impartiality. Celebrating murderers is not impartial. Spreading the lie of a never actually existing October 7 massacre is not impartial. Neither is calling terrorists "resistance” fighters or militants impartial. Insisting that Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war is not impartial, particularly as it is neither true nor actually anywhere evident in evidence in any kind of reality other than in the ugly disturbed minds of its purveyors. 

UN has more egregiously than ever endowed this vehement JewHatred with a false patina of justice, righteousness and concern for humanity even as it ignores or even praises true violations elsewhere on the planet, even as the fresh blood drips off their swords and the lakes of blood are refreshed with the new input. True violations round the globe - Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Burma, Mexico, China, Darfur, Somalia, Niger, Tibet, are ignored, and thrive. But of course, never mind, as it is so much more soul satisfying, respectable and approved to repeat old canards, to revive old tropes, to indulge and wallow in an antisemitism on crack.   

The rest of the world is no better. Trump, that demented old man who sits at his trial with ugly pouted face, or eyes closed in sleep, now pushes for a third term, even as the second term has not yet materialized. But never you mind. Treason, violence, always is available. We have Supreme Court justices who are openly, casually corrupt and cowardly and a court system rife with political incompetent stooges.  Our legislatures, Federal and state, are populated by those whose hidden faces challenge that of Medusa and the evil of those faces reflects the true portraiture of Dorian Gray. This errant path, the persistent ongoing and growing Jew Hatred is to be found now all over this planet. Most frightening and so very, very real.  

Mankind as gone way above its previous behavior. It has sat its combined weight upon that rock so as to make it ever impossible to move it even an inch. Mankind revels in its ugliness. We who are   continuously pushing that damn rock up that damn mountainside, only to see it slide down again to the very bottom, crushing those in its path - well, we are tired. Is there never to be an end of this useless effort? Are we ever going to be able to push that rock all the way up to the top, against all opposing forces, and push it over the top? Will we ever watch it crash and break into insignificant pebbles? It seems this will never, ever happen, a dream of no fruition. Always there will remain little pebbles with germinating seeds of hate within, ready to grow, to absorb the hate, until it becomes a huge rock again. That eternal rock.


Yitzy, hope you're playing baseball up there and striking out the opponents. We need to be able to strike out some opponents down here. We hope that you and all the heavenly residents feel, hear, our calls for aid and advice. Take them to the mailbox of the One Above. We need help. Time is growing short and angry violence grows. Day by day, hour by hour. God's people need help. 

Know that you are loved and missed.

Always and forever. Always and forever.    




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