Thursday, May 16, 2024


 The phrase “Nacht und Nebel" meaning night and fog, has long been used to deliver succinct description of life during times of war or conflict of major import. It brings to mind awful images of mass arrest and incarcerations, of law governing society tweaked so that there no longer is any true justice or moral law. The phrase above raises horrid vivid memories of pictures of those "disappeared", never to be seen or heard from again. Visions of the past, becoming ever more common in the present and most frightening of all, a future society rife with these perversions. 

Why now is this fear, these images, this reality more prevalent and relevant?  Perhaps because it seems that the entire world is burning up under the fever of hate inspired by the societal picture in the previous paragraph. Why have so many these days adopted so fervently, so openly, evil canards and tropes that have long ago been thrust out of the camp of civilization?

 Apparently, that was not the case. Not then. Not now. In fact, the evil tropes and memes of the past have remained, lurking, sculking in the dark corners of society. They and their proponents have been patiently awaiting the opportunity for them to burst forth in full bloody gory action. They have now been emboldened, enabled and strengthened, so much so that they are right there in the open. No hiding within night and fog for it is not necessary.

 In fact, hate has been turned into a virtue. It is openly blared via that powerful foghorn. Dressed in fine clothing so as to disguise the ugliness beneath. The people are fooled. They buy into the awful truly antisocial, anti-humane society, anti-humanity in general. Heretofore these views and their proponents were neither respected nor included in the legitimate political spectrum. Until one day they were and not only accepted as part of that spectrum, but they have also become ever larger, ever more powerful, squeezing the traditional members of that spectrum into near death.  

The filth spewing forth from that foghorn, now, many foghorns, grows in vitriol. It poisons the souls. It hardens the heart. And leaves no room for truth, morality and humanity to enter and take root. Those traits have become verboten in the ugliness of current society, in the growing night and fog overtaking society and its thinking. In fact, the voices of those traits have been diminished, forcefully, quite successfully as others now vie for the rather dubious honor of being recognized as the. loudest, most efficient 'reputable' user of those vitriolic foghorns.

The question in the mind of every sane and humane human being is why has this happened? Why now? Where was that hole in the dike holding back the flood of inhumanity? Why was it not detected? Why were we not alert to it and its possibility, its probability? Why was it not plugged permanently? Why were we not proactive as guardians of that   dike keeping us safe?

Mankind at its best is losing the battle. Our losses far outweigh all else, and in fact, even maintenance is fragmented, weak. Its voice is drowned out by the voices of the foghorns of hate and inhumanity. One prominent producer of documentaries said this. Quite telling, quite pertinent. 

" I've seen all of that, the shift to the extreme right with neo-Nazi groups like Atomwaffen. All of that was really troubling for me. It was really scary. So it was natural for me to go back to the times of a civil war when the country was obviously fragmented, and some of the values were still uncertain. It seemed natural to go back to the roots of a country that's never ceased to be divided and never ceased to be at war with others, or with itself in a way." 

Why is this indeed? It is not only America under siege, but also the entire world, now burning up under these misconceptions dressed as truths. There is great fear almost palpable, so strong is it that America after the election in November 2024 will cease to be a democracy. Our front line of defense is weak and corrupted. The three candidates most mentioned as campaigning for the office of President are each and every one of them pathetic. The continuation of America as America in their hands is a huge existential challenge. One admits his brain has been eaten by a parasite and he has confusion. Another, long demented, has been exposed, his crimes and offenses bared for all to see. The third has allowed his thinking to be taken over by those whose voices should not be heard in the White House. He has strayed quite far off the path where he should be. Coast to coast, North to South, America's citizens are worried. We will be left bereft, alone, to make our way in a world most frightening, most dangerous. There will be no looking to Europe for advice and aid for they will share with us the same leaky unreliable rowboat.  

For me, there is yet another corner where hate has grown strong. One described the current phenomenon this way.  "Antisemitism has a fluid quality, filling whatever space is opened to it, seeping into the cracks and widening them further." 

 Even when there is supposed to be an attempt to deal with this eternal aberration, a weak stab at it, actually meaning nothing of any value, here is what happens. In New Jersey. 

"Senate leadership has signaled that they have safety concerns and are not comfortable hearing bills supporting Jews at this time." 

Oh, of course, who would want to risk the dare of supporting Jews?!

What is left to say.

Clear and evident is it not, as the foghorns blare their poisonous, ugly words of hate and incitement to bloody action. As the fog rolls in, not on the soft, quiet feet of little kitty cats, but on the threatening dangerous feet of lions and tigers, teeth bared to bite and eat. _________________________________________Yitzy, the world is so ugly right now, uglier than it has been for a long time. But your glow, your goodness remains pure. As does our love for you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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