Wednesday, May 15, 2024


  America's self-anointed guru of America - that would be Donald Trump. the indicted, the demented, the immoral. has determined that Jews who vote Democrat "need their heads examined". Well, yeah, maybe, astonishingly this dangerously sly fool could actually be correct - with a caveat.

Jews who now identify as either Republican or Democrat or whatever party designation chosen, do in fact need to have their head examined. There is no way now in the toxic universe of ours that Jews should identify with any specific party. There are lunatic members of both parties. Both parties have those among them who wish to cancel Jews. There are those in both parties who would see Israel disappear from the map (already happening on some maps). These once considered aberrant personalities have become the tainted, yet lauded, spokespeople for their respective political parties and we are all "woke" to this old as time, newer in our time, to the benefits of becoming rabid supporters of those who are swimming in rancid, rank ponds of JewHatred.

Thus, the rather obvious conclusion: Jews must not identify in entirety as a member of this or that political party. Not if their heads are on straight. Not if their minds are intact. Not if their natural instincts of survival are in fine working order. In fact, in ugly reality, Jews must very carefully sift and sort through those asking for support and donations. The times are critical, the peril apparent. For Jews today to lock themselves into a position which could backfire on them is not a good idea. Thus, a thank you to Trump, albeit the necessary second half of the statement. 

Yes, haters of the world, Jews do have influence. We have worked hard, achieved success, and have influence via earned seats on boards of political, financial, artistic, philanthropical, medical, cultural, media institutions. Extremely wealthy among us have set up foundations which dispense scholarships and support. Research, relieving the consequences of disasters, natural and manmade. Jews and non-Jews are recipients and beneficiaries of "Jewish" money sent their way. No conditions attached. Yes, Jews can be found in positions of influence, but for the most part that influence and the possibilities of it are wielded carefully and wisely, other than when Jews "forget" or deny their identity as Jews. So yes, restricting oneself to one party needs to be carefully reassessed in terms of today's caustic conditions of life.

This claimed to be demonic influence is more lacking than present. The needs of the Jewish state of Israel are ground beneath the wheels of the bus of the world. The auras of security among Jews, of safety in their lands of residence, including   America, have been shattered and shredded, become unrecognizable. Once again, in ever increasing waves of hate, there is an existential threat to the Jews - as a people, a religion, an ethnicity, a philosophy, as a benefactor of the world, as a nation, as human beings. An almost palpable fear among the people now exists. Once again. 

Are we forever to be "gifted” with this categorization and rejection? I hope not. I truly do. And I wonder why, why must this be so? Why is it so? Why has it always been so? Why do the Haters of the world scream of innate evil to be found within a Jew? Where? Heart? Mind? Bones? However, if so, how to explain the enormous transfer of wealth to those in need? To institutions of value? How to explain the donations of the ordinary Jew following the precepts of his religion, to provide for the widow and the orphan, for all in need. Even as some abandon the religious aspect of Judaism, the precepts remain. and the Jews hold true to these precepts. 

The Hate is an eternal conundrum. Forever inexplicable and to attempt to define it or explain it is to give it validity. That is a bad choice. Evil is forever shy of explanation and explication Justification impossible. We should leave it at that. Ignoring it will deny it the attention that it craves and then, perhaps then, maybe then, hopefully then, the lure of evil and hate will abate and finally, self-erase. 

A pipe dream? Probably.  Nevertheless, a pleasant pipe dream. Can we set that Dream in motion? Yes, but it will demand much willpower. Do we have that capacity? Do we have the desire and the drive, the determination, the strength?  Can we dig deep down, into our soul and extract till the final last drop is found. Can we? Will we attract enough who agree with us and our motivations? These are questions to which I do not have any definitive answers and do not believe that anyone has those answers. It is together we must find them and bring them to life. Together. Together we can drown out the raucous voices of Hate in favor of the more melodic ones of unity and optimism. The voices are there; they simply must be found and activated.     

Will this ever be realized, become real? Can it? Another conundrum?

I wait for wiser heads to let me know. 

Soon, please? 

Time grows short.

"And if not now, then when??

-----------------------------------------------------------     Yitzy, it is hard to watch the days go by, to celebrate the birthdays of your siblings and cousins and know, feel, you are not there. No new game creations of yours. No tumbling around like a puppy. No sudden words of insight and deep thought. Once again, your presence is felt by its massive absence. 

Miss you much, dear boy. Very much. And love you, of course.   

Always and forever. Always and forever.



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