Friday, May 17, 2024


 In the AM, the morning. The first reaction is OMG. I overslept. How am I going to research for the blog and find a starting point? Over sleeping is not all it is cracked up to be. Very annoying. And now another break - time for great grandsons' pictures sent overnight. Well worth the additional delay but!!!!!!!!  Now 6:27 and not yet really begun. 

 No time to run through the papers or scan the media sites. Hopefully my rather rusty brain will serve me well as I recall readings of yesterday. One that immediately comes to mind is that of Darfur - again. Yet again, echoes of two decades ago when Arab forces rampaged against non-Arab tribes, attempting to wipe them out. Yes, a true genocide and only stopped via troops from the African Union and the United Nations. The killing continued in lesser incidents, never fully contained. Along with that, in lockstep, came the expected destruction, starvation and desperate search for water. However, the world was silent, barely paying any attention to it at all. On a scale small enough to ignore. 

Apparently, the skill of murder of reinstalling genocide. has remained there, with local Arabs funded and armed by the so called "friendly" Arab nations. Hey! Just as they are clearly doing now with the campus 'protesters' misnomered as pro-Palestinian when the true name is pro Hamas and murder or pro hate and death for all Jews, and hell, throw in the added fillip of the death of Israel,

Deja vu all over again as the attempt to eliminate the non-Arab tribes is thriving and doing well in Darfur. The same catastrophic destruction dehydration and starvation. But the world remains silent. Or perhaps they are too busy funding the so-called protesters who have nothing better to do than to accuse Israel of initiating a war foisted upon them as they attempt to keep their nation safe, to retrieve the remaining 130+ hostages, alive or dead, held in tortured captivity for almost eight months, and to stop for once and for all the threat and the actuality of the drums of war emanating from Gaza. So much trendier than to protest the slaughter of non-Arab tribes in Darfur.       

 The world is busy paying attention to a non-genocide going in Gaza, where Israel wages a war of defense, going far above and beyond what other nations have ever done in protecting civilians. But it is not the responsibility nor the fault of Israel to rebuild Gaza. Nor to protect the civilians over and above the safety of their own soldiers. The Gazans are being slaughtered via the actions and purposeful misdeeds and misplacement of Hamas troops within, among, above and beneath civilian infrastructure. Let the Arab nations of the world shoulder the responsibility, the result of their purposeful refusal to absorb their 'brothers' into their own nations. All the better to keep the flames of JewHatred, of Israel alive and well.

Following are two statements of witnesses of murder and true genocide desire. The world needs to open its eyes and mind and know their complicity in the furthering and maintaining of hate. So loyal are the spillers of blood to the maws of the gods demanding blood, blood, ever more blood that they are willing to sacrifice their loved ones in the name of that hate. 

From Darfur. “First, they killed the adults, then they piled up the children and shot them. They threw their bodies into the river." Told to Human Rights Watch. The silence is deafening.

From a civilian of Israel. “... The changed landscape of my neighborhood. Across the street, the home of a soldier killed in Gaza. Up the block those of three more fallen soldiers. The park next to the grocery store: dedicated to the memory of another fallen soldier. Inside an amputee carries yogurt with his elbow because his lower arm is gone. Around the corner, the home of a young man murdered at the Tribe of Nova Music Festival on October 7. Nearby, the home of my former student who defended Kfar Aza until Hamas terrorists shot him. He has been in the ICU for seven months. Past the park, the home of Noa Marciano, a soldier and hostage who was murdered in Al Shifa Hospital. We are still under attack from Hamas and Hezbollah. No one in Israel is out of the crosshairs. We're not sleeping soundly at night. We won't breathe deeply until the hostages and our soldiers come home." 

All this angst emanates from Arab lands, from Arab puppets, bought and paid for, who then spread the infection of hate into other nations of the world. The result is more destruction and with rivers and lakes of blood flooding the plains of the world. 

 All of this can stop if, if the war mongers of the world are quieted. If they lay down their arms,  and return all hostages to whence they came. 

If and if and if and if. Ad infinitum. 


Yitzy, we miss your glow, your shine, your bright blue eyes sparkling with mischievous glint and your endearing and contagious grin. We need you so; we miss you so; we love you so. Be safe and hold our love for you close.

Always and forever. Always and forever.   




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