Sunday, May 21, 2017


     So here we go again. Honestly! And if you think that there is a great deal of honesty in the whole package and its pushing, then all I can say is Honestly! Once more, David Israel and crew of yesmen and dupes are pushing for Atlantic. Once more we are having something pushed down our throats whether we want it or not and the pressure is on. Now there is that  "very small group of people" to express their opinions for the thousands of residents who are not being represented nor heard.
     Several years ago David Israel tried the same hard sell with DSL. If that "small group" that bothers David so had not done their homework, had not asked hard questions, had not pushed for answers, had not challenged the answers that were given, we would now be saddled with a broken system, an unsightly infrastructure of towers all over the Village and yet another debacle sponsored by David and crew. Boca had DSL and had to break the contract so terrible was the result.
     But David wants what David wants and so off he went on another search, another place for us to waste our money, even as the fees were raised this year to a new height. So he settled on Atlantic, a company from Canada and yes,  they are a foreign company no matter the fact that they have an American branch. They operate in Miami and have at least seven or eight channels of local Miami news, lots of Spanish stations and a lot of    promises that they will be ready to serve us come the time of end of contract with Comcast.
     I doubt they will but let us see what we would be getting if we go with this contract. Well, honestly, we get a lot of promises that they will have the wires or connections drawn in time. They will dig up the Village and hopefully replace it properly but be prepared for lots of upheaval, ugliness and mess. They will give us the same lousy service they have been giving Miami and if you do not believe that, well just go on  line and read for yourself. We will get a promise of ONE person here to help. Really? Honestly! ONE? Wow!! NOT! Xfinity trucks are here in plentiful number and we have a man on grounds to answer questions and quite frankly, I have found that over the years Comcast has improved greatly and we have, knock wood, been trouble free and been able to install the X1 system right at the outset of it and it is great.
     The Internet works well and we stream a great deal on it. Why would I want to get a company that has lousy Internet service and so I will be shut down and as for the use of everything on the computer - well, blow me down if it will all turn to dross from gold.
     What we get on this contract is line after line where they forswear any responsibility for downtime. Well, what if they're not ready to even begin. We were promised they would pay for the new and raised rates of Comcast so we could continue service. Where is that in the contact? Why would they be exempt for downtime? Where is a guarantee that their service will improve noticeably in the next two years so we can see they can actually do the job. In fact, why do we not wait for them to actually improve?! Where is it written in the contract that they will pay!!!! Where?
     No HBO. No Starz. No actual reassurances that are written and mean anything and in the meanwhile, we are chaining ourselves to a lousy two years of service from Comcast for why would they give it to us since we stabbed them in the back. We are dooming ourselves to ten years of contract in a fast moving area and will be behind the eight ball. Where is the promise in the contract that they will upgrade us in a timely manner? In fact, where is that vaunted statement of David's that they will snake thru the wires and not staple them? Where are all these promises and no, not David's statements but ones that can be legally enforced and what are we going to do when this all collapses? Go hat in hand to Comcast? Oh, for sure, they will be so nice to us, giving us a good deal - HA! Honestly, why would they and why should they since David Israel has been playing games with them and wants out, not for trouble he has for he freely admits he is pleased with his service. Why? Because they were "snippy". Oh dear, his honor has been offended, his ego has been damaged? Him and Trump!! Well honestly, I do not want to pay a price for their egos!
     So listen to the "small group" again and all the buildings that do not want Atlantic.  Not such a "small" group after all. Look at the last vote, the last two votes and see how many want Comcast yet David keeps pushing, pimping for Atlantic. What is in it for him? That question remains unanswered. Is it just ego satisfaction or anything else? Is it a lack of understanding of the damage he will inflict on us? Why does he keep telling everyone that the TV will be great when it will manifestly be not! Why does he say we need the Internet when he says at a  meeting that most people do  not need internet or use it so no problem. What happened to his push for broadband and Village wide internet? Oh, new and younger people would not come. Really? Honestly? Look at the prices of the units now. Rising and where is the internet - getting ready to be ruined by David Israel. Another greatest deal ever - like the road paving, like the security contracts, like the buses which were quite late going on line in operating, like the entry gate systems, like the pavers, like everything else he pushes. There are naked  people out there people so recognize that fact. Honestly!!

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