Thursday, May 30, 2024


  Shall we? Should we? Can we actually believe at this stage that linking arms of proponents of both sides would disintegrate the enmity between? That Peace would break out, that we would actually and successfully "give peace a chance"? Thinking, thinking ... nah, never happen, especially at this stage of hostilities. Hamas thinks it is winning this race of the right to exist and to carry out its nefarious plans to in fact cancel Israel. Cancel world Jewry as well. 

They arrived at this certainty of victory as the media of the world spews out venom and accusations against Israel, assigning to Israel deeds and consequences they had never wrought. As Israel sacrifices the lives of so many of its soldiers in the name of "limiting casualties among the Gazan population", presumably "innocent" of joyous participation and support of Hamas, though there is a plethora of proof which negates that egregiously false idea. 

Hence, we are fighting an existential war which will determine whether Israel as a Jewish state continues to exist or does not, its population and that of world Jewry written off, thrown to the merciless, evil creatures of Hamas and allies - of which there are many; and wouldn't you be surprised - or not! The truth is that Israel is fighting an existential war controlled by a nation which demands mastery over its destiny, a lose - lose situation. Pure Evil manifesting its power, intensifying its attraction to those who esteem power, its maintenance, as the height of ambition.       Wars of other nations are conveniently forgotten as Israel is pressured to fight a war impossible to win under current circumstances and demands.  Bret Stephens once again gets it right - (Bret Stephens for President). Israel is being instructed, demanded to acquiesce in its own destruction for surely, that will bring about global peace! As if!    Frankly, that's a load of hogwash, accompanied by a powerful state of hubris.

To return to Mr. Stephens who knows that the Hamas War is and will continue to be unwinnable   unless and until the 'allies' truly take the truth to heart and turn aside from convenient falsehoods.   See the truth and accept it. Hamas lit the matches of warfare. Gazans civilians are dying because Hamas hides among them, brilliantly, coldly, evil plans and eminently successful strategy.  Even as Israel is faulted for doing what it must to ensure its continued existence as a Jewish state and a home for all Jews in good times and bad.   

The choice is clear. A choice between the Devil and the deep blue sea. But any nation engaged in an existential war, as is the current state of Israel must make a difficult soul-destroying choice. To choose wrong is to negate the honor of a nation, to discount the sacrifices made. and the deaths incurred. To accept loss and all that comes with it. America has done that with every war beginning with Vietnam. Think about it. 

In any case here is the ugly choice: “morally compromised victories over morally pure defeats". When that defeat leads especially, clearly, to a permanent erasure, there is no choice. Every time Israel has been pressured to pull defeat from the mouth of victory, it has allowed, encouraged the inevitability of yet more war. 5 times now with Hamas, and not to forget the northern one yet again to go head-to-head with Hezbollah. 

The world remains willfully blind, deaf and silent, unwilling to acknowledge and condemn the necessary   evacuation of the northern and southern sections of Israel. Remains silent to the slaughter of her civilians, to barrages of missile, drones, and rockets deliberately aimed at civilian targets, people and infrastructure, at fields and businesses, at schools and houses of worship. Deliberately. Coldly, with Evil afoot there, clearly present as its nauseating toxic reek permeates all. 

Evil is as evil does. Humanity too often turns a blind eye and cold shoulder to evil and its manifestations. It is easier that way. However, definitely much more harmful in the long run, as those long runs become shorter and shorter and shorter. Humanity has a choice. We need to make that choice now. Delay, indecision and cowardice serve the purposes of Evil. and increase the severity of the resultant consequences. Are we brave enough? Smart enough? Instinctive enough to know the truth? Or do we deny it all? 

Disgrace and discount the deaths and the efforts of those who came before us. Those who fought in the wars. The civilians who sacrificed. The butchered of the Holocaust. The brave dead along the beaches of Normandy and Anzio. Those who never returned from the Chosen Reservoir and the jungles of Vietnam or the sands and mountains and cities of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. 

What are we doing? What is broken inside of us?     Is it not time to banish Evil from the plains of this earth? 

     "just look". The importance of education and critical thinking cannot be understated here, as well as combating misinformation to foster a better understanding of our world." 

This response. to another absurd situation and ridiculous statements is as applicable here as there. Read it and understand it. Take it to heart. Seek out the truth. Discard. the falsehoods now rife within the minds and hearts of too many. Seek the truth and share it with others. 

-------------------------------------------------------------- Yitzy, Sweet boy. the world down here remains in a vicious quandary. No answer in sight. All that seems to be ahead is more bloodshed, more agony, more loss. Got any answers? Any hints? Knock on the door of the One who knows those missing answers.  We need those answers. We need help.  Time's up? We need help NOW.

Now, then, forever - we love you.  

Always and forever. Always and forever.       

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