Monday, May 20, 2024


 We have all been there. We are the one who've been hacked, and weird messages have been sent out as if coming from us. Or we are the recipients of fake messages. Some are obvious. Some just plain stupid or mean, while others, if answered, opened, we are suddenly transported into a foreign land of great risk for ourselves and our sanity. Touted apps promising great security for our individual computers and information within are frequently hacked themselves. Huge systems have been hacked with troubling consequences. Seemingly, this is a problem unique to our times and will get worse before, if ever, it gets better. 

However, there is a bigger problem. It is the hack of the world, a hack of once functioning, thinking, discerning minds. These minds have been hacked and hijacked, much to our detriment. They are under constant bombardment with garbage presented as jewels and with information that is mis and dis information. We have lost the ability to discern which is which and what is what, consequently our behavior, our actions, our speech, even our thought process have weirded out with huge negative consequences roiling the world. 

 We appear to be helpless and hopeless in preventing and combating this hack, in defeating it, in proving its falsehoods, as we stumble and bumble along in mostly useless efforts and results.   We are walking through an uncharted minefield with nary a tool of detection or protection. At some point we have become immune to the insanity now rife in the world, and accept it as truth, swallowing it whole, even as we push aside and reject the actual truths. We swallow whole all that supports our delusions. We reject that which contradicts what we want to be true, to be vindicated in our thinking.       At this point our very thought process has been hacked and hijacked. 

The results are not ephemeral. Nor are they inconsequential. They stick around, polluting our mind. Their roots grow deeper and stronger. They resurface from their dank hidey-holes and wrap themselves around our minds and souls and negate our consciences. We swallow whole their lies, buy wholesale into their venom and hate, and surge forth with no brakes to the worst of urges.     

And so, we bury Shani Louk. a young German Israeli hijacked from her life, from life itself. Dehumanized, discounted, tortured in life and so it was in death -debased and dishonored, flaunted in her death as a sign of glory, a wreath of victory. And so, we release her from the tunnel to which she was shamefully consigned, and we bury her, as we return her home, to her family, to her people, to her nation, Israel. 

Israel, the only nation which remembered her, and never gave up the goal of freeing her from the ignominy her captors forced upon her.  A German Israeli, Germany abandoned her. As did the other nations with citizens in captivity or slaughtered in savage butchery. America was no better, perhaps worse, as her power is immense and could have effected a release for all the hostages, including their own.  But -SHE DID NOTHING. Even as she is doing with another Jewish hostage held within the dark Russian gulag - Evan Gershkovich. Jews are consigned to the category of collateral damage, of little consequence. Meh.

Instead of giving firm continued support to their only true ally in the Middle East, America and her hate filled representatives within Congress decided to throw Israel under the wheels of the bus driven by a Gazan team who rejoiced in the slaughter of infants and elderly, in the rape of women and girls, in the wealth pillaged from homes of those who had befriended them. Oh, for joy, the possibilities open before them. the very same Gazans who cheered as the seminude body of Shani was paraded through the streets. With bloodlust in their eyes, dripping from their knives, emanating from their guns and rifles, from their own genitals. No, not so 'innocent' civilians, were they?!     

 These Gazans betrayed by their own Hamas, supported their own twisted governing party they had elected to office. They claim imminent starvation and dehydration which never actualized. They raided the aid trucks, not because of hunger or thirst, but because those goods could be then resold on the black market, on the shelves of their stores, or to their fellow Gazans at inflated prices. Clever, these 'innocent' civilians.   

And the world allowed itself to be hacked and hijacked. Allowed our highest educational institutions, our campuses, our universities, renowned through the world, to be hijacked via the twisted words and brainwashing performed by the Moslem and Arab professors within those classrooms. The universities, the authorities, stood by as the chants of hate and death to Israel, to Jews, rose higher and higher, as the violence ramped up. as blatant disrespect and disloyalty to this nation became visible, even for the heretofore blind to see. As free speech morphed into threats to life, as Jewish homes and places of business were vandalized. As Jewish students were threatened, chased on campus even as the pathetic authorities wrung their hands and caved to the demands of these lawbreakers.   

Open season all year long for Jews once again. Jews and Israelis to be canceled, to disappear from public appearance, to be refused to exercise their talents, to compete in sports, to do research, to write, to sing - to breathe. Only this time there is a difference for this time we have Israel, our nation, our ancestral homeland. The wise ones among us have updated passports and bought homes within the land of Israel. We are resilient and eternal. History proves that. Again, and again. Always.  We have conquered hate before and we can and will do so again, if we must. 

The gravity of JewHatred will not be allowed to succeed. We are well aware. and well prepared. We will not accept nor tolerate a hacking and hijacking of the world. No more. Never ever again. We have conquered hate before and can and will do so again. Know that for sure.

Hacked and hijacked. Shame on the world.  


Yitzy, here we are again at the end of another posting. It is a hard life today, hard because we know not where we are going, nor where we will end up. It is hard because we are so confused. I hope and pray that the confusion has not reached the Heavens above and that someone up there, everyone up there, will get through to the One with the final sayso, and ensure that sayso be a positive one - for us and actually, for the world. 

We send our love up to you and hope you feel our arms wrapped tight around you. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.     


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