Tuesday, May 16, 2017


     We all know the Shakespearian phrase of "a rose by any other name" and the principle can and should be easily applied here. Treason is treason is treason, no matter how it is colored in or explained away by anyone. And when that treason is performed by the president of the United States, well, friends, no more saying that something must be done or should be done. It has to happen and the first act is to remove this man from office pronto by declaring him incompetent and unable to perform his duties. No more wimping out and no more usage of technicalities to try to explain away his yet another misdeed, this one more serious than any other to this date - at least that we know of. It confirms what we have suspected for a long time - this man is either incompetent in so many ways, and/or mentally ill, and/or colluding with the enemy, that enemy being Russia. How many more times must we see him grinning with the Ambassador and with Kislyak? How many more times is this man going to endanger us, the country? And how many more times are the Republicans going to turn their backs on their country in the name of strengthening their party, uber alles!! What they are doing now is being complicit in the treasonous act and yes, Ivanka, that is what it means to be complicit in something - to aid in its taking place, either before or after the act, being an accessory in any which way. I]If the shoe fits, wear it.
     So once again the Trump people try to weasel out from under. The president has the right to declassify information and thus it is not against the law, but, a big but, the material has not been declassified from highly confidential - 'just' breached by the moron or the traitor. The WH has been desperately begging the Washington Post not to reveal more details due to the high importance of this information and the danger to the source. In other words, Trump is now complicit in the possible death of the source, in the exposure of this source and how he gets the information, and has endangered millions, yes, millions of people as it is now revealed that the reason for banning the computers on flights had a good reason behind it. Well, Trump could care less as he plays the childish behavior of see what I know, I know more than you, nah, nah, and see - you did not know this! And out the mouth comes what should not!!
     That we should be talking about the President in such words, in such misdeeds boggles the mind indeed. "....the president shared details of ISIS plots involving explosives concealed in electronic devices and potentially smuggled aboard US bound planes" A staffer states “With news like this I’m beginning to wonder why Trump ran in the first place and if he really cares about the country."
     This man who screamed in his pathetic tweets how Hillary should be locked up, how she was a traitor, could not be trusted with secrets - well, as always, the answer to all that is self denial, the result of looking in the mirror and seeing there all that he has accused others of doing - leaking and leaking and leaking. Well, here is the leaker!
     And then again, we have the Republicans who wimp out, including, to my shock, McCain. We have others who are willing to state that this White House is a mess, has endangered this country, but as for 'brave' souls like Rubio - “I haven’t seen the story,” Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said, .... “Sometimes this stuff is breaking faster than our ability to check online.” Ahh, our Senator!!!
     This is a body blow to US intelligence workers. This is not the first time nor will it be the last unless he is removed from office. I do not like nor trust Pence, but at this point, I will have to go with security of the country over all else. What with Korea playing nuclear games and now their being very suspicious in the Wannacry computer hacking worldwide mess, we need someone who can actually think, rationally and boldly, who can help put down risks without pressing a button.
     He has further called their actions reminiscent of Nazi Germany because information about his campaign and collusion with Russians came out. He has spoken in front of their Wall, of officers of the CIA killed in the line of duty - and spoken of what? His campaign, his win, and how he is president and how is he doing!! Koch, he is not!!
     He has stated that, G-d help us, he is too smart to need daily briefings and has revealed highly classified knowledge to the Russians. All this all by himself and his staffers are always behind trying to clean up his mess. Yup, like the elephant standing in the middle of the room and  at the end of the parade. But what we need is a President who is presidential. We need someone who has some working brains, who understands his responsibility towards the country and its people, that he is not there to increase his holdings or to have people tell him how clever he is, how he won Michigan or supposedly, how millions of votes were fraudulent - jerk!. This man is not the man we need and, is, in fact, the direct opposite and is endangering us every minute he remains in place.
    When two personalities report that Kellyann Conway actually hates what she is doing, that "Bleeech, she needs a shower" after being on the show and defending Trump, when all the little gofers in the White House lie and lie and lie for him, well, this is not what we need. We have crazy Korea, we have a crisis in confidence by our allies, when we have world wide hacking begun in our NSA as it was hacked, when we have a story out today that United Health Care and other Advantage companies were working the government, using the woes of patients to squeeze more money from Medicare, endangering the program, well, folks, we need a working brain at the head of it all and that is surely lacking in Trump. If there is no way of sidelining him, giving him ice cream by the quart and making nice nice to him every so often, then he seriously needs to be out of office and that is in the hands of the Republicans at this moment - unless he can be impeached and convicted if done properly.
     I worry for our country if this man remains in office. He talks of running again for another term? Well, folks, he will not need to if he remains in office now for the United States will not be recognizable as such by that time, either by being destroyed in actuality, or so changed that it is a dictatorship and a disaster on the hoof and for what that looks like just go reference Venezuela.
     We all need to speak up. We all need to demand action from our supposed reps in DC. We need to wake up wimps like Rubio and force Mast to regain the courage he once had. We need to do this nationally. We need to assure our allies - France, England, Israel, Australia, et al that we are trustworthy once again, that we are back! That we will enforce the values of humanity. That we will work with the nations of the world to end the crisis in Syria, will do something about what is happening in Turkey, will speak out against the violation of human rights, will have the courage of our Founding Fathers, imperfect as they might have been. But for sure, the President needs to be put out to pasture. Let him down gently, but get him gone from the Oval Office - for the sake of our country and the world.

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