Wednesday, May 24, 2017


     Yesterday I wrote how lies come home to their originators and perpetrators and that this is a phenomenon that is true, be it in a local area, a small area of family and friends, local governments and nationally as well, to our great detriment.
     So today let us see what we have with these bounceback lies. Nationally we are overwhelmed by them. The man who was to help the little man is helping them right out of existence. Health coverage. SNAP, food stamps, will be gone, so just starve, or catch squirrels! Rich people will get child care help - as if they need it - thank you, Ivanka! while the poor who need aftercare and pre-care for their kids so they can work - well, forget all about it as funds are to be cut.  Money for retraining and technical education so people can get jobs in the first place? Forget that as well as that money is cut. Earned income and child tax credits gone from undocumented workers and mind you, these people pay taxes and many of the children are American born citizens but who cares, right, for they are "bad hombres".
     So basically, children, the poor, women whose health is obviously not important and they are not smart enough to control their own bodies and make their own decisions, the workers who need retraining - all can go to hell in Trump's budget as he lies his way to screwing his base and oh, by the way, there is a minor problem in his budget - a 2.1 trillion dollar mistake, but hey, who's counting, as long as the military get their upped budget, right?! And as for those Carrier jobs that were supposedly saved? Well, by Christmas they will all be gone. Great job there Donald, great lies again! This man is NOT the president of many people, millions of them. This is the result of lies that people believed in their desperation. Shame on you, Donald and crew.
     And right here in good old CVWPB and David Israel's UCO, we have a major lie going on right now. David Israel has a major bug up his ass about broadband and getting his internet put in place, in a Village where there is already Internet so why? Who the hell knows except that this man is constantly caught up in lies of omission or commission, of budget needs and in taking on debt that should not be ours. Why he is now hot to trot with this Atlantic is anybody's guess but what is not a guess is that it is bad and based on lies, a false base and smelling rotten is an understatement of the year! I will summarize some points made by a very smart man and leave out the contract wording but print the gist of the argument.
     1.Bulk rates are to fixed with them staying the same except for $1.25 annual raise. Fair enough - BUT, they have the right to "adjust" this 'fixed" rate as they need or want to. Lovely! Who knows how the adjustment will go. David maybe?
     2. They will have the EXCLUSIVE right to advertise within the Village. Huh!!?? Since when is advertising allowed within the Village and in the sacred Clubhouse to boot! Eva and WPRF do not even allow our own people to campaign there but Atlantic can? Smelling lousier than before! Indeed!
     3. WE are to provide them with space within the Village, meaning that WE have to pay the cost for this as the medical building is being mentioned as that home. WE do not own that building. Who does? Levy maybe? Someone else in the Village? They will profit but as for us? Screwed again.
     4. By the way, this will be home for "up to" three Atlantic people. And for six months and one rep for the next six months so wait a minute! Up to means that they could send one whole rep. WOW! I am underwhelmed. Greatly so. And what happens after the first year of a ten year contract. Perhaps they will send someone up from Miami or send down from Canada? So service? Forget about that!
     5. Atlantic has the right to change the channel lineup whenever and however they wish to so we could find ourselves stuck with all the latest - from Miami or Canada or Timbuktu and as for channels to watch? Who the hell knows again! Their lineup already stinks and is greatly inferior to that of Comcast.
     6. Fixing the damage who is responsible? Not stated at all except by David's assurances. Wow, that will certainly weigh heavily in court when we sue them for leaving us in a disgusting way after they dig up the Village. And as to payment for that - what, out of the doorway fee which is suddenly being called "beautification". Fishy smell again, or is perhaps the rat that I am smelling, that we should all be smelling.
       7. If they are not ready within the dates stated, well what do we do? Contemplate our navels? Nope, that is David's job within his UCO office, but we would prefer our channels and streaming possibilities and music and whatever. So who will pay the higher fees to Comcast? Well, according to David, Atlantic will. According to the contract? NOTHING there. Nothing at all. So you can take that to the bank - uh, actually better not plan on that!
     And there are more points, but simply looking at all these points, plus knowing that Comcast has the biggest footprint in this area and AT&T has commissioned a survey to install fiber optics within the Village at their cost and not ours. Read that again. So why are we paying for Atlantic to install it at our expense? Go ask David. Sounds like a mantra , a bigly bad one at that.
     In addition, remember that the delegates have rejected this Atlantic contract several times but David has this nasty habit of waiting till most people are gone and then pushing thru his agenda - as he did with the term limit that we have had in the Village till he needed to satisfy his being here by assuming his President for Life position! AND WHOEVER SIGNED A CONTRACT THAT WAS NOT FINALIZED?
     TURN DOWN THE ATLANTIC CONTRACT FOR ALL OUR SAKES! And by the way, this could possibly save us hundreds of thousands of dollars from CSI if we do not need them for AT&T. Just a thought. Would need to be checked.
     David Israel just posted the new offer from Comcast, the largest elephant in the room. It is a great offer from that big company and it has proven itself time and again. No, it is not perfect, but then again, name one company or person that is. However, it has improved in all areas and we have not seen a repair necessary in years. The fact that it is offering the X1 box is amazing as prior to this offer it cost money to get it. It has better programming and more relevant channels and again, has proven itself. It leaves no loopholes and the 'redlining' of Atlantic is garbage as it is so loopholey that one can use it as a viewing glass! Comcast is here, no chances that it might not be and so why are we contemplating changing!!!
     I would like to thank Neil Moore for much of these points directly from the contract and his continued fight for this Village as well as several other people who continue to fight against harmful deals for this Village and who saved us from the DSL debacle that David wished to inflict upon us and which he admitted at a DA that he was wrong? Such a shock!
     Finally, a better fact that needs clarification and for that we fly all the way to Jerusalem on this, its 50th anniversary of being united. Today is Yom Yerushalayim , the Day of Jerusalem. There was a beautiful ceremony last night at the Kotel, the Western Wall, and perhaps at least some new person will realize that indeed, Jews do have a connection to Jerusalem and to the Wall and indeed, even to the Temple Mount for that is where the two Temples were before destruction. Jews have been turning to Jerusalem for centuries, thru exile and Diaspora, thru pogroms, thru the Holocaust, thru it all and we returned and we united it after begging Hussein of Jordan to stay out of the war; he did not, for he anticipated a victory and wanted his share of the loot - but he lost and we won. The iconic picture of three soldiers who fought in the battle for Jerusalem, the sound of the shofar of Rabbi Goren, the cry of Har Habayit Beyadenu - the Temple Mount is in our hands - and the fact that we allowed the Wakf and Jordan to have part in its control - says much - that the world forgets.
    So today, rejoice with us, sing Halleyuyah and ask for peace as we all do every day in our prayers. We have returned and we are not going anywhere. Jerusalem  - rejoice! The lie that Jews do not partake in the history of Jerusalem - a LIE!
WE are Jerusalem and Jerusalem is us.

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