Tuesday, May 28, 2024


  ... And that's a duh! Have you found of late there are more and more statements that actually require not an answer, but a comment. Well, several comments from which one can choose, but all indicative of the same thing. One shakes a head and thinks, silently or aloud - where the hell have you and/or your brains been? In fact, do you have a brain - at least one with some capacity to work?

I believe that for the most part too many of us have shifted our brains into idle. They are in stasis, though there is a definite indication of slippage to the rear. The brains are awaiting input, which is actually incoming; however, the recognition and acceptance areas are rusty with disuse and unfortunately too often fixate on the false narrative rather than on the more painful displeasing and discomforting truth.  The motivational factor here being that why opt for the unsettling when there are other choices. hence - GIGO - garbage in, garbage out and as good citizens we recycle diligently.

 Here are some rather obvious statements. and the temptation to say 'duh!' is front and center. However, for the sake of a civil discourse and society, patience, patience is advised - for one's own sanity.  However, be alert, for at times there is a hidden important element of truth beneath the irritating surface duh factor.

 " ... something is deeply broken in American schools." 

With rioting crazy students exhibiting the rabid mob pattern of the unthinking mobs of the Red Guards in one of China's most brutal periods; with professors forsaking the principles of their profession, blatantly inciting hate, vicious and toxic; with basic history remaining ignored or distorted within our elementary and high school classrooms; with a constant flooding of idiocy bombarding the developing brains of our young - uh-huh. There is certainly something wrong with our educational system today.  

One very definite area of deprivation is the glaring in its absence and insufficiency, that is the area of faith, trust, loyalty, in and of our nation, the United States of America. In fact, at this point in time, too many do not have any connection. to that statement of "our" nation. Frankly, I am just about at that point at this point. How can this be my nation when I am rejected on all sides, even, especially by those who are in positions of authority and presumably of knowledge. How can I trust this nation to have my back, to be there to protect me and ensure the permanence of my rights as a citizen of America? Certainly not now, when JewHatred and the ugly revival of ancient false despicable canards grow and target me and mine with the speed and force of a rolling snowball down a steep slope. Taught and aimed, promulgated, Aimed by errant teachers within our rotting inadequate educational system.

"You look at every (US) war, and it's the same. We create regrets."

Actually, it matters not one wit whether the war is a US war or the war of another nation. If we did not have regrets in the initiation, ongoing and aftermath of a war, we would have ceded an enormous aspect of our humanity. When unfortunately, a war is inevitable or instigated by those of retrogressive and aggressive tendencies, it must be fought and fought hard. The goals must be to end it decisively. and quickly, the sooner the better. so as to eliminate or limit “regrettable” thoughts. A war fought hard, with intensity, is a war of shorter duration and certainly of fewer deaths and fewer dire consequences. Certainly fewer “regrets”. Why then do we hamper those who know war, study war, hate war? Because we are dumb? Deluded? Engaged in wishful naive thinking as we conflate our ugly wars with the illusionary values of the Knights of the Round Table? Whatever, that is a false road to follow. 

Actually, if we could have those regrets prior to the onset of combat, perhaps we could avoid those awful years of bloodshed and that hatred so resilient, so determined to continue to exist. Our efforts to put aside these various hates are weak, too often regrettably futile. The apparently ageless ugliness seems to have developed permanent deep roots in the darkest portions of our souls and hearts and we cannot or will not extirpate them from within.     

Why are there constant attacks by one group against another? From the onset, our first residents brought with them the seeds of ugliness from Europe. The hatred of one who is different. Who perhaps looks different, who worships God in a different manner or who dresses differently, or who lives a lifestyle outside the box.  America, the land of the free and the home of the brave continued to walk the trails of Europe even as some resisted. And America erred time and time again. 

Reneged upon treaties with Native Americans. The Trail of Tears. The Fugitive Slave Act. The McCarran act of 1924 and earlier related legislation condemning millions. to death. And the 'educational' process continued. The incarcerated Japanese Americans citizens in World War Two. We overlooked the sins of Nazis in our frantic competition with the Russians in the Cold War. 

And today? No better. Perhaps even worse. We should know better. We should have learned from history. However, we continue to ignore it and continue to allow the ugliness. of dank souls to bleed through. If our elected leaders are actually reflective of us as a people, as a society, then woe upon us. When a criminal aspirant to the highest office in the land tells us that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country”. 

  Frank Sinatra sang “Regrets. I have a few. Too few to mention." Too bad we cannot all say that with convincing honesty. Mankind has become the perpetuator of its ugliest facet. It refuses to shed it. It sees only within it the advantages for itself and discounts the disadvantages which affect not only the enemy, but also ourselves. Learning from history is honored in the breach rather than in the keeping. It is a great huge giant oversized DUH!!!!! that governs our behavior. Shame upon us. We gotta' do better.


Yitzy, what the world lost when we lost you is unfathomable. The outsized positive effect that you had upon others is now both there yet gone missing. So glaringly missing, so necessary. Perhaps you could send down a few quaffs for people to drink. The world is definitely quite thirsty for it.

We love you, sweet boy. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.



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