Friday, May 26, 2017


     Take your choice from the title or take both but whichever it is, it is not good. From the beginning, I have written of the nasty choices being made, of the bad outcomes that could be predicted. From what? From the choices made by the Trump administration, particularly within the sphere of advisers and officials. It was bad enough that all his choices for officials came from the business world on the whole, all people who lied thru their teeth at their confirmation hearings and look at what has been coming out in the wash - all their incompetence, their ethics conflicts and their lies in particular re contact with Russians. On purpose? Treasonous? It remains to be decided.
    But everyone fell in love with the fairy tale couple, Ivanka and Jared; that is everyone but me! The fishy smell was overwhelming to me, the danger signals flashing red, red, red as nepotism and inexperience came seriously into play and golly gee, look what we have now. The investigation of Jared Kushner as the senior adviser now in the hot seat. Nepotism is for the Third and Fourth and Fifth Worlds, not for the United States and yet look what we now have, even as his other kids travel around the world with security on our dime, making deals for the Trump empire. It stinks to the high heavens.
     This corruption and this interference and ties to the Russians has even seeped right down here to us, right here in West Palm Beach. Yup! And guess who? Our ostensible patriotic man, Brian Mast, he who voted to screw us with the healthcare bill, he who cannot be trusted, another one that I did not like from the beginning as he vigorously swore his loyalty to Trump. "Anthony Bustamante, a campaign consultant for U.S. Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), told the Journal he ramped up his TV ad buys and dialed back a mailer effort: “I did adjust some voting targets based on some data I saw from the leaks.” And Mast is now in office, much to our detriment.
     The whole atmosphere of this campaign has only grown worse in the administration. It has grown dangerous. The beating up of journalists, the arrests of journalists - and one has to check if we are talking of Pakistan or the USA. What is even worse, is the fact that the man who is facing assault charges for attacking a journalist who dared to question him re the healthcare bill, is now in office. So what? He will be a Representative from jail!! And what is indeed horrifying is when people stand and cheer or compliment the assaulter and think it is just fine. Shutting down the press is a bad sign, bad indeed.
     But what else can be expected from Trump is a serious question. We send him overseas and what does he do? He proceeds to lecture, scold, the officials of Europe as if they were naughty children. He fluffs yet another handshake, this time with Macron. Guess the Pope and his wife slapping his hand away were not enough! He speaks of Germany as "bad, very bad" but actually what he said is translated as "evil, very evil". Now I agree with that if discussing Germany and the Holocaust, but at present Germany is our ally so why does Trump diss them even as he is constantly singing praise of Russia and Putin? Fish again, anyone? And he is off again to yet another meeting and only G-d knows what he will do there?
     And in the meanwhile, we find that in 2012 there was a huge pulse of water under a melting glacier that actually warped the earth's crust, but go ask Trump and fellow blindsided idiots and they will swear up and down and all around that there is no environmental crisis going on. G-d help us.
     And this nasty air in politics, this "shiv in the back" atmosphere as one person wrote, comes right down to us right here in the Village. David Israel is a politician who has found his niche right here in CV and on our backs. He has run this place as his little fiefdom for the past eight years to our detriment both financially and with reference to infrastructure, constantly pushing his agenda on us. We have succeeded in some areas at stopping his plans and are now in the midst of trying to stop another boondoggle with Atlantic and their contract to be as David wishes and wants. The question here is - what will happen? Will he and his crew refer to violence as the outside world seems to be doing? Should we expect a reporter for the CV Messenger to be body slammed? But seriously, the nastiness is amazing and one can smell the panic in his "voice' as he writes plain outright lies as to what is being said. The gist of this particular issue is twofold. One in the very near future, at the next DA, is to turn down this Atlantic debacle that awaits on our doorstep. There is simply not one good thing about  it and so many pitfalls that it is almost beyond counting. So why does David Israel want this and them so much? You answer that question, you surmise the truth. 
     The second issue here is the fact that David and his administration are way past the sell by date. He has loaded the administration with mostly all his crew and hence there is very little that gets done here in the Village in a prompt and proper manner. Even as they whine that they need volunteers, that the Rag needs workers, they turn away volunteers who they feel are not "with" them and refuse to allow elected people to take on committee responsibilities; hence, we have our own little Trump-like administration going on here, right in our own backyard. Lovely!!
     We need reform all up and down our political system. Make no mistake about it. The corruption, the nastiness, the danger is from top to bottom. Stand up for what is right. Do not leave it for the other person. We need everyone to get out there, both nationally and locally - and right here in the Village.

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