Friday, May 24, 2024


  From a sacred book of Judaism to the version of the Turtles, a rock group of the 60s and 70s, the message is clear: There is a time and place for everything “under the heavens”. History has supported that statement, that belief; however, unfortunately, we are finding that there are among humankind those capable of planning and carrying out scenarios once thought to have been eliminated from the repertoire of even the worst of humanity. We were wrong. So very wrong and the 'wrongness' continues, grows, fed by the egregiously violent, hate crazed twisted minds of the beasts in human disguise. 

For their crimes, for the rampant and glaring violations of both tacitly understood and clearly stated and printed rules, they are rewarded. Hamas, the terrorist crew of sadistic murderers, engaged in bestial attack on the people of Israel. Ironically, the butchered victims of the slaughter were members of communities who believed in creating ties   between Israelis and Palestinians and did so, not only with words. but also, with deeds. 

For this, they were targeted by their 'friends', buoyed by funds from Iran and those raised by haters abroad, ever and always ready to encourage and enable actual assaults upon Jews, especially in Israel.  Supporting the initial slaughter and the continuing horror are the grossly poorly educated non thinking members of campus groups and their puppet masters. Most violating of the soul are the cuts that struck deep and sharp - the betrayals of the nations who turned their backs to Israel. Once again, ever and always, Israel, Jews round the world, are targets of isolation, of exclusion from other nations, denied legitimacy, and are dehumanized, belittled, declared fair game with a perpetual open season. 

The world has convinced itself that the horrors of the Holocaust, the almost complete accomplishment of its goals, is not enough to slake their bloodthirst. No, they need more. Nation after nation falls in line and praises the attackers, the instigators of this war, who refuse to end it or release the hostages. The support of the world allows Hamas to entrench itself even deeper as the slaughter continues. They are empowered to do so. Egypt and Qatar and Saudi Arabia and yes, even the United States of America empower them and fall prey to their deadly false claims and raucous tantrums. Unless the world recognizes the true evil doer here and shouts it aloud, hope dims daily. But that recognition is slow, and too often flows backwards, to become very slow. dishearteningly slow. Hamas is not a hero organization but merely another group of thugs on crack. Let truth be heard. 

Videos of their own filming, in real life, in mid action, are ignored, or praised. Crowding around a young, terrified girl. Terrorizing her. Bloodying her even more is merely a foretaste of what is to come. Statements such as "you are so pretty" or "these are the girls who will get pregnant" hit us with a punch that knocks us down. What torment they must have undergone and are continuing to undergo. What a hopeless, helpless life. Their family members are torn and broken. And just as the victims of the Nazi Holocaust became numbers, almost meaningless and denying full comprehension, these girls and the other hostages have also become numbers, pictures, faces, but their peoplehood, their humanity has gone astray. So much easier to ignore if we cancel their humanity. But they are real, so very, very real. 

The world continues on its own ride to hell. Truth is denied. Facts are denied. Hamas shoots at the gates through which aid enters. They either prevent the trucks moving within Gaza or they hijack them and resell on the black market, earning a great profit. If there is any 'hunger', it falls to the feet of Hamas. The lies grow and intensify even as a 7 month "imminent famine” never materializes nor do we see emaciated victims of starvation among the healthy hordes roaming the streets of Gaza. 

Voices are raised now, declaring recognition of statehood for Palestine and at one and the same time they are calling for the destruction of the State of Israel. What Palestine? Where is Palestine? Where are its borders? Is Israel supposed to disappear in order to make room for Palestine? Will the world once again stand aside as Jews are slaughtered, hunted down? Only this time they will be hunted down in their own nation, in their ancestral homeland, by mobs of crazed Arabs and Muslims instigated by their rulers. Russian pogroms by governmental order - the same thing, merely a renaming of the characters. And the silence, once again, will be thunderous.  

There is such tension, such despair in the world. There are no leaders, no inspirational and wise heads, warm hearts, pure souls. We are left bereft. of leaders, and the despair continues to grow. The outlook is dim indeed. Biden, who might actually mean good is falling short. The demented fiend opposing him invokes terminology. which sends   chills down your spine. He wants a country such as the "Unified Reich". He invokes the names of autocrats from Stalin to Putin to Xi. Neither of them is a good choice and it will hurt me as I fill that box. Which? Still to be firmed up but definitely leaning, reluctantly, one way. It comes down to a choice as to which one can be trusted more to do the right thing.  

I was asked if I was frightened, afraid of the future. My answer was, what future? What future will there be? Nation after nation turns against Israel and there will be a nasty effect on Jews within these erroneous nations. Israel, the designated haven and place of refuge for any and all oppressed and persecuted Jews will be shut down. Certainly, that does not bode well for a positive outlook for Jewry.   The bandwagon of hate will round the world, dripping hate throughout its entire voyage. 

How can I not be afraid? Not for me, but for my kids. For all the little ones that we see walking in the street. Are we raising them so that they can be killed? Are we all working hard so that we generate profit - for those who use us?  What the hell are we doing? What have we allowed? Who and What are we? Why are there no voices raised loud, shouting that Israel is not to be betrayed. It is a nation state entitled and allowed to live, to be strong, to defend its citizens, to be there as a haven and refuge for world Jewry and a home for any who wish to fulfill that millennia long dream. "Next year in Jerusalem" we sing. Why not this year? 

 Yes. I am frightened. No. I am terrified.

 What keeps alive that thin ray of hope?  'The truth of history. There is indeed nothing new under the sun. There is nothing new revealed under the heavens. The hate, torment, the ugliness, the betrayals are always there But - so is the fact that We. Are. Here.  Will always be here. That knowledge, that truth, that fact of history, perhaps we need to send it in a blast of email throughout the world. Bombard them with these emails. until perhaps one cracks open a thick head. and allows the insertion of truth and sense within.

Perhaps. Maybe. I am not holding my breath.  


Yitzy, my boy, even as we miss you so there is a note of comfort for us that you are immune to this hate and violence, well above it. We know you are doing the best you can. and we love you even more so for that. Our love for you remains strong and we continue to wrap protective arms around you. Arms of love. and sadness. So sad in your absence. As we think of you, even as we miss you, we laugh with you and love you. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.    


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