Monday, May 27, 2024


  ...but first a word from the rather shrinking, challenged optimistic corner of my mind and heart. Is it in fact possible any longer to take heart from rare words of support, or even visible via deeds in action, to think that no, we are not behind efforts, perhaps last-ditch efforts, to revive the errant traits of humanity? Is it true that we can resuscitate the withered altruistic, positive traits of humanity? Perhaps only modern-day versions of the "cock-eyed optimist" of South Pacific" must be found to lead the way.  Search we must if we are to successfully brace the global sized elephant in the living room of our minds. 

So, to the present doorstop in my mind, hopefully viable enough to counter the enemy forces trying to force open the door, allowing the vitriol without to enter and remain within, crushing hopes ruthlessly.

Last night we attended the 28th Yachad Festival held at Broward Center, a festival of pride and unity, of hard work and achievements. A festival of pride and unity, a reminder to the world at large, and to world Jewry that we are here and here we will remain, despite any and all indications otherwise. We are, in fact, Am Echad, Lev Echad - One nation, One people, One heart. 

We know too, very well, that all the temporary homes we found over the millennia, were just that - temporary. To any and all trying to deny that core of our belief, our religion, our history, know it remains within, immutable. Solid and never disappearing. We know deep within our very marrow, with the flow of blood within our veins, with the feelings of the heart, a permanent tenet of our belief, an identity, that We, the People of the Book, the People of Israel, have an Eternal Homeland, gifted to us by the One Above. 

We have fought for it, left behind oceans of our blood, and rent the skies of heaven with the agonized screams of men, women, children slaughtered in the name of Hate and denial of Truth. We are Eretz Echad - the People of One Land, forever, for eternity. One nation, one people, one homeland. So it is now, so it has been in the past, so it will be in the future. 

These statements, these emotions, these facts were powerfully presented to a packed theater, via groups of dancers, American and from other nations, from kindergarten to postgraduates, who shared the vision, the pride, the love and their heritage. Thus, in your face all who would demean, isolate, and destroy us.  Still here, folks. Still here and going strong.  

We know that into each life, some rain must fall. But into our lives, maelstroms have fallen. It has encouraged the growth of a rather reeking bowl of ugly potpourri. Hence to gripes. Why and wherefore are we to accept that rather empty airheaded false business of 'task forces against anti semitism' established by universities, staffed by Arabs, JewHaters, and self-denying Jews, who caved to twisted demands of hate filled chanters shrieking with ugly faces of globalization of intifada, a blatant call to slaughter ALL Jews. 

Why and wherefore are we to accept calmly the growing number of evil corrupt politicians imbued with hate, who speak loudly, with tropes and memes of hate. They speak of the positive qualities of a 'Unified Reich". They endorse politicians and justices who twist and turn the strands of justice until they are unrecognizable. We are crucified in public by bastards such as Kristof who calls Israel a nation "governed by brute force". Candidates who speak openly about Jews as the "linchpin of global conspiracy", of practitioners of blood libel. Today. When will this ever stop?

And of course, we have those who try to portray. the terrorists who prey upon us, upon our children, upon our citizens, who slaughter babies in their cribs not only on October 7 but for years past, as good people. These shameless apologists try to portray these terrorists as the cute babies they once were, giggling on their blankets. Well, Kfir giggled and smiled on his blanket. As did brother Ariel. As did the other brutally slaughtered and butchered children of the attacked communities. Does the blood and agony of our kids count for naught? Are we to accept it quietly? And what of the hostages and their ongoing disappearance, fading into the background. A sidebar of little importance or validity, so deemed by the nations of the world who even abandoned their own hostages. Alive or dead, in agony? Apparently, it matters not a whit.

What matters to the world is that the situation must be turned around, and Israel must accept the blame for October 7. Israel must declare ceasefire without any rescue of their hostages, without any compensation for the damage or the destruction of the southern communities. Hezbollah continues its open-ended brutal shelling and the devastation, and the abandonment of northern Israel is ongoing, but nary a word to be found. Israel is to concede defeat. It is to write off its people and its damage. It is to be held to standards of total unreality, singularly applied only to Israel as its leaders are conflated with the savage leaders of the bestial Hamas - and all those oh so not starving, emaciated, dehydrated, innocents. All of the areas of the world where conflict and slaughter are ongoing are ignored for this war of Hamas captures the attention of the world. Ever so much more soul satisfying to them. For perverted reasonings of their own.    

Chief concern. Chief fear. Not only in my heart, not only in my head, but also in the heads and hearts of so many others. Jews round the world are seeking refuge, a safe place. Is there in fact any such safe place in this world? I'd like to know. Will there ever come a time when we do not have to update our passports and have a go bag at the ready? Will Israel, can Israel remain aloof from the isolation? Will it indeed be a place of refuge for world Jewry oppressed and persecuted, attacked in the streets, vilified in law. These questions, these hopes, these fears - I have no answers; nor unfortunately do others. At least those who acknowledge reality.       

 Gripes. Solutions few, possibly none. How to resolve this. How to stop this eternal bloodshed. How to stop the hate. The constant stupid self defeating hate which leads to bloodshed and violence and more bloodshed and more violence and on and on and on. Have we nothing better to do? Can we not turn our energies that will combine brain power to saving the world that we have destroyed with careless use and treatment of the environment? Why can we not see through the fog and detritus that fills the air? Why do we not see what should be plain to see?

Any answers, folks? Willing to hear. 

Hearing nothing.  


 Yitzy, it is an ugly world down here. We are making the environment, the physical world, uglier. And we are certainly polluting, creating ugly chaos. in the emotional world. We enable shrieks to climb to the highest heights, to pierce the gates of Heaven, but we see nothing. No results. So, we wonder we down here. Is anybody up there listening? Is anybody up there hearing our cries Have we been able to invoke any tears, any broken hearts? If not, what must we do? Tell us before it is too late. 

But it will never be too late for us to say we love you.

 Always and forever. Always and forever.


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