Thursday, May 23, 2024


  Of course. Foolish me. Despite the reality of the times the lessons never took.  I somehow foolishly dangerously, clinging with the last ounce of deluded belief to believe that there was yet some hope. That for some reason justice and truth would prevail. The enemies of Israel would be revealed as the enemies of humanity. Their crazed demented blood thirsty quest for power would be stopped in its tracks and their toxic mouths muzzled. Foolish me. Silly me. Continuing to wallow in the waters of desperate hope and delusion. 

Perhaps I am emulating in a way the life denying quaffing of Reverend Jones's Kool Aid in its modern-day form. Of course. While I and others have come to realize the truth of our current state of being, there are not enough of us.  Even as its ugliness is revealed, we are too few in number, the volume of our voices insufficient to be heard over the noise, the drumming, the chants, of the mad crowds of proponents of hate and bloodshed.

That half empty glass is now three quarters empty. Supposed leaders have been revealed to the world as fakers and incompetents, proponents of deadly prejudice and bias. The virus of inhumanity. is grown into a pandemic. One that will conquer the peoples of the world as it wallows in their own ignorance and the loosing of the dogs of war. They think the leashes are held by their hands. The truth is that those leashes are powerless. The true leashes are the puppet strings manipulated by the puppet masters and the puppets, us, work ever so hard to fulfill their goals. and malicious plans.

True leaders are an endangered species, scattered through the globe here and there, the last of their kind. Present university heads are cowards who renege on their duties and allow the rampaging chanting drumming crowds of hate to have their way, refusing to apply consequences deserved. Worse, they accede to crazed demands, ceding all to the puppets outside. 

Worst by far is the obvious in your face hatred of Jews in any manifestation, in any place of existence, self-acknowledged or denying, singly or en masse, it matters not. The hate filled monsters, fiends of gnashing teeth and bloody claws will seek out all, from top to bottom, from pillar to post. It is impossible to hide forever from such malignancy.  It is a time when all Jews return to the fold, become active MOT - Members of the Tribe -as they become the stiff-necked people of the Old Testament, of the millennia of human history. Refusing to give in. Always outliving enemies: individuals, countries, empires. There is great genetic return to the memory and knowledge of the indivisible importance of Zionism and its major integral importance to the Jewish People in any form whatsoever.

  Bret Stephens, a columnist from the New York Times, a man who should be president states it clearly. No fool he, no ceder to the toxic lies, he presents the truth to the world even as they deny it. Foolish me as I continue to harbor that shred of hope that these truths will prevail. That they will   accept the truth. But of course, foolish me again, of course.

 Campus protests despite all the noise they make and the terror they engender are merely the appetizers, the first course of a feast of hate. It has grown roots in the ICC which conflates the horror, the criminality of Sinwar, of Deif, of Hamas, with the actions of a nation and its leaders who are defending their nation, preventing the carrying out of planned extermination as their fate. They speak out the truth even as the purveyors of hate and their cohort refuse to acknowledge their roles and participation in the massacre and butchery of Oct7 and the abuse seen in the most recent video released showing very clearly the torment, the abuse, the bloody faces, the bruised bodies, the sexual harassment, Hamas inflicted on 5 18-year-old terrified girls, 15 friends already slaughtered in horrific circumstances. Who are the criminals?  

In your face hatred has now been openly endorsed by politicians and legislatures of numerous nations. They have openly bought into accepted tropes and perpetuate the vile hatred that never seems to die. Bret reminds the world that Israelis, Zionists, Zionism itself are not colonialist, and are in fact an early anti-colonialist nation as they, from the time of Babylonian captivity and on to eternity wish only a return to ancestral homeland. 

Told to return to the lands from whence they came. where exactly are those lands? Is it Russia? The nation of Pogroms? Is it Ukraine, a nation of slaughtering peasants? Is it the nations of Eastern   and Western Europe who participated lethally in the goals of the Holocaust. Is it the United States which closed its gates? Is it to the Arab lands where they were massacred. Is it to outer space? That is just as likely. as a return to those other lands.   

No, they have returned to their ancestral lands, to Israel. There to be a nation, entitled to be accepted by all the nations of the world. Entitled to defend itself without question. Actually, truthfully, they should not have to justify their existence or justify their ability and right and responsibility to defend itself. Will this ever happen? I dare not even express the possibility of that. Would that we could have a life we once had here, basically. secure in our acceptance and our ability to contribute to this nation, to America. That nation is now infected by the same cancers infecting other nations of the world. Its core has become rotten as it turns aside from its values and ethics. Would that we could turn back the clock and wrap ourselves in that confidence once again. A life with the security of knowing that I and my family, my friends, my people are safe, as it should be.

Can this ever be? Too many nations of the world are corrupt. Their backbones rotten with this. cancers they have allowed and encouraged to grow, similar to the rot of America, my country who has rejected me and mine. It is a nation where justice can no longer be trusted to work properly. The legislatures are corrupted and inefficient. We, the people, are left to pick up the pieces and try to fit them back together again. However, more and more are too tired, too anxious to even try. 

But of course, always trouble. Always woes. Always the hate. So tiring. So depressing. So dispiriting and unfortunately so eternal. 

Good Lord in heaven. Why not hear the calls of Your people Why not hear the call of other people aghast at what is going on? Where are You? Come back from the beaches of Heaven. Come back from the mountains of Heaven. Come back to Earth, to Your creations. Before it is too late. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yitzy, what is left to say. I think today is the day to look at the many pictures of you and rejoice in the contagiousness of your grin, in the sparkle of your eyes and the shining purity of your soul,

Always and Forever, Always and forever.

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