Friday, May 19, 2017


    Fool. Laughing stock. Clown. Utter chaos. And the list can go on with child and infant right there as well as incompetent, dishonest, liar and many others. What gets me is how so many people refused to see this man For what he is and was prior to voting for him and even now say that one must respect him for he is President. Nope, sorry. Respect needs to be earned and all he has earned is  a reputation for being a whiner and a big blubbering baby, the kind who will pick up his marbles and go home - if only!!!
     There is growing talk of impeachment, of Amendment 25, of criminal charges and the ripples keep going. Now Pence is enmeshed in this right up to his jelled hair and Ryan is now trying to deny a tape where he laughed at the statement that Trump was getting paid by Putin and when he could no longer deny it, he said it was a joke and not really a secret. Ha!! Liar, liar!!
     For months I have been calling him incompetent and ethics challenged. For months I have been calling him out as a liar. I have been calling out the Kushners as basically phonies as well and all one has to do is check the papers. Why have some people refused to see that not only is the emperor naked, but so  are the rest of his court.
     I have long maintained that the truth will out, be it here in the Village or out there in the local and larger governments yet the politicians seem to keep thinking they will be permanently Teflon and nothing about them will stick. Sorry - wrong indeed, bigly  so!!
     So now we have all these investigations and we all need to think concretely about the future. What do we do with a corrupt and incompetent government that is giving away the store? What do we do about replacing it. How do we convince our allies that we have not lost our collective minds and that we are still the USA.
     How and when do we stop tossing people out of the country willy nilly? I have just finished a book called The Lady Who Wrote in Silk, about the terrible things done to the Chinese in the late 1800's and it is scary how there are people who have never grown beyond that hateful thinking and nasty prejudice for anyone who is different than they are. Scary indeed. But it must be addressed for the issue is at hand.
     We must get Putin out of our business and stop these friendships with murderous dictators. We must address the environment, the labor issues and the education and the retraining. We must address healthcare before the Republicans force an implosion here and we must get
back to a government "of the people, by the people and for the people; - said by a President who was the most hounded and hated president ever - and not  that whiner Trump!!
     To sum it up, we need to get some honorable and truthful adults back in government, people who indeed are public servants and not getting served by the public. Tough to do, but possible if we all work hard at it.
    And now, sorry, but I must say this at least once.
     TOLD YA SO!!!!!!!

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