Friday, March 17, 2017


The elected president of UCO David Israel used prejudice and emotions to remove the Chair and three members of the advisory committee without justification.   When a superior administrator acts emotionally to make irrational decisions, it becomes clear that he has become unhinged and psychologically unfit.  It serves to give us notice that he has become a danger to others as well as himself.  When the president of UCO uses these tactics to make rash decisions that do not serve to benefit the residents it becomes clear that he is no longer able to serve in an administrative capacity.   He allowed his hated for three people that the Chair installed to fly into a rage and erupt like a fuming volcano. The three individuals he removed were assets to the advisory committee.  But the Chair, who HE chose was smart, unbiased and operated the committee like a fine tune clock was also removed, which made no sense.   His action is expected to have detrimental consequences to the bylaw changes the committee was working on. 

Before  the Advisory Chair installed his three antagonists she installed three individuals who he recommended in the last election. One for Vice President, two for executive board and one who is an officer of UCO; these individuals were not removed.  This clearly proves that his actions were based solely on his biased hatred for these innocent victims.  But, why remove the chair who was doling such a great job? – it makes no sense.

When the president of UCO acts in an irrational frenzy, it is a clear sign of mental deterioration. It has been suggested by a higher authority that he resigns in order to safeguard himself and the future of the village. 

     Olga has written much about this incident and the continued practice of David Israel in blocking people. He refuses to listen to the by laws and refuses to share UCO responsibility to the detriment of the Village. Read the whole of it all on Olga's blog, but the above sums it up pretty well. In short, David Israel is a little man, small of stature and small of mind and even smaller of moral behavior. This is who has decided that he is to be president for life here in the Village, the same man who has brought us time and again to financial ruin, the brink of bankruptcy. This is the man who refuses to operate as a chair should, who has the ego of a giant and the ability of a gnat. If I sound angry it is because I, too, have been blocked from taking a position on at least two committees which is what should be happening as I am a member of the Executive Board. This man needs to go! Pronto!! Perhaps we need Botticelli to sing Time to Say Goodbye and he might get the hint!

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