Friday, March 31, 2017


    Just received sad news having to do with my old high school. The news came from several sources as the subject of these emails was a favorite teacher of our grade and many others. He played a big role in my life those four years and even afterwards and it made me sad.
     I thought then of other teachers from there and way back, realized how many are no longer here and there it was - bits and pieces. The bits and pieces that make up life are beginning to fall away more and more. Among these bits and pieces are good people and it makes me wonder why they go and others, less deserving, remain here.
     The absence of my parents left a huge hole in my heart and thank the Lord I have my grandchildren who constantly ask questions about them for they played a huge role in their lives. It fills a need in me to remember them, to laugh about them and then sneak in a story or two about their parents who were not the shining perfect children they try to pass off as the truth!
     But these bits and pieces, the other adults in my life, those who played a role outside my family, in the world where I was Esther, a person on her own, of her own value and how they did influence me. I had my Judaic Studies teachers, many from Israel, who infused us with Zionism and love of Israel and that is why so many of us live in Israel or are constantly visiting family there. I had an intense study of Jewish history from a professor of Hebrew University and I remember how I cut class every Thursday to babysit his kids when he and his wife were both late.
     And I remember my General Studies teachers who so impressed me with the breadth of their knowledge and from whom I modeled my teaching skills and my attitudes towards the kids. I remember my favorite sub, Ms. Gray, an English teacher, Ms. Novell. I remember Mr. Carmel, a man who went thru three religions until he became a converted and committed Jew and who wrote a book about it, So Strange My Path.
     This man who is just deceased answered my questions, did not condemn any of them, and forced me to push myself to attain the high standards he expected in his classroom and yet, he was always willing to have a discussion as we called it if he felt it was a serious enough need.
     These were the bits and pieces of my world then, along with family and friends but teachers were very important as I spent such long hours amongst them - from 7:30 AM to often as late as 6 PM. Together they made the bricks of my life.
     And now there are more bits and pieces, old and new friends who have become an integral part of my life. Bits and pieces who have become ill, suffered a tragedy or who simply grow a tad more tired as the years go on. And yet the brains function and the mind is sharp and their hearts? As big as they come. These bits and pieces are now the mortar between the bricks and how they are needed.
     And the foundation of life now, holding the bits and pieces, the bricks and the mortar together? These are my children and grandchildren and Gerry. Without these bits and pieces there would be no foundation at all.
     I know this is not my usual posting but the news of the death of Amnon, my teacher, made me think and evaluate and remember - not a bad thing to do at times. Bits and pieces.

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